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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Association between infant nutrition and later body composition

Kagura, Julia 16 September 2011 (has links)
MSc (Med), Child Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011 / Background: The long term effect of infant nutrition on later body composition has gained global attention since the developmental origins of health and disease because of the association between early life outcomes and later adult health (1). Under-nutrition and growth faltering during prenatal and infant periods have been reported to be related to subsequent growth faltering, high fat mass, and low lean and bone mass. Early life nutritional environmental cues may cause permanent effects on the physiology, metabolic and endocrine system of the body. Objective: We investigated the association of infant nutrition and anthropometry with subsequent child anthropometry and body composition at age 9/10 years. Design: This study comprised of 140 children who had infant growth measures and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) conducted at age 9/10 years. They were selected from the Bone health sub-study of 408 black children of the Birth-Twenty longitudinal study cohort comprising of children born in Soweto, Johannesburg in 1990. Data collection and analysis: Data was collected on following variables; infant feeding, socio-economic status at delivery, anthropometry (birth weight, height and weight at ages 1, 2, 9/10 years). Body composition data was obtained from DXA scans. Food frequencies questionnaires were used for dietary patterns data collection. Data cleaning and analysis of data which encompassed descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were done in STATA 10 and the 5% level of significance was used for statistical significance. Results: Children were breast-fed on average for 13 months in boys and 16 months in girls (p=0.009) while those bottle fed had a duration of 10 months for both sexes. Introduction of solid foods was around 3 months while the approximate mean dietary diversity score (the number of food groups consumed by an infant in a 24-hour recall period) was 1 and the food iv variety score (the number of food items consumed by an infant in a 24-hour recall period) was 2 for both girls and boys. Prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight at 1 year was 8.6%, 3.6% and 8.6% respectively. At age 2 years, the prevalence was 15.7%, 8.6% and 16.4% for stunting, wasting and underweight, respectively. All the associations between infant nutrition variables and subsequent growth and body composition at age 9/10 years were statistically non-significant. In the multivariate model, increase in birth weight predicted an increase in weight and height at ages 1, 2 and 9/10 years, lean mass (β=0.20, CI=0.01-0.03, p=0.007), radius (β=0.02, CI=0.00-0.04, p=0.039) and lumbar spine (β=0.03, CI=0.01-0.05, p=0.018). Infant weight and height at 1 year were significantly positively associated with subsequent growth at 2 and 9/10 years and with body composition variables. Stunting at age 1 year was significantly associated with lower fat mass (β= -0.18, CI= -0.03 to -0.06, p=0.003) while stunting at age 2 years predicted lower fat only (β= -0.12, CI= -0.22 to -0.03, p=0.011) after adjusting for confounders. Being underweight at age 2 years predicted lower fat mass in the multivariate model. Conclusion: Infant nutrition had no significant influence on subsequent growth and body composition. Birth weight and infant anthropometry; particularly height, weight, stunting and underweight are the main predictors of body composition at age 9/10 years. There is need for promotion of optimal prenatal and infant growth in children to reduce risk of chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis in later life.

Hemodynamic Responses of Pre/Early-Pubertal, Mid-Pubertal and Late-Pubertal Girls to Exercise in the Heat

Brien, Erin 12 1900 (has links)
<p> During exercise in a hot climate, it has been reported that children respond with a greater shift in blood volume from the central to the peripheral circulation, compared with adults. This can lead to inadequate central circulation, and early cessation of activity in children. No studies have considered if a transition in this hemodynamic response occurs during puberty in females. This study measured hemodynamic responses in pre/early (PEP), mid- (MP), and late- (LP) pubertal girls. Twenty-seven 9- to 16- year-old healthy girls (n=9, each group) cycled in a climatic chamber set at 35 ± 1°C and 50 ± 5% relative humidity for two 20-min bouts (10-min rest in between and a 10-min rest at the end). Cardiac output was measured upon chamber entry, in the middle and at the end of each exercise bout. Forearm blood flow (FBF) was measured upon chamber entry, 3 minutes after exercise bout 1 (E1) and bout 2 (E2) and at the end of rest 1 (R1) and rest 2 (R2). Overall, there was no significant group difference in the central hemodynamic (e.g. cardiac index, stroke volume index) responses to exercise in the heat. However, FBF among the three groups at R1 was almost significantly different (p=0.06), such that it was lower in LP than in PEP and MP. FBF in LP also tended to decrease from E1 to R1 (7.91±1.06 to 6.1±0.83 ml•100ml-1•min-1) and from E2 to R2 (9.47±1.47 to 8.26±1.20 ml•100ml-1•min-1). In contrast, PEP and MP showed little change in FBF at all time points. These findings strengthen the notion that there is a maturity-related decrease in forearm blood flow from pre- to late-puberty. In conclusion, under the conditions of the present study, there were very few differences in the hemodynamic responses of pre-, mid- and late- pubertal girls. It is possible that the transition to an adult-like hemodynamic response does not occur until later in a girl's physical development.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

An analysis of a staff shortage within the bureau of Housing and Physical development in the city of Atlanta

Onyong, Ededet O. 01 May 1979 (has links)
This thesis primarily intends to design a staff model which will facilitate service delivery within the Bureau of Housing and Physical Development in the City of Atlanta. An attempt has been made to show how the staff shortage has badly slowed down the pace of service delivery, and the effect of the inadequate service on the community. The cause of the staff shortage has been identified to stem from the provision in the City amended ordinance of November 3, 1975. The ordinance was enacted through the recommendation of the Finance Committee of the City of Atlanta to amend Article II, Classification Plan, Section 21-42 of the Code of Ordinances. The provision in the ordinance for sixteen staff positions failed to consider in depth the future needs of the City. Since the Bureau is understaffed, a device to augment the shortage had been employed by using borrowed personnel from the public and private sectors. The largest number of borrowed personnel comes from the Atlanta Housing Authority whose services to the Bureau have become a liability rather than an asset. This makes the burden of the staff shortage heavier on the Bureau than ever. The thesis recommends alternative lines of action to solve the problem.

Impacts of professional sports stadium development projects on urban areas

Corwin, Charles S. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Regional and Community Planning / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Jae Hong Kim / Professional sports stadium development projects are major civic endeavors, and city officials and sports franchises often promise stadiums will generate significant gains in the regional economy. This study examines the effectiveness of stadium development in inducing economic development and urban revitalization by conducting a secondary data analysis, and case study of PNC Park and Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Consistent with prior empirical studies, the secondary data analysis shows that stadium projects do not always produce significant regional economic benefits. A close investigation of the two stadium projects in the North Shore neighborhood of Pittsburgh, however, finds substantially positive effects on investment and physical development at the district level. The present research suggests that stadium developments can be a more powerful urban redevelopment catalyst when consideration is given to four essential factors – location, design, institutional structure, and history and timing.

The design of a playground toy

Brown González, Lorena, Palacios Certucha, Rodrigo January 2019 (has links)
The report describes the design of a safe (within EU regulations), ergonomic, attractive, sustainable, versatile and interactive playground toy for children from ages 7 to 11. The product aims to help children develop in different aspects: physical, emotional, social and mental, in a sustainable environment. This was developed from the identification and exploration of the factors that influence the design of playground toys. The design process was divided in the following main stages: an initial research of information, the interpretation of this data, the development of a concept, a test stage and the results. During the research, teachers and parents were interviewed and children were observed. Relevant information was also gathered. For the development, a set of creative techniques were applied and finally tested. Modifications based on the test were made to reach an accurate design. The work done was successful to the extent established initially; although, it can be subject to improvement. The main limit was that no tests were performed on a physical prototype, therefore, there is information not yet gathered and tests that would prove if some of the assumptions were true or false.

Studentų nugaros skausmų sąsaja su fiziniu išsivystymu / Students back pain correlation with physical development

Uzdraitė, Erika 11 May 2006 (has links)
Purpose – to determine students back pain correlation with physical development. In order to reach purpose of the reserach following tasks were set: 1. To determine indicators of students’ physical development and correlations among them; 2. To find out and assess static endurance of subjects’ trunk (back, abdominal, left and right sides) muscles; 3. To find out incidence of back pain in students and physical activity through questionnaire survey. Object of research – students back pain. 132 physical therapy students (109 females and 32 males) participated in the study. First year students − 39 females, 5 males; second year − 28 females, 5 males; third year − 27 females, 4 males; fourth year − 15 females, 9 males. When planning a research the following problematic question was formulated: does the fact that subjects are studying at Lithuanian Academy of Physical education and study in faculty of sports biomedicine where they get medical knowledge allows for ensuring them good health condition? In case of our research anthropometric data, physical activity and fitness of trunk muscles were treated as indicators of health condition. It was hypothesized that because of the specificity of studies students should be physically active what may have a positive effect on data of their physical development and trunk muscles’ fitness and at the same time on the condition of their back. The following conclusions were reached after analysis of research findings: 1. Indicators of... [to full text]

Kai kurių Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų fizinio pajėgumo vertinimas / Assessment of physical condition of students in several higher schools of Lithuania

Tamulienė, Ernesta 17 May 2006 (has links)
The object of research - physical condition and indicators of physical development of students. Purrpose of the research - to assess the physical condition and identify the components of physical devevopment of students in several higher schools of Lithuania such Kaunas university of technology, Klaipėda university, Lithuanian veterinary academy, Lithuanian university of agriculture; The main tasks of the research: 1. to identify and to compare indicators of physical development of thease higher scools; 2. to identify and to compare components of physical condition of thease higher scools; 3. to assess physical condition of these higher schools‘ students. Having assessed the components of students‘ physical condition it may be assumed that the students are not sufficiently physical active. The results of the research show that 58,2 % of female and 57 % male students are not involved in sports activities. The best physical condition among female students was found in Kaunas university of technology and among male students in Lithuanian university of agriculture.

Moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra” žaidėjų fizinis ir techninis rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu bei jų žaidimo veikla / The players of women football team „Vėtra“ physical and technical training during the year cycle and game activity of players

Motiejūnaitė, Ramūnė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta Vilniaus moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra“ metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė, taip pat fizinio išsivystymo, funkcinio pajėgumo, fizinio ir techninio parengtumo kaita metiniu treniruočių metu. Atlikta MFK „Vėtra“ varžybų veiklos bei komandos eksperimentiniu laikotarpiu pasiektų rezultatų analizė. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų rengimo struktūrą, fizinio, techninio parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo kaitą bei jų žaidimo veiklą ir pasiektus varžybų rezultatus metiniu treniruočių ciklu. Metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė parodė, kad metinė treniruočių struktūra atitiko A. Stulos (1994) rekomendacijas. MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų metinis treniruočių krūvis pasiskirstė taip: parengiamaisiais laikotarpiais – 33 proc., varžybų – 58 proc., o pereinamaisiais laikotarpiais – 9 proc. MFK „Vėtra“ futbolininkių fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio ir funkcinio parengtumo testai parodė, jog 2007 metų sezone nežymiai gerėjo fizinio išsivystymo ir funkcinio parengtumo rodikliai. Tik fizinis parengtumas trečio tyrimo metu pablogėjo, nes futbolininkės turėjo ilgas vasaros atostogas, per daug dienų ilsėjosi. Funkcinio pajėgumo rodikliai gerėjo visų trijų tyrimų metu, tačiau nepatikimai (p>0,05). Per eksperimentinį laikotarpį techninio parengtumo testavimo rezultatai parodė, kad MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų techninio meistriškumo lygis mažėjo, bet statistiškai nepatikimai (p>0,05). Išliko nepakitę tik kamuolio žongliravimo ir 15 – 20 m perdavimo kaire koja rodikliai. Technikos rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A training year cycle of women a football team of Vilnius „Vėtra“ is investigated as well as change of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness during the year cycle. The aim of the work research is analize the structure of training, physical and technical preparedness and change of funcional power, activity of the game and results of competitions of women football team „Vėtra“ duringthe year cycle. The analysis of training year cycle demonstrated A. Stula‘s (1994) recommendations followed in the system were of training the year cycle. The year cycle training strain of women football team „Vėtra“ distributed as following: preparing period – 33 percent, competition period – 58 percent, transition period – 9 percent. The testings of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness of women football team „Vėtra“ showed the index of physical development and functional power improved little in the season of 2007. However the physical preparedness got worse in the time of the third test due to the reason of a long summer holiday. The index of functional power improved during three tests even though they were unreliable (p>0,05). During the experimental period the test results of technical preparedness test showed that the level of technical skills of women football team „Vėtra“ players diminshed however they were a statistically unrelialble (p>0,05). The results of ball jungglery and 15 – 20 m passing of a ball a... [to full text]

Panevėžio kolegijos studentų fizinio išsivystymo ir fizinio parengtumo kaita / Change in physical fitness and development of Panevezys college' students

Laucius, Vytautas 15 July 2011 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama studentų fizinio parengtumo ugdymo aktualijos, fizinio ugdymo svarba aukštojoje mokykloje, studentų fizinis parengtumas atsižvelgiant į organizmo sandarą ir išsivystymą, motyvai, kurie skatina studentus sportuoti, valios ugdymas ir studentų adaptacija aukštojoje mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti ir palyginti Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų fizinį išsivystymą ir fizinį parengtumą per dešimties metų laikotarpį. Tyrimo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo taikomi tokie tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė ir sintezė, dokumentų analizė, testavimas ir matavimas, matematinė statistinė analizė. Tiriamasis darbas vyko 2005 – 2006 m. (I tyrimas), 2007 – 2008 m. (II tyrimas) ir 2009 – 2010 m. (III tyrimas) mokslo metais. Tyrimas vyko Panevėžio kolegijos stadione ir sporto salėje, pirmųjų mokslo metų pradžioje (spalio mėn.) 2005, 2007 ir 2009 metais. Tyrime dalyvavo Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso merginų ir vaikinų grupes. 2005 metais buvo tirta iš viso 103 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 18), vaikinų (n = 85). 2007 metais buvo tirta iš viso 97 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 49), vaikinų (n = 48). 2009 metais buvo tirta iš viso 76 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 37) ir vaikinų (n = 39). Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo studentai (n = 276). Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė merginos (n = 104) ir vaikinai (n = 172). Jie pagal kūno kultūros specialybės programą lankė praktines pratybas. Išanalizavus skirtingų laikotarpių Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų amžių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The focus of the master thesis is on the training of students’ physical fitness, the importance of physical fitness training in higher education, students’ physical fitness in view on the structure of a body and its development, the reasons that encourage students to play sports, the training of will and students’ adaptation in higher education. The purpose of the research has been to investigate and compare the physical development and fitness of the first year students of Panevėžys College over a ten-year period. To achieve the aim of the research the following research methods have been applied: literature analysis and synthesis, document analysis, testing and measurement, and mathematical statistical analysis. The research was done within the school years of 2005 – 2006 (1st research), 2007 – 2008 (2nd research) and 2009 – 2010 (3rd research). The research took place in the stadium and sports hall of Panevėžys College within the beginning of the first year of studies in 2005, 2007 and 2009. The groups of the first year male and female students took part in the research. The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2005 was 103, i.e. 18 female students (n = 18) and 85 male students (n = 85). The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2007 was 97, i.e. 49 female students (n = 49) and 48 male students (n = 48). The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2009 was 76, i.e. 37 female students (n = 37) and 39 male... [to full text]

Jaunųjų Nidos buriuotojų fizinis išsivystymas ir bendras fizinis parengtumas / Anthropometrical and general physical fitness data among Nidas sailors girls

Raudys, Zigmantas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Sportinis rengimas – įvairiapusis sudėtingas edukacinis vyksmas, apimantis sportininko mokymą ir auklėjimą, jo gebėjimų, fizinių ir psichinių ypatybių tobulinimą, harmoningą asmenybės ugdymą, sveikatos stiprinimą, gerų sportinių rezultatų siekimą. Šiuolaikiniam buriavimui būdinga didelė treniruotės krūvio apimtis ir intensyvumas. Tai reikalauja ypač gero buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo. Tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Nidos buriuotojų merginų fizinio parengtumo kaitą. Savo darbe mes iškėlėme tokius uždavinius: 1. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio išsivystymo kaitą; 2. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo kaitą; 3. Palyginti tirtų sportininkių fizinį parengtumą bei fizinį išsivystymą su literatūros duomenimis; Tiriamieji ir organizavimas: Jaunųjų buriuotojų tyrimai buvo atlikti 2011, 2012 metais Nidos sporto mokykloje. Tyrimuose dalyvavo Nidos mergaitės buriuotojos (n=40), tiriamųjų amžius 10-14 m. Buriuotojų fizinį parengtumą ir išsivystymą sąlyginai charakterizavo 6 rodikliai. Fizinį išsivystymą vertinome pagal ūgio ir kūno masės rodiklius. Bendrą fizinį parengtumą charakterizavo šuolis į tolį iš vietos; dešinės ir kairės rankos plaštakos jėga; atsilenkimų skaičius per 30 s, kimšto kamuolio (2 kg) metimas Tyrimo rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad Nidos buriuotojos beveik visais amžiaus tarpsniais buvo aukštesnės lyginant su literatūroje pateiktais duomenimis. Nustatyta, kad pas mergaites buriuotojas kūno masė ir ūgis intensyviausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sports development - diverse educational complex process involving athletic training and education, his skills, physical and mental characteristics of the development, harmonious personality development, health promotion, good sports achievement of results. Modern boating characterized by a high volume of training load and intensity. This in particular implies sailors physical fitness. The aim and objectives Our aim of the study - to investigate Nida sailors girls physical fitness. In our work, we have set the following objectives: 1. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical development change; 2. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical fitness; 3. Compared tested athletes in physical fitness and physical development of the literature; Research and organization: Young sailors studies were carried out in 2011, 2012, Nida sports school. The studies involved Nida sailor girls (n = 40) of subjects aged 10-14. Sailors' physical fitness and the development of a relatively characterized the six indicators. Physical development was evaluated based on height and weight indicators. The overall physical fitness characterized the long jump out of place, the right and left hand grip strength; Lifting per 30 seconds, stuffed ball (2 kg) throw Results: It was found that Nida sailor in almost all age groups were higher compared with the literature data. It was found that girls with sailor body weight and height intensively increases from 12 years of age. It was found that in many cases the... [to full text]

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