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Bakalauro darbe analizuojamos 14 – 18 metų moksleivių nugaros skausmų priežastys.
Iškelta hipotezė: tikėtina, kad nugaros skausmų priežastys gali būti: 1) mažai judrus
gyvenimo būdas (pamokos mokykloje, darbas kompiuteriu, ilgas televizoriaus žiūrėjimas,
ilgalaikis buvimas vienoje padėtyje), 2) ilgalaikės netaisyklingos padėtys (netaisyklingas
sėdėjimas, stovėjimas, svorių kėlimas, perkėlimas, nešimas), 3) dažnai atliekami nesaugūs
Tyrime buvo panaudota pusiau uždaro tipo anketa. Ją sudarė: demografinis blokas
(duomenys apie tyriamuosius) – lytis, amžius, mokykla, klasė; 2) klausimų blokas, skirtas
išsiaiškinti ar tiriamieji skundžiasi nugaros skausmais, 3) klausimų blokas, atskleisti nugaros
skausmų pasireiškimo priežastis.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 14 – 18 metų moksleivių nugaros skausmų priežastis.
Tyrime dalyvavo 114 IX – XII klasių moksleiviai (nuo 14 iki 18 metų amžiaus), iš dviejų
Radviliškio miesto gimnazijų.
Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad 54% 14 – 18 metų moksleivių skundžiasi nugaros skausmais.
Tyrimo hipotezė pasitvirtino, kad nugaros skausmus šiame amžiuje gali sukelti:
1) Nepakankamas mokinių fizinis aktyvumas (69% mokinių renkasi pasyvias laisvalaikio
praleidimo formas ir prie kompiuterio praleidžia daugiau nei 2 h per dieną).
2) Netaisyklingos padėtys sėdint bei keliant, perkeliant ir nešant daiktus (tik trečdalis
moksleivių pasirinko taisyklingas padėtis).
3) Populiarūs diskutuotini (nesaugūs) pratimai (tik trečdalis moksleivių jų visiškai
neatlieka)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This bachelor theses analyses the causes of the back pain of the secondary school students of the age 14 to 18.
The hypotheses: it is likely that the causes of the back pain might be: 1) sedentary lifestyle (lessons at school, working on the computer, TV viewing, permanent staying in one position), 2) permanent wrong posture (wrong sitting, standing, weight lifting, movement, bearing), 3) frequent unsafe exercises.
The semi-open questionaires were used during the research. The questionaires consisted of: demographic block (exploratory data) – sex, age, school, class; 2) questions block designed in order to explore whether persons under investigation have any complains about the back pain, 3) questions block designed in order to explore the causes of the back pain.
The aim of the research is to determine the causes of the back pain of the students of age 14 to 18.
114 students (aged 14 to 18) from the 9-12 classes of the two Radviliškis city gymnasiums participated in the research.
The study has shown that 54 per cent of all students aged 14 to 18 has ailments about the back pain.
The hypothesis of the research was approved that the back pain of this age may be influenced by:
1) Low levels of physical activity (69 per cent of students prefer passive leisure activites and spends more than two hours using the computer).
2) Wrong positions while sitting, lifting, moving and bearing things (only one-third of the students selected appropriate position).
3) Popular negotiable... [to full text]
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Studentų nugaros skausmų sąsaja su fiziniu išsivystymu / Students back pain correlation with physical developmentUzdraitė, Erika 11 May 2006 (has links)
Purpose – to determine students back pain correlation with physical development.
In order to reach purpose of the reserach following tasks were set:
1. To determine indicators of students’ physical development and correlations among them;
2. To find out and assess static endurance of subjects’ trunk (back, abdominal, left and right sides) muscles;
3. To find out incidence of back pain in students and physical activity through questionnaire survey.
Object of research – students back pain. 132 physical therapy students (109 females and 32 males) participated in the study. First year students − 39 females, 5 males; second year − 28 females, 5 males; third year − 27 females, 4 males; fourth year − 15 females, 9 males.
When planning a research the following problematic question was formulated: does the fact that subjects are studying at Lithuanian Academy of Physical education and study in faculty of sports biomedicine where they get medical knowledge allows for ensuring them good health condition? In case of our research anthropometric data, physical activity and fitness of trunk muscles were treated as indicators of health condition. It was hypothesized that because of the specificity of studies students should be physically active what may have a positive effect on data of their physical development and trunk muscles’ fitness and at the same time on the condition of their back.
The following conclusions were reached after analysis of research findings:
1. Indicators of... [to full text]
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