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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plantdiversitet på svenska slåtterängar : En GIS-analys med kulturella perspektiv

Gartz, Mira January 2015 (has links)
High plant species diversity depends on a landscape that provides enough habitual space,functional connectivity and heterogeneity. Habitat destruction and land use change is recognizedas the biggest threat to biodiversity of today. The Swedish landscape has not only undergonedramatic changes in land-use the last 60 years, it also contains some of the last fragments inEurope of the highly valuable hay-meadows. Many of the Swedish hay-meadows are consideredto hold high ecological values and are protected by Natura 2000 regulations. Yet there are nosystematic conservation strategies for the hay-meadows and most of the work is done byvolunteers. This study aims to further investigate how the surrounding landscape affects thetotal plant species richness on Swedish hay-meadows. A local scale GIS-analysis on landscapessurrounding 21 hay-meadows across two time steps was carried out. The historical land-use wascompared with the present landscapes and with species data from the same areas. Results showthat the forest cover has grown almost 12% in 60 years. There is a negative correlation betweenforest and the plant species richness of both time steps. The total area of arable fields hasdropped 19%, although no statistical correlation with the plant species richness of either timestep was found. The ex-arable fields of 1950 however, did show a negative impact, both aloneand together with open pasture. Open pasture has decreased 17%, although no statisticalcorrelation was found between this land-cover category and plant species richness. The overallresults indicate that the historical land-use on the local scale is of greater importance on thecurrent plant species richness than present land-use. This should be considered within landscapeplanning and when designing conservation strategies. / En hög plantdiversitet är beroende av ett landskap som erbjuder tillräckligt stora habitat,funktionell konnektivitet och heterogenitet. Habitatförlust och förändrad markanvändning utgördet största hotet mot biodiversitet idag. Det svenska landskapet har inte bara förändratsdramatiskt de senaste 60 åren, det innehåller också några av Europas sista fragment av demycket värdefulla slåtterängarna. Många av de svenska slåtterängarna är upptagna i Natura2000-områden. Trots detta finns inga systematiska bevarandestrategier för dessa slåtterängaroch arbetet hänger mestadels på volontärer. Den här studien ämnar bidra till en ökad förståelseför hur omgivande landskap påverkar plantdiversiteten på svenska slåtterängar. GIS-analyser avlokala landskap som omger 21 svenska slåtterängar har utförts. Nedslag vid två tidpunkter hargjorts; år 1950 och 2015. Genom digitalisering av kartor från 1950-talet har arean av marktyperkunnat beräknas och sedan jämföras med dagens markanvändning och artdata i sammaområden. Resultaten visar att den totala skogsarealen har ökat med 12% sedan 1950-talet ochdet finns negativa samband mellan både den historiska och den nutida skogsarealen ochartrikedomen på ängarna. Arean av åkermark har minskat med 19% i de undersökta områdena,men inga samband med artrikedomen kunde finnas. Däremot visade det sig att den före dettaåkermark som fanns på 1950-talet påverkar dagens artrikedomen negativ, både som ensamoberoende variabel och tillsammans med öppen mark. Öppen mark har minskat med mellan17% och 24%, men inga samband mellan denna landskapskategori och plantdiversiteten fanns.De sammanställda resultaten indikerar att den historiska markanvändningen på lokal skala harstörre påverkan på dagens plantdiversitet än den nutida markanvändningen. Detta bör tas ibeaktande vid utformande av bevarandestrategier och vid fysisk planering.

Användning av drönare vid skogsvårdsplanering

Fransson, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
En relativt ny metod i skogsbruket är att samla in data med hjälp av små obemannade flygplan s.k. drönare. Målet med denna studie var erhålla svar på om det är möjligt att använda drönare vid skogsvårdsplanering. Det som undersöktes var vilka parametrar som kunde identifieras i bilder tagna ifrån drönare vid inventering av återväxt, röjningsbehov och röjningsuppföljning. Även hur olika väderlekar, tider på dygnet och omgivande vegetation påverkade bilderna undersöktes. Försöket genomfördes genom ett experiment i fält med provytor som både fotograferades från luften och inventerades i fält. Bilderna blev i de flesta fall av god kvalitet. Antalet plantor underskattades något vid återväxtinventeringen. Skillnaderna mellan bildtolkning och fältinventering var mindre för röjningsbestånd. Utifrån resultaten bedöms det möjligt att använda drönare vid skogsvårdsplanering.

The application of multispectral analysis to reduce cloud interference

Huang, Yujie January 2010 (has links)
<p>For multispectral Remote Sensing (RS) image analysis, a big problem is that original dataalways include Clouds-Interference (CI). Especially in the bad weather conditions, the CI is evidentin RS image. So during the pre-processing of RS image, the CI should be reduced as much aspossible. In this paper, reducing CI is researched as the central problem, so that much Ground-Objects Feature (GOF) can be obtained. An analysis about the clouds reflection in differentSpectral-Bands (SBs) was done based on optical theory and early researches. Moreover, therelationships between clouds reflection and ground-objects reflection are presented to understandwhat the Digital Number (DN) represented in each SB, and to reduce the impact of CI the Same DNSpectral Matching Method (SDN-SMM) based on the multispectral application is applied. Finally,two cases are tested using Matlab Programme to indicate the rationality and practicability of SDNSMM.About SDN-SMM, some advantages and disadvantages are concluded through discussion onfinal results. The method can be used in any kind of multispectral sensors image with simplecalculation, while, the original data of clouds-free region will not be changed. However, the qualityof CI reduction depends on the precision of clouds identification and the SB which is used forspectral position relationship creating. In the end of this paper, the improvement is also presentedfor the future work.</p>


BUCCARDO, ALDO January 2010 (has links)
<p>The communication systems are changing. Cognitive Radio is an automatic adaptative system to improve the spectrum efficiency. It has intelligence to adapt itself to the environment to improve the transmission performancies. For this system, spectrum sensing function is very important so a signal detector is necessary. In this work a signal detector has been implemented in GNU Radio environment. GNU Radio is a platform that respects the Cognitive Radio aproach. It is flexible, software defined and cheap.</p>


BUCCARDO, ALDO January 2010 (has links)
The communication systems are changing. Cognitive Radio is an automatic adaptative system to improve the spectrum efficiency. It has intelligence to adapt itself to the environment to improve the transmission performancies. For this system, spectrum sensing function is very important so a signal detector is necessary. In this work a signal detector has been implemented in GNU Radio environment. GNU Radio is a platform that respects the Cognitive Radio aproach. It is flexible, software defined and cheap.

The application of multispectral analysis to reduce cloud interference

Huang, Yujie January 2010 (has links)
For multispectral Remote Sensing (RS) image analysis, a big problem is that original dataalways include Clouds-Interference (CI). Especially in the bad weather conditions, the CI is evidentin RS image. So during the pre-processing of RS image, the CI should be reduced as much aspossible. In this paper, reducing CI is researched as the central problem, so that much Ground-Objects Feature (GOF) can be obtained. An analysis about the clouds reflection in differentSpectral-Bands (SBs) was done based on optical theory and early researches. Moreover, therelationships between clouds reflection and ground-objects reflection are presented to understandwhat the Digital Number (DN) represented in each SB, and to reduce the impact of CI the Same DNSpectral Matching Method (SDN-SMM) based on the multispectral application is applied. Finally,two cases are tested using Matlab Programme to indicate the rationality and practicability of SDNSMM.About SDN-SMM, some advantages and disadvantages are concluded through discussion onfinal results. The method can be used in any kind of multispectral sensors image with simplecalculation, while, the original data of clouds-free region will not be changed. However, the qualityof CI reduction depends on the precision of clouds identification and the SB which is used forspectral position relationship creating. In the end of this paper, the improvement is also presentedfor the future work.

Förbättring av upplösningen i Landsat 7-bilder med hjälp av bildfusion / Improving the spatial resolution of Landsat 7 images by means of image fusion

Molin, Sara January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this master's thesis is to evaluate whether it is feasible to use the panchromatic band of Landsat 7 in order to improve the spatial resolution of colour images. The images are to be used as texture in visual databases for flight simulators and for this reason it is important that the fusion preserves natural colours. A number of methods for fusing panchromatic and multispectral images are discussed. Four of them are implemented and evaluated. The result is that standard methods such as HSI substitution are not suitable for this purpose since they do not preserve natural colours. However, if only high frequencies of the panchromatic image are used the resolution can be improved without noticeable colour distortion.

Förbättring av upplösningen i Landsat 7-bilder med hjälp av bildfusion / Improving the spatial resolution of Landsat 7 images by means of image fusion

Molin, Sara January 2002 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this master's thesis is to evaluate whether it is feasible to use the panchromatic band of Landsat 7 in order to improve the spatial resolution of colour images. The images are to be used as texture in visual databases for flight simulators and for this reason it is important that the fusion preserves natural colours. </p><p>A number of methods for fusing panchromatic and multispectral images are discussed. Four of them are implemented and evaluated. The result is that standard methods such as HSI substitution are not suitable for this purpose since they do not preserve natural colours. However, if only high frequencies of the panchromatic image are used the resolution can be improved without noticeable colour distortion.</p>

Havsstrandängar i Blekinge län : Förlust och bevarande av habitatet vid en förändrad havsnivå

Bäckström Bäckman, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Globala klimatförändringar med en ökad havsnivå leder till att flacka landområden översvämmas, vilket drabbar värdefulla livsmiljöer och ekosystem längs med kusten. Den här undersökningens syfte är att genom en fjärranalys i ett geografiskt informationssystem kartlägga omfattningen av havsstrandängar i Blekinge län som hotas att försvinna till följd av en stigande havsnivå på 0,5 m respektive 1 m. För att vidare identifiera spridningsmöjligheter och en möjlig framtida utbredning för habitatet inåt land vid en förändrad havsnivå. Slutligen kommer fjärranalysens tillförlitlighet i avseendet att hitta spridningsmöjligheter utvärderas efter fältstudier i två utvalda referensområden. Resultatet visar att 98 % av Blekinges befintliga havsstrandängar hotas att försvinna till följd av en ökad havsnivå – men att det finns spridningsmöjligheter inåt land. Undersökningen har lokaliserat spridningsmöjligheter på mark med naturliga förutsättningar för att bli havsstrandäng, vilket anses vara en tillförlitlig tolkningsmetod som pekar på att habitatets utbredningsområde i länet kommer att minska. Det är därför viktigt att Länsstyrelsen i Blekinge arbetar för att så tidigt som möjligt skyddar och hävdar tänkbar utvecklingsmark tillsammans med dagens befintliga havsstrandängar för att underlätta arternas spridning i landskapet och bevara ett biologiskt värdefullt habitat till kommande generationer.

Volymändringar i Sareks och Kebnekaises glaciärer sedan lilla istiden

Engqvist, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Volume Changes of the Glaciers in Sarek and Kebnekaise since the End of the Little Ice Age Linus Engqvist  Since the end of the little ice age in the middle of the 19th century  the glaciers in the north of Sweden has experienced extensive melting and net loss of volume, but are all glaciers experiencing equal loss of volume or are there differences between them?  The purpose of this study is to examine 53 different glaciers in the Sarek and Kebnekaise regions in the North of Sweden and by using remote sensing techniques calculate the relative volume changes of the glaciers and then examine if there any differences between them with regards to massifs, historical area and ablation zone. The conclusion is that even though there are differences in loss between massif and ablation zone location the most significant factor to relative volume loss is the glaciers original area, but because of the limitations in the study further research is needed to better estimate the volume of the individual glaciers.

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