Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flavour"" "subject:"lavour""
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Search for CP violation in four-body fully charged b-baryon decays with the LHCb spectrometer / Recherche d'une violation CP avec le spectromètre LHCbMaratas, Jan Mickelle 06 November 2015 (has links)
Résumé indisponible. / Résumé indisponible.
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Pre-fermentation maceration of pinot noir wineGoldsworthy, S. A. January 1993 (has links)
Two pre-fermentation treatments were investigated in Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera L.) wines. The effects of cold maceration and carbonic maceration on the wines' composition, colour parameters and sensory properties were examined. Cold maceration is a winemaking technique used to increase non-alcoholic extraction in Pinot noir winemaking prior to fermentation. It involves holding crushed grapes with approximately 100-150 mg l⁻¹ SO₂ at low temperatures and is thought to increase the colour, aroma and flavour of the resulting wines. Carbonic maceration uses whole bunches that have undergone anaerobic metabolism to produce characteristically fruity and spicy wines. Pre-fermentation cold maceration produces wines that are higher in titratable acidity and monomeric anthocyanin content, but lower in colour density, hue and polymeric pigments. Reducing the maceration temperature below 10°C has little effect. Carbonic maceration produces wines that are lower in titratable acidity, monomeric anthocyanin content, and colour density but are higher in colour hue and amount of polymeric pigments. Quantitative descriptive analysis was used to define the effects of these pre-fermentation maceration treatments on the sensory characteristics of the resulting wine. Trained panel members found that there were no discernable sensory differences in the compositional parameters despite measurable chemical differences. Investigation into the aroma and flavour characteristics of the wines found that carbonic maceration produces wines that were lower in berry aroma and higher in acetate or ester-type aromas than the control wines. These wines were considered to have specific raspberry, floral, sugar, cherry and chemical aromas. This chemical note was also observed in the flavour of the carbonic maceration wines. The temperature of the cold maceration process has no major effect on the aroma and flavour of the resulting wines. However, the 10°C maceration was higher in woody/tobacco aroma than the 4°C maceration, and the 10°C treatment was also higher in bitter flavour than all the other treatments. Cold maceration wines were found to have specific mixed berry, dried fruit and sweet-oxidised aroma characters, together with a blackberry flavour note.
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The effect of pre-rigor infusion of lamb with kiwifruit juice on meat qualityHan, Jin January 2008 (has links)
Tenderness, juiciness, colour and flavour are the most important meat quality attributes affecting the consumer acceptance. Maintaining the consistency of meat products by avoiding variable quality has become a major concern and great challenge to the meat industry. This in turn will also benefit meat end-users in the marketplace by having more tender meat. The present study was designed to evaluate the overall effects of pre-rigor infusion with kiwifruit juice, which contains the plant protease, actinidin, on lamb quality. A total of 18 lambs (12 months old) were divided into three treatment groups (6 lambs per each treatment). After exsanguination, lamb carcasses were infused (10% body weight) with fresh kiwifruit juice (Ac), water (W) and compared with a noninfusion treatment which acted as a control (C). Samples from different muscle/cuts (longissimus dorsi (LD) vs leg chops) at different post-mortem times (1 day post-mortem vs. 3 wks vacuum packaged storage at 2°C) and display time (0 to 6 days after the post-mortem storage) were analysed to monitor the changes on meat physical properties (e.g., tenderness, temperature, drip and cooking loss, colour), biochemical changes (pH, proteins and lipids) and volatile flavour compounds after the infusion treatments. The most tender meat (lowest shear force values) (P < 0.001) detected in the Ac carcasses post-mortem compared with C and W carcasses demonstrated that kiwifruit juice was a very powerful meat tenderizer, and could contribute to the meat tenderization process efficiently and effectively. Compared with C and W carcasses, the enhanced proteolytic activity (P = 0.002) resulting from the actinidin in kiwifruit juice in Ac carcasses caused degradation of the myofibrillar proteins and the appearance of new peptides during postmortem ageing. A slight positive effect in a*-value (redness) and decreased lipid oxidation, found in leg chops, was thought to be caused by the natural antioxidants in kiwifruit juice. Kiwifruit juice infused into the meat did not alter (P > 0.05) the volatile flavour compound profile indicating that the meat from Ac treated carcasses maintained its natural lamb flavour. No treatment differences were found for the temperature decline (P > 0.05) between the infused treatments and C. The higher rate of pH decline (P < 0.05) found in W carcasses might have contributed to the higher drip and cooking loss. The unbound water in meat might contribute to the higher L*-values (lightness) found in W carcasses. In summary, the proteolytic tenderizing infusion treatment using kiwifruit juice is a feasible approach for the commercial meat industry to increase profits, and also could satisfy the eating quality standards required by the consumers. In addition, tenderizing meat by using kiwifruit juice could also provide the kiwifruit processors an additional option for use of their product to gain a more profitable return.
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Flavour Tagging developments within the LHCb experimentGrabalosa Gándara, Marc 15 May 2012 (has links)
Flavour Tagging at the LHCb experiment is a fundamental tool for the measurement of B oscillations and the study of CP violation. This document explains the development of different tagging techniques and the different strategies used to combine them to determine the flavour of the B meson as precisely as possible. The response of the tagging algorithms also needs to be optimized and calibrated. Both procedures are described using the available LHCb datasets corresponding to various integrated luminosities. First results on the tagging performances are shown for different control channels and physics measurements.
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Sensory evaluation and quality assessment of an alternative inner coating film in yogurt cartonsArding, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The dairy food industry is continuously striving towards products with higher quality and longer shelf-life available to the customer at low prices. Arla Foods in Linköping, Sweden, is currently investigating the possibilities of changing the material in yogurt packaging containers by replacing the currently used carton with a different and cheaper alternative. A successful switch will give the company an economical advantage without affecting the sensory attributes (smell, taste, sight, and consistency), aroma profile or other important trademarks of the yogurt. This study is designed to examine and compare yogurt that has been stored in different packaging cartons, one coated with a single-layered low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and one coated with a currently used multi-layered ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH). The study was based on the analysis and measurement of sensory attributes performed by experts, physical properties in laboratory and chemical composition in GC-FID/MS together with a discriminative test where a group of people would identify any difference between the yogurts. Together, these analyses would provide an explanation about any differences between the packaging materials by connecting physical, chemical and/or sensory characteristics. The collected results would give a better and more comprehensive picture than each analysis would do separately. The results from the study show that there is a difference between yogurts stored in LDPE-based containers and yogurts stored in EVOH-based containers and that the product was chemically affected, mainly by the level of oxygen in contact with the food. The overall assessment is that the largest difference was discovered in the taste.
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Aspects of charmonium physics in Lattice QCD / Aspects de la physique du charmonium dans le réseau QCDBailas, Gabriela 27 September 2018 (has links)
Les états de charmonium fournissent une source de connaissances pertinente pour déterminer les paramètres fondamentaux du Modèle Standard. Un aspect important de la compréhension et des tests de la QCD est de faire des prédictions précises du spectre des hadrons et de les tester par rapport à des données expérimentales de haute qualité. Notre cadre théorique est Lattice QCD, qui est considéré comme le seul moyen connu de traiter le lagrangien QCD complet de manière non perturbative et bien adaptée au calcul numérique. En utilisant l'action Wilson-Clover avec N_f = 2 saveurs dynamiques, nous étudierons les deux mésons charmonium eta_c et J/\psi. Nous allons également étudier certaines propriétés de leur première excitation radiale eta_c (2S) et \psi(2S). / Charmonium states provide a relevant source of knowledge for determining fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. An important aspect of understanding Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is to make precise predictions of the hadron spectrum and to test them against high-quality experimental data. Our theoretical framework is Lattice QCD, which is considered to be the only known way to treat the full QCD Lagrangian non perturbatively from first principles, in a manner well suited to numerical computation. By using the Wilson-Clover action with N_f = 2 dynamical flavors, we will study the two charmonium mesons eta_c and J/\psi. We will also investigate some properties of their first radial excitations eta_c(2S) and psi(2S).
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Study of charmless three-body decays of neutral B mesons with the LHCb spectrometer / Pas de titre en françaisSobczak, Krzysztof Grzegorz 15 December 2011 (has links)
Ce document de thèse décrit la recherche des désintégrations en trois corps des mésons beaux neutres qui contiennent un KS ou un pi 0 dans l'état final. Ces événements sont reconstruits au moyen du spectromètre LHCb installé auprès du collisionneur proton-proton LHC, sis au Cern à Genève. La phénoménologie des ces modes est riche et couvre la possibilité de mesurer tous les angles du triangle d'Unitarité de la matrice Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) qui décrit les amplitudes de transition par courant chargé faible entre quarks. Une illustration portant sur la mesure de l'angle gamma est développée dans ce document plus en détail. L'accélérateur LHC et les éléments utiles du spectromètre LHCb sont rapportés en mettant l'accent sur le travail conduit au cours de cette thèse sur l'étalonnage et l'alignement du détecteur de pieds de gerbe du calorimètre électromagnétique. Nous avons construit une méthode de calibration du détecteur au moyen de particules qui le traversent au minimum d'ionisation. Les résultats et les performances de ces calibrations sont discutées. Une méthode de discrimination des pi 0 et des photons de haute énergie est présentée, bénéficiant des mesures des caractéristiques des cascades électromagnétiques dans le PreShower et le calorimètre. Ces informations sont combinées dans une analyse multivariable. La stratégie de contrôle des performances du discriminateur directement à partir des données est discutée et cet outil est appliqué à la recherche des états finals B to hh pi 0. Une recherche similaire des modes de désintégration B{d,s} to KShh, où h peut être un pion ou un kaon chargé a été conduite. Ce mode de désintégration permet de mesurer la phase faible du mélange des mésons Bd ou Bs et la comparaison de ces déterminations avec celles extraites des modes charmonia peut permettre de mettre en évidence une phase faible au-delà du Modèle Standard dans l'amplitude de désintégration. La première étape de cette analyse consiste à établir les signaux des modes non encore observés B{s} to KShh. Ce travail exploratoire présente la première observation du mode B{s} to KSK pi. / This thesis describes an exploratory work on three-body charmless neutral $B$ mesons decays containing either a $K_S$ or a $\pi^0$. The events are reconstructed with the LHCb spectrometer installed at Cern (Geneva, CH) recording the proton-proton collisions delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The phenomenology of such modes is rich and covers the possibility to measure all angles of the unitarity triangle linked to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. The single example of the $\gamma$ measurement is explored in this document. The LHC accelerator and the most relevant sub-detector elements of the LHCb spectrometer are described in details. In particular, emphasis is given to the calorimetry system for which the calibration and alignment of the PreShower (PRS) of the electromagnetic calorimeter has been performed. We used particles at minimum ionisation deposit for such a task. The calibration results until year 2011 are reported as well as the method of the PS alignment with respect to the tracking system of the spectrometer. A method to discriminate high energy $\pi^0$ and photon is introduced, based on electromagnetic cascade information combined into a multivariate analysis. The strategy to evaluate the performance is given and the tool is applied to the exploratory search of $B \to hh\pi^0$ final states. Additionally, we conducted a similar search for the modes $B_{d,s} \to K_Shh$, where $h$ can be either a charged kaon or a pion. The physics reach of such modes lies in the possibility of measuring the $\beta$ and $\beta_s$ CKM angles to be compared to their charmonia extraction. Differences in between these two determinations can be the sign of New Physics. The first step of this search is to establish the unobserved modes $B_{s} \to K_Shh$. We report in a fifth of the data 2011 statistics the first observation of the decay channel $B_{s} \to K_SK\pi$.
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Optimisation of the ILC vertex detector and study of the Higgs couplings / Développement d'un détecteur de vertex de nouvelle génération pour le collisionneur ILC : impact sur la détermination des rapports d'embranchement du boson de Higgs standardVoutsinas, Georgios 28 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution au document intitulé "Detector Baseline Document (DBD)" décrivant le conceptde détecteur ILD envisagé auprès du collisionneur linéaire international électron-positon ILC (acronyme del'anglais International Linear Collider).Les objectifs de physique de l'ILD nécessitent un détecteur de vertex (VXD) particulièrement léger, rapide et trèsgranulaire permettant d'atteindre une résolution sans précédent sur le paramètre d'impact des trajectoiresreconstruites des particules produites dans les interactions étudiées. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est demontrer comment optimiser les paramètres du VXD dans le cas ou il est composé de Capteurs à Pixels Actifsfabriqués en technologie industrielle CMOS (CAPS). Ce travail a été réalisé en étudiant la sensibilité desperformances d'étiquetage des saveurs lourdes et de la précision sur les rapports d'embranchement hadroniquedu boson de Higgs aux différents paramètres du VXD.Le cahier des charges du VXD, particulièrement ambitieux, a nécessité le développement d'une nouvelletechnologie de capteurs de pixels de silicium, les CAPS, dont le groupe PICSEL de l'IPHC est à l'origine. Lavitesse de lecture et l'influence des paramètres qui régissent la fabrication des capteurs en fonderie ont étéétudiées dans cette thèse, et des prototypesde CAPS ont été caractérisés sur faisceau de particules. Enfin, les performances de trajectométrie d'un VXDcomposé de CAPS a été évalué avec des études de simulation. / This thesis is a contribution to the " Detector Baseline Document ", describing the ILD detector which is intendedfor the International Linear Collider (ILC).The physics goals of the ILD call for a vertex detector (VXD) particularly light, rapid and very granular allowing toreach an unprecedented resolution on the impact parameter of the tracks that reconstruct the particles producedin the studied interactions. The principle goal of this thesis is to show how to optimise the parameters of the VXDin the case that is composed of Active Pixel Sensors manufactured in industrial CMOS technology (CAPS). Thiswork has been realised by studying the sensitivity of the performance of the heavy flavour tagging and theprecision on the hadronic branching fractions of the Higgs boson as a function of different sets of VXDparameters.The specifications of the VXD, particularly ambitious, call for the development of a novel silicon pixel sensorstechnology, the CAPS, which was pioneered by the PICSEL group of IPHC. The readout speed and the influenceof the fabrication parameters have been studied in this thesis, and CAPS prototypes have been characterised intest beams. Finally, the tracking performance of a CAPS based VXD has been evaluated with simulation studies.
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Probing Lepton Flavour Universality through semitauonic Λb decays using three-pions τ-lepton decays with the LHCb experiment at CERN / Test de l’universalité de la saveur des leptons à travers l’étude des désintégrations semitauoniques de Λb avec les désintégrations en trois pions du lepton τ dans l’expérience LHCb au CERNDaussy-Renaudin, Victor 26 September 2018 (has links)
L'étude de l'universalité de la saveur des leptons est actuellement un sujet prometteur pour tester la présence de contributions de nouvelle physique dans des processus décrits par le Modèle Standard. Les mesures de désintégrations semitauoniques sont particulièrement intéressantes car de possibles couplages de nouvelle physique au lepton τ pourraient être accrus par rapport aux deux autres leptons du fait de sa masse. Les mesures expérimentales des rapports de branchement des désintégrations B->D*τν et B->Dτν sont présentement en tension avec les prédictions théoriques à la hauteur de 3.78σ. De nouvelles mesures ainsi que l'étude de nouveaux canaux sont ainsi indispensables pour comprendre l'origine de ce désaccord. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse décrit l'utilisation d'une nouvelle technique pour reconstruire le lepton τ via sa désintégration en trois pions et son usage pour mesurer des rapports de rapports de branchements pour deux désintégrations B->D*τν et Λb->Λcτν par rapport aux mêmes désintégrations impliquant des muons. Ces rapports sont respectivement dénommés R(D*) et R(Λc). R(D*) est mesuré en utilisant les 3 fb⁻¹ de collisions proton-proton collectées par le détecteur LHCb pendant le Run1 du LHC à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 7 et 8 TeV via la reconstruction du τ en trois pions. Le résultat obtenu R(D*⁻) = 0.291 ± 0.019(stat) ± 0.026(syst) ± 0.013(ext) est compatible avec la prédiction du Modèle Standard à 1σ près tout en étant cohérent avec les mesures précédemment effectuées. Sa précision permet aussi de conforter le désaccord entre la combinaison des mesures et la prédiction théorique. Ces mêmes données sont aussi analysées dans cette thèse afin d'étudier la désintégration Λb->Λcτν observée pour la première fois avec une significance de 5.7σ. Les incertitudes statistiques et systématiques sont aussi estimées et R(Λc) peut s'écrire R(Λc) = X*(1 ± 0.105(stat) ± 0.162(syst) ± 0.12(ext)) avec la valeur centrale encore masquée à ce jour. / Probing Lepton Flavour Universality has been recently a very promising topic to test for the presence of New Physics contributions in Standard Model processes. Measurements involving semitauonic decays are interesting as potential New Physics couplings to the τ-lepton could be enhanced with respect to the two other leptons due to its mass. Experimental measurements of B->D*τν and B->Dτν branching fractions are currently in tension with theoretical predictions at the 3.78σ level. Both precise measurements and analyses of new channels are thus required to understand the source of this disagreement. The work presented in this thesis describes the use of a new technique to reconstruct τ-lepton using its decay into three pions and its use to measure ratios of branching fractions for two decays B->D*τν and Λb->Λcτν with respect to the same decays involving a muon, these ratios are referred to as R(D*) and R(Λc). Using the 3 fb⁻¹ of proton-proton collisions recorded by the LHCb detector during the LHC Run1 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV, R(D*) was measured using the three-pions reconstruction for the τ to be R(D*⁻) = 0.291 ± 0.019(stat) ± 0.026(syst) ± 0.013(ext) This result is compatible with the Standard Model expectation at the 1σ level and is consistent with previous measurements. Its precision is able to slightly enforce the disagreement between the combination of the measurements with the theoretical prediction. The same dataset is also analysed in this thesis to study the Λb->Λcτν decay which is observed for the first time with a significance of 5.7σ. Both statistical and systematic uncertainties were estimated and R(Λc) can then be expressed as R(Λc) = X*(1 ± 0.105(stat) ± 0.162(syst) ± 0.12(ext)) with its central value remaining blind at the moment.
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Studium faktorů ovlivňujících tvorbu těkavých aromaticky aktivních látek v přírodních materiálech / Study of Factors Influencing Creation of Volatile Aroma Active Compounds in Natural MaterialsLoupancová, Blanka January 2012 (has links)
The production of high-quality foods requires the precise control of factors influencing their quality. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to monitor the influence of sterilization heating and storage time and temperature on selected parameters of model food matrix using suitable physical, chemical and sensory methods. Sterilized processed cheese was chosen as the model matrix. Processed cheeses are milk protein concentrates, produced by melting of mixture of natural cheeses, emulsifying salts, water and other dairy and/or non dairy ingredients. Desirable transformation of this mixture to homogenous, smooth, shiny mass with desired textural, structural, rheologic and sensory properties is caused by using high temperature (about 80-100 °C) during melting. Sterilized processed cheese is subjected to additional sterilization heating (above 100 °C) after production, significantly elongating its durability. The processed cheeses (dry matter 40 % w/w, fat in dry matter 45 % w/w) were analyzed in this work, the part of them was sterilized (117 °C 20 min). Cheeses were stored at various temperatures (cold 6 ± 2 °C, laboratory 23 ± 2 °C and elevated 40 ± 2 °C), sterilized cheeses for 2 years, non sterilized for 1 year. During storage, the samples for physical (instrumental measuring of colour and texture), chemical (assessment of fatty acids and aroma compounds) and sensory (paired preference test, ranking test and evaluation using scale) analyses were taken at regular intervals. The influence of sterilization heating and for another the influence of storage conditions on mentioned parameters were investigated. Non sterilized processed cheese kept their very good quality during all the declared durability (4 months), however, then the significant worsening of most sensory properties was observed. In consequence of sterilization heating the changes of cheese colour and texture were observed, confirmed by both sensory and instrumental assessment. The impairment of taste and aroma was also found. These changes are obvious immediately after production and differences were observed during all the durability. In the case of sterilized processed cheese, the significant impairment of single sensory properties was determined, the highest in the case of texture, taste and aroma. The results of instrumental techniques confirm conclusions from sensory evaluation. The measurements of colour and texture vindicate the formation of darker colour (increasing total difference of colour delta E*) and higher hardness (increasing Fmax) of sterilized processed cheeses, continuing during storage. The worsening of taste and aroma is in accordance with lower content of aroma active compounds and selected fatty acids.
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