Spelling suggestions: "subject:"packaging material"" "subject:"ackaging material""
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Why do Fermented Milk Products Stick to Packaging Material Surfaces?Hansson, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Today approximately 10 % of fermented milk products stick to the packaging material inner surface, and therefore it is not possible to pour all of the dairy product from the package. This is both an economical and environmental issue. The product loss is expensive for consumer and makes recycling of package less effective. As they do not yet exist the development of packaging materials to which fermented milk products stick less, it would make it possible to both save money and protect our environment. The aim of this work was to provide knowledge and understanding of the important factors involved in the phenomenon when fermented milk products adhere to the inner surface of a packaging material. Studies were done on materials having different surface properties, such as polarity and relative oxidation. They were incubated in fermented milk and other dairy products varying in fat concentration and protein type up to 168 h. The systems were investigated gravimetrically, with Fourier Transform Infra Red/Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Contact Angle measurements. Fermented milk contains amphiphilic components and therefore can interact both with polar and non-polar surfaces, such that the relative oxidation of the surface does not contribute to the adhesion. The adhesion of fermented milk is an equilibrium reaction, which depend on the fat concentration before equilibrium as well as the protein concentration after equilibrium. The adhesion seems to follows the Vroman effect, with smaller molecules associating faster and thereby adhering to the surface initially, but are displaced by larger molecules that associates slower as times passes.
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Returnable Packaging in the Automotive Supply Chain : From a supplier´s perspectiveFleckenstein, Thomas, Pihlstroem, Eirik January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Problem Little research has been conducted on how packaging and returnable packaging are managed within suppliers in the Scandinavian automotive supply chain. Sources also propose that returnable packaging is dealt with inefficiently within the automotive suppliers. Purpose The purpose of the thesis is to explore and analyze how packaging and returnable packaging are managed within suppliers in the ASC. It also aims to identify perceived important factors for efficient returnable packaging management from the perspective of suppliers, sub-suppliers and OEMs. Method The research is based on a holistic single case study. Further, it adopts the inductive approach and exploratory purpose. Data collection is facilitated by qualitative methods, using ten semi-structured interviews and four on-site observations. Conclusion Packaging was found to be managed somewhat differently in the internal, outbound and inbound flows. Non-returnable and returnable packaging was found used in all flows at different ratios. Further, several factors were regarded important for efficient returnable packaging management. These were found specific for the internal, outbound and inbound flows and further divided into fundamental and efficiency factors.
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Návrh zlepšení řízení obalového materiálu ve vybraném podniku / The Proposal of Management Improvement of Packaging Material in a Selected CompanyGlonek, Andrej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with packaging materials in company Frauenthal Automotive Hustopeče, s. r. o., specifically proposals to improve the storage, flow and use of packaging material with limited storage capacity. The first part contains the theoretical basis of the work. The second part includes a presentation of the company and an analysis of the current situation. In the last part, own solutions to current shortcomings in the company are proposed.
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Hodnocení marketingové komunikace firmy Bohemia Trade CZ s.r.o. / Evaluation of marketing communication of company Bohemia Trade CZ s.r.o.STIFTEROVÁ, Alice January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is evaluation of marketing communication tools which are used by company Bohemia Trade CZ s.r.o., afterthat the concept of solution of improvement in this sphere. The base of elaboration of this thesis and achieving the objective was processing of data and information, which were gathered from intercompany materials and supplied by examinated company.
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Implementering av en tejpmaskin i förpackningsindustrin: en studie av säkerhetspåverkan / Implementation of a tape-machine in packaging: a study of safety impactsGoman, Daniel, Shojaiyan, Sasan, Al-Helou, Hisham January 2018 (has links)
Accidents cause economic losses to the company as well as suffering and general discontent among the employees. With an increased global responsibility, companies are not only answerable for what goes on inside their own gates but also for retailers and customers. When the packaging becomes a danger, how will we know what to replace it with? At IMI Hydronic Engineering, employees hurt themselves on the metal staples that seal the cartons, but is replacing metal staples with plastic tape an economical and safely viable option? This thesis dives into the workplace environment and collects data from semi-structural interviews with the employees and an evaluation of internal accident records. The main focuses are safety and economics, although the economy aspect has had to stand back due to the lack of empirical data. The results show that the tools and systems in place to protect the employees, where applied, are working and the workers believe that their job could be executed with a lower risk, perhaps even without a loss of production. The suggestion to the company is that to fully understand the costs, a collection of data regarding the current costs is needed and that usage of gloves by the employees might help lower the number of accidents per year. Suggestions for further studies include ecological aspects, profit versus costs and product returns due to inadequate packaging.
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Entwicklung chromatographischer und spektroskopischer Screeningmethoden zur Bestimmung der Migration aus LebensmittelverpackungenPaul, Nadine 14 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Neben der Sicherheit für Lebensmittel stehen auch immer mehr die Lebensmittelverpackungen im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Der Übergang von Stoffen aus der Verpackung in das Lebensmittel ist unerwünscht und gesetzlich reglementiert. Um den Verbraucherschutz zu gewährleisten, müssen Grenzwerte und gesetzliche Anforderungen eingehalten werden. Der Übergang von rechtlich geregelten und nicht geregelten Substanzen muss überprüft werden, was eine analytische Herausforderung darstellt.
Die Untersuchung der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen aus Doseninnenbeschichtungen mittels eines Screenings aller migrierenden nicht-flüchtigen stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen mit einer molaren Masse kleiner 1000 Da wurde durchgeführt. Die Anwendbarkeit eines Stickstoff-selektiven Detektors für das Screening von Coating-Extrakten, welche stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen enthalten konnte gezeigt werden. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren Vernetzersubstanzen, Flüssiglacke sowie Migrate der fertigen Beschichtung. Stickstoffhaltige potenziell migrierende Substanzen wurden zunächst in den Ausgangsmaterialien der Beschichtung identifiziert, um diese dann im Migrat der Beschichtung zu quantifizieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, ob Substanzen, welche als Ausgangsstoffe im Lack eingesetzt werden, oder entstehende Reaktionsprodukte in ein Lebensmittelsimulanz migrieren. Um die Relevanz der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen im Hinblick auf weitere nicht stickstoffhaltige migrierende Verbindungen zu zeigen, wurde das Gesamtmigrat der zur Verfügung stehenden Coatings bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, dass der Anteil von NCS an den insgesamt migrierenden Verbindungen zwischen 0,2 und 6,3 % liegt.
Der Fokus des zweiten Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf Lebensmittelverpackungen aus Kunststoff. Zunächst wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit Hilfe des Verdampfungslichtstreudetektors zur Bestimmung der Gesamtmigration mit dem Simulanz Sonnenblumenöl etabliert werden. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchungen ist, den Einfluss von Temperatur, Zeit und Schichtdicke auf das Migrationsverhalten von Siegelschichten für den Hochtemperaturbereich (> 70 °C) mit fetthaltigen Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe von statistischer Versuchsplanung vorherzusagen. Mit Hilfe einer statistischen Software konnte eine Regressionsgleichung zur Berechnung der Gesamtmigration auf der Grundlage eines Box-Behnken-Versuchsplans erstellt werden. Dabei hatte die Temperatur den größten Einfluss auf die Gesamtmigration. Die Einflüsse von Zeit und Schichtdicke waren im untersuchten Bereich des hier gezeigten Modells linear und stiegen mit Erhöhung der Temperatur. Weiterhin konnte je 10 °C Temperaturerhöhung eine Verdopplung des ermittelten Gesamtmigrationswertes beobachtet werden.
Die Bestimmung der Additive aus den Ersatzsimulanzien 95 % Ethanol und Iso-Octan von Verpackungen sollte ebenfalls gezeigt werden. Ein Screening-Gradient zur Bestimmung von 25 Additiven in den Ersatzsimulanzien wurde etabliert. Die Identifizierung der migrierenden Additive erfolgte mittels der Detektoren UVD (DAD), FLD, ELSD und CLND. Mit Hilfe der verschiedenen Detektionsarten ist es möglich, die strukturelle Vielfalt der eingesetzten Additive abzudecken. Eine Absicherung der Ergebnisse konnte zudem über MS-Detektion erfolgen.
Mit Hilfe der Untersuchungen wurden die gesamtmigrierenden Substanzen aus Verbundfolien zu 50 % (95 % Ethanol-Migrat) bzw. 10 % (Isooctan-Migrat) aufgeklärt. Die Konzentration der quantifizierten Additive zeigte im Verhältnis gesehen annähernd gleiche Werte. Der Unterschied in den ermittelten Gesamtmigraten (95 % Ethanol: 1,2 mg/dm2, Iso-Octan: 5,6 mg/dm2) konnte demnach nicht über die migrierenden Additive erklärt werden. Als weitere migrierende Substanzen wurden Ethylen-Oligomere identifiziert. Die Quantifizierung dieser erfolgte erstmals mit Hilfe der 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie. Die nahezu vollständige Aufklärung der Gesamtmigration einer Verbundfolie in den Ersatzsimulanzien konnte gezeigt werden. Die migrierenden Ethylen-Oligomere des Iso-Octan-Migrats wurden eingehender untersucht. Mit Hilfe von verschiedenen chromatographischen und spektroskopischen Methoden gelang eine Charakterisierung dieser im Migrat identifizierten Substanzen. / Besides the safety of food the focus on food packaging material increases in public. The migration of substances from the packaging into food is undesired and regulated by law. To ensure consumer protection legal limits and requirements have to be kept. The migration of regulated und not regulated substances has to be verified which means an analytical challenge.
The determination of nitrogen containing substances (NCS) from food can coatings by screening of migrating, non-volatile substances with a molecular mass below 1000 Da from the coatings was carried out. The applicability of a nitrogen selective detector for the screening of coating extracts which contain nitrogen containing susbtances was shown. For the investigations crosslinking substances, liquid lacquers as well as migrates of the finished coatings have been available for determination. Nitrogen containing and potential migrating substances have been identified first in the raw marterial of the coating in order to quantify them in the migrates of the coating. It should be shown if substances from the raw materials or reaction products migrate into the food simulant. In order to show the relevance of the migrating nitrogen containing substances in respect to other non nitrogen containing compounds the overall migration of the available coatings was determined. It could be shown that the amount of NCS in the overall migrating substances was between 0.2 and 6.3 %.
Focus of the second part of the work was on food packing made of plastic. First an HPLC-method with ELS detection for the determination of the overall migration in sunflower oil was developed. Purpose of this determination was to predict the influence of temperature, time and thickness of the layer on the migration behavior with fatty food of sealing layers in high temperature range (> 70 °C) by means of design of experiments. A statistical software computed a regression equation for the calculation the overall migration based on a Box-Behnken-Design. The highest influence could be shown for the temperature. The modell showed a duplication of the determined overall migration with 10 °C increase of temperature.
The determination of plastic additives out of the 95 % ethanol and isooctane migrates of packaging material should also be conducted. An HPLC-screening method for the determination of 25 additives in the fat substitutes was established. The identification of the migrating additives was carried out with UV detection (DAD), FLD, ELSD and CLND. By means of the different detection systems it was possible to cover the structural diversity of the mainly used additives. To insure the results MS detection was used.
By means of this investigations a clarification of the total migrating substances of a multilayer film was 50 % (95 % ethanol) and 10 % (isooctane), respectively. The concentration of the migrating substances on the scale of things is nearly identical. The difference in the overall migration (95 % ethanol: 1.2 mg/dm2, isooctane: 5.6 mg/dm2) can not be clarified by migration of additives. As other migrating substances ethylen oligomers can be identified. The quantification was carried out for the first time with 1HNMR spectroscopy. An almost complete identification of migration substances of the overall migrate in food simulants can be shown. The migrating ethylen oligomers have been further investitgated. With the help of different chromatographic and spectroscopic methods a further characterisation of the migrating ethylen oligomers was successul.
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Sensory evaluation and quality assessment of an alternative inner coating film in yogurt cartonsArding, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The dairy food industry is continuously striving towards products with higher quality and longer shelf-life available to the customer at low prices. Arla Foods in Linköping, Sweden, is currently investigating the possibilities of changing the material in yogurt packaging containers by replacing the currently used carton with a different and cheaper alternative. A successful switch will give the company an economical advantage without affecting the sensory attributes (smell, taste, sight, and consistency), aroma profile or other important trademarks of the yogurt. This study is designed to examine and compare yogurt that has been stored in different packaging cartons, one coated with a single-layered low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and one coated with a currently used multi-layered ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH). The study was based on the analysis and measurement of sensory attributes performed by experts, physical properties in laboratory and chemical composition in GC-FID/MS together with a discriminative test where a group of people would identify any difference between the yogurts. Together, these analyses would provide an explanation about any differences between the packaging materials by connecting physical, chemical and/or sensory characteristics. The collected results would give a better and more comprehensive picture than each analysis would do separately. The results from the study show that there is a difference between yogurts stored in LDPE-based containers and yogurts stored in EVOH-based containers and that the product was chemically affected, mainly by the level of oxygen in contact with the food. The overall assessment is that the largest difference was discovered in the taste.
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Reibmessgerät zur Bestimmung des Gleitreibkoeffizienten von bahnförmigen Packstoffen / Friction testers for determining the dynamic friction of web-shaped packaging materialsKayatz, Fabian, Claus, Ronald 22 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Reibmessgerät zur Bestimmung des Gleitreibkoeffizienten von bahnförmigen PackstoffenKayatz, Fabian, Claus, Ronald January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Differentiating between packaging material and geometry using the Syntouch Biotac / Åtskiljning av förpackningsmaterial och geometri med hjälp av Syntouch BiotacEriksson, Henry January 2019 (has links)
Grip stiffness is an important property of carton board packaging. The structure of the packaging needs to withstand the handling of one or many consumers. A carton board packaging that feels stiff when handled conveys a sense of luxury to the consumer, one example of this is the packages containing new flagship smart phones. If a package is more or less stiff is at this moment subjectively interpreted by test panels. An objective method of measuring grip stiffness is sought after for repeat ability and speed. This master thesis investigates the influence of geometry and material parameters on the grip stiffness of a carton board packages. The purpose is to determine how the measured point loads differ between different geometries for one particular material. Measurements are conducted using a tensile tester and a sensory device, Syntouch Biotac. Only two of the 19 sensors are analyzed in this thesis. Ther data analyzed in this thesis comes from experiments conducted by the author and experiments conducted during a bachelors thesis at Örebro University. The same equipment was used for both experiments. The authors experiments were aimed at finding how a rotation of the packaging would affect the results whereas no rotations were made during experiments not conducted by the author. The authors own experiments were also made using an actual human finger, but only on packages that were not rotated. A finite element study was performed to validate the results from the Syntouch Biotac. X-ray computed tomography was used to investigate if the damage done to the carton board material by a human finger was similar to the damage done to the carton board material by the Syntouch Biotac. Results from the Syntouch Biotac show that it is possible to tell where along and how close to the edge of the packaging the Syntouch Biotac is touching the packaging and that it is possible to discern between materials if the surface weights are different enough. The X-ray computed tomography show that damages done to the carton material cone by either the Syntouch Biotac or a human finger, are not possible to tell apart with the method of analysis used in this thesis. / Greppstyvhet är en viktig egenskap hos kartongförpackningar. Strukturen behöver kunna motstå hantering av en eller flera kunder. En kartongförpackning som upplevs som styv när den hanteras ger kunden ett intryck av lyx, ett exempel är förpackningar för nya smarttelefoner. Om en kartongförpackning är mer eller mindre greppstyv avgörs just nu subjektivt av en testpaneler. En objektiv och upprepningsbar metod för att mäta greppstyvhet snabbare behövs. I den här masteruppsatsen undersökts geometri- och materialparametrars påverkan på kartongförpackningars greppstyvhet. Syftet var att avgöra hur de olika punktlasterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika geometrier för ett givet material. Mätningar gjordes med en dragprovare och en sensorisk mätenhet, Syntouch Biotac. Endast två av 19 sensorer analyseras i det här arbetet. Datan som analyseras i det här arbetet kommer från experiment utförda av författaren samt experiment gjorda i samarbete med en kandidatuppsats vid Örebro Universitet. Samma utrustning användes för båda experiment. Författarens experiment gjordes för att undersöka hur rotation av kartongförpackningarna påverkade resultaten. Ingen rotation utfördes under experimenten som gjordes i samband med kandidatuppsatsen på Örebro Universitet. Experiment utförda av författaren innehåller även kompression av förpackningar gjorda med ett mänskligt finger, detta gjordes endast på förpackningar som inte roterades. En FEM-studie utfördes för att validera resultaten från Syntouch Biotac. Datortomografi användes för att undersöka om skador som uppkommit på kartongmaterialet av mänskligt finger var lika de som uppkommit från Syntouch Biotac. Resultaten från Syntouch Biotac visar att det är möjligt att se var längs med eller hur nära kanten på förpackningen som Syntouch Biotac trycker på förpackningen, samt att det är möjligt att skilja mellan material om deras ytvikter skiljer sig tillräckligt mycket. Datortomografin visar att skador som uppkommit på kartong materialet av mänskligt finger eller Syntouch Biotac inte går att särskilja med den analysmetod som använts i det här arbetet.
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