Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flocculation."" "subject:"locculation.""
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Tratamento físico-químico de lixiviado de aterro sanitário pré-tratado por processo biológico aeróbio. / Physico-chemical treatment of landfill leachate from pre-treated by aerobic biological process.Amaral, Mailer Sene 22 May 2009 (has links)
Lixiviados de aterros sanitários apresentam altas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal e matéria orgânica, além de outros poluentes, que não permitem seu descarte no meio ambiente, sem um prévio tratamento. Lixiviados de aterros sanitários mais antigos, com matéria orgânica mais estabilizada, apresentam grande potencial poluidor, principalmente devido à presença de substâncias recalcitrantes que, usualmente, não são removidas através de tratamento biológico, necessitando, portanto, da aplicação de um pós-tratamento. A presente pesquisa objetivou aplicar o tratamento físico-químico a dois efluentes de sistemas biológicos de tratamento. O primeiro sistema era constituído de um reator de lodo ativado operado em bateladas seqüenciais (70 Litros) cujo efluente era submetido à processo de coagulaçãofloculação usando sais de ferro e alumínio, para remoção da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Operou-se, em paralelo, uma lagoa aerada, em escala de bancada, dimensionada para remoção da matéria orgânica biodegradável cujo efluente era submetido a processo de precipitação química para remoção de amônia, através da formação do mineral estruvita (MgNH4PO4.6H2O). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o cloreto férrico (FeCl3) foi o coagulante mais apropriado sob o ponto de vista econômico, embora, dosagens elevadas (1.160 mg FeCl3/L), frente a 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L tenham sido requeridas para o alcance de remoções da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Com a aplicação de FeCl3 o pH ótimo de coagulação foi próximo de 4,0 e para o Al2(SO4)3; por volta de 5,0. Ao longo dos testes, avaliouse a influência das condições de mistura sobre os fenômenos físico-químicos. Os resultados demonstram que, para o despejo estudado, o gradiente de velocidades e o tempo de mistura não exercem influência sobre os fenômenos de coagulaçãofloculação. Quanto à precipitação química da amônia na forma do mineral estruvita, as melhores remoções (~ 90%) foram alcançadas quando o limite de solubilidade do mineral estruvita foi excedido, para tanto se faz necessária aplicar uma razão molar igual a 1,5:1:1,4 entre os íons envolvidos (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Entretanto, o efluente final desse sistema apresentou uma concentração residual de fósforo solúvel superior a 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, o que o torna pouco recomendável para fins práticos. / Landfill leachates present high ammonia and organic matter concentrations, besides other pollutants, which do not allow its discharge to the environment without a previous treatment. Older landfill leachates, with more stabilized organic matter, present great pollutant potential, mainly due to the presence of recalcitrant substances that not often are removed by biological treatment and need the application of a post-treatment. The present research aimed to apply the physicochemical treatment for two biological wastewater treatment plant effluents. The first one was constituted by an activated sludge (sequence batch reactor - 70 liters), which effluent was submitted to a coagulation-flocculation process, using iron and aluminum salts, for recalcitrant organic matter removal. A lab scale aerated lagoon was operated in parallel. The lagoon was dimensioned for biodegradable organic matter removal, which effluent was submitted to a chemical precipitation process for ammonia removal (formation of the mineral struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O).The results showed that the ferric chloride (FeCl3) was the more appropriated coagulant considering the economic point of view, however high dosages (1,160 mg FeCl3/L) comparing with 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L had been required to achieve recalcitrant organic matter removal. Applying FeCl3, the optimum pH was of the order of 4.0 and for Al2(SO4)3, approximately 5.0. During the tests, the influence of the mixture conditions on the physicochemical phenomena was evaluated. The results demonstrated that the velocities gradient and the mixture time do not influenced the coagulation-flocculation phenomena. Regarding to the chemical precipitation of ammonia in struvite form, the better removals (~ 90%) were achieved when the solubility limit of the mineral was exceeded. Due to this fact, it was necessary to apply a molar rate of 1.5:1:1.4 between the ions (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Nevertheless, the final effluent of this system presented a residual soluble phosphorus concentration higher than 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, hence it is not recommended for practical purposes.
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Aplicação de sulfato de alumínio e taninos vegetais na coagulação-floculação de efluentes de curtumeAnjos, Patrícia Schacker dos January 2016 (has links)
A aplicação de sais de alumínio para tratamento de efluentes é questionada devido a possíveis impactos nocivos aos seres humanos e organismos vivos, em decorrência de residuais de alumínio remanescentes na água tratada e das quantidades de lodo sedimentado que contém o metal. Portanto, o uso combinado de sais metálicos e taninos vegetais, a fim de reduzir as concentrações do primeiro, aplicadas na coagulação-floculação de contaminantes dos efluentes é importante, inclusive pelas vantagens do uso de taninos, como polímeros orgânicos biodegradáveis. Assim, este trabalho visa aplicar sulfato de alumínio e taninos, em uso individual e em combinação, para remoção de contaminantes por meio de coagulação-floculação. Os ensaios foram realizados com três efluentes, um com elevada carga orgânica, um com baixa carga orgânica e um efluente de acabamento, todos de um mesmo curtume que realiza operações de acabamento molhado a acabamento final de couro wet-blue. No efluente de alta carga orgânica, foram testados 5 tipos de taninos em seis dosagens, e os taninos Tanfloc SM e Tanfloc SH, com melhor eficiência, também foram testados no efluente de menor carga orgânica, assim como o sulfato de alumínio, nas mesmas concentrações utilizadas inicialmente a fim de apresentar os resultados atingidos em efluentes com características de altas e baixas dosagens de químicos Após, foram realizadas combinações de sulfato de alumínio com Tanfloc SM e Tanfloc SH, em diferentes concentrações, e realizados ensaios nos três efluentes, com o intuito de apresentar a eficiência do uso combinado destes produtos em diferentes características de efluentes e verificar a redução das dosagens de sulfato de alumínio. Os melhores resultados obtidos na aplicação combinada de sulfato de alumínio e taninos, mostraram remoção de cor, turbidez e COT estatisticamente iguais à aplicação do uso individual destes, porém utilizando menores dosagens de sulfato de alumínio na composição. Assim, conclui-se que é possível realizar, de forma eficiente e satisfatória, o uso de misturas de sulfato de alumínio com taninos de forma a reduzir as dosagens de sulfato de alumínio, obtendo bons resultados de remoção de cor, turbidez e remoções superiores de COT quando comparadas com a aplicação de todos os coagulantes/floculantes individualmente. / The use of aluminum salts for the treatment of effluents is questioned due to possible harmful impacts on humans and living organisms with aluminum residuals remaining in the treated water and the quantities of sedimented sludge containing the metal. Therefore, the combined use of metal salts and vegetable tannins, in order to reduce the concentrations of the former, applied in the coagulation-flocculation of effluent contaminants is important, including the advantages of the use of tannins, such as biodegradable organic polymers. Thus, this work aims to apply aluminum sulfate and tannins, in individual use and in combination, to remove contaminants by means of coagulation-flocculation. The tests were carried out with three effluents, one with high organic load, one with low organic load and one finishing effluent, all from the same tannery that performs wet finishing operations with the final wet-blue leather finish. In the high organic matter effluent, five types of tannins were tested in six dosages, and Tanfloc SM and Tanfloc SH tannins with better efficiency were also tested in the less organic effluent as well as aluminum sulfate in the same concentrations used in order to present the results achieved in effluents with characteristics of high and low chemical dosages Afterwards, combinations of aluminum sulphate with Tanfloc SM and Tanfloc SH were carried out in different concentrations, and tests were carried out on the three effluents, in order to show the efficiency of the combined use of these products in different effluent characteristics and verify the reduction of the dosages of aluminum sulfate. The best results obtained in the combined application of aluminum sulphate and tannins showed color removal, turbidity and TOC statistically equal to the application of the individual use of these, but using lower dosages of aluminum sulphate in the composition. Thus, it is concluded that it is possible to efficiently and satisfactorily carry out the use of aluminum sulphate mixtures with tannins in order to reduce the dosages of aluminum sulphate, obtaining good results of color removal, turbidity and higher removals of COT when compared to the application of all coagulants/flocculants individually.
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Co-cultures of Yeasts and Zygomycetes in the Form of Pellets Methods for the Preparation of Pellets and Biocapsules, Their Properties and ApplicationsNyman, Jonas, Lacintra, Michael January 2013 (has links)
Many industrially important fungi can grow in the form of small spherical pellets.Such pellets reduce the viscosity and enhances mass transfer rates in culture broths.The pelleted morphology also influences the fungus’s metabolism, directing it tospecific metabolites. The pellets are easily harvested from the broth and recycled.These properties makes pelleted morphology very attractive.The pelleted morphology of four Zygomycetes strains was studies. Several differentnutrient media used by other researchers for achieving pelleted growth was tested.The influence of eight factors on pelletization of Rhizopus sp. in a completely definedmedium was determined using a fractional central composite design and logistic regression.Pelleted growth of all four Zygomycetes was achieved, with very good results for twoRhizomucor sp. strains. A simple medium containing calcium carbonate was foundto induce pelletization with very high reproducibility.Immobilization of yeast cells was attempted in pellets of Rhizomucor. It was foundthat a flocculating yeast can be immobilized inside pellets of fungal mycelium, forming”biocapsules”. This is accomplished by first using a medium that induces pelletizationof the filamentous fungus and does not allow for growth of the yeast. Thepellets are then inoculated into a second medium that induces growth and flocculationof the yeast and inhibits further growth of the filamentous fungus.Non-flocculating yeasts could not be immobilized, suggesting that the flocculin proteinsin the cell wall of flocculating strains are important for proper immobilization.The flocculation and immobilization arises due to expression of several differentFLO-genes and the importance of these genes for successful immobilization isdiscussed.The results demonstrate that the morphology of Zygomycetes can be controlled andthat this may be useful in industrial fermentation. The new immobilization techniquereveals the great importance of flocculation and cell surface hydrophobicity. Usingyeast strains that express certain FLO-genes may be beneficial in fermentation oflignocellulosic hydrolysates.Microscopy techniques were developed that allows for high quality microphotographyof pellets and thin cross-sections of pellets and biocapsules. / Program: MSc in Resource Recovery - Industrial Biotechnology
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A multi method approach towards the study and characterisation of simulated Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant particulatesFoster, Richard January 2017 (has links)
The introduction of the Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant (EARP) at Sellafield in 1994 was designed to decontaminate radioactive effluents produced during nuclear fuel reprocessing. Through the action of flocculation with iron, followed by filtration, the effluents are decontaminated before being discharging to sea. The plant has been in successful operation for the past 20 years, and has made a significant difference to the level of radioactivity of the waste. However, little is known about the formed flocs. Particular concern focuses around future changes to the effluent compositions to be processed through EARP. These future feeds will potentially contain significantly less iron, thus potentially impacting upon the flocculation process and the efficiency of the decontamination process. The effluents currently treated contain significant concentrations of iron, stemming from the Magnox fuel reprocessing plant, along with actinides, fission and corrosion products. The flocculation of these acidic radioactive ferric feeds results in the formation of solid iron hydroxide flocs with encapsulated radioactivity. The flocs are then filtered, encapsulated and stored. It is envisioned that by characterising the floc properties, both physically and chemically a greater understanding of EARP can be obtained, ultimately leading to a maintained process efficiency with alternative feed compositions. The effect of a reduction in iron concentration on the chemical and physical properties of the flocs has been studied. The presence of any iron in the mock effluents was found to beneficially increase the contaminant decontamination factors (DF). However, the efficacy of this increase varied between contaminates. The DFs of group I and II metals ranged from 7.10 to 1.19 while lead ranged from 4x105 to 1.60, dependent upon iron concentration. Transition metal and lanthanide contaminants were marginally affected. With the use of agar embedding, the 'liquid form' of the flocs has been retained for two and three dimensional observations. SEM/EDX analysis has allowed for the inspection and chemical characterisation of the flocs while 2D microscope image analysis has allowed for the study of floc size and shape. A range of diameters, 300 - 1500 micro metre were found. Three dimensional X-ray Computer Tomography (3D X-ray CT) conducted at the Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility (MXIF) has led to the physical characterisation and classification of the flocs. Further, by studying the 3D shape it has been possible to classify a floc as a granule, fibre, chip or blade according to the Zingg classification with the majority of formed flocs being classified as granules.
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Investigation of alternative colouration processing medium for textiles and novel filtration media for recycling of textile effluentUddin, Md Abbas January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this research was to find a suitable alternative medium of scarce freshwater for textile dyeing, and to recycle and reuse the dyebath using a combined coagulation/flocculation and novel filter media. Simulated seawater (SSW) was tested as the alternative dyeing medium with a salt concentration of 3.5% where NaCl was the major component. Fibre/dye systems of wool/acid and metal complex, wool/reactive, polyester/disperse, nylon/acid and metal complex, and acrylic/cationicdyes were tested in simulated seawater and the performances of dyed fabric were compared to conventional dyeing system of distilled water (DSW). The study found that commercial dyeing processes were robust and can be practically transferable into the seawater medium. The dye exhaustions, build-up, colour characteristics, and fastness to wash, cross-staining, rub and light were satisfactory within the dye ranges studied, which covers commercially available monochromatic Red, Yellow and Blue at light, medium and deep shades. Although SEM micrographs didn't show any presence of salt, a typical wash-off process of 1gL-1 with a non-ionic detergent at 70°C was sufficient to remove any salt that could be present on the surface or sub-surface of the dyed fabric. At room temperature, some acid and metal complex dyes were only partially soluble in SSW but this improved with gentle heating and addition of levelling agents. At dyeing temperatures near the boil, these dyes were completely soluble. A saturation limit was found to be existed for acrylic dyeing of cationic dyes over 1.0% o.m.f. depth. Although ionic interaction was the dominant mechanism for dyeing of wool, nylon and acrylic fibre with acid, metal complex and cationic dyes, the adsorption in highly saline dyebath most likely depended on the combined effects of ionic and physical/hydrophobic interaction. The resultant effect was higher dye exhaustion and consequently higher colour difference in SSW for some dyes. Reactive dyes were known to be sensitive to hardness of water but this study confirmed that reactive dye could be an alternative for deep dyeing for wool fibre in SSW. Reactive dyeing of wool followed a similar mechanism of gradual phase transfer as was observed for disperse dyeing of hydrophobic fibres over 3.0% o.m.f. depth. In contrast disperse dyeing of polyester produced consistent results for all dyes but some black dyeings produced superior colour strength in SSW. The build-up of colour in SSW compared to DSW can be different depending on the application level. To improve permeate flux by reducing membrane fouling, a number of surface modification were carried out to introduce fluorine based functional groups. Gaseous fluorination, fluorocarbon finish (FC) and plasma polymerisation were performed to introduce hydrophilic and oleophobic properties on supplied Azurtex membrane. The fluorinated Azurtex media exhibited increased wettability although it was not directly proportional to an increase in the fluorination level and treatment time. The water and oil repellency of FC and plasma treated filter media provided a reasonable level of repellency while the contact angle remained in the range of 130 to 145°. Pre-fluorination of filter media before FC treatment didn't change the water and oil repellency. Surface characterisation of Azurtex media was performed with ATR-FTIR, XPS and SEM. An increased level of fluorination at 10%F2 and prolonged exposure showed a degradation of the surface along with colour change. The fluorinated, FC treated and plasma polymerised membrane showed a typical C-F stretching vibration in the region of 1100-1350 cm-1 and weakly at 400-800cm-1. The XPS study showed a gradual increase in the -CF2 and -CF3 functionality signal intensities that resulted in imparting hydrophobicity The benchmarking of these modified Azurtex filter media against newly developed materials proved that plasma treatment improved the flow, reduced turbidity and provided an easy cake removal compared to fluorinated and FC finished filter media. Recycling of exhausted dyebath using a dual component coagulant/flocculant system of Pluspac 2000 and polyanionic Hydrosolanum protein derivative (HPSS) and microfiltration with Azurtex filter media was investigated. The process parameters such as pH and dosage of coagulants/flocculants were very critical during coagulation/flocculation for overall colour removal. The trial with model dye solution in SSW showed that the system worked in the saline environment with a relatively high concentration ratio of coagulant/flocculants but highly depends on the class and structure of dyes. Maximum colour removal was achieved for Lanaset Blue 2R and Sandolan Red MF-GRLN dye and was 89% and 61%, respectively, based on a ratio of 15:10 and 15:15 for PP2000: HPSS at pH 4.0 and 5.0, respectively. The reuse of the dyebath with combined physico-chemical and micro-filtration treatment was demonstrated to be feasible with wool/acid dye system. The colour profile of Lanaset Blue 2R and Sandolan Red MF-GRLN dyed fabrics up to 12th dyeing, with dyebath filtration undertaken after the 3rd /4th/5th reuse of the dyebath, remained comparable to dyeing in fresh baths. The colour strength, K/S, decreased after every filtration and the colour differences, DeltaE increased, but reversed in subsequent dyeing in reused dyebath. The wash and dry rub fastness of the dyed fabrics remained comparable and significant improvements in the abrasion resistance were observed.
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Desenvolvimento e aplicaÃÃo de sistema de Floco-FlotaÃÃo por Ar Dissolvido para tratamento de Ãgua de lavagem do filtro da ETA GaviÃo / Development and application system of flake-Dissolved Air Flotation for treating wash water filterKarina Oliveira Chaves 20 July 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / No cenÃrio brasileiro, os resÃduos de EstaÃÃes de Tratamento de Ãgua (ETAs) sÃo
normalmente lanÃados in natura em corpos hÃdricos, apresentando-se como potencialmente
danosos ao meio ambiente, sendo necessÃrio tratÃ-los para que sejam descartados conforme os
aspectos legais. Estudos demonstram que a tecnologia da FlotaÃÃo por Ar Dissolvido (FAD)
tem sido viÃvel para este fim. Acredita-se que a incorporaÃÃo da floculaÃÃo em cortinas numa
mesma unidade de flotaÃÃo possa promover elevada eficÃcia ao sistema, traduzindo-se como
uma inovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica: o Floco-Flotador por Ar Dissolvido (FFAD). Uma unidade piloto
de FFAD foi construÃda para o tratamento da Ãgua de lavagem dos filtros da ETA GaviÃo,
pertencente à Companhia de Ãgua e Esgoto do Cearà (CAGECE). Esta pesquisa teve como
objetivo quantificar e verificar o atendimento da Ãgua de lavagem dos filtros (ALF) desta
ETA e da Ãgua clarificada via FFAD aos padrÃes de lanÃamento de efluentes conforme as
ResoluÃÃes n 430/11 e 357/05 do CONAMA e Portaria n 154/2002 da SEMACE. Estudos
de tratabilidade da ALF em Jartest foram realizados para avaliar a influÃncia da dosagem de
polÃmeros catiÃnicos e a viabilidade de gradientes de velocidade decrescente (35 a 5,6 s-1) a
serem empregados no equipamento de FFAD desenvolvido. Ensaios de flotaÃÃo foram
realizados a fim de avaliar a dosagem do polÃmero e os parÃmetros de processo como taxas de
recirculaÃÃo (TR) e taxas de aplicaÃÃo superficial (TAS). ApÃs definidos estes parÃmetros,
ensaios de FFAD foram realizados em triplicata para coleta da AC a fim de comparÃ-la com
os principais padrÃes de lanÃamento de efluente em corpos hÃdricos classe II. Somente os
parÃmetros pH, Fluoreto, AmÃnia, E. coli e SÃlidos dissolvidos da ALF atenderam aos
padrÃes de lanÃamento. Ao aplicar polÃmero a 1 mg.L-1, taxa de recirculaÃÃo de 15%,
gradientes de velocidade decrescente (19,3 a 5,6 s-1), taxa de aplicaÃÃo superficial de 57
m3.m-2.d-1 com tempo de detenÃÃo hidrÃulico de 22 minutos no FFAD, os resultados
alcanÃaram elevada eficiÃncia na remoÃÃo de turbidez (superior a 98%) mesmo enfrentando
variaÃÃes bruscas na qualidade da ALF (94,4 a 410 UT). Observou-se tambÃm significativa
eficiÃncia mÃdia na remoÃÃo de coliformes totais (98,5%), cor aparente (97,6%), DQO
(92,6%) e remoÃÃo de alumÃnio (84,1%). Diante destes resultados, constatou-se que a ALF da
ETA GaviÃo tratada via Floco-flotaÃÃo por ar dissolvido atendeu aos referidos padrÃes de
lanÃamento em corpos hÃdricos. / In Brazil the filter backwash wastewater is normally released in to the water resources
without proper treatment, representing a potential danger to the environment. Thus, it is
necessary to treat this wastewater in order to dispose it in accordance to federal and state
environmental laws. Studies show that Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) technology has been
feasible for this purpose. It is believed that the incorporation of flocculation in curtains and
air dissolved flotation system in the same unit can promote high efficiency and significant
size reduction, which translates in a technological innovation: the Floculator - Dissolved
Air Flotation (FFAD) unit. A FFAD pilot unit was built to evaluate the treatment of GaviÃo
Water Treatment Plant filter backwash wastewater, owned by the Water and Wastewater
Company of Cearà (CAGECE). This research had as main objective to quantify and verify
the compliance of the filter backwash wastewater parameters to the Resolution No. 430/11
and 357/05 of CONAMA and Ordinance No. 154/2002 of SEMACE. Treatability studies
were performed with filter backwash wastewater using Jartest to evaluate the influence of
cationic polymer dosages and the feasibility of decreasing flocculation velocity gradients
(35 to 5.6 s-1) in the FFAD. Experimental runs of the flocculation - flotation system were
performed to evaluate the best polymer dosage and the process parameters such as
recirculation rates (TR) and surface application rates (TAS). These parameters were
compared by observing the lower residual turbidity and best removal efficiency in the
clarified water (AC). The treated wastewater was again characterized using physicalchemical
and bacteriological parameters and compared to the specific legislation. The
results showed that the use of 1 mg.L-1 of polymer, recirculation rate of 15% and surface
application rate of 57 m3.m-2.d-1, presented the highest turbidity efficiency removal (>
98%) and a very stable performance against sudden changes in the influent quality (94.4 to
410UT). It should be noted that the unity showed also a high average efficiency total
coliforms removal (98.5%), apparent color removal (97.6%), DOC removal (92.6%), of
aluminum (84.1%) removal and turbidity (99.2 %) removal. Given these results, it was
concluded that the AC coming from the treatment of ALF by ETA WTP GaviÃo FFAD
met the discharge parameters listed for water resources.
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Tratamento físico-químico de lixiviado de aterro sanitário pré-tratado por processo biológico aeróbio. / Physico-chemical treatment of landfill leachate from pre-treated by aerobic biological process.Mailer Sene Amaral 22 May 2009 (has links)
Lixiviados de aterros sanitários apresentam altas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal e matéria orgânica, além de outros poluentes, que não permitem seu descarte no meio ambiente, sem um prévio tratamento. Lixiviados de aterros sanitários mais antigos, com matéria orgânica mais estabilizada, apresentam grande potencial poluidor, principalmente devido à presença de substâncias recalcitrantes que, usualmente, não são removidas através de tratamento biológico, necessitando, portanto, da aplicação de um pós-tratamento. A presente pesquisa objetivou aplicar o tratamento físico-químico a dois efluentes de sistemas biológicos de tratamento. O primeiro sistema era constituído de um reator de lodo ativado operado em bateladas seqüenciais (70 Litros) cujo efluente era submetido à processo de coagulaçãofloculação usando sais de ferro e alumínio, para remoção da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Operou-se, em paralelo, uma lagoa aerada, em escala de bancada, dimensionada para remoção da matéria orgânica biodegradável cujo efluente era submetido a processo de precipitação química para remoção de amônia, através da formação do mineral estruvita (MgNH4PO4.6H2O). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o cloreto férrico (FeCl3) foi o coagulante mais apropriado sob o ponto de vista econômico, embora, dosagens elevadas (1.160 mg FeCl3/L), frente a 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L tenham sido requeridas para o alcance de remoções da matéria orgânica recalcitrante. Com a aplicação de FeCl3 o pH ótimo de coagulação foi próximo de 4,0 e para o Al2(SO4)3; por volta de 5,0. Ao longo dos testes, avaliouse a influência das condições de mistura sobre os fenômenos físico-químicos. Os resultados demonstram que, para o despejo estudado, o gradiente de velocidades e o tempo de mistura não exercem influência sobre os fenômenos de coagulaçãofloculação. Quanto à precipitação química da amônia na forma do mineral estruvita, as melhores remoções (~ 90%) foram alcançadas quando o limite de solubilidade do mineral estruvita foi excedido, para tanto se faz necessária aplicar uma razão molar igual a 1,5:1:1,4 entre os íons envolvidos (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Entretanto, o efluente final desse sistema apresentou uma concentração residual de fósforo solúvel superior a 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, o que o torna pouco recomendável para fins práticos. / Landfill leachates present high ammonia and organic matter concentrations, besides other pollutants, which do not allow its discharge to the environment without a previous treatment. Older landfill leachates, with more stabilized organic matter, present great pollutant potential, mainly due to the presence of recalcitrant substances that not often are removed by biological treatment and need the application of a post-treatment. The present research aimed to apply the physicochemical treatment for two biological wastewater treatment plant effluents. The first one was constituted by an activated sludge (sequence batch reactor - 70 liters), which effluent was submitted to a coagulation-flocculation process, using iron and aluminum salts, for recalcitrant organic matter removal. A lab scale aerated lagoon was operated in parallel. The lagoon was dimensioned for biodegradable organic matter removal, which effluent was submitted to a chemical precipitation process for ammonia removal (formation of the mineral struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O).The results showed that the ferric chloride (FeCl3) was the more appropriated coagulant considering the economic point of view, however high dosages (1,160 mg FeCl3/L) comparing with 2.465 mg Al2(SO4)3.6H2O/L had been required to achieve recalcitrant organic matter removal. Applying FeCl3, the optimum pH was of the order of 4.0 and for Al2(SO4)3, approximately 5.0. During the tests, the influence of the mixture conditions on the physicochemical phenomena was evaluated. The results demonstrated that the velocities gradient and the mixture time do not influenced the coagulation-flocculation phenomena. Regarding to the chemical precipitation of ammonia in struvite form, the better removals (~ 90%) were achieved when the solubility limit of the mineral was exceeded. Due to this fact, it was necessary to apply a molar rate of 1.5:1:1.4 between the ions (Mg+2:NH4 +:PO4 -3). Nevertheless, the final effluent of this system presented a residual soluble phosphorus concentration higher than 12 mg P-PO4 -3/L, hence it is not recommended for practical purposes.
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Cinética de floculação de água bruta com baixa turbidez utilizando sais de alumínio e ferro como coagulante. / Flocculation kinetics of low-turbidity raw water using aluminum and iron salts as coagulants.Rodrigo de Oliveira Marques 15 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como propósito investigar a cinética de floculação de água bruta com baixa turbidez, utilizando o sulfato de alumínio (Al2(SO4)3o18H2O) e o cloreto férrico (FeCl3o6H2O) como coagulantes. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos em ensaios de \"jar test\". A água bruta utilizada nos ensaios foi preparada em laboratório, simulando um manancial superficial eutrofizado contendo células da cianobactéria Microcystis aeruginosa. Foram testadas 5 dosagens distintas de cada coagulante, 3 valores de G, 2 valores de TAS e 12 tempos de floculação. Utilizou-se a turbidez como medida principal de avaliação dos resultados experimentais. O valor de turbidez inicial (N0) foi corrigido, levando-se em consideração o acréscimo de turbidez em função das dosagens de coagulante. Determinou-se que as dosagens mais efetivas, em termos de remoção de turbidez, foram 20 mg.L-1 para o sulfato de alumínio e 40 mg.L-1 para o cloreto férrico (ambas expressas como massa de coagulante). Para ambos os coagulantes, constatou-se que G = 20 s-1 e TAS = 27 m3.m-2.dia-1 resultaram nas melhores eficiências de remoção de turbidez. Verificou-se também a variação do potencial zeta em função das dosagens de coagulante. Observou-se que o aumento da dosagem de coagulante leva à redução do potencial zeta, aproximando-o do ponto isoelétrico. Porém, o ponto isoelétrico não necessariamente coincide com a melhor eficiência em termos de remoção de turbidez. Com base nos resultados experimentais, foi proposta uma modificação ao modelo clássico da cinética de floculação de suspensões coloidais. Nesta, foi incluso um segundo termo referente à ruptura de flocos (quebra irreversível). O ajuste do modelo proposto foi obtido através de procedimentos de iteração numérica computacional com a função \"Solver\" do programa Microsoft Excel®. Foram calculados os valores das constantes KA, KB e KC do modelo proposto. Amostras do lodo gerado nos ensaios de cinética de floculação foram caracterizadas visualmente através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). / The purpose of this work was to investigate flocculation kinetics of low-turbidity raw water, using aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3o18H2O) and ferric chloride (FeCl3o6H2O) as coagulants. Experimental results were obtained in jar tests. Raw water used in the jar tests was prepared in laboratory, simulating a eutrophic natural water source containing cells of the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa. 5 different coagulant doses were tested for each coagulant, 3 G values, 2 SLR values and 12 flocculation times. Turbidity was selected as the major parameter for experimental results analysis. Initial turbidity values (N0) were corrected taking into account turbidity increase due to coagulant dosing. In terms of turbidity removal, it was determined that the most effective dosage for aluminum sulfate was 20 mg.L-1, and for ferric chloride, 40 mg.L-1 (both expressed as coagulant mass). For both coagulants, it was found that G = 20 s-1 and SLR = 27 m3.m-2.day-1 resulted in the best turbidity removal efficiencies. Zeta potential variation, due to coagulant dosing, was also verified. It was noted that increasing coagulant dosing led to zeta potential reduction, bringing it closer to the isoelectric point. However, the isoelectric point does not necessary coincides with the best turbidity removal efficiency. Based on the experimental results, it was proposed a modification to the classic colloidal suspension flocculation kinetics model. In this modification, a second term regarding floc rupture (irreversible breakage) was included. Through computer numeric iteration using Microsoft Excel®\'s \"Solver\" function, the proposed model adjustment was obtained. Kinetics constants KA, KB e KC values, from the proposed model, were calculated. Sludge samples, generated during flocculation kinetics tests, were visually characterized through scanning electronic microscopy (SEM).
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Impacto da coagulação química na remoção de compostos orgânicos em efluente tratado por processo de lodos ativados. / Impact of coagulation flocculation process on the removal of organic compounds from secondary effluent from activates sludge treatment.Natália Rodrigues Guimarães 08 November 2016 (has links)
Os compostos (coloidais, suspensos e solúveis) presentes na água residual possuem diferentes características físico-químicas e diferentes massas moleculares. Pesquisadores têm se dedicado ao entendimento mais específico da parte solúvel do efluente. O fracionamento das substâncias orgânicas em diferentes classes e diferentes tamanhos é um dos métodos utilizados para a caracterização dos compostos orgânicos da água residual. Acredita-se que este método possa detectar as alterações nos valores residuais dos compostos orgânicos de forma mais precisa que os métodos tradicionais, i.e. DBO e DQO. Sendo assim, e sabendo do crescente uso dos projetos de pós-tratamento dos efluentes de ETE e reúso destes, fica a clara a avaliação da eficiência dos processos de pós-tratamento e a importância da quantificação e caracterização da matéria orgânica residual no efluente pós-tratado. Os objetivos deste projeto de pesquisa foram avaliar a remoção da carga orgânica residual no efluente do tratamento biológico do processo de lodo ativado da ETE Jesus Netto, utilizando diferentes parâmetros de coagulação/floculação utilizando cloreto férrico, sulfato de alumínio e cloreto de polialumínio como coagulantes, e análise de carbono orgânico dissolvido juntamente com a técnica de distribuição da massa molecular para avaliar essa remoção. As análises mostraram uma redução dos compostos orgânicos presentes no efluente secundário, em termos de carbono orgânico dissolvido, da ordem de 45% para o cloreto férrico e 38% para os sais de alumínio. A distribuição da massa molecular também sofreu alterações, notando-se o aumento dos compostos de menor massa molecular e a redução dos compostos de maior massa molecular. Os resultados corroboram com outros estudos realizados com efluentes secundários e águas de abastecimento sobre o impacto dos processos físico-químicos na distribuição da massa molecular. / The compounds (colloidal, suspended and soluble) present in the waste water have different physicochemical characteristics and different molecular masses. Researchers have dedicated themselves to the more specific understanding of the soluble part of the effluent. The fractionation of the organic substances in different classes and different sizes is a method widely used for the characterization of the organic compounds of the residual water. It´s believed that this method can detect changes of organic compounds residual values more accurately than traditional methods, i.e. biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand. Therefore, knowing the increasing use of WWTP effluent after post-treatment processes and their reuse, it is clear that the evaluation of the post-treatment efficiency and the importance of the quantification and characterization of the residual organic matter in the post-treated effluent. The objectives of this research project were to evaluate the removal of the residual organic matter in the effluent from the biological treatment of the activated sludge process of the Jesus Netto WWTP using different coagulation/flocculation parameters with ferric chloride, aluminium sulfate and polyaluminum chloride (PAC) as coagulants, and dissolved organic carbon and molecular mass distribution analyses to evaluate the organic matter removal. The analyzes showed a reduction of the organic matter present in the secondary effluent, in terms of dissolved organic carbon, up to 45% for ferric chloride and 38% for aluminum salts. The distribution of the molecular mass also changed, with the increase of the compounds of lower molecular mass and the reduction of the compounds of higher molecular mass. The results corroborate with other studies carried out with secondary effluents and water supply on the impact of physicochemical processes on the molecular weight distribution.
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Desenvolvimento e operação de uma instalação de flotação de bancada para águas de abastecimento / Development and operation of a laboratory installation of flotation for water supplyPaulo Luiz Centurione Filho 27 March 2002 (has links)
Tendo em vista a potencialidade da remoção de algas utilizando a flotação por ar dissolvido, foi proposto o desenvolvimento de um equipamento de laboratório de fácil operação e manutenção, denominado Floteste, integrando as características geométricas do equipamento Jarteste neste trabalho. Foram realizados ensaios, utilizando água sintética contendo algas da ordem de 108 ind/L e natural proveniente de curso d\'água eutrofizado, possibilitando o aprimoramento do estudo das condições de coagulação, mistura rápida, floculação e flotação. Também, ensaios de flotação seguida de filtração em areia foram feitos visando melhorar a qualidade da água flotada. O jarro do Floteste possui placa de orifícios que proporciona perda de carga suficiente para a distribuição uniforme de água saturada pela seção quadrada do mesmo. Concluiu-se que, principalmente, que a dosagem de coagulante e o respectivo pH de coagulação, tempo e gradiente de velocidade médio de mistura rápida, tempo e gradiente de velocidade médio de floculação, tempo e pressão de saturação e a quantidade de ar fornecido exercem influência significativa na remoção de algas, turbidez, cor verdadeira e do número de partículas nos dois tipos de águas estudadas. / Due to the potentiality of the algae removal by dissolved air flotation, it was proposed the development of an equipment in laboratory scale of easy operation and maintenance, dominated Floteste, integrating the geometric characteristics of the Jarteste equipment in this work. Tests were carried out with synthetic water containing a high concentration of algae (~108 ind/L) and natural water from and eutrophicated source. Besides several improvements in the equipment developed in this study, the rapid mixing can be considered the most important, followed by flocculation and flotation. Also, flotation and sand filtration tests were performed to simulate the floto-filtration technology. The Flotateste vessel have a perforated plate that provides enough loss of load in order to uniform the distribution of saturated water in the bottom. It was concluded, mainly, that the coagulant dose and the pH of coagulation, time and velocity gradient of rapid mixing, time and velocity gradient of flocculation, time and saturation pressure chamber and the amount of air supplied played a significant role in the removal of algae, turbidity, true color and of the number of particles in the two types of water studied.
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