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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbial Responses to Antibiotics – Stability of Resistance and Extended Potential of Targeting the Folate Synthesis

Jönsson, Maria January 2005 (has links)
Resistance to antimicrobials is an increasing problem in the world of today, and develops faster than man can counter. It is therefore of importance to study metabolic pathways in order to develop new antibiotics, but also to understand how resistance spreads and stabilizes in microbial populations. The commensal flora could be an important factor in the spread of antimicrobial resistance, as drugs aimed at other targets also hit the harmless commensal bacteria. If stable resistance develops in such a population, it could seriously impair a later treatment with the same drug. After a treatment with the macrolide clarithromycin, resistance to this antibiotic increased markedly in the untargeted throat flora, and resistance levels did not recede until at least one year later. Another example of stable resistance can also be seen in sulfonamide resistant Streptococcus pyogenes. Sequence determinations of the dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) gene conferring this resistance revealed a mosaic organisation implying that the it had been brought there by horizontal transfer. Molecular characterization of this gene showed that the sulfonamide resistance was due to mutations of structurally important amino acids in position 65 and 213. The folate synthesis pathway has potential for being exploited further as a drug target. One possible new drug target is hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase (hppk). In the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum this enzyme is part of a polyfunctional entity, also encoding dhps. The HPPK part can be separated from DHPS, but that the opposite is not possible. The PfHPPK has two insertions: one also present in other plasmodia, and one apparently unique to P. falciparum. Both are crucial for enzyme activity. To further characterize HPPK, we developed a spectrophotometric activity assay and a method to measure substrate channelling of hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin diphosphate.

Urogenital probiotics : potential role of Lactobacillus in the prevention of urogenital infections in women

Rönnqvist, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
The human vaginal ecosystem is dominated by Lactobacillus species. An altered vaginal flora can result in symptomatic conditions such as bacterial vaginosis and vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, and urogenital colonisation by uropathogenic bacteria can cause urinary tract infection. The protective role of lactobacilli is gradually being accepted and clinical studies have been carried out in order to evaluate the use of promising probiotic bacteria, which are defined as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. This thesis includes an investigation into the ecological role of lactobacilli in the genital tract in healthy women, with respect to the relationship to other species and vaginal pH. Furthermore, in order to find different probiotic strains with promising probiotic qualities, Lactobacillus strains were screened in two diverse screening processes. The selected strains were further evaluated in clinical trials. The prevalence of group B streptococci (GBS) and yeast was significantly dependent on the number of vaginal lactobacilli among healthy women. GBS were less frequently found in women with high numbers of vaginal lactobacilli than in women with low numbers and the prevalence of yeast was significantly higher in women with 3-6.99 log10 lactobacilli sample-1 than in women with less than 3 or ≥7 log10 lactobacilli sample-1. Furthermore, the first screening made on 511 strains isolated from the female genital tract resulted in the final selection of a Lactobacillus plantarum, designated LB931. The screening showed that LB931 had a strong technical growth, survived through freeze-thawing, produced substances bactericidal to uropathogenic bacteria and was a rapid and strong producer of hydrogen peroxide. Further characterisation showed that LB931 possessed the properties required for probiotics with the capability to prevent urogenital infections. LB931 could be supplied to the genital tract through the usage of panty liners impregnated with the strain. In the second screening, Lactobacillus fermentum, designated Ess-1, was the only one out of 126 Lactobacillus strains with strong capacity to inhibit Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Additional characterisation showed that L. fermentum Ess-1 had the properties that are needed to prevent over-growth of Candida in the vulvo-vaginal tract. The result of the case study showed that a high and frequent dosage of Ess-1 is needed and that improved vulvo-vaginal candidiasis specific diagnostic criteria are required. In conclusion, L. plantarum LB931 and L. fermentum Ess-1 are promising probiotic strains to be used in the prevention of recurrent urogenital infections in women and to enhance the normal flora in healthy women.

Reproductive Ecology of Bird-pollinated Babiana (Iridaceae): Floral Variation, Mating Patterns and Genetic Diversity

De Waal, Caroli 31 December 2010 (has links)
Flowering plants possess striking variation in reproductive traits and mating patterns, even among closely related species. In this thesis, I investigate morphological variation, mating and genetic diversity of five taxa of bird-pollinated Babiana (Iridaceae), including two species with specialized bird perches. Field observations in 12 populations demonstrated that sunbirds were the primary pollinators. Babiana ringens exhibited correlated geographic variation in flower and perch size. Controlled field pollinations revealed self-compatibility and low pollen limitation in B. ringens subspecies, and self-incompatibility and chronic pollen limitation in B. hirsuta. Allozyme markers demonstrated moderate to high selfing rates among populations and considerable variation in levels of genetic diversity. In B. ringens there was a positive relation between the geographic and genetic distance of populations. The results of a manipulative field experiment indicated position-dependent herbivory on inflorescences of B. hirsuta and this could play a role in the evolution of specialized bird perches in Babiana.

Reproductive Ecology of Bird-pollinated Babiana (Iridaceae): Floral Variation, Mating Patterns and Genetic Diversity

De Waal, Caroli 31 December 2010 (has links)
Flowering plants possess striking variation in reproductive traits and mating patterns, even among closely related species. In this thesis, I investigate morphological variation, mating and genetic diversity of five taxa of bird-pollinated Babiana (Iridaceae), including two species with specialized bird perches. Field observations in 12 populations demonstrated that sunbirds were the primary pollinators. Babiana ringens exhibited correlated geographic variation in flower and perch size. Controlled field pollinations revealed self-compatibility and low pollen limitation in B. ringens subspecies, and self-incompatibility and chronic pollen limitation in B. hirsuta. Allozyme markers demonstrated moderate to high selfing rates among populations and considerable variation in levels of genetic diversity. In B. ringens there was a positive relation between the geographic and genetic distance of populations. The results of a manipulative field experiment indicated position-dependent herbivory on inflorescences of B. hirsuta and this could play a role in the evolution of specialized bird perches in Babiana.

Prevalence and characterization of Gardnerella vaginalis in pregnant mothers with a history of preterm delivery

Stemmet, Megan January 2012 (has links)
<p>Risk factors such as intrauterine and vaginal infection put pregnant women at risk for delivering preterm. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a polymicrobial clinical syndrome commonly diagnosed in women of reproductive age, with women of African descent with low socioeconomic status and previous preterm delivery at high risk. Although frequently isolated from healthy women,&nbsp / Gardnerella vaginalis has been most frequently associated with BV. There is limited data available on the prevalence of BV in Southern Africa / therefore, we embarked on a study to determine the&nbsp / prevalence of BV and G. vaginalis in predominantly black communities in the Western Cape, in order to establish the role of G. vaginalis in BV. Women attending various Maternity and Obstetrics&nbsp / units (MOU) in the Cape Peninsula with and without a history of pre-term delivery (PTD) were invited to participate in the study. Several factors were statistically associated with pregnancy history,&nbsp / including location of study population, parity, smoking and presence of clinical symptoms. The presence of G. vaginalis was determined by culture in 51.7% of the preterm delivery group (PTDG)&nbsp / and 44% of the full-term delivery group (FTDG) women. BV was detected in 31.13% of PTDG and 23.67% of FTDG by Gram stained analysis according to Nugent scoring criteria, with age and HIV&nbsp / status posing as risk factors. When comparing PTDG and FTDG for an association between the presence of G. vaginalis and BV, a stronger association was observed in the PTDG but it was not statistically significant. In both PTDG and FTDG, G. vaginalis was isolated significantly more often in women diagnosed with BV at 24.5% (p &lt / 0.05). Antibiogram studies revealed both Metronidazole and Clindamycin resistant strains of G. vaginalis. G. vaginalis Biotype 7 is specifically associated with BV, while Biotype 2 appears to be associated with BV in women with a history&nbsp / of PTD. Accuracy of diagnostic tools were tested and it was determined that Nugent scoring is more sensitive in diagnosing BV (76.04%), but culture for G. vaginalis is more specific (83.21%). Although this study was limited in that we were unable to follow-up pregnancy outcomes, we were able to confirm the perceived role of G. vaginalis in BV.&nbsp / </p>

Estudi florístic i geobotànic de la Serra de Moixeró i el massís de la Tosa d'Alp (Pirineus Orientals)

Soriano i Tomàs, Ignasi 18 December 1990 (has links)
Presentem en aquesta memòria un estudi del tapís vegetal de la Serra de Moixeró i el massís de la Tosa d'Alp (Pirineus orientals), plantejat com una aproximació a tres nivells successius i interrelacionats: les plantes (catàleg florístic), les comunitats (catàleg de sintàxons) i el paisatge vegetal.El catàleg florístic compren un total de 1.332 espècies (amb 327 subspècies i 66 varietats), més 20 híbrids interspecífics i un híbrid intergenèric, indicats precedentment de la zona i/o observats per nosaltres. Admetem la presència de 1.310 espècies (amb 322 subspècies i 65 varietats), a les que cal afegir tots els híbrids suara esmentats. Si agrupem en una única categoria els tàxons de rang específic i subspecífic, més els híbrids, el total puja a 1.402. D'aquests tàxons, n'existien citacions prèvies de 781; els 621 restants (un 44,3%) són nous per la flora local. Entre les novetats, destaquem Antirrhinum sempervirens Lapeyr. subsp. sempervirens i Carex brevicollis DC., que ho són per als Pirineus Orientals, i Bromus inermes Leys., que en el moment de la seva citació constituí la segona localitat per als Països Catalans. Indiquem també una segona localitat de Dracocephalum austriacum L., que amb la ja coneguda, també del Moixeró, són les úniques localitats d'on consta actualment aquesta espècie en tota la serralada pirinenca.Aquestes xifres posen en evidència la notable riquesa florística de la zona, fet encara més remarcable si tenim en compte la seva extensió força limitada (150 km2). Hom pot atribuir aquesta riquesa a la combinació de factors diversos, com són el gran desnivell altitudinal, la presència de terrenys de litologia molt diferent, la complexitat fisiogràfica de la regió i la diversificació de les modalitats d'impacte antròpic.Per a cadascun dels tàxons que fan part del catàleg, aportem la informació següent:- caracterització biològica, corològica i fitocenològica- relació crítica de citacions precedents- distribució de la planta dins la zona (segons els quadrats UTM de 10 x 10 km, la comarca i el rang altitudinal)- observacions sobre la seva ecologia- índex d'abundància-freqüència- consideracions taxonòmiques, si s'escauAbordem també la caracterització global de la flora mitjançant els espectros biogeogràfics i biològics globals i parcials (aquests darrers, per cadascun dels dos vessants de la serralada principal i per classes altitudinals de 250 m de desnivell). Els espectres globals mostren un predomini de les plantes de distribució medioeuropea en sentit ampli (un 34.7% del total); també són importants els contingents d'oròfits (20.9%) i de plantes mediterrànies (12.3%). Els espectres parcials posen en evidència, per un costat, la disimetria existent entre els vessants S (berguedà) i N (cerdà) de la serralada, atribuïble principalment a raons de tipus climàtic i, per un altre, la variació substancial de la composició de la flora en relació amb el gradient bioclimàtic altitudinal.L'estudi i la tipificació de les comunitats vegetals, mitjançant el mètode fitocenològic sigmatista, ha portat a reconeixer un total de 122 associacions i de 73 subassociacions (a més de 4 comunitats a les quals no hem assignat rang sintaxonòmic), pertanyents a 66 aliances, 40 ordres i 19 classes. Per a cadascuna de les associacions comentem la composició, l'estructura, la variabilitat, l'ecologia, la distribució, la sintaxonomia i les afini tats; donem, a més, els espectres corològic i biològic i la taula (o taules) d'inventaris corresponents. Al final de l'apartat dedicat a cada classe, presentem una taula- resum dels inventaris dels sintàxons que en fan part.Dels sintàxons reconeguts a la zona, 5 associacions i 9 subassociacions són noves o inèdites i proposem, a més, l'estatus de subaliança per al BromoEupatorion cannabini i tres combinacions noves de sintàxons amb rang de subassociació. Són descrites per primera vegada les quatre associacions següents (una cinquena associació, Bromo-Sysimbrietum macrolomae Ninot, I. Soriano & Vigo, resta inèdita):-Galeopsio angustifoliae-Nepetetum nepetellae: comunitat de l' Achnatherion calamagrostis, pròpia de les pedrusques calcàries montanes.-Oxytropido amethysteae-Caricetum humilis: comunitat hemicriptofitica de les carenes calcàries subalpines (i alpines) i és descrita provisionalmente inclosa dins el Festucion gautieri.- Alchemillo plicatulae-Dryadetum octopetalae: matolls baixos dels vessants obacs subalpins llargament innivats, atribuïts als Seslerietalia.- Allio senescentis-Stipetum eriocaulis: pastura de les carenes calcàries rocalloses, inclòs dins l'Ononidion striatae.La complexitat d'alguns grups de comunitats (pinedes de pi roig, pastures mesòfiles montanes i comunitats ruderals de tendència mesòfila) ens ha induït a tractar els inventaris, no solament amb la tècnica clàssica de la tabulació, sinó també mitjançant anàlisi matemàtica (AFC). En diferents diagrames, presentem l'ordenació de les espècies i els inventaris establertes mitjançant aquestes anàlisis, i comentem les implicacions ecològiques i sintaxonòmiques que se'n deriven.A la part dedicada al paisatge vegetal, estudiem la distribució espacial de les comunitats, aixl com els trets principals de llur dinamisme (sèries de vegetació). Al territori estudiat, el gradient climàtic lligat a l'altitud esdevé el principal factor determinant del paisatge vegetal i condiciona la disposició de la vegetació en estatges, cadascun dels quals es caracteritza per posseir un o més tipua especlfics de vegetaci6 potencial. D'acord amb la proposta de VIGO & NINOT (1987), hem distingit els estatges basal, submontà, montà, subalpí i alpí. Proposem també una subdivisió del territori en unitats fitogeogràfiques, caracteritzades per la presència d'elements de vegetació específics, sovint lligats a unes característiques particulars de fisiografia, substrat i climatologia.Complementa la memòria un mapa de vegetació de la zona, aixecat a escala 1: 50. 000. Els criteris i la metodologia emprats es corresponen bàsicament amb els del Mapa de la vegetació de Catalunya a escala 1: 50. 000 (BOLOS & al., 1990)11La vegetació actual es representa mitjançant un reticle superposat al fons topogràfic que delimita àrees homogènies a l'escala de treball, les quals són assignades a un total de 59 unitats. Aquestes unitats corresponen a quatre nivells diferents de complexitat (unitats subsimples, complèxides de vegetació, mosaics i hipermosaics), i a 12 grups fisionòmics: boscos esclerofil.les, boscos caducifolis, boscos i arbredes d'aciculifolis, matollars, pastures xeròfiles submontanes i montanes, pastures mesòfiles submontanes i montanes, Prats alpins i subalpins, vegetació higròfila natural, zones conreades, zones rocoses vegetació ruderal i zones urbanes.La vegetació potencial s'indicava al document original mitjançant l'acoloriment d'aquestes superfícies amb tonalitats diferents. Atès que el microfitxat no permet la reproducció dels colors, hem optat per representar-la mitjançant el mateix sistema que la vegetació actual, en una càrtula annexa. / We present a study of the vegetation in the Serra de Moixeró and the massif of Tosa d'Alp (Eastern Pyrenees, Iberian Peninsula) using an approach at three successive and interrelated levels: plants (flora catalogue), communities (syntaxa catalogue) and plant landscape.The flora catalogue collects 1,402 taxa at species, subspecies and hybrid levels, of which 44.3% are new reports for the local flora. Among these, "Antirrhinum Sempervirens" Lapeyr. subsp. "sempervirens" and "Carex brevicollis" DC. are new for Eastern Pyrenees. Characterization of flora by biogeographic and biological spectra shows the prevalence of plants of medio-European distribution (34.1%), and also the presence of large contingents of orophyta (20.9%) and Mediterranean plants (12.3%).For the study and typing of plant communities, the method of sigmatist phytocoenology was used. The complexity of some groups of communities (Scotch pine forests, mesophilous mountain meadows and ruderal communities with mesophile tendency) led us to treat the inventories not only with the classical technique of tabulation, but also by means of mathematical analysis (AFC). A total of 122 associations and 73 subassociations were recognized of which 5 associations ("Galeopsio angustifoliae"-"Nepetetum nepetellae", "Oxytropido amethysteae"-"Caricetum humilis", "Alchemillo plicatulae"-"Dryadetum octopetalae", "Allio senescentis-Stipetum eriocaulis" and "Bromo-Sisymbrietum macrolomae") and 9 subassociations are new or unpublished.In the part dedicated to plant landscape the spatial distribution and dynamics of communities are studied. The altitudinal gradient is the most important factor generating variabilities in plant landscape, and this conditions the arrangement of vegetation in stages (basal, submontane, montane, subalpine and alpine). A subdivision of the territory in phytogeography units is also proposed, characterised by the presence of specific elements of vegetation, related to particular characteristics of physiogeography, substrate and climatology.An up-to-date map of the vegetation of the area (scale 1:50,000) completes the paper, together with an appended diagram of potential vegetation.

Biogeografía y aprovechamiento de la flora autóctona valenciana. El caso de las plantas aromáticas, medicinales y condimentarias

Morales Hernández, Antonio José 24 October 2002 (has links)
La Tesis Doctoral, titulada: "Biogeografía y aprovechamiento de la flora autóctona valenciana. El caso de las plantas aromáticas, medicinales y condimentarias", supone una aproximación desde un enfoque geográfico y particularmente biogeográfico hacia los recursos ofrecidos por la flora valenciana lo que justifica que esta investigación no signifique un compendio botánico o forestal.El objetivo general consiste en plantear las posibilidades de aprovechamiento que ofrece la flora autóctona y naturalizada con el fin de observar:a) Una aproximación a los diferentes tipos de explotación que posibilita.b) El análisis de lo que se denominan las externalidades del sector forestal y la valoración del patrimonio natural propio, insustituible e identificativo de este espacio geográfico.c) La repercusión que tiene en los aspectos culturales y las actividades relacionadas con el ocio.d) Y su posible utilización como un recurso más de desarrollo de las zonas menos favorecidas.Para desarrollar este objetivo se presentan otros de carácter más específico entre los que se distinguen:1. La aproximación a los aspectos biogeográficos de la Comunidad Valenciana.2. La introducción al aprovechamiento de la flora autóctona valenciana.3. El análisis geográfico e histórico de la explotación y aprovechamiento de las plantas aromáticas, medicinales y condimentarias en el territorio valenciano.4. El estudio de las connotaciones culturales del aprovechamiento de la vegetación autóctona valenciana.5. La integración de este recurso entre aquéllos que propicien un modelo de desarrollo sostenible para las áreas interiores, montañosas y de economía rural de la geografía valenciana.Estos objetivos definen claramente la estructura básica o cuerpo doctrinal del presente trabajo y proporcionan los datos necesarios para la extracción de las conclusiones pertinentes.La hipótesis propuesta es la siguiente: La flora autóctona permite unas posibilidades de aprovechamiento como recurso, tanto en el ámbito cuantitativo (económico), como cualitativo (ecológico-paisajístico) pero, ¿puede significar un motor de desarrollo capaz de dinamizar las áreas rurales, interiores y montañosas del territorio valenciano?En relación con la metodología aplicada es preciso remitirse a la adaptación del modelo de Paterson (1975), el cuál adopta un enfoque integral por poseer un hilo conductor, que es el propio tema; global, por la diversidad de perspectivas que abarca; y pluridisciplinar por la diversidad de ciencias que interconexiona. Otros aspectos a resaltar son la delimitación temática y espacial. En lo que respecta al tema, éste se aborda desde una acepción extensa al referirse a toda la flora autóctona en general, máxime, cuando en ocasiones, se alude a la flora naturalizada y cultivada. Y restringida al profundizar en el caso de las aromáticas.Con relación al ámbito espacial se abarca toda la Comunidad Valenciana, incidiendo de forma especial en las zonas rurales, montañosas e interiores especificadas en la Resolución de 24 de mayo de 1995, de la Dirección General de Estructuras Agrarias y Desarrollo Rural para la aplicación de los programas LEADER II y PRODER.Entre las fuentes utilizadas destacan: la fuente oral a partir de las entrevistas, el análisis de la bibliografía científica específica, la indagación histórica en el Archivo del Reino de Valencia, la utilización de cartografía y el material divulgativo en cuestiones relacionadas con la percepción.El desarrollo de esta investigación permite la deducción de toda una serie de conclusiones parciales por capítulos, las cuales se sintetizan de la siguiente manera:- El paisaje vegetal valenciano posee un alto grado de ecodiversidad (diversidad de ecosistemas) y biodiversidad (diversidad biológica) el cuál se ve amenazado por procesos de homogeneización, derivados de la alteración del medio natural por factores antrópicos.- El aprovechamiento histórico forestal se ha mostrado diverso y complementario, si bien actualmente el bosque como recurso permuta su carácter económico (aunque persiste la especulación) por otro de índole social y ambiental.- La explotación de aromáticas, como uno de los aprovechamientos con tendencia al cultivo, manifiesta un auge amparado en criterios relacionados con la versatilidad, complementariedad y sostenibilidad.- El estudio de las connotaciones culturales propiciado por el uso de la flora corrobora el hecho de que la riqueza natural se transfigura en riqueza cultural a través del folclore, las fiestas, la gastronomía, el legado fitonímico, el ámbito perceptivo, etc.- El neorruralismo propicia el uso de las actividades relacionadas con la flora como recurso de desarrollo de las áreas menos favorecidas a partir de la conjugación de innovaciones y tradiciones.Todo ello, nos lleva al pronunciamiento de la siguiente Conclusión final: El aprovechamiento de la flora autóctona, a partir de las diversas iniciativas que procura (superando enfoques puramente agrarios y de aprovechamiento forestal), puede llegar a fomentar la dinamización de las áreas interiores y montañosas del territorio valenciano, de forma conjunta con otra serie de iniciativas de otros ámbitos como pueda ser el turístico, siempre que se integren en un modelo de desarrollo sostenible, preferentemente articulado a través de una Agenda XXI Local. / This doctoral thesis entitled, "Biogeography and exploitation of the valencian flora. The study of native aromatic and medicinal plants and herbs", takes a geographical approach as a starting point and its objective is to set out the possibilities of exploitation offered by the valencian flora. The proposed hypothesis is as follows:The native flora allows several possibilities of exploitation as a resource, both quantitatively (economy) and qualitatively (ecology-landscape) speaking. However, could this mean a development engine able to speed up rural areas as well as inland areas or mountainous land of the valencian territory?The course of this research permits the deduction of a whole series of partial conclusions, which can be summarized as follows:- The valencian plant life owns a high degree of ecodiversity and biodiversity, which are being threatened by homogenization processes.- The historical forest exploitation has appeared varied and complementary. Nevertheless, at the present moment, the forest, considered as a resource, exchanges its economic role for another one of social and environmental character.- The exploitation of aromatic plants, as one of the most used for cultivation, shows a dramatic increase due to criteria such as versatility, complementarity and sustainability.- The study of cultural connotations favoured by the use of the flora supports the fact that natural ruchness becomes cultural richness through folklore, celebrations, gastronomy, the legacy of the plant names, perceptive scope, etc.- Neo-ruralism encourages the use of activities regarding the flora as a means of development of the less favoured areas by combining both, innovation and tradition.All this brings us to state the following final conclusion:The exploitation of the native flora starting from the different initiatives that this one can provide, (overcoming purely agricultural approaches or forest exploitation approaches), can even promote the dynamism of inland and mountainous areas of the valencian territory, together with a number of initiatives in different fields such as tourism, provided that they are all integrated in a model of sustainable development, preferably articulated through a Local XXI Agenda.

Beiträge zur Ökologie der Felsflora Untersuchungen aus dem Curfirsten- und Sentisgebiet /

Oettli, Max. January 1904 (has links)
Thesis--Zürich. / "Arbeit aus dem botanischen Museum des eidgenössischen Polytechnikums in Zürich." "Separatabdruck aus dem Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 1903." "Auch erschienen als: drittes. Heft der Botanischen Exkursionen und pflanzengeographischen Studien aus der Schweiz." Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-171).

Ökonomische Bewertung FFH-Maßnahmen - Ökonomische Bewertung von FFH-Maßnahmen zur Ermittlung wirtschaftlicher Nachteile landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen Sachsens

Horlitz, Thomas, Bathke, Manfred, El Orfi, Anja 21 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Ingenieurgesellschaft entera wurde von der Sächsischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft mit der Bearbeitung des Forschungsvorhabens "Ökonomische Bewertung von FFH-Maßnahmen zur Ermittlung wirtschaftlicher Nachteile landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen Sachsens" (Forschungsnummer: 040525) beauftragt. Ziel des Vorhabens war eine ökonomische Bewertung von ausgewählten FFH-Maßnahmen in FFH-Gebieten Sachsens. Des Weiteren sollten wirtschaftliche Nachteile, die landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen auf Grund von Bewirtschaftungsbeschränkungen im Zuge der Umsetzung der FFH-Richtlinie (RL 92/43/EWG) entstehen, unter Berücksichtigung möglicher Anpassungsstrategien auf einzelbetrieblicher Ebene ermittelt werden. Dieses schloss eine Betrachtung der Thematik "Entwertung des Bodens" mit ein. Im vorliegenden Bericht werden die Ergebnisse der gesamtbetrieblichen Kalkulationen sowie die Auswertungen im Hinblick auf eine Entwertung des Bodens dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse der maßnahmenbezogenen ökonomischen Bewertung sind in einem separaten Band (Endbericht Teil 1 - Teilleistung A, behördeninternes Material) zusammengestellt.

The World in a Book: Robert John Thornton's Temple of Flora (1797-­1812)

Mollendorf, Miranda Andrea 14 October 2013 (has links)
I argue in my dissertation that Robert John Thornton's (1768?-1837) Temple of Flora (folio 1799-1807, quarto 1812), also entitled "The Universal Empire of Love," represents personified botanical flowers of the British Empire in a colonial microcosm where anthropomorphic plants are allegorized as Europe's others. This book was a collectible item with plates issued in a series of subscriptions, which were always bound in different combinations so that no two copies were ever the same--a book that depicts a metamorphic view of nature through a series of alterations made to the individual plates, which reflects the diversity of exotic and familiar territories in the world and the mysteries within it. Thornton chose plants, flower symbolism, and landscape backgrounds "with scenery appropriated to their subject," to encapsulate the universe as a series of botanical scenes of exotic and familiar territories of Britain's past and present, and this botanical world includes four continents of the world symbolically represented as women through the relationship between image and text, the diversity of people and naturalia within these territories, and the passage of historical and chronological time. TheTemple of Flora is a textual space that involves strategies of possessing and knowing nature through the collection and conquest of plants that represent the colonial inhabitants of the British Empire ensconced in their territories and collected by wealthy Britons as a miniature colonial and exotic world bound between two covers. / History of Science

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