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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo teórico-experimental da transferência de calor e do fluxo crítico durante a ebulição convectiva no interior de microcanais / A theoretical and experimental study on flow boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in microchannels

Tibiriçá, Cristiano Bigonha 13 July 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo da transferência de calor e do fluxo crítico durante a ebulição convectiva no interior de canais de diâmetro reduzidos a partir de dados levantados em bancadas experimentais construídas para esta finalidade. Extensa pesquisa bibliográfica foi efetuada e os principais métodos disponíveis para previsão de coeficiente de transferência de calor, fluxo crítico e mapas de escoamento foram levantados. Os resultados obtidos foram parametricamente analisados e comparados com os métodos da literatura. Pela primeira vez para microcanais, resultados experimentais foram levantados por um mesmo autor em laboratórios distintos buscando verificar a tendência e comportamentos. Tal comparação tem sua importância destacada em face das elevadas discrepâncias observadas na literatura quando resultados de autores distintos, obtidos em condições similares, são comparados. Os resultados levantados foram utilizados na elaboração de modelos que consideram os padrões de escoamento observados em microcanais. A incorporação dos padrões permitiu o desenvolvimento de modelos mecanísticos para coeficiente de transferência de calor, fluxo crítico e critérios para a caracterização da transição entre macro e microcanais baseados na formação do padrão de escoamento estratificado e na simetria do filme líquido no escoamento anular. / This research comprises an experimental and theoretical study on flow boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux inside small diameter tubes based on data obtained in experimental facilities specially designed for this purpose. A broad literature review was carried out and the main methods to predict the heat transfer coefficient, critical heat flux and flow patterns were pointed out. The experimental results were parametrically analyzed and compared against the predictive methods from literature. For the first time, microchannels experimental results obtained by an unique researcher in distinct laboratories were compared and a reasonable agreement was observed. The importance of such a comparison is high-lighted for flow boiling inside microchannels due to the high discrepancies ob-served when results from independent laboratories obtained under similar experimental conditions are compared. Moreover, the experimental results obtained in the present study were used to develop correlations and models for the heat transfer coefficient and heat flux that takes into account the flow patterns observed in microchannels. The heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux models were developed based on mechanistic approach. In addition, criteria to characterize macro to microchannel transition were proposed based in the occurrence of the stratified flow pattern and the liquid film symmetry under annular flow conditions.

Estudo dos efeitos da injeção de água e de gás sobre a redução do gradiente de pressão total no escoamento vertical ascendente de óleos viscosos / Study of effects of water and gas injection in reducing the total pressure gradient of viscous oils in an upward-vertical pipe flow

Rocha, Douglas Martins 16 September 2016 (has links)
A maioria dos poços de petróleo offshore explorados no Brasil utilizam a técnica de elevação artificial de petróleo conhecida como gas-lift. Mais importante, há previsão de uso intensivo dessa técnica nos poços do pré-sal, sob pressões extremas e condições operacionais ainda não compreendidas completamente. O efeito de injetar gás em um escoamento em tubo vertical é o decréscimo do componente gravitacional do gradiente de pressão total. Por outro lado, os óleos pesados (10 < ºAPI < 19) são viscosos e difíceis de escoar. Em certas ocasiões, este tipo de petróleo não é extraído pela falta de tecnologia viável ou pelo alto custo do processo de produção. Alguns estudos recentes indicam que, para óleos ultra viscosos, o cisalhamento viscoso (componente \"friccional\") seria significativo no computo do gradiente de pressão total. Percebe-se, portanto, que deve existir, para cada condição de escoamento específica, um grau API ou uma viscosidade limite do fluido, acima do qual a técnica gas-lift torna-se ineficiente, quando não inútil. Dessa forma, o estudo do uso da água como fluido coadjuvante para a elevação artificial torna-se válido para óleos viscosos e pode ser indicado para melhorar a produtividade e reduzir a potência requerida de bombeamento. Outra questão é a possibilidade do escoamento trifásico gás-óleo-água ser promissor na redução do gradiente de pressão total. Dessa forma, para a prospecção dessa problemática e a avaliação dessas questões foram realizados testes em laboratório, utilizando misturas de óleos de diversas viscosidades (100 cP, 220 cP e 325 cP), onde foram quantificados os ganhos oferecidos pela injeção de gás, no caso ar, e de água em termos de fatores de redução de gradiente de pressão e fatores de desempenho. Além disso, com o intuito de melhor compreender a fenomenologia de escoamentos trifásicos, foram realizadas análises quanto ao deslizamento entre as fases e a aplicabilidade do modelo de deslizamento. Por fim, através de uma modelagem, foi verificado o efeito do deslizamento entre as fases na queda de pressão total em tubulações de elevado comprimento. / Most of the offshore oil wells operated in Brazil use the artificial lifting technique known as gas-lift. More importantly, an intensive use of this technique in the pre-salt wells under extreme pressures and operating conditions not yet completely understood is planned. The effect of injecting gas into the flow in a vertical pipe is the decrease of the gravitational component of the total pressure gradient. On the other hand, the heavy oils (10 < ºAPI < 19) are viscous and difficult to flow. In some occasions, this type of oil is not extracted by the lack of viable technology or by the high cost of the production process. Some recent studies indicated that for ultra-viscous oils, viscous shear stress (\"frictional\" component) would be significant in the total pressure gradient. Therefore, there must be an API degree or a fluid viscosity limit for each specific flow condition above which the \"gas-lift\" technique becomes inefficient. Thus, the study of water used as method of artificial lift becomes valid for viscous oils and can be indicated to improve productivity and reduce the pumping power required. Another issue is that the gas-oil-water three-phase flow can be advantageous in reducing the overall pressure gradient. Thus, for prospecting of this problems and the evaluation of these issues, tests were performed in laboratory using mixtures of oils with different viscosities (100 cP, 220 cP e 325 cP), at which the gains offered by gas (air) and water injection were quantified by pressure gradient reduction factors and performance factors. Furthermore, in order to better understand the phenomenology of three phase flows, analyzes were performed about the slip between the phases and the applicability of the drift flux model. Finally, the effect of slippage between the phases in the total pressure drop in long pipes was checked through modeling.

Étude et modélisation d’écoulements en convection mixte : application au désenfumage naturel de bâtiments / Study and modelling of flow pattern in mixed convection : application to natural fire smoke removal in buildings

Juhoor, Karim, Khan 29 November 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse, répondent à la problématique liée à la sécurité incendie des bâtiments ventilés naturellement, et notamment au comportement des fumées chaudes lorsqu’elles interagissent avec le vent. Le premier chapitre concerne la mise en exergue de la problématique bâtimentaire, au travers de la présentation des moteurs de la ventilation naturelle, d’une analyse règlementaire croisée sécurité incendie / confort thermique, et de multiples retours d’expériences. La nécessité d’étudier les régimes d’écoulement interne lorsque le vent interagit avec la fumée est mise en évidence. Ainsi, dans le second chapitre, les verrous scientifiques, associés à l’identification des régimes d’écoulement en convection mixte, sont soulevés à l’aide d’une analyse de la littérature. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la caractérisation des régimes d’écoulement internes lorsque le vent oppose le tirage thermique dans un volume contenant une source constante générant les forces de flottabilité. Une expérimentation densimétrique, air/hélium, à échelle réduite est proposée. Trois régimes d’écoulement internes stables sont mis en évidence. Les transitions entre ces régimes sont caractérisées par une loi puissance, mettant en jeu le nombre de Froude, relatif à la source générant les forces de flottabilité, et le rapport entre la pression dynamique de la source et celle du vent. Dans le quatrième chapitre, ces régimes sont également identifiés, expérimentalement et numériquement, lors de la vidange de fluide léger lorsque le vent oppose le tirage thermique. Une relation entre le nombre de Richardson et un temps de vidange caractéristique est identifiée. L’étude numérique nous permet d’analyser des dynamiques particulières de vidange de manière quantitative. Dans la dernière partie, les lois de transitions entre régimes d’écoulement permettent d’introduire un indicateur de sécurité dépendant des conditions de vent. Une méthode d’analyse, qui considère à la fois la sécurité et le confort, est alors proposée pour éviter les conflits mis en avant dans les retours d’expériences du chapitre 1. / This thesis work presents deals with the issue of fire safety consideration in naturally ventilated buildings. The particular case of the interaction between the wind and hot smoke movement is pinpointed. In the first chapter, basics of natural ventilation mechanisms are shown. Then, the analysis of building’s regulations, relating to fire safety and thermal comfort, allows to highlight potential conflicts and normative gaps. Theses gaps and conflicts are illustrated through real buildings feedbacks. The challenge of indoor flow pattern studies for safety purpose is hence underline. In the second chapter, scientific’s barriers in relation with the transitions between existing flow pattern, when wind and buoyancy are opposed, are identified thought a literature review. A scaled experiment is proposed in the third chapter, using density difference between air and helium, to identify internal flow pattern when wind opposes buoyancy. Three stable internal flow patterns are identified. A power law characterizing the transitions between identified flow pattern, involving source Froude number and dynamic pressure ratio between source jet and wind, is found. In the fourth chapter, the identified flow pattern are observed when the tested volume is emptied, and a relation between the initial Richardson number Ri and the characteristic emptied time θ is found. Furthermore, specific behaviour of internal flow, when the volume is emptied, is quantitatively study thanks to a numerical model. In the last part of this thesis, transitions law between internal flow patterns allows to introduce a new wind dependent fire safety index. A methodology is then proposed to both analyse fire safety and thermal comfort in building. The presented method gives the opportunity to avoid conception conflicts underlined in the first chapter of the present work.

Experimental Heat Transfer, pressure drop, and Flow Visualization of R-134a in Vertical Mini/Micro Tubes

Owhaib, Wahib January 2007 (has links)
For the application of minichannel heat exchangers, it is necessary to have accurate design tools for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop. Until recently, this type of heat exchangers was not well studied, and in the scientific literature there were large discrepancies between results reported by different investigators. The present thesis aims to add to the knowledge of the fundamentals of single- and two-phase flow heat transfer and pressure drop in narrow channels, thereby aiding in the development of this new, interesting technology with the possibility of decreasing the size of electronics through better cooling, and of increasing the energy efficiency of thermal processes and thermodynamic cycles through enhanced heat transfer. A comprehensive experimental single-phase flow and saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop study has been carried out on vertical stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.700, 1.224 and 0.826 mm, using R-134a as the test fluid. The heat transfer and pressure drop results were compared both to conventional correlations developed for larger diameter channels and to correlations developed specifically for microscale geometries. Contrary to many previous investigations, this study has shown that the test data agree well with single-phase heat transfer and friction factor correlations known to be accurate for larger channels, thus expanding their ranges to cover mini/microchannel geometries. The main part of the study concerns saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop. Tests with the same stainless steel tubes showed that the heat transfer is strongly dependent on heat flux, but only weakly dependent on mass flux and vapor fraction (up to the location of dryout). This behavior is usually taken to indicate a dominant influence of nucleate boiling, and indicates that the boiling mechanism is strongly related to that in nucleate boiling. The test data for boiling heat transfer was compared to several correlations from the literature, both for macro- and mini-channels. A new correlation for saturated flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerant R-134a correlation was obtained based on the present experimental data. This correlation predicts the presented data with a mean absolute deviation of 8%. The frictional pressure drop results were compared to both macro- and mini channel correlations available from the literature. The correlation suggested by Qu and Mudawar (2003) gave the best prediction to the frictional two-phase pressure drop within the studied ranges. A unique visualization study of saturated flow boiling characteristics in a vertical 1.332 mm inner diameter quartz tube, coated with a transparent heater has also been conducted. The complete evaporation process in a heated circular mini-channel has been studied visually in detail using high speed CCD camera. The study revealed the developments of the flow patterns and the behavior from bubble nucleation to the dry out of the liquid film. The bubble departure frequency, diameter, growth rate, and velocity were determined by analyzing the images. Finally, a flow pattern map for boiling flow in microchannels has been developed based on the test data. / QC 20100812

Strömungskarten und Modelle für transiente Zweiphasenströmungen

Zschau, Jochen, Zippe, Winfried, Zippe, Cornelius, Prasser, Horst-Michael, Lucas, Dirk, Rohde, Ulrich, Böttger, Arnd, Schütz, Peter, Krepper, Eckhard, Weiß, Frank-Peter, Baldauf, Dieter 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Experimente mit neuartigen Messverfahren lieferten Daten über die Struktur von transienten Flüssig-keits-Gas-Strömungen für die Entwicklung und Validierung von mikroskopischen, d.h. geometrieunabhängigen Konstitutivbeziehungen zur Beschreibung des Impulsaustauschs zwischen Flüssig-phase und Gasblasen sowie zur Quantifizierung der Häufigkeit von Blasenkoaleszenz und -zerfall. Hierzu wurde eine vertikale Testsektion der Zweiphasentestschleife MTLoop in Rossendorf genutzt, wobei erstmals Gittersensoren mit einer Auflösung von 2-3 mm bei einer Messfrequenz von bis zu 10 kHz angewandt wurden. Dabei wurde die Evolution von Gasgehalts-, Geschwindigkeits- und Bla-sengrößenverteilungen entlang des Strömungsweges und bei schnellen Übergangsprozessen aufge-nommen und so die für die Modellbildung erforderlichen Daten bereitgestellt. Für den Test der Mo-dellbeziehungen wurde ein vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Lösung der Strömungsgleichungen entlang des Strömungswegs erstellt. Es basiert auf der Betrachtung einer größeren Anzahl von Blasengrö-ßenklassen. Die erhaltenen numerische Lösungen haben erstmals gezeigt, dass der bei Erhöhung der Gasvolumenstromdichte stattfindende Übergang von einer Blasenströmung mit Randmaximum zu einem Profil mit Zentrumsmaximum und anschließend zu einer Pfropfenströmung ausgehend von einem einheitlichen Satz physikalisch begründeter und geometrieunabhängiger Konstitutivgleichun-gen modelliert werden kann. Die Modellbeziehungen haben sich in einem abgegrenzten Gebiet der Volumenstromdichten als generalisierungsfähig erwiesen und sind für den Einbau in CFD-Modelle geeignet. Weiterhin wurden Arbeiten zur Kondensation durchgeführt, die direkten Bezug zu den Kon-densationsmodellen haben, die in Thermohydraulik-Codes enthalten sind. Die Untersuchung liefert darüber hinaus experimentelle Daten für die Modellvalidierung hinsichtlich des Verhaltens und des Einflusses nichtkondensierbarer Gase. Hierfür wurden spezielle Sonden für die Bestimmung der Konzentration und für die Lokalisierung von Pfropfen nichtkondensierbarer Gase entwickelt und bei transienten Kondensationsversuchen in einem leicht geneigten Wärmeübertragerrohr eingesetzt.

Heat transfer in upward flowing two-phase gas-liquid mixtures : an experimental study of heat transfer in two-phase gas-liquid mixtures flowing upwards in a vertical tube with liquid phase being driven by a pump or air injection

Alahmad, Malik I. N. January 1987 (has links)
An experimental investigation has been carried out to study the heat transfer in a two-phase two-component mixture flowing upward inside a 1" double pipe heat exchanger. The heat transfer coefficient was measured using either air to lift the liquid (air-lift system) or a mechanical pump. The heat transfer coefficient results have been extensively studied and compared with other workers' results. An attempt was made to correlate the present heat transfer data in dimensionless correlations. Possible factors affecting the two-phase heat transfer coefficient have been studied with special attention being given to the fluid properties, particularly the liquid viscosity. Experiments were also carried out to investigate the effect of solid particles added to a liquid flow on the measured heat transfer coefficient. The present investigation was carried out using air as the gas-phase ranging from 2x 10-5 up to 80 x 10-5 m3/s. Liquids used were water and glycerol solutions with viscosity ranging from 0.75 up to 5.0 C. P. and flowrates between 4x 10-5 and 25 x 10-5 m3/s. Void fraction and pressure drop were also measured during the heat transfer process. Flow pattern in gas-liquid mixture was investigated in a perspex tube of identical dimensions to the heat exchanger tube.

Spatio-temporal Approach to Transport Dynamics in the Mammalian Ventricular System

Faubel, Regina Johanna 22 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrodynamique et étude des transferts de matière gaz-liquide avec réaction dans des microcanaux circulaires / Hydrodynamics and reaction characteristics of gas-liquid flow in circular microchannels

Zhang, Tong 31 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse traite principalement des connaissances fondamentales en hydrodynamique et des caractéristiques des réactions gaz-liquide dans des microréacteurs capillaires. Dans une première partie, nous avons effectué des essais dans trois microcanaux circulaires en verre placés horizontalement. Les diamètres étudiés étaient de 302, 496 et 916 µm. Les arrivées de gaz et de liquide se font de manière symétrique et forme un angle de 120° entre elles. Une cartographie des écoulements diphasiques gaz-liquide a été systématiquement faite pour des vitesses du liquide comprises entre 0,1 et. 2 m/s et des vitesses du gaz comprises entre 0,01 et 50 m/s Ces essais mettent en évidence l'influence du diamètre des canaux, de la viscosité du liquide et de leur tension superficielle. Ces mesures ont été comparées avec les cartes décrivant les différents régimes d'écoulement (à bulles, en bouchons de Taylor, annulaires ou sous forme de mousse) et confrontés aux modèles de la littérature qui prédisent les transitions entre les différents régimes. Nous avons mis en évidence que ces derniers n'étaient pas totalement satisfaisant et en conséquence, un nouveau modèle de transition prenant en compte les effets de taille du canal, les propriétés physiques du liquide a été proposé. Les pertes de charge engendrées par ces écoulements gaz- ont été étudiées. Nous avons constaté que la chute de pression est très dépendante du régime d'écoulement. Cependant pour décrire l'évolution de la perte de charge il est commode de la scinder en trois régions: une où les forces de tension superficielle sont le paramètre prépondérant et qui correspond aux faibles vitesses superficielle du gaz, une zone de transition et une dans laquelle les forces d'inertie sont dominantes et qui correspond aux grandes vitesses superficielles du gaz. La prédiction de cette chute de pression dans la troisième zone a été faite à partir d'un modèle de Lockhart-Martinelli. Ce modèle qui prend en compte les flux de chaque phase dépend d'un paramètre semi empirique C. Nous avons proposé de le corréler avec les nombres de Reynolds correspondant à chacune des deux phases en présence. Cette méthode permet de bien rendre compte de nos mesures. Les caractéristiques hydrodynamiques en écoulement de Taylor ont été examinées. Il a été montré que la formation des bulles dans un écoulement de Taylor est dominée par un mécanisme d'étranglement en entrée du capillaire. La taille des bulles dépend fortement de la viscosité du liquide et la tension superficielle. La chute de pression dans cette zone, lorsque le nombre capillaire est relativement faible, peut assez être bien décrite par le modèle de Kreutzer modifiée par Walsh et al… En fin dans une dernière partie, nous avons réalisé une réaction chimique en écoulement de Taylor. L'oxydation du 2-hydrogéne-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone (THEAQH2) pour former du peroxyde d'hydrogène a été expérimentalement étudiée dans un microcanal circulaire horizontal de 900 µm de diamètre et 30 cm de long. La présence d'une réaction chimique ne modifie que très peu les transitions entre les différents régimes d'écoulement ni l'évolution des pertes de charge. Les cinétiques de conversion du peroxyde d'hydrogène sont environ deux fois plus rapides celles obtenues dans les réacteurs gaz liquide utilisés habituellement. Mots-clés: microcanal, écoulement diphasiques, écoulement de Taylor, pertes de charge, réaction gaz-liquide. / This dissertation mainly deals with the fundamental knowledge of hydrodynamics and reaction characteristics in gas-liquid microreactors. Extensive experimental investigations have been performed in horizontal circular microchannels with diameter from 302 µm to 916 µm. Gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns in the microchannel have been systematic experimental investigated, in which the influence of channel diameters, liquid viscosities and surface tension were considered. Flow pattern regime maps in the present microchannels were developed, and the comparison with existing regime maps and flow pattern transition models in literature implied that transitions in present work could not be well predicted. As a result, a new transition model taking the effects of channel size, liquid physical properties into account was proposed. The gas-liquid two-phase pressure drop characteristics in microchannels were studied. It has been found that the pressure drop was highly flow patterns dependent, and the main trend can be divided into three regions: surface tension-dominated region, transitional region and inertia-dominated region. The pressure drop characteristics in surface tension-dominated and inertia-dominated region were discussed respectively. A modified Lockhart-Martinelli separated flow model in which the effects of channel diameter and liquid properties on the C-value are taken into account was proposed, and it showed a good agreement with respect to our experimental data and others' reported in literature. Hydrodynamics characteristics of Taylor flow have been examined. It was shown that the formation of Taylor flow was dominated by squeezing mechanism, on which the effects of liquid viscosity and surface tension were dramatically. The two-phase pressure drop of Taylor flow could be well predicted with the Kreutzer's model modified by Walsh et al., when capillary number was relatively low. Oxidation of hydrogenated 2-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone (THEAQH2) in a horizontal circular microchannel have been experimental investigated. Results of visualization study on oxygen-anthraquinone working solution two-phase flow in microchannel showed that the flow pattern transition model and pressure drop model for inertia-dominated region proposed in this dissertation had good predicting accuracy. It was indicated that the gas-liquid interfacial area and space-time yield of hydrogen peroxide in the microchannel are at least one to two orders of magnitude higher than those in the conventional gas-liquid reactors. Keywords: microchannel, two-phase flow pattern, pressure drop, gas-liquid reaction, Taylor flow..

Estudo dos efeitos da injeção de água e de gás sobre a redução do gradiente de pressão total no escoamento vertical ascendente de óleos viscosos / Study of effects of water and gas injection in reducing the total pressure gradient of viscous oils in an upward-vertical pipe flow

Douglas Martins Rocha 16 September 2016 (has links)
A maioria dos poços de petróleo offshore explorados no Brasil utilizam a técnica de elevação artificial de petróleo conhecida como gas-lift. Mais importante, há previsão de uso intensivo dessa técnica nos poços do pré-sal, sob pressões extremas e condições operacionais ainda não compreendidas completamente. O efeito de injetar gás em um escoamento em tubo vertical é o decréscimo do componente gravitacional do gradiente de pressão total. Por outro lado, os óleos pesados (10 < ºAPI < 19) são viscosos e difíceis de escoar. Em certas ocasiões, este tipo de petróleo não é extraído pela falta de tecnologia viável ou pelo alto custo do processo de produção. Alguns estudos recentes indicam que, para óleos ultra viscosos, o cisalhamento viscoso (componente \"friccional\") seria significativo no computo do gradiente de pressão total. Percebe-se, portanto, que deve existir, para cada condição de escoamento específica, um grau API ou uma viscosidade limite do fluido, acima do qual a técnica gas-lift torna-se ineficiente, quando não inútil. Dessa forma, o estudo do uso da água como fluido coadjuvante para a elevação artificial torna-se válido para óleos viscosos e pode ser indicado para melhorar a produtividade e reduzir a potência requerida de bombeamento. Outra questão é a possibilidade do escoamento trifásico gás-óleo-água ser promissor na redução do gradiente de pressão total. Dessa forma, para a prospecção dessa problemática e a avaliação dessas questões foram realizados testes em laboratório, utilizando misturas de óleos de diversas viscosidades (100 cP, 220 cP e 325 cP), onde foram quantificados os ganhos oferecidos pela injeção de gás, no caso ar, e de água em termos de fatores de redução de gradiente de pressão e fatores de desempenho. Além disso, com o intuito de melhor compreender a fenomenologia de escoamentos trifásicos, foram realizadas análises quanto ao deslizamento entre as fases e a aplicabilidade do modelo de deslizamento. Por fim, através de uma modelagem, foi verificado o efeito do deslizamento entre as fases na queda de pressão total em tubulações de elevado comprimento. / Most of the offshore oil wells operated in Brazil use the artificial lifting technique known as gas-lift. More importantly, an intensive use of this technique in the pre-salt wells under extreme pressures and operating conditions not yet completely understood is planned. The effect of injecting gas into the flow in a vertical pipe is the decrease of the gravitational component of the total pressure gradient. On the other hand, the heavy oils (10 < ºAPI < 19) are viscous and difficult to flow. In some occasions, this type of oil is not extracted by the lack of viable technology or by the high cost of the production process. Some recent studies indicated that for ultra-viscous oils, viscous shear stress (\"frictional\" component) would be significant in the total pressure gradient. Therefore, there must be an API degree or a fluid viscosity limit for each specific flow condition above which the \"gas-lift\" technique becomes inefficient. Thus, the study of water used as method of artificial lift becomes valid for viscous oils and can be indicated to improve productivity and reduce the pumping power required. Another issue is that the gas-oil-water three-phase flow can be advantageous in reducing the overall pressure gradient. Thus, for prospecting of this problems and the evaluation of these issues, tests were performed in laboratory using mixtures of oils with different viscosities (100 cP, 220 cP e 325 cP), at which the gains offered by gas (air) and water injection were quantified by pressure gradient reduction factors and performance factors. Furthermore, in order to better understand the phenomenology of three phase flows, analyzes were performed about the slip between the phases and the applicability of the drift flux model. Finally, the effect of slippage between the phases in the total pressure drop in long pipes was checked through modeling.

Estudo teórico-experimental da transferência de calor e do fluxo crítico durante a ebulição convectiva no interior de microcanais / A theoretical and experimental study on flow boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in microchannels

Cristiano Bigonha Tibiriçá 13 July 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo da transferência de calor e do fluxo crítico durante a ebulição convectiva no interior de canais de diâmetro reduzidos a partir de dados levantados em bancadas experimentais construídas para esta finalidade. Extensa pesquisa bibliográfica foi efetuada e os principais métodos disponíveis para previsão de coeficiente de transferência de calor, fluxo crítico e mapas de escoamento foram levantados. Os resultados obtidos foram parametricamente analisados e comparados com os métodos da literatura. Pela primeira vez para microcanais, resultados experimentais foram levantados por um mesmo autor em laboratórios distintos buscando verificar a tendência e comportamentos. Tal comparação tem sua importância destacada em face das elevadas discrepâncias observadas na literatura quando resultados de autores distintos, obtidos em condições similares, são comparados. Os resultados levantados foram utilizados na elaboração de modelos que consideram os padrões de escoamento observados em microcanais. A incorporação dos padrões permitiu o desenvolvimento de modelos mecanísticos para coeficiente de transferência de calor, fluxo crítico e critérios para a caracterização da transição entre macro e microcanais baseados na formação do padrão de escoamento estratificado e na simetria do filme líquido no escoamento anular. / This research comprises an experimental and theoretical study on flow boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux inside small diameter tubes based on data obtained in experimental facilities specially designed for this purpose. A broad literature review was carried out and the main methods to predict the heat transfer coefficient, critical heat flux and flow patterns were pointed out. The experimental results were parametrically analyzed and compared against the predictive methods from literature. For the first time, microchannels experimental results obtained by an unique researcher in distinct laboratories were compared and a reasonable agreement was observed. The importance of such a comparison is high-lighted for flow boiling inside microchannels due to the high discrepancies ob-served when results from independent laboratories obtained under similar experimental conditions are compared. Moreover, the experimental results obtained in the present study were used to develop correlations and models for the heat transfer coefficient and heat flux that takes into account the flow patterns observed in microchannels. The heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux models were developed based on mechanistic approach. In addition, criteria to characterize macro to microchannel transition were proposed based in the occurrence of the stratified flow pattern and the liquid film symmetry under annular flow conditions.

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