Spelling suggestions: "subject:"low attern"" "subject:"low battern""
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The thermal performance of two thermosyphons with different geometries was experimentally investigated in this study. The first thermosyphon utilized a 310 mm long vertical evaporator and a 385 mm long condenser section that was inclined at 5 degrees from the vertical. The second was an elbow configuration with a 140 mm long vertical evaporator and a 190 mm long condenser oriented 8 degrees from the horizontal. Both thermosyphons were made of internally grooved copper tubing with an outer diameter of 15.87 mm, wall thickness of 0.5 mm and a nominal groove height of 0.3 mm. Tests were performed over a range of input heat fluxes where the condenser was cooled by flowing water around the condenser with inlet temperature of 10°C, 20°C, and 35°C. The effects of incrementally increasing and decreasing heat flux was investigated for the elbow thermosyphon. Temperature measurements along the thermosyphon were taken when incrementally changing the heat flux from 0.5 to 11 W/m2 for the first thermosyphon and 0.3 to 6 W/m2 for the second thermosyphon.
Internal flow regimes were characterized using temperature transient profiles and compared to existing flow regime maps for closed thermosyphons suggested by Smith et al. (2018: Part a and Part b) and Terdoon et al. (1997). The temperature transients along the evaporator for the first thermosyphon settled to a more uniform profile as heat flux was increased. For the second thermosyphon the temperature profiles suggested a change to a more dynamic flow in the evaporator at heat flux of approximately 6 W/m2. The elbow thermosyphon showed evidence of a significant hysteresis in the evaporator performance at moderate heat fluxes between 2 and 8 W/cm2. Comparisons were made between the two thermosyphons to study the effects of inclination angle and the feasibility of angle corrections to the Nusselt film condensation model from Guichet and Jouhara (2020). A modification to the Rohsenow condensation model from Guichet and Jouhara (2020) was recommended for the first thermosyphon showing good representation of the condenser performance. The evaporator performance results were compared to existing models from the literature. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Summary of Laboratory Multiphase Flow Studies in 2” Diameter Pipe at the University of Dayton and Comparison to OLGA PredictionsDuran, Tibo 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Flame Interactions and Thermoacoustics in Multiple-Nozzle CombustorsDolan, Brian January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Flow pattern analysis of a Surface Flow Constructed Wetland : Treating surface runoff and landfill leachate water from the Löt waste management site / Flödesvägsanalys av en anlagd våtmark : Behandling av förorenat vatten från Löts avfallsanläggningAlm, Max-Bernhard January 2020 (has links)
The waste management and recycling company, Söderhalls Renhållningsverk (SÖRAB) have constructed a surface flow wetland in order to treat surface runoff from the waste management site, Löt. The contaminated water passes several treatment steps until it reaches the wetland and a subsequent soil infiltration step. It is suspected that the flow path of the water through the wetland is short-circuited which may result in a reduced treatment efficiency. The current discharge concentrations of the chemical compounds tested for do not exceed the allowed discharge limits. However, it is of interest to keep the discharge concentrations as low as possible to protect sensitive areas and water bodies downstream. The aim of the thesis was therefore to investigate the flow pattern of the wetland and suggest measures which potentially could improve the treatment efficiency. The flow pattern was modelled numerically in a Physio-Mathematical model developed by Wörman and Kjellin (2020). The current flow pattern was modelled, followed by several simulation runs where the controlling factors of the flow were changed one by one. The validity of the modelling result is uncertain and should therefore be confirmed or rejected by conducting a tracer test prior to implementing any changes in the wetland design. The modelling results indicate the presence of a main flow path passing through the narrower section of the permeable embankment (intersecting the northern and southern part of the wetland, see Fig. 3). The results further indicate that the permeable embankment, the bottom topography and the vegetation distribution were the three major factors controlling the flow pattern within the wetland. Recommended improvements would therefore be to first conduct a tracer test to make sure that any changes implemented are based on the true current flow pattern. The embankment and the vegetation distribution seem to be the main causes of non-idealities in the flow but at the same time probably also have positive effects on the treatment efficiency (since they provide filtration and surface areas where microorganisms can attach to perform their treatment). One solution to reduce the non- idealities in the flow could therefore be to adjust the embankment to be equally wide and deep across the wetland. Furthermore, the bottom topography around the embankment could be adjusted so that the shift in bottom elevation is equal around it. This would probably aid in hindering the development of preferential flow paths through the embankment. Finally, the vegetation distribution could be made uniform. (It should also be noted that a uniform vegetation distribution would require adjustment of the water depth to be below 1,5 m to allow an equal establishment of vegetation). / Avfallshanterings- och återvinningsföretaget Söderhalls Renhållningsverk AB (SÖRAB) har anlagt en våtmark vid Löts avfallsanläggning, ca 35 km norr om Stockholm. Våtmarken utgör det näst sista reningssteget i reningsprocessen av lak- och processvatten från avfallsanläggningen. Riktvärdena för utsläppshalterna överskrids inte men det är önskvärt för SÖRAB att åstadkomma så låga utsläppsvärden som möjligt för att minimera påverkan på känsliga områden och vattendrag nedströms. SÖRAB misstänker dock att preferentiella flödesvägar kan förekomma där vattnet passerar alltför fort genom våtmarken. Detta resulterar ofta i en lägre reningseffektivitet då föroreningarna som är lösta i vattnet får en kortare kontakttid med de naturliga reningsmekanismerna som förekommer i våtmarken. Syftet med det här arbetet var därför att undersöka strömningen i våtmarken och identifiera vattnets flödesvägar med hjälp av en numerisk modell utvecklad av Wörman och Kjellin (2020). Strömningen i våtmarker styrs av en energigradient där flödet går från en punkt i ett vattendrag med högt energiinnehåll till en punkt med lågt energiinnehåll. Enligt principen om energins bevarande omvandlas energin mellan kinetisk, potentiell, tryckenergi och värmeenergi. Ändringen i energiinnehåll beror i sin tur på verkan av externa krafter (gravitationskraften, hydrostatiska tryckkrafter, friktionskrafter, kontraktions- och expansionskrafter och skjuvkrafter från vind. Dessa krafter verkar vid förändringar i bottentopografin, vattendjupet, ytmotståndet (vid våtmarkens botten och väggar), våtmarkens geometri samt där vattenytan är exponerad för vind. Dessa faktorer orsakar utvecklandet av skjuvkrafter i flödet som i sin tur orsakar utvecklandet av hastighetsprofiler och omblandning. Bildandet av hastighetsprofiler och omblandning av vattnet gör att olika vätskeelement eller föroreningar stannar i våtmarken olika lång tid då de rör sig olika fort. För att åstadkomma en så hög reningsgrad som möjligt är det därför önskvärt att hela våtmarkens volym nyttjas till samma grad och att samtliga vätskeelement rör sig med samma hastighet genom våtmarken vilket även kallas för en ideal flödesregim (där ingen omblandning i flödesriktningen förekommer). Då utvecklandet av skjuvkrafter i flödet utgör den grundläggande orsaken till avvikelser från en ideal flödesregim är det önskvärt att minimera dessa. De styrande faktorerna som orsakade utvecklandet av skjuvkrafter i flödet var som nämndes ovan: variationer i våtmarkens bottentopografi och vattendjup, våtmarkens geometri (som kan orsaka isolerade vattenvolymer), ytmotståndet (som bl.a. beror på distributionen av vegetation), vind, samt in- och utflödeshastigeter. Våtmarken undersöktes genom inmätning och lodning som sedan låg till grund för en konceptuell modell av systemet. Den konceptuella modellen utgjorde sedan en grund för att modellera våtmarken numeriskt. I den konceptuella modellen ingick identifiering och definition av systemgränser samt randvillkor, att definiera bottentopografin samt att dela in våtmarken i delområden med homogent flödesmotstånd. Systemgränser och randvillkor identifierades baserat på en vattenbalans. Med hjälp av vattenbalansen kunde relevanta komponenter att inkludera som randvillkor identifieras. Randvillkorens värden bestämdes genom mätningar av den hydrauliska potentialen med hjälp av en GNSS-mottagare (där GNSS står för Global Navigation Satellite System och mottagaren nyttjar satelliter för att bestämma höjd och position i en geografisk punkt) samt från erhållna mätvärden från SÖRAB av in- och utflöden som pumpas in och ut ur våtmarken. Då bottentopografin var okänd bestämdes den genom att vattendjupet mättes, interpolerades och subtraherades från en referensnivå. Vattendjupet mättes genom lodning och mätpunkterna interpolerades sedan i det geografiska informationsverktyget ArcMap för att erhålla ett heltäckande lager av mätvärden över vattendjupet. Därefter kunde vattendjupet subtraheras från vattenytans medelhöjd över havet vilket var 38,1 m och ett heltäckande lager över bottentopografin kunde erhållas. Flödesmotståndet beräknades enligt ekvation 16 (se avsnitt 2.1.) och våtmarken delades in i homogena delområden baserat på förekomsten av vegetation och om strömningen skedde genom ett poröst medium eller öppet vatten. Den numeriska modelleringen genomfördes genom att först modellera den nuvarande strömningen med och utan ett rör som går genom den genomsläppliga vallen. Därefter ändrades de styrande faktorerna för flödet en i taget för att kunna utvärdera vilken effekt varje faktor hade på strömningen i våtmarken för att åstadkomma en ideal flödesregim. Följande simuleringar genomfördes: (1) Bottentopografin gjordes jämn med ett vattendjup på 0,5 respektive 1,0 m, (2) inloppszonen gjordes längre för att undvika skapandet av isolerade vattenvolymer längs ytterkanterna, (3) vegetationens distribution gjordes homogen, (4) den genomsläppliga vallen justerades. Pålitligheten i resultatet från den numeriska modelleringen är osäker. Därför skulle ett spårämnesförsök behöva genomföras för att undersöka huruvida resultatet från modelleringen är tillförlitligt eller inte. Enligt modelleringsresultatet förekom en tydlig flödesväg som passerade genom den smalare delen av vallen. Modelleringen indikerade vidare att de kontrollerande faktorerna som styrde flödet i våtmarken framförallt utgjordes av distributionen av vegetation samt den genomsläppliga vallen tillsammans med omgivande bottentopografi. Det rekommenderas därför att modelleringsresultatets validitet först undersöks med ett spårämnesförsök innan några åtgärder vidtas. Möjliga förbättringsåtgärder som skulle kunna införas därefter för att sträva mot ett idealt flöde skulle kunna vara att justera den genomsläppliga vallen till att ha en lika stor tjocklek och ett lika stort djup överallt samt att justera bottentopografin runt vallen så att den förändras lika mycket runt vallen. Detta för att skapa förutsättningar för att undvika preferentiella flödesvägar genom den. En jämn fördelning av vegetation (och justering av vattendjupet till att understiga 1,5 m som tillåter kolonisering av växter) att störningar i flödet minimeras.
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Peripheral artery endothelial function responses to altered blood flow in humansCheng, Jem Louise 17 November 2017 (has links)
Endothelial function is influenced by a variety of factors, including shear stress direction and magnitude. Whereas improvements in endothelial function have mostly been attributed to increased anterograde flow, the results of many interventional models in humans suggest that enhancing blood flow in both anterograde and retrograde directions to create a high shear stress oscillatory stimulus may be optimal for improving endothelial function. Well-controlled studies are necessary to further this theory. The purposes of this study were to determine the brachial artery acute shear stress and endothelial function responses to (1) passive heat stress (HEAT), (2) ECG-gated cuff compressions (CUFF), and (3) ECG-gated rhythmic handgrip exercise (HGEX); and (4) to determine if there is a relationship between the degree of shear stress oscillation and endothelial function, regardless of the stimulus applied. We hypothesized that (1) HEAT would increase anterograde shear stress and decrease retrograde shear stress, leading to an unpredictable change in endothelial function; (2) CUFF would increase both anterograde and retrograde shear stress, leading to an increase in endothelial function; (3) HGEX would increase anterograde and retrograde shear stress and exercise metabolites, leading to an increase in endothelial function; and (4) the change in oscillatory shear index would be positively associated with the change in flow-mediated dilation, such that an increment increase in the degree of shear stress oscillation would be accompanied by a proportional improvement in endothelial function.
In separate visits, 10 young healthy males (22±3 years) underwent 10 minutes of unilateral HEAT, CUFF, or HGEX on the left arm (EXP), while the right arm served as a within-subject time control (CON). Non-invasive finger plethysmography was used to measure heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) throughout the testing sessions. Ultrasonography was used to obtain measures of blood velocity and arterial diameter from the brachial artery of both limbs throughout the interventions. Anterograde and retrograde shear stress (SS) and oscillatory shear index (OSI) were calculated at baseline and during each intervention to assess the blood flow pattern changes. Endothelial function was assessed before and after each intervention, in both limbs simultaneously using a flow-mediated dilation (FMD) test. HEAT increased HR during the intervention (P < 0.05), mean BP and diastolic BP after the intervention (P < 0.05), anterograde SS in EXP (rest: 15.2 ± 2.9 vs. HEAT: 29.8 ± 8.5 dynes/cm2, P < 0.05), and FMD% in both limbs (P = 0.000). CUFF did not change HR or BP, increased anterograde (rest: 17.9 ± 4.1 vs. CUFF: 43.0 ± 12.4 dynes/cm2, P < 0.05) and retrograde (rest: -3.1 ± 2.5 vs. CUFF: -22.7 ± 6.0 dynes/cm2, P < 0.05) SS in EXP, but did not change FMD% in either limb (P = 0.248). HGEX increased HR during the intervention (P < 0.05), mean BP during and after the intervention (P < 0.05), anterograde SS in EXP (rest: 18.7 ± 5.9 vs. HGEX: 56.4 ± 11.5 dynes/cm2, P < 0.05), and FMD% in both limbs (P = 0.001). These findings suggest that an anterograde-dominant shear stress stimulus may be effective at improving endothelial function, but the confounding effect of sympathetic nervous system activation may play a more dominant role in the acute control response for shorter duration interventions such as the ones explored in this study. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / It has been well established that the pattern of blood flow can impact arterial function, but the nuances of this relationship remain unclear. Through the use of heating, cuff compression, and exercise, this study sought to determine the optimal shear stress pattern to see beneficial changes in arterial function in the arm of young healthy males. Our results show many real life interventions alter not only the shear stress pattern in the artery, but also involve other systems like the brain and muscle that are crucial to maintaining the body’s physiological balance. It is clear that arterial function is regulated through a variety of different mechanisms, and that the changes we observe will depend on the parameters (e.g. duration, intensity, timing of assessment) of the applied stimulus. More specifically, isolating study designs should be constructed to determine the individual contributions of different human body systems to the arterial regulatory response.
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An Investigation of Data Flow Patterns Impact on Maintainability When Implementing Additional FunctionalityMagnusson, Erik, Grenmyr, David January 2016 (has links)
JavaScript is breaking ground with the wave of new client-side frameworks. However, there are some key differences between some of them. One major distinction is the data flow pattern they applying. As of now, there are two predominant patterns used on client side frameworks, the Two-way data flow pattern and the Unidirectional data flow pattern. In this research, an empirical experiment was conducted to test the data flow patterns impact on maintainability. The scope of maintainability of this research is defined by a set of metrics: Amount of lines code, an amount of files and amount of dependencies. By analyzing the results, a conclusion could not be made to prove that the data flow patterns does affect maintainability, using this research method.
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Development of a basic design tool for multi-effect distillation plant evaporators / H. BogaardsBogaards, Hendrik January 2009 (has links)
A need was identified for a set of basic design tools for Multi-Effect Distillation
(MED) plant evaporators. This led to an investigation into the different types of
evaporators as well as further research on horizontal falling film evaporators as used
in the MED process. It also included the theory on these types of evaporators. In
order not to duplicate existing design tools, an investigation was also performed on
some of the tools that are currently available.
The first set of tools that were developed were tools, programmed in EES
(Engineering Equation Solver), for the vacuum system and the evaporator. These
programs can be used to simulate different parameters (like different mass flows and
temperatures). That enables the correct selection of components for the vacuum
system and can be used to address sizing issues around the evaporator. It can also be
used to plan the layout of the plant.
The second of the design tools was developed by designing and building a flow
pattern test section. From the flow pattern test section a set of curves for the wetted
length under different conditions was obtained which can be used in order to design
the sieve tray. This set of curves was found to be accurate for municipal as well as
seawater and can be used in the design of the sieve tray of the evaporator.
Further development can be done by implementing the figures of the wetted length
into a simulation package like, for example, Flownex (a system CFD (Computational
Fluid Dynamics) code that enables users to perform detail design, analysis and
optimization of a wide range of thermal-fluid systems). The background gained from
the study done on the evaporator can also be implemented into such a package. This
could solve the problem of different design packages by creating a single design
package with all of the above mentioned options included. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Development of a basic design tool for multi-effect distillation plant evaporators / H. BogaardsBogaards, Hendrik January 2009 (has links)
A need was identified for a set of basic design tools for Multi-Effect Distillation
(MED) plant evaporators. This led to an investigation into the different types of
evaporators as well as further research on horizontal falling film evaporators as used
in the MED process. It also included the theory on these types of evaporators. In
order not to duplicate existing design tools, an investigation was also performed on
some of the tools that are currently available.
The first set of tools that were developed were tools, programmed in EES
(Engineering Equation Solver), for the vacuum system and the evaporator. These
programs can be used to simulate different parameters (like different mass flows and
temperatures). That enables the correct selection of components for the vacuum
system and can be used to address sizing issues around the evaporator. It can also be
used to plan the layout of the plant.
The second of the design tools was developed by designing and building a flow
pattern test section. From the flow pattern test section a set of curves for the wetted
length under different conditions was obtained which can be used in order to design
the sieve tray. This set of curves was found to be accurate for municipal as well as
seawater and can be used in the design of the sieve tray of the evaporator.
Further development can be done by implementing the figures of the wetted length
into a simulation package like, for example, Flownex (a system CFD (Computational
Fluid Dynamics) code that enables users to perform detail design, analysis and
optimization of a wide range of thermal-fluid systems). The background gained from
the study done on the evaporator can also be implemented into such a package. This
could solve the problem of different design packages by creating a single design
package with all of the above mentioned options included. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Structural intrusion, flow disturbance and spillway capacity : CFD modeling of the Torpshammar damWallin, Adéle January 2018 (has links)
At the Torpshammar dam two rectangular beams are situated upstream of the spillway gates to stabilize the sidewalls holding the embankment of the dam. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the dam with the bottom outlets open was made to investigate how the flow and discharge capacity is affected by the beams. The results can be used to avoid unexpected consequences due to turbulence caused by the beams, make the beams strong enough to hold the pressure from the flow and get an estimation of the discharge capacity with the beams. Turbulence is one of the hardest things to simulate so the results were compared with previous simulation work made without the beams and physical model tests to validate the results. Also, a sensitivity analysis was made to investigate the method used. The beams lowered the velocity (to 17 m/s) and the discharge capacity (to 255 m3/s) compared to the previous work. The force on the beams was directed upward and downstream. The beams increased the turbulence and the vortex shedding frequency was higher for the beam closest to the outlet. The velocity and discharge capacity differed with 6 % compared to model test results. The results can therefore only be used as an estimation, a more detailed computational model and more computational cells are needed to get a better result. The sensitivity analysis showed that the velocity and turbulence depend on the method and further studies need to be made to decide which method gives the closest similarity with reality.
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A study of flow fields during filling of a samplerZhang, Zhi January 2009 (has links)
<p>More and more attention has been paid to decreasing the number and size of non-metallic inclusions existing in the final products recently in steel industries. Therefore, more efforts have been made to monitor the inclusions' size distributions during the metallurgy process, especially at the secondary steelmaking period. A liquid sampling procedure is one of the commonly applied methods that monitoring the inclusion size distribution in ladles, for example, during the secondary steelmaking. Here, a crucial point is that the steel sampler should be filled and solidified without changing the inclusion characteristics that exist at steel making temperatures. In order to preserve the original size and distributions in the extracted samples, it is important to avoid their collisions and coagulations inside samplers during filling. Therefore, one of the first steps to investigate is the flow pattern inside samplers during filling in order to obtain a more in-depth knowledge of the sampling process to make sure that the influence is minimized.</p><p>The main objective of this work is to fundamentally study the above mentioned sampler filling process. A production sampler employed in the industries has been scaled-up according to the similarity of Froude Number in the experimental study. A Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to capture the flow field and calculate the velocity vectors during the entire experiment. Also, a mathematical model has been developed to have an in-depth investigate of the flow pattern in side the sampler during its filling. Two different turbulence models were applied in the numerical study, the realizable k-ε model and Wilcox k-ω model. The predictions were compared to experimental results obtained by the PIV measurements. Furthermore, it was illustrated that there is a fairly good agreement between the measurements obtained by PIV and calculations predicted by the Wilcox k-ω model. Thus, it is concluded that the Wilcox k-ω model can be used in the future to predict the filling of steel samplers.</p>
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