Spelling suggestions: "subject:"low measurement"" "subject:"flow measurement""
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[pt] A presente dissertação de mestrado faz uma análise
metrológica focada na
medição da vazão e totalização do volume de gás natural
através de placa de
orifício. O trabalho considera no cômputo da vazão a
determinação das
propriedades físico-químicas do combustível e a
desses parâmetros na
medição de volume de gás natural. O trabalho também
considera aspectos
relativos à aquisição eletrônica de outras variáveis
pressão, temperatura e
pressão diferencial, comumente amostradas em uma estação
de medição de
vazão de gás natural por placa de orifício. Não
o estudo reflete uma
permanente preocupação da Petrobras em garantir a
confiabilidade de suas
medições e encontra sua motivação em mostrar que
metrologia constitui-se, de
fato, em importante insumo para avaliação de impacto
técnico e econômico. O
estudo considera três alternativas para aplicação da
composição química do gás
natural no cálculo da vazão de gás natural em cada um
pontos de
transferência de custódia da malha de gasodutos da
Petrobras. Cada uma das
soluções técnicas está associada a investimentos em
instalação, operação e
manutenção de complexos equipamentos, criando inusitadas
oportunidades para
análise da confiabilidade metrológica capazes de
impacto econômico,
cabendo aqui lembrar que incertezas e erros associados
processo de
medição não necessariamente são reduzidos com o aumento
dos investimentos
em tecnologia e instrumentação. O estudo dessas questões
torna-se ainda mais
atraente quando se considera que a malha de gasodutos da
distribuem cerca de 35 dos 45 milhões de m3 de gás
diariamente no Brasil. Cabe ainda salientar a relevância
deste estudo no âmbito
das melhorias estruturais propostas, uma vez que a
presente dissertação mostra
que é possível garantir controle metrológico a um custo
justificado, agregando
benefícios que não se limitam à malha de gasodutos
existente. / [en] This study presents a metrological analysis focused on the
natural gas flow
and volume measurement by orifice plate measurement
systems. It takes into
account the determination of chemical and physical
properties and the application
of these parameters in the flow and volume measurement.
The study also
considers aspects related to the electronic sampling of
other process information
such as pressure, temperature and differential pressure.
Nevertheless, it
demonstrates that metrology is, in fact, an important
input of economical and
technical analysis and shows a permanent concern of
Petrobras: to guarantee
measurement reliability. The dissertation presents three
alternatives to the
application of the natural gas composition in the
computation of flow and volume
measurement. When measuring natural gas flow and volume at
the custody
transfer points, the invoicing process begins to take
place. Therefore, each one of
the alternatives is associated to benefits, such as
reduction of uncertainty, and
costs and investments in equipments. It`s worthy to
mention that it creates
interesting opportunities to develop metrological analysis
capable of generate
economical impact. This study is even more attractive when
referring to a 50
million cubic meters scenario, the Brazilian daily natural
gas volume
consumption. The relevance of this study is to show that
is possible guarantee
metrological control to a justified cost.
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Stanovení průběhu snížení hladiny protiproudně před ostrohranným přelivem s obdélníkovým výřezem / The determination of countercurrent process of water surface level decrease before the thin-plate rectangular-notch weirHanychová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned to determination of countercurrent proces of water surface level decrease before the thin-plate rectengular-notch weir. The measuring of the depth of water is to determine properly the flow standard. For this reason is the experimental measurements the main topic of this thesis. The aim was to do some measuring on free thin-plate- rectangular with weir b=250 mm, b=200 mm and b=150 mm. The values were evaluated and attain results were compared with the results which were reported in the literature.
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Optisches Geschwindigkeitsmesssystem zur vektoriellen Erfassung instationärer StrömungsprozesseSchlüßler, Raimund 28 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Reduzierung des Ressourcenverbrauchs und der Lärm- und Schadstoffemissionen von technischen Strömungsprozessen wie Verbrennungs- und Einspritzvorgängen ist von hoher gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und erfordert ein tieferes Verständnis der auftretenden Strömungsphänomene. Hierfür ist die messtechnische Erfassung der Strömungen notwendig, wobei insbesondere die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit von hohem Interesse ist. Strömungsgeschwindigkeitsmessungen in dynamischen oder reaktiven Fluiden stellen jedoch hohe Anforderungen an die eingesetzte Messtechnik. Um Strömungsoszillationen und instationäre Phänomene mit kurzen Zeitskalen erfassen zu können, muss eine Messung simultan dreikomponentig und mit einer hohen Messrate von 100 kHz oder mehr erfolgen. Zur Analyse komplexer und kleinskaliger Geschwindigkeitsfelder ist eine bildgebende oder volumetrische Messung mit einer hohen örtlichen Auflösung wünschenswert. Momentan verfügbare Messsysteme genügen bisher nicht allen genannten Anforderungen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Qualifizierung eines geeigneten Systems zur zeitaufgelösten Erfassung instationärer Strömungsprozesse in hochdynamischen und reaktiven Fluiden.
Einen für diese Zwecke vielversprechenden Ansatz stellt die Doppler-Global-Velozimetrie (FM-DGV) dar, da diese eine berührungslose Messung mit hoher Messrate gestattet und prinzipiell auch dreikomponentige und volumetrische Messungen ermöglicht. Daher erfolgte die Entwicklung und Realisierung eines simultan dreikomponentigen FM-DGV-Systems und eines FM-DGV-Systems zur bildgebenden und volumetrischen Messung. Die aufgebauten Systeme wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Geschwindigkeitsmessunsicherheit charakterisiert. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die resultierenden Messunsicherheiten hinreichend klein sind und der Einfluss von Brechungsindexfluktuationen auf die Messunsicherheit vernachlässigt werden kann. Die Analyse der Messunsicherheiten aufgrund von Strömungsgeschwindigkeits- und Streulichtleistungsfluktuationen erfolgte mittels eines modellbasierten Ansatzes. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass Streulichtleistungsfluktuationen einen dominanten Beitrag zum Messunsicherheitsbudget leisten können. Um die Eignung für die simultan dreikomponentige Messung mit hoher Messrate zu demonstrieren, wurden Messungen an einem Bias-Flow-Liner (BFL) durchgeführt. Dabei gelang erstmals an einem BFL die Untersuchung des Leistungsdichtespektrums in kartesischen Koordinaten und der Nachweis eines breitbandigen Energietransfers von Energie der Schallanregung hin zur kinetischen Energie der Strömung. Zur Demonstration der Messung in reaktiven Fluiden wurde ein drallstabilisierter Gasbrenner untersucht, wie er in stationären Gasturbinen und Flugzeugtriebwerken eingesetzt wird. Hierbei konnte eine thermo-akustische Wechselwirkung zwischen der Wärmefreisetzungsrate und dem Druck nachgewiesen werden und es zeigte sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen den lokalen Geschwindigkeitsoszillationen innerhalb der Flamme und den globalen Schalldruckemissionen. Durch die bildgebende, zeit- und ortsaufgelöste Messung mit hoher Messrate konnten zudem erstmals instationäre Phänomene der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit im düsennahen Bereich einer Hochdruck-Einspritzdüse ohne Seedingzufuhr vermessen werden. Diese Entwicklungen ermöglichen weitere Untersuchungen zum stabileren Betrieb von Gasbrennern mit mageren Gemischen, ein tieferes Verständnis der Dämpfungsmechanismen an BFL und die Optimierung des Einspritzvorganges in Motoren. Somit kann perspektivisch ein Beitrag zum ressourcenschonenden, umweltfreundlichen und leisen Betrieb von technischen Strömungsmaschinen wie Flugzeugtriebwerken, stationären Gasturbinen und Verbrennungsmotoren geleistet werden. / The reduction of the consumption of resources and the noise and polluting emissions of technical flow processes such as combustion and injection processes is of high social relevance and requires a deeper understanding of the occurring flow phenomena. For this purpose the metrological acquisition of the flows is necessary, whereat especially the flow velocity is of high interest. However, flow velocity measurements in dynamic or reactive fluids make great demands on the engaged measurement techniques. In order to resolve velocity oscillations or unsteady phenomena with short timescales a simultaneous three component measurement with a high measurement rate of 100 kHz or more is required. To analyze complex and small-scale velocity fields an imaging or volumetric measurement with a high spatial resolution is desired. Currently available measurement systems do not fulfill all these requirements. Hence, the goal of this work is the development, characterization and qualification of a measurement system suitable for the temporally resolved acquisition of unsteady flow processes in highly dynamic and reactive fluids.
For this purpose the Doppler global velocimetry with laser frequency modulation (FM-DGV) represents a promising approach, since it allows a contactless measurement with high measurement rate and in principle enables simultaneous three component and volumetric measurements. Hence, as a first step a simultaneous three component FM-DGV system and a FM-DGV system for imaging and volumetric measurements were developed. Subsequently, the realized systems were characterized regarding their velocity measurement uncertainty. It was shown, that the resulting measurement uncertainty is sufficiently small and that the influence of fluctuations of the refractive index on the measurement uncertainty can be neglected. The analysis of the measurement uncertainty due to fluctuations of the flow velocity and the scattered light power was conducted using a model-based approach. It was thereby shown, that fluctuations of the scattered light power can lead to a dominant term of the uncertainty budget. In order to demonstrate the suitability for simultaneous three component measurement with high measurement rate, measurements at a bias flow liner (BFL) were conducted. Thereby for the first time at a BFL it was possible to determine the power spectral density in Cartesian coordinates and to show the broadband energy transfer from the energy of the sound excitation to the kinetic energy of the flow. To demonstrate the measurement in reactive flows, a swirl-stabilized burner was investigated, as it is used in stationary gas turbines and airplane engines. It was possible to prove a thermo-acoustic interaction between the heat release rate and the pressure and to show a correlation between the local velocity oscillations within the flame and the global sound pressure emissions. By means of the imaging, temporally and spatially resolved measurement with high measurement rate it was furthermore possible to resolve unsteady phenomena in the near-nozzle region of a high-pressure injection nozzle without the addition of tracer particles. These developments allow further investigations regarding the stable operation of gas burners with lean mixtures, a deeper understanding of the damping effects at BFL and the optimization of injection processes in engines. Consequently, it is perspectively possible to contribute to the resource-efficient, environment-friendly and quiet operation of technical flow machines as aircraft engines, stationary gas turbines and combustion engines.
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Towards a silent fan : an investigation of low-speed fan aeroacousticsNewman, Timothy James January 2015 (has links)
The noise (unwanted sound) from fans of all sizes, operating in close proximity to people, can be a design constraint due to annoyance or, in the worse cases, health damage. Of the total noise, aeroacoustic noise - produced by unsteadiness in the air - often represents a significant source and is intrinsically linked to the aerodynamic features of the flow field. In this work, the aeroacoustics of low-speed fans are investigated using a compact mixed-flow fan as a test case. The low-speed regime is less developed compared to large-scale, high-speed machines and is increasingly relevant to applications such as micro air vehicles, small wind turbines, and other environmental comfort technologies found in buildings or vehicles. The test case fan Reynolds number is of the order of 104 which is a couple of orders lower than those generally found in gas turbines. Its main sources are therefore best identified experimentally in the absence of proven alternative methods. In order to do this, a way of quantifying fan noise is developed in tandem with control of the aerodynamic operating point. Following a study of sources of the significant broadband and tonal noise, a low-order noise prediction scheme is developed and applied to predict tonal noise with reference to Reynolds number effects. The new, duct-based rig and method has several advantages over the existing sound power measurement rig built to the ISO 5136 standard at Dyson. The approach, which makes no assumptions about the relative power of different modes, has resulted in a rig that is much shorter. Unlike the ISO rig, it is capable of accurate narrow-band tone measurements with sources which excite strong non-plane-wave duct modes (as the modal structure of the sound is determined) for the frequencies of interest. Tests have been carried out at different operating points with a range of geometry modifications produced with 3D printing techniques. In terms of tonal sources which particularly impact sound quality, the mixed-flow impeller alone produces tones due to very high sensitivity to inflow distortion of the mean flow (giving unsteady blade loading). This means that the product inlet must be designed very carefully to optimally condition the flow. Periodicity in the impeller outlet flow produces rotor-stator interaction tones even with a number of guide vanes chosen to satisfy the Tyler-Sofrin theory cut-off criteria. This is thought to be due to abrupt radius change after the guide vanes in the rig (while the theory assumes constant radius). In the product, abrupt radius change also occurs. The sensitivity of the broadband level to inflow turbulence was confirmed to be low in the rig, although the in-product inflow appears much less ideal. The main broadband noise source in rig tests is suggested to be impeller self-noise as only small reductions in rotor-stator interaction noise are achieved with far fewer vanes. The low-order modelling scheme to understand the fundamental unsteady loading noise mechanism compares well to experiments for sample rotor-stator interaction tones. The velocity fluctuations which induce this noise, measured experimentally with a 2D hotwire, are shown to increase in intensity as Reynolds number is reduced towards 104. This is due to a higher importance of viscosity which can give boundary layers that are thicker and liable to laminar separation. Surface treatments such as boundary layer trips could be used to prevent such separation and potentially reduce noise. Based on the thesis findings, further tests, simulations and possible design modifications are suggested to understand and reduce the important noise sources.
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Nouvelles stratégies d'acquisitions non cartésiennes pour l'IRM cardiovasculaire du petit animal / New strategies of non-cartesian acquisitions for cardiovascular small animal MRITrotier, Aurélien 01 December 2015 (has links)
L’imagerie cardiovasculaire par RMN est encore aujourd’hui un véritable défi. La difficulté résidedans la nécessité d’acquérir des images avec de fortes résolutions spatiale et temporelle en un tempslimité, et dans certains cas sur des zones en mouvement. Alors que la plupart des images sont acquisesavec des trajectoires cartésiennes, notre choix s’est porté sur l’utilisation de trajectoires 3D radialescomme alternative. En effet, celles-ci bénéficient de nombreux avantages comme leur faible sensibilitéaux artefacts de mouvements et de flux ainsi que la possibilité de fortement sous-échantillonner lesacquisitions. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse a été de développer de nouvelles méthodes utilisant lespropriétés des acquisitions radiales pour l’imagerie cardiovasculaire 3D anatomique et fonctionnellechez le petit animal à hauts champs magnétiques.Tout d’abord, une méthode de mesure des flux sanguins en 3D a été mise au point, basée sur lephénomène de temps-de-vol. L’utilisation de trajectoires radiales a permis de réduire fortement lestemps d’acquisition tout en améliorant les résolutions spatiale et temporelle des images par rapportaux méthodes cartésiennes.Ensuite, en combinant l’utilisation de nanoparticules de Fer qui possèdent une rémanence vasculaireimportante avec des séquences radiales à temps d’écho ultracourt, nous avons montré que l’acquisitiond’images anatomiques cardiaques et vasculaires très haute résolution pouvait être réalisée de manièreprospective ou bien retrospective grâce à l’ajout d’un écho-navigateur dans la séquence permettantl’auto-synchronisation cardiaque.Enfin, cette même méthode a été employée pour réaliser l’imagerie de flux 4D sur l’entièreté dusystème cardio-pulmonaire de l’animal.Les séquences développées lors de ce travail et les résultats obtenus en imagerie anatomique etfonctionnelle montrent l’intérêt et la robustesse des méthodes non cartésiennes en imagerie préclinique.Elles peuvent ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles stratégies en imagerie clinique. / Cardiovascular imaging using NMR is still a real challenge. The difficulty relies on the need toacquire images with high temporal and spatial resolutions, in a limited acquisition time and in somecases of moving areas. While most images are acquired with cartesian trajectories, the use of 3D radialtrajectories was explored as an alternative. Indeed, they benefit from various advantages like their lowsensitivity to flow and motion artefacts as well as the opportunity to highly undersample acquisitions.Thus, the aim of this thesis was to develop new acquisition strategies using radial trajectory propertiesfor 3D cardiovascular anatomical and functional imaging in small animals at high magnetic fields.First, a method for measuring blood flow in 3D was developped, based on a time-of-flight effect.The use of radial trajectories allowed to highly reduce acquisition times while increasing spatial andtemporal resolutions compared to cartesian acquisitions.Then, combining the injection of iron nanoparticles which have a long vascular remanence withultrashort echot time radial acquisitions, we showed that anatomical cardiac images with a high spatialresolution could be obtained prospectively or restrospectively by adding a navigator echo in thesequence in order to synchronize the reconstruction to the cardiac cycle.Finally, this method was used to perform 4D flow imaging on the entire cardiopulmonary systemof the animals.The sequences developed during this work and the results obtained in anatomical and functionalimaging show the interest and the robustness of non cartesian methods in preclinical imaging. Theypaves the way to the development of new strategies in clinical imaging.Keywords : Preclinical MRI, 3D+t, radial trajectories, cardiovascular, flow measurement.
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Energy Footprinting and Human-Centric Building Co-Optimization with Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement LearningWei, Peter January 2021 (has links)
In the United States, commercial and residential buildings are responsible for 40% of total energy consumption, which provides an important opportunity for energy impact. As we spend the majority of our active moments during the day in transportation, commercial buildings, streets, and infrastructure, some of the greatest opportunities to reduce energy usage occur when we are outside of the home. A large percentage of energy consumption in the built environment directly or indirectly services humans; thus, there is a significant amount of untapped energy savings that can be achieved by involving humans in the optimization process. By including occupants in the building co-optimization process, we can gain a better understanding of individual energy responsibility and significantly improve energy consumption, thermal comfort and air quality over non human-in-the-loop systems and strategies.
First, we present ePrints, a scalable energy footprinting system capable of providing personalized energy footprints in real-time. ePrints supports different apportionment policies, with microsecond-level footprint computation time and graceful scaling with the size of the building, frequency of energy updates, and rate of occupant location changes. Finally, we present applications enabled by our system, such as mobile and wearable applications to provide users timely feedback on the energy impacts of their actions, as well as applications to provide energy saving suggestions and inform building-level policies.
Next, we extend the idea of energy footprinting to the city-scale with CityEnergy a city-scale energy footprinting system that utilizes the city's digital twin to provide real-time energy footprints with a focus on 100% coverage. CityEnergy takes advantage of existing sensing infrastructure and data sources in urban cities to provide energy and population estimates at the building level, even in built environments that do not have existing or accessible energy or population data.
CityEnergy takes advantage of LFTSys, a low frame-rate vehicle tracking and traffic flow system that we implement on New York City's traffic camera network, to aid in building population estimates. Evaluations comparing CityEnergy with building level energy footprints and city-wide data demonstrate the potential for CityEnergy to provide personal energy footprint estimates at the city-scale.
We then tackle the challenge of involving humans in the building energy optimization process by developing recEnergy, a recommender system for reducing energy consumption in commercial buildings with human-in-the-loop. recEnergy learns actions with high energy saving potential through deep reinforcement learning, actively distribute recommendations to occupants in a commercial building, and utilize feedback from the occupants to better learn four different types of energy saving recommendations. Over a four week user study, recEnergy improves building energy reduction from a baseline saving (passive-only strategy) of 19% to 26%.
Finally, we extend the recommender system to co-optimize over energy consumption, occupant thermal comfort, and air quality. The recommender system utilizes a multi-task deep reinforcement learning architecture, and is trained using a simulation environment. The simulation environment is built using different models trained on data captured from a digital twin of a real deployment. To measure occupant thermal comfort, the digital twin utilizes a real-time comfort estimation system that extracts and integrates facial temperature features with environmental sensing to provide personalized comfort estimates. We studied three different use cases in this deployment by varying the objective weights in the recommender system, and found that the system has the potential to further reduce energy consumption by 8% in energy focused optimization, improve all objectives by 5-10% in joint optimization, and improve thermal comfort by up to 21% in comfort and air quality focused optimization by incorporating move recommendations.
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Zařízení na zkoušení termoregulačních vlastností termostatických hlavic / Test equipment for testing thermocontrol properties of thermostatic radiator valvesŠtěpán, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on the design of a device for testing the thermo-regulating properties of thermostatic heads. The engineering design, design of testing device has been composed according to the standard EN 215: Thermostatic radiator valves – Requirements and test methods. Based on these designs, sensors and regulation elements, which are suitable for testing, have been designed. Last part of the thesis deals with operating the device and measurement procedure.
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Systém pro měření tepelné účinnosti solárních absorbérů / System for measuring of thermal efficiency of solar absorbersŘiháček, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the measurement system for determining the thermal efficiency of the newly developed types of solar absorbers. Measuring equipment allows simultaneous indoor or outdoor thermal efficiency detection of up to four samples absorbers. Emphasis is placed on the flow and heat transfer medium temperature changes. For this purpose is used Biotech FCH-m-POM-LC and LM35DZ sensors. Sensor signal is transferred to a PC using the measuring module NI USB-6221. Here it is further processed by proposed evaluation program. The software is implemented in LabVIEW integrated development environment. In a final part are performed a verification measurements to assess system performance and evaluate the thermal efficiency of various types of solar absorbers. This path is also demonstrated high efficiency applications absorbent layer coating color RABSORB 5.
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Ressourcensteuerung fuer Internet-ZugaengeNaumann, Torsten 09 October 1997 (has links)
Mehr und mehr werden neue und dabei zunehmend multimediale
Anwendungen fuer das Internet entwickelt und eingesetzt.
In gleichem Masze wachsen auch die Qualitaetsanforderungen
an diese Dienste. So gibt sich heute niemand mehr mit
reiner ASCII--Text--Uebertragung von Informationen
zufrieden. E-Mails werden mit MIME--Attachments versendet,
Web--Seiten mit unzaehligen Grafiken ansehnlicher gemacht,
und Konferenzen in Datennetzen erheben den Anspruch auf
Audio-- und Video--Uebertragung in Echtzeit. Fuer Provider
stellt sich hier nun das Problem der Finanzierung.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist es, anhand des Szenarios des
Internet--Service--Providers ¨Freie Presse Online¨ ein
Tarifmodell zu entwickeln, welches mittels
Ressourcensteuerung arbeitet. Es soll ein Anreizsystem
etabliert werden, um eine effizientere Ausnutzung der
Ressourcen zu erzielen. Die finanzielle Grundlage bildet
Prepayment. Die Einflusznahme geschieht nicht mittels
veraenderlicher Entgelte, sondern direkt auf die dem
Nutzer zur Verfuegung gestellten Ressourcen
(Bandbreite, Verzoegerungszeit).
Fuer den Entwurf des Modells werden Anleihen bei
artverwandten Modellen genommen, so zum Beispiel bei der
Tarifierung von elektrischer Energie, da die beiden
Ressourcen Bandbreite (in Datennetzen) und Energie (in
Stromnetzen) markante Aehnlichkeiten aufweisen. Weiterhin
wird eine Analyse des Verhaltens der Nutzer im Bezug auf
die Dauer und Tageszeit der Nutzung, Datenvolumen und
Lastkurven durchgefuehrt.
Die Analyse und das Accounting werden mittels der von der
Real Time Flow Measurement Group vorgeschlagenen
Architektur realisiert. Konkret kommt die Referenz--
Implementation NeTraMet zum Einsatz.
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Optisches Geschwindigkeitsmesssystem zur vektoriellen Erfassung instationärer StrömungsprozesseSchlüßler, Raimund 25 August 2016 (has links)
Die Reduzierung des Ressourcenverbrauchs und der Lärm- und Schadstoffemissionen von technischen Strömungsprozessen wie Verbrennungs- und Einspritzvorgängen ist von hoher gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und erfordert ein tieferes Verständnis der auftretenden Strömungsphänomene. Hierfür ist die messtechnische Erfassung der Strömungen notwendig, wobei insbesondere die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit von hohem Interesse ist. Strömungsgeschwindigkeitsmessungen in dynamischen oder reaktiven Fluiden stellen jedoch hohe Anforderungen an die eingesetzte Messtechnik. Um Strömungsoszillationen und instationäre Phänomene mit kurzen Zeitskalen erfassen zu können, muss eine Messung simultan dreikomponentig und mit einer hohen Messrate von 100 kHz oder mehr erfolgen. Zur Analyse komplexer und kleinskaliger Geschwindigkeitsfelder ist eine bildgebende oder volumetrische Messung mit einer hohen örtlichen Auflösung wünschenswert. Momentan verfügbare Messsysteme genügen bisher nicht allen genannten Anforderungen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Entwicklung, Charakterisierung und Qualifizierung eines geeigneten Systems zur zeitaufgelösten Erfassung instationärer Strömungsprozesse in hochdynamischen und reaktiven Fluiden.
Einen für diese Zwecke vielversprechenden Ansatz stellt die Doppler-Global-Velozimetrie (FM-DGV) dar, da diese eine berührungslose Messung mit hoher Messrate gestattet und prinzipiell auch dreikomponentige und volumetrische Messungen ermöglicht. Daher erfolgte die Entwicklung und Realisierung eines simultan dreikomponentigen FM-DGV-Systems und eines FM-DGV-Systems zur bildgebenden und volumetrischen Messung. Die aufgebauten Systeme wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Geschwindigkeitsmessunsicherheit charakterisiert. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die resultierenden Messunsicherheiten hinreichend klein sind und der Einfluss von Brechungsindexfluktuationen auf die Messunsicherheit vernachlässigt werden kann. Die Analyse der Messunsicherheiten aufgrund von Strömungsgeschwindigkeits- und Streulichtleistungsfluktuationen erfolgte mittels eines modellbasierten Ansatzes. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass Streulichtleistungsfluktuationen einen dominanten Beitrag zum Messunsicherheitsbudget leisten können. Um die Eignung für die simultan dreikomponentige Messung mit hoher Messrate zu demonstrieren, wurden Messungen an einem Bias-Flow-Liner (BFL) durchgeführt. Dabei gelang erstmals an einem BFL die Untersuchung des Leistungsdichtespektrums in kartesischen Koordinaten und der Nachweis eines breitbandigen Energietransfers von Energie der Schallanregung hin zur kinetischen Energie der Strömung. Zur Demonstration der Messung in reaktiven Fluiden wurde ein drallstabilisierter Gasbrenner untersucht, wie er in stationären Gasturbinen und Flugzeugtriebwerken eingesetzt wird. Hierbei konnte eine thermo-akustische Wechselwirkung zwischen der Wärmefreisetzungsrate und dem Druck nachgewiesen werden und es zeigte sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen den lokalen Geschwindigkeitsoszillationen innerhalb der Flamme und den globalen Schalldruckemissionen. Durch die bildgebende, zeit- und ortsaufgelöste Messung mit hoher Messrate konnten zudem erstmals instationäre Phänomene der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit im düsennahen Bereich einer Hochdruck-Einspritzdüse ohne Seedingzufuhr vermessen werden. Diese Entwicklungen ermöglichen weitere Untersuchungen zum stabileren Betrieb von Gasbrennern mit mageren Gemischen, ein tieferes Verständnis der Dämpfungsmechanismen an BFL und die Optimierung des Einspritzvorganges in Motoren. Somit kann perspektivisch ein Beitrag zum ressourcenschonenden, umweltfreundlichen und leisen Betrieb von technischen Strömungsmaschinen wie Flugzeugtriebwerken, stationären Gasturbinen und Verbrennungsmotoren geleistet werden. / The reduction of the consumption of resources and the noise and polluting emissions of technical flow processes such as combustion and injection processes is of high social relevance and requires a deeper understanding of the occurring flow phenomena. For this purpose the metrological acquisition of the flows is necessary, whereat especially the flow velocity is of high interest. However, flow velocity measurements in dynamic or reactive fluids make great demands on the engaged measurement techniques. In order to resolve velocity oscillations or unsteady phenomena with short timescales a simultaneous three component measurement with a high measurement rate of 100 kHz or more is required. To analyze complex and small-scale velocity fields an imaging or volumetric measurement with a high spatial resolution is desired. Currently available measurement systems do not fulfill all these requirements. Hence, the goal of this work is the development, characterization and qualification of a measurement system suitable for the temporally resolved acquisition of unsteady flow processes in highly dynamic and reactive fluids.
For this purpose the Doppler global velocimetry with laser frequency modulation (FM-DGV) represents a promising approach, since it allows a contactless measurement with high measurement rate and in principle enables simultaneous three component and volumetric measurements. Hence, as a first step a simultaneous three component FM-DGV system and a FM-DGV system for imaging and volumetric measurements were developed. Subsequently, the realized systems were characterized regarding their velocity measurement uncertainty. It was shown, that the resulting measurement uncertainty is sufficiently small and that the influence of fluctuations of the refractive index on the measurement uncertainty can be neglected. The analysis of the measurement uncertainty due to fluctuations of the flow velocity and the scattered light power was conducted using a model-based approach. It was thereby shown, that fluctuations of the scattered light power can lead to a dominant term of the uncertainty budget. In order to demonstrate the suitability for simultaneous three component measurement with high measurement rate, measurements at a bias flow liner (BFL) were conducted. Thereby for the first time at a BFL it was possible to determine the power spectral density in Cartesian coordinates and to show the broadband energy transfer from the energy of the sound excitation to the kinetic energy of the flow. To demonstrate the measurement in reactive flows, a swirl-stabilized burner was investigated, as it is used in stationary gas turbines and airplane engines. It was possible to prove a thermo-acoustic interaction between the heat release rate and the pressure and to show a correlation between the local velocity oscillations within the flame and the global sound pressure emissions. By means of the imaging, temporally and spatially resolved measurement with high measurement rate it was furthermore possible to resolve unsteady phenomena in the near-nozzle region of a high-pressure injection nozzle without the addition of tracer particles. These developments allow further investigations regarding the stable operation of gas burners with lean mixtures, a deeper understanding of the damping effects at BFL and the optimization of injection processes in engines. Consequently, it is perspectively possible to contribute to the resource-efficient, environment-friendly and quiet operation of technical flow machines as aircraft engines, stationary gas turbines and combustion engines.
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