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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pracoviště pro měření průtoku a tlaku / Workplace of flow and pressure measurement

Brabenec, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with formation of a workplace for preparation gaseous mixtures and their future usage. The main goal of the thesis is testing of new materials which have suitable usage as catalysts. Gaseous mixture is prepared by calorimetric mass flow meters with control valve and multiposition microelectric valve actuators. The next part describes measuring of pressure and temperature and controlling of furnace temperature. The thesis deals with specifications of all devices, their circuitry, communication and program controlling. All devices are controlled by computer with program which is programmed in LabVIEW.

Měření průtoku plynů / Gas flow measurement

Slováček, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis brings a description and realization of new measuring devices which are designed to support student´s laboratory practice of air flow measurement techniques. The new devices and laboratory exercises help students get experience of several methods of measuring which they get to know during mandatory Bachelor's and Master's study programmes. The paper also includes a theoretical background, the knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the issue. Moreover, the paper comprises a literary search of sensors and a market research. The second part of the thesis presents possibilities of the laboratory workplace, and the results of the measurements of the new laboratory devices used for sample laboratory exercises.

Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Strömungsmessverfahrens 3D-PTV

Putze, Torsten 02 December 2008 (has links)
Die 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) ist eine Methode zur bildbasierten Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern in Gas- oder Flüssigkeitsströmungen. Dazu wird die Strömung mit Partikeln markiert und durch ein Mehrkamerasystem beobachtet. Das Ergebnis der Datenauswertung sind 3D Trajektorien einer großen Anzahl von Partikeln, die zur statistischen Analyse der Strömung genutzt werden können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene neu entwickelte Modelle gezeigt, die das Einsatzspektrum vergrößern und die Leistungsfähigkeit der 3D PTV erhöhen. Wesentliche Neuerungen sind der Einsatz eines Spiegelsystems zur Generierung eines virtuellen Kamerasystems, die Modellierung von komplex parametrisierten Trennflächen der Mehrmedienphotogrammetrie, eine wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierte Trackingmethode sowie eine neuartige Methode zur tomographischen Rekonstruktion von Rastervolumendaten. Die neuen Modelle sind an drei realen Experimentieranlagen und mit synthetischen Daten getestet worden. Durch den Einsatz eines Strahlteilers vor dem Objektiv einer einzelnen Kamera und vier Umlenkspiegeln, positioniert im weiteren Strahlengang, werden vier virtuelle Kameras generiert. Diese Methode zeichnet sich vor allem durch die Wirtschaftlichkeit als auch durch die nicht notwendige Synchronisation aus. Vor allem für die Anwendung im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich sind diese beiden Faktoren entscheidend. Bei der Beobachtung von Phänomenen in Wasser kommt es an den Trennflächen verschiedener Medien zur optischen Brechung. Diese muss für die weitere Auswertung zwingend modelliert werden. Für komplexe Trennflächen sind einfache Ansätze über zusätzliche Korrekturterme nicht praktikabel. Der entwickelte Ansatz basiert auf der mehrfachen Brechung jedes einzelnen Bildstrahls. Dazu müssen die Trennflächenparameter und die Kameraorientierungen im selben Koordinatensystem bekannt sein. Zumeist wird die Mehrbildzuordnung von Partikeln durch die Verwendung von Kernlinien realisiert. Auf Grund von instabilen Kameraorientierungen oder bei einer sehr hohen Partikeldichte sind diese geometrischen Eigenschaften nicht mehr ausreichend, um die Mehrbildzuordnung zu lösen. Unter der Ausnutzung weiterer geometrischer, radiometrischer und physikalischer Eigenschaften kann die Bestimmung der 3D Trajektorien dennoch durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden durch die Analyse verschiedener Merkmale diejenigen ausgewählt, welche sich für die spatio-temporale Zuordnung eignen. Die 3D PTV beruht auf der Diskretisierung der Partikelabbildungen im Bildraum und der anschließenden Objektkoordinatenbestimmung. Eine rasterbasierte Betrachtungsweise stellt die tomographische Rekonstruktion des Volumens dar. Hierbei wird die Intensitätsverteilung wird im Volumen rekonstruiert. Die Bewegungsinformationen werden im Anschluss aus den Veränderungen aufeinander folgender 3D-Bilder bestimmt. Durch dieses Verfahren können Strömungen mit einer höheren Partikeldichte im Volumen analysiert werden. Das entwickelte Verfahren basiert auf der schichtweisen Entzerrung und Zusammensetzung der Kamerabilder. Die entwickelten Modelle und Ansätze sind an verschiedenen Versuchsanlagen erprobt worden. Diese unterschieden sich stark in der Größe (0,5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) und den vorherrschenden Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (0,3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0,5 m/s). / 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) is an image based method for flow field determination. It is based on seeding a flow with tracer particles and recording the flow with a multi camera system. The results are 3D trajectories of a large number of particles for a statistical analysis of the flow. The thesis shows different novel models to increase the spectrum of applications and to optimize efficiency of 3D PTV. Central aspects are the use of the mirror system to generate a virtual multi camera system, the modelling of complex interfaces of multimedia photogrammetry, a probability based tracking method and a novel method for tomographic reconstruction of volume raster data. The improved models are tested in three real testing facilities and with synthetic data. Using a beam splitter in front of the camera lens and deflecting mirrors arranged in the optical path, a four headed virtual camera system can be generated. This method is characterised by its economic efficiency and by the fact that a synchronisation is not necessary. These facts are important especially when using high speed cameras. When observing phenomena in water, there will be refraction at the different interfaces. This has to be taken into account and modelled for each application. Approaches which use correction terms are not suitable to handle complex optical interfaces. The developed approach is based on a multiple refraction ray tracing with known interface parameters and camera orientations. Mostly the multi image matching of particles is performed using epipolar geometry. Caused by the not stable camera orientation or a very high particle density this geometric properties are not sufficient to solve the ambiguities. Using further geometrical radiometrical and physical properties of particles, the determination of the 3D trajectories can be performed. After the analysis of different properties those of them are chosen which are suitable for spatio-temporal matching. 3D PTV bases on the discretisation of particle images in image space and the following object coordinate determination. A raster based approach is the tomographic reconstruction of the volume. Here the light intensity distribution in the volume will be reconstructed. Afterwards the flow information is determined from the differences in successive 3D images. Using tomographic reconstruction techniques a higher particle density can be analysed. The developed approach bases on a slice by slice rectification of the camera images and on a following assembly of the volume. The developed models and approaches are tested at different testing facilities. These differ in size (0.5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) and flow velocities (0.3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0.5 m/s).

Računarska simulacija i analiza novih oblika mernih blendi / Computer simulation and analysis of new forms orifice plates

Halas Dragan 12 August 2020 (has links)
<p>U mnogim granama tehnike javljaju se problemi<br />merenja protoka fluida. Merne blende, zbog svojih<br />mnogih prednosti predstavljaju najzastupljeniji<br />instrument za merenje protoka fluida kroz cevovode. Sa<br />druge strane njihova upotreba povećava tro&scaron;kove rada<br />industrijskih postrojenja. Jedan od ciljeva ove<br />doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje novih oblika<br />mernih blendi u cilju u&scaron;tede energije pri njihovom radu.<br />U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je algoritam<br />ispitivanja novih oblika mernih blendi. Takođe je<br />konstruisana i izrađena laboratorijska aparatura za<br />njihovo ispitivanje kao i diferncijalni &quot;U&quot; manometar<br />za merenje malih razlika pritisaka. U okviru ove<br />doktorske disertacije dizajnirana su i ispitana tri nova<br />oblika mernih blendi. U&scaron;teda energije je postignuta<br />dizajnom koji smanjuje otpor merne blende kao<br />elementa cevovoda. Novi oblici mernih blendi, kao i<br />jedna standardnog oblika koja je poslužila kao<br />referentna, ispitani su prema predloženom algoritmu. U<br />prvom koraku merne blende su dizajnirane u<br />programskom paketu Solid Works. Zatim su, prema<br />predloženom algoritmu, ispitane pomoću računarske simulacije u programskom paketu COMSOL Multiphysics. Po dobijanju zadovoljavajućih rezultata računarske simulacije, merne blende su izrađene na 3D &scaron;tampaču, FDM postupkom i ispitane na laboratorijskoj aparaturi. Rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja su upoređeni sa rezultatima računarske simulacije. Upoređeni rezultati računarske simulacije i laboratorijskih ispitivanja su pokazali da je računarska simulacija dobro opisivala situaciju. Rezultati laboratorijskog ispitivanja su pokazali znatan efekat u&scaron;tede energije. Takođe je utvrđeno da se pomoću računarske simulacije mogu dobiti podaci na osnovu kojih se može doneti odluka da li novi oblik merne blende treba korigovati ili ima smisla pristupiti laboratorijskom ispitivanju. Algoritam ispitivanja koji je predložen u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji se pokazao efikasnim.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>In many domains of technology, there are problems<br />with the measurement of fluid flow. Orifice plates,<br />because of their many advantages, represent the most<br />common instrument for measuring fluid flow through<br />pipelines. On the other hand, their use increases the<br />operating cost of industrial plants. One of the goals of<br />this doctoral dissertation was to test new forms of<br />orifice plates for a reason to save energy during their<br />work. An algorithm for testing new forms of orifice<br />plates is proposed. Also, the laboratory equipment for<br />testing them was designed and made, as well as a<br />differential &quot;U&quot; manometer for measuring small<br />pressure differences. As part of this doctoral<br />dissertation are designed and tested three new forms of<br />orifice plates. Energy-saving was achieved by a design<br />that reduces the resistance of the orifice plate as an<br />element of the pipeline. New forms of orifice plates, as well as a standard shape, which served as a reference, were tested according to the present algorithm. In the first step, orifice plates are designed in the Solid Works software package. Then, according to the proposed algorithm, they were tested using computer simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics software package. After achieving satisfactory results of computer simulation, orifice plates are made on a 3D printer, using the FDM process and tested in the laboratory apparatus. The results of laboratory tests were compared with the results of computer simulations. Compared results of computer simulation and laboratory testing showed that computer simulation described the situation well. The results of the laboratory test showed a significant energy-saving effect. It was also found that computer simulation can obtain data that can decide whether a new form of orifice plate must be corrected or it makes sense to access laboratory testing. The algorithm proposed in this doctoral dissertation has proven effective.</p>

Fuel consumption measurements and fuelconditioning in high-pressure fuel systemfor single cylinder test cell / Mätning av bränsleförbrukning och konditionering av bränsle i högtrycksbränslesystem för encylinderprovcell

Aksoy, Can Aksoy January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is part of a bigger project issued by AVL with the purpose to design a high pressure compression ignition fuel system for their single cylinder test cell at their facility in Södertälje. Typically compression-ignition fuel tests are being run within an operating pressure range of 500-2400 bar, but this system has to be able to run with pressures up to 3500 bar. The project was intended to be carried out by two participants where this master thesis covers the evaluation of how fuel consumption rates shall be measured in the system described above as well as how the fuel shall be conditioned. The selected concept for measuring fuel consumption rate was based on measuring the mass flow on the low-pressure side of the system with a Coriolis flowmeter. The chosen temperature sensor for monitoring the temperature on the high-pressure side was a K-type thermocouple which would be directly connected to the fuel rail in the system. A bleeder was selected on the basis that it had been used in one of AVL's old test cells. A heat exchanger could not be chosen. However a rough estimation of the capacity needed for a heat exchanger was calculated for future reference. The methodology used to develop a concept was based on the engineering project process taught to students at Karlstad University. First a project plan was made followed by a solution-independently expressed product specification including a specification of requirements and QFD-matrix. Several concepts were generated for measuring the fuel consumption by evaluating different measuring principles, available components, possible positions of the components within the system and combinations with different fuel supply concepts. Less extensive methods were used for the remaining tasks in the detailed engineering phase of the project. The concepts were compared using Pugh's analysis and a concept was selected in collaboration with AVL. The majority of the objectives for this master thesis could be successfully carried out. The documentation and drawings requested by the client, manufacturing of the system, implementation and validation into the test cell could not be done due to lack of time. This, along with the selection of a heat exchanger and low-pressure thermocouple was left for future work.

Implementation of optical feedback interferometry for sensing applications in fluidic systems / Implémentations de l'interférométrie par réinjection optique pour les applications de métrologie dans les systèmes fluidiques

Ramírez Miquet, Evelio Esteban 29 September 2016 (has links)
L'interférométrie par réinjection optique est une technique de mesure dont l'implémentation pour l'interrogation de systèmes fluidiques est assez récente. Le principe de mesure est basé sur la perturbation des paramètres d'émission du laser induite par la réinjection dans la cavité laser de lumière rétro-diffusée par une cible distante. La technique permet le développement de capteurs compact et non-invasifs qui mesurent différents paramètres liés aux déplacements de la cible. En particulier, les interféromètres par réinjection optique prennent avantage de l'effet Doppler pour mesurer la vitesses de traceurs dans les liquides en écoulement. Cet aspect important de la technique de réinjection optique la rend adaptée à une grande variété d'applications dans les domaines du génie chimique et du biomédical où un contrôle des écoulements est requis. Cette thèse présente l'implémentation de capteur basés sur la réinjection optique pour différents systèmes fluidiques où la vitesse locale d'écoulement ou le débit sont directement mesurés. Nous présentons une étude centrée sur les applications où la réinjection optique est utilisée pour la mesure du débit à la micro-échelle avec en particulier une analyse de la robustesse des méthodes de traitement du signal propres aux régimes de diffusion simple et de diffusion multiple. Par ailleurs, nous présentons des résultats expérimentaux de mesures ex vivo où le capteur par réinjection optique est proposé comme alternative pour la myographie. Nous présentons également une implémentation temps réel pour l’estimation du débit instantané d'écoulements dynamiques dans une configuration milli-fluidique. Un système semi-automatisé de détection de particule unique dans un micro-canal est proposé et démontré. Enfin, un capteur basé sur la réinjection optique est implémenté pour la caractérisation des interactions entre deux fluides immiscibles en écoulement à micro-échelle et les mesures réalisées sont comparées à un modèle développé afin de décrire le comportement hydrodynamique des deux fluides dans un micro-réacteur. Le manuscrit décrit une contribution importante pour l'implémentation de capteur par réinjection optique pour des applications fluidiques et en particulier micro-fluidiques. Il présente également des résultats expérimentaux remarquables qui ouvrent de nouveaux horizons pour l'interférométrie à réinjection optique. / Optical feedback interferometry is a sensing technique with relative recent implementation for the interrogation of fluidic systems. The sensing principle is based on the perturbation of the laser emission parameters induced by the reinjection in the laser cavity of light back-scattered from a distant target. The technique allows for the development of compact and noninvasive sensors that measure various parameters related to the motion of moving targets. In particular, optical feedback interferometers take advantage of the Doppler effect to measure the velocity of tracers in flowing liquids. These important features of the optical feedback interferometry technique make it wellsuited for a variety of applications in chemical engineering and biomedical fields, where accurate monitoring of the flows is needed. This thesis presents the implementation of optical feedback interferometry based sensors in multiple fluidic systems where local velocity or flow rate are directly measured. We present an application-centered study of the optical feedback sensing technique used for flow measurement at the microscale with focus on the reliability of the signal processing methods for flows in the single and the multiple scattering regimes. Further, we present experimental results of ex vivo measurements where the optical feedback sensor is proposed as an alternative system for myography. In addition we present a real-time implementation for the assessment of non-steady flows in a millifluidic configuration. A semi-automatized system for single particle detection in a microchannel is proposed and demonstrated. Finally, an optical feedback based laser sensor is implemented for the characterization of the interactions between two immiscible liquid-liquid flowing at the microscale, and the measurement is compared to a theoretical model developed to describe the hydrodynamics of both fluids in a chemical microreactor. The present manuscript describes an important contribution to the implementation of optical feedback sensors for fluidic and microfluidic applications. It also presents remarkable experimental results that open new horizons to the optical feedback interferometry.

Investigation of Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging's Sensitivity to Flow

Young, Anthony M. 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Vattennivåreglering i Avesta Lillfors : På uppdrag av Fortum Generation AB / Water Level Control in Avesta Lillfors : On behalf of Fortum Generation AB

Karnik Macaya, Yohanna January 2014 (has links)
I denna rapport utreds olika metoder för att kunna reglera vattennivån i vattenkraftverket Avesta Lillfors i Dalarna. Två kraftverk ligger endast 900 m uppströms och detta gör att svarstiderna blir korta och regleringen blir lätt nervös. Att använda sig av vattennivåreglering i ett kraftverk för-enklar dess styrning då anpassning till inflödet sker automatiskt. En flödestabell har tagits fram genom mätningar i turbinen, med hjälp av Winter-Kennedy-metoden. Denna tabell används för att kunna fram-koppla regulatorn och därmed dämpa stora variationer i inflödet. Dessu-tom har en modell av älven skapats och testats med en återkopplad PID-regulator. Utefter dessa tester har lämpliga parametrar tagits fram, som ger önskad stabilitet, noggrannhet och snabbhet. Simuleringar har även gjorts med reglermetoden Fuzzy logic. / This report evaluates different methods to create a stable regulation of the water level in the hydro power plant Avesta Lillfors, in county Dalar-na. Another pair of plants are located just 900 m up the stream, which is why the regulation has to act fast. If the water level can be regulated and automatically adjust to the incoming flow, it facilitates the control of the plant. A flow chart is created from measurements in the turbine, using the Win-ter-Kennedy method. The results are used for feedforward control. A PID-regulator with feedback is also simulated in a model of the river. This helps finding the parameters that provide a stable, accurate and fast regu-lation. Fuzzy logic control has also been simulated.


AUGUSTO PROENCA DA SILVA 07 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação teve como objetivo de avaliar o desempenho metrológico de sistemas de medição de petróleo com medidores de vazão do tipo ultrassônico, Coriolis e deslocamento positivo quando submetidos a variadas condições de BSW, temperatura do fluido e vazão do escoamento por meio de Planejamento de Experimentos e da Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta. Conforme regulamentação brasileira vigente, caso os volumes produzidos de petróleo utilizados como referência para o pagamento de participações governamentais e a terceiros contenham um BSW superior a 2 por cento v/v, estes volumes devem ser majorados de forma arbitrária entre 1,44 por cento e 10,89 por cento em função exclusivamente do BSW, o que tem acarretado problemas operacionais às empresas petrolíferas como diferenças entre os volumes produzidos e os volumes comercializados, e pagamentos adicionais de participações governamentais e à terceiros. Os resultados dos experimentos realizados indicam que a contribuição de cada parâmetro analisado para o desempenho metrológico do sistema de medição varia conforme a tecnologia de medição utilizada pelo medidor de vazão, entretanto a temperatura do fluido demonstrou-se um parâmetro relevante comum para todas as tecnologias de medição avaliadas. Todas as tecnologias de medição avaliadas sofrem influência do BSW na faixa de 0 por cento a 10 por cento v/v, sendo o erro de medição inferior a 0,2 por cento, quando comparado a um medidor padrão do tipo deslocamento positivo, em quase todas as condições experimentais. O medidor de vazão do tipo Coriolis foi o que apresentou o menor erro dentre as tecnologias de medição avaliadas. / [en] This dissertation aimed to evaluate the metrological performance of oil measurement systems with ultrasonic, Coriolis and positive displacement flowmeters when subjected to various conditions of BSW, fluid temperature and flow rate by using Design of Experiments and Response Surface Methodology. According to current Brazilian regulations, if the produced oil volumes used as a reference for the payment of government takes and to landowners contain a BSW greater than 2 percent v/v, these volumes must be arbitrarily increased by 1.44 percent up to 10.89 percent due exclusively to the BSW value, which has caused operational problems for oil companies such as differences between the produced oil volumes and oil volumes sold, and additional payments of government takes and landowner fees. The results of the experiments carried out indicate that the contribution of each parameter analyzed to the metrological performance of the measurement system varies depending on the flowmeter measurement technology, however, the fluid temperature proved to be a relevant parameter common to all measurement technologies evaluated. All measurement technologies evaluated are influenced by BSW in the range of 0 percent to 10 percent v/v, with the measurement error being less than 0.2 percent, when compared to positive displacement master flowmeter, in almost every experimental condition. The Coriolis flowmeter was the one with the lowest error among all measurement technologies evaluated.

A study on gas-module test-system to attain high precision gas-flow control in medical ventilators / En studie av testsystem av gasmoduler för att uppnå hög precision i gasflödeskontrollen i medicinska ventilatorer

Narayanan, Vishnu January 2021 (has links)
A medical ventilator is a life-sustaining device that helps critically ill patients with complete or partial breathing support. It provides a patient with the right amount of air and/or oxygen as per requirement. It is therefore essential to have a highly accurate device controlling the flow of these essential gases. In ventilators developed by Maquet, an electro-mechanical device called Gas-Module is used for gas flow control. The Gas-Module is the heart of the ventilator since it is responsible for providing the patient with the right amount of gas at the right time. The focus of this thesis is on improving the accuracy of the gas flow control in these Gas-Modules. This is done through identifying various factors that influence the accuracy of gas flow control, and then finding an efficient method to calibrate the Gas-Modules. Calibration of a Gas-Module is done by tuning values of components in the analog electronic circuit. In this thesis, an electrical model of the circuit is built to simulate various modes of operation. A new trimming method is proposed that with a few measurements, and a simulation model, can be predict the optimal calibration parameters. This method helps to improve accuracy at various flow rates. Predicting the calibration parameters in advance avoids many iteration cycles of measure-adjust-measure which would otherwise be required to calibrate the Gas-Module. The new trimming method proposed in this thesis also has the potential to save calibration time of each Gas-Module and thus save production cost. / Medicinsk ventilator är en livsupphållande apparat som hjälper kritiska sjuka patienter med helt eller partiellt andningsstöd. Den förser en patient med rätt mängd luft eller syre efter individuellt behov. Det är därför viktigt att ha en mycket noggranna anordning som styr flödet av dessa viktiga gaser. I ventilatorer från Maquet görs detta med hjälp av gasmoduler som är en elektromekanisk enhet som styr flödet. Denna modul kallas också hjärtat i en ventilatorn eftersom den ansvarar för tillförseln av rätt mängd gas vid rätt tidpunkt. Arbetet som beskrivs i denna avhandling fokuseras på att förbättra noggrannhet för gasflödeskontroll i dessa gasmoduler. Detta görs genom att identifiera olika faktorer som påverkar flödeskontrollens noggrannhet och sedan hitta en effektiv metod för kalibrering av gasmodulerna. Kalibrering av gasmodul görs genom att justera värdet på elektriska komponenter i kontroll kretsen. I denna avhandling buggdes upp en elektrisk modell av kretsen för att simulera olika driftfall. En ny trimmningsmetod föreslås att med hjälp av ett fåtal mätningar och en funktions modell kan de mest optimala kalibrerings parametrarna prediceras. Denna metod hjälper till att förbättra noggrannheten vid olika flödesbehov.Att förutsäga kalibreringsparametrarna i förväg undviker många mätjusteringscykler som annars skulle krävas för att kalibrera en gasmodul. Med denna nya metod reduceras caliberingstid för varje gasmodul vilket kan bidra till minskade produktions kostnader.

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