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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seleção e aplicação de bactérias láticas produtoras de folato para obtenção de um leite fermentado bioenriquecido e avaliação de biodisponibilidade do folato produzido. / Screening and application of folate-producing lactic acid bacteria for production of bioenriched fermented milk and evaluation of the bioavaliability of the produced folate

Cucick, Ana Clara Candelaria 17 July 2019 (has links)
A deficiência de folato é um problema de saúde pública que vem sendo combatido através da fortificação obrigatória de ácido fólico. Entretanto, a ingestão excessiva pode causar efeitos colaterais indesejados. A forma natural da vitamina produzida por algumas cepas de bactérias láticas pode ser uma alternativa segura para aumentar a ingestão de folato pela população. Este trabalho visou selecionar as melhores cepas de BAL produtoras de folato, identificar as melhores condições para a produção da vitamina e avaliar a biodisponibilidade do folato produzido pelas cepas no leite fermentado, empregando-se testes em modelos animais. O estudo foi desenvolvido com cinco cepas de Streptococcus thermophilus (34v, 170v, 268v, 361v e 341 pc) e um cepa de Lactobacillus plantarum (16cv), todas boas produtoras de folato. As condições de produção e a combinação de cepas que resultaram na melhor produção folato foram utilizadas para produzir um leite biofermentado (BFM), avaliando-se a biodisponibilidade da vitamina produzida empregando-se um modelo animal de depleção/repleção, com camundongos Balb/c submetidos a 14 dias de depleção, seguido de 21 dias de repleção da vitamina. Após os 35 dias, os animais foram sacrificados, retirando-se sangue, rins, fígado, baço e intestino para quantificação de folato e avaliação histológica da mucosa intestinal. Todas as quantificações de folato foram feitas pelo método microbiológico. A melhor combinação de cepas (St. Thermophilus 34v + Lb. Plantarum 16cv) resultou na produção de 300 ng/mL de folato, sendo a temperatura de 42ºC melhor que 37ºC para a produção da vitamina. A produção de folato no leite na fermentação em pH controlado 6,0 foi 35% superior à observada no leite fermentado em pH livre. As concentrações de folato no baço e glóbulos vermelhos foram mais altas nos camundongos que ingeriram leite fermentado bioenriquecido (BFM) em relação aos demais grupos de animais. A relação vilosidade/cripta nos camundongos dos grupos BFM foi igual à observada nos animais que receberam leite suplementado com ácido fólico. Houve aumento da hemoglobina, hematócrito e hemácias nos camundongos que ingeriram BFM, evidenciando a bioeficácia do folato produzido. Esses resultados indicam que a produção de folato por bactérias láticas selecionadas em produtos fermentados pode ser uma boa alternativa para aumentar a ingestão de vitamina B9 pela população. / Folate deficiency is a public health problem that has been tackled through mandatory fortification of folic acid. However, excessive intake can cause unwanted side effects. The natural form of the vitamin produced by some strains of lactic acid bacteria (BAL) may be a safe alternative to increase folate intake by the population. The objective of this study was to select the best folate-producing BAL strains, to identify the best conditions for vitamin production and to evaluate the bioavailability of folate produced by the strains in fermented milk, using tests in animal models. The study was carried out with five strains of Streptococcus thermophilus (34v, 170v, 268v, 361v and 341 pc) and a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum (16 cv), all good folate producers. The conditions of production and the combination of strains that resulted in the best folate production were used to produce a biofermented milk (BFM), evaluating the bioavailability of the vitamin produced using a animal model of depletion/repletion with Balb/c mice submitted to 14 days of vitamin depletion, followed by 21 days of repletion. After 35 days, the animals were sacrificed, and blood, kidneys, liver, spleen and intestine were removed for quantification of folate and histological evaluation of the intestinal mucosa. All quantifications of folate were made by the microbiological method. The best combination of strains (St. thermophilus 34v + Lb. plantarum 16cv) resulted in the production of 300 ng / mL folate, the temperature being 42ºC better than 37ºC for vitamin production. The production of folate in milk in fermentation at controlled pH 6.0 was 35% higher than that observed in fermented milk without pH control. The villi/crypt ratio in the mice of the BFM group was the same as in animals receiving milk supplemented with folic acid. There was an increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cells in the BFM group, evidencing the bioefficacy of the folate produced. These results indicate that folate production by selected lactic bacteria in fermented products may be a good alternative to increase vitamin B9 intake by the population.

Maternal Intakes and Sources of Folate and other One-carbon Nutrients in the Post-fortification Era

Masih, Shannon 05 December 2013 (has links)
This study characterizes B vitamin supplement use prior to and during pregnancy, changes in dietary one-carbon nutrient intakes (folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, choline, betaine and methionine) and most significant dietary sources. In Canadian women (Toronto, Ontario) supplemental (n=364) and dietary intakes (using a food frequency questionnaire) (n=290) were assessed during early and late pregnancy. Majority reported using a B vitamin-containing supplement prior (60%) to and during early (93%) and late (89%) pregnancy. Median supplemental intakes of folic acid, B12 and B6 were 1000 µg/d, 2.6 µg/d and 1.9 mg/d, respectively. Dietary one-carbon nutrient intakes did not change appreciably between early and late pregnancy. Most significant sources of folate and B6 were fruits and vegetables, of folic acid were cereals and grains and of B12 were dairy and egg products. Overall, this study provides novel information about one-carbon nutrient intakes in pregnancy which are crucial in maternal and child health.

Maternal Intakes and Sources of Folate and other One-carbon Nutrients in the Post-fortification Era

Masih, Shannon 05 December 2013 (has links)
This study characterizes B vitamin supplement use prior to and during pregnancy, changes in dietary one-carbon nutrient intakes (folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, choline, betaine and methionine) and most significant dietary sources. In Canadian women (Toronto, Ontario) supplemental (n=364) and dietary intakes (using a food frequency questionnaire) (n=290) were assessed during early and late pregnancy. Majority reported using a B vitamin-containing supplement prior (60%) to and during early (93%) and late (89%) pregnancy. Median supplemental intakes of folic acid, B12 and B6 were 1000 µg/d, 2.6 µg/d and 1.9 mg/d, respectively. Dietary one-carbon nutrient intakes did not change appreciably between early and late pregnancy. Most significant sources of folate and B6 were fruits and vegetables, of folic acid were cereals and grains and of B12 were dairy and egg products. Overall, this study provides novel information about one-carbon nutrient intakes in pregnancy which are crucial in maternal and child health.

Etude de la voie de biosynthèse du folate : caractérisation biochimique et recherche d'inhibiteurs de la formation de l'acide para-aminobenzoïque

Camara, Djeneb 30 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le terme folate (vitamine B9) désigne une famille de molécules ayant une structure de base composée de 3 parties : un noyau pterine, un acide para-aminobenzoïque (pABA) et une chaine de glutamates. Le rôle de ces cofacteurs est de transporter des groupements monocarbonés. Ils interviennent dans de nombreuses réactions comme la synthèse des bases nucléiques, la synthèse de méthionine et la synthèse et le turnover de la S-adenosylmethionine,. Le folate est synthétisé chez les plantes et un grand nombre de micro-organismes dont les parasites du phylum des apicomplexes, tels que Plasmodium falciparum, et Toxoplasma gondii. Les enzymes impliquées dans cette voie de biosynthèse étant absentes chez l'homme, elles représentent des cibles herbicides, antibiotiques et antiparasitaires potentielles. Les inhibiteurs de la voie de biosynthèse du folate (tels que les sulfamides, analogues du pABA et inhibiteurs de la dihydroptéroate synthase, ou les inhibiteurs de la dihydrofolate réductase), sont souvent utilisés comme antibiotiques et antiparasitaires. Un problème majeur dans le traitement de ces maladies infectieuses est la résistance développée contre ces molécules, ce qui nécessite la recherche permanente de nouveaux médicaments. Le pABA est synthétisé en plusieurs étapes qui sont autant de cibles intéressantes pour développer de nouveaux inhibiteurs. Tout d'abord l'aminodeoxychorismate (ADC) synthase transforme le chorismate en ADC, puis dans une seconde étape, l'ADC est transformé en pABA par une ADC lyase. Chez les plantes supérieures et les parasites apicomplexes l'ADC synthase est une enzyme bifonctionnelle composée de deux grands domaines, un domaine glutamine amidotranferase (GAT) qui permet de produire le NH3 nécessaire à l'amination du chorismate, et un domaine ADC synthase (ADCS). Nous avons pu déterminer les paramètres cinétiques de la GAT-ADCS d'Arabidopsis. Nous avons constaté que ces deux domaines fonctionnent indépendamment, c'est-à-dire soit en présence de glutamine seule pour le domaine GAT (pas de chorismate), soit en présence de chorismate et de NH3 pour le domaine ADCS (pas de glutamine). Toutefois, le fonctionnement en tandem des deux domaines (tous les substrats sont présents) améliore les propriétés cinétiques (kcat) de chacun d'eux. Nos résultats montrent aussi que le NH3 produit par le domaine GAT et nécessaire à la synthèse de l'ADC n'est pas relargué dans le milieu extérieur mais canalisé (channeling) vers le domaine ADCS. Finalement, nous avons observé que l'ADC, produit final de la réaction, retro-inhibe le domaine ADCS en absence d'ADC lyase. Pris dans son ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que l'amination du chorismate est l'étape la plus limitante de la synthèse du pABA,.. Des expériences de criblage à haut débit nous ont permis d'identifier une molécule, la rubreserine, qui inhibe in vitro le domaine GAT de l'ADC synthase d'Arabidopsis avec un Ki autour de 8 µM. Nous avons observé que cette molécule inhibe la croissance de plantules d'Arabidopsis thaliana et la prolifération des parasites Toxoplasma gondii et Plasmodium falciparum avec des IC50 respectif de 65 µM, 20 µM et 1.2 µM. Chez Arabidopsis, la concentration en folate des cellules traitées est abaissée d'environ 40% par rapport au contrôle, une diminution qui n'a plus lieu en présence de pABA. L'ajout de pABA et de 5-formyltetrahydrofolate dans les milieux de culture d'Arabidopsis ou de Toxoplasma supprime en grande partie l'inhibition de croissance liée à la rubreserine, ce qui montre bien la connexion entre rubreserine et voie de biosynthèse du folate. Avec Toxoplama gondii, la rubreserine apparait plus efficace que les sulfamides pour bloquer l'invasion et la prolifération de ces parasites dans les fibroblastes humains. Ces résultats valident la GAT-ADCS comme cible anti-folate et montrent que la rubreserine a des propriétés anti-parasitaires intéressantes.

Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease After Folic Acid Food Fortification of the Canadian Food Supply

Paterson, Linda Jane 31 May 2011 (has links)
Elevated plasma total homocysteine (ptHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia (hHcy) independently predicts cardiovascular disease in predialysis chronic kidney disease (pCKD). Folate status is one of the known nutritional determinants of ptHcy. In the era of folic acid food fortification, this cross-sectional study aimed to describe in pCKD subjects (n=48): 1) Prevalence of hHcy. 2) Intake and status of nutrients involved in homocysteine metabolism. 3) Determinants of ptHcy. The prevalence of hHcy was 93.8% (95% CI: 81.8 to 98.4). Median (25th, 75th percentile) total folate intake from food and supplements was 389 (282,640) µg DFE/d. No subject was folate deficient (red blood cell < 317 nmol/L). Red blood cell folate (r = - 0.406, p=0.004) and energy-protein undernutrition (r = 0.357, p=0.013) independently predicted ptHcy. To conclude, total folate intake among subjects with pCKD was sufficient to prevent folate deficiency but not able to prevent a high prevalence of hHcy.

Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease After Folic Acid Food Fortification of the Canadian Food Supply

Paterson, Linda Jane 31 May 2011 (has links)
Elevated plasma total homocysteine (ptHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia (hHcy) independently predicts cardiovascular disease in predialysis chronic kidney disease (pCKD). Folate status is one of the known nutritional determinants of ptHcy. In the era of folic acid food fortification, this cross-sectional study aimed to describe in pCKD subjects (n=48): 1) Prevalence of hHcy. 2) Intake and status of nutrients involved in homocysteine metabolism. 3) Determinants of ptHcy. The prevalence of hHcy was 93.8% (95% CI: 81.8 to 98.4). Median (25th, 75th percentile) total folate intake from food and supplements was 389 (282,640) µg DFE/d. No subject was folate deficient (red blood cell < 317 nmol/L). Red blood cell folate (r = - 0.406, p=0.004) and energy-protein undernutrition (r = 0.357, p=0.013) independently predicted ptHcy. To conclude, total folate intake among subjects with pCKD was sufficient to prevent folate deficiency but not able to prevent a high prevalence of hHcy.

Modulating liposomal stealth properties to evade RES and target tumors

McNeeley, Kathleen Margaret 25 August 2008 (has links)
Liposomal nanocarriers offer much promise in chemotherapeutic drug delivery because they may be specifically targeted to tumors thereby shielding healthy organs from toxic side effects of incorporated drugs. Passive targeting of liposomes is achieved through the inclusion of PEG to evade the RES and prolong circulation in the bloodstream. Since tumor vasculature exhibits increased permeability, prolonged circulation results in passive accumulation of liposomes to tumor. Active targeting is accomplished through the inclusion of agents targeted to over-expressed receptors on tumor cells. In vitro studies have demonstrated increased cytotoxicity of actively targeted liposomes due to specific uptake by tumor cells. In vivo, however, actively targeted liposomal nanocarriers have failed to meet the expectations established by the promising outcomes of in vitro studies. This is attributed to the fact that the inclusion of targeting agents results in accelerated clearance from the bloodstream and reductions in passive targeting to tumor thereby offsetting the benefits of active targeting. The central focus of this thesis was to engineer a multi-functional nanoscale drug delivery system which would enable active targeting without compromising RES evasion and passive accumulation to tumor. It was shown that the use of folate in liposomal formulations significantly reduced blood circulation times. To prevent RES recognition of folate on targeted liposomal formulations, a cysteine cleavable phospholipid-PEG conjugate was utilized to "mask" targeting ligands while liposomes were in circulation. Once passive accumulation at the tumor was achieved, cysteine was administered to detach PEG chains, expose folate, and promote uptake by tumor cells. In vivo studies demonstrated that cleavable DSPE-PEG5000 was capable of concealing folate on liposomes to maintain prolonged circulation times. In vitro studies verified the ability to conceal and expose folate on demand, permitting receptor mediated targeting and delivery of drug to target cells. Studies conducted to analyze drug uptake by tumor cells in vivo confirmed that delivery was enhanced when tumor-inoculated animals received targeted liposomes containing cleavable PEG chains followed by a cysteine infusion to expose folate. These results indicate that detachable PEG chains can be used in targeted liposomal formulations to enhance efficacy of chemotherapy in the treatment of glioma.

The analysis and stability of microencapsulated folic acid during the processing and preparation of instant Asian noodles.

Hau, Rodney, s3016872@student.rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Fortification of instant Asian noodles with folic acid has the potential to enhance dietary folate intakes. Recent studies show folate deficiency is prevalent in many countries. Furthermore, this vitamin is unstable upon exposure to light, air, heat and extreme conditions of acidity and alkalinity. Internationally, folate in foods has traditionally been analysed by a microbiological assay, however, due to the extensive time required for sample preparation and analysis, alternative procedures for analysis require consideration. The aims of the current study have been to investigate the stability of added folic acid in fortified instant fried noodles by analytical methods of capillary electrophoresis and reversed-phase HPLC. Additionally, procedures for the microencapsulation of folic acid by spray drying have been evaluated along with their significance in increasing the stability of the vitamin during processing and boiling of instant noodles. Optimisation of capillary electrophoretic conditions showed that the maximum response of folic acid relative to an internal standard was achieved using various concentrations of phosphate and borate. Analytical parameters including the effects of pH, voltage and temperature were studied along with enzymatic treatments for liberation of folic acid from the noodle matrix based. Higher recoveries were obtained using the enzymes however these exceeded 100% due to sample matrix interference. Standard addition or internal calibration were both effective in correcting for matrix interferences. Comparative investigations with reversed-phase HPLC confirmed the results obtained with the capillary electrophoresis. Using either a phosphate based buffer in conjunction with an ion-pairing agent at alkaline pH or an acidic mobile phase, the results attained were in good agreement as folic acid exhibited excellent stability under typical processing conditions. Various food approved hydrocolloids were evaluated for encapsulation of folic acid by spray drying. Incorporation of the microcapsules into formulations of instant fried noodles showed that after boiling the folic acid was chemically degraded to some extent and leaching also occurred. The microcapsules exhibited similar properties regardless of the binding agent used, with losses still occurring during the boiling stage. In order to enhance the structural integrity of the spray dried microcapsules, CaCl2 was used as a cross-linking agent for capsules prepared using alginate or pectin binding agents. Considerable increases in retention of core material were observed as the network exhibited a reduction in swelling and hydration, and subsequently a decrease in the release of folic acid. In summary, capillary electrophoresis and reversed-phase HPLC provided excellent separation and good quantitatation of added folic acid in instant Asian noodles. Excellent resolution was obtained between the sample matrix interference of instant noodles and the analysed vitamin. Folic acid displayed high stability throughout the processing of instant noodles whereas there was consistent evidence that unencapsulated folic acid was degraded during boiling. Microencapsulation of folic acid with combinations of alginate and pectin as the binding agents, proved to be effective in maintaining folic acid stability when calcium treatment was performed after spray drying. These findings provide an effective way to retain folic acid used in fortifying Asian instant noodles.

Preparação, caracterização e avaliação do potencial citotóxico in vitro de carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados funcionalizados com folato encapsulando quercetina em células de câncer de bexiga / Preparation, characterization and cytotoxic potential evaluated in bladder cancer cells of nanostructured lipid carriers functionalized with folate encapsulated quercetin

Letícia Bueno Silva 05 December 2016 (has links)
Câncer de bexiga (CB) é a segunda doença mais prevalente do trato urinário. Atualmente as principais terapias para o CB apresentam baixa eficácia, altas taxas de recorrência e vários efeitos adversos. Assim, avalia-se o potencial de novas moléculas para a terapia do CB. Quercetina (QT) é um flavonóide com propriedades inibidora da proliferação celular e apoptótica que são interessantes para o tratamento do câncer, porém é um composto instável e fotossensível, o que inviabiliza sua administração na forma livre. Desta forma, o encapsulamento da QT em carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados (CLN) funcionalizados com folato (CLN-F) pode ser um sistema efetivo de entrega de QT em células de CB que poderá superar os desafios da terapia intravesical do CB. O encapsulamento da QT pode aumentar a estabilidade da QT, sua permeação pelo urotélio, internalização em células tumorais, seu tempo de residência na bexiga e sua eficácia farmacológica. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram preparar, caracterizar e avaliar a citotoxicidade de QT livre e encapsulada em CLN e CLN-F em células de CB. O CLN e CLN-F foram preparados pelo método de emulsão e sonicação. A funcionalização do CLN foi realizada pela reação do estabilizante Pluronic F68 com folato (PF68F). Esta funcionalização foi avaliada por espectroscopia de ressonância magnética Nuclear (RMN) unidimensional de 1H. Os CLNs foram caracterizados quanto ao diâmetro, índice de polidispersão (PdI), potencial zeta (PZ), cristalinidade, eficiência de encapsulamento (EE) e morfologia. Além disso, foi avaliado o perfil de liberação da QT, a atividade antioxidante e a citotoxicidade da QT livre e encapsulada. A funcionalização foi confirmada pelos espectros de RMN que apresentaram sinais atribuídos ao PF68 e ao folato. O diâmetro, PdI e o PZ dos CLN foram 176,5 nm, 0,124 e -11,4 mV, respectivamente. O CLN-F apresentou 197,9 nm de diâmetro, 0,160 de PdI e -17,5mV de PZ. O encapsulamento da QT não alterou significativamente estes parâmetros para ambas as partículas. Obteve-se uma alta eficiência de encapsulamento da QT, para os dois carreadores (~98%), devido, provavelmente, ao baixo valor de índice de recristalização (~28) dos CLNs. Os CLN apresentam forma esférica, estabilidade por 330 dias e um perfil de liberação sustentada da QT. O IC50 do CLN-F-QT (83,4 ?g/mL) foi menor que o IC50 do CLN-QT (94,9 ?g/mL) provavelmente devido ao aumento da internalização causada pela funcionalização das partículas com folato. Os CLN-QT e CLN-F-QT apresentaram alta atividade antioxidante. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o CLN-F-Q é um sistema com potencial para a futura terapia do CB, pois apresenta tamanho menor que 200 nm, baixo PdI, alta estabilidade, EE e atividade antioxidante, liberação sustentada além de ser citotóxico para as células RT4. / Bladder cancer (BC) is the second most prevalent tumor of urinary tract. Currently the main BC therapies have low effectiveness, high recurrence rate and several adverse effects. Thus, new molecule have been investigate to CB therapy. Quercetin (QT) is a flavonoid with interesting properties for cancer therapy such as inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis. However, QT is an unstable and photosensitive compound. Therefore, QT encapsulated in nanostructure lipid carriers (NLC) functionalized with folate (F-NLC) might be an alternative targeting system of QT for tumor cell and can be strategy to overcome intravesical CB therapy challenges. The QT encapsulation can improve QT stability, increase its permeation in the urothelium and uptake in tumor cells, increase retention time in the bladder and enhancing its pharmacological efficacy. Aims of this study were preparation, characterization of NLC-QT and F-NLC-QT and cytotoxic evaluation of these particles in BC cells. NLC and F-NLC were prepared by ultrasonication method. NLC were funcionalized by conjugated between surfactant Pluronic and folate (PL68F). This conjugation was characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The particles were characterized regarding to size, polydispersity index (PdI), zeta potential (ZP), crystallinity, encapsulation efficiency (EE) and morphology. Furthermore, stability, release profile, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of QT encapsulated or not in NLC, were evaluated. RMN spectrums confirmed the PF68 functionalization, exhibiting peaks attributed to PF68 and folate. Size, PdI and ZP of NCL were respectively 176.5 nm, 0.124 and -11.4, whereas F-NLC showed 197.9 nm of size, 0.160 of PdI and ZP of -17.5mV. The QT encapsulation did not affect these physical parameters. Low values of crystalization index (~28) might promote high EE of quercetin (~98%). NLC shows spherical shape, sustained release profile of QT and were stable for 330 days. IC50 of NLC-QT (87.4 ?g/mL) was smaller thanthe IC50 of F-NLC-QT (94.9 ?g/mL). This difference might be explained by the increase of NLC uptake by endocytosis mediated by folate receptor. NLC-QT and F-NLC-QT showed high antioxidant activity. Therefore, our results suggest that QT-F-NLC is a carry system with potential for future BC therapy that show size smaller than 200 nm, low PdI, high long-term stability, high EE and antioxidant activity, sustained release and cytotoxic to CB cells (RT4).

Preditores dietéticos das concentrações séricas ou plasmáticas de homocisteína, ácido fólico, vitaminas B12 e B6 em mulheres / Dietary predictors of serum or plasma concentrations of homocystein, folic acid, vitamins B12 and B6 in low-income women in São Paulo, Brazil.

Lana Carneiro Almeida 04 April 2007 (has links)
Objetivo Examinar a correlação entre fatores dietéticos, obtidos por questionário de freqüência alimentar (QFA) validado, e concentrações séricas ou plasmáticas de homocisteína (hcy), ácido fólico, vitaminas B12 e B6 em mulheres de São Paulo. População e métodos Foram analisados os dados dietéticos de 1.434 mulheres de 21 a 65 anos de um estudo caso-controle sobre consumo alimentar e lesões neoplásicas do colo uterino realizado em três hospitais públicos da cidade de São Paulo, excluindo-se os casos de câncer invasivo. Todas participantes tiveram sua ingestão alimentar usual avaliada por entrevista, usando um QFA, e forneceram amostras sangüíneas em jejum para separação de plasma e soro. Concentrações séricas de ácido fólico e vitamina B12 séricos foram analisadas por técnica de fluoroimunoensaio, enquanto concentrações plasmáticas de hcy e vitamina B6 foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Performance em fase reversa. Correlações entre ingestão estimada de nutrientes, ajustados pelas calorias totais, e alimentos com as variáveis bioquímicas foram avaliadas em modelos de regressão linear múltiplos, após ajuste para co-variáveis, tais como idade, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), estilo de vida (incluindo tabagismo), morbidade ginecológica pregressa ou atual, história obstétrica e uso de anticoncepcional oral. Resultados Embora apenas 6,2% das participantes do estudo tenham apresentado concentrações séricas de ácido fólico abaixo do valor de referência (7 nmol/L), 45,7% e em 97,1% tiveram um consumo estimado de folato inferior a 180 ug/dia e 400 ug/dia, respectivamente. Modelos de regressão múltiplos mostraram correlação positiva entre ácido fólico sérico e ingestão estimada de proteína, ferro, folato, vitaminas B1, B3, B6, A, C e frutas/sucos cítricos e de vegetais verdes, e correlação inversa entre ácido fólico sérico e consumo estimado de gorduras, doces e leite e derivados. Resultados similares foram obtidos após ajuste adicional para fibra da dieta, exceto com consumo de folato e de vegetais verdes, que perderam a significância estatística como preditores independentes das concentrações séricas de ácido fólico. Concentrações séricas de vitamina B12 abaixo do ponto de corte de 148 pmol/L foram observadas em 11,0% da amostra; a maioria delas (70,4%) apresentou ingestão estimada de vitamina B12 igual ou superior à recomendação (2 ug/dia). As concentrações séricas de vitamina B12 foram positivamente correlacionadas com consumo estimado de produtos lácteos e das vitaminas B2 e B12. A ingestão de fibra, vitamina E e leguminosas foi inversamente correlacionada com as concentrações séricas de vitamina B12. Ingestão de vitamina B6 abaixo das recomendações de 1,3 mg/dia (&#8804;50 anos) e 1,5 mg/dia (>50 anos) foi observada em 49% das participantes. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre dados da dieta e concentrações plasmáticas de vitamina B6. As concentrações plasmáticas de hcy foram positivamente correlacionadas com o consumo estimado de carboidratos e doces, e inversamente correlacionadas com o consumo estimado de proteína, colesterol, ferro, zinco de origem animal, vitaminas A, B2, B12 e B6, e pescados. Entretanto, essas correlações perderam a significância após ajuste adicional por proteína da dieta, um dos mais fortes preditores das concentrações plasmáticas de hcy. Conclusão Nutrientes e alimentos selecionados da dieta mostraram-se preditores independentes das concentrações séricas de ácido fólico e de vitamina B12, indicando as principais fontes alimentares desses nutrientes nesta população e em outras similares. A forte correlação negativa entre concentração plasmática de Hcy e proteína da dieta sugere base para o planejamento de futuras intervenções nutricionais. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre concentração plasmática de vitamina B6 e fatores dietéticos estimados. / Objective To examine whether measurements of dietary intakes, obtained with a validated quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), correlated with serum or plasma levels of folic acid, vitamins B12 and B6 and homocystein (hcy) measured in low-income women living in São Paulo, Brazil. Population and methods We analyzed dietary data from 1434 women aged 21-65 years enrolled in a case-control study of diet and cervical cancer carried out in three public hospitals of São Paulo. Data for women with invasive cervical cancer were excluded. All participants had their usual dietary intake assessed by interview, using a validated FFQ, and provided a fasting blood sample for serum and plasma separation. Serum concentrations of folic acid and vitamin B12 were measured by fluorimmunoassay, while serum levels of vitamin B6 and plasma levels of hcy were measured by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Correlations between estimates of food and energy-adjusted nutrient intakes and levels of folic acid, vitamins B12 and B6 and hcy were assessed using multiple linear regression models, adjusted for covariates such as age, body mass index, lifestyle (including smoking), past and current gynecologic morbidity and obstetric history, and use of oral contraceptives. Results Although only 6.2% of the study participants had serum folic acid levels below the reference value of 7 nmol/L, 45.7% and 97.1% had a dietary intake of folic acid estimated to be less than 180 &#61549;g/day and 400 &#61549;g/day, respectively. Multiple linear models showed serum folic acid levels to be positively correlated with the estimated intake of protein, iron, folate, vitamins B1, B3, B6, A and C, citrus fruits and juices and green vegetables, and negatively correlated with the estimated intake of fat, sweets and dairy products. Similar results were obtained after a further adjustment for fiber intake in the model, except for the estimated intake of folic acid and green vegetables, which lost their statistical significance as independent predictors of serum folic acid levels. Serum levels of vitamin B12 below the cut-off point of 148 pmol/L were found in 11.0% of study participants; most of them (70.4%) had their vitamin B12 intake estimated to be equal or greater than the reference value of 2 &#61549;g/day. Serum levels of vitamin B12 were positively correlated with the estimated intake of dairy products and vitamins B2 and B12. The estimated intakes of fiber, vitamin E and beans were negatively correlated with serum levels of vitamin B12. Dietary vitamin B6 was estimated to be below the recommended levels of 1.3 mg/day (age &#61603; 50 years) or 1.5 mg/day (age > 50 years) in 49.0% of study participants. No correlation was found between estimated intakes of foods and nutrients and plasma levels of vitamin B6. Hcy concentrations were positively correlated with the estimated intake of carbohydrates and sweets, and negatively correlated with the estimated intake of protein, cholesterol, iron, zinc of animal origin, vitamins A, B2, B12 and B6 and fishes. However, these correlations were no longer significant after additional adjustment for dietary protein, the strongest predictor of hcy plasma levels. Conclusion The estimated dietary intakes of selected foods and nutrients were shown to be independent predictors of measured serum levels of folic acid and vitamin B12, providing a basis for indentifying the main dietary sources of these nutrients in this and similar populations. The strong negative correlation between plasma levels of hcy and dietary protein provides a basis for future nutritional interventions. No correlation was found between plasma concentrations of vitamin B6 and estimated dietary intakes.

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