Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foreign direct binvestment,"" "subject:"foreign direct dinvestment,""
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Investimento direto estrangeiro, transbordamentos e produtividade industrial : teorias, evidências e políticas aplicadas ao caso brasileiroMedeiros, Breno Barreto January 2008 (has links)
A década de oitenta, no Brasil, foi marcada por crises sucessivas da dívida externa, problemas inflacionários e baixas taxas de crescimento. Neste cenário, surgem idéias favoráveis à abertura da economia e em especial quanto ao Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (IDE), como forma se superar a restrição externa e possibilitar a retomada do crescimento econômico. Entretanto, também existiam justificativas de cunho mais microeconômico. Acreditava-se que as Empresas Nacionais (EN) sofreriam um choque de competitividade ao disputarem mercados com produtos importados de melhor qualidade e principalmente com o ingresso de Empresas Multinacionais (EMN) mais modernas e eficientes. Conseqüentemente, as EN iriam aumentar sua produtividade através do chamado efeito de transbordamento. As EMN, por serem muito eficientes, detentoras e desenvolvedoras de altas tecnologias de produção e técnicas de gestão modernas acabariam causando, de alguma forma, externalidades positivas às EN. Este fato teria como conseqüência o aumento da produtividade das EN. Neste contexto, o Brasil toma diversas medidas que favorecem o ingresso do IDE e a partir de meados da década de noventa passa a receber uma enorme quantidade deste capital, atingindo seu ápice no ano 2000. Entretanto, no início desta década o fluxo do IDE no Mundo e no Brasil apresentaram forte queda. Em 2003, o IDE retomou uma trajetória crescente mundial e o Brasil tem se destacado novamente na recepção deste tipo de capital. Este trabalho analisa os esforços de mensuração dos efeitos de transbordamentos do IDE sobre a produtividade das EN no Brasil. A análise toma por base as interpretações teóricas e empíricas sobre o tema no mundo e no Brasil. A despeito da identificação de alguns efeitos de transbordamentos positivos, ressaltam-se que as medidas tomadas em favor do IDE preocuparam-se basicamente em atraí-lo ao país. Neste sentido, fazemos uma discussão de proposições de políticas públicas e ações institucionais para potencializar as externalidades positivas do IDE sobre as EN no Brasil. / The eighteen decade, in Brazil, was marked by successive external debits crisis, inflationary problems and low rates of growth. In this scenario, thoughts favorable to openness of the economy emerge, in especial related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as a way of overcome the external restriction and make possible the return of the economic growth. However, there were justifications more related to microeconomics matters. It used to believe that Nationals Enterprises (NE) would suffer a competitive shock by fight for market-share with imported products of better quality and mainly with the ingress of Multinationals Enterprises (ME), more modern and efficient. Consequently, the NE would increase their productivity through the spillover effects. The ME, as a consequence of being very efficiencies, owner and developer of high of production technologies and modern manager techniques, would cause by some how positive externalities to the NE. This fact would result in the increase of productivity of the NE. In this context, Brazil took several steps to facilitate the ingress of FDI and since middles of the nineties decades started to receive a huge amount of the capital, heating its top in the year 2000. Nevertheless, at the beginning of this decade the flux of FDI in the World and in Brazil had a strong drop. In 2003, the FDI retook a growing trajectory worldly and Brazil has been outstanding again in the reception of this type of capital. This work analyses the efforts of measurement of the spillover effects of FDI in the productivities of NE in Brazil. The analysis takes in account the theoretical and empirical interpretations about the theme in the world and in Brazil. In spite of the identification of some positives spillover effects, we highlight that the measures took in favor to the FDI were basically worried in attract it to the country. In this sense, we discuss propositions of public politics and institutional actions to potentize FDI’s positives externalities over the NE in Brazil.
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Investimento direto brasileiro em países africanos para a produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar / Outward Brazilian foreign direct investment for sugarcane ethanol production in African countries.Anamaria Guimarães Gandra 08 October 2013 (has links)
A tendência de aumento da participação dos biocombustíveis na matriz energética mundial possibilita que o etanol de cana-de-açúcar seja considerado uma alternativa ao petróleo. Contudo, a internacionalização do etanol encontra-se em estágio inicial e a perspectiva de consolidação de um mercado internacional está associada à formação de uma demanda em larga escala. Para tanto, é necessário que mais países estabeleçam marco regulatório para garantir a inserção do biocombustível em suas respectivas matrizes energéticas. Paralelamente, em função da oferta restrita de etanol no mercado internacional é necessário que mais países se tornem produtores de etanol. Diante disso, os países africanos possuem elevado potencial para a produção de cana-de-açúcar, embora a disponibilidade de recursos internos seja limitada, o que faz com que necessitem de investimentos externos para a realização de projetos. Nesse sentido, o Brasil apresenta uma atuação histórica de estímulo à internacionalização do etanol e as empresas do setor sucroenergético brasileiro se tornam candidatas naturais à realização de investimentos na produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar nos países africanos. Sendo assim, a pesquisa buscou analisar por meio da Metodologia de Sistemas Flexíveis (SSM) as perspectivas e os desafios para o investimento direto com capital misto brasileiro na produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar em países africanos, bem como propôs ações que podem ser desempenhadas pelo governo brasileiro com o intuito de estimular o desenvolvimento da produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar em países africanos, bem como estimular os empresários brasileiros a investirem em nesses países. / The trend of increasing share of biofuels in the global energy matrix enables sugarcane ethanol be considered an alternative to oil. However, the internationalization of ethanol is in the initial stage and is associated with the formation of a large-scale demand. To do so, more countries have to establish regulatory framework to ensure the inclusion of biofuels in their energy mix and also have to become ethanol producers. Therefore, African countries have high potential to produce sugarcane, although the availability of internal financial resources is limited, which means that foreign investment is required to carry out projects. In this sense, Brazil has a historical role to stimulate the ethanol internationalization as well as Brazilian companies are natural candidates for investments in the sugarcane ethanol production in African countries. Thus, the research sought to analyze through Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) the prospects and challenges for FDI with mixed Brazilian capital in sugarcane ethanol production in African countries, as well as propose actions that may be performed by the Brazilian government in order to stimulate the development of sugarcane ethanol production in African countries, as well as stimulating Brazilian companies to invest in these countries.
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Avaliação do papel das agências de promoção de exportação e investimento nos fluxos de negócios entre países / An evalution of the role of export and investment promotion agencies on countries\'trade and investment flowClaudia Cheron König 03 November 2016 (has links)
Assimetrias de informação entre países de acolhimento e de origem das empresas constituem um obstáculo significativo aos fluxos comerciais e de investimento através das fronteiras internacionais, levando a uma importante questão política: como os governos podem ajudar as empresas na redução dessa barreira, auxiliando-as no processo de internacionalização? Diante da enorme concorrência no mercado internacional, nota-se que cada vez um número maior de governos encontra nas Agências de Promoção de Exportação e de Investimento (APEIs) um instrumento para o apoio a competitividade das empresas nacionais no mercado global. O papel das APEIs tem gradualmente influenciado os fluxos de mercadorias e capitais em um contexto cada vez mais dinâmico e competitivo entre empresas e países. Mas qual é o impacto da presença da agência (APEI) nos fluxos de comércio e investimento entre os países? Aspectos institucionais influenciam na atuação da agência? A aprendizagem da APEI em um determinado mercado resulta em maior impacto nos fluxos comerciais entre o país de origem da APEI e o país hospedeiro? Com o intuito de responder a essas questões, construiu-se um banco de dados com informações econômicas e institucionais para o Brasil e mais 220 países entre os anos de 1995 a 2015. Os fluxos comerciais e de investimento entre o Brasil e os demais países são as variáveis dependentes do estudo. Além disso, foram coletados dados de 20 agências de promoção de exportação e investimento atuantes no mercado brasileiro. Para a realização da análise optou-se pela adoção de um estimador de painéis dinâmicos com efeito fixo. A utilização de um modelo dinâmico - com uma variável dependente defasada - foi adotada para reduzir potenciais vieses de variáveis omitidas que houvesse em um modelo estático, uma vez que alguns determinantes dos fluxos podem estar relacionados com a criação das agências. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da presença das agências sobre os fluxos não pode ser ignorado, revelando-se estatisticamente significante para fluxos comerciais e de saída de IDE brasileiro. O efeito da aprendizagem da APEI no país hospedeiro também é significante para os fluxos comerciais do país de origem da agência para o país hospedeiro. Os testes indicam um efeito da presença da agência sobre o impacto da distância cultural e geográfica sobre os fluxos. Há diferença de impacto da agência dependendo de a quem ela esteja subordinada dentro do governo. Apontaram-se as limitações desta tese bem como se destacou sugestões de direcionamento de novas pesquisas com o intuito de progredir no conhecimento e dos fatores que afetam o impacto da presença das APEIs sobre os fluxos entre os países. / Information asymmetry between business\' host and home countries establishes a significant hindrance to trade and investment flows across international borders, leading to an important policy question: How can government help businesses to reduce this barrier by providing supporting in the internationalization process? Due to massive competition in the global market, more and more governments have discovered an instrument to boost the competitiveness of domestic enterprises internationally: the Export and Investment Promotion Agencies (EIPA). In the context of increasing dynamics and competitiveness among companies and countries, EIPA have gradually influenced the flow of goods and capital. However, what is the impact of EIPA\'s presence on trade and investment flows between countries? Do institutional aspects have influence in the agency\'s performing? Do EIPA\'s experiences in a specific market result in a greater impact on trade flows between an EIPA\'s home country and its host countries? In order to answer these questions a database of economic and institutional information from Brazil and other 220 countries between the years 1995 and 2015 was elaborated. Trade and investment flows between Brazil and the corresponding countries are the dependent variables of the study. In addition, data were collected from 20 foreign EIPA, which act in the Brazilian market. An estimator of dynamic panel data with fixed effects was used to conduct the analysis. A dynamic panel data model with a lagged dependent variable was used to reduce potential biases of omitted variables in a static model - since some flow determinants could have been related to the creation of the proper EIPA. The results demonstrate that the impact on the flows caused by the presence of EIPA should not be ignored, once the tests reveal such presence as statistically significant for trade flows and Brazilian FDI output. The learning effect of an EIPA in the host country is also significant for the trade flow from the EIPA\'s home country to the host country. The results prove the effect of such presence, changing the impact of cultural and geographic distance. The effect seems to depend also on the organizational subordination of the EIPA within the government. Limitations of this thesis have been pointed out and future research directions have been suggested in order to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the factors that actually affect the impact of EIPA\'s presence on flows between countries.
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Investimento direto estrangeiro, transbordamentos e produtividade industrial : teorias, evidências e políticas aplicadas ao caso brasileiroMedeiros, Breno Barreto January 2008 (has links)
A década de oitenta, no Brasil, foi marcada por crises sucessivas da dívida externa, problemas inflacionários e baixas taxas de crescimento. Neste cenário, surgem idéias favoráveis à abertura da economia e em especial quanto ao Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (IDE), como forma se superar a restrição externa e possibilitar a retomada do crescimento econômico. Entretanto, também existiam justificativas de cunho mais microeconômico. Acreditava-se que as Empresas Nacionais (EN) sofreriam um choque de competitividade ao disputarem mercados com produtos importados de melhor qualidade e principalmente com o ingresso de Empresas Multinacionais (EMN) mais modernas e eficientes. Conseqüentemente, as EN iriam aumentar sua produtividade através do chamado efeito de transbordamento. As EMN, por serem muito eficientes, detentoras e desenvolvedoras de altas tecnologias de produção e técnicas de gestão modernas acabariam causando, de alguma forma, externalidades positivas às EN. Este fato teria como conseqüência o aumento da produtividade das EN. Neste contexto, o Brasil toma diversas medidas que favorecem o ingresso do IDE e a partir de meados da década de noventa passa a receber uma enorme quantidade deste capital, atingindo seu ápice no ano 2000. Entretanto, no início desta década o fluxo do IDE no Mundo e no Brasil apresentaram forte queda. Em 2003, o IDE retomou uma trajetória crescente mundial e o Brasil tem se destacado novamente na recepção deste tipo de capital. Este trabalho analisa os esforços de mensuração dos efeitos de transbordamentos do IDE sobre a produtividade das EN no Brasil. A análise toma por base as interpretações teóricas e empíricas sobre o tema no mundo e no Brasil. A despeito da identificação de alguns efeitos de transbordamentos positivos, ressaltam-se que as medidas tomadas em favor do IDE preocuparam-se basicamente em atraí-lo ao país. Neste sentido, fazemos uma discussão de proposições de políticas públicas e ações institucionais para potencializar as externalidades positivas do IDE sobre as EN no Brasil. / The eighteen decade, in Brazil, was marked by successive external debits crisis, inflationary problems and low rates of growth. In this scenario, thoughts favorable to openness of the economy emerge, in especial related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as a way of overcome the external restriction and make possible the return of the economic growth. However, there were justifications more related to microeconomics matters. It used to believe that Nationals Enterprises (NE) would suffer a competitive shock by fight for market-share with imported products of better quality and mainly with the ingress of Multinationals Enterprises (ME), more modern and efficient. Consequently, the NE would increase their productivity through the spillover effects. The ME, as a consequence of being very efficiencies, owner and developer of high of production technologies and modern manager techniques, would cause by some how positive externalities to the NE. This fact would result in the increase of productivity of the NE. In this context, Brazil took several steps to facilitate the ingress of FDI and since middles of the nineties decades started to receive a huge amount of the capital, heating its top in the year 2000. Nevertheless, at the beginning of this decade the flux of FDI in the World and in Brazil had a strong drop. In 2003, the FDI retook a growing trajectory worldly and Brazil has been outstanding again in the reception of this type of capital. This work analyses the efforts of measurement of the spillover effects of FDI in the productivities of NE in Brazil. The analysis takes in account the theoretical and empirical interpretations about the theme in the world and in Brazil. In spite of the identification of some positives spillover effects, we highlight that the measures took in favor to the FDI were basically worried in attract it to the country. In this sense, we discuss propositions of public politics and institutional actions to potentize FDI’s positives externalities over the NE in Brazil.
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Atração de investimento externo direto no Brasil 2003 - 2010 / Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in BrazilBarbosa, Anahi de Castro 04 December 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to analyze the attraction of investments in Brazil (2003 - 2010), according to the analysis of FDI and its pattern of entry into the host country, as an instrument of productive internationalization of TNCs. Another approach is to examine the strategic government to boost the country's attractiveness as a hybrid of an industrial policy and foreign policy. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the contemporary international scene, focusing on the evolution of economic governance and international regimes of greatest relevance such as trade, finance and investment. Then it is important to explore the fundamentals of analytical approach in foreign direct investment and its impact on developing economies, so that we can better understand how the relationship between foreign capital and the promotion of economic development is settled. Thus the Brazilian economy has shown dependent inflow of external resources, which allows us to identify different patterns of entry of FDI in the country. Finally, it appears that there is a historical relationship between industrialism, FDI and government planning in Brazil. Today, the scenario has allowed the resumption of government planning and the promotion of national development, despite the neoliberal legacy of the 1990s. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a atração de investimentos no Brasil (2003 2010), consoante a análise do IED e seu padrão de entrada no país, enquanto instrumento da internacionalização produtiva das CTNs; e conforme a análise da estratégica governamental para fomentar a atratividade do país enquanto política híbrida de caráter industrial e de política externa. Para tanto, faz-se necessária a análise do cenário internacional contemporâneo; com enfoque na evolução da governança econômica e regimes internacionais de maior relevância tais como de comércio, financeiro e de investimentos. Em seguida, explora-se a abordagem dos fundamentos analíticos do investimento externo direto e seus impactos nas economias hospedeiras em desenvolvimento, para que se possa melhor apreender como se dá a relação entre o capital externo e a promoção de desenvolvimento econômico do país de destino. Ante o cenário que se apresenta, observa-se que a economia brasileira tem se mostrado dependente da entrada de recursos externos, de modo que, historicamente, é possível identificar diferentes padrões de entrada do IED no país. Por fim, verifica-se que há uma relação histórica entre o industrialismo, IED e o planejamento governamental no Brasil. Atualmente, o cenário tem admitido um resgate do planejamento governamental e permite a concordância entre as funções do Estado contemporâneo e a promoção do desenvolvimento nacional, a despeito da herança neoliberal da década de 1990.
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Os determinantes de investimentos chineses e brasileiros no exterior / The determinants of Chinese and Brazilian foreign direct investment outflowsZhaowei Wang 15 August 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga empiricamente os determinantes de investimentos chineses e brasileiros no exterior e faz uma comparação entre a China e o Brasil no sentido de determinantes e características gerais de investimento no exterior, como o volume, a escolha de destinação. Em base de uma revisão teórica da área de investimento no exterior no primeiro artigo, testamos empiricamente, no secondo artigo, as hipóteses sugeridas pela teoria de Paradigma Eclético do Dunning e pelas outras literaturas nesta área pelo modelo de painel, utilizando os dados oficiais do Brasil e da China coletados no período entre 2006 e 2012. Encontramos os mesmos resultados de variáveis principais, os quais indicam que investimentos no exterior de ambos dois países tem motivação significativa de buscar mercado, eficiência e exportar capital intelectual, mas a busca de recurso natural é uma motivação insignificativa para os dois países. Encontramos também os diferentes resultados em variáveis controladas entre dois países. / This study investigates the determinants of Chinese and Brazilian outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and conducts a comparison between China and Brazil in terms of FDI determinants and general FDI features like volume, location choice. Based on an extensive and in-depth theoretical review of main FDI theories in first article, we, in second article, test empirically our hypotheses suggested by Dunning\'s Eclectic Paradigm theory and others FDI literature through a panel data model, using Brazil and China official data collected between 2006 and 2012. We find same results of main variables that both Chinese and Brazilian OFDI have significant motivations of market-seeking, efficiency-seeking and asset-exporting (contrary to hypothesis), but resource-seeking OFDI is insignificant for both countries. We also find their difference in results of control variables.
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Estado, empresariado e variedades de capitalismo no Brasil: internacionalização de empresas privadas no governo Lula / State, entrepreneurs, and varieties of capitalism in Brazil: private firms internationalization in Lula\'s governmentDanylo Rebert de Oliveira Rocha 22 March 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a economia política do processo de internacionalização de empresas privadas brasileiras ocorrido durante o governo Lula (2003-2010). A partir de 2005, verificou-se uma expansão do investimento direto brasileiro no exterior, resultado de uma política do governo federal destinada a formar grandes empresas transnacionais capazes de concorrer internacionalmente. Grandes fusões, aquisições e projetos de investimentos no exterior foram financiados por recursos públicos, no âmbito da política industrial operada pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), principal banco estatal de fomento ao setor privado no país. Uma característica importante desse movimento foi a concentração em setores nos quais o Brasil já é competitivo, como os intensivos em trabalho e recursos naturais, em contradição com diretrizes originalmente estabelecidas pela própria política industrial do governo Lula, que preconizava o incentivo a indústrias mais intensivas em tecnologia. Utilizando a abordagem institucional das \"variedades de capitalismo\", argumenta-se que isso ocorreu porque a política de internacionalização de empresas pautou-se por demandas de curto prazo de grupos econômicos privados, refletindo características institucionais mais gerais da economia brasileira. / This dissertation analyzes the political economy of the internationalization process of Brazilian private companies occurred during Lula administration (2003-2010). Since 2005, there was an expansion of Brazilian foreign direct investment abroad, as a result of a federal government policy intended to form large corporations able to compete internationally. Major mergers, acquisitions and investment projects abroad were financed by public funds under the industrial policy operated by National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES), the main state bank to support the private sector in the country. An important feature of this movement was the focus on sectors in which Brazil is already competitive, as the labor and natural resources intensives sectors, in conflict with guidelines established by the same industrial policy of the Lula government, which advocated the support of more technology-intensive industries. Using the institutional approach of \"varieties of capitalism\", it is argued that this occurred because the internationalization policy was guided by short-term demands of private economic groups, reflecting wider institutional characteristics of the Brazilian economy.
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Bradford mills at Marki, Warsaw : a case study of British entrepreneurship in Russian Poland 1883-1914Dietz, Sarah January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the late-nineteenth century partnership between Bradford worsted manufacturers the Briggs brothers and the German merchant Ernst Posselt, and their subsequent foreign direct investment in a modern factory and workers’ community at Marki, near Warsaw, in Russian Poland. Protectionism and increasing foreign competition are discussed, among many complex economic pressures on British industry, as likely catalysts for this enterprise and the general historiography of the Polish lands is explored to reveal a climate of extraordinary opportunity for well-capitalised foreign industrialists in this period. This thesis provides fresh perspective on the role of the consular service in facilitating British foreign enterprise and, in context of the Bradford partners’ strategy for local integration through social networking and religious affiliation, presents unique findings regarding the character and operations of Warsaw’s elite commercial community in the late-nineteenth century. Through the development and domination of market and raw materials sources, this venture is shown to have monopolised worsted manufacture in the Russian Empire, using state of the art technology to create, and modern marketing techniques to promote, its product range and evolving image. Aspects of British and Polish social history are compared to assess the efficacy of introducing the model-community concept, in combination with a radical employment policy, to less industrially-developed Russian Poland. The instrumentality of an expatriate community of skilled Yorkshire foremen in diffusing British industrial technology throughout the Russian Empire is described, against a backdrop of political instability and social upheaval which dramatically impacted on business behaviour after 1905.
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Essays in international finance and bankingNahhas, Abdulkader January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis financial movements are considered in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) and a related way to international banking. In Chapter 2 FDI is analysed in terms of the major G7 economies. Then this is further handled in Chapter 3 in terms of bilateral FDI (BFDI) data related to a broader group of economies and a main mode of analysis the Gravity model. Gravity models are then used in Chapter 4 to analyse bilateral cross border lending in a similar way. While the exchange rate effect is handled in terms of volatility and measured using models of conditional variance. The analysis focused on the bilateral data pays attention to the breakdown of crises across the whole period. With further consideration made of the Euro zone in terms of the study of BFDI and cross border lending. The initial study looks at the determinants of the inflow and outflow of stocks of FDI in the G7 economies for the period 1980-2011. A number of factors, such as research and development (R&D), openness and relative costs are shown to be important, but the main focus is on the impact of the real and nominal effective exchange rate volatility. Where nominal and real exchange rate volatility are measured using a model of generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) to explain the variance. Although the impact of volatility is theoretically ambiguous inflows are generally negatively affected by increased volatility, whilst there is some evidence outflows increase when volatility rises. In Chapter 3, the effect of bilateral exchange rate volatility is analysed using BFDI stocks, from 14 high income countries to all the OECD countries over the period 1995-2012. This is done using annual panel data with a gravity model. The empirical analysis applies the generalised method of moments (GMM) estimator to a gravity model of BFDI stocks. The findings imply that exports, GDP and distance are key variables that follow from the Gravity model. This study considers the East Asian, global financial markets and systemic banking crises have exerted an impact on BFDI. These effects vary by the type and origin of the crisis, but are generally negative. A high degree of exchange rate volatility discourages BFDI. Chapter 4 considers the determinants of cross-border banking activity from 19 advanced countries to the European Union (EU) over the period 1999-2014. Bilateral country-level stock data on cross-border lending is examined. The data allows us to analyse the effect of financial crises – differentiated by type: systemic banking crises, the global financial crisis, the Euro debt crisis and the Lehman Brothers crisis on the geography of cross-border lending. The problem is analysed using quarterly panel data with a Gravity model. The empirical "Gravity" model conditioned on distance and size measured by GDP is a benchmark in explaining the volume of cross border banking activities. In addition to the investigation of the impact of crises further comparison is made by investigating the impact of European integration on cross-border banking activities between member states. These results are robust to various econometric methodologies, samples, and institutional characteristics.
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Le cadre juridique des investissements directs étrangers au Qatar : mise en perspective avec les législations des Emirats Arabes Unis, de l'Egypte et de la Tunisie / The legal framework for foreign direct investments in Qatar. : putting into perspective the legislations of the United Arab Emirates. Egypt and TunisiaFetais, Abdulmehsen 05 July 2017 (has links)
L'évolution des activités économiques internationales depuis la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale a eu pour conséquence l'évolution du droit du commerce international. L’objectif du Qatar est d’entrer pleinement dans la modernité du droit des investissements directs étrangers en offrant un cadre sûr aux détenteurs de capitaux. tout en conservant son identité culturelle et juridique. La volonté du Qatar de sortir de la dépendance aux hydrocarbures et de permettre à sa population de bénéficier des effets positifs des investissements est un défi majeur pour l’avenir du pays, particulièrement dans un contexte de fluctuations du prix du pétrole depuis 2014, passant de 100$ à 50$. La comparaison avec d’autres pays arabes nous permet de positionner plus précisément le Qatar sur l’échiquier mondial. Les politiques dédiées aux IDE au Qatar, en Égypte, en Tunisie et aux Émirats arabes unis montrent que l’accueil et le contrôle des flux de capitaux étrangers servent des objectifs différents. La mise en place d’un régime d’investissement très libéral et très favorable aux investisseurs étrangers en Égypte répond davantage à des conditions posées par les institutions internationales (le FMI) contre l’obtention de prêts ou de réduction de la dette. En Tunisie, malgré un engagement dans une importante politique de libéralisation et d’intégration à l'espace européen, l'économie ne s’est pas modernisée suffisamment et n’a pas réussi à opérer une transformation vers des activités à plus haute valeur ajoutée. Enfin, la comparaison avec les Émirats arabes unis est beaucoup plus pertinente car les deux pays ont des économies plus semblables et œuvrent au sein du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe. / The evolution of international economic activities since the end or the Second World War resulted in the development of international trade law. Qatar's objective is to fully integrate the modernity of foreign direct investment law by providing a secure framework for capital holders while maintaining its cultural and legal identity. Qatar's willingness to escape oil dependence and allow its people to benefit from the positive effects of investment is a major challenge for the country's future, especially in the lace of fluctuating oil prices since 2014, $ 100 to $ 50. Comparison with other Arab countries allows us to position Qatar more precisely on the world stage. FDI policies in Qatar. Egypt, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates show that the reception and control of foreign capital flows serve different purposes. The establishment of a very liberal investment regime that is very favorable to foreign investors in Egypt responds more to conditions imposed by international institutions (the IMF) against obtaining loans or reducing debt. In Tunisia, despite a commitment to an important policy of liberalization and integration into the European area, the economy has not modernized sufficiently and has foiled to transform into higher value-added activities. Finally, the comparison with the United Arab Emirates is much more relevant because the two countries have more similar economies and work within the Gulf Cooperation Council.
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