Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forest edges"" "subject:"corest edges""
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Fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages at Dlinza and Entumeni Nature Reserves, KwaZulu-Natal : a quantitative biodiversity study / cWayne S. Forrester.Forrester, Wayne Steven January 2011 (has links)
Fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages at two indigenous forests in KwaZulu-Natal, the Dlinza and Entumeni forests were studied with baited traps during a year cycle June 2008-May 2009 and an additional March-May 2010 (autumn) survey. A total of 2801 butterflies were trapped, which consisted of 28 species, representing five subfamilies of the Nymphalidae, with the most abundant and species rich subfamily being Charaxinae. Higher than expected abundances and numbers of species trapped during the present study, though significantly lower than some tropical areas in Africa, demonstrate that this technique of quantifying assemblages with baited-traps are effective in forests of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and should be included in future butterfly assessments. During a mark-release-recapture survey, very few fruit-feeding butterflies were recaptured, with no observed dispersal events between the two forests. A high turnover of fruit-feeding butterfly populations reflects adequacy of habitat quality and size at both the forests for the conservation of this guild of butterfly fauna.
Season had a marked effect on butterfly assemblages with optimal times of the year emerging as autumn and winter, when butterfly abundance and species richness were highest. Abundance and diversity (Shannon index) at the smaller Dlinza forest were marginally higher or at least very similar to that of the larger Entumeni forest. Higher species richness (d) was recorded at the larger Entumeni forest. A greater number of individuals and higher number of species were trapped at both forest edges in comparison to forest interior (clearings). Species richness (d) and diversity (Shannon index) at Dlinza forest were higher at the interior (forest clearings) compared to that of the Dlinza forest edge. In contrast higher species richness and diversity (Shannon index) were recorded at the Entumeni edge if compared to the Entumeni interior. Highest species richness (d) was consistently recorded at the Entumeni forest edge.
Similarity between the species compositions of both forests was high. The Entumeni forest are imbedded in a larger zone of natural grassland in contrast to the Dlinza forest which is partly located in an urban setting with small or absent grassland buffer zones. Altitudinal differences between these forests had lesser influence on the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages whilst the closer urban edge at the Dlinza forest appears to contribute to a negative impact on the species richness at the forest margin. Recommendations to the conservation management of the Dlinza and Entumeni forests, stemming from this study, include conserving small forest remnants as part of stepping stone corridors between the forests, eradication of alien invasive plant species, conserving grassland buffer zones in which the forests are embedded and caution to any future developments in this unique area.
Awareness to preserve and understand the wealth of indigenous smaller fauna, which are dependent on these magnificent forests, is to be promoted. / Thesis (Master of Environmental Sciences)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages at Dlinza and Entumeni Nature Reserves, KwaZulu-Natal : a quantitative biodiversity study / cWayne S. Forrester.Forrester, Wayne Steven January 2011 (has links)
Fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages at two indigenous forests in KwaZulu-Natal, the Dlinza and Entumeni forests were studied with baited traps during a year cycle June 2008-May 2009 and an additional March-May 2010 (autumn) survey. A total of 2801 butterflies were trapped, which consisted of 28 species, representing five subfamilies of the Nymphalidae, with the most abundant and species rich subfamily being Charaxinae. Higher than expected abundances and numbers of species trapped during the present study, though significantly lower than some tropical areas in Africa, demonstrate that this technique of quantifying assemblages with baited-traps are effective in forests of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and should be included in future butterfly assessments. During a mark-release-recapture survey, very few fruit-feeding butterflies were recaptured, with no observed dispersal events between the two forests. A high turnover of fruit-feeding butterfly populations reflects adequacy of habitat quality and size at both the forests for the conservation of this guild of butterfly fauna.
Season had a marked effect on butterfly assemblages with optimal times of the year emerging as autumn and winter, when butterfly abundance and species richness were highest. Abundance and diversity (Shannon index) at the smaller Dlinza forest were marginally higher or at least very similar to that of the larger Entumeni forest. Higher species richness (d) was recorded at the larger Entumeni forest. A greater number of individuals and higher number of species were trapped at both forest edges in comparison to forest interior (clearings). Species richness (d) and diversity (Shannon index) at Dlinza forest were higher at the interior (forest clearings) compared to that of the Dlinza forest edge. In contrast higher species richness and diversity (Shannon index) were recorded at the Entumeni edge if compared to the Entumeni interior. Highest species richness (d) was consistently recorded at the Entumeni forest edge.
Similarity between the species compositions of both forests was high. The Entumeni forest are imbedded in a larger zone of natural grassland in contrast to the Dlinza forest which is partly located in an urban setting with small or absent grassland buffer zones. Altitudinal differences between these forests had lesser influence on the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages whilst the closer urban edge at the Dlinza forest appears to contribute to a negative impact on the species richness at the forest margin. Recommendations to the conservation management of the Dlinza and Entumeni forests, stemming from this study, include conserving small forest remnants as part of stepping stone corridors between the forests, eradication of alien invasive plant species, conserving grassland buffer zones in which the forests are embedded and caution to any future developments in this unique area.
Awareness to preserve and understand the wealth of indigenous smaller fauna, which are dependent on these magnificent forests, is to be promoted. / Thesis (Master of Environmental Sciences)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Quelle est la contribution des lisières forestières à la structuration des assemblages d’abeilles sauvages dans les paysages agricoles ? / How do forest edges drive wild bee assemblages in agricultural landscapes ?Bailey, Samantha 02 October 2014 (has links)
Des assemblages de pollinisateurs sauvages plus diversifiés et abondants fourniraient un service de pollinisation plus stable et efficace pour une plus large gamme de cultures. La rupture de l’équilibre entre milieux semi-naturels et anthropisés dans la mosaïque paysagère est souvent invoquée pour expliquer le déclin des pollinisateurs. Le maintien des abeilles sauvages est fortement dépendant de la disponibilité, dans le rayon de dispersion de l’espèce, des ressources floristiques et des micro-habitats de nidification et d’hivernage. Nous avons analysé dans une synthèse bibliographique l'effet de la proximité à la forêt ou de la proportion de forêt dans le paysage sur deux services (pollinisation et contrôle des ravageurs) et un dis-service écosystémiques (ravageurs) rendus par les arthropodes aux cultures. Nos propres travaux fournissent les premiers exemples approfondis en milieu tempéré de l’intérêt des lisières forestières pour les abeilles pollinisatrices des cultures. A l’échelle de parcelles de colza et de pommiers, nous avons démontré que les lisières forestières (i) sont le site de nidification/accouplement de nombreuses espèces printanières, (ii) offrent dès le début du printemps une diversité de ressources florales favorables, et (iii) ont un intérêt variable dans la saison en fonction des groupes écologiques d’abeilles. La diversité des abeilles sauvages régresse à l’intérieur du champ avec la distance à la lisière, en fonction des capacités de vol. A la lumière de nos résultats, nous suggérons un aménagement agro-écologique des territoires agricoles intégrant des lisières forestières dans une trame arborée favorable aux abeilles. / More diverse and abundant assemblages of wild pollinators should provide a more stable and effective pollination service for a wider range of crops. The disruption of the balance between semi-natural and manmade environments in the mosaic landscape is often invoked to explain the decline of pollinators. The survival of wild bees is highly dependent on the availability, within species dispersal radius, of both floral resources and nesting and wintering micro-habitats. In a literature review, we analyzed the effect of proximity to the forest or the proportion of forest in the landscape on both ecosystem services (pollination and pest control) and dis-services (pests) provided by arthropods to crops. Our own work provides the first in-depth demonstration of the interest of forest edges for bees pollinating crops in temperate regions. At the scale of oilseed and apple crops, we demonstrated that forest edges (i) are the nesting / mating sites for many spring species, (ii) provide a diversity of favorable floral resources at early spring, and (iii) have a season-dependent interest for bee guilds. The diversity of wild bees decreases within the field with distance from the edge, depending on the bee flight abilities. In light of our results, we suggest an agro-ecological management of agricultural land incorporating forest edges in a woody network in favour of wild bees.
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Power Lines - Wasteland or Biodiversity Hotspots? / Kraftledningsgator - Biologisk öken eller mångfald?Norström Paananen, Marcus, Boström, Magnus, Ahlgren, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Det svenska kulturlandskapet har förändrats radikalt under de senaste 200 åren från ett varierat och heterogent landskap till ett mer monotont, homogeniserat landskap som följd av att olika former av mänskligt resursutnyttjande har effektiviserats. Detta har lett till en fragmentering av livsmiljöerna för flera av kulturlandskapets arter. Kraftledningsgator kan tänkas hysa naturtyper som påminner om vissa av de nu försvunna eller fragmenterade livsmiljöerna (t ex betad skogsmark och vissa typer av ängsmarker) och skulle kunna ha en viktig betydelse som reträttplats och/eller spridningskorridor för dessa arter.</p><p>I en fallfällsinventering i Köpings och Strängnäs kommun i Mälardalen undersöktes förekomst och abundans av marklevande evertebrater i kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark. Jämförelser i förekomst och abundans gjordes mellan dessa marktyper (d v s kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark), samt mellan positioner inom kraftledningsgator (centrala och distala delar) och närliggande skogsmark. Jämförelserna innefattade dels analyser av artantal (eller snarare antal taxa) och flera olika biodiversitetsindex och dels analyser av likhet i artförekomst och individantal med "likhetsindex" (similarity index). Separata analyser gjordes inom olika taxonomiska grupper (t ex alla taxa, endast inom insekter, endast inom spindeldjur). Antalet replikat tillät statistisk testning av eventuella mönster i antal taxa och biodiversitetsindex.</p><p>Inga signifikanta skillnader dokumenterades, varken mellan de olika marktyperna eller mellan positioner inom kraftledningsgator och närliggande skog. Vi tolkar dessa resultat som att kraftledningsgator med avseende på antal taxa respektive biodiversitet <em>inte är (signifikant) sämre</em> än skogs- eller betesmark. Det kan betonas att det inte heller fanns något konsekvent (icke-signifikant) mönster som pekade på att så skulle vara fallet. Antal taxa och biodiversitetsindex tar ingen hänsyn till <em>vilka</em> arter eller taxa som ingår i analyserna. En naturtyp som hyser en individ- och artrik fauna bestående av oönskade arter (introducerade arter, "skadedjur" etc.) registrerar t ex ett högre biodiversitetsindex än en naturtyp med fåtaligt förekommande rödlistade, skyddsvärda arter. Likhetsindex belyser bättre vilka arter som är inblandade. Visserligen tas inte heller här hänsyn till exakt vilka arter som ingår (eller deras eventuella önskvärdhet eller skyddsvärde), men ett högt index indikerar att <em>samma</em> arter förekommer i de jämförda naturtyperna. I denna studie indikerar ett högt likhetsindex dessutom att antalet individer av de inblandade arterna är likartat, eftersom ett index som tar hänsyn till abundans användes.</p><p>Resultaten visade överlag höga likhetsindex, speciellt verkade kraftledningsgator och skogsmark hysa likartad evertebratfauna medan likheten mellan kraftledningsgator och betesmark var mindre uttalad. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar studien att kraftledningsgator inte verkar vara lågvärdiga livsmiljöer för de marklevande evertebrat-taxa som ingått i studien. Vi föreslår att kraftledningsgator med väl avvägda rutiner för röjning och skötsel skulle kunna spela en viktig roll i skapandet av artrika kantzoner eller marker som liknar ängs- eller betesmarker med svag hävd.</p> / <p>As a consequence of the intensification of various forms of human resource utilization rural Sweden has changed radically over the past 200 years from offering a varied and diverse landscape to a more monotonous, homogenised type of environment. This has led to fragmentation of habitats for many of the species occurring. Power line corridors might harbour habitats that resemble some of the now lost or fragmented habitats (e.g. grazed forest land and certain types of meadow), and could have important functions as refuge habitats and / or distribution corridors for these species.</p><p>In a pitfall trap study in Köping and Strängnäs municipalities in Mälardalen, the occurrence and abundance of ground-living invertebrates were investigated in power line corridors, adjoining forest and pastures. Comparisons were made between these habitat types, and between positions within the power line corridor (central and distal parts) and the nearby forested area. The comparisons included analysis of number of species (or rather the number of taxa) and several biodiversity indexes, as well as analysis of the similarity of the occurrence of certain species and individual numbers by use of "similarity index". Separate tests were made in different taxonomic groups (e.g. all taxa, only within insects, only within spiders). The number of replicates allowed statistical testing of patterns in the number of taxa and biodiversity index.</p><p>No significant differences were documented, neither between the different habitat types, nor between positions in the power line corridors and nearby forest. There was also no consistent (non-significant) pattern indicating that this would be the case. We suggest these results to indicate that power line corridors at least are not (significantly) poorer quality habitats than are forest or pasture land with regard to number of taxa and biodiversity. Number of taxa and biodiversity indices take no account of the species or taxa included in the analysis. Thus the same weight is assigned to an unwanted species (e.g. an invasive pest species or parasite) as to a red-listed, highly valued species. Similarity index takes more heed to the species involved. Although similarity indices do not consider the exact identity of involved species (or their possible value or desirability), a high index value indicates that the same species occur in the compared habitats. In this study, where an index that takes into account the abundance of species was used, a high similarity index value also indicates that the numbers of individuals are similar.</p><p>Overall, the results showed high similarity between habitat types. This would suggest that, to a large extent, power lines, forest and pasture land had the same composition of taxa, and that the taxa had similar abundances. Power lines and forest seemed to exhibit particularly high similarities, whereas the similarity between power lines and pasture land was less pronounced. Thus, this study indicates, in contrast to several previous suggestions, that power line corridors do not seem to be low quality habitats. We also suggest that power line corridors with well designed management routines could play an important role creating edges and habitats resembling meadow or low intensity grazed pasture land.</p>
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Power Lines - Wasteland or Biodiversity Hotspots? / Kraftledningsgator - Biologisk öken eller mångfald?Norström Paananen, Marcus, Boström, Magnus, Ahlgren, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Det svenska kulturlandskapet har förändrats radikalt under de senaste 200 åren från ett varierat och heterogent landskap till ett mer monotont, homogeniserat landskap som följd av att olika former av mänskligt resursutnyttjande har effektiviserats. Detta har lett till en fragmentering av livsmiljöerna för flera av kulturlandskapets arter. Kraftledningsgator kan tänkas hysa naturtyper som påminner om vissa av de nu försvunna eller fragmenterade livsmiljöerna (t ex betad skogsmark och vissa typer av ängsmarker) och skulle kunna ha en viktig betydelse som reträttplats och/eller spridningskorridor för dessa arter. I en fallfällsinventering i Köpings och Strängnäs kommun i Mälardalen undersöktes förekomst och abundans av marklevande evertebrater i kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark. Jämförelser i förekomst och abundans gjordes mellan dessa marktyper (d v s kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark), samt mellan positioner inom kraftledningsgator (centrala och distala delar) och närliggande skogsmark. Jämförelserna innefattade dels analyser av artantal (eller snarare antal taxa) och flera olika biodiversitetsindex och dels analyser av likhet i artförekomst och individantal med "likhetsindex" (similarity index). Separata analyser gjordes inom olika taxonomiska grupper (t ex alla taxa, endast inom insekter, endast inom spindeldjur). Antalet replikat tillät statistisk testning av eventuella mönster i antal taxa och biodiversitetsindex. Inga signifikanta skillnader dokumenterades, varken mellan de olika marktyperna eller mellan positioner inom kraftledningsgator och närliggande skog. Vi tolkar dessa resultat som att kraftledningsgator med avseende på antal taxa respektive biodiversitet inte är (signifikant) sämre än skogs- eller betesmark. Det kan betonas att det inte heller fanns något konsekvent (icke-signifikant) mönster som pekade på att så skulle vara fallet. Antal taxa och biodiversitetsindex tar ingen hänsyn till vilka arter eller taxa som ingår i analyserna. En naturtyp som hyser en individ- och artrik fauna bestående av oönskade arter (introducerade arter, "skadedjur" etc.) registrerar t ex ett högre biodiversitetsindex än en naturtyp med fåtaligt förekommande rödlistade, skyddsvärda arter. Likhetsindex belyser bättre vilka arter som är inblandade. Visserligen tas inte heller här hänsyn till exakt vilka arter som ingår (eller deras eventuella önskvärdhet eller skyddsvärde), men ett högt index indikerar att samma arter förekommer i de jämförda naturtyperna. I denna studie indikerar ett högt likhetsindex dessutom att antalet individer av de inblandade arterna är likartat, eftersom ett index som tar hänsyn till abundans användes. Resultaten visade överlag höga likhetsindex, speciellt verkade kraftledningsgator och skogsmark hysa likartad evertebratfauna medan likheten mellan kraftledningsgator och betesmark var mindre uttalad. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar studien att kraftledningsgator inte verkar vara lågvärdiga livsmiljöer för de marklevande evertebrat-taxa som ingått i studien. Vi föreslår att kraftledningsgator med väl avvägda rutiner för röjning och skötsel skulle kunna spela en viktig roll i skapandet av artrika kantzoner eller marker som liknar ängs- eller betesmarker med svag hävd. / As a consequence of the intensification of various forms of human resource utilization rural Sweden has changed radically over the past 200 years from offering a varied and diverse landscape to a more monotonous, homogenised type of environment. This has led to fragmentation of habitats for many of the species occurring. Power line corridors might harbour habitats that resemble some of the now lost or fragmented habitats (e.g. grazed forest land and certain types of meadow), and could have important functions as refuge habitats and / or distribution corridors for these species. In a pitfall trap study in Köping and Strängnäs municipalities in Mälardalen, the occurrence and abundance of ground-living invertebrates were investigated in power line corridors, adjoining forest and pastures. Comparisons were made between these habitat types, and between positions within the power line corridor (central and distal parts) and the nearby forested area. The comparisons included analysis of number of species (or rather the number of taxa) and several biodiversity indexes, as well as analysis of the similarity of the occurrence of certain species and individual numbers by use of "similarity index". Separate tests were made in different taxonomic groups (e.g. all taxa, only within insects, only within spiders). The number of replicates allowed statistical testing of patterns in the number of taxa and biodiversity index. No significant differences were documented, neither between the different habitat types, nor between positions in the power line corridors and nearby forest. There was also no consistent (non-significant) pattern indicating that this would be the case. We suggest these results to indicate that power line corridors at least are not (significantly) poorer quality habitats than are forest or pasture land with regard to number of taxa and biodiversity. Number of taxa and biodiversity indices take no account of the species or taxa included in the analysis. Thus the same weight is assigned to an unwanted species (e.g. an invasive pest species or parasite) as to a red-listed, highly valued species. Similarity index takes more heed to the species involved. Although similarity indices do not consider the exact identity of involved species (or their possible value or desirability), a high index value indicates that the same species occur in the compared habitats. In this study, where an index that takes into account the abundance of species was used, a high similarity index value also indicates that the numbers of individuals are similar. Overall, the results showed high similarity between habitat types. This would suggest that, to a large extent, power lines, forest and pasture land had the same composition of taxa, and that the taxa had similar abundances. Power lines and forest seemed to exhibit particularly high similarities, whereas the similarity between power lines and pasture land was less pronounced. Thus, this study indicates, in contrast to several previous suggestions, that power line corridors do not seem to be low quality habitats. We also suggest that power line corridors with well designed management routines could play an important role creating edges and habitats resembling meadow or low intensity grazed pasture land.
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