Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bnormal 3methods."" "subject:"bnormal 4methods.""
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Conception et analyse formelle de protocoles de sécurité, une application au vote électronique et au paiement mobile / Design and formal analysis of security protocols, an application to electronic voting and mobile paymentFilipiak, Alicia 23 March 2018 (has links)
Les “smart-devices” tels les smartphones, tablettes et même les montres ont été largement démocratisés au cours de la dernière décennie. Dans nos sociétés occidentales, on ne garde plus seulement son ordinateur personnel chez soi, on le transporte dans la poche arrière de son pantalon ou bien autour de son poignet. Ces outils ne sont d’ailleurs plus limités, en termes d’utilisation, à de la simple communication par SMS ou bien téléphone, on se fie à eux pour stocker nos photos et données personnelles, ces dernières parfois aussi critiques que des données de paiement bancaires, on gère nos contacts et finances, se connecte à notre boite mail ou un site marchand depuis eux. . . Des exemples récents nous fournissent d’ailleurs un aperçu des tâches de plus en plus complexes que l’on confie à ces outils : l’Estonie autorise l’utilisation de smartphones pour participer aux scrutins nationaux et en 2017, la société Transport for London a lancé sa propre application autorisant l’émulation d’une Oyster card et son rechargement pour emprunter son réseau de transports publics. Plus les services se complexifient, plus la confiance qui leur est accordée par les groupes industriels et les utilisateurs grandit. Nous nous intéressons ici aux protocoles cryptographiques qui définissent les échanges entre les outils et entités qui interviennent dans l’utilisation de tels services et aux garanties qu’ils proposent en termes de sécurité (authentification mutuelle des agent, intégrité des messages circulant, secret d’une valeur critique…). Moult exemples de la littérature et de la vie courante ont démontré que leur élaboration était hautement vulnérable à des erreurs de design. Heureusement, des années de recherches nous ont fournis des outils pour rendre cette tâche plus fiable, les méthodes formelles font partie de ceux-là. Il est possible de modeler un protocole cryptographique comme un processus abstrait qui manipule des données et primitives cryptographiques elles aussi modélisées comme des termes et fonctions abstraites. On met le protocole à l’épreuve face à un attaquant actif et on peut spécifier mathématiquement les propriétés de sécurité qu’il est censé garantir. Ces preuves de sécurité peuvent être automatisées grâce à des outils tels que ProVerif ou bien Tamarin. L’une des grandes difficultés lorsque l’on cherche à concevoir et prouver formellement la sécurité d’un protocole de niveau industriel réside dans le fait que ce genre de protocole est généralement très long et doit satisfaire des propriétés de sécurité plus complexes que certains protocoles universitaires. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons souhaité étudier deux cas d’usage : le vote électronique et le paiement mobile. Dans les deux cas, nous avons conçu et prouvé la sécurité d’un protocole répondant aux problématiques spécifiques à chacun des cas d’usage. Dans le cadre du vote électronique, nous proposons le protocole Belenios VS, une variante de Belenios RF. Nous définissons l’écosystème dans lequel le protocole est exécuté et prouvons sa sécurité grâce à ProVerif. Belenios VS garantit la confidentialité du vote et le fait qu’un utilisateur puisse vérifier que son vote a bien fait parti du résultat final de l’élection, tout cela même si l’outil utilisé par le votant est sous le contrôle d’un attaquant. Dans le cadre du paiement, nous avons proposé la première spécification ouverte de bout en bout d’une application de paiement mobile. Sa conception a pris en compte le fait qu’elle devait pouvoir s’adapter à l’écosystème de paiement déjà existant pour être largement déployable et que les coûts de gestion, de développement et de maintenance de la sécurité devait être optimisés / The last decade has seen the massive democratization of smart devices such as phones, tablets, even watches. In the wealthiest societies of the world, not only do people have their personal computer at home, they now carry one in their pocket or around their wrist on a day to day basis. And those devices are no more used simply for communication through messaging or phone calls, they are now used to store personal photos or critical payment data, manage contacts and finances, connect to an e-mail box or a merchant website... Recent examples call for more complex tasks we ask to such devices: Estonia voting policy allows the use of smart ID cards and smartphones to participate to national elections. In 2017, Transport for London launched the TfL Oyster app to allow tube users to top up and manage their Oyster card from their smartphone. As services grow with more complexity, so do the trust users and businesses put in them. We focus our interest into cryptographic protocols which define the exchanges between devices and entities so that such interaction ensure some security guarantees such as authentication, integrity of messages, secrecy… Their design is known to be an error prone task. Thankfully, years of research gave us some tools to improve the design of security protocols, among them are the formal methods: we can model a cryptographic protocol as an abstract process that manipulates data and cryptographic function, also modeled as abstract terms and functions. The protocol is tested against an active adversary and the guarantees we would like a protocol to satisfy are modeled as security properties. The security of the protocol can then be mathematically proven. Such proofs can be automated with tools like ProVerif or Tamarin. One of the big challenge when it comes to designing and formally proving the security an “industrial- level” protocol lies in the fact that such protocols are usually heavier than academic protocols and that they aim at more complex security properties than the classical ones. With this thesis, we wanted to focus on two use cases: electronic voting and mobile payment. We designed two protocols, one for each respective use case and proved their security using automated prover tools. The first one, Belenios VS, is a variant of an existing voting scheme, Belenios RF. It specifies a voting ecosystem allowing a user to cast a ballot from a voting sheet by flashing a code. The protocol’s security has been proven using the ProVerif tool. It guarantees that the vote confidentiality cannot be broken and that the user is capable of verifying their vote is part of the final result by performing a simple task that requires no technical skills all of this even if the user’s device is compromised – by a malware for instance. The second protocol is a payment one that has been conceived in order to be fully scalable with the existing payment ecosystem while improving the security management and cost on the smartphone. Its security has been proven using the Tamarin prover and holds even if the user’s device is under an attacker’s control
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Formal Approaches for Automatic Deobfuscation and Reverse-engineering of Protected Codes / Approches formelles de désobfuscation automatique et de rétro-ingénierie de codes protégésDavid, Robin 06 January 2017 (has links)
L’analyse de codes malveillants est un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion de par la criticité des infrastructures touchées et les coûts impliqués de plus en plus élevés. Ces logiciels utilisent fréquemment différentes techniques d’évasion visant à limiter la détection et ralentir les analyses. Parmi celles-ci, l’obfuscation permet de cacher le comportement réel d’un programme. Cette thèse étudie l’utilité de l’Exécution Symbolique Dynamique (DSE) pour la rétro-ingénierie. Tout d’abord, nous proposons deux variantes du DSE plus adaptées aux codes protégés. La première est une redéfinition générique de la phase de calcul de prédicat de chemin basée sur une manipulation flexible des concrétisations et symbolisations tandis que la deuxième se base sur un algorithme d’exécution symbolique arrière borné. Ensuite, nous proposons différentes combinaisons avec d’autres techniques d’analyse statique afin de tirer le meilleur profit de ces algorithmes. Enfin tous ces algorithmes ont été implémentés dans différents outils, Binsec/se, Pinsec et Idasec, puis testés sur différents codes malveillants et packers. Ils ont permis de détecter et contourner avec succès les obfuscations ciblées dans des cas d’utilisations réels tel que X-Tunnel du groupe APT28/Sednit. / Malware analysis is a growing research field due to the criticity and variety of assets targeted as well as the increasing implied costs. These softwares frequently use evasion tricks aiming at hindering detection and analysis techniques. Among these, obfuscation intent to hide the program behavior. This thesis studies the potential of Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) for reverse-engineering. First, we propose two variants of DSE algorithms adapted and designed to fit on protected codes. The first is a flexible definition of the DSE path predicate computation based on concretization and symbolization. The second is based on the definition of a backward-bounded symbolic execution algorithm. Then, we show how to combine these techniques with static analysis in order to get the best of them. Finally, these algorithms have been implemented in different tools Binsec/se, Pinsec and Idasec interacting alltogether and tested on several malicious codes and commercial packers. Especially, they have been successfully used to circumvent and remove the obfuscation targeted in real-world malwares like X-Tunnel from the famous APT28/Sednit group.
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Análise de cobertura de critérios de teste estruturais a partir de conjuntos derivados de especificações formais: um estudo comparativo no contexto de aplicações espaciais / Structural coverage analysis of test sets derived from formal specifications: a comparative study in the space applications contextHerculano, Paula Fernanda Ramos 24 April 2007 (has links)
As técnicas de teste podem ser divididas, num primeiro nível, naquelas baseadas no código (caixa branca) e naquelas baseadas na especificação (caixa preta ou funcionais). Nenhuma delas é completa pois visam a identificar tipos diferentes de defeitos e a sua utilização em conjunto pode elevar o nível de confiabilidade das aplicações. Assim, tornam-se importantes estudos que contribuam para um melhor entendimento da relação existente entre técnicas funcionais e estruturais, como elas se complementam e como podem ser utilizadas em conjunto. Este trabalho está inserido no contexto do projeto PLAVIS (Plataforma para Validação e Integração de Software em Aplicações Espaciais), e tem como objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo entre as técnicas de geração de casos de teste funcionais (baseadas nas especificações formais) e os critérios estruturais baseados em fluxo de controle e fluxo de dados, aplicados nas implementações. Num contexto específico, esse estudo deve fornecer dados de como se relacionam essas duas técnicas (funcional e estrutural) gerando subsídios para sua utilização em conjunto. Num contexto mais amplo - o do projeto PLAVIS - visa a estabelecer uma estratégia de teste baseada em critérios funcionais e estruturais e que possam, juntamente com as ferramentas que dão suporte a eles, compor um ambiente de teste disponível à utilização em aplicações espaciais dentro do INPE / Testing techniques can be divided, in high level, in code-based ones (white box) and specification based ones (black box). None of them are complete as they intend to identify different kinds of faults. The use of them together can increase the application confidence level. Thus, it is important to investigate the relationship between structural testing techniques and functional testing techniques, how they complete themselves and how they can be used together. This paper was developed in the context of the Plavis (PLAtform of software Validation & Integration on Space systems) project. This project provides comparative studies between functional generation testing techniques (based on formal specifications) and structural generation testing techniques, such as control-flow and data-flow criteria, applied in the implementation. In a specific context, this study provides data about the relationship between these techniques and how they can be used together. In the context of the Plavis project, the goal is to provide a testing strategy, based on functional and structural criteria, and a set of tools, composing a testing environment to be used in Space Applications projects, at INPE
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Um framework para coordenação do tratamento de exceções em sistemas tolerantes a falhas / A framework for exception handling coordination in fault-tolerant systemsPereira, David Paulo 09 March 2007 (has links)
A adoção em larga escala de redes de computadores e gerenciadores de banco de dados contribuiu para o surgimento de sistemas de informação complexos. Atualmente, estes sistemas tornaram-se elementos essenciais na vida das pessoas, dando suporte a processos de negócio e serviços corporativos indispensáveis à sociedade, como automação bancária e telefonia. A utilização de componentes na estruturação destes sistemas promove maior qualidade e flexibilidade ao produto e agiliza o processo de desenvolvimento. Entretanto, para que estes benefícios sejam totalmente observados, é fundamental que os provedores de componentes de prateleira projetem especificações precisas, completas e consistentes. Geralmente, as especificações omitem ou negligenciam o comportamento dos componentes nas situações de falha. Desta forma, a utilização de componentes não confiáveis, cujos comportamentos não podem ser inteiramente previstos, compromete seriamente o projeto de sistemas tolerantes a falhas. Uma estratégia para a especificação de componentes tolerantes a falhas é informar a ocorrência de erros através de exceções e realizar a recuperação dos mesmos por rotinas de tratamento correspondentes. A especificação deve separar claramente o comportamento normal do excepcional, destinado à recuperação do erro. Entretanto, em sistemas concorrentes e distribuídos, a especificação apenas deste tratamento local não é suficiente. Uma exceção pode ser lançada em decorrência de erros sistêmicos (i.e. problemas de rede) que afetam todo o sistema. Assim, determinadas exceções devem ser tratadas em nível arquitetural, envolvendo os demais componentes no tratamento. O modelo conceitual de ações Atômicas Coordenadas (ações CA - Coordinated Atomic actions), bastante aplicado na estruturação de sistemas tolerantes a falhas, define um mecanismo geral para a coordenação do tratamento excepcional dos componentes, que cooperam na execução das atividades e competem por recursos compartilhados. Portanto, o modelo de ações CA oferece uma solução potencialmente viável para a especificação do tratamento de exceções em nível arquitetural. Este trabalho propõe um framework para a especificação do tratamento de exceções em nível arquitetural, baseando-se no modelo de aninhamento de ações CA e utilizando a linguagem orientada a eventos CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). Sua principal característica é prover um protocolo padronizado para a coordenação do tratamento de exceções, que envolve a cooperação dos componentes do sistema. Além disso, é apresentada uma estratégia para a verificação formal dos sistemas na ferramenta FDR (Failure Divergence Refinement), com base no modelo de refinamento por rastros. / The widespread scale adoption of computer networks and database management systems has contributed to the arising of complex information systems. Nowadays, these systems have become essential aspects in the everyday life, supporting business processes and indispensable enterprise services to society such as banking automation and telephony. The usage of components in structuring of these systems promotes higher quality and flexibility to the product and accelerates the software development process. However, in order to fully observe the benefits it is essential that the suppliers of these COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) design precise, complete and consistent specifications. Generally, the specifications omit or neglect the behavior of these components in exceptional situations. Therefore, the usage of untrustworthy components whose behavior cannot be entirely foreseen seriously compromise the design of fault-tolerant systems. One of the strategies used for the specification of fault-tolerant components is to inform the occurrence of errors through exceptions and make its recovering by the correspondent exception handling routines. The specification should separate clearly the normal behavior from the exceptional one, specially designed for error recovery. However, in concurrent and distributed systems, specification of local exception handling is not enough. An exception could be raised as a result of systemic errors (i.e. network errors) which affect the entire system, thus specific types of exceptions should be treated at an architectural level involving all the other components in this handling activity. The conceptual model of Coordinated Atomic (CA) actions, often applied in the structuring of fault-tolerant systems, defines a general mechanism for coordination of exception handling with components that cooperate while executing activities and compete for shared resources. Therefore, the model of CA actions offers a perfectly viable solution for the specification of exception handling at an architectural level. This work proposes a framework for the specification of exception handling at an architectural level, based on the nesting model of CA actions and using the event-oriented language CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). Its main characteristic is to provide a standardized protocol for coordination of exception handling that involves the cooperation of system components. Moreover, it is presented a formal strategy for system verification using the FDR (Failure Divergence Refinement) tool, based on the traces refinement model.
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Analyses de sûreté de fonctionnement multi-systèmesBernard, Romain 23 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe au croisement de deux domaines : la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes critiques et les méthodes formelles. Nous cherchons à établir la cohérence des analyses de sûreté de fonctionnement réalisées à l’aide de modèles représentant un même système à des niveaux de détail différents. Pour cela, nous proposons une notion de raffinement dans le cadre de la conception de modèles AltaRica : un modèle détaillé raffine un modèle abstrait si le modèle abstrait simule le modèle détaillé. La vérification du raffinement de modèles AltaRica est supportée par l’outil de model-checking MecV. Ceci permet de réaliser des analyses multi-systèmes à l’aide de modèles à des niveaux de détail hétérogènes : le système au centre de l’étude est détaillé tandis que les systèmes en interface sont abstraits. Cette approche a été appliquée à l’étude d’un système de contrôle de gouverne de direction d’un avion connecté à un système de génération et distribution électrique. / This thesis links two fields : system safety analyses and formal methods.We aim at checking the consistensy of safety analyses based on formal models that represent a system at different levels of detail. To reach this objective, we introduce a refinement notion in the AltaRica modelling process : a detailed model refines an abstract model if the abstract model simulates the detailed model. The AltaRica model refinement verification is supported by the MecV model-checker. This allows to perform multi-system safety analyses using models with heterogeneous levels of detail : the main system is detailed whereas the interfaced systems remain abstract. This approach has been applied to the analysis of a rudder control system linked to an electrical power generation and distribution system.
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Uma metodologia de modelagem de sistemas computacionais baseada em gramáticas de grafosPretz, Eduardo January 2000 (has links)
Vários métodos de especificação procuram realizar a modelagem de sistemas sob três visões: uma visão funcional, que procura apresentar as informações que trafegam entre os diversos componentes do sistema, uma visão de dados, que apresenta as relações entre as estruturas de dados estáticas do sistema e a visão dinâmica, que mostra as transformações que o sistema pode sofrer ao longo do tempo. Alguns modelos procuram integrar mais de uma visão, mas, em geral, os modelos possuem sérias deficiências ao tentarem representar mais de um aspecto do sistema ao mesmo tempo, sendo necessário o apoio de outros métodos. Este trabalho apresenta um método de especificação de sistemas que procura integrar a modelagem de dados com a modelagem funcional e dinâmica utilizando-se, para isso, das Gramáticas de Grafos como método formal de especificação. Sendo um grafo formado por vértices, arestas e rótulos, pode-se facilmente criar uma camada de abstração em que o usuário (em geral responsável pela análise de sistemas) manipule um método de especificação com o qual já convive, agora com uma semântica formal definida. Espera-se, com a aplicação do método, gerar modelos passíveis de prova, não ambíguos e que promovam um incremento de qualidade no sistema gerado. / Several specification methods try to realize system modeling following three visions: the functional vision, which is based on representing the information exchange among the several components of the system; the data vision, which represents the relations among the static data structures of the system; and the dynamic vision, which presents the transformations the system may endure over the time. Some models exist that try to integrate more than one of these visions, but, in general, they suffer from deficiencies when trying to represent more than one aspect of the system at the same time, in which case the use of other methods is necessary. This work presents a novel method of systems specification that attempts to integrate data modeling with functional and dynamic modelings using, for this, Graph Grammars as its formal specification method. A graph, being made of nodes, edges and labels, is appropriate for creating, easily, an abstraction layer in which the user (usually responsible for the system analysis) manipulates a specification method which is known to him, but now with a well defined formal semantics. We hope, by applying this method, to generate provable, unambiguous models which promote an increase in the quality of the generated system.
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Modeling, evaluation and provisioning of elastic service-based business processes in the cloud / Modélisation, évaluation et mise en oeuvre de l'élasticité des applications à base de services dans le cloudAmziani, Mourad 12 June 2015 (has links)
Le Cloud Computing est de plus en plus utilisé pour le déploiement et l'exécution des applications métiers et plus particulièrement des applications à base de services (AbSs). L'élasticité à différents niveaux est l'une des propriétés fournies par le Cloud. Son principe est de garantir la fourniture des ressources nécessaires et suffisantes pour la continuité de l'exécution optimale des services Cloud. La fourniture des ressources doit considérer la variation de la demande pour éviter la sous-utilisation et la surutilisation de ces dernières. Il est évident que la fourniture d'infrastructures et/ou de plateformes élastiques n'est pas suffisante pour assurer l'élasticité des applications métiers déployées. En effet, il est aussi nécessaire de considérer l'élasticité au niveau des applications. Ceci permet l'adaptation dynamique des applications déployées selon la variation des demandes. Par conséquent, les applications métiers doivent être fournies avec des mécanismes d'élasticité permettant leur adaptation tout en assurant les propriétés fonctionnelles et non-fonctionnelles désirées. Dans nos travaux, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fourniture d'une approche holistique pour la modélisation, l'évaluation et la mise en oeuvre des mécanismes d'élasticité des AbSs dans le Cloud. En premier lieu, nous avons proposé un modèle formel pour l'élasticité des AbSs. Pour cela, nous avons modélisé les AbSs en utilisant les réseaux de Petri et défini deux opérations d'élasticité (la duplication et la consolidation). En outre, nous avons proposé de coupler ces deux opérations avec un contrôleur d'élasticité. Pour assurer l'élasticité des AbSs, le contrôleur analyse l'exécution des AbSs et prend des décisions sur les opérations d'élasticité (duplication/consolidation). Après la définition de notre modèle pour l'élasticité des AbSs, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'évaluation de l'élasticité avant de l'implémenter dans des environnements Cloud réels. Pour cela, nous avons proposé d'utiliser notre contrôleur d'élasticité comme un Framework pour la validation et l'évaluation de l'élasticité en utilisant des techniques de vérification et de simulation. Enfin, nous avons mis en oeuvre l'élasticité des AbSs dans des environnements Cloud réels. Pour cela, nous avons proposé deux approches. La première approche encapsule les AbSs non-élastiques dans des micro-conteneurs, étendus avec nos mécanismes d'élasticité, avant de les déployer sur des infrastructures Cloud. La seconde approche intègre notre contrôleur d'élasticité dans une infrastructure autonomique afin de permettre l'ajout dynamique des fonctionnalités d'élasticité aux AbSs déployées sur des plateformes Cloud / Cloud computing is being increasingly used for deploying and executing business processes and particularly Service-based Business Processes (SBPs). Among other properties, Cloud environments provide elasticity at different scopes. The principle of elasticity is to ensure the provisioning of necessary and sufficient resources such that a Cloud service continues running smoothly even when the number or quantity of its utilization scales up or down, thereby avoiding under-utilization and over-utilization of resources. It is obvious that provisioning of elastic infrastructures and/or platforms is not sufficient to provide elasticity of deployed business processes. In fact, it is also necessary to consider the elasticity at the application scope. This allows the adaptation of deployed applications during their execution according to demands variation. Therefore, business processes should be provided with elasticity mechanisms allowing their adaptation to the workload changes while ensuring the desired functional and non-functional properties. In our work, we were interested in providing a holistic approach for modeling, evaluating and provisioning of elastic SBPs in the Cloud. We started by proposing a formal model for SBPs elasticity. To do this, we modeled SBPs using Petri nets and defined two elasticity operations (duplication / consolidation). In addition, we proposed to intertwine these elasticity operations with an elasticity controller that monitors SBPs execution, analyzes monitoring information and executes the appropriate elasticity operation (duplication/consolidation) in order to enforce the elasticity of SBPs. After facing the challenge of defining a model and mechanisms for SBPs elasticity, we were interested in the evaluation of elasticity before implementing it in real environments. To this end, we proposed to use our elasticity controller as a framework for the validation and evaluation of elasticity using verification and simulation techniques. Finally, we were interested in the provisioning of elasticity mechanisms for SBPs in real Cloud environments. For this aim, we proposed two approaches. The first approach packages non-elastic SBPs in micro-containers, extended with our elasticity mechanisms, before deploying them in Cloud infrastructures. The second approach integrates our elasticity controller in an autonomic infrastructure to dynamically add elasticity facilities to SBPs deployed on Cloud platforms
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Forced simulation : a formal approach to component based development of embedded systemsRoop, Parthasarathi, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Application specific digital systems, called embedded systems, touch almost every aspect of modern human life. As a result, there is considerable interest in automating the design (called synthesis) of these systems. Further, given the time-to-market pressures and increasing system complexities, component reuse during synthesis is being touted as a key to success. This thesis proposes a formal framework for reusing system-level components during synthesis. Within the framework for component reuse, component matching is a key problem that must be addressed. Given the specification of a design function, and a device stored as a component in a library, component matching addresses the question of whether the device can implement the function. Often system-level components are multi-functional and generic, and it is rarely the case that the function is directly realizable by a device. Hence, an important aspect of matching is to decide whether the device can be dynamically adapted to match the function. This thesis proposes a formalization of the matching problem using formal models of the function and device, denoted by F and D respectively. D matches F provided there exists an interface I that adapts D dynamically to produce the same behaviour as F. None of the existing implementation verification techniques within formal methods can be used to test for the existence of an I between arbitrary pairs of F and D. In this thesis, a new simulation relation called forced simulation is proposed between the states of F and D. It is then formally established that the existence of a forced simulation relation is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of I for a pair of F and d. Two kinds of forced simulation are proposed, one each for synchronous and asynchronous interactions with the environment. Based on forced simulation, a polynomial time algorithm for automatic matching of F and D is also developed. The distinguishing feature of the algorithm is that when successful, it generates an interface that automatically adapts the device to behave like the function. The algorithm is illustrated by reusing two rogrammable components from Intel and some typical embedded controllers.
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Formal Object Interaction Language: Modeling and Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Object-Oriented SoftwarePamplin, Jason Andrew 03 May 2007 (has links)
As software systems become larger and more complex, developers require the ability to model abstract concepts while ensuring consistency across the entire project. The internet has changed the nature of software by increasing the desire for software deployment across multiple distributed platforms. Finally, increased dependence on technology requires assurance that designed software will perform its intended function. This thesis introduces the Formal Object Interaction Language (FOIL). FOIL is a new object-oriented modeling language specifically designed to address the cumulative shortcomings of existing modeling techniques. FOIL graphically displays software structure, sequential and concurrent behavior, process, and interaction in a simple unified notation, and has an algebraic representation based on a derivative of the π-calculus. The thesis documents the technique in which FOIL software models can be mathematically verified to anticipate deadlocks, ensure consistency, and determine object state reachability. Scalability is offered through the concept of behavioral inheritance; and, FOIL’s inherent support for modeling concurrent behavior and all known workflow patterns is demonstrated. The concepts of process achievability, process complete achievability, and process determinism are introduced with an algorithm for simulating the execution of a FOIL object model using a FOIL process model. Finally, a technique for using a FOIL process model as a constraint on FOIL object system execution is offered as a method to ensure that object-oriented systems modeled in FOIL will complete their processes based activities. FOIL’s capabilities are compared and contrasted with an extensive array of current software modeling techniques. FOIL is ideally suited for data-aware, behavior based systems such as interactive or process management software.
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Prescriptive Semantics For Big-Step Modelling LanguagesEsmaeilsabzali, Shahram January 2011 (has links)
With the popularity of model-driven methodologies and the abundance of modelling languages, a major question for a modeller is: Which language is suitable for modelling a system under study? To answer this question, one not only needs to know the range of relevant languages for modelling the system under study, but also needs to be able to compare these languages. In this dissertation, I consider these challenges from a semantic point of view for a diverse range of behavioural modelling languages that I refer to as the family of Big-Step Modelling Languages (BSMLs). There is a plethora of BSMLs, including statecharts, its variants, SCR, un-clocked variants of synchronous languages (e.g., Esterel and Argos), and reactive modules. BSMLs are often used to model systems that continuously interact with their environments. In a BSML model, the reaction of the model to an environmental input is a big step, which consists of a sequence of small steps, each of which can be the concurrent execution of a set of transitions. To provide a systematic method to understand and compare the semantics of BSMLs, this dissertation introduces the big-step semantic deconstruction framework that deconstructs the semantic design space of BSMLs into eight high-level, independent semantic aspects together with the enumeration of the common semantic options of each semantic aspect. The dissertation also presents a comparative analysis of the semantic options of each semantic aspect to assist one to choose one semantic option over another. A key idea in the big-step semantic deconstruction is that the high-level semantic aspects in the deconstruction recognize a big step as a whole, rather than only considering its constituent transitions operationally.
A novelty of the big-step semantic deconstruction is that it lends itself to a systematic semantic formalization of most of the languages in the deconstruction. The dissertation presents a parametric, formal semantic definition method whose parameters correspond to the semantic aspects of the deconstruction, and thus it produces prescriptive semantics: The manifestation of a semantic option in the semantics of a BSML can be clearly identified.
The way transitions are ordered to form a big step in a BSML is a source of semantic complexity: A modeller needs to be aware of the possible orders of the execution of transitions when constructing and analyzing a model. The dissertation introduces three semantic quality attributes that each exempts a modeller from considering an aspect of ordering in big steps. The ranges of BSMLs that support each of these semantic quality attributes are formally specified. These specifications indicate that achieving a semantic quality attribute in a BSML is a cross-cutting concern over the choices of its different semantic options. The semantic quality attributes together with the semantic analysis of individual semantic options can be used in tandem to assist a modeller or a semanticist to compare two BSMLs or to create a new, desired BSML from scratch.
Through the big-step semantic deconstruction, I have discovered that some of the semantic aspects of BSMLs can be uniformly described as forms of synchronization. The dissertation
presents a general synchronization framework for behavioural modelling languages. This framework is based on a notion of synchronization between transitions of complementary roles. It is parameterized by the number of interactions a transition can take part in, i.e., one vs. many, and the arity of the interaction mechanisms, i.e., exclusive vs. shared, which are considered for the complementary roles to result in 16 synchronization types. To enhance BSMLs with the capability to use the synchronization types, a synchronizer syntax is introduced for BSMLs, resulting in the family of Synchronizing Big-Step Modelling Languages (SBSMLs). Using the expressiveness of SBSMLs, the dissertation describes how underlying the semantics of many modelling constructs, such as multi-source, multi-destination transitions, various composition operators, and workflow patterns, there is a notion of synchronization that can be systematically modelled in SBSMLs.
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