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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elaboração de formulados nutricionais alternativos a partir de alimentos convencionais para a alimentação de idosos / Development of alternative nutritional formulas for elderly enteral nourishment using conventional foods

Calheiros, Karina de Oliveira 25 September 2008 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi elaborar formulados alternativos, à base de mistura de alimentos convencionais, provenientes da cesta básica distribuída por entidades do município de Piracicaba-SP, entre outros alimentos, com o intuito de suplementar a alimentação enteral de idosos. Os alimentos utilizados para a elaboração dos formulados foram fubá, óleo de soja, arroz, feijão, macarrão, sardinha, leite em pó, amido de milho, ovos, proteína texturizada de soja, couve- manteiga e cenoura. Foram realizadas análises físicas: gotejamento e viscosidade; análises químicas: composição centesimal, digestibilidade de proteína, determinação do mineral ferro, diálise de ferro in vitro, determinação de -caroteno e fatores antinutricionais, assim como fenólicos totais e ácido fítico; análises microbiológicas: Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Estafilococos coagulase positiva e Coliformes totais; análise de custos dos formulados e elaboração do manual de boas práticas de manipulação. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos às análises estatísticas, empregando-se o teste de Tukey, utilizando o software SAS (1996) e análises de regressão, pelo programa Microsoft Office Excel (2003). Concluiuse, com esse estudo, que os formulados líquidos apresentaram os melhores resultados nutricionais, físicos, microbiológicos, e a maior viabilidade econômica, sendo, por isso, sugeridos para a suplementação enteral de idosos. Dentre eles, pode-se eleger uma entre duas alternativas, conforme a necessidade clinica do idoso, considerando-se todos os aspectos nutricionais e físicos dos formulados. O formulado F3 destacou-se nas seguintes características: disponibilidade de ferro, quantidades de -caroteno, digestibilidade, viscosidade e gotejamento. Já o formulado F4 teve destaque na distribuição do valor calórico total de macronutrientes, apresentando valores ideais para os idosos, segundo as recomendações internacionais, além do maior valor calórico entre os formulados e boa viscosidade e gotejamento. No que diz respeito ao valor calórico total, os formulados apresentaram de 131 a 216 calorias por 250ml, os tratamentos líquidos apresentaram valor calórico superior ao dos formulados em pó. Pode-se dizer que os formulados contribuem com percentual médio de 20% de adequação, em relação às recomendações de macronutrientes sugeridas pela DRI (2002) para idosos, quando ingeridas duas porções de 250mL/dia de formulados líquidos ou em pó. / The aim of this study was to develop alternative formulas for elderly enteral feeding using conventional foods from food staples distributed in the city of Piracicaba-SP. The foods used in the formulas were: corn meal, soya oil, rice, beans, pasta, sardine, powder milk, corn starch, eggs, texturized soya protein, cabbage, and carrot. Physical analyses (dripping and viscosity), chemical analyses (centesimal composition, protein digestibility, iron determination, iron dialyses in vitro, -carotene determination, anti-nutritional factors - tannins and phytate), microbiological analyses (Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, positive Staphylococcus coagulase and total Coliforms), cost analyses and elaboration of a manual for good manipulation practices were carried out. Results were analyzed statistically using Tukey test, SAS software (1996) and for regression using Microsoft Office Excel (2003). Liquid formulas presented better nutritional, physical and microbiological results as well as economical viability Therefore were suggested for elderly enteral nourishment. According to the elderly clinical needs, two alternatives are suggested among liquid formulas. The F3 formula is noticeable for iron availability, quantity of -carotene, digestibility, dripping and viscosity. The F4 formulas is noticeable for the total calorie distribution of macronutrients as well as for having a higher number of calories and good viscosity and dripping which is ideal for the elderly, according to international recommendations. The formulas presented a range of 131 to 216 calories/250ml. Liquid formulas presented higher number of calories than powder formulas. The formulas contributed with a 20% adequacy regarding to macronutrient recommendations for the elderly from DRI (2002), when two servings of 250mL.day-1 (powder or liquid) were ingested.

O tratamento na interação: formas e fórmulas usadas no estabelecimento e encerramento de contato em e-mails de lingua alemã e de língua portuguesa / Forms of address in interaction: forms and formulas used in the establishment and closure of contact emails in German and Portuguese

Moraes, Juliana Granço Marcelino de 30 September 2011 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa faz-se um estudo sobre o tratamento na interação, considerando que o tratamento não se limita apenas às formas pronominais e nominais, mas faz parte de um ritual da interação. Entende-se que ele está presente durante toda a interação, de forma mais marcada no estabelecimento e encerramento do contato e, como faz parte de um ritual lingüístico, a escolha do tratamento dispensado ao interlocutor é culturalmente marcada e segue padrões sociais de comportamento. Para adequar-se às diferentes situações comunicativas, os locutores utilizam formas de tratamento (pronominais e nominais) e fórmulas que os auxiliem na abordagem do outro. As fórmulas usadas no tratamento fazem parte das chamadas fórmulas de rotina e fórmulas discursivas, as quais foram analisadas, neste trabalho, de maneira contrastiva entre a língua alemã e a língua portuguesa, em e-mails de ambas as línguas. / This research focuses on forms of address in verbal interaction considering that they are not limited to pronouns or nouns, but should be seen as a central piece in the interaction ritual. They are present throughout interaction, more clearly at the moments when contact begins and ends, and, since they are part of a linguistic ritual, the choice of the form used to address the interlocutor is culturally marked and follows social patterns of behavior. In order to fit different communicative situations, speakers use forms of address (both nouns and pronouns) and formulas that help them to approach the hearer. The formulas used in address are known as routine and discoursive formulas, both of which are analyzed in this research in a contrast between German and Portuguese, using e-mails written in both languages.

Approximation des fonctions de plusieurs variables sous contrainte de convexité / Approximation of multivariate functions under certain generalized convexity assumptions

Mohammed, Osama 12 July 2017 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses applications, nous souhaitons interpoler ou approcher une fonction de plusieurs variables possédant certaines propriétés ou “formes” géométriques, telles que la régularité, la monotonie, la convexité ou la non-négativité. Ces propriétés sont importantes pourdes applications en physique (par exemple, la courbe pression-volume doit avoir une dérivée non négative), aussi bien où le problème de l’interpolation conservant la forme est essentiel dans divers problèmes de l’industrie (par exemple, modélisation automobile, construction de la surface dumasque). Par conséquent, une question importante se pose : comment calculer la meilleure approximation possible à une fonction donnée f lorsque certaines de ses propriétés caractéristiques supplémentaires sont connues ?Cette thèse présente plusieurs nouvelles techniques pour trouver une bonne approximation des fonctions de plusieurs variables par des opérateurs linéaires dont l’erreur d’approximation A( f ) - f garde un signe constant pour toute fonction f satisfaisant une certaine convexité généralisée. Nous nous concentrons dans cette thèse sur la classe des fonctions convexesou fortement convexes. Nous décrirons comment la connaissance a priori de cette information peut être utilisée pour déterminer une bonne majoration de l’erreur pour des fonctions continuellement différentiables avec des gradients Lipschitz continus. Plus précisément, nous montrons que les estimations d’erreur basées sur ces opérateurs sont toujours contrôléespar les constantes de Lipschitz des gradients, le paramètre de la convexité forte ainsi que l’erreur commise associée à l’utilisation de la fonction quadratique. En supposant en plus que la fonction que nous voulons approcher est également fortement convexe, nous établissons de meilleures bornes inférieures et supérieures pour les estimations d’erreur de l’approximation. Lesméthodes de quadrature multidimensionnelle jouent un rôle important, voire fondamental, en analyse numérique. Une analyse satisfaisante des erreurs provenant de l’utilisationdes formules de quadrature multidimensionnelle est bien moins étudiée que dans le cas d’une variable. Nous proposons une méthode d’approximation de l’intégrale d’une fonction réelle donnée à plusieurs variables par des formules de quadrature, qui conduisent à des valeurs approchées par excès (respectivement par défaut) des intégrales des fonctions ayantun certain type de convexité. Nous verrons aussi, comme nous l’avons fait pour l’approximation des fonctions, que pour de telles formules d’intégration, on peut établir un résultat de caractérisation en termes d’estimations d’erreur. En outre, nous avons étudié le problèmede l’approximation d’une intégrale définie d’une fonction donnée quand un certain nombre d’intégrales de cette fonction sur certaines sections hyperplanes d’un l’hyper-rectangle sont seulement disponibles.La motivation derrière ce type de problème est multiple. Il se pose dans de nombreuses applications, en particulier en physique expérimentale et en ingénierie, où les valeurs standards des échantillons discrets des fonctions ne sont pas disponibles, mais où seulement leurs valeurs moyennes sont accessibles. Par exemple, ce type de données apparaît naturellement dans la tomographie par ordinateur avec ses nombreuses applications en médecine, radiologie, géologie, entre autres. / In many applications, we may wish to interpolate or approximate a multivariate function possessing certain geometric properties or “shapes” such as smoothness, monotonicity, convexityor nonnegativity. These properties may be desirable for physical (e.g., a volume-pressure curve should have a nonnegative derivative) or practical reasons where the problem of shape preserving interpolation is important in various problems occurring in industry (e.g., car modelling, construction of mask surface). Hence, an important question arises: How can we compute the best possible approximation to a given function f when some of its additional characteristic properties are known?This thesis presents several new techniques to find a good approximation of multivariate functions by a new kind of linear operators, which approximate from above (or, respectively, from below) all functions having certain generalized convexity. We focus on the class of convex and strongly convex functions. We would wish to use this additional informationin order to get a good approximation of f . We will describe how this additional condition can be used to derive sharp error estimates for continuously differentiable functions with Lipschitz continuous gradients. More precisely we show that the error estimates based on such operators are always controlled by the Lipschitz constants of the gradients, the convexity parameter of the strong convexity and the error associated with using the quadratic function. Assuming, in addition, that the function, we want to approximate, is also strongly convex, we establish sharp upper as well as lower refined bounds for the error estimates.Approximation of integrals of multivariate functions is a notoriously difficult tasks and satisfactory error analysis is far less well studied than in the univariate case. We propose a methodto approximate the integral of a given multivariate function by cubature formulas (numerical integration), which approximate from above (or from below) all functions having a certain type of convexity. We shall also see, as we did for for approximation of functions, that for such integration formulas, we can establish a characterization result in terms of sharp error estimates. Also, we investigated the problem of approximating a definite integral of a given function when a number of integrals of this function over certain hyperplane sections of d-dimensional hyper-rectangle are only available rather than its values at some points.The motivation for this problem is multifold. It arises in many applications, especially in experimental physics and engineering, where the standard discrete sample values fromfunctions are not available, but only their mean values are accessible. For instance, this data type appears naturally in computer tomography with its many applications inmedicine, radiology, geology, amongst others.

The index of quantized contact transformations on manifolds with conical singularities

Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang, Nazaikinskii, Vladimir, Sternin, Boris January 1998 (has links)
The quantization of contact transformations of the cosphere bundle over a manifold with conical singularities is described. The index of Fredholm operators given by this quantization is calculated. The answer is given in terms of the Epstein-Melrose contact degree and the conormal symbol of the corresponding operator.

Elliptic theory on manifolds with nonisolated singularities : I. The index of families of cone-degenerate operators

Nazaikinskii, Vladimir, Savin, Anton, Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang, Sternin, Boris January 2002 (has links)
We study the index problem for families of elliptic operators on manifolds with conical singularities. The relative index theorem concerning changes of the weight line is obtained. AN index theorem for families whose conormal symbols satisfy some symmetry conditions is derived.

Asymptotics and relative index on a cylinder with conical cross section

Harutjunjan, Gohar, Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang January 2002 (has links)
We study pseudodifferential operators on a cylinder IR x B with cross section B that conical singularities. Configurations of that kind are the local model of cornere singularities with base spaces B. Operators A in our calculus are assumed to have symbols α which are meromorphic in the complex covariable with values in the space of all cone operators on B. In case α is dependent of the axial variable t ∈ IR, we show an explicit formula for solutions of the homogeneous equation. Each non-bjectivity point of the symbol in the complex plane corresponds to a finite-dimensional space of solutions. Moreover, we give a relative index formula.

An Alternative Process Including Sand Casting, Forging And Heat Treatment Of 30mm Diameter X48crmov8-1 Tool Steel

Agacik, Ihsan Alp 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Shear blades are mostly made of cold-work tool steels and manufactured by rolling process. Rolling process is performed not only for forming the tool but also for improving the mechanical properties. In this study, an alternative method, involving sand casting, hot forging and heat treatment processes to manufacture the shear blades, has been proposed. In the proposed method, plastic deformation will be carried out by means of forging instead of rolling. The material has been selected as X48CrMoV8-1. For both of casting and forging processes, simulations have been conducted by using Computer Aided Engineering Software. According to the results of casting process simulation, the billets have been poured. These billets have been soft annealed first and then taken as the initial raw material for the forging process. After the forging process, quenching and tempering processes have been applied. The specimens have been taken as cast, as forged and as tempered and the microstructural analysis and mechanical tests have been performed on these. The same tests and analysis have been repeated for a commercially available shear blade sample which is manufactured by rolling. All these investigations have shown that the properties of the forged shear blade are very similar to the rolled shear blade. Therefore, the new proposed method has been verified to be used as an alternative manufacturing method for the cold-work tool steel shear blades.

Monotonicity formulas and applications in free boundary problems

Edquist, Anders January 2010 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers devoted to the study of monotonicity formulas and their applications in elliptic and parabolic free boundary problems. The first paper concerns an inhomogeneous parabolic problem. We obtain global and local almost monotonicity formulas and apply one of them to show a regularity result of a problem that arises in connection with continuation of heat potentials.In the second paper, we consider an elliptic two-phase problem with coefficients bellow the Lipschitz threshold. Optimal $C^{1,1}$ regularity of the solution and a regularity result of the free boundary are established.The third and last paper deals with a parabolic free boundary problem with Hölder continuous coefficients. Optimal $C^{1,1}\cap C^{0,1}$ regularity of the solution is proven. / QC20100621

Weight gain and methods of feeding: a retrospective cohort study of the Hong Kong Chinese infants

Tang, Mei-po., 鄧美寶. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences


Keepin, William North. January 1980 (has links)
Simulation of large physical systems often leads to initial value problems in which some of the solution components contain high frequency oscillations and/or fast transients, while the remaining solution components are relatively slowly varying. Such a system is referred to as two-time-scale (TTS), which is a partial generalization of the concept of stiffness. When using conventional numerical techniques for integration of TTS systems, the rapidly varying components dictate the use of small stepsizes, with the result that the slowly varying components are integrated very inefficiently. This could mean that the computer time required for integration is excessive. To overcome this difficulty, the system is partitioned into "fast" and "slow" subsystems, containing the rapidly and slowly varying components of the solution respectively. Integration is then performed using small stepsizes for the fast subsystem and relatively large stepsizes for the slow subsystem. This is referred to as multirate integration, and it can lead to substantial savings in computer time required for integration of large systems having relatively few fast solution components. This study is devoted to multirate integration of TTS initial value problems which are partitioned into fast and slow subsystems. Techniques for partitioning are not considered here. Multirate integration algorithms based on explicit Runge-Kutta (RK) methods are developed. Such algorithms require a means for communication between the subsystems. Internally embedded RK methods are introduced to aid in computing interpolated values of the slow variables, which are supplied to the fast subsystem. The use of averaging in the fast subsystem is discussed in connection with communication from the fast to the slow subsystem. Theoretical support for this is presented in a special case. A proof of convergence is given for a multirate algorithm based on Euler's method. Absolute stability of this algorithm is also discussed. Four multirate integration routines are presented. Two of these are based on a fixed-step fourth order RK method, and one is based on the variable step Runge-Kutta-Merson scheme. The performance of these routines is compared to that of several other integration schemes, including Gear's method and Hindmarsh's EPISODE package. For this purpose, both linear and nonlinear examples are presented. It is found that multirate techniques show promise for linear systems having eigenvalues near the imaginary axis. Such systems are known to present difficulty for Gear's method and EPISODE. A nonlinear TTS model of an autopilot is presented. The variable step multirate routine is found to be substantially more efficient for this example than any other method tested. Preliminary results are also included for a pressurized water reactor model. Indications are that multirate techniques may prove fruitful for this model. Lastly, an investigation of the effects of the step-size ratio (between subsystems) is included. In addition, several suggestions for further work are given, including the possibility of using multistep methods for integration of the slow subsystem.

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