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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nárožní polyfunkční dům v Táboře / Multifunctional Corner Building in Tábor

Škodová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is a fabrication drawings on the corner multifunctional building in Camp by urban, architectural and structural engineering solutions.

Difrakční jevy ve vysílaném optickém svazku / Diffraction Effects in Transmitted Optical Beam

Poliak, Juraj January 2014 (has links)
Dizertačná práca pojednáva o vlnových a elektromagnetických javoch, ku ktorým dochádza pri zatienení eliptického Gausovského zväzku kruhovou apretúrou. Najprv boli z Huygensovho-Fresnelovho princípu odvodené dva modely Fresnelovej difrakcie. Tieto modely poskytli nástroj pre zavedenie kontrastu difrakčného obrazca ako veličiny, ktorá kvantifikuje vplyv difrakčných javov na prevádzkové parametre optického spoja. Následne, pomocou nástrojov elektromagnetickej teórie svetla, boli odvodené štyri výrazy (dva presné a dva aproximatívne) popisujúce geometrický útlm optického spoja. Zároveň boli skúmané tri rôzne prípady odsmerovania zväzku - priečne posunutie a uhlové odsmerovanie vysielača, resp. prijímača. Bol odvodený výraz, ktorý tieto prípady kvantifikuje ako útlm elipticky symetrického Gausovského zväzku. Všetky vyššie uvedené modely boli overené v laboratórnych podmienkach, aby sa vylúčil vplyv iných javov. Nakoniec práca pojednáva o návrhu plne fotonického optického terminálu. Najprv bol ukázaný návrh optického vysielača nasledovaný vývojom optomechanickej sústavy prijímača. Pomocou nástrojov geometrickej a maticovej optiky boli vypočítané parametre spoja a odhad tolerancie pri zamierení spoja.

Komunikační protokoly pro optické bezkabelové spoje / Communication protocols for Free-Space Optical links

Šedo, Ondrej January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on behaviour of the TCP/IP protocol on free-space optical link which is affected by the effect of atmospheric turbulence. This causes fluctuation of the received optical power and therefor bit error rate changes. In the simulation model short-time bit error rate is calculated from random generated received optical signal and then used in time-domain analysis of the OMNeT++ network simulator. A buffer in transmitter is designed based on simulation results. It pauses the data transmitting in cases of FSO link outage. This method is then implemented into FPGA device.

Design, Modeling, Fabrication and Control of PMN-PT Piezoelectric Systems / Conception, modélisation, fabrication et contrôle des systèmes piezeoelectriques en PMN-PT

Ciubotariu, Dragos 04 March 2016 (has links)
Ce travail propose l’utilisation d’un nouveau matériau, appelé PMN-PT, qui continue aider la miniaturisation des systèmes complexes, utilisés dans des différentes technologies. Le travail est présenté dans le cadre de collaboration entre deux projets, MIOP et ADMAN. Les besoins tient compte que les actionneurs soient capables de délivrer de haute déplacement tout en conservant la simplicité et la fiabilité du système. L’accent est mis sur la polyvalence de ce matériau piézo-électrique, PMN-PT, en raison de ses propriétés électro-mécanique. Le travail comprend un aperçu sur quoi influence les propriétés électro-mécaniques du PMN-PT. L’accent est mis sur deux différentes, mais très puissants coupes: anisotrope [011] et longitudinale [001], choisi pour grand déplacement et haute dynamique avec un volume petit. Pour le PMN-PT[001], une structure de type poutre a été étudié, avec un modèle amélioré pour prendre en compte les spécificités de matériel. Les déplacements et forces ont été trouvés d’ être supérieur `a un actionneur en PZT, similairement dimensionnée, tandis que avoir des non-linéarités réduites. Ceci est illustré avec une micro pince avec 6DDL. L’étude de PMN-PT [001] coupé longitudinal suit. Cette étude a été fait en utilisant PMNPT comme un actionneur avec une structure simple, facile à intégrer. Les résultats démontrent les améliorations PMN-PT peut apporter à micro-spectrométrie et la correction d’image avec des micromiroirmobiles. Un micro actionneur PMN-PT a été intégré dans une structure compatible avec des MOEMS et présenté. / This work proposes the use of a novel material, called PMN-PT, that futher aids the miniaturizationof complex systems used in different technologies. The work is presented within the collaborativeframework of two projects, MIOP and ADMAN. The end-needs account for actuators capable ofdelivering high displacement, while maintaining system simplicity and reliability. The focus is onthe versatility of the PMN-PT piezoelectric material, due to its electro-mechanical properties. Thework includes an overview on what influences the electro-mechanical properties focusing on twodifferent, though very potent cuts: anisotropic [011] and longitudinal [001]. They were chosen forgenerating large displacement and high dynamics with small volume. For PMN-PT[001] a cantileverstructure was studied, for which the model was improved taking into account the material specificities.Displacements and forces were found to be superior to a similarly dimensioned PZT actuator, whilsthaving reduced non-linearities. This is exemplified with a 6 DoF capable microgripper. The PMNPT[001] longitudinal cut based actuator study follows. This is done by using PMN-PT as a simple,easy to integrate, bulk actuator. The findings demonstrate the improvements PMN-PT can bringto micro-spectrometry and image correction with micro-mirror displacement. A bulk PMN-PT microactuator was integrated into a MOEMS compatible structure and presented.

Approche géométrique couleur pour le traitement des images catadioptriques / A geometric-color approach for processing catadioptric images

Aziz, Fatima 11 December 2018 (has links)
Ce manuscrit étudie les images omnidirectionnelles catadioptriques couleur en tant que variétés Riemanniennes. Cette représentation géométrique ouvre des pistes intéressantes pour résoudre les problèmes liés aux distorsions introduites par le système catadioptrique dans le cadre de la perception couleur des systèmes autonomes. Notre travail démarre avec un état de l’art sur la vision omnidirectionnelle, les différents dispositifs et modèles de projection géométriques. Ensuite, nous présentons les notions de base de la géométrie Riemannienne et son utilisation en traitement d’images. Ceci nous amène à introduire les opérateurs différentiels sur les variétés Riemanniennes, qui nous seront utiles dans cette étude. Nous développons alors une méthode de construction d’un tenseur métrique hybride adapté aux images catadioptriques couleur. Ce tenseur a la double caractéristique, de dépendre de la position géométrique des points dans l’image, et de leurs coordonnées photométriques également. L’exploitation du tenseur métrique proposé pour différents traitements des images catadioptriques, est une partie importante dans cette thèse. En effet, on constate que la fonction Gaussienne est au cœur de plusieurs filtres et opérateurs pour diverses applications comme le débruitage, ou bien l’extraction des caractéristiques bas niveau à partir de la représentation dans l’espace-échelle Gaussien. On construit ainsi un nouveau noyau Gaussien dépendant du tenseur métrique Riemannien. Il présente l’avantage d’être applicable directement sur le plan image catadioptrique, également, variable dans l’espace et dépendant de l’information image locale. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous discutons des applications robotiques de la métrique hybride, en particulier, la détection de l’espace libre navigable pour un robot mobile, et nous développons une méthode de planification de trajectoires optimal. / This manuscript investigates omnidirectional catadioptric color images as Riemannian manifolds. This geometric representation offers insights into the resolution of problems related to the distortions introduced by the catadioptric system in the context of the color perception of autonomous systems. The report starts with an overview of the omnidirectional vision, the different used systems, and the geometric projection models. Then, we present the basic notions and tools of Riemannian geometry and its use in the image processing domain. This leads us to introduce some useful differential operators on Riemannian manifolds. We develop a method of constructing a hybrid metric tensor adapted to color catadioptric images. This tensor has the dual characteristic of depending on the geometric position of the image points and their photometric coordinates as well.In this work, we mostly deal with the exploitation of the previously constructed hybrid metric tensor in the catadioptric image processing. Indeed, it is recognized that the Gaussian function is at the core of several filters and operators for various applications, such as noise reduction, or the extraction of low-level characteristics from the Gaussian space- scale representation. We thus build a new Gaussian kernel dependent on the Riemannian metric tensor. It has the advantage of being applicable directly on the catadioptric image plane, also, variable in space and depending on the local image information. As a final part in this thesis, we discuss some possible robotic applications of the hybrid metric tensor. We propose to define the free space and distance transforms in the omni- image, then to extract geodesic medial axis. The latter is a relevant topological representation for autonomous navigation, that we use to define an optimal trajectory planning method.

Time-Frequency Quantum Key Distribution: Numerical Assessment and Implementation over a Free-Space Link

Rödiger, Jasper 28 January 2020 (has links)
Die Quantenschlüsselverteilung (QKD), die erste anwendbare Quantentechnologie, verspricht informationstheoretisch sichere Kommunikation. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Zeit-Frequenz (TF)-QKD-Protokoll untersucht, das Zeit und Frequenz, nämlich Puls-Positionsmodulation (PPM) im Zeitbereich und Frequenzumtastung (FSK) im Frequenzbereich als die beiden komplementären Basen verwendet. Seine Sicherheit beruht den Quanteneigenschaften von Licht und auf der Zeit-Frequenz-Unschärferelation. TF-QKD kann mit größtenteils Standard-Telekommunikationstechnologie im 1550-nm-Band implementiert werden. Die PPM-Basis kann mit Modulatoren und die FSK-Basis mit Hilfe der Wellenlängenmultiplex-Technologie realisiert werden. Das TF-QKD-Protokoll ist in der Lage, ein beliebig großes Alphabet bereitzustellen, was mehr als 1 bit/Photon ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus ist es robust gegenüber athmosphärischen Störungen und somit für die Übertragung über den Freiraumkanal geeignet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das TF-QKD-Protokoll theoretisch bewertet, mit Standardkomponenten für 1 bit/Photon implementiert und die Freiraumübertragung mit optischem Tracking über eine 388 m Teststrecke wird bei Tageslicht demonstriert. Unter Verwendung der vorhandenen Komponenten konnte eine sichere Schlüsselrate von 364 kbit/s back-to-back und 9 kbit/s über den Freiraumkanal demonstriert werden. / Quantum key distribution (QKD), the first applicable quantum technology, promises information theoretically secure communication. In the presented work the time-frequency (TF)-QKD protocol was examined, which uses time and frequency, namely pulse position modulation (PPM) in the time domain and frequency shift keying (FSK) in the frequency domain as the two complementary bases. Its security relies on the quantum properties of light and the time-frequency uncertainty relation. TF-QKD can be implemented mostly with standard telecom-technology in the 1550 nm band. The PPM basis can be implemented with modulators and the FSK basis with help of wavelength-division multiplexing technology. The TF-QKD protocol is capable of providing an arbitrarily large alphabet enabling more than 1 bit/photon. Moreover, it is robust in the atmosphere making it suitable for transmission over the free-space channel. In the present work the TF-QKD protocol is assessed theoretically, implemented with off-the-shelf components for 1 bit/photon and free-space transmission with optical tracking over a 388 m testbed is demonstrated in daylight. Using components at hand, secret key rates of 364 kbit/s back-to-back and 9 kbit/s over the free-space channel could be demonstrated.


CLARA ELIZABETH VERDUGO MUNOZ 22 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] A óptica de espaço livre (FSO), inicialmente estudada na década de 60, está atraindo atenção no contexto dos sistemas 5G+, que exige tecnologias de back-hauling sem fio com taxas de dados extremamente altas em distâncias de poucos quilômetros. A atual falta de um modelo global de perda de percurso para FSO motiva o estudo do comportamento do enlace óptico sob diferentes condições atmosféricas. Esta tese trata do desenvolvimento de modelos para prever a atenuação devido a neblina e chuva para projetar enlaces FSO em tecnologias 5G e além. Estudamos os bancos de dados de medições de superfície disponíveis em todo o mundo como referência para analisar as respostas do FSO considerando os dados disponíveis de longo prazo e descobrimos que o maior impacto na visibilidade em todo o mundo é causado por neblina, neve e chuva. Assim, selecionamos neblina e chuva como o foco deste estudo. Vários modelos de perda de percurso, baseados na visibilidade, são avaliados através de uma abordagem analítica. Propomos modelos de limite inferior e superior para estimar a atenuação específica devido ao nevoeiro considerando incertezas quanto à sensibilidade da atenuação específica, gama, em função da visibilidade em 1.550 micrômetros e o melhor ajuste aos resultados do modelo microfísico. Com relação à atenuação causada pela chuva, estudamos modelos disponíveis na literatura para enlaces de micro-ondas e os modificamos para aplicação em enlaces FSO. Quando os efeitos de espalhamento múltiplo são considerados, foi encontrada uma redução significativa na atenuação da chuva. Construímos a partir dos modelos, um método para combinar estatisticamente a atenuação em enlaces FSO causada por diferentes condições climáticas. O desempenho dos enlaces ópticos é avaliado em termos do máximo comprimento do enlace em relação à disponibilidade sob quatro condições climáticas: (i) somente chuva, (ii) somente neblina, (iii) chuva e neblina, e (iv) e todas as condições. Finalmente, eventos experimentais para os enlaces FSO e mmWave implementados no campus Leonardo do Politecnico di Milano são classificados e analisados dependendo do efeito atmosférico estudado: chuva estratiforme, chuva convectiva, chuva leve, vento, neblina pesada, neve e outros. / [en] Free-space optics (FSO), initially studied in the 60s, is attracting attention in the frame of 5G+ systems, which demands wireless back-hauling technologies with extremely high data rates over distances up to a few kilometers. The current lack of a global path loss model for FSO motivates studying the optical link s behavior under different atmospheric conditions. This thesis deals with the development of models for predicting the attenuation due to fog and rain for designing FSO links in 5G and beyond technologies. We study extensive surface measurement databases worldwide as a benchmark for analyzing FSO responses considering available long-term data. We find that the highest impact on visibility worldwide is caused by fog, snow, and rain. Thus, we select fog and rain as the focus of this study. Several path loss models based on visibility are assessed. We propose lower and upper-bound models to estimate the specific attenuation, gamma, due to fog which considers uncertainties as the sensitivity of gamma to the visibility at 1.550 µm and a micro-physical model of fog. Regarding attenuation caused by rain, we study models available in the literature for microwave links and modify them for application to FSO. When the multiple scattering effects are considered, a significant reduction in the rain attenuation has been found. From the findings, we build a method to statistically combine the attenuation effects on FSO caused by different weather conditions. The performance of FSO links is assessed in terms of the maximum link range against availability under four weather conditions: (i) rain only, (ii) fog only, (iii) rain and fog, and (iv) all conditions. Finally, experimental events for FSO and mmWave links implemented at Leonardo Campus of Politecnico di Milano are classified and analyzed depending on the studied atmospheric effects: stratiform rain, convective rain, light rain, wind, heavy fog, snow, and others.

Distansstudier som en gendered-free space. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av distansstudier och könsnormer vid distansstudier. / Distance studies as a gendered-free space. : A qualitative interview-study about distance high school students' experiences of distance studies and gender norms.

Hovold, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to the understanding of Swedish distance high school students' experiences of distance studies and gender norms in distance studies. This is explained using performativity theory and theory of gendered spaces. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six students who study at high school remotely, the study aims to contribute to knowledge about distance high school students' experiences in permanent distance studies. The study's research question is: What experiences do distance students have of distance studies and gender norms in permanent distance studies? The findings suggest that during distance studies, students experience that gender norms become less prominent because the students are in a safe zone (at home) and a calm environment where they feel comfortable. This makes it easier for students to be themselves, resist limiting gender norms, and dare to stand up for their opinions, as they feel that they are not judged by other students or teachers based on gender or group affiliation. In this way, the creation and transformation of gender norms through performativity is not as prominent in distance studies, and distance studies is seen as a gendered-free space. Instead, students are seen as individuals and are evaluated as individuals based on their own academic performance. This allows students to focus on their academic performance without being judged according to stereotypical gender norms.

The Pdf Of Irradiance For A Free-space Optical Communications Channel: A Physics Based Model

Wayne, David 01 January 2010 (has links)
An accurate PDF of irradiance for a FSO channel is important when designing a laser radar, active laser imaging, or a communications system to operate over the channel. Parameters such as detector threshold level, probability of detection, mean fade time, number of fades, BER, and SNR are derived from the PDF and determine the design constraints of the receiver, transmitter, and corresponding electronics. Current PDF models of irradiance, such as the Gamma-Gamma, do not fully capture the effect of aperture averaging; a reduction in scintillation as the diameter of the collecting optic is increased. The Gamma-Gamma PDF of irradiance is an attractive solution because the parameters of the distribution are derived strictly from atmospheric turbulence parameters; propagation path length, Cn2, l0, and L0. This dissertation describes a heuristic physics-based modeling technique to develop a new PDF of irradiance based upon the optical field. The goal of the new PDF is three-fold: capture the physics of the turbulent atmosphere, better describe aperture averaging effects, and relate parameters of the new model to measurable atmospheric parameters. The modeling decomposes the propagating electromagnetic field into a sum of independent random-amplitude spatial plane waves using an approximation to the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. The scattering effects of the turbulence along the propagation path define the random-amplitude of each component of the expansion. The resulting PDF of irradiance is a double finite sum containing a Bessel function. The newly developed PDF is a generalization of the Gamma-Gamma PDF, and reduces to such in the limit. An experiment was setup and performed to measure the PDF of irradiance for several receiver aperture sizes under moderate to strong turbulence conditions. The propagation path was instrumented with scintillometers and anemometers to characterize the turbulence conditions. The newly developed PDF model and the GG model were compared to histograms of the experimental data. The new PDF model was typically able to match the data as well or better than the GG model under conditions of moderate aperture averaging. The GG model fit the data better than the new PDF under conditions of significant aperture averaging. Due to a limiting scintillation index value of 3, the new PDF was not compared to the GG for point apertures under strong turbulence; a regime where the GG is known to fit data well.

Free Space Optical Communications with High Intensity Laser Power Beaming

Raible, Daniel Edward 15 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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