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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informática educativa no Rio Grande do Sul : um estudo das possibilidades de inclusão em uma escola pública

Boll, Cíntia Inês January 2000 (has links)
O trabalho pretende historicizar, a partir dos anos 60, acontecimentos ocorridos em torno das politicas públicas em Informática Educativa no Brasil. Apresenta os principais projetos em Informática Educativa no pais, discute o atual Programa Nacional de Informática na Educação (PROINFO) e sua implementação no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Acompanha a inserção desta politica na pratica pedagógica da Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental Joao Goulart, no município de Novo Hamburgo, primeira escola publica do estado a ser contemplada por este Programa. Contribui para o fortalecimento da ideia de que as politicas públicas em Informática Educativa no Brasil precisam ser contextualizadas em seus processos de problematização e consolidação de um "tempo de escuta" a fim de que as práticas dodiscentes possam possibilitar processos de inclusão em termos de permanência e qualidade, de toda comunidade educativa. O pensamento de PAULO FREIRE reforça esta perspectiva ao demonstrar a importância do contexto histórico, cultural e social da trajetória de cada individuo enquanto construtor de formas de viver mais criticas, humanas e solidarias. / This paper intents to tell a history, from the sixties on, of the facts which ocurred about public policies in Educative Informatics, in Brazil. It Presents the main projects in Educative Informatics in the country; discusses the present Natioal Program of Informatics in Education (PROINFO) and its implementation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul; and follows the insertion of this policy in the Pedagogical Practice at the Joao Goulart Municipal Scchool, in Pre School and First Grade, in the city of Novo Hamburgo. This is the first public school to be contemplated with this Program. It contributes to the strengthening of the idea that public policies in Educative Informatics, in Brazil, need to be contextualized in their processes of problems and the consolidation of a "listening time", in order that the "dodiscente" pratices can make it able the inclusion process, in terms of permanency and quality of the whole educative community. PAULO FREIRE's ideas strengthen this perspective by demonstrating the importance of the historical context; the cultural and social trajectory o each individual person, when being the builder of more critical, human and supportive ways of living.

Organização social e representação gráfica : crianças da escola itinerante do MST

Pieri, Neucélia Meneghetti de January 2002 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de compreender a interferência do meio na representação gráfica da criança da Escola Itinerante do MST (Movimento do Trabalhador Rural Sem Terra), ou seja, como e com que intensidade os elementos simbólicos (sigla, bandeira, ...) presentes em seu meio aparecem em seus desenhos. A representação gráfica das crianças é uma forma de comunicação e expressão do seu mundo, pela conexão entre os elementos simbólicos que compõem o meio externo com os mecanismos que fazem parte da sua estrutura interna, subjetiva. É na interação do sujeito com o meio que o conhecimento se constrói e é nesse momento que o processo de conscientização pode possibilitar uma internalização mais intensa dos elementos simbólicos que vão estar presentes no meio sócio-cultural em que a criança vive. A criança desenha o que é real para ela e um meio social carregado de valores e de um universo simbólico vivido diariamente por ela pode interferir significativamente no seu desenho. Esse universo simbólico está presente nas atividades realizadas, não só na escola como também nas ações do acampamento em geral e isso possibilita à criança uma compreensão mais consciente e crítica da realidade que a cerca e da sua própria história de vida. Teóricos como Piaget e Freire contribuem significativamente para a fundamentação teórica dessa pesquisa, através dos seus posicionamentos com relação à educação no seu movimento teoria e prática; à tomada de consciência e à conscientização, como também ao processo de construção simbólica na criança, pela qual ela se constitui como um ser simbólico e social. Luquet, Marjorie e Brendt Wilson, com seus estudos sobre o desenho da criança trazem contribuições na área do grafismo infantil e uma visão iconoclasta, fundamentais para compreendermos melhor as representações das crianças e podermos estabelecer um diálogo com seus desenhos. A coleta de dados para análise se deu no próprio Acampamento junto as crianças, com atividades variadas e tendo como forma de registro o desenho. As falas das crianças referentes ao desenho também são importantes pois ajudam na interpretação do mesmo. Através da análise dos desenhos das crianças pudemos constatar a intensidade com que o contexto vivido por elas interfere na sua representação gráfica, referida aqui como desenho, justamente pela constante presença dos elementos simbólicos que fazem parte do MST, em seus desenhos. Conclui-se, desafiando os educadores a repensarem suas práticas educativas no sentido de buscar o significado dos conceitos a serem trabalhados com as crianças no seu próprio contexto a fim de tornar o conhecimento vivo e em movimento, explorando o universo simbólico que compõe esse meio social no qual a criança interage.

Phenomenal Woman: Women's Workplace Identity Development and Meaning Making Through Storytelling

Brito, Aurora M. January 2020 (has links)
This case study examined women’s identity development in the workplace through the application of storytelling as a learning technique. Study participants included twenty-two women graduates and 2nd year students of diverse backgrounds ranging in ages 25 to 71 from a master’s degree applied theatre program in a Northeastern university. This study describes identity development through ways in which women make meaning of their lived experience and perceived interactions in the workplace. Data collection derived from 22 semi-structured interviews. Deeper data analysis surfaced through dramaturgical coding. Three analytical categories emerged: 1) Generations, 2) Race and 3) Sexual Orientation. The findings exposed power and positionality barriers as obstacles and challenges that undermine women’s careers. Three conclusions emerged: 1) Women continue to struggle with barriers that pose as obstacles and challenges to their learning and identity development in the workplace, 2) Women of color experience the double bind barriers of racism and sexism and 3) Women learn through storytelling and sharing workplace stories. This study privileges storytelling, a form of presentational knowing, as a legitimate way of knowing and has been shown to be conducive to learning and identity development. Women’s perspectives changed through theatre techniques using critical reflection and action; they engaged in communities of practice that offered supportive structures. Also, there continues to be resistance to hard conversations around race and inequality. Diversity programs that build upon Paulo Freire’s praxis of reflection and action hold leaders who espouse diversity initiatives to account. To avoid the paradox of diversity, human resources diversity training, organizational learning, professional development and community based social programs can leverage the power of storytelling. Affective empathy as an embodied component of storytelling establishes empathic connections between dominant culture and the marginalized. Critical and constructive development theories need to be embedded into curriculum to address systemic racism. Presentational knowing is an effective tool for social action and social justice by broadening learning beyond adult education to encourage empathy between people whose views are different. This qualitative study is grounded in critical theory, John Heron’s (1992) Presentational knowing, theories of identity and constructive development.

Para além do movimento maker: um contraste de diferentes tendências em espaços de construção digital na Educação / Beyond maker movement: a contrast of different trends in digital construction spaces in Education

Silva, Rodrigo Barbosa e 31 August 2017 (has links)
Com o recente crescimento do interesse em atividades manuais baseada em tecnologias digitais, espaços de construção começam a fazer parte de projetos educacionais públicos e privados no país. Estes espaços são planejados, construídos e executados seguindo tendências transnacionais de construção digital. Esta tese contrasta propostas maker baseadas em FabLabs, na Maker Media, em críticas à tecnoutopia californiana e no FabLearn com objetivo de compreender as origens, objetivos e implicações de cada uma dessas diferentes propostas de tecnologias para a Educação. Considerando a sub-teorização do movimento maker em geral, que privilegia o fazer acima do refletir, esta tese apresenta conceitos de tecnologia baseado em Álvaro Vieira Pinto, de práxis e liberdade em Paulo Freire, e de bases social da técnica no campo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de fatos e fenômenos em voga na tecnociência e educação brasileiras. Os resultados alcançados são uma abordagem crítico-reflexiva das diferentes vertentes maker, o contraste entre diferentes propostas de construção digital, uma contribuição a propostas progressistas de educação e a valorização e expansão da obra de pensadores nacionais de Educação e tecnologias. Conclui-se que a proposta FabLearn é condicente com ideias freirianas para Educação e que parte da falta de embasamento teórico do movimento maker em geral pode ser preenchida pelo pensamento filosófico de Álvaro Vieira Pinto e educacional de Paulo Freire, em uma perspectiva emancipatória e inclusiva da sociedade. / Spaces dedicated to construction based on digital resources are taking part of public and private educational projects in Brazil as a result of the growing public interest in hands-on activities. These spaces are planned, built, and executed under transnational trends of digital construction. This Ph.D. thesis contrasts maker proposals, e.g. FabLabs, Maker Media, criticism to the Californian tecnoutopia, and FabLearn, in order to comprehend the origins, the aims and the implications of each one of these distinct proposals of technologies in Education. One considering the under-theorization of maker movement in general, which privileges the ´making´ over reflection, this thesis presents concepts of technology based on Alvaro Vieira Pinto, and praxis and freedom on Paulo Freire’s work, along a discussion of social basis of techniques on Science, Technology and Society Studies. It is a descriptive research about facts and phenomenons in an ongoing debate about Brazilian techno science and education. As results, it presents firstly a critical reflexive approach of diverse maker proposals, secondly a contribution to progressive education discussions, and thirdly the enrichment and expansion of national thinkers’ theories on technology and education. It concludes that FabLearn is consistent with Freire’s ideas of progressive education, and Alvaro Vieira Pinto’s philosophical and Paulo Freire’s educational thoughts can be filled in, based on an emancipatory and inclusive perspective of society, the theoretical gap of maker movement.

Para além do movimento maker: um contraste de diferentes tendências em espaços de construção digital na Educação / Beyond maker movement: a contrast of different trends in digital construction spaces in Education

Silva, Rodrigo Barbosa e 31 August 2017 (has links)
Com o recente crescimento do interesse em atividades manuais baseada em tecnologias digitais, espaços de construção começam a fazer parte de projetos educacionais públicos e privados no país. Estes espaços são planejados, construídos e executados seguindo tendências transnacionais de construção digital. Esta tese contrasta propostas maker baseadas em FabLabs, na Maker Media, em críticas à tecnoutopia californiana e no FabLearn com objetivo de compreender as origens, objetivos e implicações de cada uma dessas diferentes propostas de tecnologias para a Educação. Considerando a sub-teorização do movimento maker em geral, que privilegia o fazer acima do refletir, esta tese apresenta conceitos de tecnologia baseado em Álvaro Vieira Pinto, de práxis e liberdade em Paulo Freire, e de bases social da técnica no campo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de fatos e fenômenos em voga na tecnociência e educação brasileiras. Os resultados alcançados são uma abordagem crítico-reflexiva das diferentes vertentes maker, o contraste entre diferentes propostas de construção digital, uma contribuição a propostas progressistas de educação e a valorização e expansão da obra de pensadores nacionais de Educação e tecnologias. Conclui-se que a proposta FabLearn é condicente com ideias freirianas para Educação e que parte da falta de embasamento teórico do movimento maker em geral pode ser preenchida pelo pensamento filosófico de Álvaro Vieira Pinto e educacional de Paulo Freire, em uma perspectiva emancipatória e inclusiva da sociedade. / Spaces dedicated to construction based on digital resources are taking part of public and private educational projects in Brazil as a result of the growing public interest in hands-on activities. These spaces are planned, built, and executed under transnational trends of digital construction. This Ph.D. thesis contrasts maker proposals, e.g. FabLabs, Maker Media, criticism to the Californian tecnoutopia, and FabLearn, in order to comprehend the origins, the aims and the implications of each one of these distinct proposals of technologies in Education. One considering the under-theorization of maker movement in general, which privileges the ´making´ over reflection, this thesis presents concepts of technology based on Alvaro Vieira Pinto, and praxis and freedom on Paulo Freire’s work, along a discussion of social basis of techniques on Science, Technology and Society Studies. It is a descriptive research about facts and phenomenons in an ongoing debate about Brazilian techno science and education. As results, it presents firstly a critical reflexive approach of diverse maker proposals, secondly a contribution to progressive education discussions, and thirdly the enrichment and expansion of national thinkers’ theories on technology and education. It concludes that FabLearn is consistent with Freire’s ideas of progressive education, and Alvaro Vieira Pinto’s philosophical and Paulo Freire’s educational thoughts can be filled in, based on an emancipatory and inclusive perspective of society, the theoretical gap of maker movement.

Vorme van bevrydingsonderwys in Latyns-Amerika, die VSA, Tanzanië en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende studie

Asia, Henry Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bevrydingsonderwys is 'n verskynsel \vat wereldwyd voorkom. Dit word egter nie in alle werelddele dieselfde genoem nie. Popular Education in Latyns-Amerika, Progressiewe Onderwys in die VSA, Sosialistiese Onderwys in Tanzanie en People's Education in die RSA kan b)voorbeeld almal as voorbeelde van benydingsonderwys beskou word. In hierdie studie word die ontstaan, ontwikkeling, aard en wese van bovermelde onderwysvorme beskryf en vergelyk. Eers word aandag gegee aan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Popular Education en word die opvattings van onder andere Paulo Freire en Antonio Gramsci oor die verband tussen onderwys, bevryding en verandering bespreek. Daama word die historiese ontwikkeling van onderskeidelik Progressiewe Onderwys, Sosialistiese Onderwys en People's Education beskryf en bespreek. Die onderwysvorme word vervolgens met mekaar vergelyk en ooreenkomste en verskille blootgele. Ten slotte word bevrydingsonderwys aan die hand van opvoedkundige kriteria beoordeel en aanbevelings met betrekking tot onderwysverandering en -vemuwing in die RSA gemaak. / Education for liberation is a world-\"ide phenomenon. However, it is not named the same throughout the world. Popular Education in Latin America, Progressive Education in the USA Socialistic Education in Tanzania en People's Education in the RSA can, for instance, all be viewed as examples of education for liberation. In this study the origin, development and nature of the above-mentioned forms of education are described and compared. Firstly, the origin and development of Popular Education and the views of inter alia Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci regarding the relationship between education, liberation and change are discussed. Thereafter, the historical development of Progressive Education, Socialistic Education and People's Education are described and discussed. These forms of education are subsequently compared and similarities and differences are disclosed. Lastly, education for liberation is evaluated according to educational criteria and recommendations concerning educational change and renewal in the RSA are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Paulo Freire se benadering tot leer en onderrig as teenvoeter vir die kultuur van geweld teen vroue en kinders in Suid-Afrika / Paulo Freire’s approach to learning and teaching as an antidote against the culture of violence against women and children in South Africa

Kloppers, Daniel Frederik 09 1900 (has links)
Die Brasiliaanse opvoedkundige Paulo Freire word as een van die belangrikste opvoeders van die twintigste eeu beskou. Sy benadering tot volwasse onderrig is op verskeie terreine toegepas maar nooit direk as teenvoeter vir geweld teen vroue en kinders aangewend nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel op welke wyse Paulo Freire se benadering tot leer en onderrig in volwasse basiese onderrig as teenvoeter kan dien vir die kultuur van geweld teen vroue en kinders in Suid-Afrika. Die studie bestaan uit ’n analitiese literatuurstudie en ’n kwalitatiewe studie met elf deelnemers. Ten einde die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord neem die studie ‘n aanvang met ’n literatuurstudie oor die redes vir geweld teen vroue en kinders. Daarna val die fokus op volwasse basiese onderrig [VBO], volwasse leer en die knelpunte in VBO in Suid-Afrika. In die volgende hoofstuk word die literatuur ten opsigte van Freire se werk en sy benadering tot volwasse onderrig bespreek. Kernelemente van sy benadering word getabuleer waarna kritiek op en die belang van sy benadering, sowel as die toepassing daarvan, in Afrika en Suid-Afrika bespreek word. In die kwalitatiewe empiriese studie word die resultate van die vrae in die onderhoudsgids met betrekking tot geweld en VBO bespreek waarna die resultatate in die laaste hoofstuk in die lig van die literatuurstudie geanaliseer word. Nadat die data beoordeel is, word aanbeveel dat, hoewel kennis geneem moet word van die uitdagings in VBO en Freire se benadering, die benadering steeds as ’n middel in basiese volwasse onderrig gebruik kan word om geweld die hoof te bied. ’n Praktiese voorstel vir teengeweldonderrig word gemaak met behulp van ’n teengeweldlesplan vir VBO. Die navorsing sluit af met beperkings van die studie en voorstelle vir optrede. / The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire is considered to be one of the most important educators of the twentieth century. His approach to adult education has been applied to various fields, but never directly to prevent violence against women and children. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how Freire’s approach to learning and teaching can be used as an antidote against violence against women and children in South Africa. The study consists of an analytical literature review and qualitative study with eleven participants. To answer the research question, the study commences with a literature study on the reasons for violence against women and children. Therafter the focus shifts to the adult basic education, adult learning and the restraints in adult basic education in South Africa. In the next chapter Freire’s work and his approach to adult education is dis-cussed. Key elements to his approach is tabled whereafter critique on and the im-portance of his approach, as well as its application in South Africa, is discussed. In the qualitative empirical study the results of the questions in the interview guide with regard to violence and adult basic education is discussed, whereafter the results are analised in the final chapter in view of the literature study. After the consideration of the data, it is recommended that cognisance must be taken of the challenges to adult basic education and Freire’s approachwhich can still be utilised as a medium in adult basic education to combat violence. A practical proposal for antiviolence education is made through a antiviolence lesson plan for ABE. The research concludes with limitations and recommendations. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Vorme van bevrydingsonderwys in Latyns-Amerika, die VSA, Tanzanië en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende studie

Asia, Henry Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bevrydingsonderwys is 'n verskynsel \vat wereldwyd voorkom. Dit word egter nie in alle werelddele dieselfde genoem nie. Popular Education in Latyns-Amerika, Progressiewe Onderwys in die VSA, Sosialistiese Onderwys in Tanzanie en People's Education in die RSA kan b)voorbeeld almal as voorbeelde van benydingsonderwys beskou word. In hierdie studie word die ontstaan, ontwikkeling, aard en wese van bovermelde onderwysvorme beskryf en vergelyk. Eers word aandag gegee aan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Popular Education en word die opvattings van onder andere Paulo Freire en Antonio Gramsci oor die verband tussen onderwys, bevryding en verandering bespreek. Daama word die historiese ontwikkeling van onderskeidelik Progressiewe Onderwys, Sosialistiese Onderwys en People's Education beskryf en bespreek. Die onderwysvorme word vervolgens met mekaar vergelyk en ooreenkomste en verskille blootgele. Ten slotte word bevrydingsonderwys aan die hand van opvoedkundige kriteria beoordeel en aanbevelings met betrekking tot onderwysverandering en -vemuwing in die RSA gemaak. / Education for liberation is a world-\"ide phenomenon. However, it is not named the same throughout the world. Popular Education in Latin America, Progressive Education in the USA Socialistic Education in Tanzania en People's Education in the RSA can, for instance, all be viewed as examples of education for liberation. In this study the origin, development and nature of the above-mentioned forms of education are described and compared. Firstly, the origin and development of Popular Education and the views of inter alia Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci regarding the relationship between education, liberation and change are discussed. Thereafter, the historical development of Progressive Education, Socialistic Education and People's Education are described and discussed. These forms of education are subsequently compared and similarities and differences are disclosed. Lastly, education for liberation is evaluated according to educational criteria and recommendations concerning educational change and renewal in the RSA are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

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