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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Några frågor om ansvar för ledamot i organ för indirektrepresentation

Bergendal, Per January 2015 (has links)
Skadeståndsansvaret på ägarnivå i ett företag är relativt svagt jämfört med ansvaret på styrelse- och VD-nivå. Detta gäller i både aktiebolag och ekonomiska föreningar. Lagreglerna utgår från att medlemmen/aktieägaren måste kunna ta tillvara sina egna individuella intressen. I en ekonomisk förening kan medlemmarna lämna över ansvaret i stämman till ägarrepresentanter (fullmäktige). En ledamot i fullmäktige är inte ombud för en viss delägare utan ska ta till vara det samlade delägarintresset i sitt uppdrag. I uppsatsen ställer jag frågan om ett mer omfattande skadeståndsansvar än vad som an-nars gäller på ägarnivån bör gälla för fullmäktigeledamöter med hänsyn bl.a. till att le-damöterna kan anses ha en sysslomannaliknande ställning. Jag pekar bl.a. på behovet av ett vidgat ansvar till följd av den allmänt ökade tonvikten på ägarstyrning och ägardirek-tiv. Vidare förekommer, särskilt i vissa producentkooperativ, organ för styrning vid si-dan om de formella bolagsorganen. Detta talar också för behovet av ett strängare ansvar. Jag kommer till slutsatsen, att en skärpning i lag av ansvaret för fullmäktige är en trubbig och tekniskt svår väg att gå. När styrande organ inrättats vid sidan av bolagsorganen bör det enligt min mening finnas ett utrymme för en analog tillämpning av de associat-ionsregler som gäller för bolagsledningen. I övriga fall kan man anta att det förhållandet att fullmäktige åtagit sig ansvar och inflytande vid sidan av de obligatoriska uppgifterna får betydelse vid bedömningen av om den eventuella vårdslösheten är grov. Man kan också hoppas att medvetenheten om dessa frågor och en ökad uppmärksamhet leder till en tydligare och mer förutsägbar rättstillämpning.

Förtroendeuppdragets uppdragsgivare : Hur ser relationen ut mellan kommunalt folkvalda och dess väljare? / The principal to the official elected : How are the relationship between the muncipally elected and their constituent?

Sjögren, Simon January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay (C-uppsats) is to study the role of being a municipal, local elected official. The essay is built around two independent case studies. The first case study concentrate on Säffle kommun (Säffle municipality) and the second on Eda kommun (Eda municipality). Through using the principal-agent theory tries to understand how the local elected officials themselves understand their role as representatives and decision-makers. The essay does this by asking the main question which is who the elected official see as their principal.Through the two case studies the result shows that the elected officials in both studies do not limit the principal to only one. Instead the result and analyze demonstrates how both the electorate and the political parties function as principals. The electorate function as a long term principal while the different political parties function as a more frequent principal which the elected official have a more frequent contact with.To better understand the principal agent theory more studies is necessary. This can be done through both qualitative and quantitative studies.

Ungas avhopp från kommunfullmäktige : En studie om unga fullmäktigeledamöters beslut att lämna sina uppdrag / Young people are opting-out of local councils : A study about young members of municipal council’s decision to leave their assignment

Isaksson, Nina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Young councillors are currently under-represented in Sweden's municipalities. Young councillors are also stepping down in greater numbers than older members. This paper explores the reasons why young councillors choose to resign from their mission, so to identify possible remedies to the problematic trend of underrepresentation of younger people in local authorities in Sweden.</p><p>This qualitative essay intends, through interviewing politically-active young people who has left their assignment, to study the reasons for resignations from elected posts. To see what could be the reason I have looked at previous studies and theories about opting out but also tried to remain open to identifying new and emerging trends previously undetected in existing surveys.</p><p>The results showed that the political assignment proved to be too time-consuming, with young people choosing to spend their time on career and leisure. Those who resign from political life often express criticism towards the Municipal Council; they consider it tedious and many complain of having little influence. The increasing underrepresentation of younger people in political office and the fact that it is hard to recruit new active members shows that structural changes needs to be made to succeed in attracting new young members to political assignments.</p>

Ungas avhopp från kommunfullmäktige : En studie om unga fullmäktigeledamöters beslut att lämna sina uppdrag / Young people are opting-out of local councils : A study about young members of municipal council’s decision to leave their assignment

Isaksson, Nina January 2009 (has links)
Young councillors are currently under-represented in Sweden's municipalities. Young councillors are also stepping down in greater numbers than older members. This paper explores the reasons why young councillors choose to resign from their mission, so to identify possible remedies to the problematic trend of underrepresentation of younger people in local authorities in Sweden. This qualitative essay intends, through interviewing politically-active young people who has left their assignment, to study the reasons for resignations from elected posts. To see what could be the reason I have looked at previous studies and theories about opting out but also tried to remain open to identifying new and emerging trends previously undetected in existing surveys. The results showed that the political assignment proved to be too time-consuming, with young people choosing to spend their time on career and leisure. Those who resign from political life often express criticism towards the Municipal Council; they consider it tedious and many complain of having little influence. The increasing underrepresentation of younger people in political office and the fact that it is hard to recruit new active members shows that structural changes needs to be made to succeed in attracting new young members to political assignments.

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