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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upgrading The Old: The Adaptation Of Traditional Residential Buildings To The Contemporary Life

Avci, Deniz 01 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional residential buildings constitute an important part of Turkey&rsquo / s cultural heritage. However, in most of the cases, these buildings face with the problems of arbitrary alterations disregarding their values, abandonment, neglect and even demolition. To prevent these problems, they need to be &#039 / upgraded&#039 / to the contemporary life, while sustaining their values and cultural significance. During this &#039 / upgrading&#039 / process, the most common and important problems are faced with during the re-functioning of the existing spaces and the provision of the service spaces according to the contemporary living standards and expectations of users. Therefore, this thesis proposes the process, content, method and criteria for conservation and design for upgrading traditional residential buildings to the contemporary life, focusing on the existing and expected functional layout and new service spaces. The proposed method is assessed on three selected cases from Istiklal District, Ankara. Based on the proposed process, content, method and design/conservation criteria within this thesis, the functional layouts are studied and the service spaces are designed, including implementation details for the selected cases. As a conclusion, this thesis revealed that the spatial properties of the traditional residential buildings can offer even more than the spaces that the inhabitants can expect from a contemporary house, while the service spaces with contemporary standards can also be provided with a conscientious approach.

Investigating the barriers to increase Levels of Automation. : A case study in pre-assembly of tap changer assembly line.

MEHTA, ADVAIT, Subramanian, Mahalingam January 2019 (has links)
The overarching goal of this thesis is to investigate and explore the barriers that a company would face while increasing the Levels of Automation (LoA), in the preassembly production unit. To achieve the primary goal of investigating the barriers this study takes a threefold approach. Firstly, the current LoA was measured for the preassembly workstations. This measurement was conducted by incorporating an existing methodology adapted from the literature review known as DYNAMO++ methodology. This method is incorporated such that, the current LoA of the preassembly workstations could be measured and analysed. The current LoA of the preassembly workstations are analysed to investigate the potential workstations where LoA could be increased, in line with the company’s triggers for implementing automation. For this, experiences of the personnel’s belonging to the operational level of preassembly workstations were incorporated, to find the scope of improvements for increasing the LoA. Additionally, the company’s triggers for implementing automation was investigated from the managerial level. The research questions were answered by adapting an explorative, single case study method. Additionally, four types of data collection techniques were used, such as – interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis. Subsequently, source triangulation was adapted to analyse the data collected; to develop a comprehensive understanding of the barriers identified., Finally, the barriers faced by the company to increase LoA are identified by considering the implications that the improvement opportunities would impose upon the production systems environment. The identified barriers were then categorised further based on factors that exist internal as well as external to the production systems environment. The barriers identified in this study highlights various factors that the management must consider beforehand while initiating automation decisions in future automation projects in the preassembly area. Regardless of the barriers faced by the company, there are more opportunities to improve manufacturing processes through automation technologies. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the factors that restrain the implementation of automation technologies and how companies could deal with it.

A conceptual model for VSM in a production system with paral-lel material flow : a case study of a SME in the wood industry

Helmersson, Erik, Broman, Anders January 2021 (has links)
There is a rapid change in the current market that requires more customisation and higher quality for a lower price. For SMEs, it is a challenge to compete and develop the production system in this increasingly competitive environment. One way to increase the competitive advantages is to investigate the possibilities to involve Lean tools such as VSM. The purpose of the VSM design is to get a quick holistic view of the production system to find value-added and non-value-added activities and improve the production system. A VSM is, however, not widely explored in a production system with high flexibility and a high number of variants in a functional layout. It has been discovered that there is a research gap in the literature, and some researchers proclaim that there is none or a negative correlation between VSM and flexible production. Therefore, there is a need to further explore these concepts together at a case company with these pa-rameters.The methodological approach is a single case study at a case company. The research focuses on investigating how the VSM can be applicable in a production system with high flexibility on a functional layout facility. The study will focus on hard aspects such as the VSM itself and soft aspects such as Lean concepts, Change Management, and employee’s behaviour and reactions. The reason is that enterprises need to investigate parameters and employee behaviour since a production system with high flexibility on a functional layout often perceives as a complex system. Therefore a conceptual model has been developed to facilitate the adoption of this kind of production system. The created conceptual model is based on the findings from the case company and theories from the literature studies. The methods that supported the data collection in the case are interviews with the production personnel and personnel from the management de-partment, observations, VSM and a literature review.

Improving Material Flows By Production Layout Conversion : A case study within the automotive industry / Förbättring av materialflöden genom konvertering av produktionslayout

Holmdahl, Björn January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how material flows can be more efficient through the conversion from a functional-layout to a cellular-layout. The study wants to clarify how the production layout conversion can be used by organizations who are currently utilizing the functional production layout to become more efficient. For organizations to invest time and money, they must comprehend how the investment decreases waste, and the important aspects for their decision. To fulfill the purpose two research questions (RQ) are formed, these are: RQ1: What factors impact the decision between functional and cellular layout? RQ2: How can the material flows become more efficient through the conversion from a functional-layout to a cellular-layout? To answer the research questions, a case study was conducted at an organization within the automotive industry. Moreover, the method first used was a preliminary investigation to get a broader understanding of the research area. When the field of study was established, the data collection was accomplished by interviews, observations, and document studies. Moreover, a literature review was done to build a theoretical foundation and to answer one of the research questions. The case company is an organization producing in a high-cost country currently using the functional production layout. The findings of the study suggest what is impacting the decision when converting from a functional production layout to a cellular production layout, it is especially four dimensions that must be taken into consideration, these are: type of production system, production flow, product variation and volume. Further on, the case study suggests that the conversion from a functional to a cellular production layout can reduce the travel distance for the product family by 38.8 %, reduce the lead time by 24.2 % and reduce the amount of forklift lifts needed for the product family by 66.7 % at the case company. Moreover, the implications highlight and elaborate on the benefits of a production layout conversion for increasing the efficiency of material flows within a producing organization which utilizes the functional production layout. It sheds further light on how advantageous it may be to an organization when it comes to align with lean manufacturing concepts. The study offers organizations with a functional production layout an understanding of what they need to consider when and if they intend to move from a functional to a cellular production layout, thus the study gives evidence confirming the difference between the two different layouts regarding efficiency. The limitation of the study is results of the material flows improvements, since the results might be greater at the case company in comparison to other organizations using functional production layout. The study only conducts one case study, which means that the results are not necessarily generalizable. Therefore, it could be necessary to replicate the study in other organizations and contexts to see if the same results can be reached. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur materialflöden kan bli mer effektivt genom konvertering från en funktionell layout till en cellulär layout. Studien vill förtydliga hur produktionslayoutkonvertering kan användas av organisationer som idag använder den funktionella produktionslayouten för att bli mer effektiva. För att organisationer ska kunna investera tid och pengar måste de förstå hur investeringen minskar slöseri, samt vilka aspekter som är viktiga för deras beslut. För att uppfylla syftet bildas två forskningsfrågor, dessa är: Forskningsfråga 1: Vilka faktorer påverkar beslutet mellan funktionell och cellulär layout? Forskningsfråga 2: Hur kan materialflödena bli effektivare genom konvertering från en funktionell layout till en cellulär layout? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en fallstudie på en organisation inom fordonsindustrin. Den första metoden som användes var dessutom en förundersökning för att få en bredare förståelse av forskningsområdet. När studieområdet inrättats skedde datainsamlingen genom intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. Dessutom gjordes en litteraturgenomgång för att bygga en teoretisk grund och för att svara på en av forskningsfrågorna. Fallföretaget är en producerande organisation som producerar i ett högkostnadsland och som för närvarande använder den funktionella produktionslayouten. Resultaten av studien tyder på vad som påverkar beslutet vid konvertering från funktionellt produktionsupplägg till en cellulär produktionslayout. Det är i synnerhet fyra dimensioner som måste beaktas, dessa är: typ av produktionssystem, produktionsflöde, produktvariation och volym. Vidare tyder fallstudien på att omvandlingen från en funktionell till en cellulär produktionslayout minska transportsträckan för produktfamiljen med 38,8 %, minskar ledtiden med 24,2 % och minskar antalet gaffeltruckslyft som behövs för produktfamiljen med 66,7 % hos fallföretaget.  Dessutom framhäver och förklarar fördelarna med en produktionslayoutkonvertering för att öka effektiviteten av materialflöden inom en producerande organisation som använder den funktionella produktionslayouten. Det belyser ytterligare hur fördelaktigt det kan vara för en organisation att anpassa sig efter lean manufacturing ideologin. Studien ger organisationer med en funktionell produktionslayout en förståelse för vad de behöver tänka på när och om de har för avsikt att gå från en funktionell till en cellulär produktionslayout, därför ger studien bevis som bekräftar skillnaden mellan de två olika layouten gällande effektivitet. Studiens begränsningar gäller resultat av materialflödesförbättringarna, då resultaten kan vara bättre hos fallföretaget jämfört med andra organisationer som använder funktionell produktionslayout. Studien innehåller endast en fallstudie, vilket gör att resultaten inte nödvändigtvis är generaliserbara. Därför kan det vara nödvändigt att återskapa studien i andra organisationer och sammanhang för att se om samma resultat kan uppnås.

Effektivare material-och produktionsstyrning för minskad genomloppstid i en process hos ett företag med funktionell layout : En fallstudie på Press Kogyo Sweden AB / Efficient material and production management for reduced throughput time in a process at a manufacturing company with a functional layout

Karlsson, Oscar, Hjalmarsson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens marknader har med tiden tenderat att bli mer globala vilket i sin tur har ökat konkurrensen mellan företag. Detta har inneburit att många industriorganisationer har behövt förändra sig för att vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Ett koncept som idag genomsyrar många företag är lean vilket bygger på att maximera användandet av sina resurser, eliminera slöserier och skapa en effektivare tillverkning. Genom att arbeta med lean kan företag uppnå snabbare genomloppstider. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga Press Kogyos propellerprocess för att kunna identifiera icke-värdeadderande aktiviteter i processen. Vidare kommer studien bidra Press Kogyo med förslag gällande hur en effektivare material- och produktionsstyrning kan reducera genomloppstiden i propellerprocessen. För att studien ska uppnå teoretisk relevans är ytterligare ett syfte med studien att bidra med teori kring hur tillverkande företag, med en funktionell layout, kan reducera de nackdelar som finns med layouten med effektivare material- och produktionsstyrning. Genomförande: Studien har delats upp i tre forskningsfrågor. De två första forskningsfrågorna var specifikt inriktade mot det studerade företaget medan den tredje forskningsfrågan var mer generellt ställd mot tillverkande företag med funktionell layout. Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie och präglats av kvalitativa forskningsmetoder. Empiriska data har samlats in genom intervjuer, observationer samt en fokusgrupp. För första forskningsfrågan skapades processkartor och VSM-kartor. Dessa i samband med diverse intervjuer låg till grund för att identifiera icke-värdeadderande aktiviteter/slöserier i propellerprocessen vilka påverkade genomloppstiden. För forskningsfråga två applicerades teori kring material-och För tillverkande industriföretag kan en reducering av genomloppstid generera diverse fördelar. Några av dessa fördelar är: minskat antal produkter i arbete, bättre kvalité, minskade kostnader, bättre prognoser, ökad flexibilitet samt minskad ledtid gentemot kund. Press Kogyo har under en längre period upplevt en problematik kring en av deras processer. Problematiken har legat i att de inte vetat om vilka icke- värdeadderade aktiviteter som finns i processen samt hur de påverkar genomloppstiden.   produktionsstyrning i syfte att reducera de icke-värdeadderande aktiviteterna/slöserier som identifierats och följaktligen reducera genomloppstider i processen. Gällande forskningsfråga tre genomfördes intervjuer med det studerade företaget och ett annat tillverkande företag med funktionell layout. Författarna ämnade att genom dessa intervjuer besvara hur tillverkande företag med en funktionell layout kan reducera de nackdelar som finns med den layouten med hjälp av effektiv material- och produktionsstyrning. Slutsats: I studien identifierades sju slöserier där väntan ansågs vara det slöseri vilket mest påverkade genomloppstiden i propellerprocessen. För att eliminera alla slöserier och framförallt väntan applicerades teori kring material- och produktionsstyrning med fokus på production activity control (PAC). Den teori vilken användes skapade också en teoretisk modell vilken kan vara en bra grund när företag med funktionell layout vill effektivisera sin planering. Vissa delar av den teoretiska modellen användes också senare i studien där den användes för att reducera de nackdelar vilka kan finnas med en funktionell layout. / Background: Today's markets have over time tended to become more global, which in turn has increased competition between companies. This has meant that many industry organizations have had to change in order to be competitive in the market. A concept that today permeates many companies is the lean practice, which is based on maximizing the use of resources, eliminating waste, and creating more efficient production. By working with lean, companies can achieve faster throughput time. For manufacturing industrial companies, a reduction in throughput time can generate various benefits. Some of these advantages are: reduced number of products in work, better quality, reduced costs, better forecasts, increased flexibility and reduced lead time towards customers.Press Kogyo has for a long period experienced problems with one of their processes. The main problem has been that they do not know what non-value-added activities/waste that can be found in the process and how these activitiesaffect the total throughput time of the process. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to map Press Kogyo's propeller process in order to be able to identify non-value-adding activities in the process. Furthermore, the study will provide Press Kogyo with proposals regarding how more efficient material and production control can reduce the throughput time in the propeller process. In order for the study to achieve theoretical relevance, another purpose of the study is to contribute with theories about how manufacturing companies, with a functional layout, can reduce the disadvantages of the layout with more efficient material and production control. Methodology: The study has been divided into three research questions. The first two research questions were specifically aimed at Press Kogyo, while the third research question was more generally directed at manufacturing companies with a functional layout. The study was conducted as a case study and was characterized by qualitative research methods. Empirical data has been collected through interviews, observations, and a focus group. For the first research question, process maps and VSM maps were created. This together with various interviews created the foundation for identifying non-value-adding activities/waste in the propeller process which affected the throughput time. For research question two, theory of material and production control was applied in order to reduce the non-value-adding activities/waste and consequently reduce throughput time in the process. Regarding research question three, interviews were conducted with Press Kogyo and another manufacturing company with a functional layout. The authors intended to, through these interviews, find answers to how manufacturing companies with a functional layout can reduce the disadvantages of the layout with the help of efficient material and production control. Conclusions: In the study, seven wastes were identified where “wait” was considered to be the waste that affected throughput time the most in the propeller process. To eliminate all waste and specifically the waste “wait”, methods and theories regarding material and production control was applied with a focus on production activity control (PAC). All the different theories that was used also created a theoretical model which can be a good basis for planning when companies with a functional layout want to find ways tostreamline their planning. Some parts of the theoretical model were also used later in the study where it was used to reduce the disadvantages that may exist with a functional layout

Středoevropské forum Olomouc / Olomouc Central European Forum

Kašpárková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis was elaborated as an architectural study of a Central European Forum in Olomouc (SEFO). Campus SEFO will be created as an reconstruction of the Museum of Modern Art (MUO) in Denis street and building in a neighboring vacant lot. The proposal involves urban, architectural, operational layout, design and material solutions objects in spatial context. Within SEFO and MUO they are created each operation - stand-alone units. Objects SEFO and MUO are interconnected. It is necessary to respect the separation of publicly accessible areas of compartments accessible only by employees. Architectural study includes space for exhibitions, library, multi-purpose space with facilities, vestibule usable for exhibition openings and other cultural activities, chamber music performances, as well as facilities for education, technological facilities of the building, the depositary (transport and central), photo studio restoration studio, office space, locker rooms and restrooms personnel. SEFO specific aim of capturing the diverse manifestations of visual culture of Central Europe after World War 2, the building's permanent exhibition, acquisition activity, temporary exhibitions, including larger medium-shows (eg. The biennial or triennial), discussion forums and other supporting cultural events.

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