Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Fusion 1protein"" "subject:"Fusion 2protein""
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Příprava fúzních domén lidských imunoreceptorů pro jejich využití v imunoterapii / Preparation of fusion domains of human immunoreceptors for their utilization in immunotherapyCmunt, Denis January 2019 (has links)
The functions of the immune system include immunosurveillance of transformed cells, i.e., the ability to eliminate these cells before they become harmful to the organism. If the transformed cells succeed to escape the immune system surveillance, an oncological disease develops. The tumour immunotherapy aims to stimulate the immune system mechanisms to fight against the tumour. Lately, there's an interest in using NK cells in the immunotherapy of tumours. These cells appertain to the innate immune system and participate in immunosurveillance. When an NK cell encounters a target cell, its activation depends on the integration of signals from the surface activating and inhibiting receptors which bind ligands on the surface of the target cell. Upon activation, NK cell exhibits a cytotoxic response against the target cell. The use of NK cells in immunotherapy includes, among others, the testing of bispecific fusion proteins which can bind a tumour surface antigen by one part and NK cell activating receptor by the other part. Thus, these fusion proteins mediate a contact between both cells and trigger the cytotoxic response. This work presents a preparation of bispecific fusion proteins which consist of an activating ligand MICA (for the receptor NKG2D) or B7H6 (for the receptor NKp30), and a nanobody...
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Structure and Dynamics of AcrA, a Periplasmic Component of a Multidrug Efflux PumpIp, Hermia 18 February 2010 (has links)
AcrA is the periplasmic component of an efflux system AcrA-AcrB-TolC, which can expel different classes of antibiotics. AcrB is the inner membrane (IM) pump that utilizes proton-motive force for the active transport, TolC is the outer membrane (OM) channel, and AcrA coordinates the actions of AcrB and TolC, so that substrates are expelled across the two membranes, bypassing the periplasm. It has been proposed that AcrA either provides a static seamless link between AcrB and TolC, or acts like its analogous viral membrane fusion protein (MFP) and actively brings the IM and OM closer for substrate transfer. To better understand the role of AcrA in the efflux mechanism, site-directed spin labeling (SDSL)/EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure and dynamics of AcrA in solution. My results demonstrated that AcrA is a dynamic protein that undergoes pH-dependent and reversible conformational changes. AcrA contains an interrupted alpha-helical, coiled-coil domain flanked by a pair of beta-stranded lipoyl motifs, and my SDSL/EPR analysis revealed that the pH-induced conformation change mainly involves the coiled-coil and the lipoyl domains. In addition, I found that each AcrA monomer folds into an intra-molecular hairpin and AcrA monomers oligomerize with their coiled-coil hairpins aligned in parallel. Unlike the pH-induced conformational rearrangement of a viral MFP, change in pH alters both intra- and inter-molecular interaction along the coiled-coil of AcrA without rearranging the hairpin fold. The organization of AcrA protomers and its pH-induced conformational switching are, however, congruent with the TolC coiled-coil hairpins in the iris-like opening of the TolC channel. Together, my studies suggest that rather than being a passive structural linkage between AcrB and TolC, AcrA plays an active role mediating the drug efflux. The reported AcrA dynamics provides new insights into the AcrA-TolC interactions for the channel opening during the efflux process.
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Structure and Dynamics of AcrA, a Periplasmic Component of a Multidrug Efflux PumpIp, Hermia 18 February 2010 (has links)
AcrA is the periplasmic component of an efflux system AcrA-AcrB-TolC, which can expel different classes of antibiotics. AcrB is the inner membrane (IM) pump that utilizes proton-motive force for the active transport, TolC is the outer membrane (OM) channel, and AcrA coordinates the actions of AcrB and TolC, so that substrates are expelled across the two membranes, bypassing the periplasm. It has been proposed that AcrA either provides a static seamless link between AcrB and TolC, or acts like its analogous viral membrane fusion protein (MFP) and actively brings the IM and OM closer for substrate transfer. To better understand the role of AcrA in the efflux mechanism, site-directed spin labeling (SDSL)/EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure and dynamics of AcrA in solution. My results demonstrated that AcrA is a dynamic protein that undergoes pH-dependent and reversible conformational changes. AcrA contains an interrupted alpha-helical, coiled-coil domain flanked by a pair of beta-stranded lipoyl motifs, and my SDSL/EPR analysis revealed that the pH-induced conformation change mainly involves the coiled-coil and the lipoyl domains. In addition, I found that each AcrA monomer folds into an intra-molecular hairpin and AcrA monomers oligomerize with their coiled-coil hairpins aligned in parallel. Unlike the pH-induced conformational rearrangement of a viral MFP, change in pH alters both intra- and inter-molecular interaction along the coiled-coil of AcrA without rearranging the hairpin fold. The organization of AcrA protomers and its pH-induced conformational switching are, however, congruent with the TolC coiled-coil hairpins in the iris-like opening of the TolC channel. Together, my studies suggest that rather than being a passive structural linkage between AcrB and TolC, AcrA plays an active role mediating the drug efflux. The reported AcrA dynamics provides new insights into the AcrA-TolC interactions for the channel opening during the efflux process.
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Characterization of FET and ETS domain contributions to fusion oncoprotein activity in Ewing sarcomaBoone, Megann A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Produção de uma molécula recombinante híbrida de duas proteínas de Streptococcus pneumoniae: PspA94-PdT. / Production of a recombinant hybrid molecule composed of two proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae: PspA94-PdTKraschowetz, Stefanie 29 March 2018 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae é causa de doenças como pneumonia, otite, meningite e sepse. As vacinas hoje disponíveis têm cobertura limitada porque são baseadas no polissacarídeo capsular, que varia com os mais de 90 sorotipos da bactéria, além de levarem à substituição de sorotipos na população por outros não presentes nas formulações. Visando reduzir o custo e aumentar a cobertura, têm-se estudado vacinas baseadas em proteínas que ofereceriam proteção independente de sorotipo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a obtenção, avaliação da estabilidade e da resposta imune em camundongos de híbridos de duas proteínas de S. pneumoniae: a proteína de superfície do pneumococo (PspA) e a pneumolisina geneticamente detoxificada (PdT), sem ou com espaçadores moleculares, rígido ou flexível, entre as moléculas. Os genes dos híbridos com espaçadores foram clonados através da técnica de overlap extension PCR. O gene das proteínas foi expresso em E. coli e as proteínas obtidas foram reconhecidas por anticorpos produzidos contra a célula inteira de pneumococo através de Western Blot. A purificação dos híbridos foi feita utilizando homogeneizador de alta pressão, precipitação de impurezas com detergente catiônico CTAB e diferentes etapas cromatográficas. A estabilidade foi analisada periodicamente através de SDS-PAGE e Western Blot. O híbrido sem espaçador mostrou-se instável, por isso a presença de atividade proteolítica foi investigada através de diversos ensaios para detecção dessas enzimas, mostrando que a instabilidade não decorreu de hidrólise por proteases. Os fragmentos resultantes da quebra tiveram a porção N-terminal sequenciada para identificar o sítio de clivagem, que estava localizado na junção das duas proteínas. Esse sítio foi retirado das construções seguintes e espaçadores moleculares foram incluídos entre os dois antígenos. A molécula com espaçador flexível foi obtida na forma solúvel durante o cultivo, porém durante a purificação ocorreu precipitação irreversível. O clone para produção do híbrido com espaçador rígido permitiu a obtenção da proteína, que foi purificada e teve a estabilidade avaliada periodicamente à 4° C e -20° C por Western Blot empregando anticorpos contra célula inteira de pneumococo, indicando que a introdução do espaçador rígido aumentou a estabilidade do híbrido em relação à molécula sem espaçador. Além disso, diferentes concentrações de estabilizantes foram avaliadas, mostrando que em presença de trealose 1M ou glicerol 50% o híbrido com linker rígido permaneceu estável por pelo menos 4 meses a 4° C. A molécula com espaçador rígido produziu níveis de anticorpos em camundongos comparáveis aos níveis obtidos com a molécula sem espaçador, que foram capazes de proteger 100% dos animais em ensaio de desafio letal intranasal e inibir a atividade hemolítica da pneumolisina. O aumento de estabilidade do híbrido alcançado com a inserção do linker rígido juntamente com a retirada do sítio de clivagem e com a presença de estabilizantes permitem que esta molécula seja utilizada numa vacina pneumocócica proteica. Como estudos vêm demonstrando que seria necessário mais de uma proteína para formular esta nova vacina, a produção deste híbrido traz a grande vantagem de obtenção de dois antígenos em um único processo de produção, o que pode resultar em uma diminuição do custo da dose. / Streptococcus pneumoniae is cause of diseases like pneumonia, otitis, menngitis and sepsis. The vaccines available nowadays has limited coverage because they are based on the capsular polysaccharyde, which varies among the more than 90 bacteria serotypes and they lead to serotype substitution on the population for others not present on the vaccine formulations. In order to reduce the cost and increase the coverage, vaccines based on pneumococcal proteins that would offer serotype independent protection have been studied. The objective of this thesis was the obtainment, stability evaluation and immune response evaluation in mice of hybrids composed of two proteins of S. pneumoniae: pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) and genetically detoxified pneumolysin (PdT), with or without molecular linkers, rigid and flexible, between the molecules. The genes with molecular linkers were cloned using the overlap extension PCR technique. The genes were expressed in E. coli and the proteins were recognized by anti pneumococcal whole cell in Western Blot. The hybrids were purified using high pressure homogeneizer, precipitation of impurities using cationic detergent CTAB and different chromatography steps. The stability was periodically analyzed through SDS-PAGE and Western Blot. The hybrid without linker was unstable and the presence of proteolytic activity was investigated through several methods for protease activity detection, showing that instability was not due to protease hydrolysis. The N-terminal portion of the degraded protein fragments was sequenced in order to identify the cleavage site, which was localized exactly between the two proteins. This site was removed from the other hybrids and molecular linkers were included between the two antigens. The molecule with flexible linker was obtained on the soluble form during expression, but during purification it precipitated irreversibly. The molecule with rigid linker were expressed, purified and had its stability analyzed periodically at 4° C and -20° C by Western Blot using anti pneumococcal whole cell, indicating that the insertion of the rigid linker increased the hybrid stability when compared with the hybrid without linker. Besides that, different stabilizers in different concentrations were evaluated and it was found that the presence of trehalose 1 M or 50% glycerol stabilized the hybrid with rigid linker for at least 4 months at 4 ° C. The molecule with rigid linker produced levels of antibodies in mice comparable to the hybrid without linker. These antibodies were able to protect 100% of animals from lethal intranasal challenge and inhibit the haemolytic activity of pneumolysin. The stability increase due to the rigid linker together with the removal of the cleavage site and the stabilizers presence allow this hybrid molecule to be used on a novel pneumococcal vaccine. Since studies have shown that it would be necessary more than one protein to formulate this new vaccine, the production of this hybrid brings the great advantage of producing two antigens in one single process, which can decrease the dosage cost.
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Fluorescent fusion proteins as probes to characterize tau fibril polymorphismLindberg, Max January 2019 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a large and growing problem and while we today lack a full understanding of this disease, we know that the protein tau and the amyloid fibrils it forms play a central role in its development. We also know that these fibrils can have different morphologies in different diseases and that fibrils produced in vitro not necessarily adopt any of the morphologies found in patients. This means there is a need for more pathologically relevant fibrils in vitro to be able to understand this disease better. One approach to satisfy this need is to use fibrils found in patients as seeds and thus transfer their morphology to recombinantly purified protein. To facilitate this process this study has attempted to develop a way to differentiate between different fibril morphologies using a FRET based system. This involves fluorescent fusion proteins (tau-EXFPs) and fluorescent amyloid probes as well as seeding experiments with pseudo wild type tau (PWT) and tau with the P301L mutation. Greater differences in terms of fibrillation rates and ThT fluorescence between PWT and P301L was shown than previously reported between WT and P301L. They were also shown to differ in fibril morphology in TEM. The ThT fluorescence intensity was to a certain degree transferable from PWT to P301L by seeding. Furthermore, this study confirms that the tau-EXFP fusion protein can be incorporated into amyloid fibrils and strongly suggests that a FRET effect between EXFP and BTD14 (as well as X34 and ThT) can be achieved. It also demonstrates differences in FRET efficiency between PWT and P301L fibrils using FLIM. These results indicate that a FRET based approach could be a useful method to discern different fibril morphologies from each other, but further measurements and optimization are needed before this method could be reliably applied. The fusion proteins could also be used to investigate tau spreading in vivo, e.g. in D. melanogaster. To find suitable FRET partners to the fusion proteins, a ligand screen was conducted. This could be used as an alternative to the FRET method. With the right selection of fluorescent amyloid probes, a unique fingerprint for each fibril morphology could maybe be generated and fulfill the same intended function as the FRET method.
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Increased expression of therapeutic proteins by identification of 3'-UTRs from high expressing genes in CHO cellsWestlund, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Therapeutic proteins, a.k.a. biopharmaceuticals, are most commonly produced in expression systems derived from Chinese Hamstery Ovary (CHO) cells, thanks to great capacity of post-translational modifications like secretation, folding and glycosylation. The engineering of cells for regulation of protein expression has many options including knock-in and knock-out of genes, epigenetic studies or improvement of the expression casette of the protein of interest by e.g. promotor variants or modifications of the 5’ and 3’ untranslated region (UTR). The 3’-UTR is therefore a good optimization candidate for attempting to achieve increased expression of therapeutic proteins. The final aim of this study was to identify and design 3’-UTRs for improved expression of therapeutic proteins in HyClone™ CHO cells from GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB (GEHC). The impact goal is to increase the efficiency and lower the costs for pharmaceutical companies when producing biopharmaceuticals in the HyClone™ CHO cell line, leading to increased accessibility of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on the pharmaceutical market. The study was initiated with bioinformatic analysis of the CHO cell transcriptome from a set of RNA-seq data of HyClone™ CHO to find high expressing, context independent genes. The 3’-UTRs from the best candidate genes were used for construction of plasmids for expression of a Fc-eGFP fusion protein. Nine selected 3’-UTRs were designed, synthesized and cloned into a parent plasmid (pGE0520) creating nine plasmid variants (pGE0523-531). The constructed plasmids were used for evaluation with site directed integration (SDI) into the HyClone™ CHO cell line and expression analysis were performed by flow cytometry and antibody titer measurements from cells with successfully integrated plasmid sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Result show a significant effect on protein expression when using different variants of 3’-UTRs. Two variants, pGE0524 and pGE0526, competing with the parent plasmid in expression levels and integration efficiency from SDI, making them candidates for further investigations against the parent plasmid. Results also show good correlation between flow cytometry data from pre- and post-sorting, which can make research for further 3’-UTRs more efficient by evaluations and prediction of expression levels before cell sorting.
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Reprogramação de células mesenquimais de tecido adiposo em células-tronco pluripotentes por meio de proteína de fusão TAT / Nuclear reprogramming of adipose-tissue mesenchymal stem cells into pluripotent stem cells using TAT fusion proteinBassaneze, Vinícius 23 February 2012 (has links)
Os vírus são eficazes na transferência de genes em células devido aos seus mecanismos especializados. No entanto, vírus como veículos de entrega de genes podem acarretar em problemas, particularmente quando proposto para reprogramar células somáticas em células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas (iPS) visando utilização terapêutica. No presente estudo, procurou-se desenvolver um sistema alternativo para entregar diretamente proteínas nucleares (Oct4, Sox2, KLF4, e c-Myc) fusionadas com o domínio de transdução de proteína TAT, para promover a reprogramação de fibroblastos embrionários de camundongos (MEF) ou células mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo humano (hASC) em células iPS. Primeiramente o PTD TAT ou TAT- foi fundido a proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) como modelo para prova de princípio e padronização detalhada. Inesperadamente, TAT-GFP produzido e secretado pelas células NIH-3T3 produtora não foi capaz de ser detectado no meio de cultura por verificação quantitativa fluorimétrica, nem foi capaz de ser detectada em células-alvo, por citometria de fluxo, depois de co-cultura em transwells. Essa observação pode ser explicada por: (1) ineficiência desse tipo de célula em secretar proteínas e (2) falta de resistência à clivagem por endoproteases furinas. Para contornar esses fatores limitantes usou-se citometria de fluxo para avaliar as melhores condições para a transfecção por seis diferentes tipos de células (CHO, NIH-3T3, HT1080, HEK-293A, HEK-293t e COS-7) com TAT (modificada para ser resistente à furinas) fundido a GFP. Células 293t-TAT-GFP exibiram a maior eficiência de transfecção e também de secreção. O mesmo pôde ser observado para as seis linhagens celulares expressando fatores de transcrição nucleares TAT, determinados por ELISA. Em seguida, diferentes estratégias de entrega foram testadas. A primeira foi baseada na co-cultura de uma mistura de células produtoras com MEF ou hASC. No entanto, não foi possível observar a reprogramação devido à morte celular. A segunda foi baseada na concentração de meio condicionado de cultura de células por centrifugação usando colunas Amicon, trocando o meio a cada 24h, em quatro ciclos. No entanto, apesar da presença de algumas colônias após 20-30 dias, nenhuma colônia verdadeira iPS foi obtida. Na sequência, as células foram tratadas com cada proteína de forma independente, e as demais foram substituídas pelo retrovírus correspondente, trocando meio a cada 72h, em quatro ciclos. Essa estratégia, apesar de permitir verificar a função de cada proteína, também não resultou em reprogramação. Este achado pode ser explicado pela diferenciação celular induzida por BCS, que também é concentrado no processo. Assim, passou-se a adaptação de \"células produtoras\" em condições de cultura livre de soro, para enriquecer a produção dos fatores nucleares individuais, necessários para a reprogramação. A otimização sistematizada deste processo está sendo realizada em parceria com o IPT e deve resultar em quantidades de proteína de fusão suficientes para o teste final da hipótese proposta. Em conjunto, são apresentados os dados da geração de linhagens celulares expressando estavelmente os vários fatores de transcrição e estratégias para melhorar a eficiência necessária para a produção iPS. Esta nova estratégia garante uma produção eficiente de TAT fundida a fatores nucleares de reprogramação e sua eficácia para promover a reprogramação de células somáticas de maneira livre de vírus merece ser investigado futuramente / Viruses are effective at transferring genes into cells by its specialized mechanisms. However, viruses as gene delivery vehicles entail problems, particularly when proposed to reprogram somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) for therapeutic uses. In the present study, we aimed to develop an alternative system for directly delivering nuclear proteins (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) fused with TAT protein transduction domain to promote reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) or human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal cells (hASC) into iPS cells. First TAT- or TAT- PTD was fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a proof of principle model and for detailed standardization. Unexpectedly, TAT-GFP produced and secreted by NIH-3T3 producer cells was not detected in the culture medium by quantitative fluorimetric verification, nor detected on target cells, by flow cytometry, after being co-cultured using transwells. This observation maybe explained by: (1) inefficiency of this cell type to be transfected and to secrete proteins and (2) lack of resistance to furin endoproteases cleavage on Golgi of TAT sequence. To circumvent these limiting factors we used flow cytometer to assess the best conditions for transfection in six different cell types (CHO, NIH-3T3, HT1080, HEK-293A, HEK-293t and COS-7) with TAT- (a modified PTD to be resistant to furin endoproteases) fused to GFP. 293t-TAT-GFP cells displayed the highest transfection efficiency and secretion levels. The same could be observed for the six cell lineages expressing TAT- nuclear transcription factors, determined by ELISA.Next, different delivery strategies were tested for TAT- nuclear transcription factor system. Co-culturing a mix of producer cells with MEF or hASC resulted in not reprogramming and this was associated with cell death. The second was based on the use of microconcentrated conditioned cell culture medium, changed every 24h, in four cycles. However, despite the presence of some emerging colonies after 20-30 days, no true iPS colonies were obtained. Then, cells were treated with each protein independently, and the others were replaced by the corresponding retrovirus, changing cell medium every 72h, in four cycles. We verified the reprogramming potential of each protein, but no true colonies were obtained.One possibility for this finding is that BCS is also concentrated by centrifugation and may induce cell differentiation. To circumvent these problems, we have started the adaptation of producer cells in a serum-free culture condition to enrich the production of the individual factors required for reprogramming. This optimization process is taking place in collaboration with the IPT and shall result in large amounts of the fusion protein to finally test the proposed hypothesis. Altogether, we presented the generation of several cell lines stably expressing the transcription factors and strategies to improve the efficiency required for iPS production. This novel strategy guarantees efficient production of TAT-fused reprogramming nuclear factors and its efficacy to promote somatic cells reprogramming in a virus-free manner deserves to be further investigated
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Étude de l'infection par le métapneumovirus humain : facteurs de virulence et développement de vaccins vivants atténués / Study of hMPV infection and virulence factors for live-attenuated vaccines developmentDubois, Julia 31 January 2018 (has links)
Le métapneumovirus humain (hMPV) est un virus responsable d'infections aiguës des voies respiratoires telles que des bronchiolites, des bronchites ou des pneumonies, principalement chez les populations à risques que sont les jeunes enfants de moins de 5 ans, ainsi que les personnes âgées ou immunodéprimées. Découvert en 2001, ce virus et sa pathogénèse ne restent encore aujourd'hui que partiellement caractérisés. De ce fait et malgré les besoins, il n'y a aucun vaccin ou traitement thérapeutique spécifique et efficace contre le HMPV disponible sur le marché. Dans ce contexte, mon projet de thèse s'est articulé autour de deux axes principaux : (i) L'étude de la protéine de fusion F du virus hMPV, protéine majeure antigénique de surface et responsable de l'entrée du virus dans la cellule cible. Elle a pour particularité d'induire de manière autonome la fusion membranaire in vitro et d'être associée à des effets cytopathiques variable selon les souches virales. De par son rôle clé pour le virus hMPV, la protéine F a déjà fait l'objet de plusieurs études structurales et fonctionnelles mais les déterminants de cette activité fusogénique ne sont pas encore entièrement caractérisés. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à l'identification de déterminants du phénotype viral hyperfusogénique, localisés dans les domaines heptad repeats de la protéine F du hMPV. (ii) L'atténuation de deux souches virales cliniques (CAN98-75 et C-85473) par délétion de gènes accessoires dans le but de développer des candidats vaccinaux adaptés aux enfants en bas âge. Différents virus ont été générés par génétique inverse et les délétions des gènes accessoires SH et G dans les deux fonds génétiques viraux ont été étudiées pour leur impact sur l'infectivité, la réplication et la pathogénèse virale in vitro et in vivo ainsi que leur contribution pour le développement de virus atténués candidats vaccinaux / Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a major pathogen responsible of acute respiratory tract infections, such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia, affecting especially infants, under five years old, elderly individuals and immunocompromised adults. Identified since 2001, this virus and its pathogenesis still remain largely unknown and no licensed vaccines or specific antivirals against hMPV are currently available. In this context, my research project was built over two main subjects: (i) The study of the fusion F glycoprotein which is the major antigenic protein of hMPV and is responsible of viral entry into host cell. By its crucial role for the virus, the F protein has already been characterized in several structural and/or functional studies. Thus, it has been described that the hMPV F protein induces membrane fusion autonomously, resulting in variable cytopathic effects in vitro, in a strain-dependent manner. However, as the determinants of the hMPV fusogenic activity are not well characterized yet, we focused on identification of some of these, located in heptad repeats domains of the protein. (ii) The evaluation of hMPV SH and G gene deletion for viral attenuation. Liveattenuated hMPV vaccine candidates for infants’ immunization has been constructed thank to this deletion approach at the beginning of hMPV vaccine development efforts. Despite encouraging results, these candidates have not been further characterized and the importance of the viral background has not been evaluated
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Production and delivery of recombinant subunit vaccinesAndersson, Christin January 2000 (has links)
Recombinant strategies are today dominating in thedevelopment of modern subunit vaccines. This thesis describesstrategies for the production and recovery of protein subunitimmunogens, and how genetic design of the expression vectorscan be used to adapt the immunogens for incorporation intoadjuvant systems. In addition, different strategies fordelivery of subunit vaccines by RNA or DNA immunization havebeen investigated. Attempts to create general production strategies forrecombinant protein immunogens in such a way that these areadapted for association with an adjuvant formulation wereevaluated. Different hydrophobic amino acid sequences, beingeither theoretically designed or representing transmembraneregions of bacterial or viral origin, were fused on gene leveleither N-terminally or C-terminally to allow association withiscoms. In addition, affinity tags derived fromStaphylococcus aureusprotein A (SpA) or streptococcalprotein G (SpG), were incorporated to allow efficient recoveryby means of affinity chromatography. A malaria peptide, M5,derived from the central repeat region of thePlasmodium falciparumblood-stage antigen Pf155/RESA,served as model immunogen in these studies. Furthermore,strategies forin vivoorin vitrolipidation of recombinant immunogens for iscomincorporation were also investigated, with a model immunogendeltaSAG1 derived fromToxoplasma gondii. Both strategies were found to befunctional in that the produced and affinity purified fusionproteins indeed associated with iscoms. The iscoms werefurthermore capable of inducing antigen-specific antibodyresponses upon immunization of mice, and we thus believe thatthe presented strategies offer convenient methods for adjuvantassociation. Recombinant production of a respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) candidate vaccine, BBG2Na, in baby hamster kidney(BHK-21) cells was investigated. Semliki Forest virus(SFV)-based expression vectors encoding both intracellular andsecreted forms of BBG2Na were constructed and found to befunctional. Efficient recovery of BBG2Na could be achieved bycombining serum-free production with a recovery strategy usinga product-specific affinity-column based on a combinatoriallyengineered SpA domain, with specific binding to the G proteinpart of the product. Plasmid vectors encoding cytoplasmic or secreted variants ofBBG2Na, and employing the SFV replicase for self-amplification,was constructed and evaluated for DNA immunization against RSV.Both plasmid vectors were found to be functional in terms ofBBG2Na expression and localization. Upon intramuscularimmunization of mice, the plasmid vector encoding the secretedvariant of the antigen elicited significant anti-BBG2Na titersand demonstrated lung protective efficacy in mice. This studyclearly demonstrate that protective immune responses to RSV canbe elicited in mice by DNA immunization, and that differentialtargeting of the antigens expressed by nucleic acid vaccinationcould significantly influence the immunogenicity and protectiveefficacy. We further evaluated DNA and RNA constructs based on the SFVreplicon in comparison with a conventional DNA plasmid forinduction of antibody responses against theP. falciparumPf332-derived antigen EB200. In general,the antibody responses induced were relatively low, the highestresponses surprisingly obtained with the conventional DNAplasmid. Also recombinant SFV suicide particles inducedEB200-reactive antibodies. Importantly, all immunogens inducedan immunological memory, which could be efficiently activatedby a booster injection with EB200 protein. <b>Keywords</b>: Affibody, Affinity chromatography, Affinitypurification, DNA immunization, Expression plasmid, Fusionprotein, Hydrophobic tag, Iscoms, Lipid tagging, Malaria,Mammalian cell expression, Recombinant immunogen, RespiratorySyncytial Virus, Semliki Forest virus, Serum albumin,Staphylococcus aureusprotein A, Subunit vaccine,Toxoplasma gondii
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