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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fysisk modell som stöd vid kommunikation av planerad exploatering / Fysisk modell som stöd vid kommunikation av planerad exploatering

Sandgren, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
I mitt examensarbete samarbetade jag med Sundsvalls kommun som driver projektet Grönt boende. Det är ett pilotprojekt där kommunen driver en exploatering av ett tomtområde i Sidsjö, Böle för att uppmuntra köpare till att bygga fastigheter som ligger i framkant när det kommer till miljöanpassning. Min del i projektet bestod av en inledande enkätundersökning för att ta reda på om de närboende var oroliga för den kommande exploateringen och om de hade en tydlig bild av hur områdes ska exploateras. Därefter uppförde jag en fysisk modell som visades. Efter att de närboende sett modellen fick de svara på ytterligare en enkät. Dessa enkäter ligger till grunden resultaten som visar att: * Närboende har fått en tydligare bild av exploateringen. * 40 % tror att det minskar oro kring exploateringen. * 80 % fick en positivare bild av exploateringen. * De flesta ansåg att en karta i kombination med en fysisk modell gav den tydligaste bilden av exploateringen. * Samtliga tyckte att en fysisk modell var Ganska eller Mycket viktig när kommunen exploaterar områden.  Resultatet tyder på att man i alla fall delvis kan minska oro inför en kommande exploatering för de närboende genom en fysisk modell. Jag föreslår vidare undersökning av hur en positivare inställning till projektet (vilket uppkom av visandet av en fysisk modell) kan gynna kommunen när det gäller synpunkter och överklagningar. / When I did my thesis I cooperated with Sundsvall Municipality who runs a project called Green Living. It´s a new project where the municipality is going to exploit an area in Sidsjö, Böle. The project is about encouraging the plot buyers to build houses that are in the front line of environmental friendly constructions. My part in this project was to do a survey to investigate if the local residents were anxious about the upcoming exploit in the area and if they found it difficult to imagine how the end result of the exploit would become. After the survey I made a physical model of the area and let the local residents look at it. Then they answered a new survey and the results showed as follows: * The local residents did get a clearer vision of the exploit by looking at the physical model. * 40 % think it decreases the anxiety for the exploit. * 80 % became more positive to the exploit. * The local residents thought that both a map and a physical model gave the most clear vision of the exploit. * All of the local residents thought it was Quite or Very important to have a physical model available when the municipality exploits new areas.  The result shows that you can at least partially reduce the local residents anxiety for an upcoming exploit, if you have an physical model available before exploiting new areas.  My proposes for coming studies is to investigate if there is a connection between the local residents becoming more positive to the exploit, and a reduction of complaints and appeals to the municipality, against the exploit.

Finding Jacob / Hitta Jacob

Persson, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
In this heart-searching, process based thesis, I want to find out who I am in the field of Architecture. Trough my urge to create, I am discovering and searching by making and producing objects by hand to feel and be present with the materiality, construction and art of architecture. My production of objects are divided in three parts based on scale, context and time, giving me a richer understanding about my will, intent and qualities.   "Two truths approach each other, one comes from within, one coming from the outside and where they meet there is a chance to see yourself” Tomas Tranströmer, Preludium II / I detta hjärtsökande, processbaserade Xjobb, vill jag ta reda på vem jag är inom området arkitektur. Genom min lust att skapa, upptäcker och söker jag genom att göra och producera objekt för hand för att känna och vara närvarande med materialiteten, konstruktionen och konsten i arkitekturen. Min produktion av objekt är uppdelad i tre delar baserad på skala, kontext och tid, vilket ger mig en rikare förståelse om min vilja, avsikt och kvaliteter.   “Två sanningar närmar sig varann, en kommer inifrån, en kommer utifrån och där de möts har man en chans att få se sig själv”     To­mas Tran­strö­mer, Pre­lu­dium II

Kommunikationsverktyg i projekteringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om fysiska och digitala modeller / Communication tools in the planning process : A qualitative study of physical and digital models

Edström, Elin, Wiktorsson, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Due to the development of technology, communications related to designprojects have become more complex. Previous studies show that physical threedimensional (3D) models are more useful tools for communications than digital models.Despite this, the use of physical models has decreased. The aim of this study is toincrease knowledge about how architects, 3D-visualizers, and modelers find physicaland digital models work as communication tools, and to give suggestions for theirability to collaborate. Method: The study is based on a qualitative approach. Used methods are literaturestudies and interviews. The literature gives an up-to-date research in the field. Theinterviews contribute with rich answers and provide an overall picture of the subject.The respondents consist of architects, 3D-visualizers and modelers. Findings: According to internal and external communication, physical models haveseveral strong advantages and a number of distinct disadvantages. Physical models arestraightforward, they give an overview and open up for discussion. Furthermore, theyhave a valuable influence on designers’ creativity in conceptual design stages.However, physical models are ineffective at visualizing technical information, and theyare not considered to be time and cost efficient. The advantages with digital models aremainly linked to the latter and more detailed stages of the planning process. The modelsare informative and able to visualize technical information. Furthermore, they are timeefficient when making revisions and valuable when selling. Simple digital models areeffective in rapid investigations during the project. More detailed digital models canhowever inhibit creativity in early stages of the planning process. Proposals can easilybe found definite which affects communications negatively.Physical and digital models can cooperate in communications in two ways. The firstway consists of using physical models in the early stages of the process and then transferthe extracted information into digital models. The second way consists of using physicaland digital models parallel during the process, to take advantage of both of theirdifferent qualities. Implications: Physical and digital models have different qualities and contributes withdifferent information. Depending on which information that is important in every stepof the process, the models should be used in different ways. To reach an efficientcommunication, physical and digital models should complement each other. Limitations: The study discuss internal and external communication. The result isbased on the perspective of architect, 3D-visualizer and modeler. The interviews arebased on personal values, but after both empiricism and theory are considered, the resultis found relatively general. The study provides an indication of what the threeprofessions think about the subject. The result can’t however be applied on otherprofessions. Keywords: 3D printing, architecture, CAD, communication, digital model, physicalmodel, planning process.

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