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Kommunikationsverktyg i projekteringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om fysiska och digitala modeller / Communication tools in the planning process : A qualitative study of physical and digital modelsEdström, Elin, Wiktorsson, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Due to the development of technology, communications related to designprojects have become more complex. Previous studies show that physical threedimensional (3D) models are more useful tools for communications than digital models.Despite this, the use of physical models has decreased. The aim of this study is toincrease knowledge about how architects, 3D-visualizers, and modelers find physicaland digital models work as communication tools, and to give suggestions for theirability to collaborate. Method: The study is based on a qualitative approach. Used methods are literaturestudies and interviews. The literature gives an up-to-date research in the field. Theinterviews contribute with rich answers and provide an overall picture of the subject.The respondents consist of architects, 3D-visualizers and modelers. Findings: According to internal and external communication, physical models haveseveral strong advantages and a number of distinct disadvantages. Physical models arestraightforward, they give an overview and open up for discussion. Furthermore, theyhave a valuable influence on designers’ creativity in conceptual design stages.However, physical models are ineffective at visualizing technical information, and theyare not considered to be time and cost efficient. The advantages with digital models aremainly linked to the latter and more detailed stages of the planning process. The modelsare informative and able to visualize technical information. Furthermore, they are timeefficient when making revisions and valuable when selling. Simple digital models areeffective in rapid investigations during the project. More detailed digital models canhowever inhibit creativity in early stages of the planning process. Proposals can easilybe found definite which affects communications negatively.Physical and digital models can cooperate in communications in two ways. The firstway consists of using physical models in the early stages of the process and then transferthe extracted information into digital models. The second way consists of using physicaland digital models parallel during the process, to take advantage of both of theirdifferent qualities. Implications: Physical and digital models have different qualities and contributes withdifferent information. Depending on which information that is important in every stepof the process, the models should be used in different ways. To reach an efficientcommunication, physical and digital models should complement each other. Limitations: The study discuss internal and external communication. The result isbased on the perspective of architect, 3D-visualizer and modeler. The interviews arebased on personal values, but after both empiricism and theory are considered, the resultis found relatively general. The study provides an indication of what the threeprofessions think about the subject. The result can’t however be applied on otherprofessions. Keywords: 3D printing, architecture, CAD, communication, digital model, physicalmodel, planning process.
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Detaljnivåns påverkan på en Simulering / How the leven of detail affects a simulationWåhlin, Emil, Wallin, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att visa vilka konsekvenser valet av en viss detaljnivå får vid simuleringen av ett system bestående av mjukvara, hårdvara och mekaniska komponenter. Till detta syfte ställdes två frågeställningar “Vad blir konsekvenserna av att lägga sig på en viss detaljnivå vid simulering av ett system bestående av mjukvara, hårdvara och mekaniska komponenter?” och “Hur påverkar detaljnivån när en simulering av ett system bestående av mjukvara, hårdvara och mekaniska komponenter ska verifieras och valideras?”. För att genomföra denna studie och uppnå syftet användes en vanligt förekommande metod för att utveckla simuleringsmodeller. Studien visade på att detaljnivån påverkar vilken information en modell kräver för att konstrueras och vilket användningsområde en modell har. Resultaten tyder på att informationen som finns tillgänglig om det system som en modell ska utvecklas för helt eller delvis begränsar vilken detaljnivå som modellen kan utvecklas på. Studien har begränsat undersökningen till en typ av växelspak och de två modeller som utvecklades ligger på en hög detaljnivå. Examensarbetet har även inte undersökt utvecklingen av modeller, enbart färdiga modeller. / The purpose of this study was to show what consequences a particular level of detail has on the simulation of a system consisting of software, hardware and mechanical components. In order to fulfil this purpose, the following questions were asked: “What are the consequences of using a certain level of detail in a simulation of a system containing software, hardware, and mechanical components?” and “How does the level of detail affect when a simulation of a system containing software, hardware, and mechanical components is verified and validated?”. To carry out this study, a common method for developing simulation models was used. The study showed that the level of detail will affect what information a model requires to be constructed and which uses a model has at that level of detail. The results suggest that the available information about the system that a model is developed for partially restricts the level of detail the model can have. The study is limited to a single type of shifter and all models have been developed at a high level of detail. The study also did not examine the development of models, and only studied finished models.
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VR som arkitektoniskt kommunikationsverktyg : Realtidsvisualisering i designprocessen / VR as A Communication Tool in Architecture : Real-Time Visualization in The Design ProcessSaade, Antony January 2018 (has links)
Hur människor uppfattar rumsligheter är komplext. Människor baserar det upplevda rummet på professionell expertis, erfarenheter och vilket visuellt kommunikationsverktyg som rummet presenteras med hjälp av. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur den visuella kommunikationen mellan arkitekter och kunder ser ut, hur arkitekter och kunder uppfattar rumsligheter, hur uppfattningen skiljer sig åt och om kommunikationen däremellan kan underlättas med hjälp av realtidsvisualisering (VR). Dessutom undersöker examensarbetet hur en sådan visuell kommunikation skulle kunna gå till och hur detaljerad en VR-modell behöver vara. Spelmotorn Unity och VR-plattformen HTC Vive används för att producera och driva interaktiva VR-modeller. Studien undersöker hur dessa kan användas som ett visuellt kommunikationsverktyg mellan arkitekter och kunder för att utveckla kommunikationen dem emellan. Litteraturen visar på tydlig klyfta i kommunikationen mellan arkitekt och kund där information går förlorad. Genom användandet av realtidsvisualisering hävdas det att kommunikationen kan underlättas och en ökad förståelse av rymd och skala uppnås. I studien testas tre VR-modeller med tre olika detaljnivåer på respondenter, tre arkitekter och två kunder. Efter testet intervjuas personerna om deras erfarenheter och rumsliga upplevelse för de olika modellerna. Intervjuerna pekar på att den skillnad i rumsuppfattning som finns mellan arkitekt och kund kan överbryggas med hjälp av VR som kan konkretisera arkitektur och medför att alla kan förstå rumsligheter på sina egna villkor. Undersökningen visar att VR är ett användbart visuellt kommunikationsverktyg. Inte bara som barriärbrytande mellan arkitekt och kund utan även som en integrerad del av den iterativa designprocessen. / How people perceive space is a complex thing. People base the perceived space on professional expertise, experiences and what visual communication tools the room is presented with. The purpose of the study is to investigate the visual communication between architects and clients; how architects and clients perceive spatial characteristics and how the perception differs and whether communication between them can be made easier using real-time visualization (VR). In addition, the study investigates how such communication could go and how detailed a VR model needs to be. The game engine Unity and VR-platform HTC Vive are used to produce interactive VR models and investigate how these can be used as a visual communication tool between architects and clients to improve the communication between them. The literature shows a clear gap in the communication between architects and clients where information is lost. Using real-time visualization, the communication can be eased, and an increased understanding of space and scale achieved. In the study, three VR models are tested with three various levels of detail on respondents, three architects and two customers. After the test, the respondents are interviewed about their experiences and space perception of the different models. The interviews show that the difference in space perception between architect and client can be overcome using VR that can show architecture and allow everyone to understand spatiality on their own terms. The investigation shows that VR as a visual communication tool is useful. Not only as barrier-breaking between architects and clients, but also as an integral part of the iterative design process.
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Är alla med? – en fallstudie om medborgarinflytande i detaljplaneprocessen / Are everyone involved? – a case study about civil influence in the spatial planning processSederström, Johanna, Fyhn, Therese January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Automatic Generation of Levels of Detail : A Study on the Swedish National Road Database / Automatisk generering av detaljnivåerBörjesson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
When creating a map, the amount of data and which geographical information chosen to bepresented are decided based on the purpose of the map. Trafikverket is responsible for theNational Road Database that is a reference road network with a large amount of dataconnected to it. The database is built at a carriageway level where several links can be usedto represent a single road. In this thesis the database has been studied as well as thepossibilities to create an automatic workflow that creates a generalisation to road level. Someapplications and analyses that use this database are requesting input data of a higher level ofdetail. It is also found important from a cartographic point of view. Possibilities to create alinear referencing for the data between the different levels was studied as well, to make theupdates between the levels easier and not having the need to maintain two differentdatabases. It would make it possible to inherit attributes and the generic features connectedto the network.The first fully automated workflow for a generalisation of an entire map was developed in theNetherlands in 2014. Several other agencies in Sweden and Norway are currently working ongeneralisations as well and using different approaches. Statens Vegvesen, which is theNational Road Agency in Norway, has already implemented the different levels of detail intheir road database. Lantmäteriet currently has a project where their goal is to create a fullyautomated map to easily change to a larger scale.After studying the programs used in other generalisations and which programs Trafikverketnormally use, FME and ArcGIS were chosen to be used in this thesis. A small study area waschosen, and the proper data was collected from the National Road Database. The study wasconducted by a set of experiments and trying different parameter values in order to obtain asatisfactory result.Three different areas where studied, where the goal was to find a sequence of functions thatsuccessfully generalised all the areas. The areas were parallel roads, complex intersectionsand roundabouts. The result consists of a suggested workflow, but alterations hade to bemade manually since it was not possible to find a fully automated generalisation for the areachosen. Therefore, a set of functions and tools that could be developed were collected as wellin the end to make a more automated workflow possible.The result found in this thesis show that if the cartographic generalisations are more studiedand examined it should be possible to get a more automated workflow to create ageneralisation between the different level of detail. However, it might be difficult to get theworkflow fully automated due to the complexity of the intersections. / När en karta skapas baseras mängden data och vilken geografisk information som skaförmedlas beroende på syftet med kartan. Trafikverket ansvarar för den NationellaVägdatabasen som är ett referensvägnät med en stor mäng data kopplad till vägnätet.Referensvägnätet är byggt på en körbanenivå. I det här arbetet har databasen studerats ochvilka möjligheter som finns för att skapa en automatisk generalisering till vägnivå. Det finnsett behov att representera data på en annan detaljnivå för vissa applikationer och analysersom använder sig av vägdatabasen. Det är även viktigt utifrån ett kartografiskt synsätt.Möjligheterna att skapa en linjär referering mellan de olika detaljnivåerna har undersökts, föratt förenkla uppdateringar mellan nivåerna samt att inte behöva ajourhålla två olikadatabaser. Det skulle även göra det möjligt att attribut och företeelser kan ärvas mellan deolika nivåerna.Det fösta helt automatiserade arbetsflödet för en generalisering av en karta utformades 2014i Nederländerna. Flera andra myndigheter i Sverige och Norge arbetar just nu med den härtypen av generaliseringar och har använt sig av olika tillvägagångssätt. Statens Vegvesen,vilket är den statliga myndighet som ansvarar för vägar i Norge, har redan implementerat olikadetaljnivåer i deras vägdatabas. Lantmäteriet har ett projekt med målet att skapa en fulltautomatisk generalisering för olika skalor.Efter att ha studerat de olika program som vanligtvis används vid generaliseringar samt vilkaprogram som Trafikverket använder sig av så valdes FME och ArcGIS i det här arbetet. Ettmindre studieområde valdes ut och relevant data hämtades från den NationellaVägdatabasen. Studien bestod av olika experiment och tester av olika parametervärden föratt få ett acceptabelt resultat.Tre olika områden studerades, där målet var att hitta en följd operationer som skapade enlämplig generalisering för alla områden. De tre olika områdena var parallella vägar,trafikplatser och cirkulationsplatser. Resultatet består av förslag på ett arbetsflöde, men delarhar behövt göras manuellt då det inte var möjligt att hitta en helt automatiseradgeneralisering för det valda området. Förslag på olika funktioner och verktyg som kanutvecklas har sammanställts, för att kunna utvecklade ett mer automatiserat arbetssätt.Resultatet av det här arbetet visar att om kartografiska generaliseringar studeras och testasmer skulle det kunna vara möjligt att skapa ett mer automatiserat arbetssätt med syfte attmöjliggöra generaliseringar mellan olika detaljnivåer. Det kan däremot vara svårt att få dettahelt automatiserat på grund av de olika komplexa trafikplatserna.
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Fastighetsförvaltningsbolags definition av BIM som objektbaserad informationsbärare : En fallstudie av BIM användning vid Nya Karolinska SolnaAbdelmomen Samir Abdeljawad, Najmadin January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore how property management companies view of Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a working method in property management process, and to explore the companies efforts at BIM in terms of the level of detail on BIM object implementation in property management. The study includes both companies that have and do not have contributions in BIM. The exploration was aimed at two companies and their varying ways of working to inform the needs of BIM in property management. The purpose of the study was also to give a clear picture of how BIM tools should be defined in the management process. The work was used of qualitative methods to answer the questions first consisted of a literature review, interviews and case study. The case study was about BIM implementation in New Karolinska Solna. The result showed that the definition of BIM in property management companies is not clear yet. The companies have intended to use BIM, but they are not there yet, there should be a type of requirements list that works with planning and production and benefit from using BIM in the property management. According to respondents, most of the common reasons why BIM was not used were because the approach of the tool. There is no proper structure or common working method of how the tool would be applied. Many literature sources including respondents claimed that BIM seemed good and have a good potential to be the future work process. BIM leads to improved work environment, improved sustainability development, good marketing, increased quality in work, time savings, and improved project management. As a suggestion as to how BIM could be implemented, it can be described in a few steps, which is status analysis, identify the benefits of BIM, start implementing on a smaller scale, follow up continuously, improve and expand the work and last but not least Integrate information. The conclusions that can be drawn from the results and literature study were that BIM can improve the quality management of the properties, but it is important to find a reasonable level of BIM implementation as well as a suitable detail level of BIM-model.
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