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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Questionnaire Study On Yachting In Gocek Bays

Demircioslu, Casdas 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Yachting known as a relatively old and an expensive leisure activity, due to recent developments of technology and construction techniques has become accessible to a wider range of people. Mediterranean coasts have a great importance among the world yachters. There is a congestion of yacht traffic in the western and middle Mediterranean marinas, so the yachters tend to go to the Eastern Mediterranean including the Turkish coasts. G&ouml / cek is the most popular yachting region in Turkey with its sheltered bays, natural beauties and archeological heritage. G&ouml / cek Bays are among the first group of Specially Protected Areas declared in Turkey. Yachting activity in summer months has been an ever-increasing use. At present, there exists a very low level of managerial effort for limiting the environmental impacts of boating activities in G&ouml / cek Bays. The uncontrolled yachting in G&ouml / cek Bays presents a growing pressure on the environment, and the coastal and marine ecosystem. On the other hand, it contributes to decreasing the quality of holidays due to congestion, noise and water pollution. The aim of this thesis is to produce information that would contribute to a future regional yacht tourism management plan for G&ouml / cek Bays. To determine the preferences and evaluations of the yachters about this region two surveys have been carried out during the summers of 2000 and 2001. During these surveys questionnaires were distributed to the users and their priorities of several items were asked. Besides some demographic information about the user was obtained.

Simulation Of Yacht Movements In Gocek Bays

Numanoglu Genc, Asli 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Fethiye-G&ouml / cek area is one of the nine coastal Specially Protected Area (SPA) in Turkey. Since mid-80&rsquo / s G&ouml / cek town has developed to be a yachting center, and the bays of G&ouml / cek have acquired a well-earned international fame as a paradise for boating vacations. However, the uncontrolled yachting in this bay area presents a growing pressure on the environment, and the coastal and marine ecosystem. In this thesis a computer model for simulating the movements of yachts in G&ouml / cek Bays is developed. The computer model uses the Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) to find the probabilities for the boaters to select the next bay to visit. The model predicts the number of boats in each bay at the end of a day, the number of boats visited each bay during the day and the distribution of boater categories among the bays throughout the simulation time. In order to get the data needed for the inputs, a questionnaire was formed, and a detailed survey was carried out in G&ouml / cek Bays. In addition to the questionnaires, the number of the boats anchored were also observed in the field studies. The model is applied to the G&ouml / cek Bays and the results obtained are compared with the data obtained in the field. In the following years, the yacht movements and distributions at various anchor locations can be predicted with this model. These predictions will be useful in a future management plan that aims to control of yacht movement and anchoring.

The Inscribed-cross Churches In Goreme

Ari, Meltem 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reviews the general characteristics of rock-cut churches with an inscribed-cross plan in G&ouml / reme. These churches, namely Chapel 17, St. Barbara, &Ccedil / arikli, Karanlik, Elmali, Chapel 25, Chapel 32, Kili&ccedil / lar, Bezirhane and Yusuf Ko&ccedil / , date from the ninth to the eleventh century of the Middle Byzantine period. Firstly, this study aims to identify the general features of these churches. It also attempts to examine their liturgical planning. While doing so, architectural developments in the insribed-cross churches in Byzantine Istanbul will also be used for comparison, in order to highlight provincial characteristics in the inscribed-cross churches in G&ouml / reme.

An Architectural And Social Inventory Of The Past And The Present: Documenting The 19th Century Houses In Mentesbey

Ugur, Selen 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Culture and all of its aspects are best reflected in the home environments. Home is not only a house which is a shelter but a place with social, psychological and emotional associations, and manifests in the continous use of a house. Continuity of use in the home environments is both conceptual and physical, and this can be observed in traditional or historical domestic contexts, to which the Ottoman vernacular house is an example. This study introduces the village of MenteSbey and its 19th century vernacular home environments within their socio-cultural context. MenteSbey was once a prominent center for kadis, Ottoman state officials and judges. The profession of kadilik played an important role in the social development of the village that in turn affected the domestic architecture, which can be grouped into two as kadi and standard houses. MenteSbey houses constitute a good example for tracing &quot / home&quot / , &quot / continuity of use&quot / and &quot / status&quot / in the Ottoman house as some are still inhabited by the families descending both from the lineage of kadis and other families of the 19th century. Seventeen of these houses are documented with their plans, photographs and inhabitants in the study. This study is also an initial step for the possible cultural, architectural and historical studies in and around MenteSbey in the future, and most of all for preserving MenteSbey and its houses for the coming generations.

Godel&#039 / s Metric And Its Generalization

Ozgoren, Kivanc 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, firstly the original G&ouml / del&#039 / s metric is examined in detail. Then a more general class of G&ouml / del-type metrics is introduced. It is shown that they are the solutions of Einstein field equations with a physically acceptable matter distribution provided that some conditions are satisfied. Lastly, some examples of the G&ouml / del-type metrics are given.

Interpretation And Presentation Of Natural And Cultural Heritage Sites: Environmental Design Project For Goreme Open Air Museum

Ozcakir, Ozgun 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main subject of the thesis is &ldquo / interpretation&rdquo / and &ldquo / presentation&rdquo / of cultural and natural heritage sites which is an important phenomenon providing sustainability and protection of the heritage sites. Interpretation and conservation are tightly associated to each other. Individuals will learn more about the heritage site by the help of interpretation and as a result of understanding / they will have an intention to protect the historic site more / and protection will ensure continuity of the site. Interpretation and presentation of heritage sites is put into the words in Turkish Legislation by the definition of &ldquo / Environmental Design Project&rdquo / in `Amendment Act No. 5226 Concerning to Revision of Legislation Called as Law Concerning to Conservation of Natural and Cultural Entities` in 2004. In the legislation, it is stated that Environmental Design Projects which propose strategies for effective presentation, control visitor use, provide promotion and advertisement, solve problems emerged as a result of current use and circulation and answer the needs of historic sites by contemporary tools and methods must be prepared for each heritage site in Turkey. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to define principles for effective interpretation and presentation on the selected case according to analysis and evaluations and then propose brand new comprehensive and complementary Environmental Design Project. The case selected in the thesis for the proposition of Environmental Design Project is G&ouml / reme Open Air Museum &ndash / GOAM in Cappadocia which is Turkey&rsquo / s third most visited open air museum after Ephesus in Izmir and Hierapolis in Denizli. The two main reasons for the selection of GOAM are absence of comprehensive and complementary Environmental Design Project in GOAM and insufficiency of current interpretive facilities and visitor services presented in the museum as indicated in the decisions of Nevsehir Regional Council for Conservation of Cultural Entities. Focusing on the aim, thesis is structured in three parts which are interconnected to each other as the theoretical background of the interpretation and presentation in the world and in Turkish legislations, analysis and evaluation of the selected case and finally preliminary decisions and project proposal. To conclude, &ldquo / Environmental Design Project&rdquo / is an important tool for understanding the significance of the museum and providing easygoing and enjoyable visit for the museum visitors according to the values, problems and potentials of GOAM. In that respect, proposing environmental design project is critical in order to satisfy visitor needs during their museum visit and provide safeguarding of GOAM.

Einstein Aether Gravity

Akbaba, Esin 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we review some basic properties of the Einstein-aether gravity. We derive the field equations from an action and study a subclass of this theory corresponding to the Einstein-Maxwell like theory. We also show that the G&ouml / del type metrics are also exact solutions of this theory. Furthermore, we determine the observational constraints on the dimensionless preferred parameters of this theory using the parametrized post- Newtonian formalism. We stress that none of calculations and discussions are original in this thesis.

A Comparision Of The Ideas Of Ziya Gokalpa And Yusuf Akcura On Turkism

Yuner, Meral 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the ideas Ziya G&ouml / kalp and Yusuf Ak&ccedil / ura on Turkism. Nationalism emerged in the 18th century in Western Europe has been a real force in world politics for the last two centuries. Naturally, towards the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire with many different ethnic groups within its borders was influenced by Western nationalist movements. Analyzing Turkish nationalism, it is seen that from the late 18th century to the announcement of the Second Constitution in 1908, Turkish nationalism went parallel to the modernization attempts of the Ottoman reformers. The Ottoman bureaucrats considered modernity as a goal to overcome the difficulties of the Ottoman Empire. Ottomanism and Islamism were the sub-ideologies of the state, which were essential for its survival. However, after the Balkan wars, Turkism became popular among ottoman intellectuals. Both G&ouml / kalp and Ak&ccedil / ura played a leading role in the direction of Turkish nationalism during the transition from a multi-ethnic Ottoman Empire to a secular and modern Turkish nation-state. Additionally, after the foundation of the Turkish nation-state, they shaped the content of the reforms of the new state with their nationalist way of thinking. In this respect, they served as the intellectual sources of Turkish nationalism. The main purpose of this thesis is to offer an analytical framework for understanding the peculiarities of G&ouml / kalp and Ak&ccedil / ura&rsquo / s nationalist thoughts during the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. In this context, this thesis examines the ideas of the two scholars on a comparative basis and aims to reveal the differences and similarities in their ideas.

The Role Of Institutions In Promoting Public Interest Within The Context Of Cultural And Natural Heritage Conservation: The Case Of Gokova

Erguc Ozdemir, Gizem 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses the role of institutions in promoting public interest within the context of cultural and natural heritage conservation. Due to the fact that the concept of public interest is controversial and may differ from one context to another, and that there are numerous institutions, the role of institutions in public interest promoting process limited to the context of conservation. A large number of public institutions develop policies that have significant implications for the conservation of cultural and natural resources in Turkey. The aim of these policies is to promote public interest by safeguarding natural and cultural assets. Moreover conservation institutions adopt different public interest approaches based on their establishment laws, therefore they carry out different activities to attain the objectives of their institutions. Consequently, promotion public interest by such institutions becomes even more ambiguous under these circumstances. Within this context, the G&ouml / kova case provides a good basis for the investigation of the ways in which public institutions conduct their activities in the quest to promote public interest.

A Critical Review Of The Tools And Techniques Used In Coastal Planning: Case Study Mugla-gokova Special Environmental Protection Area.

Yusufoglu, Ayca 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE TOOLS &amp / TECHNIQUES USED IN COASTAL PLANNING: CASE STUDY MUGLA-G&Ouml / KOVA SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA Yusufoglu, Ay&ccedil / a M. S., Programme of City Planning Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap Kayas&uuml / June 2010, 119 Pages This study focuses on the issue of coastal area management in terms of planning techniques and tools as well as legal aspects necessary in order to clarify the components of a successful coastal area planning process. It has been emphasized that planning of the coastal area should be performed within the context of integrated policy mechanism considering maintance of biodiversity, public participation and, promoting diversification among coastal related economic uses such as tourism, aquaculture, fishing. The thesis haS been grouped into according to definitions of coastal area, coastal planning and legislation, institutions, organizations, international commisions regarding coastal areas and G&ouml / kova Special Environment Protection Area from the perspective of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The case section of the thesis formed by five phases of G&ouml / kova SEPA 1/25.000 scaled Environmental Relation Plan in order to achieve ICM. Also, this is the first study performed by the reviewing of the tools and techniques used in the G&ouml / kova SEPA towards Integrated Coastal Management approach.

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