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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erzeugung und Charakterisierung von Mausmodellen mit lichtsensitivem Geschmackssystem zur Aufklärung der neuronalen Geschmackskodierung / Generation and characterization of transgenic lines of mice to elucidate neuralnetworks engaged in processing of gustatory information

Loßow, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Die Wahrnehmung von Geschmacksempfindungen beruht auf dem Zusammenspiel verschiedener Sinneseindrücke wie Schmecken, Riechen und Tasten. Diese Komplexität der gustatorischen Wahrnehmung erschwert die Beantwortung der Frage wie Geschmacksinformationen vom Mund ins Gehirn weitergeleitet, prozessiert und kodiert werden. Die Analysen zur neuronalen Prozessierung von Geschmacksinformationen erfolgten zumeist mit Bitterstimuli am Mausmodell. Zwar ist bekannt, dass das Genom der Maus für 35 funktionelle Bitterrezeptoren kodiert, jedoch war nur für zwei unter ihnen ein Ligand ermittelt worden. Um eine bessere Grundlage für tierexperimentelle Arbeiten zu schaffen, wurden 16 der 35 Bitterrezeptoren der Maus heterolog in HEK293T-Zellen exprimiert und in Calcium-Imaging-Experimenten funktionell charakterisiert. Die Daten belegen, dass das Funktionsspektrum der Bitterrezeptoren der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen enger ist und widerlegen damit die Aussage, dass humane und murine orthologe Rezeptoren durch das gleiche Ligandenspektrum angesprochen werden. Die Interpretation von tierexperimentellen Daten und die Übertragbarkeit auf den Menschen werden folglich nicht nur durch die Komplexität des Geschmacks, sondern auch durch Speziesunterschiede verkompliziert. Die Komplexität des Geschmacks beruht u. a. auf der Tatsache, dass Geschmacksstoffe selten isoliert auftreten und daher eine Vielzahl an Informationen kodiert werden muss. Um solche geschmacksstoffassoziierten Stimuli in der Analyse der gustatorischen Kommunikationsbahnen auszuschließen, sollten Opsine, die durch Licht spezifischer Wellenlänge angeregt werden können, für die selektive Ersetzung von Geschmacksrezeptoren genutzt werden. Um die Funktionalität dieser angestrebten Knockout-Knockin-Modelle zu evaluieren, die eine Kopplung von Opsinen mit dem geschmacksspezifischen G-Protein Gustducin voraussetzte, wurden Oozyten vom Krallenfrosch Xenopus laevis mit dem Zwei-Elektroden-Spannungsklemm-Verfahren hinsichtlich dieser Interaktion analysiert. Der positiven Bewertung dieser Kopplung folgte die Erzeugung von drei Mauslinien, die in der kodierenden Region eines spezifischen Geschmacksrezeptors (Tas1r1, Tas1r2, Tas2r114) Photorezeptoren exprimierten. Durch RT-PCR-, In-situ-Hybridisierungs- und immunhistochemische Experimente konnte der erfolgreiche Knockout der Rezeptorgene und der Knockin der Opsine belegt werden. Der Nachweis der Funktionalität der Opsine im gustatorischen System wird Gegenstand zukünftiger Analysen sein. Bei erfolgreichem Beleg der Lichtempfindlichkeit von Geschmacksrezeptorzellen dieser Mausmodelle wäre ein System geschaffen, dass es ermöglichen würde, gustatorische neuronale Netzwerke und Hirnareale zu identifizieren, die auf einen reinen geschmacks- und qualitätsspezifischen Stimulus zurückzuführen wären. / Taste impression is based on the interaction of taste, smell and touch. To evaluate the nutritious content of food mammals possess five distinct taste qualities: sweet, bitter, umami (taste of amino acids), sour and salty. For bitter, sweet, and umami compounds taste signaling is initiated by binding of tastants to G protein-coupled receptors. The interactions of taste stimuli, usually watersoluble chemicals, with their cognate receptors lead to the activation of the G protein gustducin, which, in turn, initiates a signal resulting in the activation of gustatory afferents. However, details of gustatory signal transmission and processing as well as neural coding are only incompletely understood. This is partly due to the property of some tastants to elicit several sensations simultaneously, unspecific effects caused by the temperature, viscosity, osmolarity, and pH of the solvents, as well as by mechanical stimulation of the tongue during stimulus application. The analysis of gustatory processing of taste information are mainly based on mouse models after stimulation with bitter taste stimuli. Even though it is known that the mouse genome codes for 35 bitter taste receptor genes only few of them had been analysed so far. For better understanding and interpretation of animal experiments 16 mouse bitter receptors had been analysed by Calcium Imaging experiments with HEK293T cells. The data reveal that mouse bitter taste receptors are more narrow tuned than human bitter taste receptors, proving that the ligand spectra of murine and human orthologous receptors are not complient. In order to avoid the disturbing effects of solvents and stimulus application on the analysis of gustatory information transfer and processing, I employ an optogenetical approach to address this problem. For this purpose I generated three strains of gene-targeted mice in which the coding regions of the genes for the umami receptor subunit Tas1r1, the sweet receptor subunit Tas1r2 or the bitter taste receptor Tas2r114 have been replaced by the coding sequences of different opsins (photoreceptors of visual transduction) that are sensitive to light of various wavelengths. In these animals I should be able to activate sweet, bitter, or umami signalling by light avoiding any solvent effects. In initial experiments of this project I demonstrated that the various visual opsins indeed functionally couple to taste signal transduction pathway in oocyte expression system, generating basic knowledge and foundation for the generation of the gene-targeted animals. The knockout-knockin strategies have been successfully realized in the case of all three mouse models, revealed by RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis of taste papillae. All data confirm that the particular taste receptors have been replaced by the different opsins in taste cells. Further analysis concerning the functional consequences of opsin knockin and taste receptor knockout are part of prospective work.

Functional Studies of the Neuropeptide Y System : Receptor-Ligand Interaction and Regulation of Food Intake

Åkerberg, Helena January 2009 (has links)
The members of the mammalian neuropeptide Y family, i.e. the peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), are all involved in regulation of food intake. In human and most other mammals they act via receptors Y1, Y2, Y4 and Y5. NPY is released in the hypothalamus and is one of the strongest appetite-stimulating neurotransmitters whereas PP and PYY are secreted from gut endocrine cells after meals and function as appetite-reducing hormones. This thesis describes studies of the NPY system at both the molecular and the physiological level. The first part describes two investigations of receptor-ligand interactions with the human Y1 and Y2 receptors. The results clarify the importance of several amino-acid residues of the human Y1 receptor. Three amino acids previously suggested by others to form a binding pocket for the carboxy-terminus of the peptide were confirmed to be crucial for interaction with peptide ligands. However, they were found to be too distantly located from each other to be able to form a binding pocket. Further investigation of the three corresponding positions in the human Y2 receptor showed that only one of the positions was important for interaction with full-length peptides. The results indicate overlapping but, surprisingly, non-identical binding of the different peptides to human Y1 and Y2 receptors, despite the fact that the two receptors share a common ancestor. The second part of the thesis describes an investigation of the effect of PP on food intake in six beagle dogs and a test for personality characteristics in dogs (TFPC). Treatment with physiological doses of PP decreased both the appetitive and the consummatory drive but had no effect on the amount food consumed. The TFPC protocol was used to map individual behavioral differences in a population of sixteen beagle dogs. The test, which included several situations that may appear in an experimental study, revealed considerable inter-individual differences in behavioral responses despite the fact that the dogs were born and housed in the same animal facility in constant controlled conditions. These results demonstrate that PP can influence food intake in distantly related mammals and emphasize the importance of considering differences in personality in experimental animals.

Investigation on Pre- and Postsynaptic Ca2+ Signaling in Neuronal Model Systems

Krjukova, Jelena January 2004 (has links)
Communication between neuronal and non-neuronal is called volume transmission when the released neurotransmitter (NT) acts via diffusion and affects several target cells. Both the neurosecretory and postsynaptic cell responses are linked to [Ca2+]i elevations. In the present thesis the role of pre-and postsynaptic Ca2+ elevations has been investigated in the reconstituted "synapse" model comprised of NGF-differentiated PC12 and HEL cells as well as in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. In PC12 cells, both 70mM K+ and nicotine triggered NT release, which could be detected as a secondary [Ca2+]i increase in surrounding HEL cells. Both secretagogues shared the same voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx pathway as judged from the pharmacological profile blockers of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. The coupling of electrical responses to the activation of Ca2+ signaling via muscarinic receptors in SH-SY5Y cells was also studied. These data revealed that depolarization caused a considerable potentiation of the muscarinic Ca2+ response. The potentiated Ca2+ increase was mainly dependent on the enhanced Ca2+ influx and to a lesser extent on [Ca2+]i release from intracellular stores. A phospholipase C (PLC) activator, m-3M3FBS was used to further study the role of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)-coupled Ca2+ signaling. However, it was found that m-3M3FBS instead triggered [Ca2+]i elevations independently of PLC activation. In conclusion, the results indicate that the magnitude of NT release from PC12 cells is sufficient to cause a robust activation of neighboring target cells. Postsynaptic muscarinic signaling is amplified due to integration of electrical excitation and GPCR signaling. The PLC activator, m-3M3FBS is not suitable for studies of PLC-mediated signals in intact cells.

Characterization and Evolution of Transmembrane Proteins with Focus on G-protein coupled receptors in Pre-vertebrate Species

Nordström, Karl J. V. January 2010 (has links)
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are one of the largest protein families in mammals. GPCRs are instrumental for hormonal and neurotransmitter signalling and are important in all major physiological systems of the body. Paper I describes the repertoire of GPCRs in Branchiostoma floridae, which is one of the species most closely related species to vertebrates. Mining and phylogenetic analysis of the amphioxus genome showed the presence of at least 664 distinct GPCRs distributed among all the main families of GPCRs; Glutamate (18), Rhodopsin (570), Adhesion (37), Frizzled (6) and Secretin (16). Paper II contains studies of the Adhesion, Methuselah and Secretin GPCR families in nine genomes. The Adhesion GPCRs are the most complex gene family among GPCRs with large genomic size, multiple introns and a fascinating flora of functional domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed Adhesion group V (that contains GPR133 and GPR144) to be the closest relative to the Secretin family among the groups in the Adhesion family, which was also supported by splice site setup and conserved motifs. Paper III examines the repertoire of human transmembrane proteins. These form key nodes in mediating the cell’s interaction with the surroundings, which is one of the main reasons why the majority of drug targets are membrane proteins. We identified 6,718 human membrane proteins and classified the majority of them into 234 families of which 151 belong to the three major functional groups; Receptors (63 groups, 1,352 members), Transporters (89 groups, 817 members) or Enzymes (7 groups, 533 members). In addition, 74 Miscellaneous groups were shown to include 697 members. Paper IV clarifies the hierarchy of the main families and evolutionary origin of majority of the metazoan GPCR families. Overall, it suggests common decent of at least 97% of the GPCRs sequences found in humans, including all the main families.

Identifying and analysing alternative splice variants by aligning ESTs and mRNAs to the genomic sequence

Geirardsdottir, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
Questions have been raised about the genomic complexity of the human genome, since it was reported that it only consisted of 32,000 genes. Alternative splicing is considered the explanation of the enormous difference between the number of genes and the number of proteins. Aligning expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to the genomic sequence has become a popular approach for gene prediction, revealing alternative splice variants. The aim in this thesis is to identify and analyse splice variants of the adhesion family of G protein-coupled receptors using EST data. 75% of the genes in the data set of 33 sequences were found to have a total of 51 splice variants. About half of the variants were considered functional.

The Role of the Central Region of the Third Intracellular Loop of D1-Class Receptors in Signalling

Charrette, Andrew 17 July 2012 (has links)
The D1-class receptors (D1R, D5R) each possess distinct signaling characteristics; however, pharmacological selectivity between them remains elusive. The third intracellular loops (IL3) of D1R and D5R harbour divergent residues that may contribute to their individual signalling phenotypes. Here we probe the function of central region of IL3 of D1R and D5R using deletion mutagenesis. Radioligand binding and whole cell cAMP assays suggest that the N-terminal and C-terminal moieties of the central IL3 oppositely contribute to the constitutive and agonist-dependant activity of D1-Class receptors. Whereas the N-terminal deletions ablated constitutive activity and decreased DA-induced activation, C-terminal deletions induced robust increases. These data, interpreted in concert with structural predictions generated from homology modeling implicate the central IL3 as playing an important role in the activation and subtype-specific characteristics of the D1-class receptors. This study may serve as a basis for the development of novel drugs targeting the central IL3 region.

Anti-diuresis in the Blood-gorging Bug, Rhodnius prolixus: The Role of CAPA Peptides

Paluzzi, Jean-Paul 17 February 2011 (has links)
CAPA-related peptides belong to a family of neuropeptides localized to the central nervous system that can function in diverse roles in the regulation of water and salt homeostasis in insects. These peptides are known to stimulate fluid secretion by Malpighian tubules (MTs) in Dipteran species, thus serving a diuretic function. In contrast, this thesis demonstrates that members of this family of peptides in Rhodnius prolixus serve an anti-diuretic role and have multiple tissue targets, whereby they oppose the activity of diuretic hormones such as serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine hydrochloride; 5-HT). I have identified two genes each encoding three peptides in R. prolixus, suggesting this insect is capable of producing a greater number of CAPA-peptides compared to other insects that contain only a single CAPA gene. Interestingly, while the second peptide encoded in each R. prolixus gene (RhoprCAPA-α2/-β2) inhibits the stimulatory effects of serotonin on tissues such as the anterior midgut and Malpighian tubules, it appears the other CAPA-related and pyrokinin-related peptides do not play a major role in inhibiting the effects of serotonin on these tissues. More specifically, serotonin-stimulated fluid secretion by MTs and fluid absorption by the anterior midgut are reduced by the anti-diuretic peptide, RhoprCAPA-α2. In addition, I have also identified a G protein-coupled receptor which likely mediates the anti-diuretic effect associated with RhoprCAPA-α2 and have functionally characterized this receptor in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Spatial transcript expression analysis in fifth-instars reveals a wide distribution of the receptor in tissues associated with the rapid post-gorging diuresis. Thus, my findings suggest that numerous tissues are regulated by the CAPA peptides in R. prolixus. Gene structure and phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that this receptor is the orthologue of the D. melanogaster capa receptor (CG14575) with homologs in other insects. Taken together, my thesis demonstrates that the RhoprCAPA peptides play an integral role in the coordination and maintenance of anti-diuresis in R. prolixus. This mechanism is necessary following the rapid diuresis associated with blood-feeding by this medically-important insect.

Anti-diuresis in the Blood-gorging Bug, Rhodnius prolixus: The Role of CAPA Peptides

Paluzzi, Jean-Paul 17 February 2011 (has links)
CAPA-related peptides belong to a family of neuropeptides localized to the central nervous system that can function in diverse roles in the regulation of water and salt homeostasis in insects. These peptides are known to stimulate fluid secretion by Malpighian tubules (MTs) in Dipteran species, thus serving a diuretic function. In contrast, this thesis demonstrates that members of this family of peptides in Rhodnius prolixus serve an anti-diuretic role and have multiple tissue targets, whereby they oppose the activity of diuretic hormones such as serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine hydrochloride; 5-HT). I have identified two genes each encoding three peptides in R. prolixus, suggesting this insect is capable of producing a greater number of CAPA-peptides compared to other insects that contain only a single CAPA gene. Interestingly, while the second peptide encoded in each R. prolixus gene (RhoprCAPA-α2/-β2) inhibits the stimulatory effects of serotonin on tissues such as the anterior midgut and Malpighian tubules, it appears the other CAPA-related and pyrokinin-related peptides do not play a major role in inhibiting the effects of serotonin on these tissues. More specifically, serotonin-stimulated fluid secretion by MTs and fluid absorption by the anterior midgut are reduced by the anti-diuretic peptide, RhoprCAPA-α2. In addition, I have also identified a G protein-coupled receptor which likely mediates the anti-diuretic effect associated with RhoprCAPA-α2 and have functionally characterized this receptor in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Spatial transcript expression analysis in fifth-instars reveals a wide distribution of the receptor in tissues associated with the rapid post-gorging diuresis. Thus, my findings suggest that numerous tissues are regulated by the CAPA peptides in R. prolixus. Gene structure and phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that this receptor is the orthologue of the D. melanogaster capa receptor (CG14575) with homologs in other insects. Taken together, my thesis demonstrates that the RhoprCAPA peptides play an integral role in the coordination and maintenance of anti-diuresis in R. prolixus. This mechanism is necessary following the rapid diuresis associated with blood-feeding by this medically-important insect.

Identifying and analysing alternative splice variants by aligning ESTs and mRNAs to the genomic sequence

Geirardsdottir, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Questions have been raised about the genomic complexity of the human genome, since it was reported that it only consisted of 32,000 genes. Alternative splicing is considered the explanation of the enormous difference between the number of genes and the number of proteins. Aligning expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to the genomic sequence has become a popular approach for gene prediction, revealing alternative splice variants. The aim in this thesis is to identify and analyse splice variants of the adhesion family of G protein-coupled receptors using EST data. 75% of the genes in the data set of 33 sequences were found to have a total of 51 splice variants. About half of the variants were considered functional.</p>


Hammad, Maha 21 July 2010 (has links)
Current drugs used to treat Congestive Heart Failure target the renin-angiotensin and adrenergic systems. Studies showed increased mortality rates in patients treated with a combination of these medications. Angiotensin-AT1 and ?2-Adrenergic receptors were shown to form receptor heteromers. Blockade of one receptor in the complex can affect the signal transmitted by the other; suggesting that ligand-based therapy is not as selective as we might think. Modulating receptor trafficking after synthesis might prove to be a valid therapeutic strategy. Unfortunately, little is known about receptor assembly and transport from Endoplasmic Reticulum to Plasma Membrane. The objectives of this study are to identify the proteins that participate in the assembly of AT1R-?2AR heteromer and the regulators of the anterograde trafficking of G-Protein Coupled Receptors. This thesis introduces the role of important targets in those poorly understood processes. The identification of such targets could lead to developing better drugs with fewer adverse effects.

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