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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extrapyramidala symtom vidbehandling med ciprofloxacin : Kan ciprofloxacin orsaka extrapyramidala symtomoch vad är möjliga mekanismer bakom symtomen?

Högström Yumi, Kim January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Extrapyramidala systemet är ett nätverk i det centrala nervsystemet(CNS) som har en viktig roll i att samordna kroppsrörelser. De komponenter somtillhör det extrapyramidala systemet är basala ganglier, cerebellum och flera olikaledningsbanor och bland dessa har basala ganglier störst betydelse. Extrapyramidalasymtom, även kallade EPS, är ett samlingsbegrepp för motoriska biverkningar,exempelvis muskelkramper, muskelstelhet och skakningar, som uppkommer omextrapyramidala systemet i hjärnan utsätts för störningar. Vissa läkemedelsgrupper,såsom äldre antipsykotiska och antidepressiva läkemedel, är kända för att orsaka EPSgenom sin påverkan på det extrapyramidala systemet. Det finns även andra läkemedelsom också kan orsaka EPS, vilket inte är lika välkänt. Ett exempel på detta ärciprofloxacin, ett ofta förskrivet antibiotikum. Trots att extrapyramidala symtom kanupplevas besvärliga för patienter och trots att ciprofloxacin är ett mycket välanväntläkemedel, finns det inte mycket publicerad/beskriven information om risken attdrabbas av EPS vid användning av ciprofloxacin. Därför är det värdefullt att ta reda påom ciprofloxacin kan ge EPS och hur detta läkemedel kan påverka nervsystemet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på eventuellt samband mellan intag avciprofloxacin och EPS. Syftet är även att undersöka möjliga mekanismer bakom dessasymtom. Metod: Detta är en litteraturstudie som baseras på fallstudier inhämtade fråndatabasen PubMed samt inkomna biverkningsrapporter i Läkemedelsverkets databas,Biverkningsrapportering och Signaldetektion (BiSi), och den amerikanskaläkemedelsmyndighetens (The Food and Drug Administration) databas, FDA AdverseEvent Reporting System (FAERS). Resultat/Diskussion/Slutsats: Denna studie visar att det, trots att frekvensen avEPS är låg, är troligt att användning av ciprofloxacin kan utlösa EPS, framförallttremor, muskelkramper och muskuloskeletal stelhet. Detta resultat kan dock, på grundav det begränsade materialet, inte generaliseras till att omfatta alla patienter. Det äroklart om ciprofloxacin, även hos en frisk person, kan orsaka EPS och om andrafysiologiska faktorer såsom lever- eller njurfunktion hos patienten har betydelse förframkallande av EPS eftersom nedsatt lever- eller njurfunktion ökar toxiciteten avläkemedlet. Det går heller inte att utesluta påverkan av läkemedelsinteraktion medsamtidigt intagna läkemedel. För att kunna ge ett svar med högre tillförlitlighetangående frågeställningen: eventuellt samband mellan intag av ciprofloxacin ochextrapyramidala symtom, krävs det vidare forskning, exempelvis genom att studerasamtliga biverkningsrapporter som innehåller information om patientens profil,dosering av ciprofloxacin och samtidig medicinering. Möjliga mekanismer bakomuppkomsten av EPS vid användning av ciprofloxacin anses vara att ciprofloxacinfungerar som en GABA-A-antagonist i basala ganglier och den förändrade GABA-ergahämningen, på grund av antagonismen, stör den normala rörelsereglerande funktionenhos de basala ganglierna. Avslutningsvis, baserat på resultatet av denna studie kan detvara av värde att iaktta försiktighet vid förskrivning av ciprofloxacin till patienter somhar nedsatt njur- eller leverfunktion och till patienter som har samtidig medicinering,särskilt med läkemedel som är kända för benägenhet att orsaka EPS såsomantipsykotiska och antidepressiva läkemedel.

Modulation of premotor circuits controlling locomotor activity by spinal GABAergic sensory neurons in zebrafish : connectivity mapping of an intraspinal sensory feedback circuit / Modulation des circuits spinaux pré-moteurs contrôlant l'activité locomotrice par des neurones sensoriels GABAergiques chez le poisson zèbre

Fidelin, Kevin 30 September 2016 (has links)
Comprendre les mécanismes mis en place au sein du système nerveux pour générer des répertoires locomoteurs complexes reste l'un des grands défis des neurosciences systémiques. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit vise à comprendre comment les neurones de la moelle épinière contribuent à la production et à la modulation de l'activité locomotrice. Pour répondre à ce problème, nous utilisons le poisson-zèbre comme organisme modèle et avons développé de nouvelles approches génétiques et optiques afin de disséquer l'architecture du circuit formé par une classe de neurones sensoriels de la moelle et qui est conservée chez tous les vertébrés. Ces neurones sont appelés les neurones au contact du liquide céphalo-rachidien (Nc-LCR) et nous proposons de sonder leur(s) fonction(s) in vivo. Ces neurones sensoriels forment une interface unique entre le liquide céphalo-rachidien et le réseau de neurones impliqué dans le contrôle du mouvement dans la moelle épinière. Cependant, leur diagramme de connectivité demeure complètement inconnu. Afin de comprendre comment ces " Nc-LCR ou CSF-cNs " modulent la locomotion chez les vertébrés, nous avons développé un projet combinant des approches génétiques, électrophysiologiques, d'imagerie, et d'analyse du comportement, afin de cartographier le circuit qu'elles forment avec les neurones de la moelle épinière. Nos résultats montrent que les CSF-cNs projettent sur de nombreux éléments du centre générateur de rythme de la moelle. Notre approche révèle également la capacité des CSF-cNs à moduler la locomotion selon l'état dans lequel se trouve l'animal, une propriété caractéristique des circuits proprioceptifs dans la moelle épinière. / Understanding how the central nervous system generates motor sequences, coordinates limbs and body orientation in an ever-changing environment, while adapting to sensory cues remains a central question in the field of systems neuroscience. The work presented here aims to understand how local sensory neurons in the spinal cord contribute to the production and/ or the modulation of locomotor activity. We focused our work on a conserved class of spinal sensory neurons termed cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons (CSF-cNs). These neurons lie at the interface between the CSF and spinal interneurons controlling motor output and represent an interesting yet poorly understood sensorimotor loop in the vertebrate spinal cord. However, the connectivity of CSF-cNs remains completely uncharacterized. To understand how CSF-cNs modulate locomotion in vertebrates, we combined genetics, imaging, optogenetics, electrophysiology, and behavior analysis to map the functional connectivity of these sensory neurons and test their function in the zebrafish larva. Our results demonstrate that CSF-cNs target several elements thought to be part of the locomotor central pattern generator in zebrafish, including glutamatergic spinal neurons involved in slow and fast swimming. We show that CSF-cNs can modulate the duration and occurrence of spontaneous locomotor events in a state dependent manner and tune the frequency of evoked fast escape responses. Altogether our work dissecting sensorimotor integration in the spinal cord bridged single cell function in vivo to behavior in zebrafish and should contribute to a better understanding of the role of sensory feedback during locomotion in vertebrates.

Anxiety-Reducing Tropical Plants: Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characterization of Souroubea sympetala and Piper amalago

Mullally, Martha January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the phytochemistry and pharmacology of two neotropical plants used traditionally to treat anxiety and stress, Souroubea sympetala (Marcgraviaceae) and Piper amalago (Piperaceae). A method of phytochemical analysis was developed to characterize S. sympetala extracts, identifying and quantifying four triterpenes, which were present in higher amounts in bark as compared to leaf. Subsequently, a standardized supercritical CO2 extraction procedure for S. sympetala was developed and compared favourably with conventional extraction methods in terms of its anxiety-reducing effects in a behavioural assay of anxiety and content of the active principle, betulinic acid (BA). All of these materials demonstrated anxiolytic properties. The pharmacological mode of action of S. sympetala raw plant, extracts and isolated active principle were examined in rodent behavioural models of anxiety. The extracts were shown to have affinity for the γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)a benzodiazepine (GABAa- BZD) receptor of the central nervous system in vitro, in a competitive binding assay. Pre-treatment of animals with the GABAa-BZD antagonist flumazenil, followed by plant extract and pure compound extinguished the anxiety-reducing effect, demonstrating that S. sympetala and BA act at the GABAa- BZD receptor in vivo. The effect of S. sympetala in stressed animals, specifically its cortisol-lowering ability was investigated in vitro and in vivo in rainbow trout. Both leaf extract and BA significantly lowered cortisol in response to an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge in vitro and a standardized net restraint assay in vivo. The anxiety-reducing effect of P. amalago was examined and the bioactive principle identified by bioassay-guided fractionation. P. amalago extract significantly reduced anxiety-like behaviour in rats and demonstrated affinity for the GABAa-BZD receptor in vitro. The bioactive molecule was determined to be a furofuran lignan. Together these results provide a pharmacological basis for the traditional use of S. sympetala and P. amalago to treat anxiety and elucidate their mode of action and active principles. S. sympetala is now thoroughly characterized and represents an excellent candidate plant for development as a natural health product.

Raman Biosensors

Ali, Momenpour January 2017 (has links)
This PhD thesis focuses on improving the limit of detection (LOD) of Raman biosensors by using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and/or hollow core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCF), in conjunction with statistical methods. Raman spectroscopy is a multivariate phenomenon that requires statistical analysis to identify the relationship between recorded spectra and the property of interest. The objective of this research is to improve the performance of Raman biosensors using SERS techniques and/or HC-PCF, by applying partial least squares (PLS) regression and principal component analysis (PCA). I began my research using Raman spectroscopy, PLS analysis and two different validation methods to monitor heparin, an important blood anti-coagulant, in serum at clinical levels. I achieved lower LOD of heparin in serum using the Test Set Validation (TSV) method. The PLS analysis allowed me to distinguish between weak Raman signals of heparin in serum and background noise. I then focused on using SERS to further improve the LOD of analytes, and accomplished simultaneous detection of GLU-GABA in serum at clinical levels using the SERS and PLS models. This work demonstrated the applicability of using SERS in conjunction with PLS to measure properties of samples in blood serum. I also used SERS with HC-PCF configuration to detect leukemia cells, one of the most recurrent types of pediatric cancers. This was achieved by applying PLS regression and PCA techniques. Improving LOD was the next objective, and I was able to achieve this by improving the PLS model to decrease errors and remove outliers or unnecessary variables. The results of the final optimized models were evaluated by comparing them with the results of previous models of Heparin and Leukemia cell detection in previous sections. Finally, as a clinical application of Raman biosensors, I applied the enhanced Raman technique to detect polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) disease, and to determine the role of chemerin in this disease. I used SERS in conjunction with PCA to differentiate between PCOS and non-PCOS patients. I also confirmed the role of chemerin in PCOS disease, measured the level of chemerin, a chemoattractant protein, in PCOS and non-PCOS patients using PLS, and further improved LOD with the PLS regression model, as proposed in previous section.

Régulations par la microglie de la dynamique des récepteurs aux neurotransmetteurs inhibiteurs dans les synapses de moelle épinière / Regulations of receptors to inhibitory neurotransmitters dynamics by microglia in spinal cord synapses

Cantaut-Belarif, Yasmine 22 January 2015 (has links)
Alors que les synapses sont des structures relativement stables, les éléments qui la composent sont, eux, en permanent échange dans le temps et dans l'espace. Les composants des densités postsynaptiques sont renouvelés avec des cinétiques caractéristiques de chaque molécule et de chaque sous compartiment synaptique. La compatibilité entre le comportement dynamique des composants de la synapse et son maintien structural et fonctionnel à long terme implique une conception de ces assemblages multimoléculaires en équilibre dynamique. De nombreux paramètres peuvent influencer la dynamique des récepteurs aux neurotransmetteurs (RNT) dans les synapses, y compris l'activité synaptique et les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. Cependant, le rôle des cellules gliales dans ce mécanisme est inconnu. Mon travail de thèse a porté sur l'exploration d'une possible contribution de la microglie, les cellules immunitaires du système nerveux central, à la stabilité des RNT et à l'efficacité des synapses inhibitrices de la moelle épinière. Mon travail de thèse démontre pour la première fois comment et en quoi la microglie est un partenaire clé de l'équilibre dynamique qui régit la structure et la fonction de la synapse inhibitrice dans la moelle. Par conséquent, il donne un éclairage nouveau sur la façon de concevoir l'efficacité synaptique et sa régulation de façon non neurone autonome. / Whereas synapses are relatively stable structures, their molecular constituents are continuously recycled and exchanged in time and space. Each of the molecules that contribute to build synaptic structures is renewed with specific kinetics, depending on their organisation in the postsynaptic densities. The compatibility between a dynamic behaviour and a long-term maintenance of synapses implies to think synapses as multi-molecular assemblies in a dynamic equilibrium. Several parameters can influence the dynamics of receptors to neurotransmitters(RNT) at synaptic sites, including neuronal activity and extracellular matrix proteins. However,the role of glial cells in this mechanism is unknown. During my thesis work, I explored the roleof microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, on the lateral diffusion ofRNT and synaptic efficacy at spinal cord inhibitory postsynaptic densities. My work demonstrates for the first time a partnership between microglia and synapses. It shows that immune cells can take part to the regulation of synaptic strength very rapidly but also at basal state, by regulating RNT dynamics. Furthermore it identifies microglia as a key partner for a heterocellular stabilization of synaptic receptors. This work raises the intriguing possibility that the general regulation of network activity may also be explained by a fine modulation of receptors stability at the synapse controlled by microglia.

Determination of Dissociation Constants for GABAA Receptor Antagonists using Spontaneously Active Neuronal Networks in vitro

Oli-Rijal, Sabnam 12 1900 (has links)
Changes in spontaneous spike activities recorded from murine frontal cortex networks grown on substrate-integrated microelectrodes were used to determine the dissociation constant (KB) of three GABAA antagonists. Neuronal networks were treated with fixed concentrations of GABAA antagonists and titrated with muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist. Muscimol decreased spike activity in a concentration dependent manner with full efficacy (100% spike inhibition) and a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.14 ± 0.05 µM (mean ± SD, n=6). At 10, 20, 40 and 80 µM bicuculline, the muscimol IC50 values were shifted to 4.3 ± 1.8 µM (n=6), 6.8 ± 1.7 µM (n=6), 19.3 ± 3.54 µM (n=10) and 43.5 µM (n=2), respectively (mean ± SD). Muscimol titration in the presence of 10, 20, 40 µM of gabazine resulted in IC50s values of 20.1 (n=2), 37.17 (n=4), and 120.45 (n=2), respectively. In the presence of 20, 80, and 160 µM of TMPP (trimethylolpropane phosphate) the IC50s were 0.86 (n=2), 3.07 (n=3), 6.67 (n=2) µM, respectively. Increasing concentrations of GABAA antagonists shifted agonist log concentration-response curves to the right with identical efficacies, indicating direct competition for the GABAA receptor. A Schild plot analysis with linear regression resulted in slopes of 1.18 ± 0.18, 1.29 ± 0.23 and 1.05 ± 0.03 for bicuculline, gabazine and TMPP, respectively. The potency of antagonists was determined in terms of pA2 values. The pA2 values were 6.63 (gabazine), 6.21 (bicuculline), and 5.4 (TMPP). This suggests that gabazine has a higher binding affinity to the GABAA receptor than bicuculline and TMPP. Hence, using spike rate data obtained from population responses of spontaneously active neuronal networks, it is possible to determine key pharmacological properties of drug-receptor interactions.


川原田, 宗市 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬科学) / 甲第21714号 / 薬科博第105号 / 新制||薬科||11(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 金子 周司, 教授 小野 正博, 教授 土居 雅夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

A new perspective on polyamine biosynthesis and transport in arabidopsis thaliana

Ariyaratne, Menaka M. 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Variable Modulation of Inputs to GABA Cells in the Ventral Tegmental Area and Hippocampus

Nufer, Teresa Marie 01 June 2018 (has links)
The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is an important component of the mesolimbic dopamine circuit and processes reward and motivational behaviors. In response to drug exposure, synaptic connections of this circuit can be rewired via synaptic plasticity—a phenomenon thought be responsible for the pathology of addiction. While much is known about dopamine neuron plasticity, less is known regarding plasticity exhibited by VTA GABA cells, specifically inhibitory inputs from outside the VTA. Expanding on the work of Bocklisch et al. (2013), we investigated the plasticity of inhibitory inputs to VTA GABA neurons. Using whole cell electrophysiology in GAD67 GFP mice, we observed that these VTA GABA cells can experience either long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD) in response to a 5 Hz stimulus. While neither the LTP nor LTD appear to be mediated by the cannabinoid-1 receptor (CB1), the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) pathway, or the dopamine-2 (D2) receptor, the LTP is blocked by APV, an NMDA receptor antagonist, and the LTD is blocked by CGP 54626, an antagonist of the GABAB receptor. Additionally, µ-opioid and adenosine-1 receptors modulated plasticity at this synapse, but chronic morphine administration (10mg/kg) did not block the observed LTP or LTD. Furthermore, we used an optogenetic approach in VGAT-Cre mice to target inhibitory inputs from the lateral hypothalamus (LH) to the VTA. An optical stimulus (5 Hz) caused these inputs to depress, which has not been previously described and may be behaviorally important in reward processing. These novel findings increase our understanding of VTA neural circuitry, ultimately increasing our capacity to better comprehend and treat the pathology of addiction. Additionally, changes in synaptic strength in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells are thought to be responsible for the acquisition and retention of short-term memory. Feedforward stratum radiatum interneurons of many subtypes experience LTD, short-term depression (STD), or lack of plasticity, but it is not known whether plasticity correlates with specific interneuron subtypes. Using whole cell electrophysiology and qPCR, we characterized the plasticity expressed by hippocampal interneurons in correlation with their mRNA expression patterns to determine cell subtype. We also assessed the expression of endocannabinoid (eCB) biosynthetic enzymes as well as metabotropic glutamate receptor subunits known to mediate plasticity. Cells exhibiting LTD tended to express mRNA for at least one of the eCB biosynthetic enzymes and the metabotropic glutamate receptor subunit mGluR5. mGluR5 was not expressed by cells exhibiting STD or no plasticity. Cells that exhibited short-term depression tended to express mRNA for at least one of the eCB biosynthetic enzymes, but not mGluR5. This suggests that stratum radiatum interneuron plasticity can be predicted based on mGluR expression, and that these different types of plasticity may have some importance in hippocampal function.

Normal [<sup>3</sup>H]Flunitrazepam Binding to GABA<sub>a</sub> Receptors in the Locus Coeruleus in Major Depression and Suicide

Zhu, He, Karolewicz, Beat, Nail, Emily, Stockmeier, Craig A., Szebeni, Katalin, Ordway, Gregory A. 13 December 2006 (has links)
Major depression and suicide are associated with altered concentrations of specific noradrenergic proteins in the human locus coeruleus (LC). Based on experimental studies that can reproduce these LC abnormalities in laboratory animals, we hypothesized that noradrenergic pathobiology in depression is a result of overactivity of the LC. LC activity is under the control of both excitatory and inhibitory inputs. A major inhibitory input to the LC is GABAergic, arising from the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi. Numerous studies demonstrating low levels of GABA in the CSF and plasma of subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD) raise the possibility that LC overactivity in depression may be secondary to reduced GABAergic input to the LC. Here, GABAergic input to the LC in depression was evaluated by studying the binding of [ H]flunitrazepam to GABA receptors at three anatomically defined levels of the human postmortem LC. LC tissues were collected from subjects with MDD, subjects with depressive disorders including MDD that died as a result of suicide, and psychiatrically normal control subjects. A modest rostral-caudal gradient of GABA receptor binding density was observed among all subjects. No significant differences in the amount of binding to GABA receptors were observed between control subjects (n = 21) and MDD subjects (n = 9) or depressed suicide victims (n = 17). These results demonstrate that GABA receptor binding in the LC measured with [ H]flunitrazepam is not altered in subjects with depressive illnesses.

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