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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Biomechanics on Acute Spatial and Temporal Pathophysiology Following Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury

Norris, Caroline Nicole 21 June 2023 (has links)
Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) remains a significant problem among military populations. When an explosion occurs, a high magnitude positive pressure rapidly propagates away from the detonation source. Upon contact, biological tissues throughout the body undergo deformation at high strain rates and then return to equilibrium following a brief negative pressure phase. This mechanical disruption of the tissue is known to cause oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in the brain, which can lead to neurodegeneration and consequently poor cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Further, these clinical outcomes, which can include chronic headaches, problems with balance, light and noise sensitivity, anxiety, and depression, may be sustained years following blast exposure and there are currently no effective treatments. Thus, there is a need to investigate the acute molecular responses following bTBI in order to motivate the development of effective therapeutic strategies and ultimately improve or prevent long-term patient outcomes. It is important to not only understand the acute molecular response, but how the brain tissue mechanics drive these metabolic changes. The objective of this work was to identify the interplay between the tissue-level biomechanics and the acute bTBI pathophysiology. In a rodent bTBI model, using adult rats, intracranial pressure was mapped throughout the brain during blast exposure where frequency contributions from skull flexure and wave dynamics were significantly altered between brain regions and were largely dependent on blast magnitude. These findings informed the subsequent spatial and temporal changes in neurometabolism. Amino acid molecular precursor concentrations decreased at four hours post-blast in the cortex and hippocampus regions. This motivates further investigation of amino acids as therapeutic targets aimed to reduce oxidative stress and prevent prolonged injury cascades. However, neurochemical changes were not consistent across blast magnitudes, which may be explained by the disparities in biomechanics at lower blast pressures. Lastly, we investigated the acute changes in metabolic regulators influencing excitotoxicity where it was found that astrocytes maintained normal clearance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters prior to astrocyte reactivity. Outcomes of this work provide improved understanding of blast mechanics and associated acute pathophysiology and inform future therapeutic and diagnostic approaches following bTBI. / Doctor of Philosophy / Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) remains a significant problem among military populations. When an explosion occurs, a high magnitude positive pressure wave rapidly propagates away from the detonation source. Upon contact, biological tissues throughout the body undergo deformation that can cause injury. This mechanical disruption of the tissue is known to trigger negative biological processes that lead to persistent cognitive and behavioral deficits. Further, these clinical outcomes, which can include chronic headaches, problems with balance, light and noise sensitivity, anxiety, and depression, may be sustained years following blast exposure. There are currently no effective treatments that can help those afflicted, and biomarkers for injury diagnostics are limited. Thus, there is a great need to investigate the early biological responses following bTBI in order to motivate the development of effective therapeutic strategies and ultimately improve or prevent long-term patient outcomes. It is important to not only understand the immediate responses, but also how the brain tissue mechanics drive these metabolic changes. The objective of this work was to identify the interplay between the brain biomechanics and the acute bTBI pathophysiology. Using a translational animal model, pressure inside the brain was measured with pressure sensors during blast exposure. Subsequent spatial and temporal changes in neurochemical concentrations were quantified. The results showed (1) significant disparities in the pressure dynamics inside the brain and it varied across brain regions, (2) neurochemical precursors may have therapeutic potential post-injury, and (3) biomechanical and neurochemical responses were dependent on blast severity. Outcomes of this work provide improved understanding of blast mechanics and associated pathophysiology and inform future therapeutic and diagnostic approaches to prevent prolonged injury cascades.

Localisation cellulaire et subcellulaire des récepteurs de type neurokinine-1 et neurokinine-3 dans le globus pallidus du primate

Parent, Rémy 12 April 2018 (has links)
Le globus pallidus (GP) des primates reçoit une innervation massive des neurones GABAergiques du striatum qui co-libèrent la substance P (SP). Afin d'approfondir notre connaissance de l'interaction de la SP au niveau pallidal, nous avons étudié la localisation cellulaire et subcellulaire de ce peptide et de ses récepteurs à hautes affinités neurokinine-1 (NK-lR) et neurokinine-3 (NK-3R) dans le GP de singes écureuils. Un grand nombre de neurones et de fibres dans le segment externe (GPe) et interne (GPi) du GP exprimaient de l'immunoréactivité pour NK-lR ou NK-3R en position pré- et postsynaptique. Les NK-lR et NK-3R étaient principalement localisés dans le cytoplasme ou sur la membrane plasmique, mais en dehors des jonctions synaptiques. Certaines terminaisons axonaies immunoréactives pour la SP exprimaient préférentiellement NK-3R. Ces données suggèrent que la SP peut influencer de manière significative le traitement de l'information neuronale voyageant à travers les ganglions de la base. / The primate globus pallidus (GP) receives a massive innervation from GABAergic striatal neurons that co-release substance P (SP). We used single and double antigen staining retrieval methods to study cellular and subcellular localization of SP and its high affinity receptors NK-IR and NK-3R in GP of squirrel monkeys. A large number of neurons and fibers in GPe and GPi expressed NK-IR or NK-3R. NK-IR and NK-3R were mainly associated with intracellular sites or located at extrasynaptic positions on the plasma membrane. SP+ axon terminals preferentially expressed NK-3R. Distribution of NK-IR and NK-3R indicates that SP effects at pallidal level are mediated through postsynaptic receptor as well as presynaptic autoreceptors and heteroreceptors. These data suggest that SP may influence in a significant manner the treatment of neural information that flows through the basal ganglia.

La double personnalité de l'inhibition dans la moelle épinière

Bos, Rémi 21 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux entrepris au cours de cette thèse ont eu pour but d'étudier la modulation de la transmission synaptique inhibitrice au niveau des réseaux moteurs spinaux, à la fois au cours du développement et après lésion de la moelle épinière. Le nouveau-né présente des activités motrices spontanées qui jouent un rôle important dans la maturation des muscles et des réseaux de neurones de la moelle épinière. Dans une première étude, nous avons identifié l'un des mécanismes impliqués dans la genèse de ces activités chez le rat nouveau-né in vitro. Nous avons démontré que l'activation des récepteurs GABAᴀ au niveau des terminales d'afférences primaires joue un rôle majeur dans le déclenchement et la propagation de ces activités spontanées. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons testé la robustesse des dépolarisations de nature GABAergique enregistrées in vitro, c'est-à-dire leur dépendance vis-à-vis des paramètres du milieu de perfusion. Nous avons démontré que l'action dépolarisante des neurotransmetteurs GABA/glycine au niveau des motoneurones et celle du GABA au niveau des terminales d'afférences primaires ne sont pas dues à une fourniture énergétique insuffisante. La dernière étude a été consacrée à la modulation de la transmission synaptique inhibitrice après lésion de la moelle épinière. Nous avons montré que l'activation des récepteurs 5-HT2 (R5-HT2), particulièrement celle de l'isoforme 5-HT2ᴀ, renforce le poids synaptique inhibiteur via une hyperpolarisation du potentiel d'équilibre des ions chlorure (ECl) et une augmentation d'expression de KCC2 au niveau de la membrane des motoneurones. / The aim of this thesis was to explore the modulation of the inhibitory synaptic transmission within the spinal motor networks, both during development and after SCI. Spontaneous movements are an ubiquitous feature of fetal and infant behavior. They provide signals that are important for the development of muscles and the assembly of neuronal networks in the spinal cord. In a first study, we characterized one of the mechanisms underlying spontaneous motor behaviors in the in vitro spinal cord preparation isolated from neonatal rats. We demonstrated that the GABA is playing a key role in promoting spontaneous activity through primary afferent depolarizations which reach firing threshold. In the second part of my thesis, we tested the robustness of the in vitro GABAergic depolarizations and their dependence on the aCSF parameters. We demonstrated that during development the depolarizing actions of GABA/glycine on motoneurons and GABA on primary afferent terminals are not due to inadequate energy supply. In the last part of my thesis, we focused on the modulation of the inhibitory synaptic transmission following SCI. We demonstrated that activation of the 5-HT2 receptors, particularly the 5-HT2ᴀ subtype, strengthens inhibitory synaptic transmission to spinal motoneurons by hyperpolarizing the reversal potential of Cl- ions (ECl) and by increasing the cell-membrane expression of KCC2. This phenomenon reduces spasticity after SCI in rats. Upregulation of KCC2 function by targeting 5-HT2ᴀ receptors therefore opens new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of spasticity following SCI.

Dysplasies corticales focales de l'enfant : localisation par l'imagerie de perfusion in vivo et caractérisation électrophysiologique des activités épileptiques in vitro / Focal cortical dysplasia in children : in vivo localization with perfusion imaging, and in vitro characterization of epileptic activities

Blauwblomme, Thomas 04 April 2017 (has links)
Les dysplasies corticales (FCD) sont une cause fréquente d’épilepsie lésionnelle requérant un traitement chirurgical, caractérisées par l’association de troubles de l’architecture corticale et la présence de cellules neuronales et/ou gliales anormales Les FCD restent parfois difficiles à identifier / localiser et la physiopathologie des activités épileptiques qu’elles produisent reste mal connue. L’objectif de ce travail est d’optimiser la localisation anatomique et fonctionnelle des FCD chez l’enfant et d’étudier leur épileptogénicité par une double approche, in vivo en imagerie de perfusion IRM-ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling), et in vitro par enregistrements de tissus humains post-opératoires sur matrice de micro électrodes. L’intérêt de l’étude de ces dysplasies chez l’enfant est majeure à un âge où la récurrence des crises n’a pas encore modifié le réseau … Tout d’abord, nous avons montré une hypoperfusion focale des dysplasies corticales focales de type II colocalisée à l’hypo métabolisme en 18FDG-PET scan et au défect histologique. Nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse statistique du signal ASL permettant l’intégration des données objectives de l’imagerie dans une approche multimodale des anomalies interictales associant ASL et IRM fonctionnelle-EEG. Ensuite, nous avons exploré in vitro des tranches de cortex humain dysplasique post-opératoire. La présence d’activités épileptiques interictales spontanées témoignait de la persistance des caractéristiques épileptogéniques des FCD, variables selon les sous types histologiques. L’étude de la signalisation GABAergique et de la régulation du chlore a montré que le co transporteur du chlore NKCC1 chargeait excessivement les neurones en chlore alors que son concurrent KCC2, extrudant normalement ces anions, était down-régulé. La dérégulation neuronale du chlore qui en résulte est à l’origine d’effets paradoxalement dépolarisants du GABA, rendant compte non pas d’une perte d’inhibition GABAergique mais de son implication active dans les processus épileptiques. Enfin, nous avons contribué à mettre en évidence le rôle des hémicanaux Pannexines1, et de la transmission purinergique dans l’initiation et la maintenance des activités ictales, ouvrant une nouvelle piste thérapeutique chez les patients présentant ces épilepsies pharmaco résistantes. / Focal cortical Dysplasias (FCD) are a frequent etiology of lesional epilepsy, requiring surgical treatment. They are defined by abnormalities of cortical architecture intermixed with the presence of abnormal neuronal or glial cells. Imaging FCD remains challenging, both to detect and map the lesion, and the pathophysiology of the epileptic discharges they produce is incompletely understood. The aim of this PhD is to improve in vivo FCD mapping in children with perfusion MRI, and to study in vitro their epileptogenicity with human postoperative cortical slices electrophysiological recordings on micro electrode arrays. First, we showed with ASL MRI (Arterial Spin Labeling) a focal hypoperfusion in type II FCD, colocalized with 18FDG-PET hypo metabolism and histological defects. We developed a statistical analysis of ASL under SPM integrated in a multimodal approach of FCD with EEG-fMRI and ASL-MRI. Second, we studied in vitro slices of human postoperative dysplastic cortex. We could record reliable spontaneous inter ictal discharges, specific of the histological subtype, showing that tissues retain epileptogenic features. We focused our study on GABAergic signaling and neuronal chloride regulation. We have identified an excessive chloride load in neurons by the co transporter NKCC1 whereas chloride extrusion was deficient because of KCC2 down regulation. The consequent chloride dysregulation resulted in paradoxical GABAergic depolarization, responsible for a loss of inhibitory processes but also a shift to excitatory effects of GABAergic signals. Third, we also contributed to a study on Pannexin hemichannels, revealing that Pannexin1 channels sustain initiation and maintenance of ictal activity though purinergic neurotransmission in human cortical slices, supporting new anti epileptic targets in human pharmaco resistant epilepsies.

Properties of nestin-GFP-expressing cells in different regions of adult murine brain

Wang, Liping 21 July 2005 (has links)
Wir haben im Hippocampus von transgenen Mäusen, die grün fluoreszierendes Protein (GFP) unter der Kontrolle eines Promotors für Nestin exprimieren, mutmaßliche Neuronale Vorläuferzellen identifiziert. Wir haben bereits in früheren Arbeiten gezeigt, dass Nestin-GFP exprimierende Vorläuferzellen in der subgranularen Zone des adulten Gyrus Dentatus sich in zwei Subpopulationen entsprechend ihrer morphologischen Eigenschaften einteilen lassen. Eine kleine, morphologisch unterscheidbare Population von Vorläuferzellen mit neuronalen Eigenschaften erhielt GABAergen, aber keinen glutamatergen Input, dies widerspiegelt die Situation während der Entwicklung des Gehirns. Außerdem haben wir ecto-nucleotidase NTPDase2 und functionelle P2X Rezeptoren in hippocampalen Vorläuferzellen identifiziert. Wir haben auch das Verhalten Nestin exprimierender Zellen bis zu 8 Wochen nach 30 minütiger Occlusion der mittleren cerebralen Arterie (MCAo)/reperfusion und im murinen experimentellen Glioblastom Modell untersucht. Neben den bereits publizierten Ergebnissen, die ich auch in meiner Doktorarbeit vorgestellt habe, habe ich die elektrophysiologischen Eigenschaften der Nestin-GFP-exprimierenden Zellen in der Amygdala und im CA 1 des Hippocampus untersucht. / Using transgenic mice that express green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the nestin promoter, the putative precursor cells were identified. We have previously shown that nestin-GFP expressing precursor cells in the adult subgranular zone of hippocampal dentate gyrus could be divided into two distinct subpopulations based on morphological criteria. A small, morphological distinct population of precursor cells with neuronal properties received GABAergic, but not glutamatergic input similar as in brain development. We identified ecto-nucleotidase NTPDase2 and functional P2X receptors at hippocampal progenitor cells. We also studied the fate of nestin-GFP-expressing cells up to 8 weeks after 30 mins occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAo)/reperfusion and in murine experimental glioblastoma model. Except for the published results which was included in this PhD dissertation, I also studied the electrophysiology properties of nestin-GFP-expression cells in amygdala and in Ca1 of hippocampus.

Caractérisation de la transmission GABAergique dans le globus pallidus externe chez des modèles rongeurs des maladies de Parkinson et de Huntington / Investigation of GABAergic neurotransmission in the external globus pallidus in rodent models of Parkinson and huntington’s diseases

Chazalon, Marine 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les ganglions de la base (GB) sont un ensemble de noyaux sous-corticaux impliqués dans les fonctions motrices, mnésiques et cognitives. Le globus pallidus externe (GPe) est un noyau GABAergique, qui tient la place de structure relais entre le striatum et le noyau sous-thalamique au sein du réseau des GB. Les changements de mode et de fréquence de décharge des neurones du GPe sont connus pour être les signatures électro-physiologiques des maladies de Parkinson (MP) et de Huntington (MH). Dans la MP, où les concentrations de GABA extracellulaires sont anormalement élevées dans le GPe, il est admis que la voie striato-pallidale (STR-GPe) est hyperactive, ce qui contribue à l’hypoactivité des neurones pallidaux. A l’inverse dans la MH, il est admis que l’hyperactivité des neurones du GPe est due à la dégénérescence de la voie STR-GPe levant la principale influence inhibitrice du GPe. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans ces changements d’activité pallidale sont encore peu connus. Nous avons donc entrepris des expériences de biologie moléculaire, d’immunohistochimie et d’électrophysiologie sur tranches, afin de mieux caractériser l’origine des modifications de transmission GABAergique conduisant aux changements d’activité électro-physiologique des neurones du GPe dans ces deux pathologies à l’aide de modèles animaux. Mes principaux résultats montrent l’apparition d’une inhibition tonique dans les neurones du GPe due à un déficit de recapture du GABA dans la MP et une réduction précoce de la transmission synaptique GABAergique dans la MH. Ces résultats suggèrent que les altérations de la transmission GABAergique contribuent à la physiopathologie de la MP et la MH. / The basal ganglia (BG) are a group of sub-cortical nuclei involved in motor, memory and cognitive functions. In the BG, the GABAergic external globus pallidus (GPe) holds a position of relay nucleus between the striatum (STR) and the sub thalamic nucleus within the indirect pathway of the BG. Modifications of rate and pattern of activity of this nucleus are known to be the electrophysiological signatures of Parkinson’s (PD) and Huntington’s diseases (HD). In PD, hyperactivity of the striato-pallidal (STR-GPe) pathway is thought to be responsible for the increase of the extracellular GABAergic concentrations in the GPe and participate to the hypoactivity of pallidal neurons observed in experimental Parkinsonism. In contrast, during HD, it is recognized that the hyperactivity of GPe neurons is due to the degeneration of striato-pallidal neurons and thus to the reduction of the main source of pallidal GABAergic inhibition. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in these modifications of pallidal activity are not well characterized. Therefore, using PD and HD animal models, the 6-OHDA rodents and the R6-1 transgenic mice respectively, we have performed molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and electrophysiological in vitro experiments in order to better understand the origin of GABAergic transmission alterations leading to changes in electrophysiological activity of GPe neurons into these two pathologies. My main results show the apparition of a tonic GABAergic inhibition due to a deficit of GABA uptake in PD and a early stage reduction of GABAergic synaptic transmission in HD. Altogether, these results suggest that alterations of GABAergic transmission contribute to the pathophysiology of PD and HD.

Progesterone metabolites learning, tolerance, antagonism & metabolism /

Öfverman, Charlotte, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 5 uppsatser. Även tryckt utgåva.

Messungen des Einflusses von Pregabalin auf die intra- und interhemisphärische Inhibition im humanen Motorkortex mittels transkranieller Magnetstimulation / Effects of pregabalin (PGB) of inter- and intracortical inhibition on the human motor cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation

Süske, Elke 15 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Neuron-glial Interaction in the Developing Peripheral Nervous System

Corell, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
The nervous system, including the brain, is the most sophisticated organ in the mammalian body. In such a complex network, neuron-glial interaction is essential and controls most developmental processes, such as stem cell fate determination, migration, differentiation, synapse formation, ensheathment and myelination. Many of these events are critical for the developmental process and small errors can lead to growth retardation, malformation or disease. The understanding of the normal progress of nervous system development is fundamental and will help the discovery of new treatments for disease. This thesis discusses three types of neuron-glia interactions at different developmental stages; neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) differentiation, building and maintaining the structure of the sciatic nerve, and myelin formation. In Paper I we show that NSPCs, based upon their morphology and expression of specific protein markers, have the capacity to differentiate into cells of either the peripheral nervous system (PNS) or enteric nervous system (ENS) when grown with PNS or ENS primary cell cultures, or fed with conditioned medium from these. This indicates that soluble factors secreted from the PNS or ENS cultures are important for stem cell differentiation and fate determination. The adhesion protein neuronal cadherin (N-cadherin) is implicated in migration, differentiation and nerve outgrowth in the developing PNS. In Paper II N-cadherin was exclusively found in ensheathing glia (nonmyelinating Schwann cells, satellite cells and enteric glia) in contact with each other or with axons. Functional blocking of N-cadherin in dissociated fetal dorsal root ganglia (DRG) cultures led to a decrease in attachment between Schwann cells. N-cadherin-mediated adhesion of nonmyelinating Schwann cells may be important in encapsulating thin calibre axons and provide support to myelinating Schwann cells. In Paper III the inhibitory gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and GABAB receptors were studied in the Schwann cell of the adult sciatic nerve and DRG cultures. GABAB receptors were primarily expressed in nonmyelinating Schwann cells and protein levels decreased during development and myelination. Blocking the GABAB receptor in long-term DRG cultures led to decreased levels of mRNA markers for myelin. These results indicate that the GABA and GABAB receptors may be involved in Schwann cell myelination.

Propriétés morphologiques et électrophysiologiques des interneurones PKCγ de la couche IIi du Sp5C chez le rat / Morphological and electrophysiological characterization of lamina IIi PKCγ-interneurons within the medullary dorsal horn of adult rats.

El Khoueiry, Corinne 28 September 2015 (has links)
L'allodynie mécanique est un symptôme cardinal des douleurs persistantes. Elle est due à l’activation de circuits, habituellement bloqués, des couches superficielles de la corne dorsale spinale ou du sous-noyau caudal du trijumeau (Sp5C), par lesquels les afférences mécaniques à bas seuil peuvent accéder aux neurones nociceptifs de projection de la couche I. Un élément déterminant de ces circuits est une classe d’interneurones excitateurs de la couche II interne (IIi) exprimant l'isoforme gamma de la protéine kinase C (PKCγ), et recevant des afférences des mécanorecepteurs à bas seuil. La modulation de l’inhibition tonique de ces interneurones PKCγ contribue à l’apparition de l’allodynie mécanique. Cependant la morphologie, les propriétés électrophysiologiques et les caractéristiques des afférences excitatrices et inhibitrices de ces interneurones PKCγ ne sont toujours pas connues. Utilisant des techniques d’électrophysiologie (enregistrements patch-clamp) et d'immunohistochimie sur tranches de Sp5C, nous avons caractérisé les propriétés des interneurones PKCγ de la couche IIi du Sp5C chez le rat adulte et comparé ces propriétés avec celles d’interneurones voisins n’exprimant pas la PKCγ.Cette étude révèle que l’arborisation neuritique des interneurones PKCγ s’étend largement au sein de la couche IIi, et peut se prolonger du coté dorsal jusqu’à la couche II externe, sans jamais atteindre la couche I. En outre, en fonction de cette extension neuritique, au moins deux sous-populations d'interneurones PKCγ peuvent être dissociées – centrales et radiales – qui s’avèrent être aussi fonctionnellement différentes. Comparés aux autres neurones non-PKCγ de la conche IIi, les interneurones PKCγ, dans leur ensemble, présentent un seuil de déclenchement des potentiels d’action plus bas et, souvent associée, plus fréquemment une réponse tonique à un courant dépolarisant, indiquant ainsi qu’ils sont plus facilement excitables. Cependant, ils reçoivent inversement une excitation synaptique plus faible. Quant aux afférences inhibitrices, la plupart des interneurones PKCγ expriment des synapses mixtes associant récepteurs GABAAergiques (GABAAR) et récepteurs glycinergiques (GlyR). Seul un petit nombre d’entre eux exprime des synapses uniquement GABAAR ou GlyR. Pourtant, tous les interneurones PKCγ reçoivent non seulement des mIPSCs mixtes GABAAR-GlyR, mais aussi des mIPSCs uniquement GABAAR ou uniquement GlyR. / Mechanical allodynia, a cardinal symptom of persistent pain, is associated with the unmasking of usually blocked local circuits within the superficial spinal or medullary dorsal horn (MDH), through which low-threshold mechanical inputs can gain access to the lamina I nociceptive output neurons. Key determinants of these circuits are lamina II (IIi) excitatory interneurons that selectively concentrate the gamma isoform of protein kinase C (PKCγ) and receive low-threshold mechanical receptor (LTMR) inputs. Tonic inhibition of PKCγ interneurons is thought to gate circuits underlying mechanical allodynia. However, the morphology, electrophysiological properties and excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs on these PKCγ interneurons are still unknown. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and immunohistochemical techniques in slices of adult rat MDH, we characterized these lamina IIi PKCγ interneurons and compared them with neighboring non-PKCγ interneurons. Our results reveal that the neurites of PKCγ interneurons arborize extensively within lamina IIi, can spread dorsally into lamina IIo, but never reach lamina I. In addition, according to cell bodies and the orientation and extent of dendritic arbors, at least two morphologically different classes of PKCγ interneurons can be identified – central and radial – which appear to be also functionally different. Compared with neighboring lamina IIi non-PKCγ interneurons, PKCγ interneurons exhibit a lower threshold for action potentials, consistent with a more frequent tonic spike discharge to depolarizing step current, indicating that they are more excitable than other lamina IIi neurons. On the other hand, they receive a weaker excitatory synaptic drive. According to inhibitory inputs, most PKCγ interneurons display mixed-GABAA (GABAAR) and glycine (GlyR) receptor synapses with only very few of them displaying also GABAAR-alone or GlyR-alone synapses. Interestingly, all PKCγ interneurons exhibit mixed GABAAR–GlyR as well as GABAAR-only and GlyR-only mIPSCs. Altogether, this study indicates that PKCγ interneurons within lamina IIi of MDH are different from other lamina IIi neighboring neurons according to morphology, electrophysiological properties and synaptic inputs. This is consistent with their specific role in the gating of dorsally directed circuits within the MDH underlying mechanical allodynia. Moreover, we have identified two morphological and functional subclasses of PKCγ interneurons which might thus differently contribute to this gating.

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