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Využití satelitních navigačních systémů v dopravě / Application satellite navigation systems in transportationHavlík, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The work focuses on the application of satellite navigation systems in the different transport fields. It describes the general principle of operation of navigation systems, as well as its history and development. The following section describes the current navigation systems, the principle of operation, architecture and services. A separate chapter is devoted to being the European Galileo system and its services. Practical work deals with the applications according to the navigation systems across different transport sectors. In addition to the transport sector are given applications in other areas of human activity. The main part is devoted to the application in the monitoring and management of the company's fleet. Part of the analysis is the calculation of the efficiency of this investment.
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Anténa a LNA pro vícepásmový přijímač GNSS / Antenna a LNA for multiband GNSS receiverOndráš, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This project describesa microwave antenna for GNSS and low noise amplifier. Mikrostrip antenna is a modern type of antenna. This mikrostrip antenna is Dual – band antenna with circual polarization. The thesis describes how to make anantenna, what a circular polarization is, whata patch antenna is and what GNSS is. Low noise amplifier amplifies the antenna output signal.
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Přehled a porovnání principů činnosti současných druhů GNSS ve světě / Survey & comparison of operation principles of the existing kinds of GNSSPafkovič, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with global navigation satellite systems. It gathers information about operation principles of individual systems and evaluates their applicability for Air transportation through own measures.
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Softwarový přijímač GNSS / Software GNSS receiverJedlička, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis and the reception of the freely available signals of the navigation satellites in the L1 and E1 bands of the GPS and Galileo systems. The described signal reception sections include the process of the acquisition, the carrier frequency and phase synchronization and tracking, the spreading code phase tracking, the signal demodulation and the channel decoding. The simulation of the entire receiver is performed in MATLAB. The deeply analyzed signal reception component is the one responsible for the carrier phase and frequency synchronization and tracking. In that case, more methods and their comparison are usually listed. The signal reception component, which is responsible for the carrier phase and frequency tracking and the spreading code phase tracking, is also implemented in FPGA.
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Vývojový prostředek pro lokalizaci / Development localization boardSzabó, Michal January 2021 (has links)
This document describes a device capable to determine geographical position thanks to its GNSS module and measure the change of movement with the help of an accelerometer and gyroscope. Outputs of these integrated circuits are combined, data are processed and fused thanks to a numerical integration and mathematical filters. Results are stored on a memory card. The whole development is described from a concept, through the making of the device and software algorithms to the testing of its functions.
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Možnosti využití GPS při analýze silničních nehod / Possibilities of Using GPS when Analysing Road AccidentsJokešová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using GPS when analysing road accidents. The history and structure of U.S. global positioning system, Russian GLONASS system and European Galileo system are described. GPS receivers are sorted out by the possibility of use. The thesis deals with the methods of refinement GPS and how the vehicles can be monitored using GPS. In the practical part of this diploma thesis measurements with several types of navigations were made. And a comparison of accuracy of measured data with the real situation where the car was found at the moment of measuring followed and how fast was gone.
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Koncept bezpečnostního dilematu v aplikaci na prostředí vesmíru: případ navigačního systému Galileo / The concept of security dilemma in the environment of outer space: the case of the Galileo systemNěmečková, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis applies the well-established concept of security dilemma to the relatively new domain of outer space. It constructs a comprehensive modification of the concept for the outer space - the space security dilemma - and establishes criteria for the assessment of it while also discussing previous approaches. The thesis then applies this concept and established criteria, to the issue of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). More specifically, it focuses on the case of the European GNSS called Galileo and assesses the intentions behind its creation. Through this assessment, the thesis focuses on determining whether the European Union became a space security dilemma initiator by the development of the Galileo system. In order to confront the theoretical conclusions with praxis, the thesis then focuses on the case of the United States of America and the confrontation between GPS and Galileo. In its last chapter, the thesis replicates this approach on the cases of the Russian Federation (and its GLONASS) and the People's Republic of China (and its BeiDou/COMPASS).
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Hur gjorde Galileo? : En väg för elever i årkurs ett att få syn på naturvetenskapens karaktär / How did Galileo do? : A way for students aged 7-8 to learn about the nature of scienceStrand, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att vinna kunskap om hur elever i årskurs ett kan utveckla förståelse för några av naturvetenskapens karaktärsdrag. För att undersöka detta planerade, genomförde och analyserade jag en temadag innehållandes tre lektioner med en klass elever i årskurs ett. Variationsteorin och det pragmatiska perspektivet enligt Dewey användes som teoretiskt ramverk i studien. Eleverna fick ta del av utvalda karaktärsdrag för naturvetenskap genom explicit och reflektiv undervisning. Berättelsen om Galilei bildade en röd tråd genom temadagen och skapade en kontext som karaktärsdragen kunde relateras till. För att synliggöra elevernas beskrivning av naturvetenskapens karaktär innan och efter undervisningen genomfördes ett förtest och ett eftertest. Resultatet visar att eleverna hade fått syn på nästintill samtliga karaktärsdrag för naturvetenskap som undervisats explicit. Naturvetenskapliga arbetsprocesser som erfarits genom lektionsinnehållet hade de svårt att koppla ihop med naturvetenskapens karaktär. Områden som frambringade flest egna reflektioner hos eleverna var mänskliga aspekter av naturvetenskap samt naturvetenskapens begränsningar. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie att elever i årskurs ett kan utveckla förståelse för åldersadekvata karaktärsdrag för naturvetenskap och att en explicit och reflektiv undervisning gynnar förståelsen.
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Lire le monde, de Rabelais à Galilée : étude épistémocritique de la crise de l'interprétation aux XVIe et XVIIe sièclesLechasseur, Xavier 16 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2010-2011 / Dans une perspective épistémocritique, notre étude entend montrer que, parce qu'ils procèdent tous deux de la même épistémè - une épistémè déterminée par la crise de l'interprétation qui sévit à leur époque -, les textes de Rabelais et de Galilée trouvent à s'éclairer l'un l'autre en certaines parts, et ce, malgré le fait qu'ils appartiennent à des champs distincts du savoir. S'étendant depuis le XVIe siècle jusqu'au siècle suivant, la crise de l'interprétation dont il est question comporte deux aspects majeurs : la révision des canons exégétiques de l'époque et le passage du commentaire à l'expérimentation. Pour se rattachés spécifiquement à l'un ou à l'autre de ces aspects de la crise, les textes de Rabelais et de Galilée confirment le commun rapport qu'ils entretiennent avec elle de même qu'avec l'épistémè qu'elle a su en partie déterminer. De là, la filiation épistémique desdits textes peut être posée. Elle se vérifie en observant l'usage significatif qu'ont fait Rabelais et Galilée de la fiction linguistique et du dialogue. Propres à l'épistémè qu'ils partagent, ces deux types d'usage constituent la base sur laquelle pourront être rapprochés, s'éclairer et se comprendre les textes de Rabelais et de Galilée.
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Aristotle, Galileo and Pascal on the existense of voidDe Silva, Norman P. 18 November 2024 (has links)
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