Spelling suggestions: "subject:"GAP actionfunction"" "subject:"GAP functionaction""
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Nanosim: A Simulation Framework For Nanoscale Molecular Communication NetworksGul, Ertan 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A number of nanomachines that cooperatively communicate and share information in order to achieve specific tasks is envisioned as a nanonetwork. Due to size and capabilities of nanomachines, the traditional communication paradigms cannot be used for nanonetworks in which network nodes may be composed of just several atoms or molecules and scale on the orders of few nanometers. Instead, the molecular communication is a promising solution approach for nanoscale communication paradigm. However, molecular communication must be thoroughly investigated to realize the nanoscale communication and nanonetworks for many envisioned applications such as nanoscale body area networks, nanoscale molecular computers. In this thesis, a simulation framework (NanoSim) for nanoscale molecular communication networks is presented. The objective of the framework is to provide a simulation experimental tool in order to create a better understanding of nanonetworks and facilitate the development of new communication techniques and validation of theoretical results. The NanoSim framework is built on top of core components of widely used network simulator (ns-2). It incorporates the simulation modules for various nanoscale communication paradigms based on diffusive molecular, motor-based and gap junction-based molecular communication channels. The details of NanoSim are discussed and some functional scenarios are defined to validate NanoSim. In addition to this, the numerical analyses of these functional scenarios and the experimental results for them are presented. The validation of NanoSim is done by comparing these experimental and numerical results.
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Ląstelių plyšinės jungties modeliavimas naudojant Markovo grandines / Modelling of the Gap Junction of Cells Using Markov ChainsSakalauskaitė, Aurelija 31 August 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe pateikiama ląstelių plyšinės jungties Markovo modelių sudarymo metodika, apimanti perėjimo tikimybių skaičiavimą panaudojant nepriklausomų J. Bernulio bandymų schemą, stacionariųjų tikimybių skaičiavimą ir plyšinės jungties laidumo priklausomybės nuo įtampos skaičiavimus. Tariama, kad plyšinė jungtis sudaryta iš daugybės lygiagrečiai sujungtų kanalų (pvz., 1000). Kiekvienas kanalas sudarytas iš 2 nuosekliai sujungtų puskanalių (koneksonų), o kiekvienas koneksonas sudarytas iš 6 lygiagrečiai sujungtų vienetų (koneksinų). Kiekvienas koneksinas gali būti atviroje arba uždaroje būsenoje, kuri priklauso nuo kanalo įtampos. Modelių, sukurtų naudojant šią metodiką, adekvatumas patikrintas lyginant plyšinės jungties modeliavimo rezultatus su imitacinio modeliavimo (programų, kurias atliko Nerijus Paulauskas ir Saulius Vaičeliūnas (KTU Informatikos fakulteto magistrantai)) rezultatais, kurie patikrinti su eksperimentų rezultatais. Sukurta Markovo modelių metodika panaudota kuriant plyšinės jungties modelius, kai koneksinai aprašomi 3 būsenomis: uždara, atvira ir visiškai uždara. / In this paper the methodology of composing of Markov models of the gap junction of cells is introduced. This methodology contains of computing of transition probabilities using scheme of independent J. Bernoulli trials, computing of stationary probabilities and computing of the conductance of the gap junction dependence on a voltage. It is considered that the gap junction consists of a lot of channels (for example, 1000), joined parallel with each other. Each channel consists of two subchannels (connexons), joined in series, and each connexon consists of 6 units (connexins), joined parallel with each other. Each connexin can be in an open or a closed state. State of a connexin depends on a voltage that is going through the channel. The adequacy of models that were created using this methodology is tested comparing the results of modelling of the gap junction using Markov chains with the results of the imitational modelling (programs that were done by Nerijus Paulauskas and Saulius Vaičeliūnas (postgraduate students from Informatics faculty, KTU)). The latter results were tested with the results of experiments. In this paper the methodology of created Markov models was used creating the models of gap junction, where a connexin is described being in 3 states: closed, open and deep closed.
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Osteoclastogenesis from bone marrow and peripheral blood monocytes:the role of gap junctional communication and mesenchymal stromal cells in the differentiationKylmäoja, E. (Elina) 23 November 2018 (has links)
Osteoclasts are multinuclear bone degrading cells differentiated from monocytes which can be isolated from bone marrow and peripheral blood. Complex signaling between osteoclast precursors and other bone cells, such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) occurs during the differentiation. Gap junctional communication (GJC) is one of the mechanisms in the cell fusion. GJC can be modulated with several substances such as the specific GJC stimulators, antiarrhythmic peptides (AAP). Due to their promising clinical value in the treatment of cardiac disorders, the effects of AAPs in cardiac tissue are studied extensively. This study was conducted in order to investigate the roles of GJC and AAPs in bone cell cultures. Further, the contribution of the MSCs on the effects of AAPs was studied along with comparison of two types of osteoclastogenesis cultures with differing quantities of MSCs.
GJC in osteoclastogenesis was studied with both GJC inhibitors and stimulators in mouse monocyte line RAW 264.7 cells and primary cultures with bone marrow hematopoietic cells. The following studies were made with human monocytes from peripheral blood and bone marrow where the effects of AAP10 were investigated in normal and acidic environments. In addition, comparison of osteoclastogenesis from bone marrow and peripheral blood monocytes was carried out in in vitro cell cultures on bovine or human bone slices. The cells were analyzed with regard to multinuclearity, bone resorption and the expression of several osteoclast markers.
The results show that GJC is utilized in osteoclastogenesis, but it is not indispensable. GJC in monocytes can be stimulated with the AAPs during osteoclastogenesis, but the effects depend on the culture conditions as well as on the presence of MSCs in the culture. The AAPs can also activate the MSCs leading to indirect regulation of osteoclastogenesis, as the MSCs produce several molecules affecting the differentiation. Further, monocytes from peripheral blood showed increased potential for osteoclastogenic differentiation compared to bone marrow derived monocytes. This can be explained by the presence of the osteoclastogenesis-controlling MSCs in the bone marrow culture, while the peripheral blood cultures contain only few of these cells and thus lack their regulatory effects. / Tiivistelmä
Osteoklastit ovat monitumaisia luuta hajottavia soluja, jotka ovat erilaistuneet monosyyteistä. Monosyyttejä voidaan eristää luuytimestä tai perifeerisestä verestä. Erilaistumisen aikana osteoklastien esiastesolujen sekä muiden luusolujen, kuten mesenkymaalisten stroomasolujen (MSC) välillä tapahtuu monimutkaista signalointia. Aukkoliitoskommunikointi (GJC) on eräs solufuusiossa tapahtuvista mekanismeista. GJC:tä voidaan muunnella useilla aineilla, esimerkiksi spesifisillä stimulaattoreilla, antiarytmisillä peptideillä (AAP). AAP-yhdisteiden vaikutuksia on tutkittu laajalti sydänkudoksessa johtuen niiden lupaavista kliinisistä ominaisuuksista sydänperäisten oireiden hoidossa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää GJC:n ja AAP-yhdisteiden roolia luusoluviljelmissä. Lisäksi tutkittiin MSC-solujen osallistumista AAP-yhdisteiden vaikutuksiin sekä vertailtiin kahta erilaista osteoklastogeneesiviljelmää, joissa oli eri määrä MSC-soluja.
GJC:tä osteoklastogeneesissä tutkittiin sekä sitä estävillä että stimuloivilla yhdisteillä hiiren monosyyttilinjan RAW 264.7 -soluissa sekä luuytimen hematopoieettisten solujen primääriviljelmissä. Seuraavat tutkimukset tehtiin ihmisen luuytimen ja perifeerisen veren monosyyteillä, ja niissä selvitettiin AAP10-yhdisteen vaikutuksia fysiologisissa sekä happamissa olosuhteissa. Lisäksi vertailtiin luuytimen ja perifeerisen veren monosyyttien osteoklastogeneesiä. In vitro -soluviljelmät tehtiin naudan tai ihmisen luulastujen päällä, ja soluista analysoitiin monitumaisuus, luun resorptio sekä useiden osteoklastimarkkereiden ilmentyminen.
Tulokset osoittavat, että GJC:tä hyödynnetään osteoklastogeneesissä, mutta se ei ole korvaamaton mekanismi. GJC:tä voidaan stimuloida AAP-yhdisteillä osteoklastogeneesin aikana, mutta vaikutukset riippuvat viljelyolosuhteista sekä MSC-solujen läsnäolosta. AAP-yhdisteet voivat aktivoida myös MSC-soluja johtaen osteoklastogeneesin epäsuoraan säätelyyn, kun MSC-solut tuottavat useita erilaistumiseen vaikuttavia molekyylejä. Lisäksi perifeerisen veren monosyyteillä havaittiin korkeampi osteoklastogeeninen erilaistumispotentiaali verrattuna luuytimen monosyytteihin. Tulokset voidaan selittää osteoklastogeneesiä säätelevien MSC-solujen läsnäololla luuydinviljelmissä, kun taas perifeerisen veren monosyyttiviljelmissä näitä soluja on vain vähän, jolloin myös niiden säätelyominaisuudet puuttuvat.
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Caractérisation morphologique, biochimique et physiologique des protéines de jonction lacunaire, les connexines 46 et 50, dans les cellules folliculo-stellaires TtT/GF de l’hypophyse antérieureGarcia, Christopher 04 1900 (has links)
Les cellules folliculo-stéllaires (FS) de l'hypophyse antérieure possèdent une forme étoilée et étendent de longues projections cytoplasmiques qui forment des pseudo-follicules entourant les cellules endocrines. Les cellules FS sont connectées entre elles par des jonctions lacunaires (des fois aussi connu sous le nom de jonction communicante) formant ainsi un réseau tridimensionnel continu. Un des rôles principaux des cellules FS est le maintien du microenvironnement de l'hypophyse antérieure, une activité qui est en partie réalisée par la sécrétion de divers facteurs de croissance et de cytokines. Ces messagers chimiques, y compris le bFGF, le VEGF, l’IL-6 et l’IL-1 contrôlent de nombreux processus cellulaires tels que l’expression des gènes d’hormones. Notre intérêt est de déterminer si la communication entre les cellules FS contribue à leur activité régulatrice. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire TtT/GF qui partage de nombreuses caractéristiques morphologiques, physiologiques et biochimiques avec les cellules FS.
Les jonctions lacunaires/communicantes sont formées par l’association de deux connexons de cellules adjacentes qui unissent le cytoplasme des cellules connectées et permet la diffusion de petites molécules. Chaque connexon est formé par l’oligomérisation de six protéines connexine (Cx) de la famille α, β ou γ. Les connexons, intégrés dans la membrane d’une vésicule du cytoplasme, se migrent vers la membrane cellulaire où ils s’incorporent dans la couche bilipidique.
L’expression de la Cx43 (α) par les cellules FS est régulée en réponse à des facteurs de croissance et des cytokines. Des changements dans le microenvironnement de l'hypophyse antérieure causés par des molécules de signalisation sont susceptibles de modifier la Cx43, en particulier l’état de phosphorylation de la protéine. Ces modifications de la Cx43 peuvent ensuite déclencher des changements du comportement de jonctions lacunaires/communicantes formées par la Cx43, comme leur perméabilité et le renouvellement de la protéine Cx43.
Les tissus expriment généralement plus d’un type de connexine. Jusqu’aujourd’hui, la Cx43 est la seule connexine à avoir été identifiée dans les cellules FS. Le cristallin exprime les connexines α: Cx43, Cx46 et Cx50. Leur expression est modulée par des facteurs de croissance. Notre hypothèse de travail a été de vérifier si la Cx46 et la Cx50 étaient exprimées par les cellules FS et si celles-ci contribuaient au rôle modulateur des cellules FS hypophysaires.
Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié et caractérisé la Cx46 et la Cx50 dans la lignée cellulaire TtT/GF. Nous avons identifié les produits de transcription de Cx46 et de Cx50 par la technique d’analyse northern blot (PCR). Par la suite, les protéines Cx46 et Cx50 ont été identifiées en utilisant des anticorps dans des analyses western blot. Par microscopie confocale, nous avons déterminé la co-localisation de la Cx46 avec certaines marqueurs d’organites : réseau trans-Golgien, endosomes précoces et lysosomes. La Cx50 co-localise avec des marqueurs du réticulum endoplasmique, du réseau cis-Golgien et des endosomes précoces. Un protocole d’isolation des membranes résistantes aux détergents non-ionique a révélé que la Cx46 et la Cx50 n’étaient pas associées à des radeaux lipidiques ni aux cavéoles. Cependant, la microscopie confocale a montré une co-localisation cytoplasmique de la Cx50 et de la flotilline-1.
Nous avons poursuivi l’étude sur la localisation de la Cx46 dans le noyau en utilisant une technique d’isolation des fractions enrichies en noyau. Nous avons établi que plusieurs isoformes de la Cx46 sont exclusivement associées au noyau. De plus, avec la microscopie confocale nous avons démontrée une co-localisation de la Cx46 avec un marqueur du nucléole/corps de Cajal.
Nous avons démontré un effet du bFGF sur l'expression temporelle de la Cx46 et de la Cx50. L’expression de la Cx46 diminue au cours de longues expositions au bFGF tandis que les niveaux de Cx50 augmentent de façon transitoire au cours du traitement. Dans une autre étude nous avons démontré des changements importants dans les niveaux de la Cx46 et de la Cx50 dans l’hypophyse antérieure des visons durant le cycle de reproduction annuel.
Notre étude démontre que les cellules FS expriment la Cx46 et la Cx50. Nous avons aussi établi que la Cx46 et la Cx50 sont localisées dans différentes structures sous-cellulaires, ce qui suggère des rôles différents dans les cellules FS pour ces protéines de jonction lacunaire/communicante. Il est possible que la Cx46 et la Cx50 ne jouent pas un rôle majeur dans la communication intercellulaire dans les cellules FS quiescentes. Nos résultats suggèrent que la Cx46 et la Cx50 peuvent avoir d'autres fonctions : des isoformes de la Cx46 peuvent contribuer à la biogenèse des ribosomes tandis que la Cx50 pourrait avoir un rôle dans la communication dans les cellules stimulées au bFGF. Nos études établissent une base pour des recherches futures. / The folliculo-stellate (FS) cells of the anterior pituitary are star-shaped and extend long cytoplasmic processes forming pseudo-follicles encircling hormone-secreting cells. Dispersed throughout the anterior pituitary gland, FS cells are joined to form a continuous three dimensional network through communicating gap junctions. One of the primary roles of FS cells is the maintenance of the anterior pituitary microenvironment, accomplished through the expression and secretion of various growth factors and cytokines. These chemical messengers, including bFGF, VEGF, IL-6 and IL-1 mediate a range of cellular processes such as hormone gene expression. Our aim is to study whether intercellular communication among FS cells contributes to the modulatory activity of the FS cells within the anterior pituitary gland. To pursue this, we use the TtT/GF cell line that shares many morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics with FS cells.
Gap junctions are formed by the joining of two connexons/hemichanels from adjacent cells that link their cytoplasms allowing for the passive diffusion of small molecules. Connexons/hemichannels are themselves formed by the oligomerization of six connexin (Cx) proteins from the family α, β or γ, which then migrate into the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
FS cells express Cx43 (α-connexin), which is regulated in response to growth factors and cytokines. Changes in the anterior pituitary microenvironment due to signaling molecules results in modifications to Cx43, particularly in the phosphorylation status of the protein. Such alterations yield alterations in the physiological behaviour of Cx43 gap junctions such as permeability and turnover.
Tissues generally express more than one connexin type and to date, Cx43 has been the sole connexin to be identified in FS cells. The ocular lens expresses the α-connexins: Cx43, Cx46 and Cx50, which are modulated by growth factors that are also present in the anterior pituitary. Based on these facts, we hypothesize that Cx46 and Cx50 are also expressed by the FS cells and contribute to the FS modulatory role in the anterior pituitary gland.
In the present study, we have identified and characterized Cx46 and Cx50 in the TtT/GF cell line. We identified Cx46 and Cx50 transcripts through northern blots and identified the corresponding protein products using antibodies and western blot analyses. Through confocal microscopy, we determined that Cx46 co-localized with the organelle markers: trans-Golgi, early endosomes and lysosomes. Cx50 co-localized with markers for the ER, cis-Golgi and early endosomes. An isolation procedure using a non-ionic detergent we showed that neither Cx46 nor Cx50 were associated to lipid rafts or caveolae. However, confocal microscopy showed a cytoplasmic co-localization between Cx50 and flotillin-1.
We pursued a finding that localized Cx46 to the nucleus and using a nuclear isolation technique, demonstrated that several isoforms of Cx46 are exclusively located in the nuclear compartment. Furthermore, with confocal microscopy we found a co-localization of Cx46 with a nucleolus/coiled body marker.
We demonstrated an effect of bFGF on the temporal expression patterns of Cx46 and Cx50 and showed that Cx46 levels decreased over longer exposures to the growth factor while Cx50 levels transiently increased. Lastly, drastic changes were noted in an in situ study of Cx46 and Cx50 in the male and female mink anterior pituitary during the annual reproductive cycle.
Our study indicates that addition to Cx43, FS cells also express Cx46 and Cx50. We also demonstrated that Cx46 and Cx50 localize to different sub-cellular structures, suggesting different roles in the FS cells. While they may not play a major role in intercellular communication in quiescent FS cells, our results suggest that Cx46 and Cx50 may serve other functions: Cx46 isoforms may contribute to ribosome biogenesis and Cx50 may have communication-related responsibilities in stimulated cells. Importantly, our identification and characterization studies provide a foundation on which future studies can be built.
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Synthesis and Biological Studies of Amphiphilic Compounds Derived from Saccharides and AminoglycosidesAlfindee, Madher N. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Adjacent cells communicate through gap junctions (GJs). These GJs are formed by head to head docking of two hemichannels (HCs) from two adjacent cells. HCs are connexin hexamer proteins. Connexin mutation is the most frequent cause of childhood hearing loss. This hearing impairment affects 2 in every 2000 children. Inhibition of the HCs might be the key factor to treat such disorders. A library of amphiphilic kanamycins was synthesized to be tested as HC inhibitors. These compounds showed excellent inhibition activity in comparison with the parent compound (kanamycin A) with less toxicity.
A library of monosaccharide esters with varying carbon chain lengths (acetyl (C2) to hexadecyl (C16)) were synthesized, characterized, and tested for bioactivity. Carbohydrate esters showed low toxicity while remaining active against bacteria and fungi. The compound 6-O-tetradecanoyl-D-mannopyranose (MAN014), a mannose ester with a fourteen-carbon chain, showed the greatest antibacterial and antifungal properties. A mode of action study was tested against Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria) and Fusarium graminearum (fungus) and found the compound perturbed the cell membrum.
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Influence of environmental and chemical factors on cellular signaling in lens epithelial cellsLong, Amy Carise 24 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Remodeling of cardiac passive electrical properties and susceptibility to ventricular and atrial arrhythmiasDhein, Stefan, Seidel, Thomas, Salameh, Aida, Jozwiak, Joanna, Hagen, Anja, Kostelka, Martin, Hindricks, Gerd, Mohr, Friedrich-Wilhelm 09 August 2022 (has links)
Coordinated electrical activation of the heart is essential for the maintenance of a regular cardiac rhythm and effective contractions. Action potentials spread from one cell to the next via gap junction channels. Because of the elongated shape of cardiomyocytes, longitudinal resistivity is lower than transverse resistivity causing electrical anisotropy. Moreover, non-uniformity is created by clustering of gap junction channels at cell poles and by non-excitable structures such as collagenous strands, vessels or fibroblasts. Structural changes in cardiac disease often affect passive electrical properties by increasing non-uniformity and altering anisotropy. This disturbs normal electrical impulse propagation and is, consequently, a substrate for arrhythmia. However, to investigate how these structural changes lead to arrhythmias remains a challenge. One important mechanism, which may both cause and prevent arrhythmia, is the mismatch between current sources and sinks. Propagation of the electrical impulse requires a sufficient source of depolarizing current. In the case of a mismatch, the activated tissue (source) is not able to deliver enough depolarizing current to trigger an action potential in the non-activated tissue (sink). This eventually leads to conduction block. It has been suggested that in this situation a balanced geometrical distribution of gap junctions and reduced gap junction conductance may allow successful propagation. In contrast, source-sink mismatch can prevent spontaneous arrhythmogenic activity in a small number of cells from spreading over the ventricle, especially if gap junction conductance is enhanced. Beside gap junctions, cell geometry and non-cellular structures strongly modulate arrhythmogenic mechanisms. The present review elucidates these and other implications of passive electrical properties for cardiac rhythm and arrhythmogenesis.
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"Eine vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse von Gap- Junction- Strukturproteinen in oralen Plattenepithelkarzinomen und gesunder Schleimhaut" / A comparative gene expression study of gap-junction proteins in oral squamous cell carcinomas and normal mucosaBrodmann, Tobias 23 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Integration von Connexonen in Lipidmembranen auf porösen Oberflächen / Integration of connexons in lipid bilayers on porous substratesGaßmann, Helmut Albin Oliver 15 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Space radiation-induced bystander effect : kinetics of biologic responses, mechanisms, and significance of secondary radiationsGonon, Géraldine 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Widespread evidence indicates that exposure of cell cultures to α particles results in significant biological changes in both the irradiated and non-irradiated bystander cells in the population. The induction of non-targeted biological responses in cell cultures exposed to low fluences of high charge (Z) and high energy (E) particles is relevant to estimates of the health risks of space radiation and to radiotherapy. Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the induction of stressful effects in confluent normal human fibroblast cultures exposed to low fluences of 1000 MeV/u iron ions (linear energy transfer (LET) ~151 keV/µm), 600 MeV/u silicon ions (LET ~50 keV/µm) or 290 MeV/u carbon ions (LET ~13 keV/µm). We compared the results with those obtained in cell cultures exposed, in parallel, to low fluences of 0.92 MeV/u α particles (LET ~109 keV/µm).Induction of DNA damage, changes in gene expression, protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation during 24 h after exposure of confluent cultures to mean doses as low as 0.2 cGy of iron or silicon ions strongly supported the propagation of stressful effects from irradiated to bystander cells. At a mean dose of 0.2 cGy, only ~1 and 3 % of the cells would be targeted through the nucleus by an iron or silicon ion, respectively. Within 24 h post-irradiation, immunoblot analyses revealed significant increases in the levels of phospho-TP53 (serine 15), p21Waf1 (also known as CDKN1A), HDM2, phospho-ERK1/2, protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation. The magnitude of the responses suggested participation of non-targeted cells in the response. Furthermore, when the irradiated cell populations were subcultured in fresh medium shortly after irradiation, greater than expected increases in the levels of these markers were also observed during 24 h. Together, the results imply a rapidly propagated and persistent bystander effect. In situ analyses in confluent cultures showed 53BP1 foci formation, a marker of DNA damage, in more cells than expected based on the fraction of cells traversed through the nucleus by an iron or silicon ion. The effect was expressed as early as 15 min after exposure, peaked at 1 h and decreased by 24 h. A similar tendency occurred after exposure to a mean absorbed dose of 0.2 cGy of 3.7 MeV α particles, but not after 0.2 cGy of 290 MeV/u carbon ions.Analyses in dishes that incorporate a CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector bottom identified the cells irradiated with iron or silicon ions and further supported the participation of bystander cells in the stress response. Mechanistic studies indicated that gap junction intercellular communication, DNA repair, and oxidative metabolism participate in the propagation of the induced effects.We also considered the possible contribution of secondary particles produced along the primary particle tracks to the biological responses. Simulations with the FLUKA multi-particle transport code revealed that fragmentation products, other than electrons, in cells cultures exposed to HZE particles comprise <1 % of the absorbed dose. Further, the radial spread of dose due to secondary heavy ion fragments is confined to approximately 10-20 µm Thus, the latter are unlikely to significantly contribute to the stressful effects in cells not targeted by primary HZE particles.
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