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Biopolímero de fibrina como scaffold para células–tronco e secretomas na formação de novo ossoCapuano Neto, Fausto. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rui Seabra Ferreira Junior / Resumo: Atualmente são muitos casos de pacientes que perdem estrutura óssea em acidentes ou reabsorção patológica. A bioengenharia óssea é um tratamento promissor que visa reconstruir estas estruturas sem a morbidade do enxerto autógeno. O tecido ósseo é um conjuntivo especializado com a função principal de proteção e sustentação dos tecidos moles, mas também é responsável pela produção de tipos celulares e homeostase de minerais. Sua reparação é complexa com diferentes tipos celulares e agentes quimiotáticos que funcionam de forma orquestrada até a reparação. As terapias celulares vêm sendo estudadas para promover a reparação de defeitos que o organismo por si não consegue resolver. Células menos especializadas como as células-tronco embrionárias (ESCs) possuem grande potencial terapêutico, mas são complicadas eticamente. Já as células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) podem ser autólogas, o que minimiza o risco de imunogenicidade mas necessitam área doadora do paciente. Atualmente ainda não há consenso quanto ao uso de células tronco na terapia regenerativa pois há grandes variáveis como a melhor forma de aplicação, a quantidade correta e o melhor tipo celular para a regeneração óssea. As células produzem mediadores químicos no local enxertado, que segundo pesquisas recentes é o principal mecanismo de reparação tecidual. Estes mediadores são depositados em abundância no meio de cultura durante a cultura celular e usados na bioengenharia com a ajuda de scaffolds. Os biopolímeros de fibrina ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Chapter I present a review about bone repair and its biological events, bioengineering, cells, fibrin biopolymer as scaffold and the secretoma derived from cell culture. Many patients nowadays lose bone structure in accidents or pathological reabsorption. Bone bioengineering is a promising treatment that aims to reconstruct these structures without autogenous graft morbidity. Bone tissue is a specialized connective tissue specialized in protecting and supporting soft tissues, but it is also responsible for the production of cell types and mineral homeostasis. The bone healing is a complex process where different cell types and chemotactic agents work in an orchestrated way. The cell therapies can promote the repair of defects that the body cannot solve. Less specialized cells like embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have great therapeutic potential, but are ethically complicated. In contrast, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be autologous, which minimizes the risk of immunogenicity but requires a patient's donor area. Currently there is still no consensus regarding the use of stem cells in regenerative therapy, studies uses different methods, cells and biomaterials for bone regeneration. Recent researches advocate that paracrine secretions by cells are main mechanism of tissue repair. These mediators are deposited in abundance in the culture medium during cell culture. Fibrin biopolymers (BF) are natural biomaterials to the body and can function as drug delivery of growth factors, c... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Vývoj vysokohodnotných betonů s využitím druhotných surovin / The development of high performance concrete with secondary raw materialsOsuská, Lucia January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the possibility of using secondary energy resources as an additive to concrete to improve some of its resulting properties. The theoretical part is devoted to the problems of shrinkage and prominence hydration process during hydration of the concrete. This section also contains the results of research work from domestic and foreign sources of high temperature fly ash and fluidized bed combustion fly ash use and their using in concrete. The practical part verifies the possibility of using these materials and their combination as an additive to concrete with impact on the physical and mechanical properties.
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Structures et propriétés rhéologiques de réseaux transitoires chargés par des nanoparticules de silicePuech, Nicolas 25 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié les propriétés structurales et rhéologiques de gels viscoélastiques de réseaux transitoires connectés et chargés par des nanoparticules de silice. Trois matrices viscoélastiques ont été préparées : deux microémulsions connectées possédant des gouttelettes de taille différente (30 et 100 Å) et un gel aqueux de copolymère tribloc. Les deux techniques de caractérisation employées sont la rhéologie et la diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles, ce qui nous a permis de relier les propriétés rhéologiques à la structure de ces réseaux chargés. Le facteur de renforcement rhéologique de ces gels est supérieur aux prévisions de Smallwood et d'Einstein appliquées respectivement aux élastomères et aux solutions colloïdales diluées. D'autre part, l'investigation de la structure menée par diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles montre des particules de silice bien dispersées dans la matrice. Une couche de tensioactifs est absorbée sur la surface de la silice dans le cas des microémulsions. Ce mécanisme mène à une augmentation du nombre de liens actifs par unité de volume en présence de nanoparticules. Macroscopiquement, cette augmentation permet d'expliquer le décalage du seuil de percolation.
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Cristaux liquides cholestériques en conditions non usuelles de photogélification: modulation du profil de réflexion de la lumièreRelaix, Sabrina 24 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
De part sa structuration en hélice, un Cristal Liquide Cholestérique (CLC) possède des propriétés optiques singulières. La lumière incidente sur un CLC est réfléchie sélectivement, avec une longueur d'onde λ0 associée proportionnelle au pas hélicoïdal et ceci sur une largeur spectrale de quelques dizaines de nm autour de λ0. La quantité de lumière réfléchie est par ailleurs limitée à 50% de la lumière ambiante (non polarisée). <br /><br />Les travaux de thèse se sont focalisés sur l'obtention de propriétés de réflexion de cholestériques gélifiés atypiques, avec deux objectifs de recherche: l'élargissement de la bande de réflexion et l'accroissement de la quantité de lumière réfléchie. <br /><br />La première partie du manuscrit de thèse propose un procédé d'élaboration permettant un élargissement de la bande de réflexion de gels de CLC. Cet objectif est atteint par l'utilisation d'un CLC absorbant la lumière UV, à l'origine d'un gradient d'intensité lors de la gélification. Des études par microscopie optique, spectrophotométrie et microscopie électronique en transmission ont permis de déterminer la distribution structurale à l'origine de la distribution des longueurs d'onde de réflexion observée.<br /><br />La seconde partie du manuscrit se focalise sur l'augmentation de la quantité de lumière réfléchie par un gel réalisé à partir d'un mélange cholestérique qui voit son sens d'hélicité changer avec la température. L'impact de l'histoire de la polymérisation et du parcours en température après gélification sur les propriétés du profil de réflexion sera analysé avec une attention particulière sur la nature et la quantité de la polarisation du faisceau réfléchi.
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Diffusion de particules dans des gels de protéines et aux interfacesBalakrishnan Nair, Gireeshkumar 14 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier la mobilité de traceurs particulaires dans des milieuxcomplexes par microscopie confocale à balayage laser (CLSM) combinée avec le suivi demultiple particules (MPT) et le recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP).Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié la diffusion de particules dans les gels formés par des protéinesglobulaires. Dans ce but, des gels avec structures variés ont été préparés en faisant varier lesconcentrations en protéine et en sel. La structure a été caractérisée par l'analyse des imagesobtenues par CLSM en termes de fonction de corrélation de paires. La mobilité de particulesavec une large gamme de tailles (2nm - 1 micron) a été étudiée à la fois dans des gels homogèneset hétérogènes et reliée à la structure du gel.Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié des émulsions eau dans eau préparées en mélangeant dessolutions aqueuses de PEO et de dextran. Il a été montré que lorsque des particules colloïdalessont ajoutées, elles sont emprisonnées à l'interface eau-eau, car elles réduisent la tensioninterfaciale. La structure et le déplacement des particules à l'interface ont été déterminés parCLSM combinée avec MPT.
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Amphiphilic BAB-triblock copolymers bearing fluorocarbon groups : synthesis and self-organization in aqueous mediaKristen, Juliane Ute January 2011 (has links)
In this work new fluorinated and non-fluorinated mono- and bifunctional trithiocarbonates of the structure Z-C(=S)-S-R and Z-C(=S)-S-R-S-C(=S)-Z were synthesized for the use as chain transfer agents (CTAs) in the RAFT-process. All newly synthesized CTAs were tested for their efficiency to moderate the free radical polymerization process by polymerizing styrene (M3). Besides characterization of the homopolymers by GPC measurements, end- group analysis of the synthesized block copolymers via 1H-, 19F-NMR, and in some cases also UV-vis spectroscopy, were performed attaching suitable fluorinated moieties to the Z- and/or R-groups of the CTAs.
Symmetric triblock copolymers of type BAB and non-symmetric fluorine end- capped polymers were accessible using the RAFT process in just two or one polymerization step. In particular, the RAFT-process enabled the controlled polymerization of hydrophilic monomers such as N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) (M1) as well as N-acryloylpyrrolidine (NAP) (M2) for the A-blocks and of the hydrophobic monomers styrene (M3), 2-fluorostyrene (M4), 3-fluorostyrene (M5), 4-fluorostyrene (M6) and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorostyrene (M7) for the B-blocks.
The properties of the BAB-triblock copolymers were investigated in dilute, concentrated and highly concentrated aqueous solutions using DLS, turbidimetry, 1H- and 19F-NMR, rheology, determination of the CMC, foam height- and surface tension measurements and microscopy. Furthermore, their ability to stabilize emulsions and microemulsions and the wetting behaviour of their aqueous solutions on different substrates was investigated. The behaviour of the fluorine end-functionalized polymers to form micelles was studied applying DLS measurements in diluted organic solution.
All investigated BAB-triblock copolymers were able to form micelles and show surface activity at room temperature in dilute aqueous solution. The aqueous solutions displayed moderate foam formation. With different types and concentrations of oils, the formation of emulsions could be detected using a light microscope. A boosting effect in microemulsions could not be found adding BAB-triblock copolymers. At elevated polymer concentrations, the formation of hydrogels was proved applying rheology measurements. / Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden neue fluorierte und unfluorierte mono- und bifunktionelle Trithiocarbonate der Typen Z-C(=S)-S-R und Z-C(=S)-S-R-S-C(=S)-Z zur Anwendung als CTAs (chain- transfer agents) im RAFT-Polymerisationsverfahren hergestellt. Alle CTAs wurden erfolgreich auf ihre Effizienz zur Steuerung des radikalischen Polymerisationsverfahrens hin durch Polymerisation von Styrol (M3) getestet. Neben GPC-Messungen wurden Endgruppenanalysen der synthetisierten Blockcopolymere mittels 1H-, 19F-NMR und in manchen Fällen auch UV-Vis Spektroskopie durchgeführt. Dazu wurden die Z- und/oder R-Gruppen der CTAs mit geeigneten fluorierten Gruppen versehen.
Durch Anwendung des RAFT Verfahrens konnten symmetrische Triblockcopolymere vom Typ BAB bzw. mit einer Fluoralkylgruppe endgecappte unsymmetrische Polymere in nur zwei bzw. einem Polymerisationsschritt hergestellt werden. Das RAFT- Polymerisationsverfahren ermöglicht sowohl die Polymerisation hydrophiler Monomere wie N-Isopropylacrylamid (NIPAM) (M1) oder N-Acryloylpyrrolidin (NAP) (M2) für die A-Blöcke als auch der hydropoben Monomere Styrol (M3), 2-Fluorostyrol (M4), 3-Fluorostyrol (M5), 4- Fluorostyrol (M6) und 2,3,4,5,6- Pentafluorostyrol (M7) für die B-Blöcke.
Die Eigenschaften der Blockcopolymere in verdünnten, konzentrierten und hochkonzentrierten wässrigen Lösungen wurden mittels DLS, Trübungsphotometrie, 1H- und 19F-NMR, Rheologie, CMC- sowie Schaumhöhen- und Oberflächenspannungsmessungen und Lichtmikroskopie untersucht. Weiterhin wurden ihre Eigenschaften als Emulgatoren und in Mikroemulsion untersucht. Das Micellbildungsverhalten der hydrophob endfunktionalisierten Polymere wurde mittels DLS Messungen in verdünnter organischer Lösung untersucht.
Alle untersuchten BAB-Triblöcke bildeten Micellen und zeigten Oberflächenaktivität bei Raumtemperatur in verdünnter, wässriger Lösung. Weiterhin zeigen die wässrigen Lösungen der Polymere mäßige Schaumbildung. Mit verschiedenen Öltypen und Ölkonzentrationen wurden Emulsionen bzw. Mikroemulsionen gebildet. In Mikroemulsion wurde durch Zugabe von BAB-Triblockopolymeren kein Boosting-Effekt erzielt werden. Bei Untersuchung höherer Polymerkonzentrationen wurde die Bildung von Hydrogelen mittels rheologischer Messungen nachgewiesen. Verschiedene Substrate konnten benetzt werden. Die hydrophob endgecappten Polymere bilden in verdünnter organischer Lösung Micellen, die mittels DLS untersucht wurden, und zeigen somit Tensidverhalten in nichtwässriger Lösung.
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Le système "pouzzolanes naturelles-chaux-eau" à 38 et 100[C] : relations entre la réactivité chimique, les phases néoformées et les conséquences physico-mécaniques (application aux matériaux volcaniques du Massif Central français)Pichon, Herve 07 July 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail étudie les systèmes "pouzzolanes naturelles-chaux-eau" à 38 et 100°C afin de comprendre les phénomènes physicochimiques caractérisant la pouzzolanicité des matériaux naturels. La mise en évidence de nouveaux critères physicochimiques corrélant la minéralogie des produits d'hydratation, les qualités mécaniques des mélanges "pouzzolanes-chaux-eau" nous permet de proposer une nouvelle classification des matériaux pouzzolaniques. Cette classification repose sur: - une caractérisation et une quantification des constituants réactifs (les verres volcaniques non rhyolitiques, les opales, les zéolites), - une étude des solides néoformés et des solutions issus de l'essai Chapelle (16h à 100°C dans une solution saturée de chaux), - une étude minéralogique et morphologique des phases cristallines néoformées, issues du système "pouzzolanes-cllaux-eau" à 38°, constituant la matrice des pâtes durcies. L'ensemble de ces observations montre que les silices sédimentaires, les roches volcaniques et l'alumine activée constituent une série homologue discontinue à 38 et 100°C dans le système "CaO-. AI203-S102-H20". Ces matériaux s'illustrent par la coéxistence entre la fraction siliceuse de la solution solide des hydrogrenats et des gels silicocalciques hydratés (partiellement alumineux) à 100°C, et la coéxistence entre la solution solide des silicoaluminates tétracalciques hydratés et les gels silicocalciques hydratés.
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On the Modelling of Mechanical Dewatering in PapermakingLobosco, Vinicius January 2004 (has links)
<p>Most of the water fed into a paper machine is removedmechanically in the forming and press sections. One of thefactor which has an important influence on mechanicaldewatering, i.e. in both forming and pressing, is thestress-strain behaviour of the fibre network.</p><p>The focus of this thesis is on the development of improvedmathematical descriptions of the stress-strain behaviourexhibited by fibre networks in the forming and press sections.The first part of the thesis presents a physically based modelof the forming and densification of fibre mats in twin-wireformers. The model can calculate the ecect of the applicationof a varied load through the forming section. It was developedfrom mass and momentum balances of the fibre and liquid phases,the fibre mat stress-porosity relation and an expression forthe permeability as a function of the porosity. The fibre-matstress-porosity relation used is rate-independent and presentshysteresis. Simulations have been conducted to study theeffects of roll pressure, blade pulses, wire tension andbeating. The effect of sequential blade pressure pulses afterthe forming roll on the dewatering and the concentrationgradients could be characterised. The simulations alsoexhibited rewetting by expansion when the fibre mats left theforming roll. Increasing wire tension resulted in increaseddewatering, but the rate of increase diminished rapidly withincreasing tension. The simulation results also indicated thatbeating has a large influence on dewatering.</p><p>The second part of the thesis presents two models of therate-dependent stress-strain behaviour of the fibre networkthat is observed in wet pressing. The first model was based onthe approach pioneered by Perzyna (1966) for strain-ratedependent plasticity and was quite satisfactory for calculatingthe stress-strain behaviour of the fibre network in singlepress nips. It was successfully applied for studyingdensification and dewatering in both normal wet pressing andhigh temperature wet pressing. However, the first model onlyincludes rate dependence in the compression phase of thecompressionexpansion cycle; the expansion phase is treated asbeing rate independent</p><p>The second model of the stress-strain behaviour of the fibrenetwork treats both compression and expansion as being ratedependent, according to experimental observations. It is basedon the idea that the wet fibre web may be conceived as alayered network of restricted swelling gels. A swollen fibre isa restricted gel, the inner swelling pressure in a swollenfibre wall being balanced by the stresses in the fibre wallstructure. The observed rate dependence of wet webs in bothcompression and expansion phases was attributed to the flow ofwater out of and into the fibre walls. The second model gavepredictions that are in good agreement with results fromuniaxial experiments using pressure pulses of arbitrary shapefor both a single pulse and a sequence of pulses. It maytherefore be used as a general model for the rheologicalbehaviour of the wet fibre network in wet pressing, providedthe model parameters are estimated from experimental data withsmall experimental error.</p><p><b>KEYWORDS:</b>Paper, modelling, dewatering, forming, wetpressing, fibre network stress, rheology, hysteresis,intra-fibre water, compressibility, structural stress,stress-strain, restricted gels, swelling.</p>
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Mikrobielle Exopolysaccharide von MilchsäurebakterienMende, Susann 22 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In der Milchindustrie spielt die Auswahl der Starterkulturen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Herstellung fermentierter Produkte mit gewünschter Textur und entsprechenden sensorischen Eigenschaften. Milchsäurebakterien mit der Fähigkeit extrazelluläre Polysaccharide (EPS) zu synthetisieren sind von besonderem Interesse, da auf Grund der in situ gebildeten Hydrokolloide der Einsatz von Zusatzstoffen vermieden werden kann. Die Wirkung von EPS auf die Produkt-eigenschaften ist in der Literatur bereits mehrfach beschrieben, wird jedoch auf Grund der Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Stämmen und Fermentationsparametern bzw. einer fehlenden Systematisierung immer noch sehr kontrovers diskutiert. Des Weiteren stellt die wissenschaftliche Aufklärung der komplexen Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen und der Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Produktkomponenten eine große Herausforderung dar. Um die Zusammenhänge besser verstehen zu können, wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neuer Ansatz gewählt: isolierte und aufgereinigte EPS wurden der Milch vor der Säuerung zugesetzt und die daraus hergestellten Milchgele mit jenen mit in situ produzierten EPS verglichen.
In Milchgelen aus Einzelstammkulturen von Streptococcus thermophilus oder Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus wurden EPS‑Gehalte von 40 - 150 mg/kg ermittelt. Die Gele unterschieden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Viskosität und ihres fadenziehenden Charakters, was erste Hinweise auf die Art der gebildeten EPS liefert. Die Synthese größerer Mengen an EPS zur Charakterisierung und Untersuchung ihrer Funktionalität erfolgte entkoppelt von der Produktherstellung mit ausgewählten Stämmen in Batch-Fermentationen mit konstantem pH in komplexen oder semidefinierten Medien. S. thermophilus ST‑143 produzierte ~ 300 mg/L fadenziehende EPS, die durch entsprechende Aufreinigungsschritte als drei EPS‑Fraktionen gewonnen werden konnten: freie EPS (EPSf), kapsuläre EPS (EPSk) und ein Gemisch aus beiden (EPSf+k). EPSf haben eine höhere Molekülmasse (M = 2,6 x 10^6 Da) und eine höhere intrinsische Viskosität (1,14 mL/mg) im Vergleich zu EPSk (M = 7,4 x 10^3 Da, 1,4 x 10^5 Da; intrinsische Viskosität = 0,06 mL/mg) und führten bereits in geringen Mengen zu rheologischen Veränderungen. Allerdings scheinen die EPSk Wechselwirkungen zwischen EPSf Molekülen zu unterstützen.
In chemisch gesäuerten Milchgelen konnte durch den definierten Zusatz aufgereinigter Fraktionen von EPSf und EPSf+k vor der Säuerung (c = 0 - 0,35 mg/g) erstmals eine konzentrationsabhängige Wirkung aufgezeigt werden. Mit EPSf stieg der maximale Speichermodul der Milchgele als Maß für die Gelsteifigkeit linear an (457 - 722 Pa). EPSk zeigten hingegen keinen Einfluss. Als Modellpolysaccharid wurde vergleichend das gut beschriebene, ebenfalls ungeladene und nicht gelbildende Homopolysaccharid Dextran herangezogen (c = 0 - 300 mg/g). EPSf und Dextran veränderten die Gelbildung, erhöhten die Steifigkeit stichfester Gele und die Viskosität gerührter Gele in ähnlichem Maße, es waren jedoch deutlich unterschiedliche Konzentrationen notwendig. Die in den Milchgelen beschriebenen Einflüsse können unter anderem auf Depletionseffekte zwischen gleichgeladenen Polymeren (hier Proteine und Polysaccharide) zurückgeführt werden. / The selection of suitable starter cultures for the production of fermented milk with a desired texture and corresponding sensory attributes is of great importance for the dairy industry. Lactic acid bacteria with the ability to synthesise extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) are of particular interest, because these in situ produced hydrocolloids may allow to omit the use of additives. Many effects of EPS on product properties are already described in the scientific literature, but are still discussed controversially because of the multitude of different strains and fermentation parameters and, hence, a lack of systematisation. Furthermore, research on the mechanisms behind the structure-function relationship and interactions with other product components is a challenging area. To obtain a deeper understanding of this complex system, a new approach was chosen for the present study: EPS were isolated, purified and added to the milk prior to acidification, and the respective milk gels were compared with those with in situ produced EPS.
In milk gels acidified by single strains of Streptococcus thermophilus or Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, EPS contents of 40 - 150 g/kg were determined. The gels differed in viscosity and their ropy character, which is a first indicator for the type of the EPS. To allow for their chemical and technofunctional characterisation, the synthesis of higher amounts of EPS was performed by batch-fermentation at constant pH and decoupled from the product manufacturing with selected strains in complex or semidefined media. S. thermophilus ST‑143 synthesised ~ 300 mg/L ropy EPS, which were isolated as three different EPS fractions by applying particular purification steps: free EPS (EPSf), capsular derived EPS (EPSk) and a mixture of both EPS (EPSf+k). EPSf had a higher molecular mass (M = 2.6 x 10^6 Da) and a higher intrinsic viscosity (1.14 mL/mg) compared to EPSk (M = 7.4 x 10^3 Da, 1.4 x 10^5 Da; intrinsic viscosity = 0.06 mL/mg) and affected the rheological properties of aqueous solutions already at low concentration. However, EPSk appear to support interactions between the EPSf molecules.
In chemically acidified milk gels a concentration dependent impact of EPSf and EPSf+k, which were added to the milk prior to acidification (c = 0 - 0,35 mg/g), was described for the first time. The maximum of the storage modulus as a measure for stiffness of the milk gels linearly increased with EPSf content (457 - 722 Pa). With EPSk no effects were observed. For the purpose of comparison dextran, a well described also uncharged and non gelling homopolysaccharide, was used as a model polysaccharide (0 - 300 mg/g). EPSf and dextran affected the gelation, increased gel stiffness of set gels and viscosity of stirred gels to a similar way, but the concentrations needed for that found to be completely different. The effects described for milk gels can be ascribed among others to depletion interactions between similar charged polymers (here proteins and polysaccharides).
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Vascular outgrowth of normal and atherosclerotic aortic grafts in modified fibrin gels : a clinically translatable modelCollins, Scott Forrest 13 June 2011 (has links)
The success of regenerative cardiac therapy requires reestablishing a capable blood supply via vasculature. The objective of this study was to develop an optimal scaffold formulation for de novo collateral vessel growth of aortic grafts using modified fibrin clots. This ex vivo vascular outgrowth model can be used to interrogate the complex cell or tissue interactions on the angiogenic front as vessels are formed. Based on formulation constraints, the methods used here may provide a clinically applicable option for guided collateral formation. Once understood, the methods and procedures can be tested and modified as necessary for in vivo, in situ regenerative therapy. Aortic segments from wild-type (C57BL/6J) and apolipoprotein-E deficient (ApoE) atherosclerosis-prone mice were cultured in a 3D environment created by various formulations of PEGylated fibrin. Aortic outgrowth was assessed and the optimal formulation was chosen to test the formation of de novo vascular circuits -- the first step necessary for collateral artery formation. The cultures were examined by conventional and confocal microscopy as well as by optical coherence tomography. Experiments testing the relationship between fibrin PEGylation and aortic vascular outgrowth showed that PEGylating fibrinogen prior to clot formation increased outgrowth over non-PEG control (n=6, p<.05) at lower fibrin concentrations. Lowering fibrin concentration to 10, 5, or 2.5mg/ml resulted in significantly higher outgrowth that was 1.92, 2.04, or 2.20 times that of 20mg/ml PEGylated fibrin gels. When multiple aortic segments are cultured in proximity, microvascular outgrowths visually anastamose suggesting that aorta-aorta conduits can be formed in fibrin based hydrogels. Anastomosing circuits appeared between wild-type aortic segments as well as between wild-type and atherosclerotic prone ApoE knockout segments. Fibrin gels, with or without PEGylation, form scaffolds suitable for regenerative vascular outgrowth ex vivo in normal and atherogenic environments. PEGylating fibrin prior to thrombin-initiated polymerization will allow the incorporation of growth factors or other bioactive components, making this a customizable therapy for guided collateral formation. Additionally, the incorporation of PEG itself does not limit and may actually increase the outgrowth from aortic segments in lower density gels. Finally, PEGylated fibrin gels offer an environment that will promote vascular extensions that visually anastamose, making this a viable model for ex vivo collateral formation. / text
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