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Métodos de análise de materiais híbridos: um estudo comparativo entre fluorescência de raios-x com detecção dispersiva em energia usando fonte tradicional e luz síncroton / Hybrid Materials Analysis Methods: A comparative study of X-ray Fluorescence Detection in Energy Dispersive using Traditional Source and Synchrotron LightYsnaga, Orlando Armando Elguera 10 June 2015 (has links)
Os Ormosils pertencem aos sistemas nanoestruturados, apresentando uma grande diversidade de estruturas e permitindo o controle das propriedades dos materiais obtidos. Os Ormosils contribuem ao desenvolvimento de materiais multifuncionais pela sua estrutura flexível (matriz hospedeira), que permite a oclusão de diversas espécies (moleculares, iônicas), a qual pode ser ajustada pela mudança dos grupos funcionais dos silanos precursores. Os filmes dos Ormosils têm potencial aplicação em fitas dosimétricas, janelas inteligentes, selos antifraude, dispositivos fotônicos, filmes fotocatalíticos e dispositivos fotocrômicos. Esta Tese abordou a determinação qualitativa, semiquantitativa e quantitativa dos filmes dos Ormosils (contendo nanopartículas de TiO2, ZnO e Fosfotungstatos ([PW12O40]3)) e aqueles constituídos por uma rede interpenetrante de sílica, sesquisiloxano e hidroxiuretana de poli(dimetilsiloxano) contendo Fosfotungstatos, com potencial aplicação em membranas para células combustíveis e na produção de janelas fotocrômicas. Outro dos materiais analisados constituíram Ormosils ocluídos na matriz de Poli(imidas), com potencial aplicação no armazenamento de Hidrogênio, membranas para células combustíveis e revestimentos isolantes e anticorrosivos.<br /><br /> A quantificação e mapeamento dos elementos fotoativos são relevantes para a melhoria no desenvolvimento destes materiais, entretanto, esta não é uma tarefa trivial devido à natureza intrínseca destes materiais híbridos em que a fase orgânica e a inorgânica estão intimamente ligadas e devido à presença de um grande número de elementos químicos que muitas vezes interferem na análise. Desta forma, estes materiais híbridos se constituem em matrizes complexas de análise e há necessidade de se desenvolver e estudar métodos analíticos específicos. A fim de melhor compreender as propriedades fotocrômicas, anticorrosivas e mecânicas destes materiais, é importante conhecer a distribuição dos silicatos e dos fosfotungstatos no interior dos filmes.<br /><br /> Os Estudos de Interferência da Autoabsorção da Fluorescência de Tungstênio pelos demais elementos nos filmes dos Ormosils, nos induziram a abordar a quantificação por XRF, não somente pelo ponto de vista atômico, senão complementar com a abordagem molecular. O Espalhamento Raman Ressonante de RaiosX mostrouse igualmente importante para entender os fenômenos de interferência observados nestes sistemas complexos. <br /><br /> Foi possível identificar e detectar o dopante Ti na faixa de dezenas de mg.Kg1 , mediante análises de Fluorescência de RaiosX em ângulo rasante (GIXRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron. De maneira complementar, análises de Microfluorescência de RaiosX (µXRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron possibilitaram conhecer a distribuição espacial do Titânio e Zinco nos Ormosils. Nestas análises XRF não se empregaram materiais certificados para validação, contudo fora preparados no nosso laboratório materiais de referência, com procedimento de preparo similar àquele das amostras usando o método de semiquantificação baseado em Parâmetros Fundamentais. Os resultados de Fluorescência de RaiosX foram validados pelos resultados das análises por ICPOES e Ativação por Nêutrons (INAA). Os diferentes métodos de análise empregados (µXRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) foram efetivos em precisão e em exatidão na quantificação de Tungstênio e Zinco. Entretanto para o caso de Titânio, somente puderam se considerar os resultados de µXRF e ICPOES. Portanto, serão necessários métodos analíticos adicionais para validar os resultados da concentração deste elemento nos Ormosils. ICPOES e INAA demonstraram serem métodos de referência para os resultados XRF (Laboratório, Radiação Síncrotron) nossos materiais.<br /><br /><br /><br /> / Organically modified silicates or Ormosil are nanostructured systems displaying a wide range of structures, which facilitates the control of properties of materials obtained from them. Ormosil contribute to the development of multifunctional materials because of their flexible structure (matrix host), which allow the occlusion of various species (ionic, molecular), can be adjusted by changing functional groups of precursor silanes. Ormosil films have potential for application to dosimetric tapes, smart windows, antifraud sealing, photonic devices, photocatalytic films, and photochromic devices. In this thesis was investigated qualitative, semiquantitative and quantitative determination of ormosil films (containing TiO2 nanoparticles, ZnO, and phosphotungstates ([PW12O40]3))and those composed of an interpenetrating network of silica, sesquisiloxane, and polydimethylsiloxane hydroxyurethane containing phosphotungstate for use in fuel cell membranes, and production of photochromic windows. It also investigated Ormosil containing phosphotungstate occluded in a polyimide matrix with potential application to hydrogen storage, fuel cell membranes, and insulating and anticorrosion coatings.<br /><br /> Quantification and mapping of photoactive elements are important to promote the development of these materials. However, these are not trivial tasks due to the intrinsic nature of these hybrid materials in which organic and inorganic phases are closely linked and the presence of a large number of chemicals elements interferes with the analysis. Since these hybrid materials constitute complex matrices to analyze, it is necessary to develop and examine specific analytical methods. In order to better understand the photochromic, anticorrosive, and mechanical properties of these materials, it is important to identify the distribution of silicates and phosphotungstates inside the films.<br /><br /> Selfabsorption interference studies of Tungsten XRay fluorescence by the others constituents in the Ormosil films led us to approach quantification by XRF, not only from the atomic perspective, but also to supplement with the molecular approach. XRay Resonant Raman Scattering (XRS) was equally important to explain interference phenomena observed in these complex systems. <br /><br /> It was possible to identify and detect Ti dopant in the range of tens of mg.Kg1 by means of Grazing Incidence XRay Fluorescence (GIXRF) analysis assisted by Synchrotron Radiation. In addition, Microscopic Xray Fluorescence analysis (µXRF) assisted by Synchrotron Radiation enabled the identification of spatial distributions of Titanium and Zinc within ormosils. Since these XRF analyses did not employ certified materials for validation, standards were prepared at our laboratory following a similar protocol to that used to prepare the samples. The semiquantification method based on fundamental parameters was also used, which demonstrated be very useful and efficient. Xray fluorescence results were validated by those obtained from Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The different methods of analysis employed (µXRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) were effective regarding precision and accuracy in Tungsten and Zinc quantification. In the case of Titanium, however, only µXRF and ICPOES results could be taken into account. Therefore, there is the need for additional analytical methods to validate concentration results for this element in ormosils. ICPOES and INAA proved to be reference methods for results obtained through XRF (Laboratory and assisted by Synchrotron Radiation) for our materials.
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Métodos de análise de materiais híbridos: um estudo comparativo entre fluorescência de raios-x com detecção dispersiva em energia usando fonte tradicional e luz síncroton / Hybrid Materials Analysis Methods: A comparative study of X-ray Fluorescence Detection in Energy Dispersive using Traditional Source and Synchrotron LightOrlando Armando Elguera Ysnaga 10 June 2015 (has links)
Os Ormosils pertencem aos sistemas nanoestruturados, apresentando uma grande diversidade de estruturas e permitindo o controle das propriedades dos materiais obtidos. Os Ormosils contribuem ao desenvolvimento de materiais multifuncionais pela sua estrutura flexível (matriz hospedeira), que permite a oclusão de diversas espécies (moleculares, iônicas), a qual pode ser ajustada pela mudança dos grupos funcionais dos silanos precursores. Os filmes dos Ormosils têm potencial aplicação em fitas dosimétricas, janelas inteligentes, selos antifraude, dispositivos fotônicos, filmes fotocatalíticos e dispositivos fotocrômicos. Esta Tese abordou a determinação qualitativa, semiquantitativa e quantitativa dos filmes dos Ormosils (contendo nanopartículas de TiO2, ZnO e Fosfotungstatos ([PW12O40]3)) e aqueles constituídos por uma rede interpenetrante de sílica, sesquisiloxano e hidroxiuretana de poli(dimetilsiloxano) contendo Fosfotungstatos, com potencial aplicação em membranas para células combustíveis e na produção de janelas fotocrômicas. Outro dos materiais analisados constituíram Ormosils ocluídos na matriz de Poli(imidas), com potencial aplicação no armazenamento de Hidrogênio, membranas para células combustíveis e revestimentos isolantes e anticorrosivos.<br /><br /> A quantificação e mapeamento dos elementos fotoativos são relevantes para a melhoria no desenvolvimento destes materiais, entretanto, esta não é uma tarefa trivial devido à natureza intrínseca destes materiais híbridos em que a fase orgânica e a inorgânica estão intimamente ligadas e devido à presença de um grande número de elementos químicos que muitas vezes interferem na análise. Desta forma, estes materiais híbridos se constituem em matrizes complexas de análise e há necessidade de se desenvolver e estudar métodos analíticos específicos. A fim de melhor compreender as propriedades fotocrômicas, anticorrosivas e mecânicas destes materiais, é importante conhecer a distribuição dos silicatos e dos fosfotungstatos no interior dos filmes.<br /><br /> Os Estudos de Interferência da Autoabsorção da Fluorescência de Tungstênio pelos demais elementos nos filmes dos Ormosils, nos induziram a abordar a quantificação por XRF, não somente pelo ponto de vista atômico, senão complementar com a abordagem molecular. O Espalhamento Raman Ressonante de RaiosX mostrouse igualmente importante para entender os fenômenos de interferência observados nestes sistemas complexos. <br /><br /> Foi possível identificar e detectar o dopante Ti na faixa de dezenas de mg.Kg1 , mediante análises de Fluorescência de RaiosX em ângulo rasante (GIXRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron. De maneira complementar, análises de Microfluorescência de RaiosX (µXRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron possibilitaram conhecer a distribuição espacial do Titânio e Zinco nos Ormosils. Nestas análises XRF não se empregaram materiais certificados para validação, contudo fora preparados no nosso laboratório materiais de referência, com procedimento de preparo similar àquele das amostras usando o método de semiquantificação baseado em Parâmetros Fundamentais. Os resultados de Fluorescência de RaiosX foram validados pelos resultados das análises por ICPOES e Ativação por Nêutrons (INAA). Os diferentes métodos de análise empregados (µXRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) foram efetivos em precisão e em exatidão na quantificação de Tungstênio e Zinco. Entretanto para o caso de Titânio, somente puderam se considerar os resultados de µXRF e ICPOES. Portanto, serão necessários métodos analíticos adicionais para validar os resultados da concentração deste elemento nos Ormosils. ICPOES e INAA demonstraram serem métodos de referência para os resultados XRF (Laboratório, Radiação Síncrotron) nossos materiais.<br /><br /><br /><br /> / Organically modified silicates or Ormosil are nanostructured systems displaying a wide range of structures, which facilitates the control of properties of materials obtained from them. Ormosil contribute to the development of multifunctional materials because of their flexible structure (matrix host), which allow the occlusion of various species (ionic, molecular), can be adjusted by changing functional groups of precursor silanes. Ormosil films have potential for application to dosimetric tapes, smart windows, antifraud sealing, photonic devices, photocatalytic films, and photochromic devices. In this thesis was investigated qualitative, semiquantitative and quantitative determination of ormosil films (containing TiO2 nanoparticles, ZnO, and phosphotungstates ([PW12O40]3))and those composed of an interpenetrating network of silica, sesquisiloxane, and polydimethylsiloxane hydroxyurethane containing phosphotungstate for use in fuel cell membranes, and production of photochromic windows. It also investigated Ormosil containing phosphotungstate occluded in a polyimide matrix with potential application to hydrogen storage, fuel cell membranes, and insulating and anticorrosion coatings.<br /><br /> Quantification and mapping of photoactive elements are important to promote the development of these materials. However, these are not trivial tasks due to the intrinsic nature of these hybrid materials in which organic and inorganic phases are closely linked and the presence of a large number of chemicals elements interferes with the analysis. Since these hybrid materials constitute complex matrices to analyze, it is necessary to develop and examine specific analytical methods. In order to better understand the photochromic, anticorrosive, and mechanical properties of these materials, it is important to identify the distribution of silicates and phosphotungstates inside the films.<br /><br /> Selfabsorption interference studies of Tungsten XRay fluorescence by the others constituents in the Ormosil films led us to approach quantification by XRF, not only from the atomic perspective, but also to supplement with the molecular approach. XRay Resonant Raman Scattering (XRS) was equally important to explain interference phenomena observed in these complex systems. <br /><br /> It was possible to identify and detect Ti dopant in the range of tens of mg.Kg1 by means of Grazing Incidence XRay Fluorescence (GIXRF) analysis assisted by Synchrotron Radiation. In addition, Microscopic Xray Fluorescence analysis (µXRF) assisted by Synchrotron Radiation enabled the identification of spatial distributions of Titanium and Zinc within ormosils. Since these XRF analyses did not employ certified materials for validation, standards were prepared at our laboratory following a similar protocol to that used to prepare the samples. The semiquantification method based on fundamental parameters was also used, which demonstrated be very useful and efficient. Xray fluorescence results were validated by those obtained from Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The different methods of analysis employed (µXRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) were effective regarding precision and accuracy in Tungsten and Zinc quantification. In the case of Titanium, however, only µXRF and ICPOES results could be taken into account. Therefore, there is the need for additional analytical methods to validate concentration results for this element in ormosils. ICPOES and INAA proved to be reference methods for results obtained through XRF (Laboratory and assisted by Synchrotron Radiation) for our materials.
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Investigation of diffusion and solid state reactions on the nanoscale in silicon based systems of high industrial potential : experiments and simulationsParditka, Bence 18 December 2013 (has links)
La première partie de mes résultats concerne les phénomènes de diffusion induits par des effets de contrainte. Nous avons étudié ces effets d’un point de vu théorique, afin de comprendre le rôle de la contrainte dans la diffusion. Les résultats montrent que l’effet de contrainte ne semble pas induire d’effet mesurable sur le coefficient cinétique à l’interface, cependant le taux de mélange semble diminuer. La seconde partie concerne des mesures expérimentales, par EXAFS et GIXRF utilisées sur des empilements Ta/a-Si/Ni/a-Si/Ta/substrat permettant de suivre la formation des phases ainsi que la croissance, à une température donnée, et ce jusqu’à la formation de la phase Ni2Si et au delà. La troisième partie concerne le système Cu-Si. Nous avons suivi les premiers stades de la formation de la phase Cu3Si, en utilisant les techniques XRD, APT, SNMS, ainsi qu’un profilomètre et une mesure de résistance quatre points sur différents échantillons réalisés par pulvérisation. Dans le cas de l’empilement Cu/a-Si/substrat, la formation de phases a suivi une cinétique linéaire. Nous avons notamment mis en évidence la formation très rapide d’une phase qui apparait directement après le premier recuit très court, démontrant ainsi le rôle déterminant de la préparation des échantillons dans l’étude des processus de formation de phases. La quatrième partie s’intéresse au silicène : cette structure bidimensionnelle de silicium dite en « nid d’abeilles », réalisée sur un substrat d’argent et qui présente de grandes similitudes avec le graphène. En utilisant de façon complémentaire les techniques AES-LEED-STM, nous avons déterminé la limite de solubilité du silicium dans l’argent. / Diffusion and related solid state reaction phenomena have been studied in four different material couples. The first section of the results concerned the diffusion related stress effects. We analyzed the question theoretically, for planar model geometry, to find the role of stress in diffusion. We obtained that stress effects do not have any measurable effects on the kinetic coefficient of the interface shift. However, the intermixing rate decreases. The second section we performed EXAFS and GIXRF experiments on sandwich structured Ta/a- Si/Ni/a-Si/Ta/substrate samples and followed the phase formation and growth at a given temperature at which the Ni2Si phase has formed and continued to grow. The third section we obtained in the Cu-Si system. We followed the early stages of phase formation of the Cu3Si phase under different circumstances. We performed XRD, APT, SNMS, profilometer and 4 wire resistance measurements on sputtering deposited samples. We found that in case of the Cu/a-Si/substrate samples the phase formation was followed by a linear kinetics. Secondly, prior to the linear phase growth, we observed an extremely fast phase formation that appeared immediately after the very first and shortest annealing, which showed that the preparation sequence of the sample is a crucial point in phase formation processes. The fourth section deals with the silicene. It is the honeycomb structured formation of Si atoms with properties similar to graphene. We investigated the dissolution of Si into Ag. We performed a combination of AES, LEED, STM measurements. We determined the dissolution limit of Si in Ag from data obtained from the AES measurements.
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Kirkendall Effect on the NanoscaleCserháti, C., Langer, G., Parditka, B., Csik, A., Iguchi, Y., Czigány, Zs., Erdélyi, Z. 13 September 2018 (has links)
Kirkendall effect has been studied experimentally as well as theoretically for decades already.
There are theoretical indications, that the Kirkendall effect must operate from the beginning
of the diffusion process but there are practically no measurements on this short time and
length scale. For that reason, diffusion on the nanometer scale was investigated
experimentally in different binary systems in thin film geometry. We followed the diffusion
process as well as the Kirkendall effect by different methods (TEM, SNMS and synchrotron
X-ray waveguide technique). Investigations were performed in systems with complete
solubility (Bi-Sb, Cu-Ni, Bi-Sb) as well as in systems forming intermetallic phase (Fe-Sb, Fe-
Pd). It was found that with these methods the Kirkendall shift can be well followed on the
nano-scale. In Fe-Sb system even the bifurcation of the Kirkendall plane was observed.
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