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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation du rôle de nouvelles isoformes de PDE dans la compartimentation des nucléotides cycliques dans les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires et les cardiomyocytes / Evaluation of the role of new PDE isoforms in cyclic nucleotide compartmentation in vascular smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes

Zhang, Liang 28 September 2017 (has links)
Les deux nucléotides cycliques, AMPc et GMPc, sont des seconds messagers importants qui régulent une grande variété de fonctions cellulaires, en particulier la fonction contractile cardiovasculaire, la croissance des cardiomyocytaires et la prolifération des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires. Les phosphodiestérases (PDE) dégradent les nucléotides cycliques et exercent un contrôle local de leur concentration intracellulaire. Une altération de la voie de signalisation des nucléotides cycliques est impliquée dans plusieurs situations pathologiques telles que l’hypertension artérielle systémique ou pulmonaire, l’athérosclérose et l'hypertrophie cardiaque. Ainsi, les PDE constituent de puissantes cibles thérapeutiques pour restaurer un contrôle correct des nucléotides cycliques. Onze familles de PDEs sont actuellement décrites, les PDE1-6 étant les plus étudiées et les PDE 7-11 représentant de nouvelles familles.L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle respectif de 4 familles de PDEs, la PDE1, famille stimulée par le complexe Ca2+/calmoduline, les PDE5 et PDE9 spécifiques du GMPc, et la PDE8 spécifique de l'AMPc, dans le contrôle des concentrations intracellulaires d'AMPc ([AMPc]i) et de GMPc ([GMPc]i) dans les cellules musculaires lisses aortiques de rat (CMLARs) et les myocytes cardiaques de rat en utilisant une approche pharmacologique facilitée par le développement de nouveaux inhibiteurs sélectifs de PDEs. Les activités d'hydrolyse d’AMPc et de GMPc ont été mesurées par dosage enzymatique, tandis que les [AMPc]i et [GMPc]i ont été suivies sur cellules isolées, in situ, en temps réel, grâce à l'utilisation de l'imagerie FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer). Dans les CMLARs en culture, une activité d'hydrolyse des nucléotides cycliques via les PDE1, PDE5 et PDE9 a été observée. Nous avons montré un rôle fonctionnel de la PDE1 non stimulée dans le contrôle de l’augmentation de la [GMPc]i induite par le peptide natriurétique de type C (CNP). Il est intéressant de noter que, lors de l’élévation de la concentration intracellulaire en Ca2+, la PDE1 exerce également un contrôle de la réponse GMPci induite par le monoxyde d’azote (NO) et de la réponse AMPc médiée par la stimulation des récepteurs β-adrénergiques (β-AR). La PDE5 exerce un rôle majeur dans la réponse GMPc provoquée par l'activation de la guanylyl cyclase (GC) soluble par le NO ou des GC membranaires par les peptides natriurétiques, CNP et ANP. En revanche, la PDE9 ne régule que la réponse GMPc induite par le NO dans les RASMC cultivées. Aucune activité ou fonction hydrolytique de l'AMPc n'a été révélée avec l'inhibiteur de la PDE8 dans les CMLARs ou les cardiomyocytes de rat. Dans ces cellules cardiaques, l'activité d'hydrolyse médiée par la PDE1 n'a été détectée que sur la réponse GMPc et uniquement en présence de Ca2 +/Calmoduline. L'inhibiteur de la PDE1 n'a que légèrement affecté la réponse AMPc médiée par les récepteurs β-AR, par augmentation du pic du signal FRET.En conclusion, notre travail démontre que dans les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires, les PDE1, PDE5 et PDE9 exercent une régulation spécifique et locale des [AMPc]i et [GMPc]i, renforçant le rôle clé des PDEs dans la compartimentation subcellulaire de la signalisation des nucléotides cycliques. / The two cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are important second messengers that regulate a large variety of cellular functions, in particular cardiovascular contractile function, cardiomyocyte cell growth and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) degrade cyclic nucleotides, and exert a fine local control of their intracellular concentration. Alteration of cyclic nucleotides signaling pathway is involved in several pathological situations such as systemic and pulmonary arterial hypertensions, atherosclerotic lesions and cardiac hypertrophy. Thus, PDEs constitute potent therapeutic targets to restore a right cyclic nucleotide function. Eleven families of PDEs are now described, PDE1-6 being the most studied and PDE 7-11 representing the new families.The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the respective role of 4 PDE families, the Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated PDE1, the cGMP-specific PDE5 and PDE9, and the cAMP-specific PDE8, in controlling intracellular cAMP ([cAMP]i) and intracellular cGMP ([cGMP]i) concentrations in both rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs) and cardiac myocytes by using a pharmacological approach taken advantage of the development of new selective PDE inhibitors. Cyclic AMP- and cGMP-hydrolyzing activities were measured by enzymatic assay on cell lysate, whereas real-time [cAMP]i and [cGMP]i were followed in situ in isolated cells using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) imaging. In cultured RASMCs, PDE1, PDE5 and PDE9 hydrolyzing activities were observed. We showed a functional role of basal PDE1 in controlling [cGMP]i increased by the C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP). Interestingly, upon high intracellular Ca2+ concentration, PDE1 also regulated the Nitric Oxide (NO)-mediated [cGMP]i response and the β-adrenoceptor (β-AR)-mediated [cAMP]i response. PDE5 exerted a major role in degrading [cGMP]i produced by the activation of either the soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) elicited by NO or the particulate GCs by the natriuretic peptides, CNP and ANP. By contrast, PDE9 only regulated NO-induced [cGMP]i increase in cultured RASMCs. No cAMP-hydrolyzing activity or function was revealed with the PDE8 inhibitor in RASMCs or cardiac myocytes. In rat cardiomyocytes, PDE1-mediated hydrolyzing activity was only detected on cGMP in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin. Unexpectedly, PDE1 inhibition slightly affected the β-AR-mediated [cAMP]i response by increasing the peak of FRET signal.In conclusion, our work underscores the distinct role of PDE1, PDE5, and PDE9 in locally regulating the [cAMP]i and [cGMP]i, in vascular smooth muscle cells, strengthening the concept of PDEs as key actors of cyclic nucleotide subcellular compartmentation.

L'activation de la voie du GMP cyclique réduit le comportement d'auto-administration de cocaïne chez le rat : implication de régulations épigénétiques

Deschatrettes, Élodie 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié l'influence de la voie du cGMP sur le comportement d'auto-administration de cocaïne chez le rat. Les injections, dans le cortex préfrontal médian, de trois activateurs différents de cette voie diminuent le nombre d'injections que les rats déclenchent, indiquant une réduction de l'effet renforçant de la cocaïne et de leur motivation pour la drogue. Des études immunohistochimiques nous ont permis de mettre en évidence que cette effet comportemental s'accompagnait d'une diminution de l'expression de marqueurs épigénétiques (MeCP2, HDAC2) et d'une augmentation des niveaux d'acétylation des histones. Des résultats complémentaires confirment que la voie du cGMP est bien en mesure de réguler des protéines impliquées dans les mécanismes épigénétiques. La découverte d'une action via ces régulations nous permet de suggérer des pistes originales quant aux phénomènes mis en jeu dans la diminution observée des propriétés renforçantes de la cocaïne.

Efeitos inibitórios de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP cíclico sobre a produção estimulada de MMP-9 em células endoteliais / Inhibitory effects of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs on MMP-9 production by endothelial cells

Meschiari, César Arruda 12 August 2014 (has links)
A diminuição da biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico (NO) e o aumento na atividade das metaloproteinases da matriz extracelular (MMPs) são alguns dos principais mecanismos fisiopatogênicos envolvidos nas doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). Foi demonstrado que o NO pode reduzir a expressão e atividade de MMPs em células musculares lisas vasculares, células mesangiais, entre outras. Em outro estudo, foi mostrado que drogas inibidoras da NO sintase (NOS) podem aumentar a expressão de MMPs. Apesar de o NO apresentar-se diminuído e as MMPs aumentadas durante as DCV, não há evidência clara de que os níveis de NO possam modular diretamente a atividade de MMPs no aparelho cardiovascular. Também não se sabe se este possível efeito seria mediado pelo NFB, nem se este possível efeito é dependente da ativação da guanilato ciclase [que promove a formação de GMP cíclico (GMPc)]. Desta maneira, este estudo teve como objetivos: A) investigar os efeitos de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP sobre os aumentos da atividade e expressão de MMP-9 em células endoteliais que acontecem sob efeito de phorbol 12-miristato 13-acetato (PMA, droga indutora da expressão de MMP-9); e B) determinar se a inibição de NOS em células endoteliais é acompanhada por aumento da atividade e expressão de MMPs, e C) determinar se estes efeitos são dependentes da ativação de NFB ou da formação de GMPc. Células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana (HUVECs) foram cultivadas em DMEM e tratadas por 24 horas com 10 nmol/L de PMA ou diferentes concentrações de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP ou de inibidor da NOS. Meio de cultura condicionado ou lisado celular foram coletados e submentidos aos ensaios de zimografia, ELISA, immunoblotting ou análise da concentração de nitrito. Os tratamentos com detanonoato, SNAP, atorvastatina e nitrito de sódio diminuíram os aumentos da atividade gelatinolítica e expressão de MMP-9 estimulados por PMA sem afetar as concentrações do inibidor tecidual da metaloproteinase da matriz-1 (TIMP-1). Esses efeitos não foram modificados pelos tratamentos com ODQ (inibidor da guanilato ciclase solúvel) ou 8- bromo-cGMP (um análogo de GMPc) ou hemoglobina (um sequestrador de NO). Enquanto o PMA aumentou a concentração de fosfo-NFB p65, os tratamentos com SNAP, atorvastatina ou nitrito não apresentaram influência sobre esse efeito. O tratamento com L-NAME, um inibidor da NOS, não apresentou efeito sobre a atividade gelatinolítica de MMP-9. Em conclusão, foram demonstrados que os efeitos inibitórios de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMPc sobre a produção estimulada de MMP-9 em células endoteliais são independentes de mecanismos mediados por GMPc e NFB, e a inibição da NOS não altera a atividade de MMP-9. / Impaired nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and imbalanced matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) activity have important roles in the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in cardiovascular disease (CVD). It was shown that NO can reduce MMPs expression and activity in vascular smooth muscle cells, mesangial cells, and others. In another study, a NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor has increased MMPs expression. Although NO was decreased and MMPs was increased during CVD, there is clear evidence that NO levels can directly modulate MMPs activity in the cardiovascular system. Also, it is not known whether this effect would be mediated by NFB, nor whether this effect is dependent on guanylate cyclase activity (which promotes the formation of cyclic GMP). Thus, this project aims to study whether A) the effect of NO donors might decrease MMP-9 activity and expression in endothelial cells stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) (a well-known inducer of MMP-9), and B) the effect of NOS inhibitors might increase MMPs activity and expression in endothelial cells, and C) to determine whether those effects are mediated by the NFB activation or cGMP levels. Endothelial cells from human umbilical vein (HUVECs) were grown in modified DMEM and were treated for 24 hours with 10 nmol/L PMA or different concentrations of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs or NOS inhibitor. Conditioned medium or cell lysate were collected after treatments and analyzed by zymography, ELISA, immunoblotting or to determine nitrite concentration. Detanonoate, SNAP, atorvastatin or sodium nitrite treatments attenuated PMA-induced increases in MMP- 9 gelatinolytic activity and expression, but they had no effect on tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) concentrations. These effects were not modified by ODQ (a soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor), or 8-bromo-cGMP (cGMP analogue), or hemoglobin (a NO scavenger). While PMA increased phospho-NFB p65 concentration, SNAP, atorvastatin or nitrite had no influence on this effect. The treatment with L-Name, a NOS inhibitor, had no effect on MMP-9 activity. In conclusion, this study shows that the inhibitory effects of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs on MMP-9 production by endothelial cells are independent of cGMP- and NFB-mediated mechanisms, and NOS inhibitor had no effect on MMP-9 levels

Envolvimento da via heme-oxigenase-monóxido de carbono-guanosina monofosfato cíclico na nocicepção e na antinocicepção induzida por estresse agudo em ratos / Involvement of the heme oxygenase - carbon monoxide - cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in the nociception and antinociception induced by acute stress in rats.

Carvalho, Priscila Gonçalves de 03 November 2009 (has links)
A exposição de animais a situações ameaçadoras de natureza inata ou aprendida resulta em exibição de um repertório de comportamentos defensivos espécie-específicos, alterações autonômicas e em inibição da dor, sendo esse conjunto de reações de alta relevância para a sobrevivência de uma espécie. Considerando este contexto, um importante componente da resposta do organismo a situações de emergência é a redução da capacidade de perceber a dor. O processamento de estímulos nociceptivos pode ser modulado no prosencéfalo, na medula espinal, no tronco encefálico e no diencéfalo, por mecanismos envolvendo diferentes neurotransmissores e neuromoduladores. Nos últimos anos, evidências têm demonstrado que o monóxido de carbono (CO), produzido a partir da enzima heme-oxigenase estimula a formação de guanosina 3, 5- monofosfato cíclico (GMPc), participando como neuromodulador de vários processos fisiológicos. Dentro deste contexto, mostrou-se que a via HO-CO-GMPc está envolvida na modulação periférica e espinal da dor inflamatória, bem como na modulação do estresse, porém não há conhecimento da participação desta via na modulação de estímulo doloroso agudo, bem como da antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o envolvimento da via HO-CO-GMPc na nocicepção e na antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse agudo em ratos, avaliada pelo índice de analgesia no teste de retirada da cauda (IARC). Nossos resultados demonstraram que a ativação da via HO-CO-GMPc por meio da administração ICV de heme-lisinato (substrato) tem efeito antinociceptivo, sendo este efeito dependente da atividade GMPc, desde que o pré-tratamento com inibidor da guanilase ciclase solúvel (GCs), ODQ, bloqueou o aumento do IARC. Ainda, esta modulação ocorre de maneira fásica e não tônica, pois o tratamento isolado ICV com o inibidor da HO, ZnDBPG ou com o inibidor da GCs, ODQ, não alterou o IARC. A antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse agudo (restrição física por 120 min) não é dependente da via HO-CO-GMPc, desde que o tratamento com o ZnDBPG, nem com o heme-lisinato alteraram o IARC. No entanto, esta antinocicepção é dependente da atividade do GMPc, pois o pré-tratamento com ODQ bloqueou o aumento do IARC. / The exposure of animals to threatening situations of innate or learned nature results in exhibition of a repertoire of species-specific defensive behaviors, autonomic alterations and pain inhibition. This group of reactions has high relevance for the survival of species. In this context, an important component of the response of the organism in the emergency situations is the reduction of the capacity to perceive pain. The processing of nociceptive stimulus can be modulated in forebrain, in spinal, and in midbrain, for mechanisms involving different neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Recently, evidence has demonstrated that carbon monoxide gas (CO), produced from the enzyme heme oxygenase (HO), stimulate the formation of 3\', 5\' - cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and this molecule has participated as neuromodulator in some physiological processes. In this way, it has shown that the HO-CO-cGMP pathway is involved in the peripheral and spinal modulation of inflammatory pain, as well as in the modulation of the stress. However, the involvement of this pathway in the modulation of acute painful stimulus, as well as in the antinociception induced by stress isn´t clarified. Thus, this study evaluated the involvement of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway in nociception and in antinociception induced by acute stress in rats, by means the of analgesia index in the tail flick test (AITF). Our results demonstrated that the activation of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway by means of heme-lysinate ICV administration has antinociceptive effect. Again, the increase of the AITF was dependent of the cGMP activity, since that the pretreatment with inhibitor of soluble guanylase cyclase (sGC), ODQ, blocked the antinociceptive effect. This modulation occurs in fasic and not tonic manner, because per se ICV treatment with inhibitor of the HO, ZnDBPG or with inhibitor of the sGC, ODQ did not modify the AITF. The antinociception induced by acute stress (physical restriction during 120 min) is not dependent of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway, since that neither the treatment with the ZnDBPG, nor with the heme-lysinate had modified the AITF. However, this antinociception is dependent of the activity of the cGMP, because the pretreatment with ODQ blocked the increase of the AITF induced by acute stress.

Efeitos inibitórios de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP cíclico sobre a produção estimulada de MMP-9 em células endoteliais / Inhibitory effects of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs on MMP-9 production by endothelial cells

César Arruda Meschiari 12 August 2014 (has links)
A diminuição da biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico (NO) e o aumento na atividade das metaloproteinases da matriz extracelular (MMPs) são alguns dos principais mecanismos fisiopatogênicos envolvidos nas doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). Foi demonstrado que o NO pode reduzir a expressão e atividade de MMPs em células musculares lisas vasculares, células mesangiais, entre outras. Em outro estudo, foi mostrado que drogas inibidoras da NO sintase (NOS) podem aumentar a expressão de MMPs. Apesar de o NO apresentar-se diminuído e as MMPs aumentadas durante as DCV, não há evidência clara de que os níveis de NO possam modular diretamente a atividade de MMPs no aparelho cardiovascular. Também não se sabe se este possível efeito seria mediado pelo NFB, nem se este possível efeito é dependente da ativação da guanilato ciclase [que promove a formação de GMP cíclico (GMPc)]. Desta maneira, este estudo teve como objetivos: A) investigar os efeitos de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP sobre os aumentos da atividade e expressão de MMP-9 em células endoteliais que acontecem sob efeito de phorbol 12-miristato 13-acetato (PMA, droga indutora da expressão de MMP-9); e B) determinar se a inibição de NOS em células endoteliais é acompanhada por aumento da atividade e expressão de MMPs, e C) determinar se estes efeitos são dependentes da ativação de NFB ou da formação de GMPc. Células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana (HUVECs) foram cultivadas em DMEM e tratadas por 24 horas com 10 nmol/L de PMA ou diferentes concentrações de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMP ou de inibidor da NOS. Meio de cultura condicionado ou lisado celular foram coletados e submentidos aos ensaios de zimografia, ELISA, immunoblotting ou análise da concentração de nitrito. Os tratamentos com detanonoato, SNAP, atorvastatina e nitrito de sódio diminuíram os aumentos da atividade gelatinolítica e expressão de MMP-9 estimulados por PMA sem afetar as concentrações do inibidor tecidual da metaloproteinase da matriz-1 (TIMP-1). Esses efeitos não foram modificados pelos tratamentos com ODQ (inibidor da guanilato ciclase solúvel) ou 8- bromo-cGMP (um análogo de GMPc) ou hemoglobina (um sequestrador de NO). Enquanto o PMA aumentou a concentração de fosfo-NFB p65, os tratamentos com SNAP, atorvastatina ou nitrito não apresentaram influência sobre esse efeito. O tratamento com L-NAME, um inibidor da NOS, não apresentou efeito sobre a atividade gelatinolítica de MMP-9. Em conclusão, foram demonstrados que os efeitos inibitórios de drogas ativadoras da via NO-GMPc sobre a produção estimulada de MMP-9 em células endoteliais são independentes de mecanismos mediados por GMPc e NFB, e a inibição da NOS não altera a atividade de MMP-9. / Impaired nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and imbalanced matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) activity have important roles in the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in cardiovascular disease (CVD). It was shown that NO can reduce MMPs expression and activity in vascular smooth muscle cells, mesangial cells, and others. In another study, a NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor has increased MMPs expression. Although NO was decreased and MMPs was increased during CVD, there is clear evidence that NO levels can directly modulate MMPs activity in the cardiovascular system. Also, it is not known whether this effect would be mediated by NFB, nor whether this effect is dependent on guanylate cyclase activity (which promotes the formation of cyclic GMP). Thus, this project aims to study whether A) the effect of NO donors might decrease MMP-9 activity and expression in endothelial cells stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) (a well-known inducer of MMP-9), and B) the effect of NOS inhibitors might increase MMPs activity and expression in endothelial cells, and C) to determine whether those effects are mediated by the NFB activation or cGMP levels. Endothelial cells from human umbilical vein (HUVECs) were grown in modified DMEM and were treated for 24 hours with 10 nmol/L PMA or different concentrations of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs or NOS inhibitor. Conditioned medium or cell lysate were collected after treatments and analyzed by zymography, ELISA, immunoblotting or to determine nitrite concentration. Detanonoate, SNAP, atorvastatin or sodium nitrite treatments attenuated PMA-induced increases in MMP- 9 gelatinolytic activity and expression, but they had no effect on tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) concentrations. These effects were not modified by ODQ (a soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor), or 8-bromo-cGMP (cGMP analogue), or hemoglobin (a NO scavenger). While PMA increased phospho-NFB p65 concentration, SNAP, atorvastatin or nitrite had no influence on this effect. The treatment with L-Name, a NOS inhibitor, had no effect on MMP-9 activity. In conclusion, this study shows that the inhibitory effects of NO-GMPc pathway stimulating drugs on MMP-9 production by endothelial cells are independent of cGMP- and NFB-mediated mechanisms, and NOS inhibitor had no effect on MMP-9 levels

Le peptide natriurétique auriculaire induit la différenciation cardiaque dans les cellules souches embryonnaires carcinomateuses de souris P19

Fadainia, Christophe 07 1900 (has links)
Traditionnellement associée à la reproduction féminine, l'ocytocine (OT), une hormone peptidique synthétisée par les noyaux paraventriculaire et supraoptique de l'hypothalamus et sécrétée par l'hypophyse postérieure (neurohypophyse), a été récemment revue et a été démontrée avoir plusieurs nouveaux rôles dans le système cardio-vasculaire. En effet, notre laboratoire a montré que l’OT peut induire la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires (CSE) en cardiomyocytes (CM) fonctionnels. À l’aide du modèle cellulaire embryonnaire carcinomateux de souris P19, il a été démontré que ce processus survenait suite à la libération de la guanosine monophosphate cyclique (GMPc) dépendante du monoxyde d’azote. De même, il est connu que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP), un peptide produit, stocké et sécrété par les myocytes cardiaques, peut aussi induire la production du GMPc. De nombreuses études ont démontré que le cœur ayant subi un infarctus pouvait être régénéré à partir d’une population isolée de cellules souches et progénitrices transplantées. Une de ces populations de cellules, fréquemment isolées à partir d'organes provenant d'animaux aux stades de développement embryonnaire et adulte, appelée « Side Population » (SP), sont identifiées par cytométrie en flux (FACS) comme une population de cellules non marquées par le colorant fluorescent Hoechst 33342 (Ho). Les cellules SP expriment des protéines de transport spécifiques, de la famille ATP-binding cassette, qui ont pour rôle de transporter activement le colorant fluorescent Ho de leur cytoplasme. La sous-population de cellules SP isolée du cœur affiche un potentiel de différenciation cardiaque amélioré en réponse à un traitement avec l’OT. Récemment, l'hétérogénéité phénotypique et fonctionnelle des CSE a été mise en évidence, et cela a été corrélé avec la présence de sous-populations cellulaires ressemblant beaucoup aux cellules SP issues du cœur. Puisque l’ANP peut induire la production du GMPc et qu’il a été démontré que la différenciation cardiaque était médiée par la production du GMPc, alors nous émettons l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’ANP pourrait induire la différenciation cardiaque. Étant donné que les CSE sont composés d’un mélange de différents types cellulaires alors nous émettons aussi l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’utilisation d’une sous-population de CSE plus homogène renforcerait le potentiel de différenciation de l'ANP. Méthodes : Les SP ont été isolées des cellules P19 par FACS en utilisant la méthode d’exclusion du colorant fluorescent Ho. Puis, leur phénotype a été caractérisé par immunofluorescence (IF) pour les marqueurs de l’état indifférencié, d’auto-renouvellement et de pluripotence octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) et stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA1). Ensuite, la dose pharmacologique optimale d’ANP a été déterminée via des tests de cytotoxicité sur des cellules P19 (MTT assay). Pour induire la différenciation en cardiomyocytes, des cellules à l’état de sphéroïdes ont été formées à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » sous la stimulation de l’ANP pendant 5 jours. Puis, des cryosections ont été faites dans les sphéroïdes afin de mettre en évidence la présence de marqueurs de cellules cardiaques progénitrices tels que GATA4, Nkx2.5 et un marqueur mitochondrial spécifique Tom22. Ensuite, les cellules SP P19 ont été stimulées dans les sphéroïdes cellulaires par le traitement avec de l'ANP (10-7 M) ou de l’OT (10-7 M), de l’antagoniste spécifique du guanylate cyclase particulé (GCp) A71915 (10-6 M), ainsi que la combinaison des inducteurs OT+ANP, OT+A71915, ANP+A71915. Après la mise en culture, la différenciation en cardiomyocytes a été identifié par l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes caractéristiques des cellules cardiaques, par la détermination du phénotype cellulaire par IF, et enfin par l’extraction d'ARN et de protéines qui ont été utilisés pour le dosage du GMPc par RIA, l’expression des ARNm par RT-PCR et l’expression des protéines par immunobuvardage de type western. Résultats : Les sphéroïdes obtenus à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » ont montré une hausse modeste de l’expression des ARNm suivants : OTR, ANP et GATA4 comparativement aux cellules cultivées en monocouches. Les sphéroïdes induits par l’ANP ont présenté une augmentation significative des facteurs de transcription cardiaque GATA4 et Nkx2.5 ainsi qu’un plus grand nombre de mitochondries caractérisé par une plus grande présence de Tom22. De plus, L’ANP a induit l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes du jour 7 (stade précoce) au jour 14 (stade mature) de façon presque similaire à l’OT. Cependant, la combinaison de l’ANP avec l’OT n’a pas induit de colonies de cellules battantes suggérant un effet opposé à celui de l’OT. Par IF, nous avons quantifié (nombre de cellules positives) et caractérisé, du jour 6 au jour 14 de différenciation, le phénotype cardiaque de nos cellules en utilisant les marqueurs suivants : Troponine T Cardiaque, ANP, Connexines 40 et 43, l’isoforme ventriculaire de la chaîne légère de myosine (MLC-2v), OTR. Les SP différenciées sous la stimulation de l’ANP ont montré une augmentation significative du GMPc intracellulaire comparé aux cellules non différenciées. À notre grande surprise, l’antagoniste A71915 a induit une plus grande apparition de colonies de cellules battantes comparativement à l’OT et l’ANP à un jour précoce de différenciation cardiaque et l’ajout de l’OT ou de l’ANP a potentialisé ses effets, augmentant encore plus la proportion de colonies de cellules battantes. De plus, la taille des colonies de cellules battantes était encore plus importante que sous la simple stimulation de l’OT ou de l’ANP. Les analyses radioimmunologiques dans les cellules SP P19 stimulés avec l’ANP, A71915 et la combinaison des deux pendant 15min, 30min et 60min a montré que l’ANP stimule significativement la production du GMPc, cependant A71915 n’abolit pas les effets de l’ANP et celui-ci au contraire stimule la production du GMPc via des effets agonistes partiels. Conclusion : Nos résultats démontrent d’une part que l’ANP induit la différenciation des cellules SP P19 en CM fonctionnels. D’autre part, il semblerait que la voie de signalisation NPRA-B/GCp/GMPc soit impliquée dans le mécanisme de différenciation cardiaque puisque l’abolition du GMPc médiée par le GCp potentialise la différenciation cardiaque et il semblerait que cette voie de signalisation soit additive de la voie de signalisation induite par l’OT, NO/GCs/GMPc, puisque l’ajout de l’OT à l’antagoniste A71915 stimule plus fortement la différenciation cardiaque que l’OT ou l’A71915 seuls. Cela suggère que l’effet thérapeutique des peptides natriurétiques observé dans la défaillance cardiaque ainsi que les propriétés vasodilatatrices de certains antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques inclus la stimulation de la différenciation des cellules souches en cardiomyocytes. Cela laisse donc à penser que les peptides natriurétiques ou les antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques pourraient être une alternative très intéressante dans la thérapie cellulaire visant à induire la régénération cardiovasculaire. / Traditionally associated with female reproduction, oxytocin (OT), a peptidic hormone synthesized in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis), was revisited recently and was revealed to have several new roles in the cardiovascular system. Indeed, our laboratory has shown that OT can induce the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESC) into functional cardiomyocytes (CM). On the model of embryonal carcinoma cell line P19, it has been shown that this process occurs following the release of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent nitric oxide. Similarly, it is known that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a peptide produced, stored and secreted by cardiac myocytes, can also induce the release of cGMP. However, the cellular mechanisms involved in cardiac differentiation are still poorly understood. Numerous studies have shown that the injured heart can be regenerated from an isolated population of transplanted stem and progenitor cells. One of these cell populations, frequently isolated from embryonic and adult animal organs, called "Side Population" (SP), is characterized by active efflux of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 (Ho). SP cells express specific ATP-binding cassette transporter proteins which actively transport Ho out of their cytoplasm. The SP cell subpopulation isolated from the heart display enhanced differentiation potential into cardiac phenotype in response to OT treatment. Recently, the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of embryonic stem cells has been demonstrated, and this was correlated with the presence of cell subpopulations much like the SP cells from the heart and these cells can be identified by flow cytometry (FACS) as a population of unmarked cells by the Ho and which exhibit sensitivity to the inhibitor of the family of ATP-binding cassette ABC, verapamil. Thus, the SP from ESC could be a good candidate to induce cell differentiation more effectively to the cardiac phenotype. Since ANP can induce the release of cGMP and it has been shown that cardiac differentiation was mediated by the release of cGMP through the nitric oxide (NO), then we therefore formulate the hypothesis that ANP could also induce cardiac differentiation. Since ESC are composed of a mixture of different cell types so as we emit the hypothesis that the use of a subpopulation of more homogeneous ESC strengthen the differentiation potential of ANP. Methods: SP were isolated from P19 cells by FACS using the method of exclusion of fluorescent dye Hoechst and their phenotype was characterized by immunofluorescence (IF) for markers of the undifferentiated state, self-renewal and pluripotency OCT4 and SSEA1. Then, the optimal pharmacological dose of ANP was determined via cytotoxicity tests in P19 cells (MTT assay). For cardiac differentiation, cells in the form of spheroids were formed using the technique of "Hanging Drop" under the stimulation of ANP for 5 days. Then cuts were made in the spheroids via cryosection to highlight the presence of cardiac progenitor cell markers such as GATA4, Nkx2.5 and a specific mitochondrial marker Tom22. Next, the P19-SP cells were stimulated in cell spheroids by the treatment with ANP (10-7 M) or OT (10-7 M), the specific antagonist of particulate guanylate cyclase A71915 (10-6 M), and the combination of the inducers OT + ANP, OT + A71915, A71915 + ANP. After cell plating, the differentiation into cardiomyocytes has been identified by the appearance of beating cell colonies characteristics of contractile cardiac cells, by determining the cellular phenotype by IF, and finally by the extraction of RNA and proteins that were used for the determination of cGMP by RIA, the mRNA expression by RT-PCR and protein expression by western blotting. Results: The spheroids induced by ANP showed a significant increase in the presence of cardiac transcription factors GATA4 and Nkx2.5 as well as a greater number of mitochondria characterized by a greater presence of Tom22 compared with no induced cells suggesting a cardiomyogenic effect of ANP. In addition, ANP induced the appearance of beating cell colonies from day 7 (early stage) to day 14 (mature stage) similarly to OT. However, the combination of ANP with OT did not induce beating cell colonies suggesting a negative additive effect on cardiomyogenesis. The spheroids, obtained using the technique of "Hanging Drop", have shown a modest increase in mRNA expression as follows: OTR, ANP and GATA4 compared to cells grown in monolayers. By IF, we quantified (number of positive cells) and characterized, from day 6 to day 14 of differentiation, the cardiac phenotype of our cells using the following markers: Cardiac Troponin T, ANP, Connexines 40 and 43, Myosin Light Chain-2V, OTR. The SP differentiated under the stimulation of ANP showed a significant increase in intracellular cGMP compared with undifferentiated cells. Surprisingly, the antagonist A71915 induced a greater appearance of beating cell colonies compared to OT and ANP in early day of cardiac differentiation and the addition of OT or ANP potentiated its effects, further increasing the proportion of beating cells colonies. In addition, the size of beating cell colonies was even greater than under the simple stimulation of OT or ANP. Radioimmunoassay analysis in SP P19 cells stimulated with ANP, A71915 and the combination of both during 15min, 30min and 60min showed that ANP significantly stimulates the release of cGMP, however, A71915 does not abolish the effects of ANP and it rather stimulates the release of cGMP through partial agonist effects. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate firstly that ANP induces the differentiation of P19-SP cells into functional CM. Moreover, it appears that the signaling pathway NPRA-B/pGC/cGMP seems to be involved in the mechanism of cardiac differentiation since the abolition of cGMP mediated by the pGC potentiates cardiac differentiation and it appears that this signaling pathway is additive to the signaling pathway induced by OT, NO/sGC/cGMP, since the addition of OT to the antagonist A71915 stimulates cardiac differentiation more strongly than OT or A71915 alone. This suggests that the therapeutic effect of natriuretic peptides observed in heart failure and vasodilatory properties of certain natriuretic peptide receptor antagonists included the stimulation of stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes. This would therefore suggest that the natriuretic peptides or natriuretic peptide receptor antagonists could be an attractive alternative to cell therapy to induce heart regeneration.

Envolvimento da via heme-oxigenase-monóxido de carbono-guanosina monofosfato cíclico na nocicepção e na antinocicepção induzida por estresse agudo em ratos / Involvement of the heme oxygenase - carbon monoxide - cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in the nociception and antinociception induced by acute stress in rats.

Priscila Gonçalves de Carvalho 03 November 2009 (has links)
A exposição de animais a situações ameaçadoras de natureza inata ou aprendida resulta em exibição de um repertório de comportamentos defensivos espécie-específicos, alterações autonômicas e em inibição da dor, sendo esse conjunto de reações de alta relevância para a sobrevivência de uma espécie. Considerando este contexto, um importante componente da resposta do organismo a situações de emergência é a redução da capacidade de perceber a dor. O processamento de estímulos nociceptivos pode ser modulado no prosencéfalo, na medula espinal, no tronco encefálico e no diencéfalo, por mecanismos envolvendo diferentes neurotransmissores e neuromoduladores. Nos últimos anos, evidências têm demonstrado que o monóxido de carbono (CO), produzido a partir da enzima heme-oxigenase estimula a formação de guanosina 3, 5- monofosfato cíclico (GMPc), participando como neuromodulador de vários processos fisiológicos. Dentro deste contexto, mostrou-se que a via HO-CO-GMPc está envolvida na modulação periférica e espinal da dor inflamatória, bem como na modulação do estresse, porém não há conhecimento da participação desta via na modulação de estímulo doloroso agudo, bem como da antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o envolvimento da via HO-CO-GMPc na nocicepção e na antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse agudo em ratos, avaliada pelo índice de analgesia no teste de retirada da cauda (IARC). Nossos resultados demonstraram que a ativação da via HO-CO-GMPc por meio da administração ICV de heme-lisinato (substrato) tem efeito antinociceptivo, sendo este efeito dependente da atividade GMPc, desde que o pré-tratamento com inibidor da guanilase ciclase solúvel (GCs), ODQ, bloqueou o aumento do IARC. Ainda, esta modulação ocorre de maneira fásica e não tônica, pois o tratamento isolado ICV com o inibidor da HO, ZnDBPG ou com o inibidor da GCs, ODQ, não alterou o IARC. A antinocicepção induzida pelo estresse agudo (restrição física por 120 min) não é dependente da via HO-CO-GMPc, desde que o tratamento com o ZnDBPG, nem com o heme-lisinato alteraram o IARC. No entanto, esta antinocicepção é dependente da atividade do GMPc, pois o pré-tratamento com ODQ bloqueou o aumento do IARC. / The exposure of animals to threatening situations of innate or learned nature results in exhibition of a repertoire of species-specific defensive behaviors, autonomic alterations and pain inhibition. This group of reactions has high relevance for the survival of species. In this context, an important component of the response of the organism in the emergency situations is the reduction of the capacity to perceive pain. The processing of nociceptive stimulus can be modulated in forebrain, in spinal, and in midbrain, for mechanisms involving different neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Recently, evidence has demonstrated that carbon monoxide gas (CO), produced from the enzyme heme oxygenase (HO), stimulate the formation of 3\', 5\' - cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and this molecule has participated as neuromodulator in some physiological processes. In this way, it has shown that the HO-CO-cGMP pathway is involved in the peripheral and spinal modulation of inflammatory pain, as well as in the modulation of the stress. However, the involvement of this pathway in the modulation of acute painful stimulus, as well as in the antinociception induced by stress isn´t clarified. Thus, this study evaluated the involvement of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway in nociception and in antinociception induced by acute stress in rats, by means the of analgesia index in the tail flick test (AITF). Our results demonstrated that the activation of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway by means of heme-lysinate ICV administration has antinociceptive effect. Again, the increase of the AITF was dependent of the cGMP activity, since that the pretreatment with inhibitor of soluble guanylase cyclase (sGC), ODQ, blocked the antinociceptive effect. This modulation occurs in fasic and not tonic manner, because per se ICV treatment with inhibitor of the HO, ZnDBPG or with inhibitor of the sGC, ODQ did not modify the AITF. The antinociception induced by acute stress (physical restriction during 120 min) is not dependent of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway, since that neither the treatment with the ZnDBPG, nor with the heme-lysinate had modified the AITF. However, this antinociception is dependent of the activity of the cGMP, because the pretreatment with ODQ blocked the increase of the AITF induced by acute stress.

Le peptide natriurétique auriculaire induit la différenciation cardiaque dans les cellules souches embryonnaires carcinomateuses de souris P19

Fadainia, Christophe 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The signalling role of superoxide anion in vascular smooth muscle cells

Wu, Lingyun 05 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / L'anion superoxyde peut agir comme une molécule de signalisation ou comme un facteur préjudiciable selon sa concentration, l'organe cible, et selon la présence ou non d'antioxydants neutralisants. Actuellement, dans les cellules musculaires lisses (CMLs) vasculaires, les effets de l'anion superoxyde sur les différentes voies de transduction du signal et sur les interactions croisées entre ces voies ne sont pas encore définies. Par conséquent, une meilleure connaissance des effets de l'anion superoxyde sur les différentes voies de signalisation pourrait fournir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents aux fonctions altérées des CMLs vasculaires observées dans des conditions pathologiques. L'objectif général de cette étude était de caractériser et d'évaluer le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde, produit par la réaction de l'hypoxanthine avec la xanthine oxidase, sur les activités de différentes voies de signalisation dans les CMLs vasculaires, et de déterminer si la sensibilité de différentes voies de signalisation à l'anion superoxyde était altérée dans l'hypertension artérielle. Le projet de ce programme de recherche était basé sur les principaux postulats suivants : (1) l'anion superoxyde pourrait affecter sélectivement la production d'inositol 1,4,5-triphosphates (IP3), de GMPc, ou d'AMPc dans les CMLs vasculaires; (2) le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde pourrait être dû à une altération des interactions croisées entre différentes voies de signalisation; et (3) les anomalies observées dans les CMLs vasculaires chez le rat spontanément hypertendu (SHR) pourraient être reliées à des altérations des différentes voies de signalisation induites par l'anion superoxyde. Une production augmentée d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde dans les CMLs d'aorte de rat ou d'artère mésentérique en culture a été démontrée pour la première fois dans cette étude. L'anion superoxyde a augmenté la formation d'IP3d'une manière concentration-dépendante et temps-dépendante. La superoxyde dismutase (SOD), mais non la catalase, a inhibé significativement la formation d'IP3 induite par l'anion superoxyde. L'inhibition de la phospholipase C (PLC) a aboli l'effet de l'anion superoxyde sur la formation d'1P3. La génistéine et la tyrphostine A25, deux inhibiteurs de la tyrosine kinase, ont aussi inhibé significativement la formation d'IP3induite par l'anion superoxyde. L'utilisation d'anticorps anti-PLCy a atténué significativement la formation d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde. De plus, le taux d'expression des protéines de la PLCy a été augmenté après l'exposition des CMLs à l'anion superoxyde. Ces observations suggèrent donc que dans les CMLs vasculaires la formation d'1P3 induite par l'anion superoxyde pourrait être en grande partie secondaire à une augmentation de l'activité de la tyrosine kinase liée aux voies de signalisation de la PLCy. En ce qui concerne la voie du GMPc, l'anion superoxyde a diminué significativement les niveaux de base de GMPc et supprimé aussi l'augmentation des niveaux de GMPc induite par des stimulateurs de la guanylyl cyclase, le nitroprussiate de sodium (NPS) ou la s-nitroso-nacétylpénicillamine (SNAP). La formation d'1P3stimulée par l'anion superoxyde a été significativement inhibée par le NPS ou la SNAP, mais potentialisée de façon importante par un inhibiteur de la guanylyl cyclase l'ODQ ou par le KT5823 (un inhibiteur de la protéine kinase dépendant du GMPc). Cependant, l'anion superoxyde n'a pas eu d'effet sur les niveaux de base d'AMPc ou sur la production d'AMPc induite par la forskoline et de plus, l'inhibition de l'adénylyl cyclase ou de la protéine kinase dépendante de l'AMPe n'a pas affecté la formation d'lP3stimulée par l'anion superoxyde. Ces données, par conséquent, suggèrent que l'inhibition de la formation de GMPc par l'anion superoxyde contribue probablement à l'activation de la formation d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde en atténuant le rétrocontrôle inhibiteur du GMPc sur les voies de signalisation liées à la PLC, tandis que la voie de signalisation de l'AMPc ne serait pas impliquée dans la formation d'EP3induite par l'anion superoxyde. Dans les CMLs vasculaires de rat SHR, les effets de l'anion superoxyde ont été plus puissants que dans les CMLs de rat WKY, en ce qui concerne l'augmentation de formation d'1P3, la diminution des taux de GMPc et la facilitation induite par l'anion superoxyde des interactions croisées entre les voies du GMPc et de 1'IP3. Dans les CMLs vasculaires des deux souches de rat, la formation d'IP3induite par l'anion superoxyde a été inhibée par une variété d'antioxydants, dont la N-acétylcystéine, l'acide a-lipoïque, la mélatonine et la SOD. Il apparaît donc vraisemblable que l'hypersensibilité à l'anion superoxyde des voies de 1'IP3et du GMPc puissent contribuer à l'augmentation du tonus vasculaire et de la réactivité des CMLs dans l'hypertension artérielle. Nous avons aussi investigué si l'effet de la mélatonine était dû à ses propriétés antioxydantes. Un effet inhibiteur plus important de la mélatonine sur la contraction aortique induite par la norépinéphrine (NE) a été observé chez les rats SHR en comparaison avec les rats Wistar-Kyoto (WKY). L'inhibition par la mélatonine de la formation d'IP induite par la NE a été aussi plus importante dans les CMLs aortiques de rat SHR que dans celles de rat WKY. Les effets plus puissants de la mélatonine chez le rat SHR, qui ont été aussi observés avec la SOD, mais non avec la catalase, ne sont pas dûs à l'activation des récepteurs à la mélatonine ou des récepteurs a-adrénergiques. Ces résultats indiquent que les effets anti-hypertenseurs de la mélatonine sont largement dûs à l'inactivation de l'anion superoxyde, et que les niveaux endogènes d' antioxydants ne parviennent pas à contrecarrer les niveaux accrus d'anion superoxyde produits chez le rat SHR. En conclusion, cette étude révèle une variété de nouveaux mécanismes de signalisation de l'anion superoxyde. Pour la première fois, il a été démontré que l'anion superoxyde active l'hydrolyse des phosphoinositides et augmente les taux d'IP3dans les CMLs vasculaires, principalement par la stimulation de la tyrosine kinase liée à la voie de signalisation de la PLCy. Il a aussi été observé que l'anion superoxyde réduit la formation de GMPc et supprime l'inhibition croisée de 1'1P3par le GMPc, facilitant ainsi la formation d'1P3. Les effets sélectifs de l'anion superoxyde sur les voies de 1'IP3et du GMPc, ainsi que l'existence d'une inhibition croisée de la formation d'1P3par la voie du GMPc, révèlent des mécanismes nouveaux pour expliquer le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde sur les voies de signalisation dans les CMLs. Par conséquent, les effets plus puissants de l'anion superoxyde sur la signalisation de la voie de 1'IP3et de la voie du GMPc dans les CMLs vasculaires de rat SHR, effets qui ont été démontrés pour la première fois dans cette étude, pourraient être responsables des altérations des mécanismes de transduction du signal cellulaire chez le rat SHR et ainsi contribuer au développement et/ou au maintien de l'hypertension artérielle. Ces observations permettent donc d'imaginer de nouvelles orientations pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies pour la prévention ou le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle. / Superoxide anion can act as a signalling molecule or a detrimental factor depending on its concentration, the targeted organ, and the presence of counteracting antioxidants. The effects of superoxide on different signal transduction pathways and on the cross-talk interactions among these pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are presently still unsettled. Therefore, a better knowledge on the effects of superoxide on different signalling pathways may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the altered functions in vascular SMCs observed in pathological conditions. The general objective of this study was to characterize and evaluate the modulating role of superoxide generated by the hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase reaction on the activities of different signalling pathways in vascular SMCs and to investigate whether the sensitivities of different signalling pathways to superoxide were altered in hypertension. The design of the present research program was based on the following major postulates. (1) superoxide might selectively affect the generation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphates (IP3), cGMP, or cAMP in vascular SMCs; (2) the modulating role of superoxide might be mediated by alteration in the cross-talk interactions among different signalling pathways; and (3) the abnormalities observed in vascular SMCs from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) might be related to the alterations induced by superoxide on different signalling pathways. An enhanced production of 1P3induced by superoxide in cultured SMCs from rat aorta or mesenteric artery was demonstrated, for the first time, in this study. Superoxide increased 1P3 formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), but not catalase, significantly inhibited the superoxide-increased 1P3formation. The inhibition of phospholipase C (PLC) abolished the effect of superoxide on IP3formation. Genistein and tyrphostin A25, two tyrosine kinase inhibitors, also significantly inhibited the superoxideinduced IP3formation. The application of antibody against PLCI, significantly attenuated the superoxide-induced 1P3formation. Moreover, the expression level of PLC7proteins was increased after exposing SMCs to superoxide. These observations thus suggest that superoxideinduced IP3 formation may be in a great part secondary to an increase in the activity of tyrosine kinase-link PLCy signalling pathways in vascular SMCs. Concerning the cGMP pathway, superoxide significantly decreased the basal levels of cGMP and also suppressed the rise in cGMP levels induced by guanylyl cyclase stimulator sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or s-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP). The superoxide-induced IP3 formation was significantly inhibited by SNP or SNAP, but markedly potentiated by a guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ or KT5823 (a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor). However, superoxide had no effect on the basal levels of cAMP or the forskolin-induced cAMP production and moreover, the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase or cAMP-dependent protein kinase did not affect the superoxide-enhanced IP3formation. These data, therefore, suggest that the reduced cGMP formation by superoxide probably contributes to the superoxide induced activation of 1P3 formation by lifting the inhibitory feedback of cGMP on the PLC pathway(s), whereas, the cAMP pathway may not be involved in the superoxide-induced IP3formation. In vascular SMCs from SHR, the effects of superoxide were more potent than in SMCs from WKY, including the increase in 1P3 formation, the decrease in cGMP levels, and the superoxide-induced facilitation of the cross-talk interaction between cGMP and IP3pathways. The superoxide-induced 1P3formation was inhibited by a variety of antioxidants, including nacetylcysteine, cc-lipoic acid, melatonin and SOD, in vascular SMCs from both strains. It thus appears that the hypersensitivity of 1P3and cGMP pathways to superoxide is likely to contribute to the increased vascular tone and reactivity of SMCs in hypertension. Whether the effect of melatonin is due to its antioxidant properties was also explored. A greater inhibitory effect of melatonin on the norepinephrine (NE)-induced aortic contraction was observed in SHR than in Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). The inhibition of the NE-induced IP formation by melatonin was also greater in aortic SMCs from SHR than that from WKY. The enhanced effects of melatonin in SHR, which were found to be similarly enhanced with SOD but not with catalase, were not mediated by melatonin receptors or oc-adrenoceptors. These results indicate that the anti-hypertensive effects of melatonin are largely due to the scavenging of superoxide, and that the levels of endogenous antioxidants may not counteract the levels of overproduced superoxide in SHR. In conclusion, this study reveals a variety of novel signalling mechanisms for superoxide. For the first time, it was demonstrated that superoxide activates the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides and increases IP3levels in vascular SMCs mainly through the stimulation of tyrosine kinase-link PLCy signal pathway. It was also found that superoxide reduces cGMP formation and suppresses the cross-inhibition of IP3by cGMP, thus facilitating 1133formation. The selective effects of superoxide on 1133and cGMP pathways as well as the existence of a cross-inhibition of IP3formation by cGMP pathway provide novel mechanisms for the signalling role of superoxide in vascular SMCs. Therefore, the altered signalling effects of superoxide on the IP3pathway and the cGMP pathway, which were demonstrated in vascular SMCs from SHR for the first time in this study, could thus be responsible for the alterations in cellular signal transduction mechanisms in SHR and might contribute to the development and/or maintenance of hypertension. These observations could provide new avenues for the development of new strategies for the prevention or treatment of hypertension.

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