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En jämförelse mellan två generationer av GNSS-instrument / A comparison between two generations of GNSS instrumentsAndersson, Hugo, Gannholm, Rebekka January 2015 (has links)
Studien undersöker om det är någon skillnad mellan en ny generation av Global Navigation Satellite Systems-instrument (GNSS) vad avser noggrannhet vid positionsbestämning och huruvida det är någon tidsskillnad i användande av de olika instrumenten. I studien jämförs det instrument som används idag av Lantmäteriet, Leica Viva CS15 och GS15, med nyare Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 XR. GeoExplorern kan användas antingen med en inbyggd antenn eller med en extern antenn för att ta emot satellitsignaler. Båda konfigurationerna är undersökta i studien.Studien genomfördes genom att etablera två lokala stomnät med satsmätning, för att få "facit"-punkter att jämföra GNSS-mätningarna mot. Näten transformerades in i SWEREF 99 12 00 med hjälp av statisk GNSS-mätning. Därefter mättes alla punkter i näten in 30 gånger per punkt med vart och ett av GNSS-instrumenten, för att få ett statistiskt säkert underlag.Resultatet visar att Trimble med extern antenn generellt hade minst spridning (0,009-0,020 meter i dolt nät och 0,008-0,013 meter i öppet nät) men den hade överlag ett något större avstånd från "facit"-punkten än Leican (0,016-0,088 meter i dolt nät och 0,032-0,054 meter i öppet nät). Leica-instrumentet hade istället mer spridning (0,021-0,142 meter i dolt nät och 0,014-0,032 meter i öppet nät) men mindre avvikelse från "facit"-punkten (0,006-0,076 meter i dolt nät och 0,019-0,059 meter i öppet nät). Trimble med intern antenn hade störst spridning (0,021-0,038 meter i dolt nät och 0,013-0,048 meter i öppet nät) och avvek också mest från "facit"-punkten (0,026-0,083 meter i dolt nät och 0,024-0,068 meter i öppet nät).En tidsstudie genomfördes också genom att mäta tiden det tog från att instrumentet var påslaget tills att det var färdigt att mätas med, det vill säga tills initieringen var färdig. Tidsstudien resulterade i att Leica Viva var i genomsnitt 12 % snabbare då omgivningen var fri från hinder, och i genomsnitt 21 % snabbare då närområdet var bevuxet med träd och buskar.Slutsatsen av projektet är att instrumenten är likvärdiga vad gäller kvalitet på mätningar och tidsåtgång. Den stora skillnaden finner vi i vikt och tyngdpunkt på instrumenten, där Trimble med intern antenn har den lägsta vikten. / This study examines whether there is any difference in a new generation of Global Navigation Satellite System instruments (GNSS) in the accuracy of positioning and whether there is any time difference when using the different instruments. The study compares the instruments used today by Lantmäteriet, the Leica Viva CS15 and the GS15, with the Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 XR. The GeoExplorer can be used either with an integrated or an external antenna to receive satellite signals, both configurations are investigated in this study. The study was carried out by establishing two core networks with set measurements, to obtain "true" coordinates to compare against the measurements made with the GNSS-instruments. The networks were transformed into SWEREF 99 12 00 using static GNSS surveying. Then each point was measured 30 times by each of the GNSS instruments, in order to get statistically reliable data. The result shows that Trimble with an external antenna generally had the best precision (0,009-0,020 meters in the shrouded network and 0,008-0,013 meters in the open network) but had less accuracy (0,016-0,088 meters in the shrouded network and 0,032-0,054 meters in the open network), in other words a greater distance from the "true" coordinate. The Leica instrument had a lower precision (0,021-0,142 meters in the shrouded network and 0,014-0,032 meters in the open network), but better accuracy (0,006-0,076 meters in the shrouded network and 0,019-0,059 meters in the open network). Trimble with the internal antenna had the lowest precision (0,021-0,038 meters in the shrouded network and 0,013-0,048 meters in the open network) and accuracy (0,026-0,083 meters in the shrouded network and 0,024-0,068 meters in the open network). A time course study was also conducted by measuring the time it took from the point where the instrument was turned on, to when the initialization was completed. The result of the time study was that the Leica Viva was about 12 percent faster when the environment was free of obstacles, and around 21 percent faster when the immediate area was more forest like with trees and bushes. The conclusion of the project is that the instruments are equivalent in terms of quality of measurements and time. The big difference is found in the weight and center of gravity of the instruments, where Trimble with internal antenna has the lowest weight.
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Mesure de déformation par combinaison de techniques géodésiques : Auscultation par GPS et topométrie / Combination of GPS and topometric measurements for deformation monitoringLegru, Benoît 23 May 2011 (has links)
La Terre est une planète en constante évolution et sa surface ne cesse de se transformer. Ses déformations soulèvent des questionnements. Depuis plusieurs années, le L2G de l’ESGT s’intéresse à l’étude des déformations par inter comparaison de techniques. Il dispose en cela de différents procédés de mesure. Puis au fil du temps, le laboratoire s’interroge sur l’intérêt de réaliser une combinaison entre différentes techniques de mesure afin d’observer des déformations fines et précises (quelques millimètres).L’objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer l’intérêt de combiner des mesures GNSS et des mesures topométriques, celles-ci semblant être les plus utilisées, et de les concrétiser. Les résultats présentés sont basés sur des simulations et sur des campagnes de mesures combinées des techniques de GNSS et de topométrie effectuée sur un réseau test d’une étendue locale. Les calculs évoluent en fonction de la distance de la ligne de base et en modifiant les durées de sessions de mesures. Nous montrons qu’une combinaison par cumul des équations normales améliore la précision du positionnement non seulement par rapport à l’utilisation de chaque technique séparée, mais également par rapport aux méthodes classiques basées sur la combinaison des coordonnées issues des techniques de GNSS et de topométrie. / The Earth is a constantly evolving planet and its surface keeps transforming. Its deformations raise questions. For several years, the L2G at ESGT has been interested in the study of deformations through inter comparison of techniques. For this, it has various measurement processes. Then, with time, the laboratory is now pondering about the interest of combining various techniques of measurement in order to observe fine and precise deformations (a few millimeters).The aim of this PhD thesis is to demonstrate the interest of combining GNSS and topometric measurements, the latter being apparently the most commonly used. The presented results are based on simulations and campaigns of combined measurement through the use of GNSS and topometric techniques made on a model network of a local area. Thecalculations made are dependent both on the distance of the baseline and the alteration of the session length.We show that a combination through the accumulation of the normal equations improves the localisation accuracy regarding not only the use of every separate technique but also the more classic methods based on the coordinates combination provided by GNSS and topometric techniques.
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Mesure d’intégrité par l’exploitation des signaux de navigation par satellites / Exploitation of the GNSS signals for integrity measurementCharbonnieras, Christophe 04 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre des systèmes de positionnement par satellite GNSS (« Global Navigation Satellite Systems »), l’intégritéde la navigation d’un utilisateur est gérée en réception par la détection, l’identification voire l’exclusion de mesures depseudo-distance jugées erronées. Généralement basés sur le concept a posteriori RAIM (« Receiver Autonomous IntegrityMonitoring »), les algorithmes de contrôle autonome d’intégrité fournissent de hautes performances pour l’aviation civile,dont le contexte de navigation est caractérisé par une forte visibilité des satellites et peu de signaux parasites captéspar l’antenne réceptrice. L’algorithme WLSR RAIM est communément utilisé dans ce cadre. Néanmoins, les techniquesRAIM ne sont pas compatibles avec la navigation terrestre en milieu contraint. En effet, le contexte urbain est notammentcaractérisé par un masquage récurrent des signaux satellitaires directs ainsi que la réception de multi-trajets générés parl’environnement proche du récepteur. RAIM ne prend pas en compte l’ensemble des données disponibles en réception,dégradant ainsi fortement ses performances. Il est donc nécessaire de développer des méthodes de contrôle d’intégritécompatibles avec un tel contexte de navigation. Pour cela, la thèse propose d’étudier l’apport d’informations GNSS a priorinon utilisées par les techniques RAIM. Deux paramètres principaux ont été exploités : le signal GNSS brut reçu et lesestimations de directions d’arrivée des signaux satellitaires DOA (« Direction Of Arrival »). La première étape a consisté à implémenter une méthode a priori qui évalue la cohérence du positionnement estimé par rapport au signal brut directement reçu. Cette méthode a été nommée Direct-RAIM (D-RAIM) et a démontré une forte sensibilité de détection, permettant d’anticiper d’éventuels risques sur la navigation et de caractériser plus finement la qualité de l’environnement proche du récepteur. Toutefois, le caractère a priori de l’approche engendre de potentielles non détection d’erreurs en cas de modèle de signal défectueux. Afin de contourner cette limitation, un couplage WLSRRAIM – D-RAIM a été développé, nommé Hybrid-RAIM (H-RAIM). Une telle approche permet de combiner robustesse etsensibilité apportées par ces techniques respectives. Le second axe de recherche a mis en évidence la contribution de l’information des DOA dans un contrôle autonome d’intégrité. L’intégration d’un réseau d’antennes en réception permet d’obtenir l’estimation des DOA pour l’ensemble dela constellation visible. Théoriquement, l’évolution jointe des DOA est directement liée à l’attitude du réseau. Cet aspectpermet donc de détecter toute incohérence sur une ou plusieurs voies en cas d’estimation(s) de DOA biaisée(s), par rapportà l’ensemble de la constellation. L’algorithme RANSAC (« RANdom SAmple Consensus») a été utilisé afin de détecter toutcomportement aberrant dans l’estimation des DOA, et ainsi mesurer la confiance que l’utilisateur peut placer dans chaquevoie. L’algorithme WLSR RAIM RANSAC a ainsi été implémenté. L’intégration de la composante DOA permet d’ajouterun degré de liberté dans le contrôle autonome d’intégrité côté récepteur et ainsi d’affiner la détection voire l’exclusiond’erreurs. Au cours de cette thèse, un récepteur logiciel a été implémenté, permettant de traiter des signaux Galileo, de lagénération du signal jusqu’au positionnement puis au contrôle d’intégrité. Ce récepteur a pu être évalué à partir de donnéessimulées en environnement urbain. / In Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications, integrity is managed at the reception side by detection,identification and exclusion of faulty pseudorange measurements. Usually based on the a posteriori Receiver AutonomousIntegrity Monitoring (RAIM) concept, integrity techniques provide high performances for civil aviation, with a navigationcontext defined by a clear-sky environment. WLSR RAIM is commonly used. Nevertheless, RAIM techniques are notcompatible with a terrestrial navigation in harsh environments. For instance, urban areas are characterized by a poorvisibility and the reception of many multipaths derived from the receiver closed-environment. RAIM does not consider allthe available data in the reception chain, which dramatically deteriorates the detection performances. Hence, it is necessaryto develop integrity process compatible with such a navigation context. This PhD work studies the contribution of GNSSa priori information, disused by conventional RAIM techniques. Two main parameters have been exploited : the receivedraw GNSS signal and the Directions Of Arrival (DOA) estimations.This first step was devoted to the development of an a priori method which evaluates the consistence of the estimatedPosition Velocity Time (PVT) vector of the receiver with respect to the raw GNSS signal. This method has been calledDirect-RAIM (D-RAIM) and has shown high detection sensitivity, allowing the user to anticipate navigation risks and todefine precisely the quality of the receiver closed-environment. However, the a priori aspect of this approach may lead tonavigation error missed detections if the signal model is getting flawed. In order to circumvent this limitation, a WLSRRAIM – D-RAIM coupling has been developed, called Hybrid-RAIM (H-RAIM). Such an approach merges the robustnessand the sensitivity brought by both techniques.The second research step has brought to light the contribution of the DOA information in an autonomous integritymonitoring. Using an antenna array, the user can get the DOA estimations for all satellites in view. Theoretically, the DOAjoint evolution is directly correlated with the array rotation angles. Hence, any mismatch on the DOA estimations withrespect to the global constellation can be detected. RANdom Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm has been used inorder to detect any faulty DOA evolution, derived from inconsistencies in reception linked to potential navigation risks :RANSAC measures the trust that the user can place in each channel. Therefore, a WLSR RAIM RANSAC algorithmhas been developed. The integration of the DOA component adds a degree of freedom in receiver autonomous integritymonitoring, refining the error detection and exclusion.Last but not least, a software receiver has been implemented processing Galileo data, from the signal generation to positioningand integrity monitoring. This software has been evaluated by simulated data characterizing urban environments.
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Modeling and monitoring of new GNSS signal distortions in the context of civil aviation / Modélisation et surveillance des distorsions pour les nouveaux signaux GNSS dans le contexte de l'aviation civilePagot, Jean-Baptiste 20 December 2016 (has links)
Le GNSS est actuellement présent dans de nombreux domaines et permet le positionnement et la navigation. Parmi ces domaines, l’aviation civile a besoin d’une qualité de service élevée, notamment pendant les phases de vol les plus exigeantes en termes d’intégrité, de précision, de disponibilité et de continuité. Afin de satisfaire ces exigences, toutes les sources de dégradations potentielles du service doivent être prises en compte. Les distorsions des signaux GNSS générées par la charge utile du satellite sont un exemple de problème qui doit être pris en compte par l’aviation civile. Elles peuvent se manifester de deux manières différentes: les distorsions nominales générées par les satellites en fonctionnement normal et les distorsions non nominales générées lors d’une panne de la charge utile. Tout d’abord, cette thèse aborde le problème des déformations nominales affectant les signaux GPS L1 C/A et Galileo E1C. Différentes observations sont réalisées à partir de la visualisation de la fonction de corrélation ou du signal et par l’utilisation d’antennes à haut gain et d’une antenne omnidirectionnelle. Après l’observation des distorsions nominales, cette thèse aborde le sujet des distorsions non nominales du signal. En utilisant les travaux réalisés dans le passé par l’aviation civile dans le cadre du signal GPS L1 C/A, le but est de proposer de nouveaux modèles de distorsions associés aux nouveaux signaux GPS et Galileo qui vont être utilisés par l’aviation civile après 2020. Dans cette optique, de nouveaux modèles de menace (appelés TMs) pour les nouveaux signaux (GPS L5 et Galileo E5a et E1C) sont proposés. La dernière étape de cette thèse se focalise sur l’étude d’une technique capable de protéger un utilisateur de l’aviation civile contre les TMs proposés pour les nouveaux signaux. Cette technique appelée SQM est aujourd’hui implémentée dans les systèmes GBAS et SBAS pour détecter les distorsions de la fonction de corrélation dans le cadre des signaux GPS L1 C/A. / GNSS is used nowadays in various fields for navigation and positioning including safety -of-life applications. Among these applications is civil aviation that requires a very high quality of service for the most demanding phases of flight in terms of integrity, accuracy, availability and continuity. To meet these requirements any source of potential service degradations has to be accounted for. One such example is GNSS signal distortions due to the satellite payload which can manifest in two ways: nominal distortions that are generated by healthy satellites due to payload imperfections and nonnominal distortions that are triggered by a satellite payload failure. The thesis first looks at the nominal distortions through GPS L1 C/A and Galileo E1C signals. Different types of observations are used based on correlation or chip domain visualization, and using high-gain and omnidirectional antennas. After the observation of nominal distortions, the dissertation investigates the non-nominal distortions due to the payload failure. Supported by the groundwork performed by civil aviation on signal distortion for the GPS L1 C/A signal, this dissertation aims at proposing new distortions models associated to the new GPS and Galileo signals that will be used by civil aviation after 2020. In particular, new TMs for new signals (GPS L5, Galileo E5a and Galileo E1C) are proposed. Finally, in this dissertation is built an appropriate monitor, referred to as SQM that is able to detect any distortion from the proposed TMs (for new signals) that could lead to a position integrity failure. Regarding GPS L1 C/A signal monitoring, such SQM is today implemented in GNSS augmentation systems including GBAS and SBAS. The current monitors are based on the analysis of the correlation function.
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Approches avancées de navigation par signaux GNSS en environnement urbain utilisant un modèle 3D / Advanced approaches for navigation by GNSS signals in urban environment using a 3D modelBourdeau, Aude 06 December 2013 (has links)
L'utilisation de systèmes GNSS (Global Navigation Satellites System) en environnement urbain s'est fortement développée, notamment avec l'apparition des puces GNSS dans les téléphones portables. Cependant, l'environnement urbain génère des difficultés dans la réception des signaux GNSS qui peuvent engendrer des erreurs en position de plusieurs dizaines de mètres. Nous avons choisi d'apporter une solution à ces problématiques grâce à l'utilisation d'un modèle 3D de ville réaliste simulant la propagation des signaux GNSS. La première partie de notre étude se porte sur la problématique des signaux Non Line Of Sight et propose une solution de navigation utilisant le modèle 3D de ville pour estimer les caractéristiques géométriques des signaux NLOS reçus par le récepteur. Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail, le modèle 3D de ville est utilisé pour estimer le biais dû aux signaux multitrajets sur la mesure de pseudodistance. Enfin, la dernière partie de notre étude propose une solution combinant les méthodes de poursuite vectorielle des signaux GNSS aux apports d'information du modèle 3D de ville afin d'aider la poursuite en contexte d'atténuation des signaux GNSS. / The use of Global Navigation Satellites System, better known by the acronym GNSS, in an urban environment has grown significantly, especially with the advent of GNSS chips in mobile phones. However, the urban environment introduces many difficulties in GNSS signal reception that can lead to position ?s errors of several tens of meters. We chose to answer these problems by using a 3D city model allowing to simulate a realistic propagation of the GNSS signal in urban environment. The first part of our work regards the Non Line Of Sight problem, where we propose a navigation solution based on a 3D city model to estimate geometrical properties of NLOS measured by the receiver. In a second part, the 3D city model is used to estimate the bias coming from the multipath on the pseudorange measurement. Finally, the last part of our study provides a solution coupling the GNSS signal vectorial tracking method to the information produced from the 3D city model in order to improve the tracking in the context of strong GNSS signal power attenuation.
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Design and performance of a GNSS single-frequency multi-constellation vector tracking architecture for urban environments / Conception et performance d'une architecture de poursuite vectorielle multi-constellation monofréquence GNSS pour les environnements urbainsShytermeja, Enik 14 December 2017 (has links)
Durant la dernière décennie, les systèmes de navigation par satellites ont obtenu une place majeure dans le développement d’application de navigation urbaine et les services associés. L’environnement urbain pose plusieurs défis à la réception des signaux GNSS, comprenant les multi-trajets et le phénomène de blocage des signaux directs, qui peuvent se traduire dans le domaine de la position, par une diminution de la précision de la solution de navigation voire par une indisponibilité de la position. Dans cette situation, la poursuite vectorielle constitue une approche intéressante capable de contrecarrer les effets propres à un environnement urbain tels que les multi-trajets, les réceptions de signaux non directs et les interruptions de signal. Cette thèse s’intéresse particulièrement à la proposition et au design d’une architecture double constellation GPS + Galileo, mono-fréquence L1/E1 VDFLL pour les véhicules routiers en milieu urbain. Concernant la navigation, le VDFLL représente une application concrète de la fusion d’information dû au fait que tous les canaux de poursuite sont contrôlés par le même filtre de navigation sous la forme d’un Filtre de Kalman Étendu (EKF). Le choix de l’architecture double constellation mono-fréquence a pour but d’augmenter le nombre de mesures et garantit une faisabilité bas coût du récepteur mobile. De plus, l’utilisation des signaux de mono-fréquence L1 implique la prise en compte des perturbations causées par la ionosphère. Malgré l’application des modèles de corrections ionosphérique, un résidu d’erreur ionosphérique reste toujours présent. L’originalité de ce travail repose sur l’implémentation d’une architecture VDFLL double constellation capable d’estimer le résidu d’erreurs ionosphériques présent sur les observations reçues. Ce doctorat analyse les avantages apportés par la solution proposée par rapport à la poursuite scalaire au regard de performances de positionnement et de robustesse de poursuite dans le cadre d’une trajectoire de véhicule en milieu urbain et en présence de multi-trajets et de résidus d’erreur ionosphérique. / In the last decade, Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS) have gained a significant position in the development of urban navigation applications and associated services. The urban environment presents several challenges to GNSS signal reception, such as multipath and GNSS Line-of-Sight (LOS) blockage, which are translated in the positioning domain in a decreased navigation solution accuracy up to the lack of an available position. For this matter, Vector Tracking (VT) constitutes a promising approach able to cope with the urban environment-induced effects including multipath, NLOS reception and signal outages. This thesis is particularly focused on the proposal and design of a dual constellation GPS + Galileo single frequency L1/E1 Vector Delay Frequency Lock Loop (VDFLL) architecture for the automotive usage in urban environment. From the navigation point of view, VDFLL represents a concrete application of information fusion, since all the satellite tracking channels are jointly tracked and controlled by the common navigation Extended Kalman filter (EKF). The choice of the dual-constellation single frequency vector tracking architecture ensures an increased number of observations and at the same time allowing the conservation of the low-cost feasibility criteria of the mobile user’s receiver. Moreover, the use of single frequency L1 band signals implies the necessity of taking into account the ionospheric error effect. In fact, even after the application of the ionosphere error correction models, a resultant ionospheric residual error still remains in the received observations. The originality of this work relies on the implementation of a dual-constellation VDFLL architecture, capable of estimating the ionosphere residual error present in the received observations. This dissertation investigates the VDFLL superiority w.r.t the scalar tracking receiver in terms of positioning performance and tracking robustness for a real car trajectory in urban area in the presence of multipath and ionosphere residual error.
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Análise da acurácia e da precisão do posicionamento RTK utilizando o receptor u-blox LEA-6T e o software RTKLib. / Accuracy and precision analysis of RTK positioning using u-blox LEA-6T receiver and RTKLib software.Pedro Luiz Martinez Facin 28 October 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a aplicação do posicionamento RTK (Real Time Kinematics) em modo estático e cinemático, visando representar diferentes usos no cotidiano e comprovar a possibilidade de gerar uma solução de posicionamento RTK de baixo custo. Desde empresas de topografia e locação de obras, passando por empresas geradoras de bases cartográficas, até o segmento do transporte público por ônibus, o uso desta tecnologia, por um valor de aproximadamente R$ 3000,00, pode viabilizar novas oportunidades, como o georreferenciamento com maior acurácia tanto de imóveis rurais quanto de monitoramento de frotas de veículos e a atualização de mapas viários. Para isso, foi gerada uma solução de posicionamento RTK com um receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) móvel, um laptop, um celular com chip GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), conexão 3G ou via wi-fi e o software livre RTKLib para correção e fixação do posicionamento, além de conexão com estações da RBMC-IP (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). O RTKLib se sincroniza com o receptor GPS u-blox (sinal L1 e constelação GPS), o qual compacta as observações de fase para o envio dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que, dependendo da solução RTK (fix ou float), o posicionamento atingiu acurácias abaixo de 1 metro e precisão nesta mesma ordem de grandeza para linhas de bases menores que 10 km. Com linhas de base mais longas, o resultado degradou, conforme o esperado. Os testes cinemáticos indicaram acurácia de até 1,5 metro, podendo ser utilizado como produto para estimativas de trajeto. Além dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia específica, na área de soluções de posicionamento RTK, que trouxe, através da utilização de ferramentas estatísticas, ganhos de produtividade significativos em termos de tempo, equipamentos e mão de obra necessária, pois explorou não somente um maior tempo de rastreio nos testes estáticos, mas cobriu também testes cinemáticos. / The present research evaluates the application of Real Time Kinematics (RTK) positioning in static and kinematic mode for different daily activities and verify the potential to generate a RTK positioning solution. The use of this technology with a low cost system may be useful for different segments, since companies engaged with topographic surveys and construction activities, logistic companies and even public transportation, by offering a solution with more accuracy and precision and can also represent a market opportunity for rural properties, fleet monitoring and map databases update. In order to make feasible this purpose, it was generated a RTK positioning solution using a mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a notebook, an smartphone equipped with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) device and provided with 3G or wifi connection, the software RTKLib to fix and obtained a fixed positioning and the monitoring stations of the Continuous Monitoring Brazilian Network (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo - RBMC-IP). The software is connected with the receiver GPS u-blox (L1 signal and GPS constellation) which is the responsible for adjust the phase information in a format and size suitable to the data exchange. The main advantage of this solution is that only one person is required to collect the field data and the feasibility of RTK/GSM technique usage in steep topography areas, consequently increasing productivity during projects execution. The results indicate that, depending on the kind of RTK positioning solution generated, fix or float, the positioning obtained accuracy rates lower than 1 meter, however with some sensitivity and variability and precision in the same magnitude for baseline lower than 10 kilometres; while the results for long baselines (higher than 100 kilometres) did not present the same accuracy/precision, as expected. Kinematics tests showed good accuracy prescribing estimation path usage. Besides quantitative and qualitative results, the main contribution of this research was the development of a specific methodology in the area of RTK positioning solution, that brought by statistical tools productivity gains in terms of time collection, equipment and manpower required, since exploited not only a longer time in static tests but also covered kinematic tests.
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Investigações sobre o impacto da modernização do GNSS no PosicionamentoPolezel, Wesley Gildo Canducci [UNESP] 25 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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polezel_wgc_me_prud.pdf: 1240950 bytes, checksum: 142fe3cb11a3c5af3d674c07f9b8cc46 (MD5) / Com a inclusão de novos sinais nos satélites GPS e o advento do sistema Galileo, o posicionamento por satélite entrará em uma nova era, trazendo inovações tecnológicas e científicas, principalmente nas combinações entre diferentes sistemas. Logo, verifica-se a importância de analisar a qualidade dos novos sinais, quantificando suas contribuições na acurácia do posicionamento. Visando contribuir com essa demanda, este trabalho tem o intuito de dar continuidade às pesquisas no Brasil sobre a qualidade advinda da modernização do GNSS utilizando os novos sinais transmitidos pelos satélites. O GNSS engloba o GPS, o GLONASS, o Galileo, o SBAS, o Beidou e o LAAS. Entretanto, neste trabalho apenas os sistemas GPS, GLONASS e Galileo serão abordados. Com esses três sistemas é possível realizar combinações lineares para integrá-los no posicionamento por ponto e relativo. Alguns problemas nessa combinação foram detectados com indicações de soluções para os efeitos não modelados. No que concerne aos efeitos da ionosfera, uma combinação ion-free utilizando três freqüências foi apresentada, permitindo eliminar os efeitos de primeira e segunda ordem da ionosfera. Apresenta-se também uma revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte da solução da ambigüidade utilizando esses três sistemas. Além disso, foi realizado um experimento a fim de analisar a qualidade do novo sinal L2C. Nas análises, tal como esperado, os satélites modernizados apresentaram melhores resultados do que os satélites não modernizados. Como o sistema Galileo ainda não está operacional, foi implementado no software GPSeq a interoperabilidade dos sinais GPS e GLONASS e realizadas análises comparando tais sistemas no posicionamento relativo. Além disso, comparou-se os resultados do software GPSeq com softwares comerciais. Os resultados, em alguns momento... / With the addition of new signals in GPS satellites and the advent of Galileo system, the satellite positioning will start a new era, which will require technologic and scientific innovations mainly in combinations of these systems. Therefore, analyzing the new signal quality and quantifying their contribution in the positioning accuracy are very important. Thus, this research points out the importance of continuing investigations in Brazil about GNSS modernization using the new signals transmitted by the satellites. The GNSS include GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, Beidou and LAAS. However, in this work only GPS, GLONASS and Galileo system are taken into account. In order to integrate these three systems it is possible to accomplish linear combinations in absolute and relative positioning. Some problems in these combinations were detected and solutions for the unmodeled effects were recommended. For the ionospheric effect, an ion-free combination using three frequencies was performed. This combination can eliminate the ionosphere effects of first and second order. In this paper a bibliographical revision of the ambiguity solution using three systems is accomplished. Furthermore, an experiment was carried out to analyze... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Numerous issues that are highlighted today, both in the media and in the scientific community refers to natural disasters, focusing to urban flooding. From this, it is emphasized that the aim of this study is to develop a mapping methodology of risk areas to flooding, with the spatial area the city of Jaguari/RS. Among the events of floods that have occurred in the city, it is highlighted as the most severe and catastrophic, the event that occurred in 1984. Thus, in order to achieve the proposed objective, it has gone through several methodological steps. Initially it is make up the collection points with GNSS signal receiver, there was the generation of a DEM with the application of photogrammetric processes and in the end, it is obtained the planialtimetric modeling of the study area. This modeling was of fundamental importance for the definition of areas susceptible to flooding, along with another variable: the return time. Also, from these bases, structured if the hazard map, segmenting the mapping of susceptibility as the return times of 2, 10 and 73 years, coinciding such urban areas. In the next step it is created the vulnerability map, in which the correlation of information residences density was used together detailed information of all buildings arranged in the area susceptible. Thus, it obtained the zoning of the risk to flooding, with the intersection of the hazard mapping by the vulnerability, generating four risk classes. All information was stored in a database and analyzed using an application developed with Visual Basic programming language, the BZMAPS. Susceptibility area corresponds to 15.3% of the urbanized area of the city, with a total of 401 homes. The danger area synthesized, for the most class (high hazard), 18 residences. Already in vulnerability mapping, it was found, for the most class (high vulnerability), a total of 46 residences. Finally, with the mapping of risk in the class "very high risk" it is numbered 7 homes in an area of 1.50 ha, and for the class "high risk" it is quantified 21 homes in an area 2.26 ha. The main conclusions regarding this dissertation refers to all the methodological implementation of this research, with the use of GNSS receivers, photogrammetry, data organized in GIS, database construction, among others, were of great importance, therefore, it generated a paper scientific technical about the detailed mapping of flooding of Jaguari/RS city. / Inúmeros assuntos que estão em destaque atualmente, tanto na mídia como na comunidade científica referem-se aos desastres naturais, com foco às inundações urbanas. A partir disso, destaca-se, que o objetivo geral desse trabalho é o de desenvolver uma metodologia de mapeamento das áreas de risco à inundação, tendo como recorte espacial o município de Jaguari/RS. Dentre os eventos de inundações que já ocorreram no município, ressalta-se, como o mais severo e catastrófico, o ocorrido no ano de 1984. Assim, a fim de atingir o objetivo proposto, passou-se por várias etapas metodológicas. Inicialmente fez-se a coleta de pontos com receptor de sinal GNSS, houve a geração de um MDE junto a aplicação de processos fotogramétricos e ao final, obteve-se a modelagem planialtimétrica da área de estudo. Essa modelagem foi de fundamental importância para a definição das áreas suscetíveis a inundação, junto a outra variável: o tempo de retorno. Também, a partir dessas bases, estruturou-se o mapa de perigo, segmentando a cartografia da suscetibilidade conforme os tempos de retorno de 2, 10 e 73 anos, coincidindo tais áreas com a mancha urbana. Na próxima etapa criou-se o mapa de vulnerabilidade, no qual foi utilizada a correlação das informações da densidade de residências do município junto às informações detalhadas de todas as construções dispostas na área suscetível. Com isso, obteve-se o zoneamento do risco à inundação, com o cruzamento da cartografia do perigo junto à vulnerabilidade, gerando quatro classes de risco. Todas as informações foram armazenadas em um banco de dados e analisadas por meio de um aplicativo desenvolvido com a linguagem de programação Visual Basic, o BZMAPS. A área de suscetibilidade correspondeu a 15,3% da área urbanizada do município, com um montante de 401 residências. A área de perigo sintetizou em sua maior classe (alto perigo) 18 residências. Já no mapeamento da vulnerabilidade, constatou-se, na sua maior classe (alta vulnerabilidade), um total de 46 residências. Por fim, com o mapeamento do risco, na classe "risco muito alto", numerou-se 7 residências, em uma área de 1,50 ha, e para a classe "alto risco" quantificou-se 21 residências em uma área de 2,26 ha. As principais conclusões a respeito dessa dissertação refere-se que toda a implementação metodológica dessa pesquisa, com utilização de receptores GNSS, fotogrametria, dados organizados em SIG, construção de banco de dados, entre outros, foram de grande importância, pois, gerou um trabalho altamente técnico-científico acerca do mapeamento detalhado das inundações do município de Jaguari/RS.
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Erros de percurso em carretas de transbordo de cana-de-açúcar / Path error in sugarcane transshipment trailersBruna Pessoa Passalaqua 16 February 2018 (has links)
O sistema de produção canavieiro e dependente da sequência de cortes e rebrota das plantas de cana-de-açúcar. O trafego sobre a soqueira deve ser evitado para garantir a integridade fisiológica da rebrota e possibilitar a obtenção de elevada produtividade. Essa necessidade de exatidão no trafego de maquinas canavieiras impulsionou a adoção de sistemas de direcionamento automático para a otimização do trafego dos conjuntos mecanizados nas lavouras, especialmente em colhedoras. No entanto, os conjuntos de tratores e carretas de transbordo apresentam o risco de desvios do trafego ideal e trafegam sobre o terreno em igual intensidade ao das colhedoras, porem comumente sem sistemas de direcionamento automático ou com sistemas simplificados. Além disso, as carretas sofrem desvios em percursos curvos e em terrenos inclinados, o que frequentemente ocorre nas áreas produtoras. O desempenho dos sistemas de direcionamento automático está frequentemente associado aos erros transversais a trajetória, os quais devem estar abaixo de 0,1 m para evitar danos as soqueiras. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou quantificar os desvios a que os tratores e carretas de transbordo estão submetidos sob diferentes tipos de percursos em terrenos planos e inclinados. Utilizou-se do sistema de transporte interno composto por um trator e duas carretas de transbordo com três eixos, sendo todos equipados com receptores GNSS e sistema de correção tipo RTK para a obtenção de suas respectivas posições. Os erros entre as passadas foram avaliados pela diferença da distância ortogonal entre os pontos de posição das antenas, no centro do trator e no centro do último eixo de cada carreta, em relação a linha referencia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quando analisado o impacto do relevo no direcionamento manual em função dos tipos de percurso, os maiores desvios ocorreram em terreno inclinado e, nesse caso, os erros são maiores em percursos curvos, pois as carretas de transbordo tem a tendência de diminuir o raio de curvatura. Observando os valores de desalinhamento em áreas de pequena inclinação, com ambos os direcionamentos, constatou-se que o sistema de direcionamento automático auxilia para minimizar os erros de desalinhamento no ultimo transbordo. No entanto, quando o direcionamento passa a ser manual, esses erros aumentam em ate cinco vezes acima do aceito. A medida que os desalinhamentos são relacionados as inclinações laterais, seus valores crescem sensivelmente, mesmo utilizando sistema de direcionamento automático. Sugere-se a adaptação e avaliação do desempenho de sistemas com atuadores nos rodados ou no cabeçalho dos transbordos e a utilização de transbordos montados em chassi de caminhão. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida foi eficiente para quantificar os erros de percursos do conjunto trator-transbordo de cana-de-açúcar e que a inclinação do terreno, mesmo com variações sutis, exerce forte influência para o desalinhamento do conjunto. / Sugarcane production system is dependent on the sequence of cuts and regrowth of sugarcane plants. The traffic on the ratoon should be avoided to ensure physiological integrity of the regrowth and enable high productivity. This need for accuracy in traffic of sugarcane machines boosted the adoption of automatic guidance systems for mechanized sets in crops, especially harvesters. However, tractors with transshipment trailers usually present the risk of deviation from the ideal path, since they rarely employ automatic steering systems, or use simplified ones, and travel on the ground at the same intensity as that of the harvesters. In addition, trailers are subject to deviations in curved paths and sloping terrain, which often occurs in producing areas. The performance of automatic steering systems is often associated with traverse errors, which should be less than 0.1m in order to avoid damage to the ratoon. Thus, this study aims to quantify deviations to which tractors and transshipment trailers are submitted under different paths on flat and inclined terrain. The transport system used in this study is composed of a tractor and two transshipment trailers with three axes, all of which are equipped with GNSS receivers and a RTK type correction system to obtain their respective positions. The errors between the passes were evaluated by the difference in the orthogonal distance between the antenna position points at the center of the tractor and at the center of the last axis of each truck, relative to the reference line. The obtained results showed that, when analyzing the impact of the relief on the manual steering according to the types of route, the greater deviations occurred in inclined terrain and, in this case, the errors are larger in curved routes, since the transshipment trailers tend to decrease the radius of curvature. Observing the values of misalignment in areas of small inclination, in both directions, it was verified that the automatic steering system helps to minimize misalignment errors of the last transshipment in the correct route. However, when steering becomes manual, these errors increase by up to five times what is accepted. As the misalignments are related to the lateral slopes, the values of misalignments increase significantly, even using an automatic steering system. Adaptations and evaluation of performance of systems with actuators in the wheels or in the heading of the transshipment and the use of transshipment mounted in truck are suggested. It is concluded that the developed methodology was efficient to quantify the errors of trajectories of the tractor-transshipment set of sugarcane and the inclination of the terrain, even with subtle variations, exerts a strong influence for the misalignment of the set.
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