201 |
An anatomical and experimental study on changes induced by Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood, 1949 in Vitis rootsJoubert, D. J. (Daniel Jakobus) January 1971 (has links)
Thesis (PhDAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1971. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this anatomical study was to collect scientific data on
the effect of Metoidogyne hapta Chitwood, 1949, on the roots of the following
grapevine cultivars viz: Vitis vinifePa L. cvs. Steen and White French and
the root-stocks, Jacquez, 1202 C, 99 R, Salt.Creek and Dogridge.
These cultivars differed widely in their resistance to M. hapta attacks.
In the roots of Steen, White French, Jacquez and 1202 C the formation of
multinucleate syncytia by the destruction of the walls of groups of cells
often occurred. In Salt Creek, Dogridge and 99 R roots, syncytia were observed
in the stele only. The formation o,f abnormal xylem as a result of
nematodal activities was a common occurrence. In the roots of these latter
three cultivars, M. hapta could not complete its life cycle.
Salt Creek, Dogridge, 99 R and often Steen formed a wound periderm which
prevented the nematodes from reaching the xylem. Histological changes were
often induced in advance of the invading nematodes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel met hierdie anatomiese studie was om wetenskaplike inligting
te versamel aangaande die uitwerking van Metoidogyne hapta Chitwood, 1949,
op enkele cultivars van wingerdstokke,te wete Steen en Fransdruif van Vitis
vinifera L. en die onderstokke Jacquez, 1202 C, 99 R, Salt Creek en Dogridge.
Hierdie cultivars het onderling baie verskil in hul weerstandvermoe
teen M. hapta. Ten gevolge van die vernietiging van die wande van selgroepe,
in die wortels van Steen, Fransdruif, Jacquez en 1202 C, is veelkernige
sinsiete (Eng. syncytia) gevorm. In die wortels van Salt Creek, Dogridge en
99 R, is sinsiete net in die sentrale silinder waargeneem. Die vorming van
abnormale xileem weens nematodiese bedrywighede was 'n baie algemene verskynsel.
M. hapta kon in laasgenoemde drie cultivars nie sy lewenskringloop voltooi nie.
In Salt Creek, Dogridge, 99 R en dikwels ook in Steen, is wondperiderm
gevorm, waardeur die nematodes verhinder was om die xileem te bereik. Die
indringende nematodes het voor hulle uit dikwels histologiese veranderinge in
die wortels teweeggebring.
202 |
The effect of shoot heterogeneity on the physiology and grape composition of Shiraz/Richter 99 grapevinesCloete, Hanle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effect of shoot heterogeneity on vegetative and reproductive growth parameters, vine
physiology and grape composition was investigated in a ShirazlRichter 99 vineyard.
Comparisons between underdeveloped (typically shorter and less ripened at véraison) and
normally developed shoots in both shaded (non-manipulated) and well-exposed (manipulated)
canopies were made. Compared to underdeveloped shoots, normal shoots had a larger total leaf
area, due to the higher occurrence of secondary shoots as well as larger leaves on primary and
secondary shoots. Since the photosynthetic activity of the leaves from normal shoots was higher
than those from underdeveloped shoots, higher levels of carbohydrates were produced and
stored in the former. Starch was more evenly distributed over the length of the whole shoot in
normally developed shoots compared to underdeveloped shoots. Normally developed shoots
were longer and thicker in diameter than underdeveloped shoots. The larger clusters of the
normally developed shoots are evidence of their more favourable total leaf area per gram berry
mass. Berries from the normally developed shoots were smaller at five weeks after véraison than
those from underdeveloped shoots, displaying a higher skin to pulp ratio and therefore higher
anthocyanin and total phenolic extraction potential for winemaking. The smaller clusters and
fewer berries per cluster found for the underdeveloped shoots indicate an imbalance between
vegetative and reproductive growth initiated during the vegetative growth phase and continued
during the ripening period.
The peculiar absence of statistically significant differences in grape composition between
normally and underdeveloped shoots indicates that assimilates needed for berry ripening of the
latter originated in organs other than the leaves [e.g. from adjacent normal shoots and the rest of
the permanent structure of the vine (cordon, trunk, roots)]. The larger differences in berry size
that occurred between shoot types in the shaded compared to the well-exposed canopies may be
evidence for this. The photosynthetic activity of shoots was lower in shaded than in exposed
canopies. The total carbohydrate production of the normal shoots in shaded canopies seemed
insufficient to supply in the ripening needs of the shoot itself, their own clusters as well as the
ripening of stem tissue and clusters of the underdeveloped shoots in the canopy. This is
illustrated by the lower levels of starch that accumulated in the normal shoots from shaded
compared to that of exposed canopies. Vine shoot heterogeneity clearly leads to visible and
physiological imbalances that would impact negatively on grape and wine quality as well as
production costs and should therefore be avoided on any terroir. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die effek van heterogene lootontwikkeling in die lower van 'n ShirazlRichter 99
wingerd ondersoek. Vergelykings is getref tussen normale en onderontwikkelde lote in
beskadude en blootgestelde lowers ten opsigte van hul vegetatiewe en reproduktiewe groeieienskappe,
fisiologiese aktiwiteit en druifsamestelling en -gehalte. 'n Groter totale
blaaroppervlak het by die normaalontwikkelde lote voorgekom as gevolg van die groter aantal
sekondêre lote en groter primêre en sekondêre blare. Aangesien die blare van die normaal
ontwikkelde lote fotosinteties meer aktief was as dié van onderontwikkelde lote, het die
eersgenoemde lote groter hoeveelhede koolhidrate geproduseer en gestoor. Styselopberging het
meer eweredig oor die lengte van die normale lote plaasgevind. Laasgenoemde lote was ook
heelwat langer en dikker in deursnee as die onderontwikkelde lote. Die gunstiger totale
blaaroppervlak per korrelmassa verhouding van die normale lote is duidelik weerspieêl in die
groter trosse, terwyl die kleiner korrels (en dus die groter dop:pulp verhouding) op 'n groter
potensiaal vir kleur- en fenolekstraksie tydens die wynbereidingsproses dui. Die kleiner trosse en
kleiner aantal korrels per tros wat by die onderontwikkelde lote gevind is, dui op 'n wanbalans
tussen die vegetatiewe en reproduktiewe groei van die loot wat tydens die vegetatiewe groeifase
van die wingerdstok geïnisieer is en tydens die rypwordingsperiode voortgesit is.
Die vreemde afwesigheid van enige statisties betekenisvolle verskille in druifsamestelling tussen
die normale en onderontwikkelde lote dui daarop dat die verbindings wat vir die rypmaking van
trosse op onderontwikkelde lote aangewend is, waarskynlik van ander wingerdorgane (bv.
naasliggende lote, kordonarms, stam, wortels) as die spesifieke loot se blare afkomstig was. Die
waarneming dat die korrelgroottes van normale en onderontwikkelde lote meer van mekaar
verskil het in die beskadude as blootgestelde lowers, kan moontlik as bewys hiervoor dien. Die
fotosintetiese aktiwiteit van beide loottipes was laer in die skaduryke lowers. Die koolhidrate wat
deur normaalontwikkelde lote in skadu-Iowers geproduseer is, was oênskynlik onvoldoende vir
die rypmaking van die loot self, die spesifieke loot se trosse, asook die trosse en lootweefsel van
naasliggende onderontwikkelde lote. Hierdie bewerings word gerugsteun deur die laer vlakke
van styselakkumulasie wat by die normale lote in beskadude lowers gevind is. Aangesien
heterogene lootontwikkeling en -groei duidelike sigbare en fisiologiese wanbalanse in die
wingerdstok tot gevolg het wat negatief op druifsamestelling, wyngehalte en produksiekoste
inwerk, behoort dit in kommersiêle wingerde vermy te word.
203 |
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation on the C economy, growth and nutrition of young grapevinesMortimer, Peter Edward 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) C-costs in grapevines were investigated. Since both
dormant vines and AM colonisation rely on stored C for initial growth, AM colonisation
costs would therefore compete with plant growth for available C reserves. The aims of
this study were to assess the host C economy during AM development and the subsequent
C-costs of N and P uptake, as well as the effects of C costs on host growth. This was
evaluated in two separate experiments; one assessing the symbiotic influence on the C
costs of fungal establishment and nutritional benefits, whilst the other one evaluated the
effects of the symbiosis on host growth and nutrient productivities.
This study has shown that AM acts as a C sink, competing with the host for available C.
Past work on the AM sink effect has focused mainly on the movement of photosynthetic
C below ground to support the AM fungus. This however, does not take into account the
effect that stored C will have on the C economy of the plant and symbiosis. The role of
stored C becomes even more crucial when working with deciduous plants that rely on
stored C for new growth at start of a growing season. It has been reported that stored C in
AM plants is remobilized at the start of a growing season and then the C reserves are
refilled towards the end of the season, when the plants enter dormancy.
The initial costs of AM fungal colonisation were borne by the above-ground C reserves,
at the expense of new growth in host plants. These costs were offset once the plateau
phase was reached, and the depleted reserves started to refill. Once established, the active
symbiosis imposed a considerable below ground C sink on host reserves. In spite of these costs, the improved P nutrition of AM roots was achieved with a more efficient C-use.
This concurs with other findings, that of the belowground C allocated to AM roots, a
greater part is used by AM respiration and a smaller part for P uptake. The C costs of the
AM fungal phase of rapid development can be seen as negative to root growth and shoot
development. These negative effects may continue for a period of time, even during the
plateau phase of fungal development. Once the AM symbiosis is fully established, the
host growth and development is then improved to a greater extent than in non-AM plants.
From this study it can be concluded that AM growth directly competes with host
development, but the symbionts revert to a beneficial partnership once it is fully
established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die C koste van arbuskulêre mikorisa (AM) in wingerdstokke is ondersoek. Beide
rustende wingerdstokke en AM koloniseering is afhanklik van gestoorde C vir
aanvanklike groei. AM kolonisering sou dus met plantgroei kompeteer vir
beskikbare C reserwes. Die doelstellings van hierdie ondersoek was eerstens om
die C-ekonomie van die gasheer tydens AM ontwikkeling en die gevolglike Ckostes
van N en P opname te bepaal en tweedens sowel as die invloed van C
veranderings op gasheergroei vas te stel. Hierdie is in twee afsonderlike
eksperimente ondersoek: een om die simbiotiese invloed op die C-kostes van
swam-vestiging en voedingsvoordele te bepaal, terwyl die ander die uitwerking
van simbiose op gasheergroei en voedings doeltreffenheid evalueer het.
Die ondersoek het bewys dat AM, as ‘n C-sink, kompeteer met die gasheer vir
beskikbare C. Vorige werk oor die AM sink-effek het hoofsaaklik gefokus op die
afwaartse beweging van fotosintetiese C om die AM-swam ondergronds te
ondersteun. Die werk neem egter nie in ag wat die effek van gestoorde C op die
C-ekonomie van die plant en simbiose sou wees nie. Die rol van gestoorde C is
selfs nog meer belangrik wanneer met bladwisselende plante gewerk word, omdat
sulke plante op gestoorde-C vir nuwe groei aan die begin van die groeiseisoen
staatmaak. Dit is op rekord dat gestoorde C in bladwisselende plante by aanvang
van die groeiseisoen gemobiliseer word en dat die C-reserwes teen die einde van
die seisoen wanneer die plante rustyd nader, weer hervul word. Die aanvanklike kostes van AM kolonisering is deur die bogronds C-reserwes, ten
koste van nuwe groei van die gasheerplante, gedra. Hierdie kostes herstel sodra
die plato-fase bereik is, waar die uitgeputte reserwes begin hervul het.
As die aktiewe simbiose eers gevestig is, sal dit as ‘n onderg P-voeding van AM
wortels verkry wordrondse C-sink vir gasheer optree.Hierdie C verbruik word
egter as doeltreffend beskou aangesien verbeterde. Dit is bekend dat ‘n groter deel
van die ondergrondse C geallokeer word aan AM-wortels, deur middel van AM
respirasie en P-opname. Die C-kostes van die AM-fungus tydens die fase van
vinnige ontwikkeling, kan ‘n negatiewe effek op wortel- en lootontwikkeling hê.
Hierdie negatiewe uitwerking kan vir ‘n tydperk voortdeur, selfs gedurende die
plato-fase van fungi-ontwikkeling. Sodra die AM-simbiose volledig gevestig is,
word gasheergroei en ontwikkeling tot ‘n groter mate verbeter as in plante sonder
AM-fungi. Hierdie ondersoek het bewys dat AM groei direk met
gasheerontwikkeling kompeteer, maar dat die simbiose ‘n voordelige vennootskap
vorm sodra dit volledig gevestig is.
204 |
n Studie van die mikro-organimes geassosieerd met die blomme en rypwordende korrels van 'n aantal druiwevarieteiteDu Plessis, L. de W. (Ludwig de Wet) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1959. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming
205 |
Die effek van verskillende oppervlakbewerkingspraktyke op die wortelverspreiding van wingerdBrink, Daan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Soil Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study forms part of an ARC Nietvoorbij research project on the long-term effect of
different groundcover management practices in vineyards. This study concentrated on the
root distribution of the vines after different groundcover practices were used for one
The vineyard on the research farm of the Agricultural Research Council at Robertson,
South Africa, was divided into 56 equally distributed trail blocks, 14 treatments with four
replicas each. For the study Chardonnay cultivar on 99 Richter rootstock was used. This
study concentrated on only eight treatments. The eight different cover crop practices
consisted of the mechanical treatment, chemical treatment, straw mulch treatment,
permanent cover crop treatment and four annual cover crop treatments. The annual cover
crop treatments consisted of triticale cover crop that was sprayed with an herbicide before
bloom, a triticale cover crop that was left to die naturally, a grazing vetch cover crop that
was sprayed with an herbicide before bloom and a grazing vetch cover crop that was left
to die naturally. The vineyard was established in November 1992 while the different
treatments started in April 1993. Root studies were conducted during the 2002/2003
In this study the auger method was used to determine root density (mm/cm³). The root
density was correlated with data from the penetrometer studies, yield and shoot mass
collected during the same season.
206 |
Korrelasies tussen gesondheidstoestand van steendruiwe, chemiese samestelling van die mos en organoleptiese beoordeling van die wynVos, P. J. A. (Petrus Johannes Andreas) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1966. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming
207 |
Flavonoids of black grape varieties grown in South AfricaMalan, H. (Hendrik) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1963. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming
208 |
Invloed van doppenetrasieweerstand op die oesstadium van druiweVan Dyk, B. W. (Burger Wynand) January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / One microfiche copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The possibility of harvesting grapes at an earlier stage of maturity, based on
differences in glucose and fructose concentration which influence the sweetness of
grapes, was investigated. Although differences between cultivars were found the
extent was not such that a specific cultivar could be selected in order to harvest at a
lower sugar concentration, but with the same sweetness. Certain characteristics of
table and wine grape cultivars with respect to anatomical composition and skin
penetration resistance (SPR) were also investigated in order to ascertain the extent
to which grapes would resist external damage, and to what extent turgor and skin
thickness contributed to SPR. Daily variances in SPR confirm that not only skin
strength, but also the turgor of the grape berry contributed to SPR. Skin
penetration resistance seems to be a good criterion of the extent to which cultivars
would resist external damage, because it is based on the toughness of the skin and
the turgor of the berry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moontlikheid van vroeer oes op grond van verskille in die glukose- en fruktosekonsentrasie
wat 'n invloed op die soetheid van druiwe mag he, is ondersoek. Daar
is gevind dat die verskille wat tussen cultivars voorkom nie van so 'n grootte-orde is
dat 'n spesifieke cultivar geselekteer kan word ten einde by 'n laer totale suiker,
maar by dieselfde soetheidsgraad, te kan oes nie. Verder is sekere eienskappe van
tafel- en wyndruifcultivars t.o.v. anatomiese samestelling en doppenetrasieweerstand
(DP\V) ondersoek om die moontlike weerstand teen eksterne
beserings en die mate waartoe turgor en dopdikte 'n invloed daarop mag uitoefen,
_vas te stel. Daaglikse variasie in DPW het bevestig dat die DPW nie alleen
afhanklik is van dopsterkte nie, maar ook van die turgor van die korrel.
Doppenetrasieweerstand blyk 'n goeie maatstaf te wees vir die mate waartoe
cultivars weerstand hied teen sekere eksterne beserings omdat dit gebaseer is op
dopsterkte en turgor van die korrel.
209 |
Die kallusvormingsvermoe van verskillende wingerdonderstokcultivars (vitis) en die invloed van kallusstimulanteGoussard, P. G. (Pieter Gabriel) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1975. / No abstract available
210 |
A pathogen-derived resistance strategy for the broad-spectrum control of grapevine leafroll-associated virus infectionFreeborough, Michael-John, 1971- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 is one of ten members of the C/osteroviridae
that are known to infect grapevine. Nine of these viruses are associated with
grapevine leafroll disease, of which GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 are the most important
and widespread. Members of the C/osteroviridae are unique amongst the viruses, as
it is the only known family whose members encode a heat shock protein 70 kOa
homolog (Hsp70h). The Hsp70h is a movement protein (MP) that is required for the
active translocation of the virion structure through the plasmodesmata into adjacent
cells. Broad-spectrum resistance to unrelated viruses can be obtained by a
pathogen-derived resistance (POR) strategy that is based on the expression of a
dysfunctional MP in plants. The Hsp70h has two distinct domains. The N-terminal two
thirds of the protein is an ATPase domain and shares high homology with the
ATPase domains of all Hsp70h proteins from the C/osteroviridae and Hsp70 proteins
from the prokaryote and eukaryote kingdoms. Conserved amino acids are found in
the ATPase domain and are required for the positioning of the ATP at the catalytic
site for ATP hydrolysis. The C-terminal domain is variable and the function of this
domain in the Closteroviridae is not known. In prokaryote and eukaryote Hsp70
proteins, the C-terminal domain is required for protein-protein interactions.
The American NY-1 isolate of GLRaV-3 has been sequenced and POR
strategies have been attempted with the coat protein, divergent coat protein and
replicase genes, but not with a dysfunctional form of the hsp70h gene. In this study,
double-stranded RNA was isolated from a commercial vineyard with unknown virus
status, but with distinct grapevine leafroll symptoms, and from two grapevine sources
of known virus status, one with mild and one with severe symptoms. The GLRaV-3
hsp70h gene was amplified by RT-PCR from the dsRNA and the gene sequence was
analysed. The hsp70h gene from the three virus sources contained more than 94%
nucleotide sequence homology to the NY-1 isolate and the conserved amino acids
required for ATPase activity were present. The hsp70h gene isolated from GLRaV-3
from a commercial Stellenbosch vineyard showing clear leafroll symptoms was
selected for further work and was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to engineer
four point mutations in the gene. These four mutations resulted in the substitution of
Asn for Asp", Gly for Thr1O, Lys for Glu 174 and Asn for Asp 197.
The wild type (WT) and mutated (Mut) forms of the hsp 70h genes were cloned
into a bacterial expression vector. Expression of both the WT- and Mut-Hsp proteins
was achieved, and the protein was expressed in the insoluble inclusion bodies. All
attempts to refold and isolate active proteins from the inclusion bodies were
unsuccessful. Attempts to increase the concentration of soluble protein within the
expressing bacteria were unsuccessful. Due to the lack of active protein, biochemical
tests on the ATPase activity of the WT- and Mut-Hsp proteins could not be
conducted. The wt- and mut-hsp genes were cloned into a plant expression vector for
transformation into tobacco plants. These transformations were successful and gave
rise to 22 Km' and 18 Km' plants from the WT- and Mut-Hsp constructs respectively.
Two plant lines, M5 and M10, transformed with the mut-hsp transgene construct,
appeared to have a high level of resistance to the challenging potato X potexvirus,
whereas all the other tested plants were susceptible to the challenging virus. It was
thus shown that a dysfunctional form of the GLRaV-3 Hsp70h could provide
resistance to an unrelated virus in tobacco. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerdrolblaar-geassosieerde virus 3 (GLRaV-3) is een van 10 lede van die
Closteroviridae wat wingerd kan infekteer. Nege van die virusse is met
wingerdrolblaar geassosieer. Die GLRaV-1 en GLRaV-3 is die belangrikste en mees
wyd verspreide lede van die rolblaar-geassosieerde Closteroviridae. Lede van die
Closteroviridae is uniek in die opsig dat die virusse vir 'n 70 kDa-homoloë
hitteresponsproteïen (Hsp70h) kodeer. Die Hsp70 is 'n bewegingsproteïen (MP) wat
belangrik is vir die translokasie van die virus deur die plasmodesmata na die
naasliggende sel. Breë-spektrum weerstand teen onverwante virusse kan behaal
word deur 'n patogeen-afgeleide weerstandstrategie (POR), wat op die uitdrukking
van 'n disfunksionele MP wat in plante uitgedruk word, gebaseer is. Die Hsp70hproteïen
het twee gebiede. Die N-terminale gebied is In ATPase-gebied en toon hoë
homologie met ander ATPase-gebiede van Hsp70h-proteïene van die
Closteroviridae, asook die prokariotiese en eukariotiese koninkryke. Gekonserveerde
aminosure wat belangrik is vir die posisionering van ATP in die katalitiese domein vir
ATP-hidrolise is in die ATPase-gebied gevind. Die C-terminale gebied is variërend en
die funksie van die gebied in die Closteroviridae is onbekend. In prokariotiese en
eukariotiese Hsp70h-proteïene is die C-terminale gebied belangrik vir proteïenproteïen
Die nukleotiedvolgorde van die Amerikaanse NY-1-isolaat van GLRaV-3 is al
bepaal en POR-strategieë is ook op die kapsiedproteïen, uiteenlopende
kapsiedproteïen en die replikasie-proteïen uitgevoer, maar nog nie op 'n
disfunksionele vorm van die Hsp70h-geen nie. In hierdie studie is dubbelstring-RNA
(dsRNA) van 'n kommersiële wingerd met onbekende virusstatus wat
rolblaarsimptome toon, geïsoleer, asook van twee wingerde met 'n bekende
virusstatus, een met ligte en een met strawwe simptome. Die GLRaV-3 hsp70h-geen
is met hulp van die polimerasekettingreaksie-metode (PKR) vanaf die dsRNA
geamplifiseer en die geen se nukleotiedvolgorde is bepaal. Die hsp 70-gene van drie
verskillende wingerde het meer as 94% homologie met die NY-1-isolaat getoon. Die
gekonserveerde aminosure wat vir ATPase-aktiwiteit belangrik is, was teenwoordig.
Die hsp70h-geen van GLRaV-3, wat uit 'n kommersiële wingerd met duidelike
rolblaarsimptome in die Stellenbosch-gebied geïsoleer is, is vir verdere navorsing
gekies en dit is aan setel-gerigte mutagenese blootgestelom vier mutasies van die
geen te bewerkstellig. Die gevolg van hierdie vier mutasies was die verandering van
Asn na Asp", Gly na Thr1o, Lys na Glu174 en Asn na Asp197.
Die wilde (WT) en veranderde (Mut) vorms van die hsp-gene is in 'n bakteriese
uitdrukkingsvektor gekloneer. Uitdrukking van beide die WT- en die Mut-Hspproteïene
is behaal, maar die proteïene was in die onoplosbare fraksie geleë.
Pogings om die onoplosbare proteïene te isoleer en in 'n aktiewe oplosbare vorm te
verkry, was onsuksesvol. Verdere pogings om die proteïene in die oplosbare fraksie
van die bakteriese ekspressiesisteem uit te druk, was ook onsuksesvol. As gevolg van die gebrek aan aktiewe proteïen kon biochemiese toetse nie op die ATPaseaktiwiteit
van die WT- en Mut-Hsp proteïne gedoen word nie.
Die wt- en mut-hsp-gene is ook in In plantekspressievektor gekloneer vir
transformasie in tabakplante. Hierdie transformasies was suksesvol en het aanleiding
gegee tot 22 kanamisienbestande (Km') en 18 Km' plante vanaf die WT- en Mut-Hspkonstrukte
onderskeidelik. Twee plantlyne, M5 en M10, wat met die mut-hsptransgene
getransformeer is, het 'n hoë vlak van weerstand teen die infekterende
aartappelvirus X getoon in vergelyking met ander plante wat met die virus geïnfekteer
is. Daar is dus bewys gelewer dat 'n disfunksionele vorm van die GLRaV-3 Hsp70h
weerstand kan bied teen 'n onverwante virus in tabak.
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