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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flipping pancakes : how gas inflows and mergers shape galaxies in their cosmic environment / Formation des galaxies dans leur environnement cosmique : influence des fusions et de l'accrétion gazeuse

Welker, Charlotte 17 September 2015 (has links)
Les interactions entre les galaxies et leur environnement à grande échelle constituent une pierre angulaire de la théorie de formation des structures. Cependant, derrière cette idée se cache une longue liste de processus. En effet, les galaxies grandissent au sein d'intenses courants de gaz à haut redshift et acquièrent du moment angulaire grâce aux couples de marée exercés par les grandes échelles, tout en fusionnant avec d'autres galaxies. Aucun de ces mécanismes n'est indépendant de la distribution de matière à grande échelle, fortement anisotrope, constituée d'un réseau de vides délimités par des murs, eux-mêmes segmentés par des filaments de haute densité dans lesquels la matière s'écoule en direction des noeuds compacts. La géométrie d'une telle structure influe fortement sur les écoulements cosmiques, notamment les flux de gaz et de galaxies en migration vers les noeuds. Cela modifie en conséquence la distribution et les propriétés des galaxies. Cette thèse explore certaines de ces corrélations entre les échelles galactiques et extra-galactiques dans la simulation cosmologique hydrodynamique HorizonAGN. Tout d'abord, j'analyse et quantifie l'orientation du moment angulaire des galaxies puis montre que les fusions majeures comme mineures peuvent provoquer d'importantes bascules de ce dernier. J'étudie par la suite la distribution des galaxies satellites autour de leur hôte plus massive et mets à jour des corrélations avec la direction du filament voisin ainsi qu'avec le plan de leur galaxie centrale. Enfin, j'étudie l'impact des fusions galactiques et de l'accrétion diffuse sur la taille et sur la forme des galaxies lors du pic cosmique de formation stellaire. / Interactions between galaxies and their larger scale environment is a central tenet of structure formation theory. However, this idea encompasses a long list of processes. Indeed, galaxies grow from intense gas inflows at high-redshift and acquire spin through tidal torques on larger scales while merging with one another at the same time. None of these processes is independent from the large scale distribution of matter, strikingly anisotropic and consisting of an extended network of voids delimited by sheets, themselves segmented by high-density filaments within which matter flows towards compact nodes where they intersect. Such a structure imprints its geometry on cosmic flows, especially gas inflows and drifting galaxies, ultimately shaping the distribution of galactic properties.This work investigates some of these correlations between galactic and extra-galactic scales in the hydrodynamical cosmological simulation Horizon-AGN. First, I analyze and quantify the spin orientations of galaxies and show that both minor and major mergers can drive important spin swings. I further investigate the distribution of satellite galaxies around a more massive host and find it to be also fairly correlated to the direction of the surrounding filament. However, this trend is in competition with a tendency for satellites to align their orbits in the central galactic plane especially in the inner parts of the halo.Finally, I study the impact of mergers and diffuse accretion on the size and shape of galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation history. The main results statistically support the gas-poor minor merger scenario to interpret the loss of compacity of spheroids at low-z.

A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of Strong Gravitational Lenses

Wilson, Michelle Louise, Wilson, Michelle Louise January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation presents an algorithm for identifying galaxy groups, describes the effects of galaxy groups in the environments of strong gravitational lenses and elsewhere along their sightlines, and investigates the properties of brightest group galaxies. We develop an algorithm to identify galaxy groups and apply it to a large spectroscopic survey in the fields of 26 strong gravitational lenses. We identify 210 groups with at least five member galaxies having velocity dispersions of 60 ≤ σ grp ≤ 1200 km s −1 over a redshift range of 0.04 ≤ z grp ≤ 0.76. Using the group catalog defined by this algorithm, we study the environments and line-of-sight structures of 26 strong gravitational lenses. Using these systems to measure cosmological parameters requires an understanding of possible systematic errors as well as the large samples to combat random uncertainties that will be discovered by future surveys. We determine the impact of ignoring lens environments and groups elsewhere along the lens sightlines on H 0 . Lens groups that would bias H 0 high by ≥ 1% exist in 23% of our fields and similarly significant line-of-sight groups in 57%. For lens systems to be used for precision cosmology, the lens environments and line-of-sight groups must be considered to avoid the systematic biases they would cause if ignored. We also study the properties of brightest group galaxies. We compare their morphological, spectroscopic, photometric, and kinematic properties to those of other group galaxies and to a sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from Tempel et al. (2014). There is a population (38%) of elliptical, quiescent BGGs as expected from local group and cluster samples. However, our sample also includes a diversity of BGG properties, including disks, disturbed morphologies, AGN, and star formation. BGG luminosities and colors are similar to those of BCGs. However,16 BGG colors show an intermediate amount of scatter between that of BCGs and other group galaxies. BGGs and other group galaxies also have similar phase space distributions. These diverse BGG properties suggest they are still evolving.

Discovery of a Protocluster Associated with a Ly α Blob Pair at z = 2.3

Bădescu, Toma, Yang, Yujin, Bertoldi, Frank, Zabludoff, Ann, Karim, Alexander, Magnelli, Benjamin 23 August 2017 (has links)
Bright Ly alpha blobs (LABs)-extended nebulae with sizes of similar to 100 kpc and Ly alpha luminosities of similar to 10(44) erg s(-1)-often reside in overdensities of compact Ly alpha emitters (LAEs) that may be galaxy protoclusters. The number density, variance, and internal kinematics of LABs suggest that they themselves trace group-like halos. Here, we test this hierarchical picture, presenting deep, wide-field Ly alpha narrowband imaging of a 1 degrees x. 0 degrees.5 region around a LAB pair at z = 2.3 discovered previously by a blind survey. We find 183 Lya emitters, including the original LAB pair and three new LABs with Ly alpha luminosities of (0.9-1.3) x 10(43) erg s(-1) and isophotal areas of 16-24 arcsec2. Using the LAEs as tracers and a new kernel density estimation method, we discover a large-scale overdensity (Bootes J1430+3522) with a surface density contrast of delta(Sigma) = 2.7, a volume density contrast of delta similar to 10.4, and a projected diameter of approximate to 20 comoving Mpc. Comparing with cosmological simulations, we conclude that this LAE overdensity will evolve into a present-day Coma-like cluster with log(M/M-circle dot) similar to 15.1 +/- 0.2. In this and three other wide-field LAE surveys re-analyzed here, the extents and peak amplitudes of the largest LAE overdensities are similar, not increasing with survey size, and implying that they were indeed the largest structures then and today evolve into rich clusters. Intriguingly, LABs favor the outskirts of the densest LAE concentrations, i.e., intermediate LAE overdensities of delta(Sigma) = 1-2. We speculate that these LABs mark infalling protogroups being accreted by the more massive protocluster.

The nature of the microjy source population

Ocran Emmanuel Francis January 2015 (has links)
Masters of Science / The study of the faint radio universe and of its properties has recently become a very active field of research not only because of the much improved capabilities of the SKA pathfinders but also because of the need to better plan for SKA surveys. These new facilities will map large areas of the sky to unprecedented depths and transform radio astronomy into the leading technique for investigating the complex processes which govern the formation and evolution of galaxies. This thesis combines multi-wavelength techniques, highly relevant to future deep radio surveys, to study the properties of faint radio sources. The nature of the faint radio sources is presented, over a large GMRT survey area of an area of 1.2 deg2 comprising 2800 sources. Utilising multi-wavelength data we have matched 85% of the radio population to Spitzer/IRAC and obtained a redshift estimate for 63%. The redshift associations are a combination of photometric and spectroscopic redshift estimates. This study investigates several multi-wavelength diagnostics used to identify AGN, using radio, infrared, optical and x-ray data . This analysis shows that various diagnostics (from the radio through the X-ray ones) select fairly different types of AGNs, with an evidence of a disagreement in the number of AGNs selected by each individual diagnostics. For the sources with redshift we use a classification scheme based on radio luminosity, x-ray emission, BOSS/SDSS spectroscopy, IRAC colors satisfying the Donley criterion, and MIPS 24ɥm radio-loud AGN criteria to separate them into AGNs and SFGs. On the basis of this classification, we find that at least 12.5% of the sources with redshifts are AGNs while the remaining 87.5% are adopted as SFGs. We explore the nature of the classified sources through the far-infrared radio correlation. We measure a median qIR value of 2:45± 0:01 for the SFGs and qIR value of 2:27 ± 0:05 for the AGNs. The decrease in the median value of qIR for the AGNs is a result of the additional AGN component to radio emission for the AGN-powered sources and find tentative evidence of an evolution of the qIR with redshift.

The Angular Momentum of the Circumgalactic Medium and its Connection to Galaxies in the Illustris and TNG Simulations

DeFelippis, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
A galaxy's angular momentum is known to be correlated with its morphology: at a given mass, spiral galaxies have higher angular momenta than elliptical galaxies. A galaxy's angular momentum is also largely set by its formation history: in particular, how much gas and the kinematic state of the gas that both accretes onto it and is expelled in galactic outflows from AGN and supernovae. All gas inflowing to and outflowing from the galaxy interacts with gas in the region surrounding the galaxy called the circumgalactic medium (CGM), which means at a fundamental level, the CGM controls the angular momentum of the galaxy. Therefore, to really understand the origins of galactic angular momentum, it is necessary to understand the angular momentum of the CGM itself. In this dissertation, I present a series of projects aimed at studying angular momentum in the CGM using the Illustris and IllustrisTNG cosmological hydrodynamical simulations suites. In an appendix, I also present a project on searching a survey of neutral hydrogen for previously undetected ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in and around the Milky Way's CGM. First, to understand how present-day galaxies acquire their observed angular momentum, I analyze the evolution of the angular momentum of Lagrangian gas mass elements as they accrete onto dark matter halos, condense into Milky Way-scale galaxies, and join the z=0 stellar phase of those galaxies. I find that physical feedback from the galaxy is essential in order to produce reasonable values of galactic angular momentum, and that most of the effects of this feedback occur in the CGM, necessitating studying the angular momentum of the CGM itself. Following on from this result, I then characterize the angular momentum distribution and structure within the CGM of simulated galaxies over a much larger range of halo masses and redshifts, with the goal of determining if there are common angular momentum properties in CGM populations. I indeed find that the angular momentum of the CGM is larger and better aligned around disk galaxies that themselves have high angular momentum. I also identify rotating structures of cold gas that are generally present around galactic disks. This clear connection of the CGM to the galaxy motivated a detailed comparison to observations of cold CGM gas. I perform this comparison in the following chapter where I use the highest-resolution simulation from the IllustrisTNG suite of cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulations to generate synthetic observations of cold CGM gas around star-forming galaxies in order to study kinematics and compare them to line-of-sight observations of cold gas near comparable galaxies. With this direct comparison to observations of the CGM, I show that IllustrisTNG produces rotating CGM gas consistent with observations to a high degree. In the penultimate chapter I present unpublished work where I begin to examine angular momentum evolution in the CGM on much finer timescales than can be resolved with the cosmological simulations I have used thus far. Preliminary results suggest that gas can experience large changes in angular momentum very quickly, and that these changes may be connected to corresponding changes in the temperature of the gas. Finally, I conclude by summarizing my main results and briefly discussing what questions still remain unanswered and my plans and strategies for pursuing these questions in my future work.

Decoding Starlight with Big Survey Data, Machine Learning, and Cosmological Simulations

Blancato, Kirsten Nicole January 2020 (has links)
Stars, and collections of stars, encode rich signatures of stellar physics and galaxy evolution. With properties influenced by both their environment and intrinsic nature, stars retain information about astrophysical phenomena that are not otherwise directly observable. In the time-domain, the observed brightness variability of a star can be used to investigate physical processes occurring at the stellar surface and in the stellar interior. On a galactic scale, comparatively fixed properties of stars, including chemical abundances and stellar ages, serve as a multi-dimensional record of the origin of the galaxy. In the Milky Way, together with orbital properties, this informs the details of the subsequent evolution of our Galaxy since its formation. Extending beyond the Local Group, the attributes of unresolved stellar populations allow us to study the diversity of galaxies in the Universe. By examining the properties of stars, and how they vary across a range of spatial and temporal scales, this Dissertation connects the information residing within stars, to global processes in galactic formation and evolution. We develop new approaches to determine stellar properties, including rotation and surface gravity, from the variability that we directly observe. We offer new insight into the chemical enrichment history of the Milky Way, tracing different stellar explosions, that capture billions of years of evolution. We advance knowledge and understanding of how stars and galaxies are linked, by examining differences in the initial stellar mass distributions comprising galaxies, as they form. In building up this knowledge, we highlight current tensions between data and theory. By synthesizing numerical simulations, large observational data sets, and machine learning techniques, this work makes valuable methodological contributions to maximize insights from diverse ensembles of current and future stellar observations.

The Dynamical Implications for Stars, Star Formation, and Dark Matter Cores in Dwarf Galaxies

Maxwell, Aaron J. 06 1900 (has links)
I investigate the observational signatures of the formation of dark matter cores in dwarf galaxies. I adopt the paradigm where the energy from star formation feedback is injected into the orbits of dark matter particles, forming a constant density core consistent with observations of dwarf galaxies. Using physically motivated constraints I show there is ample feedback energy available given the average stellar mass of dwarf galaxies to form cores in $10^{8}$--$10^{11}$\thinspace M$_{\odot}$ halos, and predict the maximum core size as a function of stellar mass. I describe how observational features of the old stellar content of dwarf galaxies are due to this core formation paradigm. As both dark matter and stars are collisionless fluids, the stars responsible for the feedback form in the centres of dwarf galaxies and have their orbits grown by subsequent star formation. This will naturally lead to age and metallicity gradients, with the younger and more metal rich stellar population near the dwarf centres. This process also prevents the destruction of globular clusters by driving them out of the dwarf nucleus --- the decrease in central dark matter density reduces the strength of dynamical friction --- and increases the likelihood of being stripped onto the stellar halos of larger galaxies. It also offers a model for forming multiple populations in globular clusters, with the only assumption being that the source of the polluted gas resides within the dwarf progenitor. As the orbit of a globular cluster grows, it will experience multiple accretion events with each pass through the gas-rich galaxy centre. The simple accretion model exhibits two traits revealed from observations --- a short accretion timescale and a sensitive dependence on mass --- without requiring an exotic initial stellar mass function or the initial globular cluster mass function to be 10--25 times larger than at present. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The onset and regulation of star formation in the lowest mass dark matter halos

Pereira-Wilson, Matthew 02 September 2022 (has links)
We use the APOSTLE suite of cosmological simulations to examine the role of the cosmic ionizing background in regulating star formation (SF) in low-mass LCDM halos. In agreement with earlier work, we find that, after reionization, SF can only proceed in halos whose mass exceeds a redshift-dependent ``critical'' virial mass determined by the structure of LCDM halos and the thermal pressure of UV-heated gas. This critical mass increases from Mcrit~10^8 Msun at z~11$ to ~10^9.7 Msun at z=0, roughly following the average mass growth history of halos in that mass range. This implies that most halos above or below critical at present have remained so since early times. In particular, the halos of most galaxies today were already above-critical (and thus forming stars) at high redshift, providing a simple explanation for the ubiquitous presence of ancient stellar populations in dwarfs, regardless of luminosity. It also implies that Mcrit today represents a ``threshold'' mass below which the fraction of ``dark'' halos increases steeply. Sub-critical halos may still host luminous galaxies if they were above-critical at some point in the past. SF ceases if a halo falls into the sub-critical regime; depending on each halo's accretion history this can occur over a wide range of times, explaining why SF in many dwarfs seems to continue well past the reionization epoch. It also suggests a tantalizing explanation for the episodic nature of SF in some dwarfs, which, in this interpretation, would be linked to temporary halo excursions above and below the critical boundary. In the simulations, Mcrit(z) cleanly separates star-forming from non-star-forming systems at all redshifts, indicating that the ionizing UV background, and not stellar feedback, is what regulates the beginning and the end of SF in the faintest dwarfs. Galaxies in sub-critical halos should make up a sizable population of faint field dwarfs, distinct from those in more massive halos because of their lack of ongoing star formation. Although few such galaxies are known at present, the discovery of this population would provide strong support for our results. / Graduate

The Assembly of Galaxies Over Cosmic Time

Guo, Yicheng 01 September 2012 (has links)
To Understand how galaxies were assembled across the cosmic time remains one of the most outstanding questions in astronomy. The core of this question is how today's Hubble Sequence, namely the differentiation of galaxy morphology and its correlation to galaxy physical properties, is formed. In this thesis, we investigate the origin of the Hubble Sequence through galaxies at z~2, an epoch when the cosmic star formation activity reaches its peak and the properties of galaxies undergo dramatic transitions. Galaxies at z~2 have two important features that are distinct from nearby galaxies: much higher frequency of clumpy morphology in star-forming systems, and much compacter size. To understand the nature of the two features requires investigations on the sub-structure of galaxies in a multi-wavelength way. In this thesis, we study samples of galaxies that are selected from GOODS and HUDF, where ultra-deep and high-resolution optical and near-infrared images allow us to study the stellar populations of the sub-structures of galaxies at the rest-frame optical bands for the first time, to answer two questions: (1) the nature of kiloparsec-scale clumps in star-forming galaxies at z$\sim$2 and (2) the existence of color gradient and stellar population gradient in passively evolving galaxies at z~2, which may provide clues to the mechanisms of dramatic size evolution of this type of galaxies. We further design a set of color selection criteria to search for dusty star-forming galaxies and passively evolving galaxies at z~3 to explore the question: when today's Hubble Sequence has begun to appear.

Supermassive black holes : the local supermassive black hole mass function

Vika, Marina January 2012 (has links)
Over recent years there has been an increase of the number of secure supermassive black hole (SMBH) detections. These SMBH measurements have lead astronomers to establish well defined empirical relationships between the SMBH mass and some of the properties of the host galaxy. The number of galaxies with SMBH mass measurements is currently limited to about 100. One approach of expanding the study of the SMBH is to use the empirical relations for estimating M[subscript(bh)] for larger samples of galaxies. The investigation of the SMBH population (or SMBH mass function) for large sample of galaxies in the nearby universe has helped to constrain the SMBH and the galaxy evolution. Previous estimates of the SMBH mass function at low redshift were produced mainly by combining the measurements of the galaxy luminosity or velocity function with one of the SMBH scaling relations. In the first part of the thesis I will present an independent construction of the nearby supermassive black hole mass function by applying the optical M[subscript(bh)]–L relation onto the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC). Additionally, in the second part I will provide photometric analysis of all UKIDSS galaxies for which SMBH masses have been measured. I will derive composite profiles of brightness, ellipticity and position angles of each galaxy. I will show that the Sérsic function fits the brightness profile of the majority of the elliptical galaxies and the bulge of disk galaxies and I will provide alternative multi-component fits when necessary. Then these photometric parameters will be used for constructing the M[subscript(bh)]–L relation in the near-IR and to investigate the M[subscript(bh)]–n relation. In the third part I will construct the near-IR SMBH mass function for the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. For this purpose I will apply the newly derived M[subscript(bh)]–L relation onto an elliptical subsample of K-band images. The advantage of this SMBH mass function is that during the M[subscript(bh)]–L construction I used the same quality images and techniques used on the GAMA survey. Apart from the M[subscript(bh)]–L relation, the M[subscript(bh)]–sigma relation was used as an alternative approach for a subsample of galaxies for which the velocity dispersions were available. Furthermore, I employed both local SMBH mass functions (MGC & GAMA) for estimating the SMBH mass density at redshift zero and accounted for the dependence of the total SMBH density on the look-back time by comparing with semi-analytic SMBH mass functions. Finally, from the SMBH mass density I estimated the baryon fraction that is locked into SMBHs.

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