Spelling suggestions: "subject:"yay parenting"" "subject:"aay parenting""
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[pt] Em tempos de modernidade líquida e sexualidade plástica, a família se reinventou. É o divórcio e não mais a morte que separa os casais. Assim, os principais componentes para se constituir uma família passam a ser o afeto e a busca pela completude. O mesmo processo se dá com a parentalidade, fazendo com que os vínculos de parentesco não mais se definam puramente por laços sanguíneos. Diante desta realidade, a cada vez maior visibilidade no cenário social brasileiro da configuração familiar dita homoparental é inevitável. Estas famílias são o objeto de nossa pesquisa: pais que se autodenominam homossexuais, após uma relação heterossexual anterior, resolvem refazer suas vidas com companheiros do mesmo sexo.
Nosso foco, contudo, não são os pais, mas os companheiros desses pais. Para tanto, selecionamos três casais homossexuais masculinos, todos do interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro, com idades
variando de 19 a 31 anos, com filhos de 7 a 10 anos. Entrevistamos ambos os membros do casal, a fim de procurar melhor compreender a subjetividade do companheiro sem filhos: o que pensam esses rapazes que, de repente, vêem suas vidas transformadas e passam a conviver com crianças, filhas de seus
companheiros? Quais suas expectativas e angústias? O fato de observarem a paternidade de seus
namorados, faz com que eles mesmos desejem também ser pais? Como funciona a divisão de tarefas domésticas ? Este questionamento nos levou a organizar um roteiro de entrevista com perguntas semiestruturadas e, através de uma análise de discurso , chegarmos às seguintes categorias: coparentalidade, desejo por um filho biológico a partir da experiência coparental, relação do casal com as crianças e preconceito. Basicamente, foi possível constatar que todos os companheiros entrevistados manifestam forte desejo de paternidade, enfatizando sempre a importância de que esta seja de forma natural, assim como parecem se preocupar bem mais com a conduta moral do casal do que os pais das
crianças. O estigma da homossexualidade é bastante sentido por eles, que afirmam ser o fato de não terem constituído uma família nos padrões heteronormativos vigentes contrastante com a realidade de seus parceiros. A teoria queer, que também fundamentou nosso trabalho, sugere, de uma postura pós-identitária que se repense a constituição de identidades cristalizadas. / [en] The liquidity of modernity and the plastic sexuality have both produced the reinvention of the family. Nowadays, it is the divorce and not death that separates the couples. Thus, the main enhancements to build up a family tend to be affection and the search for completude. The same process is familiar with
parenting and that s why family ties are no longer defined by blood knots alone. Therefore, the inevitable visibility within social Brazilian scenario of the gay parenting family structure is easy to be seen. These families are the object of our research: parents who call themselves homosexuals, who experienced a previous heterosexual relationship, make up their minds to start their lives from scratch with same sex companions. Nevertheless, our focus will not remain on parents, but the companions of these parents. So as to reach our aim we have selected three homosexual male couples, all of the interior of the state of the Rio de Janeiro, ranging from 19 to 31 years of age with children from 7 to 10 years old. We interviewed
both members of the couple, in order to try to better understand the subjectivity of the companion without children: what do these men think, since they have had their lives suddenly transformed and start coexisting with their companions children? What are their main expectations and anguishes? Should the fact of observing their boyfriends parenthood bursts out the parenthood desire? Who is eligible for which home chores?This questioning led us to organize semi-structured interview questions and through an
analysis of speech, reach the following categories: coparenting, desire for a biological son from the coparental experience, relation of the couple with the children and prejudice. The homosexuality stigma seems to crush hard on them and they state that this is due to the fact of not having constituted a family in
the heterssexual standards, contrasting with the reality of his partners. The queer theory, that has also helped us in our research, suggests that cristalized identities should be re-evaluated, if you see them
from a post-idenity point of view.
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[pt] No presente estudo, objetivou-se apontar e analisar questões que perpassam a família homoparental, composta por mulheres e filhos em coabitação, com planejamento conjunto da maternidade, utilizando as novas tecnologias reprodutivas, havendo ou não o registro de dupla maternidade. As questões relacionadas às referidas famílias ressaltam alguns aspectos do percurso, desde o desejo de filhos até o dia a dia familiar. Mantiveram-se presentes questionamentos relacionados à possibilidade de tais famílias reproduzirem a família heterossexual. O estudo contou com a participação de nove mulheres, com idades entre 33 e 45 anos, residentes no estado do Rio de janeiro. Alguns dos principais achados apontaram que a maioria das entrevistadas possuía forte desejo por filhos biológicos, planejados com suas companheiras e sem a participação de terceiros na criação das crianças. A legalização dos laços afetivos entre a companheira da mãe biológica e a criança foi possível, em alguns casos, por meio da adoção unilateral, estabelecendo-se a dupla maternidade. As famílias que não legitimaram a situação parental continuaram desamparadas legalmente. A divisão das tarefas domésticas entre o casal foi igualitária. Não se encontraram preferências da criança por uma das mães. O reconhecimento dos netos por parte dos avós não biológicos ocorreu plenamente em alguns casos. Ainda que algumas conquistas no âmbito jurídico e social tenham ocorrido pela família homoparental, devido, também, à repetição de um modelo de família (heterossexual), considera-se tal repetição diferencial, e as conquistas advindas, uma abertura de caminhos para que outras configurações familiares sejam reconhecidas, e não apenas novas hierarquias sejam criadas. / [en] This paper aims at highlighting and analyzing questions upon homoparental families composed by two women who opted for mothering, taking advantages of the latest reproductive technologies with or without the recording of double motherhood. The discussion on lesbian families underscores some aspects of the family- building process from the motherhood desire to daily family routine. This issue brings into question the possibility those families reproduce the traditional heterosexual pattern. To accomplish this, nine women ranged between 33 and 45 years old, living in Rio de Janeiro, participated in this research. It pointed out that most of the lesbian couples interviewed wanted biological children to be raised by themselves without any interference else. The legalization of the emotional tie between the biological mother s partner and the child was possible in some cases through the unilateral adoption, promoting double motherhood. Some families that have not legitimated their situation have continued legally unprotected. It is proved, in some cases, that the unilateral adoption promotes emotional link among the biological mother, the co-mother and the child. In some cases, biological grandparents accept the children as their natural grandchildren. Even though some juridical and social rights have been conquered by homoparental families just because of the reproduction of a heterosexual pattern, the achievements engender conditions in which other family models may be recognized rather than only create new hierarchical family systems.
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L'enfant victime de sa famille / The child victim of his famillyHilger, Geoffroy 11 December 2014 (has links)
La protection de l’enfant constitue une préoccupation majeure de notre droit, afin que le mineur ne soit pas victime d’un dommage. Cette protection est en premier lieu assurée par la famille. Il peut donc paraître surprenant que l’enfant soit victime de sa famille, ce d’autant plus que les parents doivent agir dans l’intérêt de l’enfant. La notion d’enfant victime de sa famille n’existe pas en tant que tel dans notre droit. La victime supporte souvent un dommage causé par un tiers et non par un membre de sa propre famille. L’étude des situations où l’enfant pourrait subir une atteinte à ses droits de la personnalité, en raison d’une action ou d’une omission de l’un des membres de sa famille, a toutefois permis la conceptualisation de la notion d’enfant victime de sa famille. Il a ainsi été possible de qualifier les différentes réalités rencontrées, en fonction de leurs ressemblances ou de leurs dissemblances. Cette analyse empirique a conduit à déterminer des catégories d’enfants victimes de leurs familles auxquelles correspondent un régime de protection. Elle a notamment eu pour conséquence la recherche de nouveaux instruments de protection adaptés aux spécificités des hypothèses étudiées. Ce processus de catégorisation a permis l’accès à la juridicité des réalités sociales et familiales appréhendées. Il a également été l’occasion de mettre en évidence les fondements de la notion d’enfant victime, dans le sens où le droit a consacré des situations classiques d’enfants victimes de leurs familles. L’apparition de nouvelles réalités sociales a cependant rendu nécessaire le renouvellement de la notion d’enfant victime de sa famille, afin de pallier les limites des fondements de la notion et de garantir la représentation effective de ce phénomène dans le discours juridique. / The child protection represents a major cause for concern of our law, so that the minor doesn’t sustain damage. This protection is firstly performed by the family. So, it may seem surprising that the child is victim of his family, as far as parents must act in the interests of the child. The notion of child victim of his family doesn’t exist as such in our law. The victim often endures an injury caused by a third person and not by a family member. The study of situations where the child may suffer an infringement of his personality rights, due to act or omission of one of the family members, allowed conceptualization of the notion of child victim of family. It was thus possible to characterize the different realities encountered, according to their similarities or dissimilarities. This empirical analysis led to ascertain categories of child victims of their families and the corresponding legal system. It had especially as a consequence new protection instruments research, appropriate to specifics assumptions studied. This process allowed social or family realities encountered getting to legal validity. It was also an opportunity to bring out foundations of the concept of child victim of family, in so far as law has hallowed situations of child victims of their families. However, emergence of new social realities necessitated the renewal of the concept of child victim of family, in order to alleviate the limits of the foundations of the notion and to guarantee effective representation of this phenomenon in legal speech.
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Aspekty života homoparentálních rodin v České republice z pohledu rovného zacházení / Equal treatment of homoparental families in the Czech Republic and the different aspects of their lifeSlunéčková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
My thesis should provide a comprehensive sum up of the life of homoparental families in the Czech Republic. I would like to closely see and monitor functioning of those LGBTI families and to research obstacles that these families must overcome to fully function in the society. In terms of equal and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity I will examine in more details the processes, tools and institutions that provide the same conditions to all families without exception. I am primarily interested in barriers to the full functioning of these families, their access to assisted reproduction, surrogacy for gay families, and the legalization of non-biologic parent relationships to a child in a common household, their rights and duties. From a public policy point of view, I will find out whether these processes are in the accordance to equal and not discrimination treatment for all. By legalization of the partnership between homosexuals in the Czech Republic it has caused the logical development of this status and issues connecting to this law. Today, is often discussed the nature of this relationship and the possibility of its "transformation" into a full family structure ended up by marriage. This development raises a number of theoretical and practical issues. In my work,...
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