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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategieanpassungsprozesse im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen /

Meier, Henk Erik. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Potsdam, 2002.

Konkretisierung und Management von Gemeinwohlleistungen öffentlicher Forstbetriebe / Management of public welfare services in public forest enterprises

Over, Elisabeth Ingeborg 05 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Erste Auswertung zur empirischen Studie - Politisches Handeln für das Gemeinwohl: Wie erreichen gewählte Persönlichkeiten ihre Ziele?: Fragebogen für die Bürgermeister und Fraktionsvorsitzenden. Deskriptive Statistiken: Häufigkeiten, Streuung, Lagemaße

Günther, Thomas W., Schill, Oliver 14 November 2004 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Studie wurden die Bürgermeister und Fraktionsvorsitzenden aller sächsischen Gemeinden am 2. Juni 2004, also kurz vor der Kommunalwahl am 13. Juni 2004, befragt. Dieser Befragungszeitpunkt wurde bewusst gewählt, da die Befragten die ablaufende Wahlperiode im Rückblick betrachten sollten. Die Befragung erfolgte schriftlich mit einem standardisierten Fragebogen.

Teams in a public goods experiment with punishment

Auerswald, Heike, Schmidt, Carsten, Thum, Marcel, Torsvik, Gaute 05 June 2023 (has links)
Challenges addressed in global politics, such as climate change, maritime piracy and fighting highly contagious diseases, concern global public goods. The related policy decisions are primarily made by teams. In contrast, economic models of global public goods typically assume a single rational decision maker. We use a laboratory experiment to compare team decisions to the decisions of individuals in a finitely repeated public goods game with and without a costly punishment option. Teams of three participants coordinate on decisions either by majority or unanimity rule. We find that, in the absence of a punishment option, teams deciding by the unanimity rule contribute slightly more than individuals. With the punishment option, unanimity teams choose significantly lower levels of punishment and exhibit anti-social punishment less frequently than individuals. A possible explanation is the elimination of extreme preferences for punishment through the coordination process in teams.

Unternehmen Prüfgelände

Gramlich, Ludwig 06 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Umsetzung eines großflächigen privaten Verkehrsprojekts im Rahmen der kommunalen Bauleitplanung wirft die Frage nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Unternehmensflurbereinigung und Enteignung auf Grund von Entscheidungen des Planfeststellungs- und des Städtebaurechts auf. Eigentumsschutz muss sich dabei insbesondere in einem fairen, abgewogenen Verfahren beweisen.

Unternehmensführung in der Reflexiven Modernisierung : Global Corporate Citizenship, Gesellschaftsstrategie und Unternehmenskommunikation /

Weiß, Ralf. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Oldenburg, 2002.

Contributing to the common good as a nonmarket strategy: Studies on the psychological microfoundations of public value creation for the private sector

Grubert, Thorben 23 June 2022 (has links)
Public value has proven itself as an insightful concept through which to better understand, assess, and guide the contributions of public organizations to the common good. Corresponding to the increasing awareness that private organizations, too, bear considerable responsibility for society, the concept of public value has recently also been applied in the private sector. Following two additional current directions of public value research, i.e., shifting from a static assessment of public value to more process-oriented research, and providing incremental empirical support for previous conceptual research, this dissertation examines public value creation as a nonmarket strategy for the private sector. Therein, a framework text contextualizes three empirical papers within the nonmarket strategy framework of Mellahi et al. (2016) and its adaptation by Frynas and Yamahaki (2016). Drawing from Meynhardt's (2009, 2015) public value conceptualization, initial empirical evidence is provided to shine a light on why and how private organizations may strategically create public value. Addressing Moore's (1995) guiding questions for public value creation strategies and highlighting both the limitations of this work and the avenues for future research that arise from them, the present dissertation offers an orientation for future research on public value creation in the private sector.

The purpose of business is public value: Definition, measurement and effects of common good orientation in an organizational context

Steuber, Josephina Charlotte 15 December 2022 (has links)
This dissertation aims to contribute to a better theoretical understanding of common good orientation in an organizational context, its measurability, and effects on an individual, organizational and social level. Specifically, this dissertation theoretically discusses and empirically tests what common good orientation encompasses in an organizational context, why it is valuable for individuals, organizations and societies alike, as well how it could be implemented in organizational leadership practices. While building on the findings of Meynhardt's (2009, 2015) Public Value research, this dissertation mainly seeks to lay the empirical and theoretical foundations surrounding the hitherto poorly researched concept of Organizational Purpose. Despite the popularity of organizational purpose, no agreement has yet been reached on the definition of the construct, which has hampered further theoretical development and empirical testing. This cumulative dissertation consists of three empirical papers and an introductory conceptual paper.

The Leipzig leadership model: Fostering its application in research, practice, and teaching

Feser, Maximilian 01 August 2024 (has links)
Published at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in 2016, the Leipzig Leadership Model (LLM) postulates a framework of good leadership. Building on a basic-need centric persperctive, the LLM takes a novel approach in response to the continuously intensifying call for integrative theories across leadership research. Consequently, leadership is no longer conceptualized along often reductionistic dichotomies of, e.g., task vs. people, or leadership vs. management. Instead, the LLM defines leadership through its contribution. As such contributions are subjectively percieved along basic need-dimensions, the LLM is able to theoretically derive holicity for its conceptualisation of leadership’s role. This dissertation encompasses two empirical papers as well as one teaching case study aimed to foster the LLM’s applicability in research, practice, and teaching. To that end, my co-authors and I not only developed and validated a LLM-based scale in both a German and an English version, but further tested the real-world micro-level impact of subjective employees’ perceptions of their own organization’s contribution to society with regards to its capacity of fostering flow experience in a longitudinal design. Finally, a teaching case study was designed in order to illustrate and showcase real-world implications of applying a LLM-perspective to leadership utilizing the 2015 scandal surrounding the Volkswagen AG and international emission controls specifically in diesel motors.

Sonnenberg und Chemnitz 2025. Einführung: Wechselwirkungen von Kunstprogrammen und prozessualer Stadtentwicklung

Menting, Annette 05 April 2024 (has links)
Mit dem Konzept für die Kulturhauptstadt Europas Chemnitz 2025 ist die Verknüpfung von Kunst und Kultur, Stadtentwicklung und partizipativen Prozessen explizit formuliert. Das war Anlass, sich angesichts der MAP-Ausgabe zur Urbanen Praxis den Transformationsprozessen dieser Stadt zu widmen. Der Fokus richtet sich exemplarisch auf das Quartier Sonnenberg, wo neue Kunstinitiativen und Raumkonzepte für die kulturelle und gemeinwohlorientierte Belebung des Stadtteils bereits seit 2010 zunächst von Akteur:innen und dann auch von und mit der Stadtverwaltung entwickelt wurden. Dieser zweiteilige Beitrag befragt die Wechselwirkungen von kulturell-räumlicher Quartiersentwicklung und dem Kulturhauptstadt-Programm, um Impulsen und Initiativen, Teilhabe und nachhaltiger Wirksamkeit der Projekte nachzugehen. Mit Blick auf verschiedene Projekte, Prozesse, Netzwerke und ihre Anbindung an Kulturhauptstadtprogramme wurden Gespräche mit zwei Chemnitzerinnen geführt. Ergänzende Notizen kontextualisieren die angeführten Orte und Programme von Kunst, Kultur, Architektur und Stadtentwicklung.

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