Spelling suggestions: "subject:"generational change"" "subject:"venerational change""
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Kakai Tonga 'i Okalani Nu'u Sila: Tongan Generations in Auckland New ZealandBrown Pulu, Teena Joanne January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is written in the format of a three act play. The author has elected this structure to frame the ethnographic data and analysis because it seemed befitting for telling my own life story alongside the memories of three generations of my matrilateral and patrilateral Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand. Thus, actors and scenes play out the thesis storyline in three parts where each act is titled Prologue, Dialogue and Epilogue. The Prologue, part one of this three act play, is three chapters which sets in motion the main actors - the research participants, and the scenes - the ethnographic context in which data was collected. It represents an ethnographic mosaic of memory and meaning as co-constructed by actors in recounting how they make sense of their place, their time, in a transnational history, that is, a family of stories among three Tongan generations residing largely in Auckland New Zealand. The Dialogue, part two of this three act play, is four chapters which maps out the theoretical and ethnographic territory that actors and scenes border-cross to visit. By this, I mean that research participants are political actors subject to social factors which shape how their memories and ensuing meanings are selectively reproduced in certain contexts of retelling the past and its relevance to understanding the present. The Epilogue, part three of this three act play, is the curtain call for the closing chapter. It presents an ending in which a new 'identity' entry made by the youngest Tongan generation creates possibilities for social change not yet experienced by prior generations residing in Auckland New Zealand. This thesis is woven into an overarching argument. Here, three generations of my matrilateral and patrilateral Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand intersect through two modes of memory and meaning. First, family reconstruct collective memories of 'identity' and 'culture' to make sense of how their ancestral origin, their historical past, is meaningful in their transnational lives and lifestyles. Second, inter-generational change among Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand is a social-political product of the transnational condition experienced by ethnic-cultural groups categorised as 'minorities' in the developed world.
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Optimalizace zdanění při převodu firmy mezi rodinnými příslušníky / Optimization of taxation transfer businesses between family membersŠlapáková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on generational change in the family business and apprises of the development, status and advantage of running a family business in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Furthermore, the diploma thesis focuses on sociological and tax obstacles in connection with the process of business transformation. It examines the impact of direct taxes on possible options of transferring the business which is carried on under a trade license. The main options are as follows: the transfer to limited liability company, the transfer to trust, the transfer to sell or giving the business free of charge. The theoretical findings are applied to the particular case concerning the transfer of the family business from father to his son.
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Innovative quotatives - language change or youth-speak? : A corpus-based study of spoken British EnglishRichardson-Owen, Esme January 2019 (has links)
This paper investigates the possible effect of age on quotative variation in spoken British English with focus on the innovative quotative constructions be like and go and the standard construction say. The study is corpus-based and uses the Spoken British National Corpus 2014 as its material. Using the search tools provided in the corpus, datasets were restricted to include material from female speakers only and for each age-bracket in isolation. The results of the study were analysed in apparent time and through real time comparisons with previous studies. Similarly to previous studies, it was found that be like constructions are still favoured by young speakers, but the results also indicate that be like is used at higher frequencies among middle-aged speakers than previous studies have demonstrated. This indicates that be like is indeed an example of language change and not just an age-graded feature. The second innovative quotative investigated was go. The frequency distribution demonstrated by go was very different to that of be like. The results indicate that the ratio of go in comparison to be like (and say) have decreased drastically in the past twenty years when the results of the present study were compared to previous studies. This may indicate that the presence of two or more quotative variants within a speaker community may lead to the reduction in use of one of these variants due to "linguistic competition". The results of this study strengthen previous arguments that the presence of be like may lead to a decrease in the use of quotative go. The standard form say is still the most common variant for most age-brackets, apart from adolescent and young-adult speakers. However, in comparison to earlier studies the ratios of say have decreased for middle-aged speakers and younger. This may be due to an increased choice of quotative variants which are available to the speaker.
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Strategie rozvoje rodinného podniku / Stategic Development of Family-owned CompanyKořený, Dominik January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with proposal of strategic development of family-owned company Hon, a.s. Based on analysis of current conditions of outer and inner enviroment of the business, and in connection with family values and vision of owner, is proposed developmental strategy and possible solutions for found drawbacks.
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FÖRÄNDRING, PÅ GOTT OCH ONT : En fallstudie av omstruktureringen av ett belöningssystem i en decentraliserad bankEffort, Evelina, Näsberg Hallqvist, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Banksektorn har under de senaste decennierna blivit allt mer kunskapsintensiv och en förståelse för det skifte som sker för framtidens medarbetare blir allt mer essentiell. Strategiska förändringar medför krav på ledningen att tillvarata sina medarbetares intressen genom att bland annat skapa incitament för att bibehålla gamla och skapa nya konkurrensfördelar. Syftet med vår studie är att beskriva en pågående förändringsprocess för att skapa en förståelse för hur ett generationsskifte influerar en decentraliserad organisations omstrukturering av belöningssystem. Genom detta avser vi fylla ett kunskapsgap avseende hur organisationer hanterar processen kring och utformningen av belöningssystem. Studiens metod har utgått från en kvalitativ fallstudie. Genom 6 intervjuer på ett utvalt fallföretag har empiri insamlats för att skapa en förståelse för hur en decentraliserad organisation hanterar ett förändringsarbete i praktiken samt hur det påverkar hur ett belöningssystem moderniseras. Respondenterna är noga utvalda bland anställda från både ledande befattningar och inom kontorsrörelsen för att möjliggöra en bred förståelse för organisationsstrukturen samt dess respektive insyn i det fortskridande arbetet. Utifrån resultatet av studien kan slutsatsen dras att fallföretagets förändringsarbete har präglats av en stark top-downstyrning. En bristande medarbetarinvolvering har påvisat brister i processen och paradoxer gentemot organisationens starkt decentraliserade kultur. Vidare visar studien på att belöningssystem vid bemötande av generationsskifte är ett effektivt instrument. Emellertid kan den önskade effekten av omstruktureringen bli kortvarig om organisationen inte vidtar ytterligare åtgärder. En komplettering av instrumentet kan hjälpa företaget att uppnå en attraktivare arbetsmiljö, för alla. / The banking sector has become increasingly knowledge-intensive in recent decades, and an understanding of the shift that is taking place for future employees is becoming increasingly essential. Strategic changes entail demands on management to safeguard the interests of its employees by, among other things, creating incentives to maintain old ones and create new competitive advantages. The purpose of this study is to explain an ongoing change process to create a deep understanding of how social progress affects a decentralized organization's modernization and restructuring of incentive programs. Through this, we intend to fill the current knowledge gap regarding how organizations should handle the change process and design of reward systems. The study has been based on a qualitative case study. Through 6 interviews at a selected case company, empirical data has been collected to create an understanding for how a decentralized organization handles change management in practice and how this affects the outcome of a restructured reward system. The respondents are carefully selected among employees from both management positions and within the business field to enable a broad understanding of the organization. The study has resulted in the conclusion that the company's change management has been characterized by strong top-down control. A lack of employee involvement has shown shortcomings in the change process and paradoxes towards the organization's highly decentralized culture. Furthermore, the study shows that reward systems as a tool in dealing with generational change are an effective instrument. However, the desired effect of the restructuring may be short-lived if the organization does not take further action. Complementing the instrument can help the company attain a more attractive work environment, for everyone.
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Familjeägda företag : Undersökning gällande familjeföretag & successionsprocessen med särskild inriktning på styrelsenDrenic, Nina, Olsson, Annie January 2022 (has links)
Background: Family-owned companies characterize both the Swedish and many of the world's corporate markets. The family circle is the core of the family business on which the family business depends. A successful generational change is thus a fundamental component for preserving the continuity of the family-owned company. Despite this, there is research that shows that generational shifts are not always feasible and research on why family members leave their empire is limited. This is where the master thesis takes over. Purpose: The purpose of the master thesis is to understand reasons that may be the basis for a family member's distancing from the family-owned company with a special focus on the board's functions. Method: Deductive research approach has been used where existing theory about the board's functions and factors that can affect the family-owned companies' succession process has built up the master thesis' theoretical model. The study has been carried out through a quantitative research method and more specifically a questionnaire survey where the collected data forms the basis for the empirical analysis and results that are presented. Conclusion: The study has, with some caution, been able to show that there is distancing in family businesses of family members and that this is often due to natural causes such as retirement and death. We have been able to confirm previous research regarding the companies' vision of a continuity and a long-term corporate governance perspective, but also that the need for the board’s control function will become a more central part when the company is faced with difficult financial times. / Bakgrund: Familjeföretag präglar både den svenska och många av världens företagsmarknader. Familjekretsen utgör familjeföretagens kärna som familjeföretaget är beroende av. Ett lyckat generationsskifte är därmed en grundläggande komponent för att bevara familjeföretagets kontinuitet. Trots detta finns det forskning som visar på att generationsskiften inte alltid är genomförbara och forskningen kring varför familjemedlemmar lämnar sitt imperium är begränsad. Det är här examensarbetets undersökning tar vid. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att förstå vilka orsaker som kan ligga till grund för en familjemedlems distansering från sitt familjeföretag med en särskild inriktning på styrelsens funktioner. Metod och genomförande: Deduktiv forskningsansats har använts där befintlig teori kring styrelsens funktioner och faktorer som kan påverka familjeföretagens successionsprocess byggt upp uppsatsens teoretiska modell. Studien har genomförts genom kvantitativ forskningsmetod och mer specifikt en enkätundersökning där den insamlade datan utgör grund till den empiriska analys och resultat som presenteras. Slutsats: Studien har, med viss försiktighet, kunnat påvisa att det förekommer distansering i familjeföretag av familjemedlemmar och att detta många gånger beror på naturliga orsaker såsom pensionering och dödsfall. Vi har kunnat bekräfta tidigare forskning vad gäller företagens vision om en kontinuitet och ett långsiktigt bolagsstyrningspespektiv, men även att behovet av styrelsens kontrollfunktion kommer bli en mer central del när företaget möts av svåra finansiella tider.
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Řízení lidských zdrojů ve vybraném rodinném podniku / Human Resources Management in Specific Family BusinessRŮŽIČKOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Benefits of this thesis are comprehensive mapping of the current situation in the selected family business and creation of consequent proposals for those human resources activities, where improvement, modification, specification or variation would be suitable. Especially after generational change in family business, proposals of this thesis can become a topic for further consideration and basis for the successor activity in the area of human resources management.
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