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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerador de estímulos visuais naturalísticos para pesquisar o sistema visual de moscas / Naturalistic visual stimuli generator for research in the blowflys optical system

Esteves, Ingrid de Miranda 29 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e a validação de um gerador de estímulos visuais naturalísticos, GEN, utilizado em experimentos com o sistema visual de moscas. Tal gerador projeta a imagem em um anteparo que abrange todo o campo visual da mosca. Um espelho acoplado a um motor linear movimenta a imagem horizontalmente de acordo com velocidades predefinidas pelo experimentador. Ao contrário dos tradicionais geradores com monitores de raios catódicos - que apresentam imagens através de uma sequencia de quadros entre 60 e 200Hz - o GEN apresenta a imagem de forma contínua. Além de eliminar o problema das altas taxas de quadros por segundo exigidas nestes experimentos, o novo sistema também gera imagens com uma maior resolução, brilho e contraste. Durante a apresentação dos estímulos visuais foram registrados os potenciais de ação do neurônio H1 da mosca Chrysomya megacephala, localizado na placa lobular e responsável pela detecção de movimentos horizontais. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram como a resposta do neurônio estudado depende de parâmetros do estímulo tais como: velocidade, luminância, campo visual estimulado e frequência espacial da imagem utilizada. A influência destes parâmetros na resposta neural demonstram a importância de possuir geradores capazes de simular em laboratório estímulos que a mosca encontra em seu habitat natural. / This work presents the development and the validation of a naturalistic visual stimuli generator, NSG, to be used in neuroscience experiment with the flys visual system. To satisfy the requirement of naturalistic stimuli, the new generator projects a slide onto a screen covering the whole visual field of the fly. A mirror controlled by a linear electrical motor moves the image horizontally according to a predefined velocity profile. In addition, the NSG shows the image continuously as opposed to usual stimuli generators with cathode ray monitors having a frame rate between 60 and 200Hz. A further advantage of the NSG is its high luminance, brightness and contrast. During the stimulus presentations, the activity of the H1 neuron of the blowfly Chrysomya megacephala was recorded, this neuron is sensitive to horizontal image displacements. The results show how the response of the studied neuron depends on stimulus parameters such as speed, luminance, visual field stimulated and the spatial frequency of the image used. The influence of these parameters on neural response demonstrates the importance of generators that reproduces in laboratory the flys natural habitat.

Assessment of Subcooled Choking Flow Models in RELAP5 with Experimental Data in Simulated Steam Generator Tube Cracks

Mark A. Brown (5930558) 03 January 2019 (has links)
Choking flow plays an integral part not only in the engineered safeguards of a nuclear power plant (NPP), but also to everyday operation. Current pressurized water reactor steam generators operate on the leak-before-break approach. The ability to predict and estimate a leak rate through a steam generator tube crack is an important safety parameter. Knowledge of the maximum flow rate through a crack in the steam generator tube allows the coolant inventory to be monitored accordingly. Here an assessment of the choking flow models in thermal-hydraulics code RELAP5/MOD3.3 is performed and its suitability to predict choking flow rates through small simulated cracks of steam generator tubes is evaluated based on collected experimental data. Six samples of the data were studied in this work which correspond to steam generator tube crack<br>samples 6-11. Each sample has a wall thickness, channel length (L), of 1.14 mm. Exit areas of these samples, 6-11, are 2.280E-06 m^2, 2.493E-06 m^2, 1.997E-06 m^2, 1.337E-06 m^2, and 2.492E-06. Samples 6-11 have a channel length to hydraulics diameter ratio (L/D) between 3.0-5.3. Two separate pressure differentials of 6.89 MPa and 4.13 MPa were applied across the samples with a range of subcooling from 20℃ to 80℃ and 20℃ to 60℃. Flow rates through these samples were modeled using the thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5/MOD3.3. Simulation results are compared to experimental values and modeling techniques are discussed. It is found that both the Henry-Fauske and Ransom-Trapp models better predict choking mass flux for longer channels. <br> <br> <br>

Sistemas inteligentes aplicados no controle e na obtenção de indutância de um gerador a relutância chaveado / Intelligent systems applied in control and obtaining inductance of a switched reluctance generator

Oliveira, Eduardo Sylvestre Lopes de 04 August 2015 (has links)
Para acompanhar o atual crescimento de demanda energética mundial, novas topologias de geradores estão sendo pesquisadas, estando nesse nicho o Gerador a Relutância Chaveado. Para seu correto funcionamento é necessário que técnicas de controle sejam empregadas para garantir níveis estáveis de tensão gerada mediante variações de velocidade e/ou carga. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma metodologia de um controlador fuzzy da tensão gerada para a máquina em questão. Uma simulação em Matlab Simulink é apresentada para um sistema de geração de energia utilizando um gerador a relutância chaveado integrada com a malha de controle fuzzy. Resultados da dinâmica do funcionamento do controlador fuzzy são apresentados. O Controlador fuzzy proposto apresentou bom desempenho ao manter a tensão gerada em níveis desejáveis frente a distúrbios de carga e de variação de velocidade no eixo do gerador. Trata-se de um controlador robusto e versátil que garante estabilidade de tensão gerada mesmo com a operação do sistema com velocidade variável e/ou variação de carga. / Due to the growing demand of electric power energy, the engineering has to evolve by producing new efficient techniques and low cost equipment. Therefore, new electric power generator topologies have been studied, mainly switched reluctance generators due to their simple structure, reliability and low cost of fabrication. In order for a good operation of a switched reluctance generator, control techniques have to be applied to guarantee stable voltage levels under variable speed and load conditions. Hence, the objective of this work is to present a methodology based on fuzzy voltage controller for switched reluctance machine. Simulations are achieved in Matlab/Simulink for a power energy generation system using a switched reluctance generator with a fuzzy control loop. Results of the dynamic response of such controller are presented. The fuzzy controller could obtain good performance maintaining voltage levels in desired range. Therefore, the proposed controller showed to be robust, versatile and guarantee the voltage stability under speed and load variations.

Réflexions sur l’optimisation thermodynamique des générateurs thermoélectriques / Reflections on the thermodynamic optimization of thermoelectric generators

Apertet, Yann 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les phénomènes thermoélectriques sont un moyen de convertir directement l’énergie thermique en énergie électrique ; ils sont à ce titre au cœur de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de l’énergétique. Au-delà de l’optimisation des matériaux constituants les générateurs thermoélectriques, il est également nécessaire de mener une réflexion sur la manière dont ces générateurs sont utilisés. La contribution des contacts thermiques entre le générateur et les réservoirs thermiques est un facteur qui va modifier les conditions de fonctionnement optimales du générateur. En utilisant la notion de courant thermique convectif, développée par Thomson il y a plus de 150 ans, nous généralisons les expressions classiques du fonctionnement à puissance maximum pour le générateur pour ce cas de figure. Nous constatons toutefois que ces conditions se réduisent à une adaptation d’impédance, à la fois thermique et électrique Outre son intérêt pratique, le générateur thermoélectrique est également un système modèle de choix pour étudier la théorie du transport couplé et des phénomènes irréversibles. En utilisant la description donnée par Ioffe de ce système, nous montrons que l’efficacité à maximum de puissance, un coefficient de performance au cœur de la thermodynamique à temps fini, s’exprime comme une fonction relativement simple des paramètres du système. La nouveauté de ce travail repose sur une prise en compte appropriée des dissipations internes associées au processus de conversion d’énergie. Les résultats sont généralisés enfin aux cas d’autres machines thermiques telle que la roue à rochet de Feynman. / Thermoelectric phenomena are a way to directly convert thermal energy into electrical energy; they thus are at the heart of several researches in the field of energy conversion. The optimization of the thermoelectric generators includes materials improvement but a reflection on their working conditions is also mandatory. The contribution of the thermal contacts between the generator and the heat reservoirs is a factor that will change the optimum operating conditions of the generator. Using the concept of convective heat flow, developed by Thomson more than 150 years ago, we generalize the classical expression of maximum power conditions. Moreover, we note that these conditions may be reduced to impedance matching conditions, both thermal and electrical. In addition to its practical interest, the thermoelectric generator is also an ideal model system to study the theory of coupled transport and of irreversible phenomena. Using the description of this system given by Ioffe, we show that the maximum power efficiency, a coefficient of performance at the heart of finite time thermodynamics, expressed as a simple function of the system parameters. The novelty of this work is based on a proper consideration of internal dissipation associated with the energy conversion process. The results are then generalized to other thermal engines such as the Feynman ratchet.

Control strategies enabling seamless switching to islanded operation

Zheng, Wei January 2018 (has links)
Significant penetration of distributed generation (DG) and the increasing automation level available for distribution networks have opened an option of splitting a network into subsystems and operating each as an "autonomous island". This is particularly important when a major contingency occurs. However, there are issues and challenges that must be addressed before islanded operation becomes viable, among which, ensuring seamless switching of a distribution subsystem from grid-connected to islanded mode is critically important. Unless the subsystem is a predesigned microgrid, it is highly possible that the subsystem load demand will exceed the generation capacity of island DGs. Therefore, an appropriate load shedding scheme must be implemented to ensure the islanded subsystem is power balanced. In this thesis, a switching control strategy is designed to deliver seamless islanding switching. This strategy comprises a multiple-DG coordination method and a single-step load shedding scheme. Mathematical studies and time-domain simulations that investigate the transients observed during the islanding switching process are both conducted, and together, they are used to address the transient stability issues of an islanded subsystem. This thesis focuses on a distribution subsystem consisting of a mix of synchronous and inverter-based DGs and a combination of static and dynamic loads. DG modelling and control is first introduced, and based on that, various types of method to achieve multiple-DG coordination, including an innovative multiple-master strategy, are investigated. The widely accepted master-slave strategy is used to coordinate DGs when the subsystem is islanded. The strategy demands a single dispatchable and controllable DG, such as a synchronous generator, to be the master, whilst requires the others, such as intermittent renewable-based DGs, to be the slaves. Dynamic load modelling is another critical part of this thesis. The transient stability of dynamic loads after major disturbances is investigated and then used to design the stability-oriented load shedding priority. The single-step load shedding scheme calculates the load shedding amount based on the power flow at the point of common coupling (PCC) and the spinning reserve available in the island. This scheme is activated by the tripping event of the PCC circuit breaker between the grid and the island, and then priorities the load to be shed according to the priority predetermined from the stability perspective. Mathematical analysis is first conducted on a simple subsystem to investigate the impact of DG settings on the islanding transients. A full-scale subsystem is also simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC and used to verify the effectiveness of the switching control strategy. In time-domain simulations, the subsystem is islanded following either a routine switching event or a permanent grid fault. Various factors that may affect the transient performance are analysed, such as the severity of the fault, the DG penetration level, the fault clearance time and the switching control delay. This thesis concludes that based on the proposed switching control strategy, the concept of seamless switching from grid-connected to islanded operation is technically viable.

Cholinergic modulation of spinal motoneurons and locomotor control networks in mice

Nascimento, Filipe January 2018 (has links)
Locomotion is an innate behaviour that is controlled by different areas of the central nervous system, which allow for effectiveness of movement. The spinal cord is an important centre involved in the generation and maintenance of rhythmic patterns of locomotor activity such as walking and running. Interneurons throughout the ventral horn of the spinal cord form the locomotor central pattern generator (CPG) circuit, which produces rhythmic activity responsible for hindlimb movement. Motoneurons within the lumbar region of the spinal cord innervate the leg muscles to convey rhythmic CPG output to drive appropriate muscle contractions. Intrinsic modulators, such as acetylcholine acting via M2 and M3 muscarinic receptors, regulate CPG circuitry to allow for flexibility of motor output. Using electrophysiology and genetic techniques, this work characterized the receptors involved in cholinergic modulation of locomotor networks and the role and mechanism of action of a subpopulation of genetically identified cholinergic interneurons in the lumbar region of the neonatal mouse spinal cord. Firstly, the effects of M2 and M3 muscarinic receptors on the output of the lumbar locomotor network were characterised. Experiments in which fictive locomotor output was recorded from the ventral roots of isolated spinal cord preparations revealed that M3 muscarinic receptors are important in stabilizing the locomotor rhythm while M2 muscarinic receptor activation seems to increase the irregularity of the locomotor frequency whilst increasing the strength of the motor output. This work then explored the cellular mechanisms through which M2 and M3 muscarinic receptors modulate motoneuron output. M2 and M3 receptor activation exhibited contrasting effects on motoneuron function suggesting that there is a fine balance between the activation of these two receptor subtypes. M2 receptor activation induces an outward current and decreases synaptic drive to motoneurons while M3 receptors are responsible for an inward current and increase in synaptic inputs to motoneurons. Despite the different effects of M2 and M3 receptor activation on synaptic drive and subthreshold properties of MNs, both M2 and M3 receptors are required for muscarine-induced increase in motoneuron output. CPG networks therefore appear to be subject to balanced cholinergic modulation mediated by M2 and M3 receptors, with the M2 subtype also being important for regulating the intensity of motor output. Next, using Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by Designer Drug (DREADD) technology, the impact of the activation or inhibition of a genetically identified group of cholinergic spinal interneurons that express the Paired-like homeodomain 2 (Pitx2) transcription factor was explored. Stimulation of these interneurons increased motoneuron output through the activation of M2 muscarinic receptors and subsequent modulation of Kv2.1 channels. Inhibition of Pitx2+ interneurons during fictive locomotion decreased the amplitude of locomotor bursting. Genetic ablation of these cells confirmed that Pitx2+ interneurons increase the strength of locomotor output by activating M2 muscarinic receptors. Overall, this work provides new insights into the receptors and mechanisms involved in intraspinal cholinergic modulation. Furthermore, this study provides direct evidence of the mechanism through which Pitx2+ interneurons regulate motor output. This work is not only important for advancing understanding of locomotor networks that control hindlimb locomotion, but also for dysfunction and diseases where the cholinergic system is impaired such as Spinal Cord Injury and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Análise do controle de ruído nos geradores de energia em uma balsa guindaste

Cechin, Cezar Augusto 20 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-07-03T12:52:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert CEZAR AUGUSTO CECHIN.pdf: 2893279 bytes, checksum: 6041ec6c989e858605c656ff1fe6baab (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-07-06T16:47:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert CEZAR AUGUSTO CECHIN.pdf: 2893279 bytes, checksum: 6041ec6c989e858605c656ff1fe6baab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T16:47:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert CEZAR AUGUSTO CECHIN.pdf: 2893279 bytes, checksum: 6041ec6c989e858605c656ff1fe6baab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-20 / Esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo geral analisar o controle de ruído nos geradores de energia em uma balsa guindaste, através da utilização de materiais de atenuação, intervenção na vibração dos equipamentos e na introdução de acessórios e componentes de máquinas, ventiladores e exaustores. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi escolhida um dos ambientes de trabalho mais ruidosos da balsa guindaste, construída na década de 70, pertencente a uma das Empresas que presta apoio na exploração e produção de petróleo na área de Engenharia Submarina e que seu escopo principal é realizar atividades de movimentação de grandes cargas e lançamentos de dutos. Numa avaliação detalhada nas frentes de serviço e dos equipamentos existentes, medições e estudos realizados no período 2013 até 2016, histórico de monitoramento dos ruídos e análise critica dos últimos cinco anos, bem como entrevista verbal com a força de trabalho envolvida, foram selecionados a praça de geradores de energia para estudo de caso e melhorias na atenuação do ruído. Conjuntamente com a implantação das medidas propostas de redução de ruído, foi aplicado o questionário para verificação da eficácia do tratamento realizado e dos fatores de qualidade de vida dos colaboradores. Como resultado final foi sugerido às medidas corretivas e preventivas para tornar o ambiente saudável do ponto de vista da higiene ocupacional, como por exemplo, a instalação de atenuadores de ruído nos ventiladores e exaustores dos geradores de energia, instalação de painéis de lã de rocha com chapas perfuradas em determinados ambientes, bem como inserir forro acústico no teto da sala e paredes da sala de manutenção (SMM), visando diminuir a influencia das fontes geradoras. / The present research intends to analyze the noise control in power generators on a ferry crane, through the use of mitigation materials, intervention in the equipment’s vibration and the introduction of accessories and machine components, ventilation fans and exhaust fans. In order to develop this research it was chosen one of the noisiest barge crane, which was built in the 1970s, owned by one of the companies that provide support in oil exploration and production in the field of Subsea Engineering and its main goal is to perform activities that handle with large loads and pipelines launching. In a detailed evaluation of the service and equipment, measurements and studies of the noise monitoring historical and critical analysis of the past five years were realized during 2013 to 2016, as well as verbal interviews with the workforce involved, selecting some square power generators for case study and improvements in noise attenuation. In conjunction with the implementation of noise reduction measures proposed, it was applied a questionnaire to verify the effectiveness of the treatment and the quality of life of employees factors. As a final result it was suggested to the corrective and preventive measures to turn it into a healthy area from the point of view of occupational hygiene, such as the installation of noise attenuators in ventilation fans and exhaust fans of power generators, installation of rock wool panels with perforated sheets in certain areas, as well as insert acoustic ceiling in the living room and walls of the engine room monitoring, in order to reduce the influence of the generating sources.

Um estudo sobre o processo K não homogêneo / A study of the non-homogeneous K-process

Gabriel Ribeiro da Cruz Peixoto 22 February 2011 (has links)
Processos K começaram a ser estudados nos anos 50 como uma fonte de contraexemplos e de comportamento patológico. Recentemente descobriu-se que eles são um limite de escalas para modelos de armadilha, fato que voltou a trazer certa atenção para eles. Nesse trabalho vamos adotar uma abordagem construtiva, usando-a para mostrar a propriedade forte de Markov e calcular as taxas de transição e o gerador infinitesimal. / K processes were studied in the 50\'s as a source of counter examples and of pathological behaviour. It is now know that they are a scaling limit for trap models, which led attention back to them. In this work, we will adopt a constructive approach, using it to show the strong Markov propriety, calculate the transition rates and the infinitesimal generator.

AvaliaÃÃo do Rendimento de Unidade de Bombeamento de Ãgua Acionada por um Gerador EÃlico de Pequeno Porte / Performance evaluation of water pumping unit powered by a small wind turbine

Mendeleyev Guerreiro Ferreira 27 March 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertaÃÃo de mestrado apresenta um sistema para bombeamento de Ãgua utilizando um gerador eÃlico autÃnomo de pequeno porte, instalado em frente ao aÃude do Campus da UFC. A potÃncia do gerador à de 1 kW e o mesmo utiliza a tecnologia de Ãmà permanente garantindo vantagens como: menores perdas no rotor, menor aquecimento e o alcance de maiores rendimentos. AlÃm do gerador eÃlico, o sistema à composto por um conjunto motor-bomba centrÃfuga de 0,5 cv de potÃncia, um medidor de vazÃo, um medidor de pressÃo, um analisador de energia que registra valores de grandezas elÃtricas (corrente, tensÃo, potÃncia), um datalogger para coleta de dados e um anemÃmetro de conchas para mediÃÃo de vento. O projeto consiste em determinar o rendimento deste sistema para as condiÃÃes de vento do local da instalaÃÃo, a partir de dados coletados durante os meses de maio e julho de 2008. Os resultados demonstram que em apenas cerca de 10,97% do total de dias referentes ao mÃs de maio e cerca de 54,57% do total de dias do mÃs de julho, o conjunto motor-bomba foi acionado pelo gerador eÃlico e que os rendimentos globais variam entre 0,41 e 0,74%. Observando os valores de vazÃo encontrados, quando comparados com a curva caracterÃstica da bomba utilizada, percebe-se uma sub-utilizaÃÃo da mesma, principalmente no mÃs de maio. / This work presents a system for water pumping using an independent small wind generator, installed in the UFCÂs Campus. The generatorâs power is 1 kW and uses a permanent magnet technology providing advantages such as: lower losses in the rotor, lower heating and achieving higher yields. Besides the wind generator, the system consists of centrifugal pump-motor assembly 0,5 cv of power, a flow meter, a pressure meter, an energy analyzer that records the electrical data (current, voltage, power), a datalogger for data collection and a shell anemometer for measuring of wind speed. The project consists in determining the performance of this system for the local wind conditions, from data collected during the months of May and July 2008. The results show that in only about 10,97% of total days for the month of May and about 54,57% of the total days of July, the pump-motor was triggered by the wind generator and the global yields ranging between 0,41 to 0,74%. Observing the flow values found when compared with the characteristic curve of the pump used, there is a perceived under-utilization of the same, especially in May.

Geração de famílias de produtos de software com arquitetura baseada em componentes. / Generation of a family of software products with components based architecture

Paula Marques Donegan 08 August 2008 (has links)
Uma adaptação de um processo de software específico para linhas de produtos de software é proposta. Esse processo tem o objetivo de ser ágil, de apoiar as atividades de projetar e desenvolver características com re-trabalho mínimo e de facilitar a engenharia de aplicações. A fase de engenharia de domínio é iterativa e incremental e propõe uma arquitetura baseada em componentes. As aplicações são geradas por um gerador de aplicações configurável a partir de uma linguagem de modelagem de aplicações baseada no modelo de características. Adicionalmente, é apresentado um estudo detalhado de alternativas para projeto de componentes em uma linha de produtos, considerando componentes do tipo caixa-preta e caixa-branca visando a facilitar a composição e o reúso de componentes. Uma linha de produtos para controle de Bilhetes Eletrônicos em Transporte urbano (BET) foi projetada e implementada usando o processo proposto. Alternativas para a implementação baseada em aspectos de requisitos transversais e de variabilidades da linha de produtos BET, bem como sua geração automática, são apresentadas e discutidas / Adaptation of a specific software product line process is described. The adapted process aims to be agile, minimising rework for feature design and development activities and facilitating applications engineering. The domain engineering phase is iterative and incremental, using a component-based architecture. Applications are generated by an application generator configurable using an application modeling language based on the features diagram. Additionally, we present a detailed study of alternatives for design of product line components, considering white-box and black-box components, aiming to facilitate component composition and reuse. A product line for control of Electronic Transport Cards (ETC) was designed and developed using the proposed process. We present and discuss implementation alternatives based on aspect-oriented development to represent crosscutting and variability requirements of the ETC product line, as well as the automated generation of these requirements

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