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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generátor vědeckých webových portálů / Scientific Web Portal Generator

Bajzecer, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to create a generator of scientific web portals which makes the creation of portals much easier. The administrators of the portals will be able to show different information to specific user groups. The generator is based on modular structure that uses Nette framework (PHP), Doctrine ORM and jQuery framework (Javascript, Ajax). The portal presents the results depending on settings of each portal and its basic data is saved in local database. The local database is a stand-alone project (ReReSearch). The portal works in different modes which are classified into three categories: automatic, semi-automatic and manual mode. The priority mode is the semi-automatic. The generator works also as a feedback for the local database, which provides relevant information from specified fields of science.

Optimalizace modelu vodní elektrárny / Optimization model of hydropower plant

Kršiak, Oliver January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation measuring instruments and program for controlling model hydropower plant intended for laboratory use. The first step is to improve the mechanical performance of the original model of hydroelectric power. The second step is to select a revive measuring instruments for electric values of the plant. The third step is to create a program for displaying electrical parameters and control the plant. The final step was re-measuring the operating characteristics of the generator model hydropower plant.

Posouzení vlivu tuhosti ložiskových štítů a kvality vyvážení na vibrace synchronního generátoru / Effect of the bearing shields stiffness and balance quality on synchronous generator vibration

Čepica, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
The main focus of my master thesis is the assessment of effects of the bearing shields stiffness and balance quality on synchronous generator vibration. The incentive of writing the thesis is the problematic situation, which is characterized by synchronous generator vibration. The aim of my thesis is to variate shields stiffness and to find out the dependence of vibration on stiffness during nominal speed. I have used the program ANSYS based on finite element method to solve this problem.

Generátor pro leteckou aplikaci HUMS / Generator for aircraft application HUMS

Zelda, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis deals with development of the autonomous electric energy source for Health and Usage Monitoring Systems placed at the rear part of a helicopter. Firstly, the HUMS systems were described briefly and the research of available energy sources was made after that. After that, the magnetic properties of the materials were described with the special focus on the permanent magnets. The draft also includes the creation of model of the magnetic field using the final element method. Prototype was assembled and the other design solutions were evaluated. The evaluation of various designs passed in the use of SOMA optimization algorithms. The generator is followed by the draft of the electronics, which streamlines and regulates a voltage supplied by the generator. At the end of the thesis, the complete source prototype was assembled and tested with two different regulators

Fast Generator of Network Flows / Fast Generator of Network Flows

Budiský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se věnuje analýze existujících řešení pro generování síťového provozu určeného k testování síťových komponent. Zaměřuje se na generátory na úrovni IP síťových toků a pokrývá návrh a implementaci generátoru, zvaného FLOR, schopného vytvářet syntetický síťový provoz rychlostí až několik desítek gigabitů za sekundu. K plánování toků využívá náhodného procesu. Vytvořená aplikace je otestována a porovnána s existujícími nástroji. V závěru jsou navrženy další vylepšení a optimalizace.

Anforderungen an einen Debugger für Softwaregeneratoren

Wagner, Christina 27 April 2016 (has links)
Eine wichtige Aufgabe bei der Softwareentwicklung ist das Auffinden von Fehlern und das Verstehen ihrer Ursachen. Zur Unterstützung dieser Aufgabe gibt es zahlreiche De-bugger. Bei der Nutzung von Softwaregeneratoren benötigt man zum Debuggen spezielle Informationen. In dieser Arbeit werden Anforderungen an einen Debugger für Software-generatoren definiert. Dazu werden zunächst strukturell ähnliche Softwaregeneratoren auf ihre Debugger untersucht und grundsätzliche Debuggertypen identifiziert. Aus diesen werden 15 Anforderungen formuliert, die der hier beispielhaft betrachtete Softwaregener-ator erfüllen soll. Anschließend erfolgen eine Verallgemeinerung der Ergebnisse und eine kurze Diskussion der Umsetzung auf der Plattform JetBrains MPS.

Simulace fyzikalních procesů v experimentu Belle II a testovaní kvality rekonstrukčního softwaru / Simulation of Belle II physics events and performance tests of reconstruction software

Kandra, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is about the alignment of vertex semiconductor detectors of the Belle II experiment. It is divided into several sections. The first part introduces the Belle II experiment as a new generation B- factory, with its ambitious plans of data taking and physical analysis. The second part follows with a more detailed description of Belle II detector and software tools designed for their alignment and calibration. The central part of the thesis describes physical processes used for calibration of the vertex detector, connected with the search of an optimal solution for run-time monitoring and calibration of the detector. We also tested the effect of misalignment on the Belle II tracking software. The following part gives results of the study of misalignment effects on physical observables related to analysis of selected physical channels. The last part describes the development of a data quality monitoring tool for the tracking system. The tools has to provide a run-time diagnostic of misalignment and miscalibration by monitoring the precision and accuracy of reconstruction of physical observables. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Utveckling av kontrollrumsstyrning : För DC-generator genom PLC och HMI

Tarasso, Markus, Usai, Daniele January 2019 (has links)
Projektet går ut på att ersätta den befintliga styrningen av en DC-generator för 1200 kV med en fjärrstyrning från kontrollrummet via optolänk. Den nya styrningen ska utgöras av ett PLC-system (Programmable Logic Controller) som manövreras med hjälp av ett HMI – Human Machine Interface. Bakgrunden till projektet härrör från att den befintliga styrutrustningen är opålitlig samt styrs i en farlig miljö. Rapporten går igenom hur befintlig styrutrustning fungerar samt dess ingående komponenter, hur ett PLC-system fungerar med dess bakgrund och olika programmeringsspråk. Även programmeringen och byggnationen av det nya systemet avhandlas. I slutet av rapporten ges en genomgång av de provkörningar som utförts för att säkerställa att alla funktioner fungerar som tänkt. Resultat av provkörningarna ges och diskussion förs kring projektet. Projektet är utfört åt högspänningsgruppen på RISE i Borås som använder generatorn bland annat vid kalibrering av spänningsdelare. Det nya styrsystemet innefattar alla av den tidigare styrutrustningens funktioner och några nya funktioner så som överströms- och överspänningsskydd vilka slår från spänningsmatningen om dessa begränsningar överskrids. Att styrutrustningen nu är placerad i kontrollrumsmiljö gör att operatören kan hantera utrustningen utan att vara i närheten av farlig spänning. / The report aims to replace the current control equipment for a DC-generator for 1200 kV by remote control from control room through optical fibre link. The new control will be a PLC system controlled by a HMI – Human Machine Interface. The background to the project is that the existing control equipment is unreliable and controlled in a dangerous environment. The report shows how the current control equipment works and its constituent components, how a PLC-system works with its background and different programming languages. This report will also describe how the programming and building of the hardware are done. In the end of this report are going through a test run to confirm that the system is working properly. Result of the test run are given and some discussion. The project is initiated by the high voltage group at RISE in Borås, who are using the DC-generator for instance while calibrating voltage dividers. The new control system contains all of the functions from the earlier control system but also some new functions such as overcurrent and overvoltage protection who turns off power supply if the limits are exceeded. The control system is now located in the control room so that the operator can use the system without being close to high voltage.

Analysis of Cooling System and Its Influence on Magnetic Flux Density in a Motor

Hasibuan, Ronaldo Gustav Pangihutan January 2020 (has links)
After Michael Faraday invented the magnetism theory in 1821, the application of the permanent magnet machine was rapidly developed. The permanent magnet synchronous machine is one of the popular applications of electromagnetic theory, which is implemented in most electric vehicles nowadays. Since then, the trend of renewable electricity increased in order to reduce emission and electric vehicle popularity increased significantly. However, designing a motor that is able to rotate very fast for electric vehicle implementation is tricky. The cooling part is one of the important parts in order to achieve maximum performance of the motor.  The power produced by the motor is related to the total induced voltage of the motor, while the magnetic flux is one of the key factors in order to achieve higher induced voltage. On the other hand, the magnetic flux is inversely proportional with the temperature, the magnetic flux density decreases as the temperature increases. In order to design a motor for electrical vehicle, cooling system design is one of the important thing to consider. The motor and cooling system design was built and studied using Comsol software, with the Finite Element Method (FEM) method used to analyse the model. Two cooling systems implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics were the water cooling and air cooling system. The air cooling is represented by a fan located above the motor, the flow of the air analyzed using a turbulence flow physics. The water cooling system designed as a pipe goes around the motor as a helix, the water flow inside the pipe analyzed as a laminar flow. The simulation also involves the heat transfer physics in solid and fluid considering the convection and conduction heat transfer. The result of the simulation showed the temperature distribution in the motor after two cooling systems implemented, the water and air cooling. The cooling system helps to reduce the temperature around the magnet in order to increase the torque of the motor by providing high magnetic flux and induced voltage in the stator winding. The temperature around the magnet decreased significantly after both cooling systems were implemented, in result the performance of the motor remained high. However, the simulated model is modified from the comsol tutorial model which does not really describe a permanent magnet machine.

Sandvikens Fotbollsstadion, Vasa, Finland : Fotbollsstadion som ett stadsdelscentrum. Tillbyggnad av skyddad stadion från 1937.

Rossi, Ruusa January 2013 (has links)
Sandvikens stadsdel i Vasa är under utveckling. Stadsdelen präglas av stora kontraster mellan det natursköna havsnära läget och den genomklyvande motorvägen. Strukturen är storskalig, dels på grund av trafiklösningarna, dels till följd av att det är här som stadens idrottsanläggningar samlats. Bostadsbebyggelsen är begränsad. Nu smider flera aktörer planer för omvandling och exploatering. Hästfolket vill flytta ut travbanan ur staden, vilket skulle frigöra 0,15kvm mark för bostadsbyggande och nästintill fördubbla stadsdelens bostadsyta. Vasa stad bygger t Sandvikens fotbollsstadion för att leva upp till de krav som via UEFA ställs på prestationsplatser inom den nationella ligafotbollen. För att Vasa stolthet VPS skall kunna behålla sina ligalicenser krävs täckta sittplatser för en publik som till sin storlek motsvarar 1:10 av stadens befolkning, det vill säga 6000 platser. Motorvägen från 1968 som klyver rakt in i stadens hjärta genomkorsar Sandvikens stadsdel och delar den aggressivt i två delar: stranden med badmöjligheter, gammal parkmiljö och trivsamma rekreationsplatser på ena sidan, på andra sidan idrottsanläggningarna och bostadsområdet. Tvärkopplingarna sidorna emellan är svaga och bullerproblemen höga. Längs med motorvägen har det skapats stora svårutnyttjade och otrivsamma ytor. I detta förslag till utbyggnad av Sandvikens fotbollsstadion har jag försökt svara på denna situation. Ett stadionbygge är en stor kommunal investering och bör ge maximal social återbäring till betalarna. Genom att angripa stadion som en kollektiv möjlighet för den växande stadsdelen kan man skapa en anläggning som bjuder in till aktivitet bortom fotbollens intresseområde. / How do you expand a listed football-stadium so that it supports social activity and generates life in the street? In this project, an expansion of the Sandviken football-stadium in Vasa, I have tried to respond to a complex situation. Building a stadium is a large municipal investment and should give back maximal social refund to its payers. Defining the stadium as a collective possibility for the growing town district may lead to a sports facility that invites to activity beyond the domain of football. My proposal for a football-stadium builds upon the idea of an urban generator. The stadium should not be introvert and closed towards the street, as traditionally is the case with the typology. It should contribute in different ways to the cultural context and the life in the block and in the street. It should feel activated and alive also outside those few hours of match per week. By placing the football-related functions, like dressing rooms, on level one, I have freed the street level for complementing program. The old stadium is from 1937 and has seats only on the south long side of the pitch and it includes also a so called marathon-tower by the original entrance. It is listed and preserved due to its strong heritage values. The antiquarian aspects of the project have been a part of my task. How do you design an infill project within a historic context? How should contributions to this environment be made so that its values are preserved or even strengthened?

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