Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1genetic diversity"" "subject:"cogenetic diversity""
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Epidémiologie d'une maladie transfrontalière des petits ruminants (Pestes des Petites Ruminants) à fort impact au Mali / Epidemiology of two transboundary diseases of small ruminants (Peste des Petits Ruminants and contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia) with high impact on pastoralism in MaliTounkara, Kadidia 08 November 2018 (has links)
La peste des petits ruminants (PPR) et la Pleuropneumonie Contagieuse Caprine (PPCC) causées respectivement par un Morbillivirus (Virus de la Peste des Petits Ruminants) et un mycoplasme (Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. Capripneumoniae) sont deux maladies respiratoires très contagieuses des petits ruminants. La PPR est présente en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen Orient, et depuis peu en Europe. Sur le continent africain, notamment en Afrique de l’Ouest, elle est en expansion et représente un facteur majeur d’insécurité alimentaire pour la population agricole. La PPCC identifiée au Niger en 1995 n’est que suspectée au Mali sur la base de résultats sérologiques.La PPR est un modèle pour l’étude des maladies transfrontalières car sa diffusion est très étroitement liée aux mouvements régionaux d’animaux vivants. La compréhension de cette diffusion est une condition essentielle à la mise en place de mesures de contrôle efficaces (vaccination, contrôle aux frontières etc.).La thèse a pour ambition de clarifier la situation épidémiologique de la PPR et de la PPCC au Mali, notamment pour savoir si ces deux maladies coexistent, afin d’en évaluer le risque pour les filières de production de caprins et de proposer des stratégies de contrôle adaptées. Nous n’avons pas réussi à mettre en évidence la présence de la PPCC au Mali. Pour la PPR, l’objectif de la thèse est de caractériser la diversité génétique de souches collectées en Afrique de l’Ouest et plus particulièrement au Mali en utilisant en première instance le gène partiel de la nucléoprotéine du virus. Nous avons ensuite estimé la diversité et le taux d’évolution du PPRV dans la région à partir de séquences génomiques complètes. Notre étude a montré qu’au Mali ainsi que dans les autres pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, trois lignées génétiques du PPRV circulent dont l’une d’elles, la lignée II est dominante dans la région et est caractérisée par une grande diversité génétique transfrontalière. Cette étude démontre également une progression de la lignée IV dans l’Afrique de l’Ouest et la persistance au Mali et au Niger de la lignée I (au moins jusqu’en 2001). Ces résultats reflètent par rapport aux données précédentes connues de la répartition des lignées de PPRV, une intensification des mouvements du bétail dus à l’échange et au commerce de ces animaux, flux qui n’est pas contrôlé entre tous les pays de l’ouest africain. Au Mali, il n’existe aucun moyen de contrôle, de traçabilité et d’identification animale. L’utilisation de la diversité génétique comme marqueur épidémiologique serait un moyen d’améliorer notre connaissance de la diffusion de la PPR et de là son contrôle, plus particulièrement dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest. / Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) and Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused respectively by a Morbillivirus and a mycoplasma (Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. Capripneumoniae) are two highly contagious respiratory diseases of small ruminants. PPR is present in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and has just entered Europe. On the African continent, particularly in West Africa, it is emerging and is a major factor of food insecurity for low-income farmers. CCPP, identified in Niger in 1995, is only suspected in Mali on the basis of serological results.PPR is a model for the study of transboundary diseases because its diffusion is closely linked to regional movements of livestock. Understanding this diffusion is an essential condition for the implementation of effective control measures (vaccination, border control, etc.).The aims of our study is to clarify the epidemiological situation of PPR and the CCPP in Mali, including whether these two diseases coexist in order to assess the risk for goat production chains and propose appropriate control strategies.We did not succeed in confirming the presence of the CCPP in Mali. PPR has already been identified in Mali. The aim of our study for PPR is to characterize the genetic diversity and therefore the different lineages that circulate in Mali and, more generally, in the West African sub region by using at first the partial gene of Nucleoprotein of PPRV. We then estimated more accurately the diversity and rate of evolution of the virus in the region from PPRV genomic sequences. Our studies showed that three lineages of PPRV are circulating in Mali and West Africa. The lineage II is dominating and is characterized with a wide genetic diversity and extensive transboundary circulation. We also demonstrate the progression of lineage IV in West Africa and the persistence of lineage I in Mali and Niger (at least until 2001). These results reflect the large flow of uncontrolled livestock trade between all West African countries. In Mali, there is no means of control, traceability and animal identification. The use of genetic diversity as an epidemiological marker is an effective means of controlling the spread of PPR in these West African countries.
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Agricultura tradicional e manejo da agrobiodiversidade na Amazônia Central: um estudo de caso nos roçados de mandioca nas Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã e Mamirauá, Amazonas / Traditional agriculture and agrobiodiversity management in Central Amazon: a study case in the roçados (swidden cassava`s field) in Amanã and Mamirauá Reserves, AmazonasPereira, Kayo Julio Cesar 30 July 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender a dinâmica do manejo da agrobiodiversidade nos roçados de mandioca em comunidades ribeirinhas de várzea e terra firme das Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã e Mamirauá, na Amazônia, e suas relações com as formas de organização da produção, do espaço e do trabalho adotadas pelos produtores. Para tal foi trabalhado um conjunto de metodologias baseados na teoria de sistemas agrários, análise de agroecossistemas, etnoecologia e análise genética utilizando microssatélites. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) Nas duas reservas existem três identidades produtivas, forjadas a partir da principal fonte de renda: agricultores, pescadores e agricultores-pescadores (desenvolvem as duas atividades com fins de comercialização); 2) Os ribeirinhos classificam diversos ambientes como aptos para a agricultura, e a partir deles diversos sistemas de cultivo, que variam em função do ecossistema (várzea ou terra-firme); 3) Existem duas racionalidades produtivas na agricultura (comercialização e auto-consumo), que moldam as racionalidades de manejo da agrobiodiversidade; 4) A diversidade específica e varietal nos roçados diminui à medida que se aumenta o grau de especialização produtiva, tanto da pesca, quanto da agricultura. Contudo, isso não se verifica do ponto de vista genético, uma vez que os genes estão bem distribuídos nas variedades e populações, independente da lógica produtiva; 5) Os roçados de mandioca da RDS Amanã e RDS Mamirauá são extremamente diversos geneticamente, apresentando altos valores de riqueza alélica, polimorfismo e heterozigosidade; 6) A diversidade genética está estruturada basicamente dentro de cada roçado, o que indica alto fluxo gênico entre as variedades de cada roçado e entre as variedades dos diferentes roçados, proporcionada principalmente pela troca de variedades entre agricultores, diminuindo a diferença entre roçados e aumentando a freqüência de diferentes alelos em cada roçado; 7) Os pescadores e as comunidades de várzea têm papel fundamental na dinâmica da agrobiodiversidade, pois abrigam grande número de espécies e variedades de mandioca nos roçados; 8) Portanto, em todas as comunidades a agricultura tem papel fundamental, o que denota que as estratégias de assessoria devem prever a dimensão de sistemas de produção em suas intervenções. / This study had the objective of understanding the agrobiodiversity management dynamics in roçados (swidden fields of cassava) in riverine communities of the Amanã and Mamirauá Sustainable Reserves in the Amazon and its relations with production, space and work management adopted by the families. The methodology adopted was based on the agrarian systems theory, agroecosystems analysis, ethnoecology and microsatellites genetic analysis. The results indicated that: 1) In the two reserves there are three productive identities, forged from the main source of economic income: agriculturists, fishing and agriculturist-fishing (they develop the two activities with commercialization aims); 2) The informers classify diverse environments as apt for agriculture, and from them diverse crop systems, that vary in function of the ecosystem (land-firm or floodplain); 3) There are two productive rationalities in agriculture (commercialization and self-consumption), which adapts to the rationalities of agrobiodiversity management; 4) The specific and varietal diversity in the roçados decreases as the level of productive specialization increases, both the fishing and agriculture. However, this is not verified in the genetic point of view, where the genes are well distributed in the varieties and populations, independent of the productive logic; 5) The roçados at the Amanã and Mamirauá SDR are extremely diverse, presenting high values of allelic diversity, polymorphism and heterozigosity; 6) The genetic diversity is structured basically within each roçado, which indicates high gene flow among the varieties of each roçado and among the varieties of the different roçados, promoted mainly by the exchange of varieties between agriculturists, diminishing the difference between roçados and increasing the frequency of different alleles in each roçado; 7) The floodplain fishing and communities have an important role in the agrobiodiversity dynamics, as they shelter a great number of species and cassava varieties in their roçados; 8) Therefore, in all the communities agriculture has an important role, which denotes that the extension strategies must foresee the production systems approach in their interventions.
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Caracterização genotípica dos vírus das hepatites B, C e Delta em cinco municípios do estado do Maranhão, Brasil. / Genotypic characterization of hepatitis B, C and Delta viruses in five municipalities of Maranhão state, Brazil.Santos, Max Diêgo Cruz 15 September 2016 (has links)
Os vírus da hepatite B (HBV), C (HCV) e Delta (HDV) causam grande impacto para a saúde pública mundial. Noventa e duas, oito e quatro amostras para HBsAg, anti-HD e anti-HCV, respectivamente, foram identificadas em indivíduos no Maranhão. Cinquenta amostras positivas para HBV DNA foram classificadas em subgenótipo D4 (42/86%) e A1 (8/14%). Para o HDV, apenas quatro foram classificadas como HDV-8. As amostras positivas para anti-HCV não apresentaram RNA detectável. O HBV-D4 parece ser o principal vírus representante na região estudada. O estudo filogenético sugere que houve a introdução de uma única cepa do subgenótipo D4 no Maranhão, enquanto que para o subgenótipo A1 existiu introdução de diferentes cepas. A confirmação do achado do HDV-8 em coinfecção com HBV- D4 suporta a hipótese de origem desses vírus na África. A ausência de infecção ativa pelo HCV é provavelmente devido uma introdução recente desse vírus e/ou menor frequência de meios de transmissão eficientes. Mais estudos são necessários em regiões onde é desconhecido o perfil de infecção desses vírus. / Hepatitis B (HBV), C (HCV) and Delta (HDV) viruses cause a great universal public health concern. Ninety-two, eight and four positive individuals for HBsAg, anti-HD and anti-HCV were identified, respectively. Fifty samples for HBV were classified in. subgenotype D4 (42/86%) and A1 (8/14%). Concerning HDV, four samples were identified as HDV-8 genotype. Anti-HCV positive samples were negative for RNA. HBV-D4 seems to be the main representative in the studied region. The phylogenetic tree topology suggests there was the introduction of a single strain of D4 subgenotype in Maranhao, whereas subgenotype A1 had several introductions of different strains. The finding of HDV-8 in coinfection with HBV D4 confirms the hypothesis of origin of these viruses in Africa. The low number of HCV infection in this region may be due to the recent introduction of this virus and / or lower frequency of efficient means of transmission. More studies are necessary in other regions where the infection profile of these viruses is indefinite.
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Diversidade genética em agregações de Nannotrigona testaceicornis Cockerell, 1922 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) através de marcadores microssatélites / Genetic diversity in aggregations of Nannotrigona testaceicornis Cockerell, 1922 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) by using microsatellites markersFonseca, Aline Simoneti 12 May 2010 (has links)
As abelhas são insetos da ordem Hymenoptera e taxonomicamente estão reunidas na superfamília Apoidea. Os Meliponini, da subfamília Apinae, são popularmente chamados abelhas indígenas sem ferrão e algumas espécies são essenciais para a polinização de plantas selvagens e lavouras. As abelhas Nannotrigona testaceicornis, utilizadas neste trabalho, são pequenas, possuem o tórax marrom escuro e opaco e não são agressivas. No Brasil, elas são encontradas na Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Assim como muitas espécies de Hymenoptera, elas também podem nidificar em agregações e analisar a variabilidade genética dentro e entre os agregados foi um dos objetivos deste trabalho, além de avaliar os prováveis múltiplos acasalamentos que parecem ocorrer dentro dessa espécie de meliponíneos. Para tanto, foram coletados indivíduos de ninhos de N. testaceicornis no Campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto (SP), Campinas (SP), Bonfim Paulista (SP), Uberlândia (MG) e Caratinga (MG). 302 indivíduos (operárias) de um total de 32 ninhos foram macerados e tiveram seu DNA extraído. Foram utilizados oito loci microssatélites específicos para o estudo da variabilidade genética e múltiplos acasalamentos. Um total de 38 alelos foi observado. A diversidade genética média entre as agregações foi de 35,4%, a heterozigose média esperada foi de 41,4% e a observada foi de 28,3%. O coeficiente de endogamia (Fis) foi estatisticamente significativo para todas as agregações. Também foram observados desvios no equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg para todos os loci analisados. A análise do Fst mostrou diferenciação entre as agregações, porém, apesar da indicação pelo AMOVA de uma discreta estruturação entre as agregações, não foi possível agrupá-las. A partir dos dados obtidos foi possível observar que a diversidade genética nestas agregações está baixa, além disso, os desvios do equilíbrio, o valor significativo do Fis, e a heterozigose observada menor do que a esperada em todos os loci demonstrou a ocorrência de cruzamentos endogâmicos resultando em alto nível de homozigose nesta população. Com relação aos múltiplos acasalamentos, dos 32 ninhos estudados, somente 11 (34,4%) apresentaram uma patrilínea. A presença de alelos nulos, a inclusão acidental de machos na amostra, mudanças recentes de rainhas, operárias de outros ninhos e a contínua conexão entre ninho mãe-filho podem ser possibilidades para estes resultados, entretanto, a frequência de mais de uma patrilínea é muito alta para que a poliandria não seja considerada. / Bees are insects belonging to the Hymenoptera order and to the Apoidea superfamily. The Meliponini, from the subfamily Apinae, are popularly known as stingless bees and some species are essential to the pollination of wild and farming plants. Nannotrigona testaceicornis, studied in this work, are small bees presenting a dark brown and opaque thorax, and non-aggressive behavior. In Brazil, they are found at Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states. As well as many other Hymenoptera species, they can nest on aggregations. To analyze the genetic variability within and among the aggregates was one of the objectives of this work, besides to evaluate the possibility of multiple matings which seem to occur in this species. For this purpose, samples of N. testaceicornis were collected from nests found at University of São Paulo Campus at Ribeirão Preto (SP), Campinas (SP), Bonfim Paulista (SP), Uberlândia (MG) and Caratinga (MG). Three hundred and two individuals (workers) from thirty-two sampled nests had their DNA extracted. Eight specific microsatellite loci were used to study the genetic variability and multiple matings. A total of thirty-eight alleles were observed. The mean genetic diversity among the aggregations was 35.4%, the mean expected heterozygosity was 41.4% and the observed was 28.3%. The inbreeding coefficient (Fis) was statistically significant for all the aggregations. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium were observed in all studied loci. The Fst analysis showed differentiation among the aggregations but, despite the AMOVA indication of structuring among them, it was not possible to group them. From the obtained data we observed that the genetic diversity of the aggregations is low. The significant Fis value and the observed heterozygosity lower than the expected one in all the studied loci, demonstrated inbreeding events resulting in a high level of homozygosis in this population. In relation to the possibility of multiple mating, from the 32 studied nests, only 11 (34.4%) presented one patriline. The presence of null alleles, the accidental inclusion of males in the sample, recent queen changes, workers drifting among nests, continuing connections between mother and daughter nests or multiple matings might be possibilities for these results. However, the frequency of more than one patriline is very high to not consider the polyandry.
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Seleção e caracterização de Metarhizium anisopliae visando ao controle de Mahanarva fimbriolata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) em cana-de-açúcar. / Selection and caracterization of Metarhizium anisopliae for the control of Mahanarva fimbriolata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in sugar-cane.Macedo, Daniella 13 April 2005 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa foi selecionar isolados de Metarhizium anisopliae patogênicos para cigarrinha-da-raiz, Mahanarva fimbriolata, e caracterizá-los morfológica e geneticamente, por meio de técnicas de análise de DNA (RAPD). A seleção foi feita em laboratório, utilizando ninfas coletadas a campo que foram pulverizadas com o fungo e mantidas nas raízes de mudas de cana-de-açúcar. A mortalidade corrigida, ao quinto dia após a inoculação, variou de 10,5 a 60%. Verificou-se que todos os isolados apresentaram coloração das colônias variando de verde acinzentado ao verde escuro, com crescimento de 28mm para o isolado IBCB-353 à 38mm para o isolado IBCB-348. O comprimento dos conídios não teve influência na patogenicidade e variou de 5,465µm para o isolado IBCB-345 a 7,970µm para o isolado ESALQ 1301 sendo que todos pertencem à subespécie anisopliae. Constatou-se a presença de RNA de fita dupla em onze dos vinte isolados, mas não houve relação entre a presença desta banda e sua patogenicidade para M. fimbriolata. Foi possível separar os isolados em dois grupos (A e B) com 72,5% de similaridade, sendo observada a composição de dois subgrupos (B1 e B2), com 77,5% de similaridade, dentro do grupo B. A alta similaridade entre os dois grupos e dentro de cada um deles, indicou que os isolados pertencem à mesma subespécie, reforçando o que foi concluído com a caracterização morfológica. O método utilizado confirma a grande diversidade genética da espécie M. anisopliae, porém, não reflete sua similaridade de patogenicidade a ninfas de M. fimbriolata, pois os dois isolados mais patogênicos (IBCB-384 e ICBC-348) foram dispostos em grupos diferentes. Não se observou um padrão específico de agrupamento entre isolados oriundos da mesma região ou hospedeiro, ou seja, a diversidade genética parece ser independente do local de origem do fungo, como seria esperado com um patógeno que, em geral, tem revelado alto grau de especialização ao hospedeiro. / This research was carried out to evaluate the pathogenicity of isolates of the entomopatogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae against the spittlebug, Mahanarva fimbriolata, and to characterize them morphologically and genetically through RAPD method. The selection was made under laboratory condition, using nymphs collected at field. The fungus was sprayed on the nymphs by a Potter tower (15 pounds/pol2) and then, they were maintained in roots of sugar-cane seedlings. The mortality was evaluated 5 days after the inoculation, ranging from 10.5 to 60%. The colonies color varied from grayish green to dark green and the colonies diameter ranged from 28mm (isolate IBCB-353) to 38mm (isolate IBCB-348). The conidia length ranged from 5.465µm for the isolate IBCB-345 to 7.970µm for the isolate ESALQ 1301. With those results it could be concluded that all the studied strains belong to the subspecies anisopliae. The size did not have influence in the pathogenicity of the isolate. It was evidenced presence of double-stranded RNA (virus) in eleven out of the twenty isolates tested, but it did not have relation between the presence of the virus and its pathogenicity for M. fimbriolata. It was possible to separate isolates in two groups (A and B) with 72.5% of similarity, being observed the composition of two sub-groups (B1 and B2), with 77.5% of similarity, inside of group B. The high similarity between the two groups and inside of each one indicated that the isolates belong to the same subspecies, confirming what it was concluded with the morphologic characterization. The used method confirms the great genetic diversity of species M. anisopliae, however, does not reflect its similarity of pathogenicity the nymphs of M. fimbriolata, therefore the two isolated most pathogenic (IBCB-384 and ICBC-348) were located in different fenetic groups. In the present study a specific standard of grouping between isolated deriving of the same region or host was not observed, or either, the genetic diversity seems to be independent on the fungus origin, as it would be expected from a pathogen that, in general, shows high degree of specialization to the host.
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Population genetics of Colletotrichum truncatum associated with soybean anthracnose / Genética populacional de Colletotrichum truncatum associado à antracnose da sojaRogério, Flávia 05 July 2019 (has links)
The soybean crop is one of the main agricultural crops, with high global economic relevance. The large area under soybean cultivation in Brazil, including the incorporation of new areas in the northern and midwestern regions, mostly under monoculture and non-tillage system, has been affected the prevalence and the intensity of diseases. Among these, one of most prominent is anthracnose, mainly associated with the fungal species Colletotrichum truncatum. Knowledge of the genetic structure of plant pathogen populations can be used to infer their life histories and the evolutionary processes that shape populations in the agroecosystems, which can help to implement effective disease management strategies. However, the genetic structure of C. truncatum populations associated with soybean remains unknown. We collected C. truncatum isolates from 10 sites representing two of main areas of soybean producing in Brazil and used microsatellite markers and whole-genome sequencing to investigate the population biology and evolutionary history of this important pathogen. The multilocus microsatellite typing of 237 isolates revealed high gene and haplotypic diversity within populations, as well low genetic differentiation and sharing of multilocus haplotypes among populations and regions. In addition, three distinct genetic clusters were detected, coexisting in syntopy in the soybean fields, without evidence of admixture between them. Such finding suggesting that Brazilian C. truncatum populations resulted from at least three founder events, which led to three genetic lineages that spread throughout the country. However, the genetic makeup of these lineages remains unknow, and their extreme geographic proximity raises the question of the maintenance of their genetic integrity in the face of admixture. In order to gain insights into the evolutionary history of C. truncatum lineages and to investigate in more details the possibility of a lack of genetic exchanges between them, we employed a population genomic approach. For that, we produced a draft genome sequence of a typical strain of the species associated with soybean anthracnose, which was used as the reference genome. Eighteen representative C. truncatum isolates from the three lineages were submitted to whole genome sequencing, aligned against the reference genome, and variants were identified. Our population genomic analyzes revealed that the genetic structure of C. truncatum pathogen causing soybean anthracnose is formed by three deeply divergent lineages with levels of genetic diversity consistent with repeated introduction events for each lineage. We also found evidence for sexual recombination within and between lineages, with multiples isolates displaying signatures of admixture. Our findings support a scenario in which the three lineages initially diverged in allopatry before experiencing hybridization following secondary contact. Monitoring of the pathogen\'s diversity over time is needed to reveal whether these lineages maintain or fuse, which can impact the disease control methods currently employed. / A soja é uma das principais culturas agrícolas, com alta relevância econômica global. A grande área sob cultivo de soja no Brasil, incluindo a incorporação de novas áreas nas regiões norte e centro-oeste, principalmente sob monocultura e plantio direto, tem afetado a prevalência e a intensidade das doenças. Entre elas, uma das mais proeminentes é a antracnose, principalmente associada à espécie fúngica Colletotrichum truncatum. O conhecimento da estrutura genética das populações de patógenos de plantas pode ser usado para inferir suas histórias de vida e os processos evolutivos que moldam as populações nos agroecossistemas, o que pode ajudar a implementar estratégias eficazes de manejo da doença. No entanto, a estrutura genética das populações de C. truncatum associadas à soja permanece desconhecida. Coletamos isolados de C. truncatum em 10 áreas, representando duas principais regiões produtoras de soja no Brasil. Utilizamos marcadores microssatélites e sequenciamento do genoma completo para investigar a biologia populacional e a história evolutiva desse importante patógeno. A tipagem de microssatélites multilocus de 237 isolados revelou alta diversidade genética e haplotípica nas populações, bem como baixa diferenciação genética e compartilhamento de haplótipos entre populações e regiões. Além disso, foram detectados três grupos genéticos distintos, coexistindo nas mesmas áreas, sem evidência de mistura entre eles. Isto sugere que as populações C. truncatum no Brasil resultaram de pelo menos três eventos fundadores, o que levou á formação das três linhagens genéticas que se espalharam pelo país. No entanto, a composição genética dessas linhagens permanece desconhecida, e sua extrema proximidade geográfica levanta a questão sobre a manutenção de sua integridade genética em face a mistura entre elas. A fim de analisar a história evolutiva das linhagens de C. truncatum e investigar a possibilidade de ausência de trocas genéticas entre elas, empregamos uma abordagem genômica populacional. Para isso, produzimos uma versão preliminar do genoma completo de um isolado típico da espécie, o qual foi utilizado como genoma de referência. Dezoito isolados representativos das três linhagens foram submetidos ao sequenciamento completo, alinhados ao genoma de referência, e variantes foram identificados. Nossas análises genômicas populacionais revelaram que a estrutura genética do patógeno é formada por três linhagens profundamente divergentes, com níveis de diversidade consistentes com repetidos eventos de introdução para cada linhagem. Também encontramos evidências de recombinação sexual dentro e entre linhagens, com múltiplos isolados apresentando assinaturas de mistura. Nossas descobertas sugerem um cenário no qual as três linhagens divergiram inicialmente em alopatria antes de experimentar hibridação, após contato secundário. O monitoramento da diversidade do patógeno ao longo do tempo é necessário para revelar se essas linhagens se mantêm geneticamente separadas ou se fundem, o que pode afetar os métodos de controle da doença atualmente empregados.
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The best of Santalum album : essential oil composition, biosynthesis and genetic diversity in the Australian tropical sandalwood collectionJones, Christopher G. January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] An investigation into the causes of heartwood and essential oil content of Australian plantation sandalwood, Santalum album was undertaken. Genetic diversity of 233 S. album, five S. austrocaledonicum and fifteen S. macgregorii trees growing in the Forest Products Commission arboretum, Kununurra WA, was assessed using nuclear and chloroplast RFLPs. Santalum spicatum was chosen as an out-group. Nuclear genetic diversity of the S. album collection was very low, with observed and expected heterozygosity levels of 0.047. This was lower than the results previously reported in the literature for trees in India, however a different technique was used. Based on allelic patterns, the collection was able to be categorised into 19 genotypes; each representing some shared genetic origin. Some groups were highly redundant with 56 trees being represented, while others were populated by just one tree. The essential oil yield and heartwood contents of trees from these genetic groups were compared. Yields were highly variable both within and between groups of trees which share a common genetic history, suggesting a significant environmental component was contributing to the observed phenotype, despite identical soil and climatic conditions. Ancestral lineages were tested using chloroplast RFLPs, although a lack of shared mutations between species made this difficult. Only one S. album tree originating from Timor was resolved using nuclear RFLPs, with the other trees being grouped with material sourced from India. There was no resolution of Indian S. album from Timorese using chloroplast RFLPs, however one S. album tree grown from Indian seed possessed a single unique mutation. The low genetic diversity of the Australian S. album collection is likely to be a combination of incomplete seed sourcing and highly restricted gene flow during the evolution of the species. Combined with information gathered on the phylogeny of the genus by other researchers, S. album is postulated to have originated from an over-sea dispersal out of northern Australia or Papua New Guinea 3 to 5 million years ago. Essential oil yield and composition was assessed for 100 S. album trees growing in the collection, ranging in age from 8 to 17 years. Oil content of heartwood ranged from 30 mg g-1 to 60 mg g-1, and the transition zone 36 mg g-1 to 90 mg g-1. Sapwood contained almost no sesquiterpene oils. Despite the highly variable total oil yields, the chemical profile of the oil did not vary, suggesting there was limited genetic diversity within this region of the genome. Strong, positive correlations existed between v sesquiterpenoids in the essential oil of S. album. ... These represent the first TPS genes to be isolated from sandalwood and will enable further elucidation of oil biosynthesis genes. This thesis compiles a three-pronged approach to understanding the underlying causes of oil yield variation in S. album. As a species for which so little is known, the research presented here provides a major leap forward for tree improvement, breeding and silviculture. Hence the best of Santalum album research is presented.
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Forensic identification of six of Tanzanian populations using the extended haplotype markersMwema, Hadija Saidi January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the power of discrimination and genetic (diversity) parameters in the Y chromosome extended haploytpe markers in populations of Tanzania for forensic and populations studies. Eleven Y chromosome extended haplotype markers were selected for this study, these includes Minimal haplotypes markers i.e. DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II and two additional markers DYS438 and DYS439. Six populations of Tanzania were investigated under this study. These populations were selected based on the language family categories / Niger Congo (Kuria and Sukuma), Nilo Saharan (Luo and Maasai) and Afro Asiatic (Iraqw and Alagwa).
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Analyse der mit molekularen Markern (AFLP) gemessenen genetischen Diversität und der Heterosis bei der Fababohne (Vicia faba L.) / Analysis of genetic diversity based on molecular markers (AFLP) and of heterosis in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)Zeid, Mahmoud 06 February 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Einfluss von Landschaftsstruktur und landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung auf das Auftreten blattpathogener Pilze an Weizen und die genetische Diversität von Mycosphaerella graminicola (Anamorph Septoria tritici) / Influence of landscape structure and cropping practices on the appearance of leaf-pathogenic fungi on wheat and the genetic diversity of Mycosphaerella graminicola (anamorph Septoria tritici)Morzfeld, Julia 27 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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