Spelling suggestions: "subject:"genetik"" "subject:"egenetik""
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Untersuchungen zum spezifischen Integrations-Mechanismus der TRE5-A Retrotransposons in Dictyostelium discoideumSiol, Oliver. Unknown Date (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2006--Frankfurt (Main).
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Molecular Tools for Biomarker DetectionChen, Lei January 2017 (has links)
The advance of biological research promotes the emerging of new methods and solutions to answer the biological questions. This thesis describes several new molecular tools and their applications for the detection of genomic and proteomic information with extremely high sensitivity and specificity or simplify such detection procedures without compromising the performance. In paper I, we described a general method namely super RCA, for highly specific counting of single DNA molecules. Individual products of a range of molecular detection reactions are magnified to Giga-Dalton levels that are easily detected for counting one by one, using methods such as low-magnification microscopy, flow cytometry, or using a mobile phone camera. The sRCA-flow cytometry readout presents extremely high counting precision and the assay’s coefficient of variation can be as low as 0.5%. sRCA-flow cytometry readout can be applied to detect the tumor mutations down to 1/100,000 in the circulating tumor cell-free DNA. In paper II, we applied the super RCA method into the in situ sequencing protocol to enhance the amplified mRNA detection tags for better signal-to-noise ratios. The sRCA products co-localize with primary RCA products generated from the gene specific padlock probes and remain as a single individual object in during the sequencing step. The enhanced sRCA products is 100% brighter than regular RCA products and the detection efficiency at least doubled with preserved specificity using sRCA compared to standard RCA. In paper III, we described a highly specific and efficient molecular switch mechanism namely RCA reporter. The switch will initiate the rolling circle amplification only in the presence of correct target sequences. The RCA reporter mechanism can be applied to recognize single stranded DNA sequences, mRNA sequences and sequences embedded in the RCA products. In paper IV, we established the solid phase Proximity Ligation Assay against the SOX10 protein using poly clonal antibodies. Using this assay, we found elevated SOX10 in serum at high frequency among vitiligo and melanoma patients. While the healthy donors below the threshold.
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”En gen är ett recept på ett protein” – en studie om hur gymnasielärare talar om genen och dess funktionVedin, Viktoria January 2020 (has links)
Kunskaper inom genetik är viktiga för välunderbyggda beslut, till exempel i fråga om genmodifierade grödor eller medicinska behandlingar. Studier har dock visat att gymnasieelever har svårt att utveckla en djupare förståelse av genetik. I denna kvalitativa studie undersöks hur gymnasielärare pratar om genen och dess funktion i undervisningsfilmer på Youtube. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i definierade genetiska modeller och variationsteorin. De analyserade undervisningsfilmerna visar att lärare använder flertalet modeller för att beskriva genen och dess funktion. Det finns en progression i undervisningen där lärarna går från enklare modeller som den Mendelska, klassiska och biokemiskklassiska till de mer processinriktade neoklassiska och moderna modellerna. Den variationsteoretiska analysen visar på olika sätt som lärare använder sig av variation för en ökad förståelse. Variation används i större utsträckning när de enklare modellerna används i undervisningen och det spekuleras om detta kan leda till att en enkla förståelsen av genetik medierad av den klassiska genetiken förstärks.
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Regulation von c-MYC durch CIP2A im kolorektalen Karzinom / Regulation of c-MYC by CIP2A in colorectal cancerSchwarz, Gisela Maria January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Das kolorektale Karzinom ist eines der häufigsten beim Menschen vorkommenden
Karzinome [2]. Diesem liegen unterschiedliche Mutationen zugrunde, die in knapp 100%
der kolorektalen Karzinome zu einer Überexpression von MYC führen, welches als
Transkriptionsfaktor maßgeblich den Zellzyklus, Proliferation und Vaskularisierung
beeinflusst [10,16]. Damit stellt MYC ein potenzielles Therapieziel in der Behandlung des
Kolorektalen Karzinoms dar. Zusätzlich konnte in den letzten Jahren ein Onkoprotein
namens CIP2A identifiziert werden, welches nach Depletion mit einem Verlust von MYC
Protein einhergeht [69]. Zusätzlich ist CIP2A ein unabhängiger prognostischer Faktor im
Kolorektalen Karzinom [70].
Diese Arbeit konnte zeigen, dass CIP2A-depletierte Zellen einen deutlichen
Wachstumsnachteil gegenüber unbehandelten Zellen zeigen. Dieser Unterschied kann nicht
durch eine gesteigerte Apoptose, sondern vielmehr durch einen verlängerten Zellzyklus
erklärt werden. Weiterhin konnte eine neue Zelllinie mit DOX-induzierbarer shCIP2A
hergestellt werden, die für weitere Experimente genutzt werden kann. Entgegen der
Wirkweise im Zervixkarzinom [69], konnte im kolorektalen Karzinom kein Einfluss auf die
Stabilität von MYC Protein durch CIP2A nachgewiesen werden. Auch konnte der Verlust
von MYC nach CIP2A Knockdown nicht durch gleichzeitige Inhibierung des Abbaus, durch
Okadasäure, MG132 oder in den FBWX7-defizienten Zellen, verhindert werden. Stattdessen
resultiert die Herunterregulation von CIP2A in einem leichten Rückgang der MYC-mRNA
Menge und einem deutlichen Verlust an MYC-Protein. In Zellen mit verschiedenen
Konstrukten der MYC Transkripte kann dieser Verlust an MYC Protein auf eine
translationelle Regulation in der 5’UTR zurückgeführt werden, was eine bisher nicht
beschriebene Wirkweise von CIP2A darstellt. Da CIP2A in normalen Zellen praktisch nicht
exprimiert ist [78], könnte dies ein mögliches Ziel in der Tumortherapie darstellen. Dieses
gilt es in weiteren Experimenten noch genauer zu untersuchen. / Colorectal Cancer is one of the most common type of cancer in human beings [2]. These are based on different mutations, which, in nearly 100%, lead to overexpression of MYC. As an transcription factor, MYC influences cell cyclus, proliferation and vascularization [10,16]. So MYC appears to be a good target in the therapy of colorectal cancer. Additionally a oncoprotein called CIP2A could be identified in the last years, which depletion leads also to a loss of MYC protein [69]. CIP2A was also found to be a independent prognostic factor in colorectal cancer [70].
In this work it could be demonstrated, that CIP2A-depleted cells show disadvantage in cell growth compared to the untreated cells. This difference could not be explained through an increased cell death, but an extended cell cycle. Additionally, a new cell line with DOX-inducible shRNA against CIP2A was established, which can be used for further experiments. Contrary to the mode of action which was found in cells of cervix carcinoma [69] we could not see an influence of CIP2A on the stability of MYC. Furthermore, the loss of MYC protein after knockdown of CIP2A could not be prevented by simultaneous inhibition of MYC degradation by okadaic acid, MG132 or in FBWX7-deficient cells. Instead knockdown of CIP2A lead to little decrease of MYC-mRNA and a clear loss of MYC protein. In cells with different constructs of MYC mRNA the loss of MYC protein can be attributed to a regulation in the 5’UTR. Because CIP2A is rarely expressed in normal tissue [78] it seems to be a possible target in the treatment of colorectal cancer. This should be further evaluated in future experiments.
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How genomic and ecological traits shape island biodiversity - insights from individual-based models / Einflüsse genomischer und ökologischer Arteigenschaften auf die Biodiversität von Inseln - Erkenntnisse aus individuenbasierten ModellenLeidinger, Ludwig Klaus Theodor January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Life on oceanic islands provides a playground and comparably easy\-/studied basis
for the understanding of biodiversity in general. Island biota feature many
fascinating patterns: endemic species, species radiations and species with
peculiar trait syndromes. However, classic and current island biogeography
theory does not yet consider all the factors necessary to explain many of these
patterns. In response to this, there is currently a shift in island biogeography
research to systematically consider species traits and thus gain a more
functional perspective. Despite this recent development, a set of species
characteristics remains largely ignored in island biogeography, namely genomic
traits. Evidence suggests that genomic factors could explain many of the
speciation and adaptation patterns found in nature and thus may be highly
informative to explain the fascinating and iconic phenomena known for oceanic
islands, including species radiations and susceptibility to biotic invasions.
Unfortunately, the current lack of comprehensive meaningful data makes studying
these factors challenging. Even with paleontological data and space-for-time
rationales, data is bound to be incomplete due to the very environmental
processes taking place on oceanic islands, such as land slides and volcanism,
and lacks causal information due to the focus on correlative approaches. As
promising alternative, integrative mechanistic models can explicitly consider
essential underlying eco\-/evolutionary mechanisms. In fact, these models have
shown to be applicable to a variety of different systems and study questions.
In this thesis, I therefore examined present mechanistic island models to
identify how they might be used to address some of the current open questions in
island biodiversity research. Since none of the models simultaneously considered
speciation and adaptation at a genomic level, I developed a new genome- and
niche-explicit, individual-based model. I used this model to address three
different phenomena of island biodiversity: environmental variation, insular
species radiations and species invasions.
Using only a single model I could show that small-bodied species with flexible
genomes are successful under environmental variation, that a complex combination
of dispersal abilities, reproductive strategies and genomic traits affect the
occurrence of species radiations and that invasions are primarily driven by the
intensity of introductions and the trait characteristics of invasive
species. This highlights how the consideration of functional traits can promote
the understanding of some of the understudied phenomena in island biodiversity.
The results presented in this thesis exemplify the generality of integrative
models which are built on first principles. Thus, by applying such models to
various complex study questions, they are able to unveil multiple biodiversity
dynamics and patterns. The combination of several models such as the one I
developed to an eco\-/evolutionary model ensemble could further help to identify
fundamental eco\-/evolutionary principles. I conclude the thesis with an outlook
on how to use and extend my developed model to investigate geomorphological
dynamics in archipelagos and to allow dynamic genomes, which would further
increase the model's generality. / Inseln sind nützliche Modellsysteme für das Verständnis von Biodiversität im
Allgemeinen. Dies wird verstärkt durch den Umstand, dass Flora und Fauna auf
Inseln eine Vielzahl einzigartiger Phänomene aufweisen: von endemischen Arten
über Artenradiationen bis hin zu außergewöhnlichen Arteigenschaften. Bisherige
Theorien der Inselbiogeographie berücksichtigen jedoch nicht alle Faktoren, die
nötig wären, um solche Phänomene zu erklären. Derzeitige Bemühungen zielen daher
darauf ab, Arteigenschaften systematisch mit bestehenden Theorien zu vereinen.
Trotz dieser Entwicklung werden genomische Arteigenschaften bislang in solch
einer funktionalen Inselbiogeographie weitestgehend ignoriert, obwohl es
Hinweise darauf gibt, dass genomische Faktoren einige der faszinierenden
Diversifizierungsmuster einschließlich Artenradiationen erklären könnten.
Die Erforschung dieser Faktoren gestaltet sich aufgrund des Mangels an
umfangreichen, aussagekräftigen Daten jedoch als schwierig. Selbst unter
Zuhilfenahme von paläontologischen Daten und substituierten Daten aus
vergleichbaren Systemen lassen sich Unvollständigkeiten in den Daten und das
Problem fehlender Kausalzusammenhänge schwer überwinden. Eine vielversprechende
Alternative stellen mechanistische Modelle dar, von denen einige bereits
für eine Vielzahl von Systemen und Forschungsprojekten eingesetzt wurden.
In dieser Dissertation wurden daher mechanistische Inselmodelle untersucht, um
herauszufinden, inwiefern sich diese für derzeitige offene Fragen in der
Inselbiogeographie eignen würden. Da keines der untersuchten Modelle
gleichzeitig Artbildung and Anpassung unter Berücksichtigung von genomischen
Faktoren abbildet, wurde ein neues genom- und nischenexplizites,
individuenbasiertes Modell entwickelt. Dieses wurde benutzt, um drei
verschiedene Phänomene im Kontext der Inselbiogeographie zu untersuchen: die
Anpassung an Umweltvariation, Artenradiationen und Invasionen durch exotische
Mit diesem neuentwickeltem Modell konnte gezeigt werden, dass kleinere
Arten mit flexiblen Genomen unter variablen Umwelteigenschaften erfolgreicher
sind, dass eine komplexe Kombination aus Ausbreitungsfähigkeiten,
Fortpflanzungsstrategien und genomischen Arteigenschaften das Entstehen von
Artenradiationen beeinflussen und dass Invasionen vor allem von der
Einführungsintensität und den Arteigenschaften exotischer Arten getrieben
sind. Diese Ergebnisse demonstrieren, wie die Berücksichtigung funktionaler
Arteigenschaften dabei helfen kann, einige bislang wenig untersuchte Phänomene
der Inselbiogeographie zu verstehen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation stehen beispielhaft für die
Allgemeingültigkeit integrativer, auf Grundzusammenhängen aufbauender
Modelle. Dies wird durch die Aufdeckung diverser Biodiversitätsmuster und
-dynamiken im Rahmen der Bearbeitung verschiedener komplexer Fragestellungen
hervorgehoben. Weitere Modelle, wie das hier beschriebene, könnten sogar in
einem Modellensemble kombiniert werden, um öko-evolutionare Grundprinzipien zu
identifizieren. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf die Möglichkeit gewährt, das
Modell weiterzunutzen und zu erweitern, um beispielsweise geomorphologische
Archipeldynamiken oder dynamische Genome abzubilden, und damit die
Allgemeingültigkeit des Modells noch zu erweitern.
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Der Zebrabärbling (Danio rerio) als in vivo Modell zur Untersuchung der Entstehung von Kraniosynostosen / The zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an in vivo model to study the emergence of craniosynostosisBlümel, Rabea January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entwicklung des Schädeldachs beginnt beim Menschen bereits in der frühen Embryogenese und ist erst im Erwachsenenalter abgeschlossen. Das Wachstum der Schädelknochen muss sich während der Entwicklung fortwährend dem Gehirnwachstum anpassen. An den Stellen, wo zwei Schädelknochen aufeinandertreffen, formen sich Schädelnähte, die aus mesenchymalem Bindegewebe bestehen und als Wachstumsfugen des Schädels dienen. Tritt eine frühzeitige Verknöcherung innerhalb einer oder mehrerer Schädelnähte auf, spricht man von einer Kraniosynostose. Als Konsequenz wird ein weiteres Knochenwachstum verhindert, sodass sich das Neurokranium in dieser Region nicht dem expansiven Wachstum des Gehirns anpassen kann. Dies geht in der Regel mit einem kompensatorischen Wachstum des Schädels und infolgedessen mit kraniofazialen Dysmorphien und einem erhöhten intrakraniellen Druck einher. Klinische Studien und Forschungen an Modellorganismen konnten bereits eine Vielzahl an Genen mit der Entstehung von Kraniosynostosen assoziieren, darunter die Transkriptionsfaktoren TCF12 und TWIST1. Beim Menschen sind heterozygote Mutationen in TCF12 und TWIST1 mit Kraniosynostosen der Koronarnaht assoziiert. Bei Mäusen hingegen führt eine heterozygote Tcf12 Mutation nur in Kombination mit einer heterozygoten Twist1 Mutation zu Fusionen der Koronarnaht.
Der Zebrabärbling (Danio rerio, überwiegend auch Zebrafisch genannt) weist eine bemerkenswerte Ähnlichkeit bezüglich der Anatomie und Morphologie des Schädeldachs zum Menschen auf. Um die genaue Funktion von TCF12 bei der Ausbildung der Schädelnähte zu untersuchen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der Zebrafisch als in vivo Modell für die Entstehung tcf12-induzierter Kraniosynostosen etabliert. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wurde das Expressionsmuster von tcf12 über die Entwicklung hinweg analysiert. Ein besonderer Fokus lag dabei auf einem Expressionsnachweis während der Entwicklung der Schädelplatten und der Schädelnähte. Ein erster Expressionsnachweis von tcf12 mittels PCR-Analysen und Whole-mount RNA in-situ Hybridisierungen zeigte eine breite Expression von tcf12 ab dem 1-3 Somiten Stadium an. Für tiefergehende in vivo Analysen wurden im Zuge dieser Arbeit tcf12:EGFP Reportergenlinien generiert. Mit diesen gelang ein Nachweis der tcf12 Expression entlang der Wachstumsfronten der Schädelplatten, innerhalb der Schädelnähte sowie im Periost und der Dura mater.
Mit den tcf12:EGFP Fischen als Referenz wurde in weiterführenden Experimenten die Aktivität drei hochkonservierter CNEs (engl. conserved non-coding elements) in vivo im Zebrafisch untersucht. Zwei der CNEs konnten als tcf12 Enhancer verifiziert werden, die eine Genexpression während der Neurogenese des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS) steuern. Die beiden Enhancer-Elemente zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Konservierung vom Menschen bis hin zum Zebrafisch aus.
Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Sensitivität gegenüber einem Funktionsverlust von TCF12 und TWIST1 in Mensch und Maus sollte die Auswirkung eines Knockouts der orthologen Gene auf die Entwicklung der Schädelnähte des Zebrafisches untersucht werden. Mittels CRISPR/Cas9 wurden verschiedene Knockout-Linien für die Gene tcf12, twist1a und twist1b generiert. Analysen der Knockoutmutanten zeigten, dass ein heterozygoter Verlust von tcf12 und twist1b in seltenen Fällen zu partiellen Fusionen der Koronarnähte im Zebrafisch führt. Des Weiteren konnte bei tcf12 und twist1b Einzel- und Doppelmutanten ein abnormes Wachstum der Schädelplatten im Bereich der Suturen beobachtet werden. Die Expressionsstudien und die Analysen der Knockoutmutanten deuten auf eine Regulation von TCF12 bei der Differenzierung der Stammzellen sowie der Proliferation der Osteoblasten innerhalb der Schädelnähte hin.
Um die Auswirkung von TCF12 Mutationen auf funktioneller Ebene zu untersuchen wurden im Verlauf dieser Arbeit Luciferase-Reporter Assays durchgeführt. Anhand dieser konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Mutationen, die die basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-Domäne beeinträchtigen, die Transaktivierungsfähigkeit von TCF12 aufheben. Co-Transfektions-Experimente mit TWIST1 offenbarten eine Regulation der Transaktivierung von TCF12 durch TWIST1, sowohl im Menschen, als auch im Zebrafisch. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten die genauen Expressionsorte von TCF12 während der Morphogenese des Schädeldachs nachgwiesen und die Funktion von TCF12 und seinem Interaktionspartner TWIST1 bei der Entstehung von Kraniosynostosen weiter aufgeklärt werden. / The morphogenesis of the calvaria is initiated during early embryogenesis and completed during adulthood. The growth of the skull must continuously adapt to the growth of the developing brain. Where two cranial bones meet, fibrous sutures form. The cranial sutures consist of connective tissue and serve as growth sites of the skull. A premature closure (fusion) of one or several of the cranial sutures is a condition called craniosynostosis. Further bone growth in this area is prevented and the neurocranium cannot adapt to the expansive growth of the brain. The result is a compensatory growth of the skull leading to craniofacial dysmorphisms and also, in more severe cases, to an increased intracranial pressure. Clinical studies and research on model organisms have been able to identify a large number of genes involved in suture development and craniosynostosis, including the transcription factors TCF12 and TWIST1. In humans, heterozygous mutations in both, TCF12 and TWIST1, are associated with craniosynostosis. In mice, haploinsufficiency of Tcf12 alone does not lead to coronal suture fusion. Only loss of Twist1 along with loss of Tcf12 results in craniosynostosis of the coronal suture.
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) show a remarkable similarity regarding the anatomy and morphology of the skull vault to that of humans. To unravel the function of tcf12 in cranial suture development, this study aimed to establish a zebrafish in vivo model for tcf12 induced craniosynostosis. First, the expression pattern of tcf12 was analyzed throughout zebrafish development. Special focus was placed on examining the expression of tcf12 during development of the skull plates and the cranial sutures.
PCR-analysis and whole-mount RNA in-situ hybridization revealed a broad tcf12 expression in different tissues beginning from the 1-3-somites stage. For more in-depth in vivo analyses, transgenic tcf12:EGFP reporter lines were generated. During cranial vault development, the transgenic fish showed a high amount of tcf12 expressing cells along the growth fronts of the skull plates, within the cranial sutures as well as in the periosteum and the Dura mater.
In addition, with the tcf12:EGFP fish as a reference, we tested the transcriptional activity of three highly conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) in zebrafish in vivo. We could validate two of the CNEs as tcf12 enhancer elements driving gene expression in the central nervous system during neurogenesis. The two CNEs show a high conservation between humans and zebrafish.
Due to the different sensitivities to loss of TCF12 and TWIST1 in humans and mice, the effect of a gene knockout of the orthologous genes on the development of the sutures should be examined in zebrafish. Therefore, various knockout lines for the genes tcf12, twist1a and twist1b were generated using CRISPR/Cas9. Analyses of the knockout mutants showed that, in a few cases, a heterozygous loss of tcf12 or twist1b led to partial fusions of the coronal sutures in zebrafish. Furthermore, abnormal growth of the skull plates in the area of the sutures could be observed in tcf12 and twist1b single and double knockout mutants. The expression studies and the analyses of the knockout mutants indicate a regulation of TCF12 in the differentiation of stem cells and in the proliferation of osteoblasts within the cranial sutures.
In order to investigate the effects of TCF12 mutations on a functional level, luciferase reporter assays were performed. Based on the reporter assays it was demonstrated that mutations impairing the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain compromise the transactivation ability of TCF12 remarkably. Co-transfection experiments with TWIST1 revealed regulation of the transactivation of TCF12 by TWIST1, both in humans and in zebrafish.
Within the scope of this work, the exact expression patterns of TCF12 could be demonstrated during the morphogenesis of the cranial vault. Moreover, the function of TCF12 and its interaction partner TWIST1 could be further clarified in the development of craniosynostosis.
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Domestication and coat colours : A reviewDalenius, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
The domestication of animals is a process of great interest to many scientific fields, including genetics. Differences in coat colour between wild and domesticated animals have been of scientific interest for a long time. Coat colours are easily recognizable phenotypes and so have been studied since the dawn of modern genetics. Many phenotypes that are similar across species have the same genetic basis, but there are numerous exceptions. Similar phenotypes within a species can also have different genetic backgrounds. The progressive advances in genetic research methodology have given new insights into both the molecular basis for coat colours and the history of domestication over the last decades. The variation in coat colours seen today is believed to be caused mainly by human selection. Similarities in morphological changes between different species during domestication, including colour phenotypes such as white spotting, have long been noted. This is known as the domestication syndrome and two major hypotheses for this have been suggested: the neural crest hypothesis and the thyroid hormone hypothesis. This thesis gives an overview of the current knowledge about the genetic basis of coat colours in mammals, the genetic aspects of domestication of animals, and how the two are related.
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Preliminary insights into the Bronze-to-Iron Age human demographic history of Pella (Jordan) using an ancient DNA approachSoler i Núñez, Andrea January 1900 (has links)
In recent times, the genetic analysis of ancient human remains has contributed significantly to the study of the human past, especially in the subjects of admixture, migrations and social organisation. By utilising distinct methods and source materials, genomic research is adding considerable value to conclusions reached by other disciplines, such as archaeology and history. However, the geographical region of the Levant has only very recently been the subject of genomic research, and the region of Jordan rarely at all, due to poor environmental conditions that hinder DNA preservation and limited access to archaeological excavations and therefore sampling of ancient remains. My Master’s thesis project aimed at generating genome-wide data for 16 Bronze and Iron Age skeletal human remains excavated in the archaeological site of Pella, a multi-period site located in the North Jordan Valley that hasn’t yet been sampled for DNA studies. I also aimed at analysing the resulting data in context with genomic data from the wider region of the Levant, by means of several standard population genetics tests. Additionally, genomic results were interpreted making use of historical and bio-archaeological records specific to the site of Pella. Through an initial assessment of the sequencing data, only six libraries were selected to be included in genome-wide analyses. Surprisingly, the performed tests show two very distinct genomic profiles among the six libraries: four of them have the expected Neolithic-to-Iron Age Levantine profile, while the other two show affinity with ancient and present-day East Asian populations. These results suggest that human mobility in Bronze-to-Iron Age Eurasia could have happened over distances much longer than previously thought. Further target enrichment will provide more power to either reinforce of reject these preliminary results.
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Ras-MAPK signaling in differentiating SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cellsOlsson, Anna-Karin January 2000 (has links)
<p>Neuroblastoma is a malignant childhood cancer, originating from sympathetic neuroblasts of the peripheral nervous system. Neuroblastoma is a heterogenous group of tumours, while some are highly malignant others can spontaneosly mature into a more benign form or regress. Less than half of the patients survive and this statistics has improved only modestly over the past 20 years. </p><p>SH-SY5Y is a human neuroblastoma cell line established from a highly malignant tumour. The cells have retained a capacity to differentiate <i>in vitro</i> in response to low concentrations of the phorbolester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in the presence of serum or defined growth factors. Differentiated cells are characterised by neurite formation and upregulation of neuronal marker genes. SH-SY5Y are unresponsive to nerve growth factor (NGF), but when transfected to express the NGF-receptor TrkA, they differentiate in response to NGF. Protein kinase C (PKC) is pivotal for the differentiation response to take place.</p><p>We have investigated the role of signaling through the Ras-MAPK pathway in differentiating SH-SY5Y, with respect to neurite formation, expression of neuronal marker genes and growth control. Our results show that differentiation-promoting treatment induced a sustained activation and nuclear accumulation of the MAPK ERK in SH-SY5Y. The nuclear accumulation of ERK was PKC-dependent. However, nuclear accumulation of ERK was not sufficient for a differentiation response to take place in these cells, but ERK activity was needed for the characteristic upregulation of <i>NPY</i> and <i>GAP-43</i> induced by TPA. ERK activity did not induce neurite formation, neither was it necessary for TPA-induced neurite formation. Instead, stimulation of a pathway distinct from MEK/ERK, but downstream of Ras, was needed for morphological differentiation. We could also show that differentiated cells still entered S-phase and that there was no correlation between expression of the CKI p21<sub>cip1</sub> (an ERK target), BrdU-incorporation or neurite formation. </p>
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Molecular mechanisms involved in glioma cell interactions in vitro and studies of PDGF B transcript variantsHeller, Susanne January 2000 (has links)
<p>Glioblastoma multiforme is a malignant brain tumor characterized by heterogeneity.Interactions between heterogeneous tumor cells are supposed to affect the behavior of awhole tumor cell population. In this thesis an <i>in vitro</i> model system of clonal glioma celllines originating from one glioblastoma tumor was used, and the behavior of cells incocultures was studied and compared the behavior of cells grown separately. The resultsindicate the presence of two types of interactions. In one, paracrine signals acted via extra-cellular media. This was associated with increased growth of the whole co-culture followedby a selective force driving one clone to dominance. In the other type, the cell clones grewside by side without signs of paracrine signalling, in a balance resulting in an increasedterminal cell density. Further investigations focused on mechanisms of interactions in thiscombination.</p><p>Two cell clones were chosen, a GFAP<sup>+</sup> and a GFAP<sup>-</sup>, for further experiments. Withdifferential display PCR it was possible to investigate their specific gene expressionpatterns. Seventeen cDNA fragments were differentially expressed, among them twocorresponded to known transcription factors, ATF3 and prox-1, one to a cytoskeletal protein,α-tropomyosin. The collection also contained eight ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) wherethe corresponding genes are unknown at present. Expression of the isolated sequences werealso analyzed in a panel of 12 different glioma cell lines and the results illustrate thecomplexity of gene expression and of tumor heterogeneity. Genes, the expression levels ofwhich were modulated in co-cultures and/or were cell density dependent, were alsoidentified.</p><p>PDGF B is suggested to play a role in sarcomas. The gene codes for an mRNA transcriptwith long UTRs, parts of which are deleted in the homologous oncogene <i>v-sis</i>. The UTRs ofPDGF B mRNAs in human sarcomas were investigated for deletions similar to <i>v-sis</i> thatmight result in increased protein levels. A new transcript variant was identified, lacking a149 base region in the 3'UTR, but its presence was not associated with increased levels ofprotein. Alterations in the 5'UTR were found more likely to be associated with increasedprotein levels.</p>
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