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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating rougher-scavenger flotation circuits using geometallurgical particle-based approach

Huaman Mamani, Luis Enrique January 2020 (has links)
The major challenges currently facing the mining industry are related to the growing trend to deal with deeper ore bodies and consequently increasing complex ores. This has led to the development of new approaches to tackle incoming issues by integrating different parts of the value chain in order to offer appropriate solutions. One of these is the geometallurgical approach, which seeks to integrate geology and mineral processing to optimize ore beneficiation. This assessment can be carried out using a methodology called "Particle Tracking" that basically allows to go a step forward in the study of the phenomena occurring during ore beneficiation from the common assessment by size to the particle level. In other words, this methodology enables to incorporate to the analysis mineral liberation and the different mineral phases in particles. This is essentially what is described in literature as “Particle based approach”. This way, streams are regarded as a set of particles that have different properties and therefore their deportment throughout beneficiation vary accordingly. The purpose of this work was to apply “particle tracking” to samples from Pyhäsalmi beneficiation plant in central Finland. Rougher and scavenger flotation cells of the copper circuit were the main focus of this study. Mineral liberation analysis was used over samples of feed, concentrate and tailings for both rougher and scavenger. Mass balance and reconciliation were performed for bulk streams, streams divided by size and particle classes (classification of particles based on liberation degree) using HSC10 software from Outotec. The main findings show that recovery of chalcopyrite in rougher is above 80% over all size fractions, highest recovery is achieved at 90 µm and most liberated chalcopyrite particles present in the ore were reported to rougher concentrate. In case of scavenger, recovery to concentrate is reduced to a highest value of 66% between 60 µm to 80 µm with pronounced variation over size fractions. Most of chalcopyrite bearing minerals reported to scavenger concentrate are binary (two mineral phases) and complex (more than two mineral phases). Final tailings exhibit minimum amount of chalcopyrite, which is a good indicator of the efficiency of the copper circuit. In terms of recovery of chalcopyrite bearing particles, rougher reported to the first concentrate mainly liberated, binary and complex particles. An interesting finding was that complex particles to the first concentrate showed a particular high recovery. The second rougher concentrate mostly reported liberated and binary particles. As for scavenger, the first concentrate mostly reported liberated and complex particles while the second concentrate mainly reported complex particles. Final tailings exhibit essentially complex particles linked to coarse size fraction and the bulk grade of chalcopyrite for that stream was found to be noticeably low. / <p>The presentation was made through the zoom platform</p>

A GIS Analysis of Sidewalk Infrastructure in Starkville, MS

Bise, Robert Devon 09 May 2015 (has links)
Sidewalks provide many community services, yet not much geospatial research exists regarding sidewalks, especially in Mississippi. The purpose of this thesis was to use geographic information systems to inventory and map sidewalks for Starkville, MS and to compare sidewalk availability and quality to 2010 US census block demographics. In Starkville, sidewalks served 28% of the census block population, which classifies the city as “Car-Dependent” according to a Walk Score criteria. Majority minority census blocks and majority white census blocks had similar proportions of sidewalks. However, 97% of “Excellent” quality and 64 more sections of ADA compliant sidewalks were within majority white census blocks or commercial census blocks. Residential census blocks, especially majority minority blocks, have 26% less connectivity and an overall less dense sidewalk network. Starkville sidewalks have greatly improved since initial construction, but it seems that the current sidewalk infrastructure still reflects historical settlement and zoning patterns.

Hill-Fort Sites and Tumuli in the Shkodra Plain Region of Northern Albania: A Geospatial Perspective

Lambert, Dora Jane 09 December 2016 (has links)
The objective of this research was to determine the environmental and social factors that led to the shift of settlement patterning from agro-pastoral in the late Neolithic to hillort sites at the turn of the Early Bronze Age and why burial mounds (tumuli) were erected further than anticipated from corresponding hillort sites in the Shkodra Plain region in Northern Albania. Geospatial techniques were used to examine 168 tumuli and seven hillort sites. These were mapped to examine visibility, viewshed, slope, and potential prehistoric networks. Based on the landscape visibility GIS results, it was found that hillort sites and tumuli were part of an social landscape that thrived on trade. It was determinable that the shift of the social landscape was related to Northern trade routes and probable changes in paleo-lake levels. This new evidence provides insight to Albanian prehistoric culture and has implications to related studies in the Balkans.

Geobiological Impacts of PalaeozoicLand Plant Evolution / Geobiologiska effekter av paleozoisk landväxtutveckling

Valette, Camille January 2021 (has links)
For two centuries, questions about the origin of terrestrial plants and their impacts on the Earth systemhave occupied palaeobotanists. This essay attempts to synthesise the state of research to date, and outlineareas where major questions remain. Fossil evidence for land plants first appears in rocks of MiddleOrdovician age (~ 470 Ma), but it was not until the Devonian that vascular plants became the dominantgeobiological agents on the continents. Plants began as small organisms, lacking any vascular tissues,and essentially confined to wetlands. Key developments in their reproductive biology and the evolutionof mycorrhizal symbiosis subsequently enabled early plants to exploit a broader range of environments,enhancing water uptake and absorption of nutrients. In turn, the evolution of plant roots has significantlyimpacted terrestrial landscapes. The Devonian rise of plants led to a modification of the weathering rateand a sharp increase in the rate of mudrock production. This was driven by the impacts that plants exerted on watercourses, with the creation of meandering rivers and deltas that retained fine siliciclasticmaterials. This increase in weathering rate, combined with the development of leaves and the intensification of photosynthesis also had consequences for the carbon cycle and atmosphere, reducing the levelof CO2 and increasing that of O2 in the atmosphere. The increased proportion of oxygen and creation ofcombustible material is also thought to have led to the planets first wildfires, whilst the decrease in CO2lowered global temperatures. Via a complex set of feedbacks, these modifications may even have drivena series of anoxic events in the oceans, generating one of the five major mass extinctions at the end ofthe Devonian. / Paleobotanik är studien om fossiliserade växter. Då växter ursprungligen först saknades från jordens ytahar deras utveckling och kolonisering av kontinenterna (för 450 miljoner år sedan) haft många effekter.Ursprungligen var de första landväxter små och liknande modernt gräs. Deras små rötter begränsadedem till närvaron av vattenkällor (hav, flod, träsk…). En symbios med svampen (kallad mykorrhizalsymbios) underlättade landväxtens upptag av näring samt utvecklingen av djupare rötter, vilket ocksåunderlättade deras upptag av vatten. Då landväxter nu kunde migrera till torrare landskap har antaletlandväxter ökat med tiden. Det växande antalet landväxter var viktigt för bildningen av exempelvis kol,vilket är slutprodukten av dött växtmaterial som begravts och utsatts för höga tryck och temperaturförhållanden. Den geologiska perioden Karbon (359–299 miljoner år sedan) namngavs tack vare av denenorma andelen kol som kan dateras tillbaka till denna tid. Genom fotosyntes kan växter även absorbera CO2 och frigöra syre, och på så vis förändra atmosfärenssammansättning. På grund av högre syrehalter i atmosfären blev bränder ett allt vanligare fenomen eftersom det försågs med växter och syre som bränsle, som i sin tur även förbättrade bevarandet av frönoch växtvävnader i form av träkol. Oavsett om det är växtens frigöring av syre, minskning av CO2 (som är en växthusgas) eller genombränder, har uppkomst av landväxter haft en stor inverkan på atmosfärens sammansättning, och därföräven klimatet. På grund av en hastig nedgång av temperatur och syrehalt i haven mellan 450–375 miljoner år sedan (från 40 till 25 °C), utrotades nästan 75% av allt djurliv. Upphovet av denna massutrotning, genom försämringen av vattenkvalité, och uppkomsten av syrefritt vattenmiljöer tros bero på näringsläckage av jordar orsakat av ett ökat tillstånd av alger som spreds i samband med landväxters rotutveckling.

Coupling between iron and humic substances in a land-sea transitional zone in the northern Baltic Sea / Koppling mellan järn och humus i en land-hav övergångszon i norra Östersjön

Osterman, Anna January 2023 (has links)
In marine ecosystems around the world, iron (Fe) is a well-studied and important trace element which has been found to stimulate phytoplankton and cyanobacteria growth, as well as limit nitrogen fixation and being essential for Legionella pneumophila which is known as the main cause of Legionnaires’ disease. Fe also contributes to the brownification of freshwater and has recently been documented to increase in concentration in rivers in Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the link between Fe and humic substances (HS) in rivers and a coastal area in the northern Baltic Sea. In late winter, surface samples from rivers and the coast were analyzed for Fe, HS, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH, salinity, and temperature. Overall, the results showed a positive correlation between Fe and HS, indicating a terrestrial input of Fe. Other variables affecting Fe and HS including pH, salinity, and temperature were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), which showed spatial variations between river and coastal samples. Fe is known to be transported in water as two main carrier phases, Fe-OM complexes and Fe-oxyhydroxides. Which carrier phase is the most contributing depends on multiple factors, including catchment characteristics, seasonal variations, and water chemistry. Understanding the link between Fe and HS in land-sea transitional areas is important since terrestrial Fe is identified as a source of bioavailable Fe in marine waters such as the Baltic Sea.

Det sårbara hållbara samhället : En studie om elmarknadens förutsättningar utifrån klimat och väder i en Sydsvensk kontext / The vulnerable sustainable society : A study concerning the powermarket's situation in regards to climate and weather in a southern Swedish context

Tedestam, Joel January 2023 (has links)
Syfte Syftet är att utreda kopplingen mellan väder och elproduktion i ett begränsat sydsvensktområde; elområde 4. Metod Arbetet kommer att utföras med en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod. Den kvantitativametoden innefattar den största delen av den empiriska huvudundersökningen och utgörs avinsamlad data från SMHI och Nordpool. Det kvantitativa materialet kommer att redogöras föri diagramform vilket utgör grunden för den kvalitativa analysen. Begreppet hållbarhetkommer att figurera som en central punkt för arbetets utformning. Resultat Resultaten består av väder- och klimatdata från ett antal utvalda väderstationer i elområde 4vilka visar på hur olika väderförutsättningar skapar trender för elproduktion. Kustnäraområden har väderkontexter som lämpas bäst för placering av vindkraftverk. Områden iinlandet är mer problematiska och måste utvärderas individuellt för lämplighet förvindkraftsparker. Temperaturerna i elområde 4 visar på en regional sänkning av temperaturenunder slutet av november 2022. I resultaten finns även en betydande undersökning omelmarknadens förutsättningar i elområde 4, främst då med tanke på elproduktion och elprisersamt elhandel. Elproduktionen i elområde 4 är i huvudsak beroende av vindkraft ochsamtidigt finns det ett stort behov av elhandel med andra elområden. Slutsats Kopplingen mellan väder och elpriser är tydligast inom två kategorier, nämligen elproduktionoch elkonsumtion. Elproduktionen varierar kraftigt från dag till dag beroende påvindhastigheten, vilken i sin tur skapar förutsättningar för vindkraften som elområde 4 ärberoende av. Över tid har vindkraftverken en rimlig förmåga att producera el men från dag tilldag kan elproduktionen och därmed även elpriserna variera oerhört mycket. Elkonsumtionensyftar främst på behovet av uppvärmning vilket är onekligt sammankopplat med höjningaroch sänkningar i temperaturen. Det är temperaturförändringar som styr de störreförändringarna i elmarknadens balans mellan produktion och konsumtion. Vid mycket kallatemperaturer kan inte elproduktionen längre hålla jämna steg med konsumtionen ochelpriserna skjuter i höjden.

Petrological, geochemical and structural evidence of fluid-rock interaction in the Siljan Ring

Crang, William January 2024 (has links)
The Siljan Ring in Dalarna, Sweden is the site of the largest meteor impact crater in Europe and has long been a topic of discussion regarding methane production. However, the source of this methane and the timing of production in relation to the impact remain unclear. An outcrop of red Ordovician limestone preserved on the edge of a downfaulted zone encircling the crater’s central plateau is crosscut by fractures surrounded by pale-coloured reduction haloes within which precipitates can be observed. These haloes suggest interaction with a reducing agent mobilised within a fluid flow, of which methane would be a prime candidate. A field study was subsequently undertaken to establish the reaction whereby these haloes were formed, as well as the timing of their formation relative to the Siljan impact based upon petrological, geochemical, and structural data obtained in the field. Results from this study show that a methane-bearing hydrothermal fluid mobilised within the fractures has preserved the original mineralogy of the limestone within the reaction haloes whilst the country rock beyond was being oxidised. Pyrite is shown to be preserved within the pale reaction haloes, whilst its oxidation within the country rock is shown to be the source of the limestone’s distinct red colouring. Fracture and bedding orientation at the study site suggest the hydrothermal event to have been simultaneous with the meteor impact, with the fractures forming part of a wider complex network of impact features. Whilst mobilisation associated with the meteor impact is a likely cause of methane release, the exact source of the methane active at the study site is unclear.

The Integration of 3D Geodata and BIM Data in 3D City Models and 3D Cadastre

Sun, Jing January 2019 (has links)
The initial geographic information system (GIS) and building information modelling (BIM) are designed and developed independently in order to serve different purposes and use. Within the prolific increase and growing maturity of three-dimensional (3D) technology, both 3D geodata and BIM data can specify semantic data and model 3D buildings that are prominent for the 3D city models and 3D cadastre. 3D geodata can be collected from geodetic surveying methods such as total station, laser scanning and photogrammetry and generate 3D building models by CityGML format for macro analysis on city scale. BIM data has significant advantages in planning, designing, modelling and managing building information, which contains rich details of building elements. Additionally, BIM helps and supports to exchange and share complex information through life-cycle project. Because there are some overlaps between them, the integration of BIM and 3D city models is mutually beneficial for representing comprehensive 3D building models. This thesis is a summary and compilation of two papers, where one is a review paper published in Journal of Spatial Science, and the other is a research paper currently under review in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. The first paper designed and implemented a methodology to formalize the integration of BIM data into city models (CityGML models) that were generated from BIM data and from ALS/footprint data based on the proposed common modelling guidelines. The geometric results of the CityGML models were compared and evaluated visually and quantitatively. The second paper proposed a general framework for sharing and integrating cadastral information with BIM and 3D GIS together with general requirements. Based on the requirements and framework, the case study focused on how to represent and visualize 3D cadastral boundaries legally and technically by integrating BIM at building level and CityGML at city level. Both the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) model and the CityGML model were connected to Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) at the conceptual level using Unified Modeling Language (UML) models and on database level. The findings of the first paper include investigation of BIM data as a qualified source on the geometric aspects in order to satisfy the need for a more rapid update process of 3D city models, and the second paper shows that the proposed framework and requirements perform well for generating 3D cadastral model in the real-world case study. / Det ursprungliga geografiska informationssystemet (GIS) och byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM) är utformade och utvecklade oberoende av varandra för att tjäna olika syften och användning. Inom 3D-teknik kan både 3D geodata och BIM-data specificera semantiska data och modellera 3D-byggnader som är framträdande för 3D stadsmodeller och 3D fastighetsregister. 3D-geodata kan samlas in från geodetiska mätningsmetoder som totalstation, laserskanning och fotogrammetri och de kan generera 3D modeller av byggnader i CityGML för makroanalys av städer. BIM-data har betydande fördelar i planering, design, modellering och hantering av byggnadsinformation eftersom det innehåller detaljerade uppgifter om byggelement. Dessutom gör BIM det möjligt att förmedla och analysera komplex information över byggnaders livscykel. Integrationen av BIM- och 3D-stadsmodeller är viktigt för att kunna analysera både byggnader och stad, exempelvis i stadsplanering, byggnadskonstruktion och hållbarhetsanalys.Denna avhandling är en sammanfattning och sammanställning av två artiklar, varav den ena är publicerad i Journal of Spatial Science, och den andra är under granskning i ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Den första artikeln utformade och implementerade en metod för att formalisera integrationen av BIM-data i stadsmodeller (CityGML-modeller) som genererades från BIM-data och flygburen laserskanning/fotavtryck baserat på gemensamma modelleringsriktlinjerna. De geometriska resultaten av CityGML modellerna jämfördes och utvärderades visuellt och kvantitativt. Den andra artikeln föreslog en allmän ram för att dela och integrera fastighets information med BIM och 3D GIS tillsammans med allmänna krav. Baserat på kraven och ramverket så visade en fallstudie på hur man kan representera och visualisera 3D fastighetsgränser juridiskt och tekniskt genom att integrera BIM på byggnadsnivå och CityGML på stadsnivå. Både IFC-modellen och CityGML-modellen kopplades till LADM på konceptuell nivå med hjälp av UML-modeller och på databasnivå.Slutsatserna från den första artikeln inkluderar undersökning av BIM data som en kvalificerad källa på de geometriska aspekterna för att uppfylla behovet av en snabbare uppdateringsprocess av 3D-stadsmodeller, och den andra uppsatsen visar att det föreslagna ramverket och kraven presterar väl för att generera 3D fastighets modeller i den verkliga världen. / <p>QC 20191023</p>

Effects of loading mechanisms and texture on ore breakage – A multidimensional study

Semsari Parapari, Parisa January 2020 (has links)
In comminution machines, the product properties (particle size distribution, mineral liberation characteristics) and process consumables (energy for size reduction, wear) are affected by various parameters. On the one hand, understanding and optimizing these parameters can provide an energy efficient process and a specified product. On the other hand, a fundamental understanding of the breakage process can even be used for designing new or improved comminution machines. In this thesis, breakage fundamentals are analyzed and set against the principles of various comminution machines. The study of the breakage fundamentals is crucial for a better understanding of the effect of different comminution environments on ore types and their textures in order to achieve a desired product size and liberation. This work defines three main areas of breakage processes with breakage fundamentals, namely “loading mechanism”, “breakage mechanism” and “breakage mode”. The “loading mechanism” is defined as the physical action that is applied to a particle or several particles in order to introduce mechanical stress. The resulting pattern of the particle failure is named “breakage mechanism”. Finally, the “breakage mode” defines the particle breakage in terms of being random or non‐random. Non‐random breakage depends on the ore texture, which can be categorized as preferential breakage and phase boundary breakage. Promoting the breakage mode to the phase boundary breakage could help to increase the liberation degree. Various studies have assessed the effect of ore texture and operational parameters on mineral liberation. While ore texture is related to the particle inherent characteristics, operational conditions such as loading mechanism are related to the comminution environment. In all these investigations, little attempt has been made to explore the combined effects of loading mechanism and quantitative ore texture features on breakage mode and mineral liberation. In addition, a lack of fundamental understanding of the breakage process and mineral liberation can be seen. Accordingly, a more fundamental study of the causes behind the effects of loading mechanism and texture is required in order to optimize the comminution process in terms of mineral liberation. The objective of this work is, therefore, to investigate the effects of different loading mechanisms on particle breakage and breakage mode. In order to achieve this goal, work has started with using two methods including three‐dimensional deformation and two‐dimensional crack quantification. The former method involved X‐ray computed micro‐tomography (XCT) imaging and Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) measurements which determiners the breakage mode in terms of being random or non-random. Whereas the latter was done using an image processing code in MATLAB to quantify cracks in terms of random and non-random breakage (preferential or phase boundary) from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images. In addition, XCT 3D imaging was used in order to track the propagated cracks in the third dimension. Moreover, phase boundary breakage in magnetite grains was studied qualitatively based on optical microscopy images in order to identify and characterize the propagated cracks.

Comparative Analysis of Urban Morphology: Evaluating Space Syntax and Traditional Morphological Methods

Sun, Xiaowei January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the urban morphology of fifty cities using spatial syntax analysis. The analysis compares the urban street networks of European, USA, Islamic and East Asian cities. Street connectivity was the main metric and natural roads were the basis for the analysis. The aim of the study was to analyze determine how sensitive space syntax methods are for uncovering the hierarchical patterns of urban street networks and examining their scale-free and small-world properties. Street data was collected from OpenStreetMap. ArcGIS 10 with the Axwoman extension was used to study the hierarchical levels of street networks. Matlab provided the platform to examine the scale-free property of street data. Pajek software was used to measure the small-world behavior. Based on the hierarchical representation, the fifty sample cities were classified into different groups and their scale-free and small-world properties were studied. From a traditionally morphological perspective, it was found that some cities in Europe have a close-knit cellular and organic urban morphology. Cities in the USA exhibit gridiron patterns on the whole. Some Islamic cities have special urban structure with houses grouped around the cul-de-sac lanes. Several of the East Asian cities studied also have grid forms. According to the space syntax analysis, urban street networks that have a connectivity value greater than the average value were less than 40%. The results showed that for most cities, the street connectivity distribution follows a power-law distribution and exhibits scale-free properties. Urban street networks of all sample cities were found to have a small-world property. Space syntax cannot detect all of the morphological patterns recognized in traditional morphological studies. The method can, however, efficiently quantify the spatial configuration of a large sample. Space syntax’s topological and scaling metrics thus provide a way to compare urban street networks. These metrics can thus help classify cities according to their street patterns but also contribute to an understanding of human behavior within and thus the design of urban spaces. For example, an urban street network with a small-world property could have high efficiency for traffic flows at local and global levels and should be considered in further study.

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