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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suivi de la survie de "Geotrichum candidum" pendant la digestion in vitro du fromage type Camembert

Farhat, Rihab 24 April 2018 (has links)
Au contraire du Camembert traditionnel, la pré-acidification du Camembert stabilisé est limitée par l’inoculation des bactéries lactiques thermophiles à une température inférieure à celle de leur croissance optimale (35-39 °C). Geotrichum candidum est une levure essentielle pour l’affinage du fromage Camembert grâce à ses activités biochimiques. En outre, quelques études ont rapporté que cette levure a été détectée dans les fèces humaines suite à la digestion du Camembert. Cette présence pourrait être due soit à la résistance intrinsèque des souches de G. candidum ou en lien avec les propriétés protectrices de la matrice fromagère. L’objectif de notre étude était d’examiner l’effet protecteur procuré à la souche G. candidum LMA-1028, par les propriétés de la matrice du fromage Camembert pendant la digestion statique in vitro. Afin d’y parvenir, deux matrices liquides (i.e. lait 3,25 % matières grasses et un milieu de culture) ainsi que deux matrices fromagères (i.e. Camembert traditionnel et Camembert stabilisé) ont été analysées. La survie de G. candidum et la désintégration de matrices étudiées ont été évaluées à différents temps de digestion aux étapes buccale, gastrique et duodénale. La désintégration du lait et du milieu de culture était plus élevée que celle des matrices fromagères en raison de leur structure liquide. La désintégration du Camembert stabilisé est plus importante que celle du Camembert traditionnel, ceci pourrait être attribué entre autres à une composition en lipides plus élevée. Globalement, la teneur en matière grasse des matrices laitières contrôle la progression de la désintégration. Lors de la digestion in vitro, la survie de G. candidum a été évaluée. Les résultats sur la viabilité de G. candidum LMA-1028 ont montré que cette souche est hautement résistante. La composition, la structure et les propriétés physicochimiques des matrices laitières n’ont pas amélioré la viabilité de G. candidum LMA-1028 pendant le transit gastro-intestinal. / Compared to traditional Camembert-type cheese, stabilized Camembert’s pre-acidification is limited using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria that are inoculated and used under their optimal growth temperature (35-39 °C). Geotrichum candidum is an essential ripening yeast of Camembert cheese due to its biochemical activities. Incidentally, it has been detected in human feces after Camembert consumption. However, this observation could be due either to the intrinsic G. candidum resistance to the gastrointestinal condition or to the protective properties of the Camembert cheese matrix. This study examines the putative protective effect of the cheese matrix on G. candidum LMA-1028 viability during static in vitro digestion. For this purpose, two liquid matrices (i.e. culture medium and pasteurized whole milk (3.25 %fat)) and two Camembert-type cheese variety (i.e. traditional and stabilized) were analyzed. G. candidum LMA-1028 survival under digestive stress was investigated at five digestion times (oral: 2 min, gastric: 60 and 120 min and duodenal: 60 and 120 min), while matrix disintegration was evaluated at three times (oral: 2 min, gastric: 120 min and duodenal: 120 min). Milk and culture medium matrices displayed higher disintegration than cheese matrices due to their liquid nature. The lowest measured disintegration of traditional Camembert compared to stabilized cheese matrix could be attributed to the higher fat content. Overall, dairy matrices disintegration was significantly modulated by the matrix fat content. The structure of the casein networks of milk and Camembert cheeses appears to modulate the accessibility of digestive juice into these matrices during gastric digestion. The difference in the original structure of both Camembert cheese matrices led to different rates of gastric disintegration and resulted in different rates of fat release. When comparing viability counts, G. candidum LMA-1028 showed a high intrinsic resistance to simulated gastrointestinal stresses. Camembert cheese matrices as well as milk didn’t bring additional protection to the studied strain LMA-1028.

La levure Geotrichum candidum, diversité et applications en fromagerie

Vignola, Stéphanie 24 April 2018 (has links)
Geotrichum candidum est une levure dimorphique qui occupe plusieurs rôles importants au sein de l’écosystème microbien de la surface des fromages à croute fleurie et à croute lavée. Ses différentes activités, notamment celles d’alcalinisation et de production de composés aromatiques, sont toutefois reconnues pour être souche-dépendantes. Peu d’études ont été menées sur la génétique de l’espèce G. candidum, bien que celle-ci mériterait d’être exploitée dans l’optique d’optimiser la production de ferments d’affinage utilisés dans les fromages affinés en surface. Dans le cadre de ce travail, les génomes de 11 souches de Geotrichum/Galactomyces spp. isolées de produits laitiers ou de l’environnement, ont été séquencés et comparés au niveau génomique. Également, afin d’avoir une caractérisation complète des souches, leur morphologie, leur capacité à croître en présence de différentes sources de carbone et à 35 °C, ainsi que leur capacité à se développer dans des caillés modèles ont été évaluées. Des divergences ont été observées entre les séquences génomiques des souches de Geotrichum spp. et Galactomyces spp., conduisant à la distinction des différentes espèces étudiées et à la formation de différents sous-groupes au sein de l’espèce G. candidum qui sont similaires à ceux établis par une étude préalablement réalisée par « Multilocus Sequence Typing » (MLST). Des différences ont également été observées entre les souches de l’espèce Geotrichum spp. en ce qui concerne leur morphologie, leur capacité à assimiler différentes sources de carbone ainsi que leurs propriétés alcalinisantes et protéolytiques lors de l’affinage de caillés modèles. La caractérisation génomique et phénotypique de souches de Geotrichum spp. fournit ainsi de nouvelles informations sur leurs caractéristiques et leur comportement dans différents milieux. Ce travail est donc d’une grande importance pour favoriser une meilleure sélection des souches de Geotrichum candidum pour le développement et l’amélioration de fromages affinés en surface. / Geotrichum candidum is a dimorphic yeast which plays several important roles within the surface microbial ecosystem of mold- and smear-ripened cheeses. Its various abilities, in particular those of alkalinization and production of aromatic compounds in cheeses are, however, recognized to be strain-dependent. Few studies have been carried out on the genetics of the species G. candidum, although this kind of information would be very useful in order to optimize the production of ripening cultures used in different types of surface ripened cheeses. In this project, the complete genomes of 11 Geotrichum/Galactomyces spp. strains isolated from dairy products or the environment were sequenced. Furthermore, in order to have a complete characterization of the strains, their morphology and their ability to grow in presence of different carbon sources, at 35°C, and in soft-cheese model curds were tested. Our results showed divergence between the genomic sequences of Geotrichum spp. and Galactomyces spp. strains, leading to the distinction of the different species studied and to the identification of different sub-groups among the G. candidum species that are consistent with those established in a previous study using Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). Differences were also observed between Geotrichum spp. strains for their morphology, their ability to metabolize different carbon sources, and their alkalinisation and proteolytic activities on soft-cheese model curd. The genome sequencing and the phenotypic characterization of the Geotrichum spp. strains provide new information about their characteristics and behavior in different media. This work is therefore of great importance to perform a better selection of G. candidum strains for the development and improvement of surface ripened cheeses.

Interaction entre Fusarium langsethiae et Geotrichum candidum pour la réduction de la concentration de la toxine T-2 dans le procédé de brasserie / Interaction effect of Fusarium langsethiae and Geotrichum candidum on the reduction of T-2 toxin concentration in brewing

Gastelum-Martinez, Elida 09 March 2012 (has links)
En France, la récente apparition et implantation de l’espèce Fusarium langsethiae sur les orges de brasserie est devenue une source d’inquiétude. Ce champignon étant connu comme producteur de toxines T-2 et HT-2 cela pose le problème de la présence éventuelle de ces mycotoxines dans la bière. Des études ont proposé la levure Geotrichum candidum comme possible outil de contrôle du niveau de contamination par ces molécules. Par contre, le mécanisme d’action est encore inconnu. L’objectif de ce travail était de comprendre l’interaction entre F. langsethiae et G. candidum pour évaluer l’effet sur le développement de F. langsethiae et sur sa production de la toxine T-2. Nous avons évalué l’interaction entre ces micro-organismes en utilisant des cultures séquentielles et des co-cultures. Dans ce dernier cas la différentiation des deux micro-organismes a été faite par DOPE-FISH et par quantification de l’ADN. Les résultats ont montré que la croissance de F. langsethiae n’est pas inhibée dans un milieu pré-fermenté par G. candidum. Par contre, la présence d’un agent actif thermorésistant produit lors du développement de G. candidum affecte la concentration de la toxine T-2. Uneréduction supérieure à 90% est observée en comparaison au témoin. Dans les co-cultures on obtient le même pourcentage de réduction de la concentration de la toxine par rapport au témoin. Dans ce cas les deux micro-organismes se développent mais en moindre quantité que dans leur culture pure, F. langsethiae semblant plus inhibé que G. candidum. / F. langsethiae has been recently installed and detected in French barley used for malting. This species is known as a T-2 and HT-2 mycotoxin producer and for this reason, the possible presence of these mycotoxins in beer is a concern. G. candidum has been suggested to have a control activity in this issue, however the mechanisms is not yet described. The aim of this work was to understand the interaction between F. langsethiae and G. candidum to identify any effect in F. langsethiae growth and the T-2 toxin production. In this work, the interaction was evaluated using sequential cultures and co-cultures. Differentiation of these microorganisms in co-culture was achieved using DOPE-FISH and DNA quantification. Results showed that in the medium prefermented by G. candidum F. langsethiae growth was not inhibited but a thermoresistant active agent affected the T-2 toxin concentration during F. langsethiae development. A reduction over 90% of the T-2 toxin was observed in comparison to the concentration detected in the control. For mixed cultures the same toxin concentration reduction was observed while both microorganisms grew but at a lesser extent compared to pure cultures. In this case the growth of F. langsethiae was more affected than the one of G. candidum.


Jaster, Henrique 23 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaster Henrique.pdf: 1499767 bytes, checksum: 4be6aed7c051fea889ec07d6c395c8ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Reblochon, one of the most important cheeses in France, presents peculiar aroma and flavor characteristics due to the ripining process by the yeast Geotrichum candidum, and has attracted interest in Brazilian cheese sector. However, there is just a little information about technology and quality characteristics of Reblochon processing. Adjusting the product to consumers in Brazil covers several steps, from the composition of the milk used, until the protocol definition of fabrication and quality standards that must be defined during the ripining process. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate and define some quality parameters of type Reblochon cheese during the ripining process. Bovine milk Holstein and Jersey were used as raw materials for the production of Reblochon cheese. The results show that the humidity content remained on average 50% during the whole process of ripining (21 days). The total ash or mineral showed the highest concentrations at the cheese surface after 14 days ripining. The fat was on average 5% higher for the cheeses made with milk from Jersey cows than from Holstein. The color parameters showed a reduced brightness (L) along the ripining and decreased the a* values at the surface and increased in the center of the cheese. The proteolysis was high on in the cheeses made with milk from Holstein, and also on the surface of both cheeses. Texture analysis showed that the hardness, gumminess and chewiness showed an increase in the first 7 days of ripining and decreased from the 14th day of ripining. The cohesiveness and elasticity decreasedin cheeses after 21 days of ripining. A strong correlation between ripining time and NPN (r = 0.87), cohesiveness (r = -0.86) and resilience (r = -0.92) was observed. Elasticity x NPN (r = -0.96; regarding the physical characteristics correlated with the physicochemical, were found significant values for Hardness x protein (r = 0.85), tirosina x elasticity (r = -0.89), tirosina x cohesiveness (r = -0.86), cohesiveness x NPN (r = -0.88), and Resilience x NPN (r = -0.89). Therefore, the results indicate the quality parameters for the Reblochon type cheese. Changes after 14 days of ripining modify some analyzed attributes and the product begins to have identity of Reblochon cheese indicating the beginning consumption. / O queijo Reblochon, um dos queijos mais importantes na França, apresenta características de aroma e sabor peculiares devido ao processo de maturação pela levedura Geotrichum candidum, e vem despertando interesse pelo setor de processamento de queijos finos brasileiros. Porém, existe pouca informação sobre a tecnologia de processamento e características de qualidade desse queijo. Adequar esse produto ao consumidor brasileiro abrange diversas etapas, desde a composição do leite utilizado até a definição de protocolo de fabricação e padrões de qualidade que devem ser definidos no processo de maturação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e definir alguns parâmetros de qualidade de queijos tipo Reblochon, durante o processo de maturação. Foram utilizados como matéria prima os leites bovinos da raça Holandesa e Jersey. Os resultados demonstram que a umidade permaneceu com teor médio de 50% durante todo o processo de maturação (21 dias). As cinzas ou minerais totais apresentaram concentrações maiores na superfície dos queijos após 14 dias de maturação. A gordura foi em média 5% maior para os queijos elaborados com leite da raça Jersey. Os parâmetros de cor apresentaram uma redução na luminosidade (L) ao longo da maturação e os valores a* diminuíram na superfície e aumentaram no centro do queijo. A proteólise foi mais acentuada para os queijos da raça Holandesa, e também na superfície de ambos os queijos. A análise de textura mostrou que a dureza, gomosidade e mastigabilidade apresentaram um aumento nos primeiros 7 dias de maturação, decrescendo a partir do 14º dia de maturação. A coesividade e elasticidade apresentaram um decréscimo nos valores em queijos com 21 dias de maturação. Foi observada uma forte correlação entre o tempo de maturação e o NPN (r=0,87), a coesividade (r=-0,86) e a resiliência (r=-0,92). Em relação as características físicas correlacionadas com as físico-químicas, foram encontrados valores significativos para dureza x proteína (r= 0,85), elasticidade x tirosina (r=-0,89); elasticidade x NPN (r=-0,96), coesividade x tirosina (r=-0,86), coesividade x NPN (r= -0,88), e resiliência x NPN (r= -0,89). Desta forma, os resultados indicam parâmetros de qualidade para o queijo tipo Reblochon. Fica notório que transformações após os 14 dias de maturação modificam alguns atributos analisados e o produto começa a ter identidade de queijo Reblochon indicando o início do seu consumo.

Avaliação do crescimento dos fungos Geotrichum candidum Link. & Pers. e Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burds., em cultivos contendo compostos recalcitrantes / Evaluation of the growth of the fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burd. and Geotrichum candidum Link. & Pers in médium containing recaleitrant compounds

Oliveira, Jackson Custódio de 14 July 2006 (has links)
Effluents with high concentration of organic matter and xenobiotic compounds, especially in the case of the agrochemicals, cause environmental concern. In the present work, the adaptative ability of two filamentous fungi, which cause white rot (Geotrichum candidum Link & Pers. and Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burds.), to tolerate high concentration of xenobiotic substances was analyzed. In solid medium, P. chrysosporium and G. candidum presented excellent development under aerated and not aerated conditions (30ºC and dark), in potato-dextrose-agar and malt extract-agar, respectively. In liquid medium, the same was observed in broth-potato-dextrose and malt extract. The fungi also developed well in liquid media deficient in proteins and carbohydrates, but with high concentrations (10 and 25 mg/L) of the agrochemicals Boral, Decanote, Gliphosate, Paraquat and Plenum - all used in fields of sugar-cane, as the ones of the "S.A Usina Coruripe Açúcar e Álcool" (Coruripe - AL). These chemicals are classified as persistent, belong to the toxicological classes II and III, and have different solubilities. The fungi presented tanninolitic activity when inoculated in samples of the crude effluent with supplement of nutrients, under aeration or not. The activity of the laccase of G. candidum in the same medium was higher in the 3rd day of the growth without aeration, occurring a reduction of that in the 5th day. On the other hand, the fungus P. chrysosporium presented a higher activity of laccase in the 7th day of the growth, also without aeration. Both fungi did not interfere in the color, turbidity, concentration of nitrates and nitrites of this medium. G.candidum revealed equal efficiency in the reduction of the concentration of phosphates of the crude effluent, under aeration (78.18%) and not aeration (79.33%) conditions. However, it did not reduce the COD. P. chrysosporium was efficient in the reduction of this COD, and the difference between the aerated growth (26.77%) and the not aerated one (29.55%) was very small. It did not reduce the total tanning bark concentration, but it diminished the concentration of phosphates under aerated (55.55%) and under not aerated (61.65%) condition. The addition of nutrients in the medium of diluted effluent (2 X, 4 X and 8 X) showed that there is a direct effect of the concentration of the COD on its percentage of removal by the inoculated fungi. There is also a direct effect on the remotion of total phenolic compounds and reduced glycids. The conversion of COD in the diluted effluent (8X) was higher in the growth of P. chrysosporium (65.66%) than in the one of G.candidum (57%). The same it can be said regarding to the best rates of phenol degradation (59.66% and 50.33%, respectively). The pH measured in the media supplemented with nutrients was always higher (7,56-7,8) than the initial one (5,5). In the higher dilution of the effluent (8X) plus the supplement of nutrients, the maximum removal of COD and total phenols after the treatment occurred in 7th day of incubation of both fungi. In all the cases of diluted samples plus supplement of nutrients, the discoloration drastically increased after the inoculation of the fungi. Therefore, the use of these microorganisms in the bioremediation of the effluent of sugar-alcohol industry is recommended only after a correction of the ratio C: N: P to about 100:1,6:1. / Efluentes com alta concentração de matéria orgânica e compostos xenobióticos, especialmente no caso dos agroquímicos, causam preocupação ambiental. No presente trabalho, dois fungos filamentosos causadores de podridão branca (Geotrichum candidum Link e Pers. e Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burds.) mostraram-se capazes de se adaptar a meios com elevados teores de matéria orgânica xenobiótica ou não. Em meio sólido, verificou-se que P. chrysosporium e G. candidum, apresentaram ótimo desenvolvimento em condições aeradas e não aeradas, a 30ºC e escuro, em meios batata-dextrose-ágar e extrato de malte-ágar, respectivamente. Em meio líquido, o mesmo foi observado em caldo-batatadextrose e meio extrato de malte. Os fungos também desenvolveram-se bem em cultivos líquidos deficientes em proteínas e carboidratos, e contendo altas concentrações (10 e 25 mg/L) dos agroquímicos Boral, Decanote, Glifosato, Paraquat e Plenum, todos utilizados nas lavouras de cana de açúcar da S.A Usina Coruripe Açúcar e Álcool (Coruripe AL), classificados como persistentes, de classes toxicológicas II e III, e com diferentes solubilidades. Ambos os fungos apresentaram atividade taninolítica quando inoculados em amostras de efluente de agroindústria sucro-alcooleira não diluídas e não acrescida de nutrientes, sob aeração ou não. A atividade da lacase do fungo G. candidum, nesse mesmo meio, foi maior no 3o dia de cultivo sem aeração, ocorrendo uma diminuição no 5o dia. Já o fungo P. chrysosporium, apresentou maior atividade da lacase no 7o dia de cultivo sem aeração. Em relação à cor, turbidez, concentração de nitratos e nitritos, não houve variação desses parâmetros nas amostras inoculadas por ambos os fungos. G. candidum mostrou-se igualmente eficiente na redução da concentração de fosfatos, em cultivos aerados (78,18%) e não aerados (79,33%) do efluente bruto. Todavia, não reduziu a DQO do mesmo. P. chrysosporium mostrou-se eficiente na redução da DQO, sendo pequena a diferença entre os cultivos aerados (26,77%) com relação aos não aerados (29,55%), e não reduziu o teor de taninos totais, mas diminuiu a concentração de fosfatos sob aeração (55,55%) e não aerado (61,65%). A adição de nutrientes no cultivo dos fungos em efluente agroindustrial diluído (2X, 4X e 8X), mostrou que houve um efeito direto da concentração da DQO sobre sua porcentagem de remoção e sobre a redução de fenóis totais e glicídeos redutores. A conversão da DQO em efluente diluído (8X) foi maior no cultivo de P. chrysosporium (65,66%) do que no de G. candidum (57%). O mesmo pode ser dito quanto às melhores taxas de degradação de fenóis (59,66% e 50,33%, respectivamente). Quanto ao pH mensurado nos cultivos suplementados com nutrientes, foi sempre maior (7,56-7,8) que o inicial (5,5). Já nos cultivos utilizando a maior diluição (8X) e o suplemento de nutrientes, a máxima remoção de DQO e de fenóis totais após o tratamento ocorreu no 7º dia do cultivo para ambos os fungos. Em todos os casos de amostras diluídas e acrescidas de nutrientes, a descoloração aumentou drasticamente após o cultivo dos fungos estudados. Portanto, recomenda-se a utilização desses microrganismos na biorremediação de efluentes sucro-alcooleiros desde que haja uma correção da proporção C:N:P de cerca de 100:1,6:1.

Partição da Lipase de Geotrichum candidum em sistemas aquosos bifásicos

JUNQUEIRA, Cristina Mazzeu 30 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a partição da Lipase de Geotrichum candidum (LGc) em sistemas aquosos bifásicos (SAB) formados por PEG 1500 ou 4000 ou 6000 g mol-¹ + citrato de sódio + água e por copolímero tribloco L35 1900 g mol-¹ + citrato de sódio + água. A lipase extracelular foi produzida pelo microrganismo Geotrichum candidum NRRL Y - 552 por fermentação a 30,0 oC, pH 7,0 e sob agitação de 250 rpm. Os estudos de partição foram conduzidos com o sobrenadante do caldo fermentado, rico em lipase, após filtração para eliminação dos microrganismos. Estudos cinéticos e de eletroforese SDS-PAGE confirmaram a obtenção da lipase na etapa de fermentação. A influência da temperatura, pH, adição de NaCl, massa molar do polímero, hidrofobicidade do sistema e composição de mistura de PEG e do citrato de sódio sob o coeficiente de partição da lipase foram estudadas. Em todos os experimentos realizados a enzima particionou preferencialmente para a fase inferior com valores de KLGc em torno de 0,05-0,6. Medidas da atividade da lipase nas fases dos SAB mostraram que houve significativa perda da atividade enzimática durante o processo. Os valores médios da atividade nas fases superior e inferior foram de 1,5 U/ml e 5,5 U/ml, respectivamente, enquanto que no caldo bruto filtrado a atividade foi de 11,75 U/ml. Parâmetros termodinâmicos do processo de transferência de material entre as fases foram obtidos usando a aproximação de Van't Hoff nos estudos de partição realizados em diferentes temperaturas. O elevado valor negativo obtido para a variação de entalpia de transferência constituem evidência da existência de fortes interações entre a LGc e o PEG, contudo, os baixos coeficientes de partição encontrado nos SAB sugerem que o processo de transferência da LGc nestes sistemas seja entropicamente dirigido. Os SAB formados pela mistura de PEG 1500 g mol-¹ + citrato de sódio + água em pH 7,0 foram otimizados pela metodologia de superfície resposta. As condições que maximizam a partição do LGc na fase inferior foram determinadas nas concentrações extremas de PEG e citrato de sódio dentro das faixas de concentrações estudadas. / The aim of this work was to study the Geotrichum candidum lipase (GcL) partition in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs) formed by PEG 1500, 4000 or 6000 g mol-¹ + sodium citrate + water and by triblock copolymer L35 1900 g mol-¹ + sodium citrate + water. Extracellular lipase was produced by the microorganism Geotrichum candidum NRRL Y-552 by fermentation at 30.0oC%, pH 7.0, and stirring at 250rpm. Partition studies were carried out with the surfactant from the fermented, lipase rich broth, after filtration for elimination of microorganisms. Kinetic studies and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis confirmed lipase in the fermentation stage. The influence of temperature, pH, NaCl addition, polymer molar mass, hydrophobicity of the system and compounding of the PEG and sodium citrate blend under the lipase coefficient of partition were studied. In all experiments carried out, the enzyme partitioned preferentially to the lower phase with KGcL values around 0.05-0.6. Measurements of the lipase activity in phases of ATPSs showed that there was relevant loss of the enzymatic activity during the process. Mean activity values in the upper and lower phases were of 1.5 U/ml and 5.5 U/ml, respectively, while activity in the raw broth was of 11.75 U/ml. Thermodynamic parameters of material transfer process between phases were obtained by using Van’t Hoff’s approximation in the partition studies carried out at different temperatures. The high negative value obtained for the enthalpy transfer variation point out the existence of strong interaction between the GcL and the PEG. However, the low coefficients of partition found in the ATPSs suggest that the GcL transfer process in these systems is entropically driven. The ATPSs formed by the blend PEG 1500 g mol-¹ + sodium citrate + water in pH 7.0 were optimized by the response surface methodology. The conditions that maximize the GcL partition in the lower phase were determined in extreme external conditions of PEG and sodium citrate within the concentration bands studied. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES

La levure Geotrichum candidum : taxonomie, biodiversité et génome

Morel, Guillaume 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Geotrichum candidum est une levure hémiascomycète ubiquitaire longtemps considérée comme un champignon filamenteux. C'est l'une des levures les plus fréquemment trouvées dans les fromages dans les quelles elle contribue à l'affinage. Dans le cadre du projet ANR ALIA Food Microbiomes en partenariat avec des industriels fromagers et producteur de levain, nous avons caractérisé l'espèce G. candidum par une étude phylogénétique et placé de manière non ambigüe G. candidum parmi les levures hémiascomètes. Une analyse MLST a permis de séparer les souches étudiées en deux groupes. Le premier contient essentiellement des souches environnementales tandis que le second ne contient que des souches isolé du fromage. Cela suggère une certaine sélection ou spécialisation d'un groupe de souche dans la fabrication du fromage. Une méthode de typage inter LTR plus discriminante a permis de typer l'ensemble des souches et peut fournir aux industriels un outil robuste pour le suivi d'une souche en production. Le génome de G. candidum CLIB 918 = ATCC 204307 a été séquencé. Les premières analyses ont mis en évidence des discontinuités évolutives parmi les gènes qui le composent. Parmi les 6802 gènes identifiés, 315 gènes présentent des orthologues chez les champignons filamenteux et non chez les levures. Cela suggère que durant l'évolution, G. candidum a conservé un grand nombre de gènes qui a été perdu chez les autres levures ou en a reçu certain par transfert horizontal de gènes. L'existence de ce même type de gènes chez d'autre levure ayant une position basale dans l'arbre des hémiascomycètes, suggère que G. candidum et ces levures ont une position intermédiaire lors de la transition évolutive champignon vers levure. Il est à noter que certains d'entre eux sont impliqués dans le métabolisme et pourraient jouer un rôle dans l'adaptation de cette levure à la fabrication du fromage.

Effet de la réduction et de la substitution du NaCl dans le Camembert sur la croissance de la microflore fongique d'affinage

Touchette, Marilyne 24 April 2018 (has links)
Santé Canada encourage les transformateurs à réduire le contenu en NaCl dans plusieurs aliments, dont les fromages, puisque sa surconsommation est associée à plusieurs problèmes de santé. L'effet causé par la réduction du NaCl dans le Camembert, ou de sa substitution partielle par du KCl, sur la qualité globale de ce fromage n'est pas connu. Le but du projet visait à étudier la cinétique d'incorporation du sodium et du potassium lors du saumurage d'un Camembert commercial afin de produire des fromages réduits en NaCl et substitués par du KCl. Ces nouvelles conditions ont ensuite permis d'étudier le comportement des ferments fongiques d'affinage Penicillium camemberti et Geotrichum candidum. Les résultats ont démontré une modification du profil de croissance des deux espèces, plus accentuée chez G. candidum, en fonction des modifications salines apportées. L'impact causé par ces changements de comportement doit maintenant être évalué au niveau de l'activité spécifique des deux espèces.

Antimikrobiální účinky extraktů ze stévie cukrové / An antimicrobial activity of Stevia rebaudiana extracts

Mlatečková, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis is oriented on study antimicrobial effects extracts and macerates from cure Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Teoretical part describes basic information about plant Stevia, summary of health significant matters contained in Stevia and posobilities preparing extracts from Stevia. Antimicrobial effects extracts and macerates from cure Stevia were testing on food-borne bacteria (Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus) and yeasts (Geotrichum candidum and Hansenula anomala). Microorganism, extracts and macerates were chosen on basis previous study (Study of antimicrobial effects Stevia Rebaudiana extracts, Eva Rakovská). For screening antimicrobial activity were determined the growth curves by using turbidimetrie for bacteria and direct treetment metod of cells number for yeasts. Antimicrobial effects were confirmed aplication with diffusion pit method on the agar ranges. From the results flow the testing extracts and macerates from stevia analysed antimicrobial effects. The best effect was demostrated on macerates and the most sensitive was bacteria Micrococcus luteus with the best inhibitoring effects.

Integrated Approach to Understanding Tomato Sour Rot and Improving Disease Management on the Eastern Shore of Virginia

Fiedler, Kathryn 26 June 2014 (has links)
Sour rot of tomatoes, caused by Geotrichum candidum, occurs in the field and postharvest settings regularly, although postharvest losses are severe only in some years on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (ESV) and other tomato production regions. Fungicide products and cultural control methods are tested for efficacy utilizing a traditional wounding technique that does not properly reflect natural sour rot infections. A new inoculation technique was optimized for G. candidum using negative pressure to infiltrate the tomato stem scar with pathogenic spores. This new method creates consistently high rates of infection and more successfully creates infections in mature green and breaker fruit. The population of G. candidum on the Eastern Shore of VA (ESV) was characterized using multilocus sequencing technique. The resulting phylogenetic tree defines four distinct groups, including two with uncommon loci that distinguish them from the majority of the population. Thirty-seven G. candidum isolates were inoculated to media amended with ten fungicides and antimicrobial compounds commonly used in tomato production and postharvest treatments. Propiconazole and tebuconazole completely inhibited growth of all colonies. Cultivar trials were conducted to determine if resistance or tolerance to G. candidum occurs. Ten commonly grown round and Roma cultivars on the ESV were similarly susceptible to G. candidum, even at low inoculum levels. Field and postharvest surveys of sour rot on tomato fruit attempted to correlate disease incidence with weather conditions in order to better understand the cause of sporadic infection. Few patterns were seen consistently throughout harvest periods and years. Rainfall was positively correlated with disease 2-3 days before surveys and temperature was negatively correlated with disease 5-7 days before surveys. No in-field weather conditions were correlated with postharvest disease incidence. Greenhouse trials were conducted to assess the influence of water congested tomato fruit on susceptibility to sour rot. Tomato plants were exposed to water inundation to mimic rainfall and varying levels of irrigation, both in order to congest tomato fruit. Though water congestion was achieved, tomato fruit were equally susceptible to sour rot infections. / Ph. D.

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