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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppföljande undersökning av grundvattenföroreningar på BillerudKorsnäs Karlsborgs bruk / Follow-up study on pollution in groundwater within BillerudKorsnäs industrial area, Kalix, Sweden

Vikman, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Polluted areas can cause risks for health and the environment. It is estimated that there are around 80 000 polluted areas in Sweden. BillerudKorsnäs is a pulp and paper industry in the village of Karlsborg, located at the end of the Kalix River in the north of Sweden. Previous studies investigated potential pollutants in the area by analyzing the groundwater. Three of thirteen groundwater pipes were polluted. One groundwater pipe (GV18) exceeded contamination classifications on lead and two other metals, and another groundwater pipe on trichlorethylene (GV10), based on Swedish groundwater classifications (Naturvårdsverket 1999). The third pipe showed high PCB-values (GV4), based on intervention value from Holland (VROM 2000). The Swedish law states that a complementary sampling must be taken within five years and therefore, this study was conducted in May 2020. Two groundwater pipes were measured on oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and pH. The third pipe, which previously showed increased levels of trichloroethylene, could not be sampled. Groundwater sample from the two remaining pipes were sent to an accredited laboratory where one was analyzed for PCB7 and the other for lead, and 21 other metals. The results showed higher levels of lead, based on updated classifications (Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 2013) and lower PCB-levels. Because of the short distance from GV4 to the sea and big particles in the area, there is a risk of PCB-dispersion to the sea. Both levels of PCB and lead in the groundwater pipes need more investigations.

The Role of Municipal Planning in the Permit Decisions on Large Onshore Wind Power Projects in Sweden

Abboud, Sarah January 2021 (has links)
Sweden wants to produce 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2040 and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. While wind power is key to this transition, the permit process for large onshore wind power projects is one of the major challenges the country is currently facing, specifically the provision on municipal approval in the Environmental Code, the so-called municipal veto. To facilitate the expansion of wind projects in Sweden, the double testing of wind power applications was abolished in 2009, and the municipal veto was introduced to preserve the municipalities’ planning influence. However, the municipal veto contributed to a less predictable and legally secure permit process and became the main reason behind the rejections of wind power applications. Today, in 2021, the Swedish Government assigned a special investigator to examine and propose possible changes to the municipal veto provision. Though the municipalities believe that the veto is essential for their self-government and planning monopoly, the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency argue that the municipal authority should be exercised through the municipal general planning documents. Therefore, this thesis aims to verify the authorities’ argument by examining the relationship between the municipalities’ planning conditions for wind power and the permit decisions. The study is performed in collaboration with Westander Klimat och Energi and is based on 206 large onshore wind power applications between 2014 and 2020. The main research methods consist of a document analysis and of statistical analyses, namely simple percentages, and the chi-square test of independence, along with Cramer’s V calculation. The projects are categorized mainly based on the municipal planning conditions, and the permit decisions are analyzed accordingly. Essentially, it is shown that, even if not legally binding, the municipal general spatial planning documents constitute a valuable tool for the planning of onshore wind power projects in Sweden. Furthermore, the municipal planning conditions and permit decisions are not independent, however, their strength of association is weak. Nonetheless, the statistics indicate that in areas designated as suitable, more cases are likely to receive an approval than expected, and in areas not designated as suitable, the applications are more likely to be revoked than one would expect. In conclusion, it is important to invest resources into the strategic wind power planning at the local level. Also, the municipal plans must be kept updated to consistently reflect the municipalities’ intentions towards the use of their land and water areas.

Phosphorus accumulation in constructed wetlands : A study of 10 wetlands constructed on agricultural clay soils in Södermanland / Fosforackumulation i anlagda våtmarker : En studie av 10 våtmarker anlagda i jordbruksområden med hög lerhalt i Södermanland

Corbee, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
Eutrophication is a major problem causing algal blooms and impaired water quality, especially regarding coastal areas and seas. It is a result of an excessive supply of nutrients such as phosphorus (P), where agriculture accounts for the largest share of the anthropogenic nutrient load. Furthermore, arable fields with clay soils have been shown to have among the highest P-losses. In this study, 10 constructed wetlands located in agricultural areas with high clay content in the topsoil were examined. The aims were to investigate how the P accumulation is related to wetland design and catchment factors and to see if there is an optimal hydraulic load (HL) and wetland size for P accumulation. The study is based on P analyses of sediment cores sampled in March 2021, calculations of catchment factors in ArcMap, water flow calculations, and statistical analyses. Sedimentation of particles with associated P is considered to be the primary process for P retention in wetlands. Accordingly, the results showed that the P accumulation was positively correlated to particle retention. The total P accumulation varied between 8 and 96 kg ha-1 yr-1 and the total particle accumulation was 7-130 t ha-1 yr-1. The wetland design factors, including wetland area, water depth, and length-to-width ratio (L:W), had no significant influence on the P accumulation. However, water depths greater than 1.5 m inhibited the P retention which suggested that the water depth should be limited to approximately 1 m to avoid too large particle settling distances.  The proportion of agricultural land within each catchment did not show any correlation to the P accumulation. The clay content in the topsoil was however positively correlated to both particle and P accumulation. This suggested that the sedimentation process was promoted even though the inflowing particles potentially consisted of a large proportion of clay particles, which have a low sedimentation velocity. The erosion risk of the catchment area had no significant influence on the P accumulation, meaning that a high expected particle load did not entail an increased particle and associated P accumulation. High HL values of 450 and 850 m yr-1 were shown to counteract the P retention. This corresponded to wetlands smaller than 0.1% of the catchment area. A possible turning point of HL where the P accumulation is inhibited could also be distinguished, ranging between HL 200 and 300 m yr-1. An optimal HL for increased P accumulation could not be determined due to such few observations. However, it could be concluded that an HL up to approximately 210 m yr-1 had a positive influence on the particle and P accumulation and that wetlands should be larger than 0.1% of the catchment area to efficiently retain P. / Övergödning är ett stort problem som orsakar algblomningar och försämrad vattenkvalitet, särskilt vid kustområden och hav. Övergödningen orsakas av ett för stort utsläpp av näringsämnen såsom fosfor (P), där jordbruket står för den största antropogena näringsbelastningen. Åkermark med lerjord har dessutom visat sig ha bland den högsta utlakningen av P. I denna studie har 10 våtmarker anlagda i jordbruksområden med hög lerhalt undersökts. Syftet var att undersöka hur P-ackumuleringen är relaterad till våtmarksutformningen och abiotiska faktorer i avrinningsområdet. Projektet syftade även till att undersöka ifall det finns en optimal hydraulisk belastning (HL) för P-ackumulering. Studien baserades på P-analyser av sedimentproppar provtagna i mars 2021, beräkningar av avrinningsområdesfaktorer i ArcMap, flödesberäkningar samt statistiska analyser.  Den primära reningsprocessen för P i våtmarker är genom sedimentation av partiklar med bundet P. Följaktligen visade resultatet att P-ackumuleringen var positivt korrelerad med partikelretentionen. Den totala P-ackumuleringen varierade mellan 8 och 96 kg ha-1 år-1 och den totala partikelackumuleringen var 7-130 ton ha-1 år-1. Våtmarksutformningen, vilket innefattade våtmarksarea, vattendjup och längd-bredförhållande (L:W), hade ingen signifikant betydelse för P-ackumuleringen. Vattendjup större än 1,5 m hämmade emellertid P-ackumuleringen vilket indikerade att vattendjupet bör begränsas till cirka 1 m för att partiklar ska hinna sedimentera.  Andelen jordbruksmark i avrinningsområdet hade ingen korrelation med P-ackumuleringen. Lerhalten i avrinningsområdet var däremot positivt korrelerad till både partikel- och P-ackumuleringen. Detta indikerade att sedimentationen främjats trots att de inflödande partiklarna potentiellt bestod av en stor andel lerpartiklar, vilka har en långsam sedimentationshastighet. Erosionsrisken i avrinningsområdet hade ingen signifikant påverkan på P-ackumuleringen. En hög förväntad partikelbelastning resulterade därmed inte en ökad partikel- och P-ackumulering. Höga HL-värden på 450 och 850 m år-1 motverkade P-ackumulationen, vilket motsvarade våtmarker som utgjorde mindre än 0,1 % av avrinningsområdet. En möjlig brytpunkt där HL hämmar P-ackumulationen kunde urskiljas i intervallet HL 200-300 m år-1. På grund av för få observationer kunde inte en optimal HL för ökad P-ackumulation fastställas. Det kunde dock konstateras att en HL upp till cirka 210 m år-1 hade en positiv inverkan på partikel- och P-ackumulationen och att våtmarker bör utgöra minst 0,1 % av avrinningsområdet för att effektivt ansamla P.

Miljökonsekvenser på flygplatser som uppkommer vid trafikering med elflygplan / Environmental consequenses at airports that arise with electric aircraft

Björnsdotter, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Världen är i en omställning för en hållbarare framtid och det inkluderar miljövänligare transporter. Elflygplan är under utveckling och de kan fylla ett syfte för att minska flyg- trafikens miljöpåverkan. De elflygplan som förväntas vara i trafik först i Sverige har en passagerarkapacitet på cirka 19 personer och kan transporteras cirka 400 km. För att se vilken den totala påverkan elflygplan kan ha på miljön undersöktes de miljökonsekvenser som kan uppstå kring flygplatser. Studien begränsades till att analysera de luftföroreningar som uppstår i LTO-cykeln, vilket innefattar flygplanets rörelser på marken och upp till 915 m höjd i luften. De miljökonsekvenser som framförallt påverkas vid användandet av elflygplan är energiförbrukning och luftföroreningar. Vattenföroreningar och buller undersöktes också. Elförbrukningen kommer som väntat öka att vid användning av elflygplan och den ökar med antalet elflygplan i bruk. För att minska eekttoppar under laddning av flygplanen på flygplatser kan energilagring med batterier eller vätgas användas. Elflygplanen har inga emissioner av luftföroreningar och de kommer därför att minska. Desto fler elflygplan i trafik desto större minskning av luftföroreningar kommer ske. Bullerutbredningen kan tänkas minska vid starten med elflygplan medan högre bullernivåer kan förväntas vid landning då framförallt batterielektriska flygplan är tunga eftersom vikten av batterierna inte avtar med flygsträckan. För att elflygplan ska vara ett miljövänligare alternativ ur ett flygplatsperspektiv måste energin för att ladda flygplanet komma från hållbara källor. Den främsta skillnaden mellan batterielektriska flygplan och bränslecelsflygplan kommer att vara infrastrukturen som krävs på flygplatsen. Flygplan med bränsleceller och vätgas som drivmedel kommer även ha vattenånga som restprodukt vid användande medan batterielekt- riska plan har noll utsläpp till luften. Även ett ändrat resmönster är tänkbart där elflygplanen fyller ett transportsyfte från mindre flygplatser till större flygplatser för vidare resande. Detta skulle kunna minska persontransporter kring de större flygplatserna så som Arlanda. Då elflygplanen inte använder flygbränsle kommer även transporter av flygbränsle att minska. / The world is in a transition for a more sustainable future and that includes more environ- mentally friendly transport. Electric aircrafts are under development and they can fulfill a purpose to reduce the environmental impact from air trac. The electric aircrafts that are expected to first be in use have a passenger capacity of 19 people and can fly 400 km. To gain an understanding of the total environmental impact of electric aircraft, the environmental consequences that may arise around airports were investigated. The study was limited to analyzing the air pollutants that occur in the LTO-cycle, which includes the aircraft’s movements on the ground and up to 915 m altitude. The environmental consequences that are primarily aected by the use of electric aircraft are energy consumption and air pollution. Water and noise pollution were also analyzed. As expected, electric energy consumption will increase with the use of electric aircrafts and it increases with the number of electric aircraft in use. To reduce power peaks at airports that arise when charging, energy storage with batteries or hydrogen may be used. The electric aircraft have no emissions of air pollutants and the emissions around airports will therefore be reduced. The more electric aircrafts in trac, the greater the reduction in air pollution will be. The noise distribution can be expected to decrease at take-o with electric aircrafts, while higher noise levels can be expected when landing, especially since battery-electric aircraft are heavy at landing because the weight of the batteries does not decrease with the flight distance. For electric aircraft to be a more environmentally friendly alternative from an airport perspective, the energy used to charge the aircraft must come from sustainable sources. The main dierence between battery electric aircraft and fuel cell aircrafts will be the infrastructure required at the airport. Aircraft with fuel cells and hydrogen as fuel will also have water vapor as a residual product during flight, while battery-electric aircrafts have zero emissions to the air. A changed travel pattern is also conceivable, where the electric aircraft fulfill a transport alternative from smaller airports to larger airports for further travel. This could reduce passenger transports around the larger airports such as Arlanda. As the electric aircraft don’t use aviation fuel, transports of aviation fuel will also be reduced.

Investigating the Fluxes of Radio-Cesium (137Cs) in Sweden : Investigating the Fluxes of Radio-Cesium (137Cs) in Sweden

Masood, Hammad January 2022 (has links)
Technological advancement and the quest for power have gradually contaminated our environment, as industrialization, agriculture, and nuclear activities progressed. In the year 1986, a terrible nuclear incident occurred in Ukraine, in which the nuclear reactor exploded. The explosion resulted in the release of radionuclides with a massive concentration of 137Cs and 131I. Among these,137Cs was the most persistent one having a half-life of 30.2 years. The137Cs spread to Sweden due to advection, dispersion,and diffusion by wind, fallout over by precipitation via adsorption, and absorption in northern parts of Sweden experiencing a heterogeneous distribution. This fallout affected both the terrestrial and aquatic environments. This research aims to investigate where the 137Cs went and how its concentration changed with time in Swedish mushrooms, lakes, and in the Gulf of Bothnia. Also, to search for the environment that holds137Cs for a longer period and why it is so. More than 30 years have passed since the incident, and it isexpected that 137Cs would have decayed to values of its half-life. Swedish food authority recommends that up to 10,000 Bq/kg of 137Cs in mushrooms is safe for human consumption. The advocated limitsfor fish and seawater are 1500 Bq/kg and 40 Bq/kg, respectively.The method embraced to answer the research questions is based on data from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, the Radiant Earth project between Uppsala University and SLU, and also the data published in the literature. Decay models were generated for 137Cs.These models help in explaining the processes of accumulation and extraction of 137Cs. A closer look is also given to processes that have animpact on factors such as weathering, erosion, wind, washout, and bioturbation, and the rate of intake in environments. The aquatic environment, because Gävleborg was most affected during the incident, the highest value in the fish measured in the year 1988 was 23,508 Bq/kg. However, after 31 years (2016), the value was 4.5 Bq/kg. The values for Jämtland, Västerbotten, and Västernorrland were also almost equivalent to those for Gävleborg, estimated in the year 2016 to be around 4.5 Bq/kg. Observations of water data in Gävleborg show a wide range between 2-996 Bq/kg. In the Gulf of Bothnia, the highest 137Cs value recorded for sediment data in the year 2003 was 310 Bq/kg, and the lowest value of 181 Bq/kg was observed in the year 2015. In terrestrial environments, the maximum value recorded for Craterellus tubaeformis mushrooms was 522,000 Bq/kg in the year 1987. On the other hand, the lowest value recorded for Chanterelle mushrooms was 101.5 Bq/kg in the year 2017. Observations from a sample collected in Uppsala in the year 2017 indicates a value of 15 Bq/kg. Several mushroom species (Chanterelle, Craterellus tubaeformis) had distinct concentrations within the same geographical area and time, i.e., the Västernorrland in the year 2017.Due to weathering and erosion, when 137Cs reaches a water body (sea, ocean, estuary, river, lake or wetland), it dissolves in the water increasing its concentration. As a result, it increases the overall concentration of 137Cs in the fish. The results show that most of the 137Cs is locked in the sediments, with time buried under new sediment. However, due to resuspension and bioturbation, the contaminants may end up in the aquatic environment again. Models for lakes show irregular behaviour since their sizes are not as large as seas and small intakes depict high concentrations. Based on the mushroom results, 137Cs concentrations have been greatly reduced compared with Chernobyl levels. Different mushroom species exhibit different levels of 137Cs in the same area. Most radionuclides are found in the top layer of organic soil, making this layer crucial for taking up 137Cscontamination. Over time, these radionuclides, including 137Cs, are buried beneath the soil layers and cease to contribute to the system.

Matsvinnets klimatavtryck och kostnad inom grundskola i Hallsbergs kommun  – samt jämförelse med andra kommuners matsvinn ochåtgärder för minskning.

Karlsson, Tony January 2021 (has links)
Om klimatbelastningen från matsvinn och matavfall skulle betraktas som ett lands klimatpåverkan skulle matsvinn inneha en tredje plats i världen efter Kina och USA. I Sverige serverar grund- och gymnasieskolans måltidsverksamheter cirka 1,3 miljoner måltider om dagen. Syftet med arbetet var att studera hur stort klimatavtryck samt ekonomisk förlust matsvinnet från grundskolan i Hallsbergs kommun genererar. Studiens syfte bestod även av jämförelse mellan utvalda kommuners resultat från svinnmätningar och vilka åtgärder kommunerna använt för att minska matsvinn då de varit framgångsrika med detta. Vidare undersöktes lämpligheten med att implementera åtgärderna i Hallsbergs kommun. Utvalda kommuner var Göteborgs stad, Helsingborgs stad, Härryda kommun, Falköpings kommun, Karlstads kommun och Malmö stad. Metoden som använts i arbetet var en sekundär analys som innebär att data som använts har samlats in av andra aktörer. Ostrukturerade intervjuer samt sekundärdata från kommunernas hemsidor och policydokument har använts för att förstå vilka metoder som varit framgångsrika för att minska matsvinn. Resultaten visar att Hallsbergs kommuns matsvinn har en genomsnittlig klimatpåverkan på 0,16 kilo CO2e per portion och genomsnittlig kostnad på 1,16 kronor per portion. Matsvinnet som härrör från maträtter innehållande nötkött har större klimatpåverkan jämfört med övriga maträtter. Den åtgärden som deltagande kommuner berörde oftast angående minskning av matsvinnet var svinnmätningar som hjälper till att synliggöra matsvinnet. Fler kommuner nämner även arbetet i skolans kök, där mindre mat serveras åt gången och mat värms när det behöver fyllas på samt involverandet av elever som viktiga åtgärder för att minska matsvinnet. Enligt min jämförelse finns det fördelar med att göra mätningarna mer regelbundet. De kommuner som hade lägst matsvinn mäter varje dag. För Hallsbergs kommun kan en korrigering till att mäta oftare/varje dag vara enkel att genomföra. Hallsbergs kommun bör framöver utvärdera effekterna av de åtgärder som införs för att minska matsvinnet.

Assessing the suitability of using the by-product Petrit-E from steel production as agricultural fertilizer

Galyas, Eva January 2022 (has links)
Due to the growing population, waste generation and food supply industries need to move towards a circular economy and take advantage of by-products. Metallurgical slag is a main by-product during steel production which contains several valuable minerals and can be used for several further applications, including water purification and agriculture. This thesis has a focus on the issue(s) that need to be assessed to be able to determine the suitability of Petrit-E steel slag from Höganäs AB for agricultural use after it has been used for water purification. This slag by-product has been tested and it was successful to purify wastewater from phosphorus (P). The use as a fertilizer is most promising because it contains the major fertilizer substances and it contains P which is a limited resource. Calculations were done for the mean value and standard deviation of the substances for three years and after for Cr (chromium) and Ni (nickel) contents in Petrit-E because these two metals that are present in the slag and are regulated in the regulation for limit values. The total contents of Cr and  Ni were higher than the limit values so there are these two metals that need to be assessed further. Since Petrit-E is not a sludge and not a virgin material either, it requires other methods such as leaching tests by accredited laboratories. These tests are suitable for risk assessments and to estimate the amounts of metal availability for leaching. Leaching tests based on the site specific (local) chemical and physical processes and characteristics in the soil are necessary to estimate the suitability of Petrit-E.

Marint vattenbruk- Utmaningar och möjligheter för odlade makroalger och musslor i Sverige

Mohiln, Mia-Maria January 2021 (has links)
Förändringar i livsmedelsproduktionen är nödvändigt för att kunna mätta jordens befolkning som förväntas öka drastiskt de kommande åren. FAO menar att blickarna bör riktas mot haven och extensiva (ej utfodrade) odlingar för att producera hållbara livsmedel. I denna litteraturstudie har tidigare forskning inom odling av makroalger och musslor granskats för att undersöka vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som finns för marina vattenbruk i Sverige. Resultaten visar att marina odlingar av den svenska inhemska arten sockertång (Saccharina latissima) samt inhemska blåmusslan (Mytilus edulis) som studerats i denna studie kan spela stor roll för att erbjuda människor hållbara och näringsrika livsmedel. Odlingar på platser med god vattengenomströmning orsakar inte någon tydlig negativ påverkan på botten- eller vattenmiljön. Detta på grund av att organiskt material från odlade makroalger och musslor, och näringsämnen genom exkrement från musslor, kan spridas med vattenströmmarna. Extensiva odlingar av dessa arter kan bidra med levnadshabitat för många vattenlevande organismer samt upptag av läckta näringsämnen från bland annat industrier och jordbruk och risken för övergödning reduceras. Odlingarna bör dock placeras långt ifrån miljöer med risk för möjliga fekala och industriella utsläpp. Studien visar att organiska miljögifter i alger och musslor generellt inte är en hälsorisk vid konsumtion. Däremot kan oorganiska miljögifter i form av tungmetaller vara en hälsofara. Kontinuerliga kontroller av bland annat miljögifter, virus och algtoxiner utförs idag men kommer fortsatt krävas för att erbjuda säkra livsmedel. Sockertång och blåmusslor har viktiga näringsfördelar och blåmusslor har ett högt proteininnehåll samt att de båda livsmedlen kan erbjuda essentiella fett- och aminosyror. Sammanfattningsvis finns det potential för marina vattenbruk i Sverige att producera näringsrika och säkra livsmedel på ett hållbart sätt som gynnar vattenmiljön. Samtidigt är marin odling av makroalger och musslor relativt nytt i svenska vatten och mer forskning behövs för att säkerställa att odlingarna inte påverkar miljö och människa negativt.

Numerical approaches to droplet growth in atmospheric turbulence

Li, Xiang-Yu January 2016 (has links)
The bottleneck problem of cloud droplet growth is one of the most challenging problems in cloud physics. Cloud droplet growth is neither dominated by con-densation nor gravitational collision in the size range of 15–40 μm in radius. Turbulence-generated collision has been thought to be the mechanism to bridge the size gap, i.e., the bottleneck problem. This study develops the numerical approaches to study droplet growth in atmospheric turbulence and investigates the turbulence effect on cloud droplet growth. The collision process of in-ertial particles in turbulence is strongly nonlinear, which motivates the study of two distinct numerical schemes. An Eulerian-based numerical formulation for the Smoluchowski equation in multi-dimensions and a Monte Carlo-type Lagrangian scheme have been developed to study the combined collision and condensation processes. We first investigate the accuracy and reliability of the two schemes in a purely gravitational field and then in a straining flow. Discrepancies between different schemes are most strongly exposed when con-densation and coagulation are studied separately, while their combined effects tend to result in smaller discrepancies. We find that for pure collision simulated by the Eulerian scheme, the mean particle radius slows down using finer massbins, especially for collisions caused by different terminal velocities. For the case of Lagrangian scheme, it is independent of grid resolution at early times and weakly dependent at later times. Comparing the size spectra simulated by the two schemes, we find that the agreement is excellent at early times. For pure condensation, we find that the numerical solution of condensation by the Lagrangian model is consistent with the analytical solution in early times. The Lagrangian schemes are generally found to be superior over the Eulerian one interms of computational performance. Moreover, the growth of cloud droplets in a turbulent environment is investigated as well. The agreement between the two schemes is excellent for both mean radius and size spectra, which gives us further insights into the accuracy of solving this strongly coupled nonlinear system. Turbulence broadens the size spectra of cloud droplets with increasing Reynolds number.

How has time and space affected plant biodiversity in the Hjälmö-Lådna archipelago?

Reimark, Josefin January 2011 (has links)
Traditionally European farmland management has declined during the last century, mainlydue to abandonment or intensification. When traditional management is replaced by newmethods many species are negatively affected and often threatened with extinction. In thisthesis, the Stockholm archipelago is used as a platform to study the effects of land use changeover time. The overall aim is to examine how time and space affects plant biodiversity in arural landscape, with focus on heterogeneous pastures. Historical records and maps were interpreted together with aerial photos and used to constructfour time-layers of land use: reflecting the landscape 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 yearsago and present. Investigations of plant species richness was conducted in seven habitats; 1)grazed fields, 2) grazed forest edges, 3) grazed forest interior, 4) former grazed fields, 5)former grazed forest edges, 6) former grazed forest interior, and 7) historical pasture islands,on 35 islands in Hjälmö-Lådna archipelago on the east-coast of Sweden. Plant speciesrichness was measured for all plant species and for grassland specialist species at three scales:i) fine-scale diversity (α div), ii) large-scale diversity (γ div ), and iii) spatial turnover (β div).Using Structural Equation Models (SEM) the variation in species diversity and plantcommunity composition was investigated in relation to landscape context, space andmanagement history. The land use change in the Hjälmö-Lådna archipelago followed the general trends on themainland in Sweden and the rest of Europe with loss of traditional managed habitats, such asmeadows or wooded pastures. However, no intensification and large-scale agriculture hasdeveloped on the islands, mainly because of physical limitations, but also because ofeconomical and conservation reasons. Surprisingly, the grazing pressure on the remaininggrazed habitats had not changed notable over the last century; although the study area was notparticularly species rich (highest average was 15 species/ m2 in grazed fields). Adjacenthabitats; field and wood pasture, showed a higher similarity in community composition thanexpected compared to random pairs. Grazing and proportion of openness had a positiveinfluence on species richness and especially on grassland specialists. The variation of totaldiversity at the landscape scale was best explained by the heterogeneity of grazed forest edgesand the local species diversity in fields. The results from the study suggest that grazing is important also in species-poor landscapes,and that it can aid in protecting and promote species-richness also in other types of speciespoorlandscapes. To prevent further loss of biodiversity it is necessary to keep fields andforest edges open with continuous management. To maintain values of high biodiversity andculture in the archipelago it is therefore important that farmers are subsidised by EU tocontinue to grazie heterogeneous habitats and pastures with many trees.

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