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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av ett urval skånska sjöars limnologiska tillstånd : En studie om kemiska och fysikaliska parametrars samvariation med växtplankton / Analysis of the limnological condition in a selection of lakes in Skåne : A study based on chemical and physical parameters and their covariation with phytoplankton

Johannesson, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Svenska sjöars trofistatus delas upp i fyra olika statusar; oligotrofa, mesotrofa, eutrofa och hypertrofa. Försurning och övergödning är vanligt, till följd av antingen naturliga eller antropogena orsaker. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur plankton (biodensitet) samvarierar med olika kemiska och fysikaliska parametrar (pH, konduktivitet, vattenfärg, turbiditet, siktdjup, Tot-N och Tot-P) i 20 skånska sjöar, samt hur biodensiteten skiljer sig mellan trofistatusarna. Syftet var även att bedöma sjöarnas tillstånd utifrån parametrarna, plankton som bioindikator, tidigare miljöövervakningar och bedömningsgrunder. Studienomfattade fältarbete där vatten- och planktonprov samlades in och vattenanalyser av siktdjup, pH och konduktivitet utfördes. På labb analyserades biodensiteten genom flödescytometri, planktonartbestämning genom mikroskopering och analyser av vattenfärg, turbiditet, Tot-N och Tot-P. En databasanvändes för att bedöma sjöarnas trofistatus och som kontroll vid analys av biodensiteten mellan trofistatusarna. Statistiska analyser utfördes för att analysera data. Biodensiteten kan förklaras till 71,1% av både vattenfärg och Tot-P. Multikollinearitet kan ha bidragit till ett felaktigt icke-signifikant samband mellan biodensitet och parametrarna turbiditet och Tot-N. Biodensiteten skiljde sig inte signifikant åt mellan trofistatusarna, vilket kan bero på provstorleken. De tidigare bedömningsgrunder och de nya av vattendirektivet skiljde sig åt för några parametrar. En uppmaning är att studera skånska sjöar med vattendirektivets bedömningsgrunder för att bibehålla en god miljöövervakning och uppnå miljömålen, och att lägga till konduktivitet samt återinföra turbiditet och vattenfärg i bedömningsgrunderna. / Swedish lakes’ trophy status is divided into oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic, and hypertrophic. Acidification and eutrophication are common, due to either natural or anthropogenic causes. The purpose of the study was to investigate how plankton (biodensity) covaries with chemical and physical parameters (pH, conductivity, watercolor, turbidity, visibility depth, Tot-N and Tot-P) in 20 lakes in Skåne, and how the biodensity differs between trophy levels. The purpose was also to assess the lake conditions based on the previously mentioned parameters, previous environmental monitoring, and assessment criteria. The study included fieldwork where water samples were collected, and water analyzes of visibility depth, pH and conductivity were performed. In the lab, plankton was analyzed by flow cytometry and microscopy,and watercolor, turbidity, Tot-N and Tot-P by water analyses. A database was used to assess the lakes’ trophy status and as a control when analyzing the biodensity between the trophy statuses. Statistical analyzes were performed to analyze data. 71,1% of the biodensity’s variation was explained by watercolor and Tot-P. Multicollinearity may have contributed to an incorrectly insignificant correlation between biodensity, turbidity and Tot-N. The biodensity did not differ between the trophy statuses, which mightdepend on the sample size. The previous assessment criteria and the new ones of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) differed for some parameters. A recommendation is to study lakes in Skåne with the WFD’s assessment criteria to maintain a good environmental monitoring and to achieve the environmental goals, and to add conductivity and reintroduce turbidity and watercolor into the assessment criteria.
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The Role of Public Innovation on Water Governance in Brazil

Gennaro, Isabel, Christodoulou, Panagiota January 2021 (has links)
It is impossible for the world to exist without water, then why do socio-political systems treat it like an unnecessary, disposable resource?  Currently, there is a water crisis happening globally, and specifically in Brazil it encompasses tremendous socio-ecological, political, cultural and economic injustices and challenges. The water resources management and the national infrastructures are inadequate to conserve and treat this valuable commodity. As a result, water is mismanaged and misused causing contaminations, scarcity and socio-economic imbalances. This condition is an unacceptable scenery that calls for radical systemic changes and incorporation of innovative approaches in governmental leadership and socio-political organisation and structure in order to achieve better governance. It is in fact a complex situation that urges the civil society and leaders in power to collaborate and collectively act towards a common mission; save the water and impede the water catastrophe that will cause unprecedented consequences in humanity and on the planet. This paper uses qualitative method research, specifically two case studies focused on the South of Brazil to address the revitalization of urban rivers as well as the issue of ocean governance. It also conducts 10 semi-structured interviews with sustainability experts from a multi-dimensional stakeholder perspective. Thus, the most critical findings of the study are the lack of governance and the insufficient engagement of the civil society due to mistrust, conservative leadership and governmental inadequate management of water resources. Moreover, this research concludes that social and public sector innovation encourage societal inclusivity and eventually foster a ‘bottom up’ system change to achieve interactive water governance and socio-political and ecological resilience.
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Circular business models in the fashion industry: A consumer perspective on renting everyday clothes.

Sczyka, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This study identifies enabling factors for a circular business model that focuses on use-oriented services in the fashion industry. The objective is to provide an overview of the possibilities of use-oriented services for sustainability and to determine motives for renting everyday clothes from a consumer perspective.The clothing industry is one of the most polluting and unsustainable business industries (Leal Filho et al., 2019). It starts to move towards the wider movement of circular economy and use-oriented service businesses, which some scholars see PSS as a sustainable business option due to its reduced environmental impact of economic activity (Baines et al., 2007). With the concept being tested on less quality-focused fashion retailers, the concept's real strength can be slowly analyzed. This study focuses on incentives and obstacles for conscious consumers to participate in a fashion renting program as well as the possibilities for sustainability from a consumer perspective. A multidisciplinary literature review was conducted to get insights into the topics of sustainable business models, circular businesses in particular, and product service systems, especially in the fashion industry. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect empirical data that were analyzed and related to the concept of social practice theory. The results show that renting everyday garments appears as a new concept that has not been considered yet. There is a general interest in renting special occasion clothes. Identified obstacles are the own lack of interest in fashion styles, no need for new clothes, quality, as well as logistic and transportation concerns.Sustainability was an overall important aspect for all respondents and, therefore, the concept of renting was mainly discussed in the sense of providing a sustainable purpose. Participants agreed that the business model could contribute to sustainability when the lifetime of garments is significantly extended. However, they questioned if renting can really decouple economic success from material consumption.
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Telescopic Tower Facilitating Installation of ≥12 MW Offshore Wind Turbines

Pettersson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The trend of offshore wind power is bigger and bigger wind turbines. Turbines are now becoming so big that existing installation vessels no longer are feasible and new bigger installation vessels are needed. Ship owners hesitate to order new vessels worried that the rapid turbine growth will continue and make also the new vessels obsolete in a few years. This can create a bottleneck in the offshore wind market.   This thesis assignment attempts to develop a telescopic tower as an alternative way of installing offshore wind turbines. A telescopic tower can decrease overall height and COG during marine installation, giving opportunity to install the largest wind turbines also with existing vessel fleet.   The method for developing the telescopic tower is to first find the main problems and functions of the concept. A design basis based on a 12 MW reference wind turbine is developed. Based on this reference turbine different solutions to the main problems and functions are developed by creative thinking, literature research, modelling, calculations and analysis. A cost/benefit analysis is performed to investigate if there is any economic potential in the developed solution. To complete the study other installation methods and telescopic tower concepts are investigated for benchmark comparison.   The telescopic tower will have two sections. Shoulders are welded to the inner wall of the lower tower. The upper tower fit inside the lower tower and a telescopic mechanism is installed below to lift the assembly as the mechanism climb the shoulders of the lower tower. The telescopic mechanism works much like a pin and hole mechanism used for jack-up rigs. The pins engage/disengage with the shoulders by the movement of linear actuators. The vertical climbing motion is provided by hydraulic cylinders. The power source is an HPU placed on the wind turbine external platform.   To connect the upper and lower tower permanently a friction connection with long slotted holes is used. This connection is developed for assembly of onshore towers in an EU-sponsored project called Histwin. The walls of the lower and the upper tower overlap at the connection and are pressed together by pretensioned bolts to create a friction surface that hold the loads from the upper tower.   The conclusion is that the telescopic tower is technically feasible and can be installed by the existing installation vessel fleet. The economic feasibility is dependent on the specific project characteristics, but there are scenarios where the telescopic tower can have great economical upside.
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Numerisk grundvattenmodellering och föroreningsanalys av PFAS-ämnen i anslutning till nedlagd brandövningsverksamhet i Bodens kommun / Numerical Groundwater Modelling and Contaminant Transport of PFASs from Former Firefighting Training Facilities in Boden Municipality

Palmgren, Rikard January 2019 (has links)
Poly- och perfluorerade alkylsubstanser (PFAS) är samlingsnamnet för en stor grupp kemikalier som det senaste årtiondet tilldelats världsomfattande uppmärksamhet med anledning av frekventa förekomster i vattenmiljö, djurliv och människor. Samtliga PFAS som uppträder i miljön är antropogena och har blivit industriellt framtagna och tillämpade i över 60 år. På grund av deras fysiska och kemiska stabilitet och ytaktiva egenskaper är PFAS eftertraktade inom en rad olika industriella och kommersiella produkter, från filmbildande brandskum till vatten-, smuts- och fettavvisande ytbeläggningar. De omfattande möjligheterna för användning har resulterat i utsläpp av PFAS i miljön, antingen av direkta källor (~80 %) som tillverkning och tillämpning av PFAS-innehållande produkter, eller indirekta källor (~20 %) som nedbrytning och transport av prekursorer. Åtgärder har därför tagits på nationell, regional och global nivå för att begränsa användningen och spridningen av selekterade PFAS-ämnen. En av de mest uppmärksammade föroreningsproblemen med PFAS i Sverige är utsläppen av filmbildande brandsläckningsskum (AFFF) från brandövningsplatser. Som en konsekvens av flera decenniers användning och okontrollerat utsläpp till miljön har koncentrationerna av PFAS uppmätts att vara som högst i anslutning till övningsplatserna. Ämnenas mobilitet och höga vattenlöslighet gör att risken för transport till kringliggande områden är stor, vilket ökar risken att förorena närliggande grundvattentäkter. Flera exempel på PFAS-haltigt dricksvatten i svenska hushåll har bland annat upptäckts i kommuner såsom Uppsala, Ronneby, Halmstad, Botkyrka. Två före detta brandövningsplatser i Bodens kommun har brukat AFFF i övningssyfte i samband med brandövningar då platserna var aktiva. NIRAS Sweden AB har på uppdrag av Försvarsmaktens miljöprövningsenhet utrett området med avseende på PFAS och konstaterade förhöjda nivåer av ämnena i grundvattenmiljö. Eftersom flera ytvattenförekomster gränsar till brandövningsområdet finns det en oro för ämnenas spridningsbenägenhet och potential att påverka närmsta dricksvattentäkt. Syftet med examensarbetet har av den anledningen varit att kartlägga spridningen av PFAS i grundvatten från de två före detta brandövningsstationerna i Boden. Tillvägagångssättet har gått ut på att upprätta en grundvattenmodell i modelleringsprogrammet Visual MODFLOW Classic. Den hydrogeologiska modellen har tillämpats för att utföra föroreningstransport med hjälp av insticksmodulerna MODPATH och MT3DMS. Transport av det mest framträdande PFAS-ämnet i området, PFOS, modellerades från båda brandövningsplatserna och föroreningsplymens utveckling har visualiserats i flera tidssteg. Resultatet från grundvattenmodelleringen visade att grundvattnet från brandövningsområdena i det övre grundvattenmagasinet rör sig i nordvästlig till nordöstlig riktning, men även mot Luleälven. I det undre grundvattenmagasinet rör sig vattnet i nordvästlig, men har också tendens att röra sig mot Luleälven. Föroreningstransporten visade att PFOS har benägenhet att röra sig mot Luleälven i en sydvästlig riktning. Transporttiden av PFOS från brandövningsplatserna till Luleälven beräknades med MODPATH till sex respektive 7 år för den kalibrerade modellen och område 13/24. Visualisering av PFOS-plymen med MT3DMS visade att det tar cirka 100 år för ämnena att nå Luleälven. / Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is the collective name for a large group of organic chemicals which in the past decade have gained global attention due to their frequent occurence within the aquatic environment, wildlife and humans. All PFAS that occur in the environment are man-made and have been industrially created and used for over 60 years. Due to their physical and chemical stability and surface active attributes, PFAS are coveted within an array of industrial and commercial products, such as film-forming fire foam to water, dirt and grease-repellent coatings. The many possibilities to use PFAS have led to environmental emissions, either through direct sources (~80%) like manufacturing and application of PFAS-containing products, or indirect sources (~20%), through decomposition and transport of precursors. Within the PFAS-family, perfluoroctanesulfonat (PFOS) and perfluoroctaneacid (PFOA) are the most well-known and studied chemicals which have gained particular attention due to their persistence and high frequency in the environment, in turn leading them to be easily detected in humans and animals globally. PFOS and PFOA have further shown bioaccumulative and toxic traits and have thus increased the regulatory interest in the chemicals in questions of environmental and human health. Measures have therefore been taken on national, regional and global levels to restrict the use and dispersion of selected PFAS-substances affiliated with negative effects. One of the contamination issues to have gained most attention in Sweden is the emission of film-forming fire foam from fire drill locations. The PFAS-containing foam has been used throughout the country for practicing extinguishing fires related to class B: liquid fires, and has been predominantly used by military, airports and industries. As a consequence from the multi decennial use and uncontrolled emissions, the PFAS concentration, mainly PFOS and PFOA, has been measured to be highest in connection with the exercise sites. The substances mobility and high water solubility has increased the risk for their transportation to nearby areas and they may through rainfall infiltrate the ground to potentially reach the groundwater where they risk contaminating nearby groundwater sources. In Sweden, contaminated PFAS-areas are a particularly debatable issue, as about 50% of Swedish drinking water comes from groundwater-related water sources and for that reason, they have increased the general concern for human exposure. Several examples of PFAS-rich drinking water in Swedish households have been found in municipalities as Botkyrka, Halmstad, Ronneby and Uppsala and have in some cases been so high that related water resources have been withdrawn. Even if the intake of drinking water containing large quantities of PFAS substances is not considered to give rise to acute health effects, awareness of the long-term effects of exposure to PFAS is still very limited. A number of experimental and epidemiological studies focusing on PFOS and PFOA, on the other hand, have documented that both high and low doses of the substances can cause a number of adverse health effects. More recently, regulations on legislation for PFAS have reduced the scope of application, preferably for PFOS, but in accordance with this, products such as PFOS-containing fire foams have been substituted with other PFAS which have continued to be used at fire drill locations in Sweden. Continuous emissions of PFAS at these sites are thus still an up-to-date and forthcoming issue, as the substances - together with already existing pollutants - will remain for a long time to come. There are therefore reasons to limit the use further, but due to the lack of data for most PFAS pollutants, there is currently no benchmark value issued by the EU for PFAS other than PFOS. However, the National Food Agency has issued limit values based on the presence of 11 PFAS substances (PFBS, PFHxS, 6:2 FTSA, PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA, PFNA, PFDA, PFOA och PFOS) with an action threshold of 90 ng·L-1and a health-based limit value for 900 ng·L-1. The values ​​should give an indication that levels of PFAS which are larger in scope than the recommendation are too high and that measures should be taken to minimize the risk of spreading and unhealthy exposure to humans. For this reason, fire drill locations using fire-containing foam containing PFAS in Sweden are a high priority for mapping PFAS distribution in the country and identifying potential areas that are at risk of being affected by the spread of the pollutants in soil and water. As a result, two closed fire drill locations in Boden municipality - as part of a nationwide survey - have been investigated with regard to the fire extinguishing foam that has historically been used and caused pollution in the area. The PFAS-based fire foam is assumed to have had historical application to two exercise sites that operated between 1940 – 1985 and 1987 – 2005, respectively. In 2016, an environmental technical soil survey was carried out with regard to the presumed PFAS occurrence for the area. The investigation was based on sampling of soil and groundwater at four and eight different points respectively, centered around the two fire drill locations, and the results showed that the current contamination in the area was clearly noticeable and that the levels were higher than the Swedish Food Agency's recommended action threshold. Findings of PFOS that exceeded SGI's preliminary target value in groundwater (45 ng·L-1) and in soil (10 µg/kgTS) were also measured in connection with the two fire drill sites, which increased the interest in broadening the mapping of the current pollution situation with the aim of creating a better understanding of the extent of the pollution and potential spreading potential. Because the knowledge of the groundwater flow direction is limited, a hydrogeological model over the fire drill location can lead to a better understanding of the groundwater flow direction and thus the possible spreading direction of the present PFAS substances. The model can also be used as a tool for calculating the time required for the potential of the pollutants to affect the nearest protection object and thereby estimate and prevent the risks for human exposure in the area at the conceivable start of construction work in the now discontinued area. The results from the groundwater modelling showed that the groundwater from the fire drill areas in the upper groundwater reservoir moves in a northwesterly to northeasterly direction, but also towards the Lule River. In the lower groundwater reservoir, the water moves to the northwest and towards the Lule River. The contamination transport showed that PFOS tends to move toward the Lule River in a southwesterly direction. The transport time of PFOS from the fire training sites to the Lule River was estimated with MODPATH to 6 and 7 years respectively for the calibrated model and area 13/24. Visualization of the PFOS plume with MT3DMS showed that it takes about 100 years for the substances to reach the Lule River.
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Evaluation of distribution coefficients (KOC and Kd) for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances

Nordanstorm, Nika January 2021 (has links)
The dominating factors affecting sorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) remain subject of research and debate. Traditionally, distribution coefficients (e.g., Kd and KOC) are used to calculate the fractionation of the contaminant between soil and water, to estimate leaching and subsequently the risks it imposes reaching water reservoirs. Research has aimed to establish the sorption mechanisms for PFAS but, due to the complexity of interactions between the substance specific physiochemical properties and geochemical sorbent characteristics, it has shown to be a complicated task. For PFOS, one of the most commonly encountered PFAS, the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) recommends using the 10th percentile of a small data set for the organic carbon-water distribution coefficient KOC (500 L/kg) and multiply this with the organic content of the in-situ soil to obtain the soil-water distribution coefficient (Kd). The result of this study shows that this method is insufficient to obtain a good approximation of the mobility of PFOS at a contaminated site. With a review of recent research on PFAS sorption and a case study performed at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, this study concludes that as of today, and due to PFAS potent mobility, well measured field coefficients for each soil type present in the soil profile and an elaborate geohydrological model is necessary to estimate PFAS environmental transport, fate and associated risks. It also concludes that parameters such as anionic exchange capacity and soil protein content may be highly relevant to estimate PFAS sorption.
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“Nya gröna vågen”- the new back-to-the-landers : Growing new pathways to the future

Nitschke, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
In the face of climate change, political instability, ecological destruction, extinction of species and other global issues humanity is facing, various studies are showing that a radical societal transformation is needed to avoid an ecological collapse. This thesis explores the contemporary social-environmental phenomenon “nya gröna vågen” (new-back-to-the-landers) in Sweden as a response to an urgent need for societal transformation as well as a resistance to the conventional modern society. The aim of the study is to examine the material practices in which people within “nya gröna vågen” are involved, how their ideas relate to those practices, and what could be learned from the practitioners in terms of future pathways. To meet this aim, a variant of practice theory is used, which acknowledges non-human actors as well as ideas. Material practice is conceptualized as a network of associations of human and non-humans in specific time-spaces. The study uses semi-structured interviews with practitioners within “nya gröna vågen” and observations. The results show that practices within “nya gröna vågen” are connected to the physical surrounding where they are performed. The material practices of, for example, food provisioning, are understood as embodied understandings of the world made up by a network of human and non-human actors. Further, the material practices within “nya gröna vågen” are based on the idea of a co-creation of human and non-human actors shaping the world. The results also indicate how the actors’ material world-making practices responds to the current planetary situation. In response to what they perceive to be an ecological crisis, they have become involved in practices like regenerative agriculture, adapting to the evolving landscape and water projects. The results also present how the material practices bounded to a specific place as a platform for life are giving a sense of stability and belonging. A relational way of life where people are shaping new imaginations on how to navigate and make life in the future through practices in human/non-human networks.
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Exploring the Role of Aid in the Malawian and Zambian Health Sectors : To what extent does development assistance contribute to aid dependency in Malawi and Zambia?

Wandjowo, Rosie January 2020 (has links)
Aid is an important topic in development sector current discussions are polarised thereby creating a need for further research. This essay assesses the role that Malawi and Zambia plays in realising its development outcomes including in the area of health. There is a need to appreciate the variables that contribute to the inability of most countries in sub-Saharan Africa to finance their domestic expenditure related to healthcare. In this situation, foreign aid which has received marked interest by scholars over the past decade and is used to supplement incomes of developing countries like Malawi and Zambia. Debate on the effectiveness of aid is polarised, while highly concerned scholars see aid as ineffective and a contributor to the poor performance of economies in developing countries, others see it as essential in the achievement of development outcomes. This thesis explores the extent to which development assistance contributes to dependency in Malawi and Zambia. It further examines the link between aid and the Malawian and Zambian health sectors. The study similarly considers the role of development assistance for health in realising outcomes related to maternal health in line with SDG 3.1. By identifying two countries in sub-Saharan Africa, this essay underscores the similarities between Malawi and Zambia analysed through a historical context, health systems structures, child and maternal mortality rates and health programme models. The essay concludesthat social, political and economic barriers present challenges in financing healthcare in Malawi and Zambia. Aid contributes to dependency in the study countries.
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Value Sustainability: Developing Affective Learning in Sustainability Leadership Programs

Jutrakul, Rada, Ring, Erin, Reymann, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
As sustainability challenges increase in both frequency and magnitude, there is a growing need for leaders who can deal with such complexity. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) develops knowledge,skills, and attitudes to enable the development of such leaders. This thesis focuses on the elusive “attitude” piece, more widely referred to as the affective domain. The research team interviewed experts on affective learning in either higher education or ESD contexts. Additionally, staff members from the case study organisation, Teach for Austria (TFA) were interviewed to determine how affective learning can be further developed within their fellow program. The five-level model (5LM) was employed to frame the findings of each interview set to provide recommendations for TFA. A feature of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, the 5LM provides a strategic planning approach that allows for easier adaptation and implementation of the findings for other programs that wish to learn from this research. Therefore, this thesis serves to provide recommendations for developing affective learning in sustainability leadership programs. Making affective learning explicit and empowering one to reflect their own affective domain and their perspective on the world can have a positive impact on their life, as well as on their environment.
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Förstärkt grundvattenbildning genom bortpumpning av salt grundvatten : modellering av lokala effekter och identifiering av plats för pilottest på Gotland

Edlund, Harald January 2020 (has links)
Gotland suffers from a shortage of drinking water at infrequent intervals which is onlypredicted to get worse with time. The problem is not a shortage of precipitation, the shortagelies in the combined problem of runoff and high water usage during the summer months.From September to March there is an abundance of water which mostly goes to runoff intothe sea surrounding Gotland. Due to the fact that Gotland is an island, a concave boundryis formed between the deeper saline groundwater and the fresh groundwater closer to thesurface. In an effort to possibly help in solving the water shortage, an idea was introducedto pump out the saline groundwater from the deep and thus creating an increase in storageof fresh groundwater.Firstly an investigation into suitable locations for modeling was conducted where two siteswere chosen. To test this concept and see if the idea was feasable a 2D-model was establishedusing GMS, MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT with the aim of simulating the groundwaterat the well chosen sites on Sudret, Gotland. Two wells were implemented in the model,one for extracting fresh groundwater and one for extracting saline groundwater. The hopeswere to be able to simulate an increase of the storage of fresh water during the rechargeperiod and thus helping to solve the problem with insufficient water during the strenuoussummer months. Hopefully the results of the simultations can make up the foundations foran implementation of the concept at a location at Gotland.Results for site 1 indicate that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increasedby 13of the extraction volume when only saline groundwater is removed. The maximumflow of only saline extraction at site 1 has been determined to 35m3år per meter. For example,with only an extraction of saline water of 35m3år at site 1 the fresh water in the aquifer willincrease by 340m3 per metre after 10 years.The model indicates that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increased bya minimum of 15 of the saline extraction volume when only saline water is removed. Themaximum flow of only saline groundwater at site 2 was decided to be 65m3år per meter. Forexample, with only an extraction of saline water of 65m3år at site 1 the fresh water in theakvifer will increase by 940m3 per metre after 10 years. / Gotland lider till och från av vattenbrist under sommaren, problemen förväntas även ökai samband med klimatförändringar och expanderande antropogen påverkan. Under vinterhalvåretfår Gotland mer än tillräckligt med sötvatten för att täcka efterfrågan, problemetuppkommer från att majoriteten av vattnet evapotranspireras samt går till ytavrinning tillÖstersjön. Ytterligare en orsak till vattenbristen beror på att Gotlands grundvatten omgesav saltvatten. Saltvattnet kring Gotland bildar en konkav gräns mellan sött och salt vatten igrundvattenmagasinet vilket väsentligt begränsar den möjliga lagringen av sött grundvatten.För att hjälpa till att lösa problemen med vattenbrist på Gotland introducerades en idé attutöka andelen sött vatten i grundvattenmgasinen genom att pumpa salt grundvatten fråndjupet under återhämtningsperioden.Arbetet påbörjades genom att undersöka en lämplig plats på Gotland, både ur en modelleringssynpunktsamt inför ett eventuellt fortsatt arbete. Två platser valdes slutligen dären 2D-grundvattenmodell skapades vid båda platserna med hjälp av GMS, MODFLOW,MT3DMS och SEAWAT. I modellen implementerades två uttagsbrunnar, en för salt grundvattenfrån djupet och en för sött grundvatten närmare ytan. Eftersom modellen skapats i 2Dinnebär det det en förenkling av geometrin och modellresultat motsvarar då en horisontelltborrad brunn, därför anges resultaten som flöde per meter horisontell brunn. Förhoppningenvar att genom simulering kunna påvisa en ökning av sötvatten i grundvattenmagasinet genomatt extrahera salt grundvatten under återhämtningsperioden. målet är att undersökningarnaska leda till en implementering av metoden i verkligheten i ett försök att minska vattenbristen.Modellresultat för plats 1 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 13 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 1 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 35m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 35m3år vid plats 1 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 340m3 per meter efter 10 år.Modellresultat för plats 2 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 15 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 2 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 65m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 65m3år vid plats 2 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 940m3 per meter efter 10 år. / diva2:1345440
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