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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abiturientų protinio nuovargio tyrimas / Graduates mental tiredness research

Burbaitė, Aušra 03 August 2007 (has links)
Mano darbe, pirmą kartą Lietuvoje, 3 testų – korektūrinių lentelių, Vestono ir Šultės skaičių suradimo pagalba , norėta patikrinti kaip kinta abiturientų darbingumas ir nuovargis savaitės bėgyje, semestro pradžioje ir pabaigoje. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti abiturientų protinį nuovargį ir susieti jį su mokslo krūviu ir sveikatos nusiskundimais. Tyrimo metodika. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 86 dvyliktokai : 66 besimokantys gimnazijoje ir 20 vidurinėje mokykloje. Testavimo metu buvo atrinkti 39 gimnazistai ir 15 vidurinės mokyklos abiturientai pagal lankomumo kriterijų. Anketų atsako dažnis 100 proc., testų - 94,45 proc. Anketa buvo sudaryta iš 13 klausimų, kuriuose buvo klausiama apie mokslo krūvį, sveikatą įtakojančius veiksnius bei sveikatos nusiskundimus. Testai buvo 3 : korektūrinės lentelės ��� dėmesio funkcijai, Vestono testas – informacijos perdirbimo kiekiui, Šultės skaičių suradimo testas – dėmesio apimčiai ir paskirstymui nustatyti. Statistinė empirinių duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 11,0. Statistinei analizei panaudoti : Chi kvadrato testas, pasikliautinas intervalas, patikimumo lygmuo, kai p < 0,05, šansų santykis, laisvės laipsnių skaičius, vidurkis. Rezultatai. Atlikto tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad protinis darbingumas savaitės bėgyje kinta ( pirmadieniais ir trečiadieniais - aukščiausiais, antradieniais ir ketvirtadieniais - žemiausias ). Semestro pabaigoje padidėjus kontrolinių darbų, atsiskaitymų skaičiui , abiturientų protinis nuovargis žymiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The first time in Lithuania, in my research, I used three tests-proof sheets, employed method of finding Weston and Schulte numbers. I wanted to find out, how working capacity and tiredness changes during the week, in the beginning and the end of term. Aim of the study- estimate graduates’ mental tiredness and relate it with the work load and health problems. Methods. 86 students took part in the questionnaire survey: 66 learning in a high school and 20 learning in a secondary school. 39 high school students and 15 secondary school students were chosen during the testing, according the attendance criteria. Questionnaire response rate -100 percent, tests -94,45 percent. There were 13 questions in the questionnaire, with the questions about study load, factors influencing health and health problems. We had 3 tests: proofing sheets-for attention function, Weston test-for processing the quantity of information, Schulte numbers’ finding test-to estimate attention volume and distribution. Statistical empirical data analysis was made using SPSS 11,0. We used Chi square test, relying upon interval, reliability level, when p<0, 05, relationship of chances, freedom degrees number, average. Results. Data from the research proved, that mental working capacity changes in the course of the week (it is highest on Mondays and Wednesdays, lowest on Tuesdays and Thursdays). Mental tiredness increases in the end of semester, when students have more tests. All tests showed that high school... [to full text]

Gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijos socialinį pedagogą ir jo darbą mokykloje / The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at school

Grinkevičius, Kazimieras 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atskleistas dviejų Vilniaus miesto gimnazijų gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijų socialinius pedagogus, jų darbą gimnazijose. Pateiktos rekomendacijos socialinio pedagogo darbo tobulinimui. / A concluding thesis by Kazimieras Grinkevičius postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogical University, Institute of Social Communication, Department of Social Pedagogy, named “The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at school”, supervisor dr. Romas Prakapas, is written after a thorough analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, legal documents. The aim of his papers is to evaluate attitude of gymnasist's to social pedagogue and his duties at school. It was assumed, that part of gymnasist's don't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily duties at school, how he could help them. Analysis of literature and inquiry of gymnasist's were made. Investigative's were selected from two gymnasium city of Vilnius. 409 students take part in the survey. Statistical data has been analyzed with Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS 14.0 for Windows).Quantitative analysis were made. Two statistical procedures to analyzed statistical data – computation of percentile frequency of the answers, mean of estimations – were made. The results have reveled, that part of gymnasist's didn't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily do at school.

Antrųjų klasių gimnazistų, turinčių skirtingus profesinius polinkius, intelekto sugebėjimai / The intellectual capabilities of second form gymnasium pupils, having different vocational predispositions

Šakauskienė, Rolanda 15 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of investigation was to reveal the factors that have influence on choosing profession – intellectual capabilities and vocational predispositions. The subjects of the research were 304 second form gymnasium pupils (279 pupils from Vilnius Žemynos gymnasium and 25 pupils from Kaunas “Rasos” gymnasium). The age of the subjects was 15 – 17 years. Literature analysis, J. L. Holland’s test, R. Amthauer IST – 70 methodology, statistical analysis (SPSS 10.0 for Windows) were chosen as the research methods. All of our hypotheses were proved to be partly correct. It was found the positive relations between verbal capabilities (III subtest and I+II+III+IV subtests) and Investigative vocational predisposition, negative relations - between verbal capabilities (II subtest) and Conventional vocational predisposition; mathematical capabilities (V subtest and V+VI subtests) have positive correlations with Investigative and Conventional predisposition, but negative ones – with Artistic predisposition; mathematical capabilities (VI subtest) have positive correlations with Conventional predisposition. All the described correlations are very weak (0,190 ≤ r ≤ 0,276; p < 0,01; p < 0,05 and -0,280 ≤ r ≤ -0,194; p < 0,01; p < 0,05). The research revealed that verbal capabilities (II subtest) of Investigative and Social type subgroup’s are higher to compare to Conventional type subgroup F0,01; 0,05 (4,125) = 3,436; verbal capabilities (III subtest) of Investigative type subgroup are higher... [to full text]

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