Spelling suggestions: "subject:"glycan"" "subject:"nglycan""
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HILIC-MS analysis of protein glycosylation using nonporous silicaRachel E. Jacobson (5929808) 16 January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this research is to develop and apply a HILIC UHPLC
stationary phase that allows for separation of intact glycoproteins. In
Chapter 1 I give an overview of the problems of current glycosylation
profiling with regards to biotherapeutics, and my strategy to separate
the intact glycoprotein with HILIC. Chapter 2 describes the methods used
to produce the nonporous packing material and stationary phase. In
Chapter 3 I describe previous work in developing a HILIC polyacrylamide
stationary phase, and further improvements I have made. Chapter 4
describes development of an assay in collaboration with Genentech of
therapeutic mAb glycosylation. In Chapter 5, I show HILIC-MS of digested
ribonuclease B as a beginning step to analyze glycosylated biomarkers.
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Humans naturally acquire cross-specific anti-glycan antibodiesRollenske, Tim 03 November 2017 (has links)
Bakterielle Glykanantigene sind hoch-divers in ihrer Komposition und Verbindung. Antikörper gegen Glykanantigene können vor bakteriellen Infektionen schützen und sind wichtig um die Homöostase zwischen dem Wirt und seinem Mikrobiom aufrecht zu halten. Typischerweise lösen Glykanantigene jedoch Antikörperantworten aus, die sich durch ein vermindertes B Zell-Gedächtnis und niedrig-affine Antikörper mit geringer Spezifität auszeichnen. In dieser Arbeit konnten, mithilfe von biotinylierten Lipopolysaccharide O-Antigenen des opportunistisch-pathogenen Bakteriums Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp), O-Antigen-spezifische B Zellen innerhalb peripherer Gedächtnis- und intestinaler Effektor-B Zellen identifiziert werden. Durch Einzel-Zell Immunoglobulin-Sequenzierung und Klonierung bzw. rekombinanter Expression von Antikörpern dieser Zellen wird gezeigt, dass, unter natürlichen Umständen, affinitätsgereifte Antikörper gegen definierte Kp Glykanantigene erzeugt werden. Diese Antikörper binden nicht nur Kp O-Serotyp-spezifisch sondern auch spezifisch an strukturell ähnliche Kp O-Antigene und taxonomisch unterschiedliche Mikroorganismen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Menschen, bei natürlicher Besiedlung, kreuz-spezifische Antikörper gegen Glykanantigene erzeugen und deuten auf einen Mechanismus hin, wie das humorale Immunsystem auf die Glykandiversität des Mikrobioms reagieren und sich anpassen kann. Weiterhin könnten die hier identifizierten Antikörper nützlich für die Behandlung von nosokomiellen Kp Infektionen sein. / Bacterial glycan antigens are highly diverse in composition and linkage. Antibodies against glycan antigens can protect against bacterial infection and are important in maintaining homeostasis between the host and its microbiome. However, glycan antigens typically elicit B cell responses that have impaired long-term memory formation and are comprised of low-affine antibodies with low specificity. In this work, the use of biotinylated Lipopolysaccharide O-antigens of the opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumonia allowed to identify anti-O-antigen B cells in the peripheral memory and intestinal effector B cell pool in healthy humans. Single B cell Immunoglobulin gene sequencing, antibody cloning, and recombinant expression reveal that, under natural circumstances, humans acquire affinity-matured antibodies against defined Kp glycan antigens. Despite their O-serotype-specificity, the antibodies bind to other structurally similar Kp O-serotypes and taxonomically distinct non-Kp microbes. The findings show that humans, under natural exposure, acquire affinity-matured cross-specific anti-glycan antibodies and provide a mechanistic way how the humoral immune system could adapt to the large microbial glycan diversity present in nature. Further, the antibodies identified in this work might be beneficial in treatment of nosocomial Kp infections.
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Konzentration Lektin-spezifischer Speichelglykane im Verlauf einer experimentellen GingivitisDrews, Jessica 25 January 2006 (has links)
Speichelglykane können einerseits spezifisch an bakterielle Lektine binden und damit deren Adhäsion an orale Oberflächen vermitteln, andererseits eine Antiadhäsion bedingen. Sie stellen ein Schutzsystem für orale Oberflächen dar. Bei vorhandener Karies bzw. Parodontitis ist die Konzentration bestimmter Glykokonjugate verändert. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Reaktivität der Glandulae majores bzgl. ihrer Sekretion von Glykanen in Abhängigkeit einer experimentellen Gingivitis zu ermitteln. 14 gesunde Probanden enthielten sich 9 Tage der Mundhygiene. Neben der Erhebung des PBI und QH wurde drüsenspezifisch Speichel gewonnen. Die Konzentrationen an die Lektine PNA, GS1, VVA, SNA und AAA bindender Komponenten und deren drüsenspezifische Sekretionsraten wurden bestimmt. Bei allen Probanden stiegen PBI und QH im Versuchsverlauf signifikant an. Gleiches galt für die Speichelmenge nach Stimulation sowie zum Ende der Kontrollreihe. Die Konzentrationen der verschiedenen Glykane verhielten sich unabhängig von der Speichelmenge und unabhängig voneinander. Meist ergab sich eine erhöhte Glykansekretion spezifisch für das untersuchte Lektin. Neben dem Konzentrationsgefälle der einzelnen Drüsen war auch eine Verschiebung nach erfolgter Stimulation zu beobachten. Da genetische und externe Einflüsse für diese Studie weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden konnten bzw. als konstant einzuordnen waren, darf die Veränderung als Reaktion auf die orale Bakterienbelastung angesehen werden. Der Rückgang bestimmter terminaler Strukturen könnte als Folge der vermehrten Synthese anderer, in Bezug auf die veränderte Bakterienflora effektiverer Speichelbestandteile eingeordnet werden. Basierend auf dem Modell, dass freie Glykane die Adhäsion von Mikroorganismen inhibieren können, ließe sich die gemessene Reaktion der Speicheldrüsensekretion als ein gesteigerter Schutzmechanismus im Sinne einer ´first line of defence´ interpretieren. Dieser könnte z.B. in Bezug auf Prophylaxe und Therapie genutzt werden. / Salivary glycans can bind specificly to bacterial lectins. Consequently, bacterial adhesion to oral surfaces is mediated or inhibited by glycans. It is known that the concentration of certain glycans changes in the presence of caries or periodontitis. Therefore this study examines the reactivity of the major salivary glands with respect to the secretion of glycans as conditioned by an experimentally induced gingivitis. 14 healthy subjects refrained from all oral hygiene measures for 9 days. On 5 days a plaque and bleeding index as well as pure glandula saliva with and without stimulation were obtained. The collected salivary samples were examined for their concentration of certain structures that bind to the lectins ´PNA´, ´GS1´, ´VVA´, ´SNA´ and ´AAA´. All subjects developed a gingivitis as measured by the plaque and bleeding index. Salivary flow increased after stimulation and compared to baseline at the end of the trial. The concentration of glycans was neither related to one of the glands nor to the salivary flow. Besides to the differentials of concentration after stimulation there was no symmetrical development between the concentrations of salivary lectin-specific components compared one lectin to another. Genetic and external influences could be largely excluded or considered to be stable during the trial. Therefore the observed results can be regarded as a reaction to the increased bacterial load. The decrease of certain terminal structures in saliva might be explained by a raised synthesis of other components, which are more effective in defending the body against bacterial adhesion. The observed changes in salivary secretion might be interpreted as a mechanism in order to protect the human organism within the meaning of a ´first line of defence´. This mechanism would be able to respond more quickly than the immune system and might be used in future, for example, for preventive and therapeutical strategies.
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Structural Investigation of Processing α-Glucosidase I from Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBarker, Megan 20 August 2012 (has links)
N-glycosylation is the most common eukaryotic post-translational modification, impacting on protein stability, folding, and protein-protein interactions. More broadly, N-glycans play biological roles in reaction kinetics modulation, intracellular protein trafficking, and cell-cell communications.
The machinery responsible for the initial stages of N-glycan assembly and processing is found on the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Following N-glycan transfer to a nascent glycoprotein, the enzyme Processing α-Glucosidase I (GluI) catalyzes the selective removal of the terminal glucose residue. GluI is a highly substrate-specific enzyme, requiring a minimum glucotriose for catalysis; this glycan is uniquely found in biology in this pathway. The structural basis of the high substrate selectivity and the details of the mechanism of hydrolysis of this reaction have not been characterized. Understanding the structural foundation of this unique relationship forms the major aim of this work.
To approach this goal, the S. cerevisiae homolog soluble protein, Cwht1p, was investigated. Cwht1p was expressed and purified in the methyltrophic yeast P. pastoris, improving protein yield to be sufficient for crystallization screens. From Cwht1p crystals, the structure was solved using mercury SAD phasing at a resolution of 2 Å, and two catalytic residues were proposed based upon structural similarity with characterized enzymes. Subsequently, computational methods using a glucotriose ligand were applied to predict the mode of substrate binding. From these results, a proposed model of substrate binding has been formulated, which may be conserved in eukaryotic GluI homologs.
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Structural Investigation of Processing α-Glucosidase I from Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBarker, Megan 20 August 2012 (has links)
N-glycosylation is the most common eukaryotic post-translational modification, impacting on protein stability, folding, and protein-protein interactions. More broadly, N-glycans play biological roles in reaction kinetics modulation, intracellular protein trafficking, and cell-cell communications.
The machinery responsible for the initial stages of N-glycan assembly and processing is found on the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Following N-glycan transfer to a nascent glycoprotein, the enzyme Processing α-Glucosidase I (GluI) catalyzes the selective removal of the terminal glucose residue. GluI is a highly substrate-specific enzyme, requiring a minimum glucotriose for catalysis; this glycan is uniquely found in biology in this pathway. The structural basis of the high substrate selectivity and the details of the mechanism of hydrolysis of this reaction have not been characterized. Understanding the structural foundation of this unique relationship forms the major aim of this work.
To approach this goal, the S. cerevisiae homolog soluble protein, Cwht1p, was investigated. Cwht1p was expressed and purified in the methyltrophic yeast P. pastoris, improving protein yield to be sufficient for crystallization screens. From Cwht1p crystals, the structure was solved using mercury SAD phasing at a resolution of 2 Å, and two catalytic residues were proposed based upon structural similarity with characterized enzymes. Subsequently, computational methods using a glucotriose ligand were applied to predict the mode of substrate binding. From these results, a proposed model of substrate binding has been formulated, which may be conserved in eukaryotic GluI homologs.
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