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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss AGE-modifizierter Proteine auf die Proliferation und Funktionalität osteoblastärer Zelllinien /

Hellmich, Dorothea Maria. Unknown Date (has links)
Jena, Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.

Verstärkung der Zelladhärenz und Induktion des Zell-"Spreading" - eine neue Funktion von RAGE, einem hoch selektiven Differenzierungsmarker humaner Alveolar-Typ 1-Zellen

Demling, Nina, January 2005 (has links)
Dresden, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2005.

Einfluss einer fortgesetzten Benfotiamintherapie auf die Konzentration zirkulierender Advanced Glycation Endproducts, proinflammatorischer Zytokine und DNA-Läsionen bei Hämodialysepatienten / Influence of a prolonged therapy with benfotiamine on the concentration of circulating advanced glycation endproducts, proinflammatory cytokines and DNA-lesions at hemodialysis patients

Winkler, Michaela January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Der Einsatz der Vitamin B 1 Vorstufe Benfotiamin hat sich im Tiermodell durch Verhinderung oder gar Aufhebung typischer diabetischer Folgeschäden wie Ne- phropathie, Retinopathie und Neuropathie ausgezeichnet. Diese Wirkung wird unter anderem der Aktivitätssteigerung des Enzyms Transketolase zugeschrie- ben, welches auch bei Dialysepatienten ohne diabetische Grunderkrankung sup- primiert ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, die Auswirkungen einer ora- len Benfotiaminsubstitution auf den Stoffwechsel von Langzeithämodialysepati- enten zu untersuchen. Die 15 rekrutierten Patienten mit und ohne Diabetes mel- litus erhielten über einen Zeitraum von 2 Monaten eine Dosis von 300 mg/d Benfotiamin, die in den folgenden 2 Monaten bis maximal 450 mg/d gesteigert wurde. Um einen Eindruck über den Verlauf der Entzündungssituation und des oxidativen Stresses zu gewinnen, wurden im Patientenvollblut AGEs und pro- inflammatorische Zytokine gemessen. Außerdem wurden peripheren Lympho- zyten mit Hilfe des alkaline Comet-Assay und des Mikrokerntestes auf DNA- Schädigungen analysiert. In beiden Patientengruppen lässt die Senkung der Mi- krokernraten den Schluss zu, dass Benfotiamin DNA-Schäden und somit eventu- ell das Krebsrisiko reduziert. Dieses vielversprechende Ergebnis korreliert jedoch nicht mit dem Resultat des Comet-Assay. Da hier der relative DNA-Schaden ten- dentiell ansteigt, sollte es Ziel weiterer Studien sein, diesen Sachverhalt an ei- nem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit Kontrollgruppen zu überprüfen. Eventuell ist letzteres Testsystem wegen seiner hohen Sensitivität in diesem Fall nicht op- timal geeignet. Außerdem sollte gezielt auf die beobachtete schnellere und stär- kere Mikrokernsenkung der diabetischen Patienten eingegangen werden, da die- se in der vorliegenden Studie zahlenmäßig unterrepräsentiert waren. Positiv zu bewerten ist der leichte CRP-Abfall sowie der Anstieg des Gesamtproteins und Albumin im Serum, was auf eine Reduktion der Mikroinflammation und oder eine verbesserte Ernährungssituation hinweist. Andererseits spricht der Anstieg des Neopterin- und Interleukin 6-Spiegels gegen die Veränderung des Inflamma- tionsstatus. Entgegen der Erwartung ließ sich in dieser Studie keine Reduktion der zirkulierenden AGEs und AOPPs im Serum erzielen. Um eine Reduktion des oxidativen Stresses besser beurteilen zu können, sollten in Folgestudien direkte und leicht veränderliche Marker wie der Glutathionspiegel verwendet werden. Zusammenfassend reduzierte Benfotiamin bei Hämodialysepatienten mit und ohne Diabetes mellitus DNA-Schäden in peripheren Lymphozyten bei unver- änderter Inflammationssituation und steigerte die Plasmaproteinkonzentration. Dies wurde eventuell durch Reduktion von oxidativem Stress und oder Beein- flussung seiner Ursachen wie Reduktion von Urämietoxinen erreicht.Weitere kli- nische Studien sind notwendig, um dieses vielversprechende Medikament in der täglichen Praxis einsetzen zu können. Besonders vorteilhaft ist seine gute Verträg- lichkeit auch in hoher Dosierung. Darüber hinaus soll das Präparat auch neuro- patische Schmerzen reduzieren, die sich bei Dialysepatienten häufig manifestie- ren, und wirkt somit multikausal. / It has been shown in animal models, that Benfotiamine, a precursor of the vitamine B1, prevents typical complications of diabets, like nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. This effect is attributed to the increased activity of the enzyme trankelotase. The latter is also suppressed in patients of the hemodialysis program who are not diabetic. The goal of this thesis was to show the effects of an oral administration of benfotiamine on longterm hemodialysis patients. Fifteen patients were treated with 300 mg per day of benfotiamine which was increased in the following two months to 450 mg per day. The patient group consisted of a sub-group of diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and proinflammatory cytocines were measured in patients full-blood to show the impact on the inflammation and the oxidative stress situation. The DNA-damage in peripheral lymphocytes was determined using the alkaline comet-assay and the micronucleus-assay. The rate of micronuclei was diminished in both patient groups which could be attributed to the reduction of DNA-damage by benfotiamine and so eventually to a reduced risk of cancer. However, this result does not agree with the comet-assay experiments. The relative DNA-damage increased in the course of the study and so seems to be unaffected by the benfotiamine therapy. This may be attributed to the high sensitivity of the comet-assay technique. Therefore, further investigations with a bigger patient group in a double-blind study are necessary. Additionally, there should be a greater focus on diabetic patients that showed a faster and increased reduction of micronuclei which were underrepresentated in this study. The slight reduction of CRP and the increased protein and serum-albumine concentration correlates to a better nutritional status. On the other hand, the increasing neopterine and interleukine 6 level do not agree to the changes in the inflammatory situation. Against all expectations there was no reduction of AGEs and AOPPs in patients serum. Following studies should focus on rapidly changing direct markers like the glutathione level. In summary, benfotiamine reduces DNA-damage in peripheral lymphocytes in hemodialysis patients with or without diabetes. The plasma protein concentration was increased but unexpectedly the inflammatory situation was stable. These effects may be due to a reduction of oxidative stress or its causes like diminished ureamic toxines. One of Benfotiamines advantages is its good tolerance, even in increased dosages. Furthermore it seems to diminish neuropathic pain which is frequent in hemodialysis patients. However, more clinical studies are neccessary for a use in daily practice.
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Vitamin D und Advanced Glycation Endproducts bei Gesunden, Hypertonikern und Patienten mit Diabetes Mellitus - Gibt es Zusammenhänge zwischen Vitamin D-Mangel und einer Akkumulation von Advanced Glycation Endproducts sowie Sero-Markern für Inflammation und oxidativen Stress? / Vitamin D and Advanced Glycation Endproducts in Healthy, Hypertensive and Diabetic Subjects – Are there Interactions between Vitamin D Deficiency and Accumulation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts, Markers of Inflammation und Oxidative Stress?

Stürmer, Michael January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) akkumulieren bei zunehmendem Alter. Die Haut ist das einzige Organ der durch ultraviolettes Licht ausgelösten Vitamin D Synthese. Die Akkumulation von AGEs in der Haut könnte die Synthese von Vitamin D stören, während Mikroinflammation und oxidativer Stress (beides mit Vitamin D-Mangel assoziiert), sowohl die toxischen Effekte der AGEs, als auch deren Bildung selbst verstärken könnten. Wir untersuchten zunächst potentielle Zusammenhänge zwischen zirkulierendem Vitamin D3, AGEs im Blut und AGEs in der Haut mit Markern für Inflammation und oxidativem Stress bei Nichtdiabetikern. In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchten wir 146 Probanden (119 gesunde Probanden und 27 Patienten mit arterieller Hypertonie; 73 Männer und 73 Frauen; durchschnittliches Alter 57.0 ± 15.5 Jahre). Mit Hilfe des AGE-Readers wurden die Advanced Glycation Endproducts in der Haut (SAF) gemessen. Außerdem wurde Vitamin D3, AGE-assoziierte Fluoreszenz (AGE-Fl) im Plasma, hoch-sensitives C-reaktives Protein (hs-CRP), Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPPs) und die Nierenfunktion bestimmt. Außerdem wurden in einer Untergruppe von 61 Probanden N-Carboxymethyllysin (CML), der lösliche Rezeptor für AGEs (soluble RAGE) und das lösliche Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 (sVAP-1) bestimmt. Der durchschnittlich gemessene Vitamin D-Spiegel betrug 22.5 ± 8.9 ng/ml. Eine Vitamin D-Insuffizienz (20 – 29 ng/ml) lag bei 43% und ein manifester Vitamin D-Mangel bei 37% vor. Der altersabhängige Anstieg der Haut-AGEs war bei Rauchern und Patienten mit arterieller Hypertonie stärker ausgeprägt. Einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Hautfluoreszenz (SAF) und Vitamin D-Mangel fand sich nicht. Bei Rauchern konnte eine inverse Beziehung zwischen Vitamin D3 und Plasma AGE assoziierter Fluoreszenz sowie dem Soluble Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 nachgewiesen werden. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass bei Probanden mit nichtdiabetischer Stoffwechsellage ein Vitamin D-Mangel nicht zu einer vermehrten Toxizität und Akkumulation der Advanced Glycation Endproducts führt. Nur bei Rauchern wäre solch eine Wechselwirkung denkbar. Weil bei Diabetes mellitus die Akkumulation von Advanced Glycation Endproducts mit vermehrter kardiovaskulärer Morbidität und Mortalität in Zusammenhang steht, fragten wir uns außerdem ob ein Vitamin D-Mangel mit vermehrter AGE-Bildung und Toxizität bei Diabetikern einhergeht. Hierzu untersuchten wir 276 Diabetiker (160 Männer und 116 Frauen; Alter 65 ± 13.4 Jahre; 43 Typ 1-Diabetiker, 233 Typ 2-Diabetiker) und 121 Nichtdiabetiker (60 Männer und 61 Frauen; Alter 58.6 ± 15.5 Jahre). Die gleichen Parameter wie zuvor wurden bestimmt. Diabetiker zeigten höhere Werte an SAF und AGE-Fl als die Kontrollen. SAF und AGE-Fl korrelierte mit Alter, Diabetesdauer und Einschränkung der Nierenfunktion. Bei den Typ 2-Diabetikern korrelierte der altersabhängige AGE-Anstieg direkt mit hs-CRP und sVAP-1. Die Vitamin D-Spiegel der Diabetiker und Nichtdiabetiker waren beide gleich erniedrigt und lagen im Durchschnitt bei 22.5 ng/ml. Eine Beziehung zwischen Vitamin D und den erhobenen Parametern fand sich außer mit sVAP-1 (bei den Diabetikern) nicht. Zusammenfassend scheint ein Vitamin D-Mangel bei Diabetikern nicht mit vermehrter AGE-Akkumulation und einem Anstieg der Marker für Mikroinflammation und oxidativem Stress, mit Ausnahme von sVAP-1, einherzugehen. / Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) accumulate during aging. Skin is the single organ of vitamin D synthesis, induced by ultraviolet B light. Accumulation of AGEs in the skin could interfere with synthesis of the vitamin, whereas the microinflammation and oxidative stress (associated with hypovitaminosis D) could amplify both the toxic effects of AGEs and their production. Clinical data on potential interactions between vitamin D3 deficiency and AGE accumulation are rare. Here we investigated potential associations between levels of circulating vitamin D3 and those of AGEs in blood and skin with regard to markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in nondiabetic subjects. In a cross-sectional study, 146 subjects (119 healthy persons and 27 hypertensive patients; 73 male and 73 female; mean age 57.0 ± 15.5 years) were included. Skin autofluorescence (SAF) and plasma levels of vitamin D3, AGE-associated fluorescence, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level, and advanced oxidation protein products as well as renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate) were determined. In a subgroup of 61 patients, N-carboxymethyllysine, soluble receptor of AGEs, and soluble vascular adhesion protein-1 were additionally analyzed. Vitamin D3 level averaged 22.5 ± 8.9 ng/mL. Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (20-29 ng/mL) was 43%, and that of deficiency (<20 ng/mL) 37%. The age-dependent rise in SAF was steeper in smokers and in subjects presenting arterial hypertension. No association between SAF and hypovitaminosis D was revealed. Among smokers, an inverse relationship manifested between vitamin D3 and plasma AGE-associated fluorescence as well as soluble vascular adhesion protein-1. Our data suggest that in nondiabetic adults, hypovitaminosis D does not enhance toxicity and accumulation of AGEs. Only in smokers interactions are conceivable. Because in diabetes accumulated advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are involved in the striking cardiovascular morbidity/mortality we also asked whether a hypovitaminosis D associates with an increased formation and toxicity of AGEs in diabetes. Methods. In 276 diabetics (160 M/116 F, mean age 65.0 ± 13.4; 43 type 1-DM and 233 type 2-DM) and 121 nondiabetic controls (60 M/61 F; mean age 58.6 ± 15.5 years) routine biochemistry, levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-(OH)D), skin autofluorescence (SAF), plasma AGE-associated fluorescence (AGE-FL), N-carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE), soluble vascular adhesion protein-1 (sVAP-1), high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and renal function (eGFR) were determined. Results. In the diabetics SAF and AGE-Fl were higher than those of the controls and correlated with age, duration of diabetes, and degree of renal impairment. In T2DM patients but not in T1DM the age-dependent rise of SAF directly correlated with hs-CRP and sVAP-1. 25-(OH)D levels in diabetics and nondiabetics were lowered to a similar degree averaging 22.5 ng/mL. No relationship between 25-(OH)D and studied markers except for sVAP-1 was observed in the diabetics. Conclusion. In diabetics hypovitaminosis D does not augment accumulation of AGEs and studied markers of microinflammation and oxidative stress except for sVAP-1.
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Albumina modificada por glicação avançada no diabete melito tipo 1 e 2 prejudica o transporte reverso de colesterol e favorece o acúmulo de lípides em macrófagos / Impairment in reverse cholesterol transport and macrophage lipid accumulation induced by advanced glycated albumin drawn from uncontrolled type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Lima, Adriana Machado Saldiba de 24 February 2011 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) são prevalentes no diabete melito e alteram o metabolismo de lípides e lipoproteínas. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a influência da albumina, isolada do soro de indivíduos controles (C, n =12) e de portadores de diabete melito tipo 1 (DM 1, n=13) e tipo 2 (DM 2, n=11), com controle glicêmico inadequado, sobre a remoção de colesterol de macrófagos, o acúmulo intracelular de lípides, o conteúdo do receptor de HDL, ABCA-1 e a captação seletiva de colesterol esterificado de HDL. Além disso, foi determinada a expressão diferencial de genes em macrófagos tratados com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2. A concentração plasmática de albumina glicada foi superior no grupo DM 1 e DM 2 em relação ao C e correlacionou-se positivamente com glicemia, hemoglobina glicada e frutosamina. Albumina sérica foi isolada por cromatografia para separação rápida de proteínas e purificada por extração alcoólica. Albumina DM 1 e DM 2 apresentaram maior conteúdo de carboximetil-lisina e apo A-I quando comparada à albumina C. Macrófagos enriquecidos com LDL acetilada e 14C-colesterol foram tratados com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2 e, a seguir, incubados na presença ou ausência de apo A-I, HDL3 ou HDL2 para determinação do efluxo de colesterol. Apesar de removerem maior quantidade de colesterol celular, as albumina DM 1 e DM 2 reduziram o efluxo de colesterol mediado por apo A-I (70% e 45%, respectivamente) e HDL2 (55% e 54%, respectivamente) em comparação à albumina C. Com HDL3, a queda no efluxo de colesterol só foi observada em macrófagos expostos à albumina DM 2 (55%). Macrófagos incubados apenas com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2 apresentaram conteúdo lipídico semelhante, evidenciado por coloração com Oil Red O. A adição de apo A-I, HDL3 ou HDL2 reduziu o conteúdo lipídico apenas nas células tratadas com albumina C, mas não com albumina DM 1 ou DM 2. A expressão de ABCA-1 foi diminuída 82% e 25% em macrófagos expostos, respectivamente, à albumina DM 1 e DM 2, em comparação às células tratadas com albumina C. As albuminas DM 1 e DM 2 reduziram a captação de 3H colesteril oleoil éter de HDL por células que superexpressam o receptor SR-BI. Estes resultados também foram obtidos com albumina humana modificada in vitro por glicação avançada. As albuminas isoladas dos pacientes diabéticos aumentaram a expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificadas e de proteínas que modulam vias da homeostase do colesterol. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que a modificação in vivo da albumina por glicação avançada prejudica o transporte reverso de colesterol no diabete melito, por reduzir a expressão de ABCA-1 e a remoção de colesterol de macrófagos, bem como a captação seletiva de colesterol esterificado de HDL pelo SR-BI. Independentemente de variação na concentração e composição de HDL, a glicação da albumina pode contribuir para o acúmulo de lípides em macrófagos e gênese da aterosclerose no diabete melito / Advanced glycation end products are prevalent in diabetes mellitus and alter lipids and lipoprotein metabolism. In this study we analyzed the role of albumin, isolated from control individuals (C, n = 12) and uncontrolled type 1 (DM 1, n = 13) and type 2 (DM 2, n = 11) diabetes mellitus patients on macrophage cholesterol removal, intracellular lipid accumulation, expression of the HDL receptor protein level, ABCA-1and the uptake of esterified cholesterol from HDL. It was also investigated the differential gene expression in macrophages treated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin. Glycated albumin was higher in DM 1 and DM 2 groups as compared to C and was positivetly correlated with glycemia, glycated hemoglobin and fructosamine. Serum albumin was isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography and alchoolic extraction. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin presented a higher amount of carboxymethyllysine and apo A-I as compared to C albumin. In order to determine cholesterol efflux acetylated LDL and 14C-cholesterol enriched J- 774 macrophages were treated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin and then incubated in the absence or presence of apo A-I, HDL3 or HDL2. Although presenting a higher ability to remove cell cholesterol by itself, DM 1 and DM 2 albumin reduced cholesterol efflux mediated by apo A-I (70% e 45%, respectively) and by HDL2 (55% e 54%, respectively) as compared to C albumin. With HDL3 the reduction of the cholesterol efflux was only observed in macrophages treated with DM 2 albumin (55%) in comparison to C albumin. Macrophages incubated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin alone presented similar amount of intracellular lipids as assessed by Oil Red O staining. The addition of apo A-I, HDL3 or HDL2 reduced the lipid content in cells treated with C albumin, but not in those exposed to DM 1 or DM 2 albumin. The expression of ABCA-1 was reduced 82% and 25% in macrophages treated, respectively, with DM 1 or DM 2 albumin, in comparison to C albumin. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin reduced the uptake of 3H colesteril oleoyl ether from HDL by SR-BI overexpressing cells. These findings also were obtained when cells were treated in vitro with human serum albumin submitted to advanced glycation. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin enhanced the expression of receptors involved in the uptake of modified LDL and cholesterol homeostasis. Our findings showed that the advanced glycation of albumin that takes place in diabetes mellitus impairs the reverse cholesterol transport efficiency by reducing the ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol exportation to HDL and also by diminishing the uptake of esterified cholesterol from HDL. Independently of changes in HDL composition and concentration, advanced glycated albumin contributes to cholesterol accumulation in macrophages and atherogenesis in diabetes mellitus
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Albumina modificada por glicação avançada no diabete melito tipo 1 e 2 prejudica o transporte reverso de colesterol e favorece o acúmulo de lípides em macrófagos / Impairment in reverse cholesterol transport and macrophage lipid accumulation induced by advanced glycated albumin drawn from uncontrolled type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Adriana Machado Saldiba de Lima 24 February 2011 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) são prevalentes no diabete melito e alteram o metabolismo de lípides e lipoproteínas. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a influência da albumina, isolada do soro de indivíduos controles (C, n =12) e de portadores de diabete melito tipo 1 (DM 1, n=13) e tipo 2 (DM 2, n=11), com controle glicêmico inadequado, sobre a remoção de colesterol de macrófagos, o acúmulo intracelular de lípides, o conteúdo do receptor de HDL, ABCA-1 e a captação seletiva de colesterol esterificado de HDL. Além disso, foi determinada a expressão diferencial de genes em macrófagos tratados com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2. A concentração plasmática de albumina glicada foi superior no grupo DM 1 e DM 2 em relação ao C e correlacionou-se positivamente com glicemia, hemoglobina glicada e frutosamina. Albumina sérica foi isolada por cromatografia para separação rápida de proteínas e purificada por extração alcoólica. Albumina DM 1 e DM 2 apresentaram maior conteúdo de carboximetil-lisina e apo A-I quando comparada à albumina C. Macrófagos enriquecidos com LDL acetilada e 14C-colesterol foram tratados com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2 e, a seguir, incubados na presença ou ausência de apo A-I, HDL3 ou HDL2 para determinação do efluxo de colesterol. Apesar de removerem maior quantidade de colesterol celular, as albumina DM 1 e DM 2 reduziram o efluxo de colesterol mediado por apo A-I (70% e 45%, respectivamente) e HDL2 (55% e 54%, respectivamente) em comparação à albumina C. Com HDL3, a queda no efluxo de colesterol só foi observada em macrófagos expostos à albumina DM 2 (55%). Macrófagos incubados apenas com albumina C, DM 1 ou DM 2 apresentaram conteúdo lipídico semelhante, evidenciado por coloração com Oil Red O. A adição de apo A-I, HDL3 ou HDL2 reduziu o conteúdo lipídico apenas nas células tratadas com albumina C, mas não com albumina DM 1 ou DM 2. A expressão de ABCA-1 foi diminuída 82% e 25% em macrófagos expostos, respectivamente, à albumina DM 1 e DM 2, em comparação às células tratadas com albumina C. As albuminas DM 1 e DM 2 reduziram a captação de 3H colesteril oleoil éter de HDL por células que superexpressam o receptor SR-BI. Estes resultados também foram obtidos com albumina humana modificada in vitro por glicação avançada. As albuminas isoladas dos pacientes diabéticos aumentaram a expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificadas e de proteínas que modulam vias da homeostase do colesterol. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que a modificação in vivo da albumina por glicação avançada prejudica o transporte reverso de colesterol no diabete melito, por reduzir a expressão de ABCA-1 e a remoção de colesterol de macrófagos, bem como a captação seletiva de colesterol esterificado de HDL pelo SR-BI. Independentemente de variação na concentração e composição de HDL, a glicação da albumina pode contribuir para o acúmulo de lípides em macrófagos e gênese da aterosclerose no diabete melito / Advanced glycation end products are prevalent in diabetes mellitus and alter lipids and lipoprotein metabolism. In this study we analyzed the role of albumin, isolated from control individuals (C, n = 12) and uncontrolled type 1 (DM 1, n = 13) and type 2 (DM 2, n = 11) diabetes mellitus patients on macrophage cholesterol removal, intracellular lipid accumulation, expression of the HDL receptor protein level, ABCA-1and the uptake of esterified cholesterol from HDL. It was also investigated the differential gene expression in macrophages treated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin. Glycated albumin was higher in DM 1 and DM 2 groups as compared to C and was positivetly correlated with glycemia, glycated hemoglobin and fructosamine. Serum albumin was isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography and alchoolic extraction. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin presented a higher amount of carboxymethyllysine and apo A-I as compared to C albumin. In order to determine cholesterol efflux acetylated LDL and 14C-cholesterol enriched J- 774 macrophages were treated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin and then incubated in the absence or presence of apo A-I, HDL3 or HDL2. Although presenting a higher ability to remove cell cholesterol by itself, DM 1 and DM 2 albumin reduced cholesterol efflux mediated by apo A-I (70% e 45%, respectively) and by HDL2 (55% e 54%, respectively) as compared to C albumin. With HDL3 the reduction of the cholesterol efflux was only observed in macrophages treated with DM 2 albumin (55%) in comparison to C albumin. Macrophages incubated with C, DM 1 or DM 2 albumin alone presented similar amount of intracellular lipids as assessed by Oil Red O staining. The addition of apo A-I, HDL3 or HDL2 reduced the lipid content in cells treated with C albumin, but not in those exposed to DM 1 or DM 2 albumin. The expression of ABCA-1 was reduced 82% and 25% in macrophages treated, respectively, with DM 1 or DM 2 albumin, in comparison to C albumin. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin reduced the uptake of 3H colesteril oleoyl ether from HDL by SR-BI overexpressing cells. These findings also were obtained when cells were treated in vitro with human serum albumin submitted to advanced glycation. DM 1 and DM 2 albumin enhanced the expression of receptors involved in the uptake of modified LDL and cholesterol homeostasis. Our findings showed that the advanced glycation of albumin that takes place in diabetes mellitus impairs the reverse cholesterol transport efficiency by reducing the ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol exportation to HDL and also by diminishing the uptake of esterified cholesterol from HDL. Independently of changes in HDL composition and concentration, advanced glycated albumin contributes to cholesterol accumulation in macrophages and atherogenesis in diabetes mellitus
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Aterogênese induzida por albumina modificada por glicação avançada em camundongos dislipidêmicos é previnida pelo tratamento com losartana / Atherogenesis induced by advanced glycated albumin in dyslipidemic mice is prevented by losartan

Gomes, Diego Juvenal 02 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) encontram-se aumentados no diabete melito e contribuem independentemente para o risco cardiovascular. O reconhecimento dos AGE pelo receptor para produtos de glicação avançada (RAGE) potencializa vias de sinalização pró-aterogênicas. Antagonistas do receptor de angiotensina II (ANGII) do tipo 1 (AT-1) diminuem a expressão de RAGE em área de lesão aterosclerótica. No presente projeto, avaliou-se, na aorta de camundongos dislipidêmicos (knockout para apoE) tratados ou não com inibidor do receptor AT-1 (losartana, LOS), o efeito do tratamento crônico com albumina-AGE sobre o infiltrado de lípides, a expressão de mRNA e proteínas envolvidas no eixo AGE/RAGE, ANGII/AT-1, modulação da resposta inflamatória e fluxo de lípides, além da secreção de citocinas inflamatórias por macrófagos tratados com albumina controle ou AGE, concomitantemente ou não a losartana, isolados da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos apoE knockout. MÉTODOS: Camundongos machos knockout para apoE de 12 semanas de idade foram mantidos em dieta padrão e divididos, aleatoriamente, em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 20/grupo): grupo Controle (C), C+LOS, albumina-AGE (AGE) e AGE+LOS. Os animais receberam injeção intraperitoneal diária, durante 30 dias, de 2 mg de albumina controle (grupos C e C+LOS) ou albumina AGE (AGE e AGE+LOS). Os animais C+LOS e AGE+LOS foram tratados durante todo o período experimental com losartana (100 mg/L água). Secções do arco aórtico foram utilizadas para imunofluorescência para RAGE, carboximetil-lisina (CML), AT-1 e 4-hidroxinonenal (4-HNE) e determinação infiltrado lipídico por coloração com Oil Red-O. Análise do mRNA de Ager (RAGE), Agtr1a (AT-1), Orl1 (LOX-1), Msr1 (MCP-1), Ccl2 (SR-A), Cybb (Nox2), Nfkb (NF-kB), Tnf (TNF-alfa), Abca1 (ABCA-1), Abcg1 (ABCG-1) e Agt (angiotensinogênio) foi realizada por de qRT-PCR. Ensaio in vitro para secreção de IL-6 por ELISA e expressão de Il1b (IL-1beta) e Il18 (IL-18) por alfaRT-PCR, foi realizado com macrófagos peritoneais isolados camundongos apoE knockout incubados com albumina C ou AGE (2 mg/mL), concomitante ou não ao tratamento com losartana (1 uM). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação ao peso corporal, colesterol total, triglicérides e glicose plasmáticos, no período basal e final. A pressão arterial sistólica foi reduzida nos animais tratados com losartana quando comparados aos não tratados (p < 0,05). Não foi detectada a presença de infiltrado macrofágico na aorta por meio de ensaios de imunofluorescência para CD-68 e pela análise de coloração com hematoxilina-eosina. Todavia, o infiltrado de lípides foi 5,3 e 2 vezes maior no grupo AGE quando comparado, respectivamente, ao grupo C e AGE+LOS (p < 0,05). O conteúdo proteico de RAGE e CML, assim como do marcador de peroxidação lipídica (4-HNE) foi maior no grupo AGE em comparação aos demais grupos, o que não prevenido no grupo AGE+LOS (p < 0,05). A expressão do mRNA de Ager, Orl1 e Tnf foi maior no grupo AGE em comparação ao C, ao passo que o tratamento com losartana impediu o aumento da expressão destes genes (p < 0,05). Isto não foi observado para aumento de Cybb estimulado por albumina-AGE. A losartana diminuiu o mRNA de Agtr1a (AT-1) em ambos os grupos tratados. Não foram observadas diferenças na expressão do mRNA de Msr1, Ccl2, Abca1, Abcg1, Agt e Nfkb. Macrófagos tratados com albumina-AGE apresentaram secreção de IL-6 aumentada em 1,4 vezes em comparação ao grupo C, o que foi prevenido pela losartana (p < 0,05). Nestas mesmas células, a albumina-AGE aumentou a expressão de Il1b e Il18, em comparação à albumina-C, o que não foi prevenido pela losartana. CONCLUSÃO: A administração crônica de albumina-AGE em modelo animal de dislipidemia isento de DM, aumentou o infiltrado de lípides no aorco aórtico, independentemente de variação na pressão arterial, lípides plasmáticos e da modulação local de componentes do sistema renina-angiotensina. A ação da albumina-AGE foi consequente ao maior insulto oxidativo e inflamatório associado ao maior conteúdo de RAGE e CML. A losartana, por reduzir o insulto oxidativo e inflamatório contrapõe-se à albumina-AGE, contribuindo para prevenção da aterogênese / INTRODUCTION: Advanced glycated end-products (AGE) elevated in diabetes mellitus and independently contribute to cardiovascular risk. The AGE binding to the receptor for AGE (RAGE) potentializes pro-atherogenic signaling pathways. Antagonists of angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT-1) diminish RAGE expression in atherosclerotic plaques. In this study, we evaluated in the aortic arch of dyslipidemic mice (apoE knockout), treated or not with AT-1 blocker losartan (LOS), the effect of chronic treatment with AGE-albumin in aortic root lipid infiltration, mRNA expression and protein content of components of AGE/RAGE, ANGII/AT-1 axes and modulators of lipid flux and inflammation, and also the secretion of inflammatory cytokines by peritoneal macrophages treated either with control (C) or AGE-albumin, together with or not by losartan treatment,. METHODS: 12-week old male apoE knockout mice were fed chow diet and ramdomly assigned into four groups (n = 20/group): Control (C), C+LOS, AGE-albumin (AGE) and AGE+LOS. Animals received daily intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg of C- albumin (C and C+LOS) or AGE-albumin (AGE and AGE+LOS) during 30 days. LOS groups were treated with losartan (100 mg/L water). Immufluorescence for RAGE, AT-1, carboxymethyllysine (CML) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), and Oil red-O staining for lipid infiltration was performed in sections from the aortic arch. mRNA expression of Ager (RAGE), Agtr1a (AT-1), Orl1 (LOX-1), Msr1 (MCP-1), Ccl2 (SR-A), Cybb (Nox2), Nfkb (NF-kB), Tnf (TNF-alfa), Abca1 (ABCA-1), Abcg1 (ABCG-1) e Agt (angiotensinogen) was evaluated by qRT-PCR. In vitro assay for IL-6 secretion was performed by ELISA and Il1b (IL-1beta) and Il18 (IL-18) mRNA expression was performed by qRT-PCR in peritoneal macrophages from of apoE knockout mice after treatment with C or AGE-albumin (2 mg/mL), with or without losartan (1 ?M). RESULTS: No differences among groups were observed in body weight, plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose in basal and final periods. Sistolic blood pressure was reduced in both LOS groups when compared to non-treated groups (p < 0.05). It was not observed CD-68 infiltration in the arterial wall. However, lipid infiltration was, respectively, 5.3 and 2 times greater in AGE group in comparison to C and AGE+LOS groups (p < 0.05). RAGE and CML protein and the lipid peroxidation marker (4-HNE) were greater in AGE group when compared to other groups, which was prevented in AGE+LOS (p < 0.05). Ager, Orl1 and Tnf mRNA expression was increased in AGE group when compared to C, and losartan was able to prevent this event (p < 0.05), except for Cybb. Losartan decreased Agtr1a mRNA expression in both groups (p < 0.05). No differences were observed among groups for Msr1, Ccl2, Abca1, Abcg1, Agt and Nfkb mRNA expression. Macrophages treated with AGE-albumin presented 1.4 times great IL-6 secretion, which was prevented by losartan (p < 0.05). In these cells, AGE-albumin increased Il1b and Il18 mRNA expression in AGE group, but this was not prevent by losartan. CONCLUSION: Chronic administration of AGE-albumin in non diabetic dyslipidemic mice increased aortic lipid infiltration, independently of changes in blood pressutre, plasma lipids and local modulation of renin angiotensin system components. The role of AGE-albumin was consequent to the enhanced inflammatory and oxidative insult associated to the higher content of CML and RAGE. Losartan by reducing oxidation and inflammation counteracts the effects of AGE-albumin contributing to prevent atherogenesis
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Interferência de células-tronco derivadas de tecido adiposo na atividade de produtos finais de glicação avançada em fibroblastos de pacientes diabéticos / Effect of adipose tissue derived stem cells on advanced glycation end products activity in fibroblasts from diabetic patients

Tutihashi, Rafael Mamoru Carneiro 06 November 2015 (has links)
Feridas nos membros inferiores são a principal causa de hospitalização e morbidade nos pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus (DM). Atualmente, atribuem-se as complicações tardias do DM ao acúmulo de produtos finais de glicação avançada (AGE) nos diversos órgãos-alvo, incluindo a pele. Já foi demonstrado que a função deficitária dos fibroblastos de diabéticos está relacionada diretamente ao acúmulo de AGEs. Neste cenário, o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais tem ganhado destaque, tendo sido demonstrado, na literatura, que células-tronco derivadas de medula óssea (BMSC) produzem lisozima, um anti-AGE fisiológico. As células-tronco derivadas do tecido adiposo (ADSC) são de fácil captação e apresentam melhor rendimento em cultura celular quando comparadas às BMSC. Neste estudo, investigamos se as ADSC sintetizam lisozima e avaliamos se o produto das ADSC tem a capacidade de diminuir os efeitos deletérios dos AGEs nos fibroblastos. Para esse fim, foram cultivadas ADSC provenientes de lipoaspiração de pacientes hígidos, fibroblastos provenientes de feridas de pacientes diabéticos e fibroblastos provenientes de pacientes hígidos. Os fibroblastos de pacientes diabéticos ou hígidos foram submetidos a três meios de cultura diferentes: normoglicêmico (controle), contendo AGE ou contendo AGE mais o meio de cultura proveniente de ADSC (eluato) e, nesses grupos, foi feito ensaio de migração de fibroblastos. Observamos que, nos meios contendo AGE, não ocorreu migração dos fibroblastos, e na cultura contendo AGE mais eluato, os fibroblastos apresentaram migração semelhante à do grupo controle. Concluímos que as ADSC produzem lisozima e que os produtos sintetizados por essas células têm a capacidade de inibir os efeitos deletérios dos AGEs em fibroblastos in vitro / Lower limb ulcers are one of the major causes of morbidity and hospital admission in diabetic patients. Current researches indicate that diabetes mellitus (DM) complications are related to the accumulation in target organs, including the skin of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). It has been shown that cutaneous fibroblasts dysfunction in DM patients is directly dependent on AGE accumulation. In this context, the use of mesenchymal stem cells has been proposed, since bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) produce lysozyme, a physiological anti-AGE enzyme. Adipose tissue derived stem cells (ADSC) are easier to harvest and proliferate faster in cell cultures compared to BMSC. In this study, we investigated whether ADSC are able to produce lysozyme and also the ability of those stem cells to reduce the deleterious effects of AGEs in fibroblasts. ADSC were isolated and cultured from liposuction samples from non diabetic patients; fibroblasts were also isolated and cultured from wounds of diabetic patients and from non diabetic patients\' skin. Fibroblasts were maintained in three different conditions: in normoglycemic culture medium (control), a culture medium containing AGE or a culture medium previously in contact with ADSC for 24 hours (eluate) with addition of AGE. A fibroblast migration assay was performed. There was a lack of fibroblast migration in fibroblast culture with AGE-supplemented medium, whereas fibroblast culture containing ADSC\'s eluate and AGE showed fibroblast migration similar to the control group. Our study demonstrates that ADSC can synthesize lysozyme and we infer that the products of ADSC are able to inhibit in vitro AGE deleterious effects in fibroblas
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A expressão dos genes codificantes da proteína de interação com tiorredoxina, da beta 2 microglobulina e do transportador de tiamina 1, correlaciona-se com marcadores clínicos da doença renal em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1 / The expression of the genes encoding thioredoxin interacting protein, beta 2 microglobulin and thiamine transporter 1, correlates with clinical markers of renal disease in type 1 diabetes patients

Caillaud, Maria Beatriz Camargo Monteiro 20 January 2016 (has links)
A nefropatia diabética (ND) é uma das principais causas de doença renal terminal. Além da lesão glomerular, o compartimento tubulointersticial é afetado no desenvolvimento da ND, não somente pela proteinúria como pelos efeitos pró-inflamatórios, profibróticos, pró-oxidantes e angiogênicos da hiperglicemia e dos produtos finais de glicação avançada (AGEs). Sabese que as concentrações de marcadores do estresse oxidativo estão aumentadas em pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM). O sistema tiorredoxina (TXN) é um dos principais sistemas antioxidantes endógenos. A TXN é capaz de interagir com um grande número de fatores de transcrição e proteínas, tal como a Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) que tem sido reconhecida na patogênese do DM e de suas complicações. Além da TXNIP, a deficiência de tiamina, ou vitamina B1, já foi relatada em modelos experimentais de DM, concomitantemente a um aumento de seu clearance renal. Os transportadores de tiamina 1 (THTR1) e 2 (THTR2) (codificados pelos genes SLC19A2 e SLC19A3, respectivamente) são os responsáveis pela reabsorção de tiamina no túbulo proximal após sua filtração pelo glomérulo. Estudos já demonstraram que a excreção aumentada de tiamina pode ser um fator de risco para o declínio precoce da função renal em pacientes DM. Uma outra proteína de interesse é a beta 2 microglobulina (B2M), expressa em situações que cursam com inflamação, um fenômeno bem caracterizado na tubulopatia diabética. O estudo da ativação intrarenal de vias potencialmente associadas à evolução da ND em humanos é dificultada pela necessidade de biópsia renal. Recentemente o sedimento urinário tem sido utilizado na avaliação das doenças renais, tanto na tentativa de identificar biomarcadores que possam predizer o declínio da função renal, como para o melhor entendimento da patogênese dessa complicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a participação dos genesalvo TXNIP, TXN, SLC19A2, SLC19A3 e B2M na patogênese da ND em portadores de DM1. Estudamos o RNA mensageiro (mRNA) do sedimento urinário de pacientes DM1 (n=55), portadores de glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (GESF, um modelo de nefropatia não diabética, n=12) e de indivíduos controles (n=11) para avaliação da expressão dos genes-alvo, e sua associação com as manifestações da ND. Também foi extraído mRNA de células linfomononucleares de pacientes DM1 (n=162) e indivíduos controles (n=26) para comparação com os resultados obtidos no sedimento urinário e foram dosadas as concentrações plasmáticas de tiamina em um subgrupos de pacientes DM1 e de indivíduos controles. Além disso, uma linhagem de células renais humanas foi tratada com altas concentrações de glicose e albumina glicada ou não glicada in vitro para avaliar se os AGEs estão implicados na alteração de expressão dos genes-alvos. Como resultado observamos (1) um aumento na expressão de TXNIP e TXN no sedimento urinário de pacientes DM1 com doença renal e associação da expressão de TXNIP com a magnitude do declínio da taxa de filtração glomerular; (2) um aumento na expressão de TXNIP e TXN nas células linfomononucleares dos pacientes DM1; (3) um aumento na expressão de SLC19A2 no sedimento urinário de pacientes DM1 com doença renal; (4) uma diminuição nas concentrações plasmáticas de tiamina nos pacientes DM1 em comparação aos controles; (5) um aumento na expressão de B2M no sedimento urinário de pacientes DM1 com doença renal e (6) um aumento na expressão de TXNIP e B2M nas células renais humanas tratadas concomitantemente com altas concentrações de glicose e albumina glicada. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem fortemente a participação do sistema TXN e da B2M na etiopatogênese da ND / Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major cause of end stage renal disease. Glomerular and tubulointerstitial compartments are affected not only by proteinuria but also by the pro-inflammatory, profibrotic, pro-oxidants and pro-angiogenic effects exerted by hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the development of DN. It is well known that concentrations of oxidative stress markers are increased in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The thioredoxin system (TXN) is one of the majors endogenous antioxidant systems; TXN molecule is able to interact with a large number of transcription factors and proteins such as Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP), which has been recognized in the pathogenesis of DM and its complications. Deficiency of thiamine, or B1 vitamin, has been reported in experimental models of DM concomitantly with an increase in its renal clearance. Thiamine transporter 1 (THTR1), encoded by the SLC19A2 gene and Thiamine transporter 2 (THTR2), encoded by the SLC19A3 gene are responsible for thiamine reabsorption in the proximal tubule after glomerular filtration. Studies have shown that increased urinary excretion of thiamine may be a risk predictor for an early decline in kidney function in diabetic patients. Another protein of interest is beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), expressed in situations of inflammation, a well-characterized phenomenon in diabetic tubulopathy. The study of activation or inactivation of intrarenal pathways potentially associated with progression of DN in humans is complicated by the need for renal biopsy. Recently urinary sediment has been used in the evaluation of kidney diseases in an attempt to identify biomarkers that can predict kidney function decline and as a tool for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of this complication. The objective of this work was to study the participation of the target genes TXNIP, TXN, SLC19A2, SLC19A3 and B2M in the pathogenesis of DN in type 1 DM (T1D) patients. We studied the urinary sediment messenger RNA (mRNA) from patients with T1D (n=55); with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS, a non diabetic nephropathy model, n=12) and from control subjects (n=11) to assess the expression of the target genes and their association with the severity of DN. We also studied the mRNA expression of peripheral lymphomononuclear (PLMN) cells from T1D patients (n=162) and control subjects (n=26) in order to compare with the results obtained in the urinary sediment. Plasmatic concentrations of thiamine were also measured in a subgroup of T1D patients and control subjects. In addition, a lineage of human kidney cells was exposed to high glucose concentrations and to glycated and non-glycated albumin to evaluate if AGEs are implicated in the modulation of expression of the target genes. As a result we found that (1) TXNIP and TXN are upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease and TXNIP is associated with the magnitude of glomerular filtration rate decline; (2) TXNIP and TXN are upregulated in PLMN cells from T1D patients; (3) SLC19A2 is upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease; (4) T1D patients present decreased plasmatic thiamine concentrations compared to control subjects; (5) B2M is upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease and (6) TXNIP and B2M are upregulated in human kidney cells exposed concomitantly to high glucose concentrations and glycated albumin. The results of the present study strongly suggest the participation of the TXN system and of B2M in the pathogenesis of DN. Descriptors: diabetes mellitus, diabetic nephropathies, urine, glycosylation end products, advanced, thiamine, thioredoxins, beta 2-microglobulin Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major cause of end stage renal disease. Glomerular and tubulointerstitial compartments are affected not only by proteinuria but also by the pro-inflammatory, profibrotic, pro-oxidants and pro-angiogenic effects exerted by hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the development of DN. It is well known that concentrations of oxidative stress markers are increased in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The thioredoxin system (TXN) is one of the majors endogenous antioxidant systems; TXN molecule is able to interact with a large number of transcription factors and proteins such as Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP), which has been recognized in the pathogenesis of DM and its complications. Deficiency of thiamine, or B1 vitamin, has been reported in experimental models of DM concomitantly with an increase in its renal clearance. Thiamine transporter 1 (THTR1), encoded by the SLC19A2 gene and Thiamine transporter 2 (THTR2), encoded by the SLC19A3 gene are responsible for thiamine reabsorption in the proximal tubule after glomerular filtration. Studies have shown that increased urinary excretion of thiamine may be a risk predictor for an early decline in kidney function in diabetic patients. Another protein of interest is beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), expressed in situations of inflammation, a well-characterized phenomenon in diabetic tubulopathy. The study of activation or inactivation of intrarenal pathways potentially associated with progression of DN in humans is complicated by the need for renal biopsy. Recently urinary sediment has been used in the evaluation of kidney diseases in an attempt to identify biomarkers that can predict kidney function decline and as a tool for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of this complication. The objective of this work was to study the participation of the target genes TXNIP, TXN, SLC19A2, SLC19A3 and B2M in the pathogenesis of DN in type 1 DM (T1D) patients. We studied the urinary sediment messenger RNA (mRNA) from patients with T1D (n=55); with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS, a non diabetic nephropathy model, n=12) and from control subjects (n=11) to assess the expression of the target genes and their association with the severity of DN. We also studied the mRNA expression of peripheral lymphomononuclear (PLMN) cells from T1D patients (n=162) and control subjects (n=26) in order to compare with the results obtained in the urinary sediment. Plasmatic concentrations of thiamine were also measured in a subgroup of T1D patients and control subjects. In addition, a lineage of human kidney cells was exposed to high glucose concentrations and to glycated and non-glycated albumin to evaluate if AGEs are implicated in the modulation of expression of the target genes. As a result we found that (1) TXNIP and TXN are upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease and TXNIP is associated with the magnitude of glomerular filtration rate decline; (2) TXNIP and TXN are upregulated in PLMN cells from T1D patients; (3) SLC19A2 is upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease; (4) T1D patients present decreased plasmatic thiamine concentrations compared to control subjects; (5) B2M is upregulated in the urinary sediment of T1D patients with kidney disease and (6) TXNIP and B2M are upregulated in human kidney cells exposed concomitantly to high glucose concentrations and glycated albumin. The results of the present study strongly suggest the participation of the TXN system and of B2M in the pathogenesis of DN
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Efeitos da administração crônica de albumina modificada por glicação avançada (AGE) sobre o tecido hepático: caracterização do perfil histológico, inflamatório e antioxidante / Effects of chronic administration of albumin modified by advanced glycation (AGE) on the liver tissue: characterization of histological, inflammatory and antioxidant profile

Fabre, Nelly Takashima 24 May 2016 (has links)
A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) compreende um espectro de alterações que inclui a esteatose simples e a esteatohepatite não alcoólica e é considerada o componente hepático da Síndrome Metabólica. Estudos já demonstraram que os produtos finais de glicação avançada (AGEs) estimulam a produção de proteínas de matriz extracelular, a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio e de citocinas pró-inflamatórias por células hepáticas e que poderiam participar da patogênese da DHGNA. Em vista da escassez de informações sobre os efeitos metabólicos dos AGEs no fígado, apesar do seu potencial para causar dano hepático, nós avaliamos os efeitos da administração crônica de albumina modificada por glicação avançada sobre: (1) variáveis associadas com a homeostase glicêmica e a sensibilidade à insulina; (2) a expressão hepática de genes envolvidos na via dos AGEs, no metabolismo da glicose e de lípides, no estresse oxidativo e na inflamação; (3) a ativação de proteínas envolvidas na via de sinalização insulínica; (4) a morfologia e o conteúdo de glicogênio hepático. O estudo foi realizado em ratos Wistar que receberam, por via intraperitoneal, 20 mg/kg/peso corporal de albumina de rato modificada (AlbAGE) ou não (AlbCTRL) por glicação avançada durante 12 semanas. A administração crônica de AlbAGE não alterou as concentrações de alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST) ou outras variáveis analisadas, mas induziu a resistência insulínica, conforme detectado pelo teste de tolerância à insulina (ITT). Os demais resultados, no entanto, sugerem um aumento da sensibilidade insulínica no território hepático, conforme evidenciado pela ativação da serine/threoninespecific protein kinase (AKT), inativação da glicogênio sintase cinase (GSK3), aumento do conteúdo do glicogênio hepático e a diminuição da expressão dos genes da via da gliconeogênese Pck1 e G6pc. Outros resultados observados foram uma redução no conteúdo de gordura hepatica e na expressão dos genes lipogênicos Acaca e Fasn e dos genes pró-inflamatórios Nfkb1, Tnf e Il6. Os mecanismos que poderiam explicar a melhora concomitante da sensibilidade hepática à insulina e do perfil inflamatório após exposição crônica aos AGEs não estão claros, mas incluem a inativação da GSK3beta, enzima que exerce efeitos metabólicos e anti-inflamatórios. Nossos achados devem estar relacionados com a via de administração intraperitoneal empregada neste estudo, que resulta na absorção direta dos AGEs para a circulação portal, o que, por sua vez, torna o fígado a primeira linha de defesa contra a toxicidade desses compostos. Uma vez no fígado, os AGEs desencadeiam respostas adaptativas para contrabalançar os seus efeitos potencialmente prejudiciais / The Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) comprises a spectrum of conditions that includes simple steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and it is considered the hepatic component of the Metabolic syndrome. Studies have shown that advanced glycation end products (AGEs) stimulate the production of extracellular matrix proteins, the generation of reactive oxygen species and of proinflammatory cytokines by liver cells, and that they could participate in NAFLD pathogenesis. In view of the paucity of information regarding the metabolic effects of AGEs on the liver, despite their potential to cause hepatic injury, we evaluated the effects of chronic administration of albumin modified by advanced glycation in (1) variables associated with glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity; (2) hepatic expression of genes involved in AGEs, glucose and fat metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammation; (3) activation status of proteins involved in insulin signaling and; (4) hepatic morphology and glycogen content. The study was performed in Wistar rats receiving, by intraperitoneal route, 20 mg/kg/body weight of rat serum albumin modified (AlbAGE) or not (AlbCTRL) by advanced glycation for 12 weeks. Chronic administration of AlbAGE did not alter alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentrations or other evaluated variables, but induced insulin resistance, as detected by the insulin tolerance test. The remaining results, however, suggested an increase in insulin sensitivity in the hepatic territory, evidenced by activation of serine/threonine-specific protein kinase (AKT), inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3), increased hepatic glycogen content, and decreased expression of the gluconeogenesis genes Pck1 and G6pc. Other observed findings were a reduction in hepatic fat content, in the expression of the lipogenic genes Acaca and Fasn and of the proinflammatory genes Nfkb, Tnf, and Il6 genes. Mechanisms that could explain the concomitant improvement in hepatic insulin sensitivity and in the inflammatory profile after chronic exposure to AGEs are not clear, but include inactivation of GSK3beta which exerts metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects. Our findings may be related to the intraperitoneal route of administration employed in this study, which results in direct absorption of AGEs into the portal circulation and, it turn, makes the liver the first-line of defense against the toxicity of these compounds. Once in the liver, AGEs trigger adaptive responses to counterbalance their potentially damaging effects
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