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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics

Ebbesen, Mette January 2002 (has links)
<p>The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ‘You should do to others what you want them to do to you’. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world’s religions and is also reflected in secular society. The rule can for example be found in a political version in legal declarations e.g. the Humans Rights Declaration of 1948. There are philosophersand scientists who interpret the Golden Rule secularly. If one looks at the Golden Rule from a non-religious point of view, it can be understood for instance in the following ways: 1) As a rule which is followed to fulfil self-interest and 2) As a rule concerning role reversal. In this thesis we will go into detail on these two interpretations of the Golden Rule, because as we will see, they can be seen as two very different views of human nature. We will discuss which of the two interpretations of the Golden Rule is most adequate in connection with the description of human beings as moral agents having reason, motives, freedom and responsibility. Furthermore we will focus on the Golden Rule in a Nordic context, in this connection we will look at whether the Golden Rule corresponds to the four bioethical principles presented by the two American philosophers Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress. These principles are the principle of respect for autonomy, the principle of nonmaleficence, the principle of beneficence and the principle of justice. According to the Danish physician Henrik R. Wulff one cannot use Beauchamp and Childress’ bioethical principles as a tool for solving ethical problems in the North, because they do not correspond to the Golden Rule. Wulff argues that the Golden Rule is a moral ideal within the health services in the Nordic countries. The purpose of the thesis is, among others, to analyse and discuss whether the four bioethical principles are implicitly contained within the Golden Rule and whether Beauchamp and Childress’ method can be used to analyse bioethical problems in a Nordic context. Finally, we will set forth an ethical assessment of a treatment within biomedicine. As an example of the application of the four bioethical principles, we will look at whether human somatic gene therapy is an ethical acceptable treatment. Thus my thesis is that the Golden Rule can be viewed as a fundamental ethical principle across cultures and that Beauchamp and Childress’ four bioethical principles correspond to the Golden Rule. That is, I think there is a reason to maintain, that the bioethical principles can be of use for solving bioethical problems across cultures.</p>

Regla de Oro, sostenibilidad y regla fiscal contracíclica / Regla de Oro, sostenibilidad y regla fiscal contracíclica

Jimenez, Félix 10 April 2018 (has links)
The current fiscal policy does not differentiate capital expenditure from current expenditure. Since the global deficit target is fixed according to the present fiscal policy rule, the non financial expenditure becomes pro cyclical, and the public investment is adjusted to meet the targeted deficit. As a result, the public investment has dramatically decreased which, in turn, has affected the international competitiveness and the economic and social development of the Peruvian society. This paper proposes: 1) change the public expenditure policy public investment by eliminating its pro cyclical bias; and 2) redefining the system of fiscal accounting. To meet this purposes the budget must be divided in two parts: the current budget with a saving or primary surplus target, and the investment expenditure based on a rule of directing the public debt only to finance this kind of expenditure over the economic cycle. This is the so called Public Investment Golden Rule. To this Golden Rule is added other according to which the ratio of public net debt must be sustainable during the economic cycle. Finally, it’s proposed to adopting the new IMF accounting system. The Golden Rule becomes pretty velar in the context of this new system. When the operational result becomes equal to cero, the net investment becomes equal to the public debt. Hence, the null operational result according to the new accounting system is the only one which is consistent with the Golden Rule. / La actual política fiscal no diferencia los gastos de capital de los gastos corrientes. La regla vigente de fijación de metas globales de déficit convierte al gasto no financiero en una variable procíclica, y la inversión pública es la que se ajusta para cumplir las metas de déficit. Esta política fiscal procíclica ha reducido la inversión pública a niveles mínimos sin precedentes históricos, conspirando así contra el desarrollo y la competitividad del país. En este trabajo se propone: 1) cambiar la política de gasto, eliminando el sesgo procíclico de la inversión pública; y 2) rediseñar la contabilidad fiscal. Para ello el presupuesto público debe dividirse en dos partes: uno de gasto corriente, con una meta de ahorro o de superávit primario corriente anual, y otro de gasto de inversión basado en una regla de destinar el endeudamiento, a lo largo del ciclo económico, a financiar solo el gasto de inversión y no el gasto corriente. Esta es la Regla de Oro de la Inversión pública. A esta regla se le adiciona otra según la cual la deuda neta del gobierno como porcentaje del PBI debe mantenerse, durante el ciclo económico, en un nivel sostenible. Asimismo, se plantea rediseñar la contabilidad fiscal sobre la base del nuevo sistema de contabilidad del FMI. Con este sistema, la Regla de Oro se hace aún más comprensible: cuando el resultado operativo es igual a cero, la inversión neta sería exactamente igual al endeudamiento. Por tanto, el único resultado coherente con la Regla de Oro en esta nueva contabilidad es que el ahorro corriente o resultado operativo sea nulo sobre el ciclo económico.

Optimal investment in an oil-based economy. Theoretical and Empirical Study of a Ramsey-Type Model for Libya.

Zarmouh, Omar Othman January 1998 (has links)
In a developing oil-based economy like Libya the availability of finance is largely affected by the availability of oil revenues which are subjected to disturbances and shocks. Therefore, the decision to save and invest a certain ratio of the country's aggregate output is, to large extent, determined (and affected) by the shocks in the oil markets rather than the requirements of economic development. In this study an attempt is made to determine the optimal rate of saving and investment, both defined as a ratio of the aggregate output, according to the requirements of economic development. For this purpose, a neo-classical Ramsey-type model for Libya is constructed and applied to obtain theoretically and empirically the optimal saving and investment rate during the period (1965-1991). The results reveal that Libya was investing over the optimal level during the oil boom of 1970s and less than the optimal level during the oil crisis of 1980s. In addition, an econometric investigation of the determinants of actual investment by sector (agriculture, non-oil industry, and services) is carried out in order to shed lights on how possible it is for Libya to adjust actual investment towards its optimal level. It is found that, as expected, the most important factor which can be used in this respect is the oil revenues or, generally, the availability of finance. In addition, the study reveals that investment in agriculture is associated, during the period of study, with a very low marginal productivity of capital whereas marginal productivity was higher in both non-oil industry and services. Finally, the study investigates also the future potential saving and investment rates and concludes that the economy, which has already reached its steady state, can be pushed out towards further growth if the economy can be able to increase the level of per worker human capital, proxied by the secondary school enrolment as a percentage of population. / Secretariat of Higher Education in Libya and Libyan Interests Section in London

Optimal investment in an oil-based economy : theoretical and empirical study of a Ramsey-type model for Libya

Zarmouh, Omar Othman January 1998 (has links)
In a developing oil-based economy like Libya the availability of finance is largely affected by the availability of oil revenues which are subjected to disturbances and shocks. Therefore, the decision to save and invest a certain ratio of the country's aggregate output is, to large extent, determined (and affected) by the shocks in the oil markets rather than the requirements of economic development. In this study an attempt is made to determine the optimal rate of saving and investment, both defined as a ratio of the aggregate output, according to the requirements of economic development. For this purpose, a neo-classical Ramsey-type model for Libya is constructed and applied to obtain theoretically and empirically the optimal saving and investment rate during the period (1965-1991). The results reveal that Libya was investing over the optimal level during the oil boom of 1970s and less than the optimal level during the oil crisis of 1980s. In addition, an econometric investigation of the determinants of actual investment by sector (agriculture, non-oil industry, and services) is carried out in order to shed lights on how possible it is for Libya to adjust actual investment towards its optimal level. It is found that, as expected, the most important factor which can be used in this respect is the oil revenues or, generally, the availability of finance. In addition, the study reveals that investment in agriculture is associated, during the period of study, with a very low marginal productivity of capital whereas marginal productivity was higher in both non-oil industry and services. Finally, the study investigates also the future potential saving and investment rates and concludes that the economy, which has already reached its steady state, can be pushed out towards further growth if the economy can be able to increase the level of per worker human capital, proxied by the secondary school enrolment as a percentage of population.

Implementace zlatého pravidla morálky do krizových plánů ochrany obyvatelstva / The Implementation of the Golden Rule of Morality into Crisis Plans for the Protection of Population

MARKVART, Petr January 2018 (has links)
In my diploma thesis entitled Implementing the Gold Rule of Morality in Crisis Planning for Population Protection, I will try to draw on the ideas and conclusions of my bachelor thesis, in which I investigated whether members of the Integrated System Can use the golden rule of morality in an emergency. I have come to the conclusion that the members of the individual components of the integrated rescue system are guided by the valid legislation and orders of the commander of the intervention. Nevertheless, they would welcome in certain situations the possibility of deciding according to the golden rule of morality, which briefly tells us: "I do not want to do the other to you." Translated into situations in the event of an extraordinary event may mean deciding in tedious situations so, as if you were the Rescued and not the savior. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether it is possible to implement this idea in the crisis plans themselves and, above all, whether the intervening members of the integrated rescue system themselves would use this rule in certain situations. The association of two seemingly incompatible worlds seems at first glance absurd, but research and interviews with individual members of the integrated system have convinced me that the philosophical questions and the name of Imanuel Kant can very closely mingle with the world of extraordinary events and the salvation of Human lives, health and property of the population. I would very much like to work with this bachelor thesis together with my previous bachelor thesis, tried to create a unified whole as an idea that can motivate us to think whether it is necessary to change the current state of legislation or whether the legislation itself is set as a form of golden rule of morality .

Excitation Energy Transfer in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Based Nanohybrid Systems

Chang, Kainan 02 August 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Anregungsenergie-Transfer in Nano-hybrid-Systemen, welche zweidimensionale Übergangsmetall-Dichalkonid-Schichten (TMDCs) enthalten. Heterostrukturen, welche TMDC-Schichten mit sogenannten nulldimensionalen Systemen kombinieren, werden als wesentlich für die nächste Generation von elektronischen und photonischen Bauelementen angesehen. Trotz dieser großen Bedeutung existieren wenige theoretische Untersuchungen. Insbesondere ist der Anregungsenergie-Transfer in diesen Hybridsystemen nicht umfassend erklärt, und die Behandlung von TMDC-Schichten bezieht sich auf sehr kleine oder periodische Systeme. Daher wird in der Arbeit der Versuch unternommen, existierende Theorien zu verbessern, und es werden Transferprozesse in zwei Typen von Heterostrukturen simuliert. Die berechneten Systeme enthalten tausende von Atomen und kommen damit in den Bereich experimentell untersuchter Strukturen. In dem einen Nanohybrid-System ist eine MoS2-Monoschicht mit einem einzelnen Para-Sexiphenyl-Molekül kombiniert, wogegen im zweiten System ein CdSe-Nanokristall an der MoS2-Mono-schicht plaziert ist. Dabei ermöglicht die Coulomb-Wechselwirkung zwischen Monoschicht und Molekül bzw. Nanokristall den Anregungsenergie-Transfer. In allen untersuchten Heterostrukturen ist die Stärke der Anregungsenergie-Transfer-Kopplung auf den sub-meV-Bereich beschränkt. In diesem Bereich ist der Anregungsenergie-Transfer inkohärent und bestimmt durch Raten, die aus Fermi's Goldener Regel folgen. Auch wird eine Abhängigkeit der Transferrate von der relativen Position des para-Sexiphenyl-Moleküls gefunden. Durch die Analyse der Übergangsladungsdichte des CdSe-Nanokristalls kann aufgezeigt werden, dass die energetisch tiefliegenden Exziton-Niveaus mit ausgeprägtem Dipolcharakter zu einer stärkeren Transferkopplung führen. Die resultierenden Transferzeiten erstrecken sich vom Piko- zum Nanosekunden-Bereich und decken sich mit entsprechend gemessenen Werten. / This thesis explores the excitation energy transfer in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) based nanohybrid systems. Such heterostructures combining TMDC layers with zero-dimensional materials are considered in next-generation electronics and photonics. However, there exists a shortage of current theoretical work, because the general process of excitation energy transfer in these hybrid systems has rarely been explored and the treatment of TMDCs is limited to a small size. We therefore improve the existing theories and investigate the transfer phenomena in two types of heterostructures. The considered systems contain thousands of atoms close to the experimental system size. In the first nanohybrid system, a MoS2 monolayer is combined with a single para-sexiphenyl molecule. In the second hybrid, a CdSe semiconductor spherical nanocrystal is placed close to the MoS2 monolayer. The MoS2 monolayer is coupled to the para-sexiphenyl molecule or the CdSe spherical nanocrystal via Coulomb interaction, which makes the excitation energy transfer mechanism possible. In our heterostructures, all excitation energy transfer coupling strengths lie in the meV-range or below. Within this limitation, the non-coherent excitation transfer is determined by rate expressions derived from Fermi’s Golden Rule. An effective transfer rate dependency on the relative positions of the para-sexiphenyl molecule is found. For the case of the CdSe spherical nanocrystal , by visualizing the shape of transition charge densities of CdSe excitons, we find that the low-lying exciton levels with more obvious dipole character lead to a stronger transfer coupling. The resultant transfer times range from picoseconds to nanoseconds and coincide with experimental data.

"Remittances" et activité économique dans les pays en développement / Remittances and economic activity in developing countries

Destrée, Nicolas 05 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis le vingtième siècle, les flux migratoires ont augmenté entrainant des flux financiers – nommés "remittances" - partant des zones d'immigration vers celles d'émigration. Ces transferts, que les migrants envoient à leurs familles dans leur pays d'origine peuvent générer des effets opposés selon des pays. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'analyser leurs conséquences sur le capital physique et humain dans les pays qui les reçoivent.Le premier chapitre souligne l'impact négatif de ces flux sur le stock de capital ainsi que sur l'offre de travail. Ce revenu supplémentaire durant leur dernière période de vie conduit les individus à moins travailler et moins épargner. Ces transferts peuvent rapprocher ou éloigner les économies de la règle d'or d'accumulation du capital en fonction de leurs caractéristiques. Une politique de taxation est proposée afin de maximiser le bien-être. Le second chapitre étend l'analyse à des économies ouvertes faisant face à des contraintes exogènes de crédit sur le marché international des capitaux. Il montre que les transferts réduisent les incitations des agents à épargner, mais peuvent accroitre l'investissement en capital physique dans certains pays, via les entrées de capitaux, en relâchant directement la contrainte de crédit. Le troisième chapitre développe un modèle de croissance avec accumulation de capital humain, dans lequel les agents empruntent pour s'éduquer. Les contraintes de crédit sont cette fois endogènes : les agents ne peuvent s'engager à rembourser et sont exclus du marché des capitaux en cas de défaut. Ce modèle explique que les "remittances" peuvent générer des effets positifs, dans certains pays, ou négatifs dans d'autres. / Since the twentieth century, migratory flows have largely increased entailing financial flows - named remittances - from immigration areas to emigration areas. These transfers that migrants send to their families in their home countries may empirically lead to positive or negative effects on physical and human capital. This thesis aims at explaining this mixed evidence in developing countries.The first chapter underlines the negative impact of remittances on capital stock but also on labour supply. Due to this additional income in their last-period of life, agents have less incentive to work and save. Remittances may bring economies closer to their golden rule of capital accumulation or further from their golden rule according to their features. A taxation policy is provided in order to maximise the welfare in the home country of the migrants. The second chapter extends the analysis to open economies facing exogenous credit constraints on the international capital market. Even if remittances reduce incentive to save, these flows may increase investment in physical capital in some countries, through capital inflows, by directly relaxing the credit constraints. The third chapter considers a growth model with human capital accumulation in which agents borrow to finance their education. Borrowing constraints are, in this non-commitment framework considered as endogenous: agents may choose to default and are excluded from the financial market in case of default. In accordance with empirical literature, this model is able to explain a negative or a positive impact of remittances on economic growth.

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